Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Monday June 10, 2019.
Soros Spends $1 Million on VA Prosecutor Races By Joe Schoffstall Religious Hospitals Need Not Apply By Bill McMorris An Unknown Country By Nic Rowan Please Visit and Support Our Sponsors Alyssa Milano Helped Convince Biden to Flip-Flop on Hyde Amendment By David Rutz EPA Admin Rips Journalist For Misleading Tweet: ‘Most Reporters Are Lazy’ By Alex Griswold O’Rourke Dodges On Whether Pro-Lifers Are Welcomed in the Dem Party By Nic Rowan Sanders: I Spent My Whole Life Fighting Against Authoritarianism Like the Soviet Union By Nic Rowan You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website. Copyright © 2019 Free Beacon, LLC, All rights reserved. To reject freedom, click here. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. |
Jun 10, 2019 |
Good morning from Washington, where the left is so bent on impeachment that Speaker Nancy Pelosi had to explain to fellow Democrats that it wouldn’t mean Trump goes away. Hans von Spakovsky walks through the process. What’s this about killing the Hyde Amendment? Rachel del Guidice breaks it down. Two prominent House conservatives aren’t through with Michael Cohen, Fred Lucas reports. The podcast focuses on the new course of Human Events. Plus: John Malcolm and Cully Stimson on Congress and the Constitution and Genevieve Wood on society’s stake in marriage. |
Commentary Will Trump Be Impeached? Here’s Everything You Need to Know About the Process Impeachment is not a legal proceeding like a federal criminal prosecution. None of the procedural rules that apply to criminal and civil trials in the federal courts apply. More Commentary Why Conservatives Should Take Heart Despite Socialist Upsurge Traditionally, socialism has meant government ownership of the means of production—businesses, factories, etc. But today, only 17% of Americans define it that way. More Commentary Mike Lee’s Constitutional Vision Is Exactly What Congress Needs The goal is a noble one—namely, to “restore the original understanding of the president’s power to take care that the laws are faithfully executed.” More News 6 Things to Know About the Hyde Amendment “Since 1976, the best research indicates that the Hyde Amendment has saved over 2 million unborn children,” states a 2016 report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute. More Commentary Why the Declining Marriage Rate Affects Everyone On average, married couples have better physical health, more financial stability, and greater social mobility than unmarried people. More Analysis Raheem Kassam Revives Human Events in the Age of Trump Raheem Kassam, global editor-in-chief of Human Events, explains why he relaunched the longtime conservative publication 75 years after its founding. More News 100 Days After Michael Cohen’s Testimony, House Democrats Ignore Possible Perjury Republican Reps. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows note several instances where Cohen’s testimony to the House oversight committee didn’t line up with his testimony to another committee. More Commentary We Hear You: Visiting the Border in Laredo, Texas “Blaming our Border Patrol agents for the deaths of illegal immigrants at the hands of foreign human traffickers is as stupid as blaming the U.S. for having borders and immigration laws,” writes Drew Page. More | ||
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Monday, June 10, 2019 US-Mexico Immigration Deal On Friday, President Trump announced a deal with Mexico regarding immigration. The deal “averted Trump’s threatened imposition of 5% import tariffs on all Mexican goods that had been due to start on Monday unless Mexico committed to do more to help reduce an increase in migrants arriving at the U.S. southern border… The agreement expedites a program known as the Migration Protection Protocols that was announced in December. That program sends migrants seeking asylum in the United States to wait in Mexico while their cases are being processed… “[Other] key aspects of the agreement are still unclear, including whether Mexico has pledged to buy more U.S. agricultural products and if the deal materially expanded a previous commitment by Mexico to more vigorously police its southern border with Guatemala.” Reuters From the Left The left is critical of Trump’s negotiating tactics, and argues that this deal will not solve the underlying problems with the immigration system. “The whole point of trade deals is that they’re supposed to provide some certainty. The USMCA, like NAFTA, amounts to a promise by all three participants that they won’t arbitrarily impose new barriers to cross-border trade. Then Trump went ahead and threatened major new tariffs on Mexico, not because it had violated its trade agreements, but because he didn’t like something that was happening on the border, a situation that has nothing to do with trade policy. So the USMCA appears, in practice, to be a solemn promise by the U.S. government not to impose tariffs on Mexican products … unless it feels like it. If that’s what you get out of making a deal with America, why bother?… events like the Mexican standoff weaken America’s position in the world.” Paul Krugman, New York Times The incident “cracked open fissures among Republicans, with business groups and GOP senators angrily lobbying the White House to persuade the president to back down… The brouhaha also exposed the diminishing effectiveness of the president’s negotiating style, if only because of its growing predictability, which is signaling to those across the table that neither he — nor his threats — can be taken seriously. It was eerily reminiscent of the president’s threat in late March to close the U.S. southern border if Mexico didn’t stop the flow of undocumented immigrants and illegal drugs into the United States — only to back down six days later and issue Mexico a ‘one-year warning’ instead.” Eliana Johnson and Nancy Cook, Politico “Nine days in spring offered a case study in Mr. Trump’s approach to some of the most daunting issues confronting him and the nation: When the goal seems frustratingly out of reach through traditional means, threaten drastic action, set a deadline, demand concessions, cut a deal — real or imagined — avert the dire outcome and declare victory. If nothing else, he forces attention on the issue at hand. Whether the approach yields sustainable results seems less certain… “Even after the deal was struck on Friday night, the Business Roundtable issued a statement essentially asking Mr. Trump not to do it again, describing itself as ‘deeply concerned about the threat or imposition of tariffs to press policy changes with our neighbors and allies.’ Business, after all, likes certitude, predictability. So does Washington.” Peter Baker, New York Times “Mexico did not cause the surge of immigrants from Central America to the United States, and it is not well positioned to solve the problem. Better tools are at hand for the U.S. president and Congress, if they would only decide to wield them… “A concatenation of court rulings, congressional inaction and administration failures has created a perverse incentive for migrants to cross the border with children. They claim asylum; a swamped court system postpones their case for years; the government does not have the facilities or the legal right to hold them; so they are ‘paroled’ into the United States for an extended period. Most of the asylum claims eventually are denied… Congress should approve funding to hire more judges and to hold families in decent conditions for short periods. The more durable fix would be to allow for the legal flow of immigrants that the economy needs, including legal status for ‘dreamers’.” Editorial Board, Washington Post From the Right The right celebrates the deal as a victory for Trump, but argues that the immigration system must still be fixed by Congress. “Trump went about his business and did what other politicians refused to do. He found a promising way to decrease illegal immigration… Mexico has a vulnerable economy and the U.S. economy is far, far stronger. Mexico had and still does have more to lose and so it made a deal. Leveraging your superior bargaining power is part of the art of the deal.” Tom Del Beccaro, Fox News The President of the National Border Patrol Council writes, “The historic agreement will end the magnet known as catch-and-release. It will free up valuable Border Patrol resources. It will save American taxpayers billions of dollars that otherwise would have been used to fund the many social programs, medical care, housing, education and incarceration (among other things) for illegal immigrants in the United States. If Mexico follows through on this agreement, the Border Patrol will finally stop being a quasi-social services agency. We will once again become a law enforcement agency. This will allow us to properly focus on the criminal elements and dangerous drugs that flow across our borders.” Brandon Judd, Fox News Trump “played high-stakes poker and won a round on border security… [Voters] are a pretty smart bunch. Assume for a moment that they know, generally, that tariffs are a lousy idea in terms of economic growth. Assume as well that they know that tariffs can be an instrument of national power in confrontations unrelated to economic growth… “Assume that voters know our competition with China is far more than an economic race, but rather a complex geopolitical rivalry that both sides wish to keep contained short of open conflict and that is waged through proxies, cyber-confrontations, intellectual-property battles, freedom-of-the-seas disputes and the relative size and power of our armed forces and those of our allies. In that context, tariffs on Chinese goods are just part of an overall negotiation toward a new normal that is in everyone’s interest. So ‘tariffs bad, free trade good’ is simplistic. ‘Free trade is good and agreed-upon international conventions are required for genuinely free trade and tariffs may be necessary to achieve those conventions’ is accurate. And widely understood.” Hugh Hewitt, Washington Post Critics, however, argue, “These changes may reduce the migrant wave from Central America, which reached as many as 1,500 people a day in late May. But the underlying incentive of lax U.S. asylum law will still attract migrants whether or not they have to stay for a time in Mexico. Fixing that loophole is Congress’s job, but Democrats refuse to act. Yet by focusing so much on Mexico as the cause of the border mess, and now declaring diplomatic victory, Mr. Trump is taking the political pressure off Democrats to act on immigration… “The use of tariffs to achieve non-trade goals is bad policy that won’t stop with immigration… Now that Mr. Trump is using tariffs as an all-purpose weapon, look for others to play the same game. Joe Biden’s climate proposal, released last week, suggests using tariffs against countries that don’t do what he wants on climate change. The danger is that future Presidents will also view tariffs as a diplomatic remedy for whatever ails them. Congress would do well to take back the ‘emergency’ and ‘national security’ blank checks on trade that it has given Presidents over the decades.” Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal On the bright side… California restaurant offers free pizza to diners who lock away their phones. Fox News Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Share Tweet Forward Sign Up Here Copyright © 2019 The Flip Side, All rights reserved. You can unsubscribe from this list here. |
A perfect example of how some Democrats are struggling with impeachment
06/10/2019 05:55 AM EDT
HAPPENING TODAY: The House Judiciary Committee has its hearing with John Dean and former U.S. attorneys about the Mueller report. The hearing begins at 2 p.m. in 2141 Rayburn. It’s supposed to be an explanatory session about obstruction and various other elements of the Mueller report.
— THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE is a hotbed of impeachment supporters. Thirteen of the panel’s 22 Democrats have said they support impeachment, according to the NYT’s impeachment whip list. The committee’s chairman, Jerry Nadler, has also pressed Speaker Nancy Pelosibehind the scenes to allow him to move forward on impeachment.
HERE’S A PERFECT EXAMPLE of the impeachment struggle for Democrats in tough seats. Rep. LUCY MCBATH (D-Ga.) won a suburban Atlanta House seat that’s been in Republican hands for years. She isn’t yet ready for impeachment, and this is how the Atlanta Journal-Constitution described her demeanor in front of a “friendly crowd packed with supporters”:
— AJC STORY: “In fact, the second question of the event advocated opening impeachment proceedings against the president. Marietta resident Lori Goldstrom, who described herself as one of McBath’s early backers, said she was ‘concerned’ she had not spoken out in support of impeachment.
“‘It’s really troubling, all these children who are dying at the border,’ she said. ‘The House has a job to do and you need to have a hearing.’ McBath nodded, adding that she was ‘absolutely furious’ about the actions of the Trump administration, without echoing the ‘i’ word or mentioning the president by name.
“‘Looking at the Mueller Report, there is no doubt in our mind that there has been obstructive behavior in concealing the truth,’ she said. But McBath urged patience and switched the emphasis to enforcing House subpoenas issued to current and former administration officials. ‘We need to hear from the witnesses who can give us the truth as to what actually happened,’ she said. ‘We need to make sure that no entity, and no one person, is above the law. … At the end of the day, the chips will fall where they may.’” AJC
KNOWING BILL BARR … BIG NYT PROFILE: “People Are Trying to Figure Out William Barr. He’s Busy Stockpiling Power: Is he the operator who spun the then-secret Mueller report? Or the straight shooter who later disclosed portions that were damaging to President Trump?” by Sharon LaFraniere, Charlie Savage and Katie Benner
IMMIGRATION LATEST … “Trump’s Twitter defense of Mexico agreement is short on specifics,” by Ted Hesson and Doug Palmer: “President Donald Trump spent much of this weekend tweeting that Mexico will take ‘strong measures’ against northward migration as a result of Friday’s trade deal, and bewailing the ‘Corrupt Media’ for underplaying those measures’ significance.
“But Trump didn’t specify any Mexican concessions on immigration, referring vaguely to unnamed ‘things we had, or didn’t have.’ And the one concession the president did specify (in a Saturday tweet), concerning agricultural trade, did not appear in the joint statement issued Friday.
“Neither the White House, nor the State Department, nor the Homeland Security Department volunteered any clarification to the president’s tweets Sunday, and those agencies, along with the Mexican embassy, did not answer POLITICO’s request Sunday for comment.” POLITICO
— NYT ED BOARD: “When Will Congress Get Serious About the Suffering at the Border?”: “It has been more than a month since the administration sent Congress a request for $4.5 billion in additional border assistance. A large portion of the money, $3.3 billion, was earmarked for humanitarian aid — which most lawmakers agree is sorely needed. But a relatively modest piece of the request aimed at shoring up border security operations, roughly a quarter of the total, has tied negotiators in knots.
“Early on, Democrats were opposed to funding additional detention beds for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Republicans had problems with Democrats’ demands for changes in the administration’s asylum policies. At one point, negotiators thought they were close to resolving these conflicts, only to have other issues snarl the process. Beyond the money for security, one of the remaining disagreements is how much data sharing will be allowed between the agencies responsible for caring for migrant children and those that handle border enforcement. …
“There is much to despise about this administration’s immigration policies, which are exacerbating this crisis, but there should be no ambivalence about the urgency of addressing the humanitarian needs. While lawmakers wring their hands and drag their feet, tens of thousands of migrant children are suffering. Congress needs to get serious about dealing with that suffering.” NYT
HOW IT PLAYED IN TIJUANA … THE ECONOMIST: “A saga that had threatened to hobble the still-young presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador became instead a crisis averted. Mexico’s president announced that a rally he had planned in central Tijuana in ‘defence of national dignity’ would now become a celebration of Mexico’s success at the negotiating table.
“On June 8th governors, bishops and unionists joined the president on the stage at a traffic intersection as locals climbed atop bus stops and taco stands to glimpse the festivities. ‘To President Donald Trump I raise not a closed fist, but an open and honest hand,’ said Mr. López Obrador.” The Economist
Good Monday morning. OUT TODAY … JON MEACHAM and country music superstar Tim McGraw have published “Songs of America: Patriotism, Protest, and the Music that Made a Nation,” a look at music and history from founding father John Dickinson’s 1768 “Liberty Song” to the music of 9/11. The Nashville neighbors will be at the Beacon in New York tonight and will stop Wednesday at the Anthem in D.C. for conversation and performances by McGraw. (“Blessedly,” Meacham said, “no singing from me, and Brooks Brothers was out of cowboy hats.”)
TUCKER DOHERTY and TANYA SNYDER: “Chao created special path for McConnell’s favored projects”: “Chao’s aide Todd Inman, who stated in an email to McConnell’s Senate office that Chao had personally asked him to serve as an intermediary, helped advise the senator and local Kentucky officials on grants with special significance for McConnell — including a highway-improvement project in a McConnell political stronghold that had been twice rejected for previous grant applications.
“Beginning in April 2017, Inman and Chao met annually with a delegation from Owensboro, Ky., a river port with long connections to McConnell, including a plaza named in his honor. At the meetings, according to participants, the secretary and the local officials discussed two projects of special importance to the river city of 59,809 people — a plan to upgrade road connections to a commercial riverport and a proposal to expedite reclassifying a local parkway as an Interstate spur, a move that could persuade private businesses to locate in Owensboro.” POLITICO
HAPPENING TOMORROW … BURGESS EVERETT: “Senate GOP to meet with Trump White House on spending bills”
A message from PhRMA:
There are wrong and right prescriptions for changing Medicare. Seniors need Washington to focus on the right ones. Cutting costs for everyone except seniors and limiting access to lifesaving medicines are the wrong prescription for Medicare. Making changes that help seniors pay less out-of-pocket are the .
ABOUT THAT SENATE AGENDA … “Republicans whistle past the ‘legislative graveyard,’” by Burgess Everett and Marianne LeVine: “The Senate is going to get back to good ol’-fashioned legislating any day now. Republicans swear it. Mitch McConnell’s Senate has been almost entirely focused on confirming President Donald Trump’s personnel and judges and has little in the way of recent legislative victories. …
“The paltry list of accomplishments has given Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer an opening to portray the GOP as devoid of any agenda and could endanger Republicans at risk in a tough election cycle. And there’s a growing recognition within the GOP that it needs to do more.
“McConnell and his deputy, Majority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.), are telling committee chairmen to start approving bills and get them ready for the floor, according to Republican senators. Some lawmakers are optimistic that by August, they will have passed a bill lowering health care costs along with defense policy legislation. Approval of a new North American trade deal this year is also a possibility, as is a bipartisan deal to lift stiff budget caps.” POLITICO
FOR YOUR RADAR — “U.S. Commander Weighs an Expanded Mideast Force to Counter Iran,” by WSJ’s Gordon Lubold aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln in the North Arabian Sea: “The commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East said he may recommend a return to a larger U.S. military presence in the area after concluding that the deployment of this aircraft carrier and other capabilities helped curtail Iranian threats.” WSJ
— FT’S ANDREW ENGLAND: “Qatar warns U.S.-Iran stalemate could trigger conflict”: “Iran and the U.S. are locked in ‘stalemate’ and both parties need to compromise to avoid a ‘miscalculation’ triggering a conflict, Qatar’s foreign minister has warned.
“Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani said Doha — which has ties to both Iran and the U.S. — had been in discussions with Washington and Tehran in bid to de-escalate the situation in the region following weeks of high tensions that raised fears of a new conflict erupting in the Middle East.” FT
— “Senators make bipartisan push to halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia,” by Burgess Everett: “Senators are making a new bipartisan effort to block the Trump administration’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia, a sign that Congress remains unsatisfied with the United States’ relationship with the kingdom amid a civil war in neighboring Yemen and the killing of a Saudi journalist last year.
“Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.) are using a provision in the Foreign Assistance Act to request a report from the administration on Saudi Arabia’s human rights record, which could eventually trigger a vote to halt billions in arms sales which Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is moving forward despite congressional opposition.” POLITICO
A message from PhRMA:
There are wrong and right prescriptions for changing Medicare. Seniors need Washington to focus on the right ones..
2020 WATCH — NATASHA KORECKI in Cedar Rapids, Iowa: “Warren, Booker stand out on chaotic Iowa stage”: “In the early state where field organization has traditionally mattered the most, Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Elizabeth Warren have quietly and patiently concentrated their resources toward building grassroots machines designed to power them on caucus night.
“It showed here on Sunday as 19 Democratic presidential candidates converged for the first time in one venue to make their five-minute pitch to the party faithful. The gathering, designed to honor Iowa Democrats in a Hall of Fame dinner, offered the first glimpse of a sprawling Democratic primary field — and the organizational strength and enthusiasm each campaign could muster.
“Booker and Warren weren’t the only presidential hopefuls to stand out. The senator from next door in Minnesota, Amy Klobuchar, also put on a show of force both inside and outside the Cedar Rapids Doubletree Hilton Hotel, where the dinner took place.” POLITICO
— “Warren’s nonstop ideas reshape the Democratic presidential race — and give her new momentum,” by WaPo’s Michael Scherer in Lansing, Mich.: “Six months after launching her candidacy amid blundering apologies for her longtime claims of Native American ancestry and nagging questions about whether she could compete on a national stage, Warren is experiencing something unusual in the crowded Democratic field: momentum.
“It is not showing up in national polls, which have remained largely steady with Warren in the single digits, far behind former vice president Joe Biden. But energized crowds have been flocking to her events in early-voting states. Her nonstop stream of policy positions, which add up to what would be a restructuring of American capitalism, has helped shape the broader debate.” WaPo
— NATASHA KORECKI and MARC CAPUTO: “Biden gambles on high-risk primary strategy”: “From his schedule to his messaging to his policy positions, the former vice president is carving a divergent path through the primaries based on a theory that few of his rivals appear to believe — that the Democratic base isn’t nearly as liberal or youthful as everyone thinks.
“It’s a high-risk strategy at a time when the progressive wing is pulsing with energy. There is a danger of looking disconnected from the rising Obama coalition, or seeming to adhere to an outdated view of the party. But so far it’s working. Since his April 25 launch, despite talk that his polling numbers would slide once he entered the race because he was out of step with the current party mood, Biden has instead led in every national survey. He sprinted out of the gate with a post-announcement 6-point bump and still hold leads in recent early state polls.” POLITICO
— “How Old Should a President Be? With So Many Choices, Democrats Are Sharply Divided,” by NYT’s Lisa Lerer and Denise Lu
TRUMP’S MONDAY — The president will have lunch with VP Mike Pence at 12:30 p.m. in the private dining room. He will participate in a meeting on Major League Baseball’s efforts to combat human trafficking at 3 p.m. in the Oval Office. Trump will meet with the 103rd Indianapolis 500 Champions, Team Penske, at 4 p.m. in the Oval Office.

HMM … “NRA money flowed to board members amid allegedly lavish spending by top officials and vendors,” by WaPo’s Beth Reinhard, Katie Zezima, Tom Hamburger and Carol Leonnig: “In all, 18 members of the NRA’s 76-member board, who are not paid as directors, collected money from the group during the past three years, according to tax filings, state charitable reports and NRA correspondence reviewed by The Washington Post.
“The payments received by about one-quarter of board members, the extent of which has not previously been reported, deepen questions about the rigor of the board’s oversight as it steered the country’s largest and most powerful gun rights group, according to tax experts and some longtime members.”
FOR YOUR RADAR … PROTESTS IN HONG KONG: “Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched through Hong Kong on Sunday to voice their opposition to legislation that would allow people to be extradited to mainland China where they could face politically charged trials.
“The massive demonstration took place three days before the semi-autonomous Chinese territory’s government plans to bring the highly contentious bill to the full legislature in a bid to win approval by the end of the month.” AP
WHAT THE PENTAGON IS READING — “United Technologies Strikes Deal to Merge With Raytheon,” by WSJ’s Cara Lombardo and Doug Cameron: “United Technologies Corp. doubled down on the aerospace market with an all-stock deal to merge with defense contractor Raytheon Co., after UTC executives earlier chose to exit the escalator and air-conditioner businesses.
“The combined company, valued at more than $100 billion after planned spinoffs, would be the world’s second-largest aerospace-and-defense company by sales behind Boeing Co., with annual revenue of about $74 billion this year. It will make everything from engines and seats for jetliners and F-35 jet fighters.” WSJ
A message from PhRMA:
Seniors need Washington to focus on the right prescription for changing Medicare. .
BEYOND THE BELTWAY — “The South’s Economy Is Falling Behind: ‘All of a Sudden the Money Stops Flowing,’” by WSJ’s Sharon Nunn in Natchez, Miss.: “The American South spent much of the past century trying to overcome its position as the country’s poorest and least-developed region, with considerable success: By the 2009 recession it had nearly caught up economically with its northern and western neighbors.
“That trend has now reversed. Since 2009, the South’s convergence has turned to divergence, as the region recorded the country’s slowest growth in output and wages, the lowest labor-force participation rate and the highest unemployment rate.
“Behind the reversal: The policies that drove the region’s catch-up—relatively low taxes and low wages that attracted factories and blue-collar jobs—have proven inadequate in an expanding economy where the forces of globalization favor cities with concentrations of capital and educated workers.” WSJ
MEDIAWATCH … WAPO’S MARGARET SULLIVAN: “Journalists can’t repeat their Watergate-hero act. The reasons should make us grieve”: “As the anniversary of the Watergate scandal’s beginning comes around again … investigative journalism’s effectiveness is weakened. The reporting may be every bit as skilled, but the results are greatly diluted because so much has changed in the nation, including its media. … Today’s journalistic work … should have made far more difference than it has.”
— “Google Made $4.7 Billion From the News Industry in 2018, Study Says,” by NYT’s Marc Tracy: “$4,700,000,000 … [is] the amount that Google made from the work of news publishers in 2018 via search and Google News, according to a study to be released on Monday by the News Media Alliance. The journalists who create that content deserve a cut of that $4.7 billion, said David Chavern, the president and chief executive of the alliance … That $4.7 billion is nearly as much as the $5.1 billion brought in by the United States news industry as a whole from digital advertising last year.” NYT
— CNN’S BRIAN STELTER: “Can newspapers be saved from Big Tech? This proposal aims to try”: “When House members convene on Tuesday for the first of several hearings about the power of Big Tech, they’ll be hearing multiple pitches for a bill called the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act.
“Lobbyists for the newspaper industry are promoting the bill as a way to even the playing field between their businesses and the two giants of the online ad market, Google and Facebook.
“The bill would provide newspapers and online publishers with a four-year antitrust exemption, allowing them to band together in negotiations with online platforms.”
SPOTTED: Reps. Jason Crow (D-Colo.) and Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) jumping out of a plane over Normandy on Sunday as part of the 75th commemoration of D-Day. Crow is a former Army Ranger who served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Per a tipster: “Both regiments served with – the 82nd Airborne and the 75th Rangers – were part of the D-Day invasion with the Rangers famously scaling the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc.” Waltz is an Afghanistan war veteran and former Green Beret. Pic of the two… Video of Waltz’s jump
TRANSITION — Rebeccah Propp has joined Juul as a director of communications and is relocating to San Francisco. She most recently was director of media affairs for VP Mike Pence and is also a House Republican Conference and Boehner alum.
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Shannon Pettypiece, WH correspondent at Bloomberg News. What she’s been reading recently: “I picked up ‘Out of Africa,’ by Isak Dinesen, at a bookstore while on vacation in Sarajevo a few weeks ago. Reading a paperback fiction book makes me feel like a new person.” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Jeff Zeleny, CNN’s senior White House correspondent, is 46 … Sasha Obama is 18 … James Rockas, deputy director of policy and strategic planning at Commerce … former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is 48 … John Edwards is 66 … Eliot Spitzer is 6-0 … Jeff Greenfield is 76 … F. Lee Bailey is 85 — read a HuffPost profile … Stef Weiss … Joe Trippi is 63 (hat tips: Jon Haber) … John DiBiase … former Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.) is 56 … Carlos Elizondo … Chad Rhoades … POLITICO Europe’s Simon Marks … NBC News’ Kate Snow is 5-0 (h/t Dana Klinghoffer) … Ben DeMarzo is 31 (h/ts Matt Mowers and Raffi Williams) … Hillary Vaughn (h/t Mowers) … Natalie Davis (h/t Heather Swift) … John Yoo … Ashley Montenegro …
… Meredith Carden of Facebook (h/t Tucker Bounds) … Jennifer Donnelly of the Aspen Institute … Edelman’s Matthew Streit … Rob Morello is 32 … Matt Lopez … David O’Brien, senior comms manager at CRAFT, is 33 … Paula J. Burris (h/t Randy White) … Ayesha Rascoe of NPR (h/t Roberta Rampton) … POLITICO’s Javier Ruiz … Nicole Hager … Uber’s Cameron Foxgrover … Daryn Iwicki … Shirlethia Franklin, of counsel at Jones Day … Thomas Showalter … Al Mottur is 52 … Semonti Stephens … Charmion Kinder … WSJ’s Corinne Ramey … Pete Slover … Chris Merriman is 3-0 … Teryn Norris
A message from PhRMA:
There are wrong and right prescriptions for changing Medicare. Seniors need Washington to focus on the right ones. There’s a lot of talk in Washington about changing Medicare to reduce costs. But while many proposals would cut costs for governments and insurers, they won’t cut costs for seniors; and even worse, they would limit access to the medicines that could save their lives – now and in the future. Cutting costs for everyone except seniors and limiting access to medicines are the wrong prescription for Medicare. On the other hand, making changes that help seniors pay less out-of-pocket are the .
- Anna Palmer @apalmerdc
- Jake Sherman @JakeSherman
- Daniel Lippman @dlippman
The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for June 10,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. 132 Reasons Trump’s Election Cake Is Not Baked Regardless of voter personal opinions of Trump, he is in command of the news cycles, and therefore he can move his own numbers. Watch him do it. Whether it’s enough to win or not is certainly, with 512 days left, not set in concrete. But neither is Trump’s re-election loss cake baked. Not by a long shot. The post 132 Reasons Trump’s Election Cake Is Not Baked appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Round 4: Ranking the 2020 Dems by IQ It’s time to update our ranking of the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates by IQ (Interesting Quotient): how much attention can they capture to elevate themselves in a hyper-crowded primary scrum. The field is apparently settled at an unholy two dozen candidates, at least 20 of which have already qualified for first debate later this month, […] The post Round 4: Ranking the 2020 Dems by IQ appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » NYT: Mexico Agreed To Border Concessions Previously The major concessions in this week’s deal were negotiated months ago. The post NYT: Mexico Agreed To Border Concessions Previously appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » WATCHING THE MOVIES: The Secret Life of Pets 2 A simple, well-done animated movie that’s controversial for some reason. The post WATCHING THE MOVIES: The Secret Life of Pets 2 appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Trump Gets Deal To Avert Mexican Trade War; Here’s What’s In It The deal averts a trade war that would harm both countries. The post Trump Gets Deal To Avert Mexican Trade War; Here’s What’s In It appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Buttigieg repeats a tired lie Just like a good leftist, he thinks Stacey Abrams had an election stolen. As evidenced from the past three years, anytime a Democrat loses an election they are “supposed” to win, that election was stolen from them. The list includes the most unlikeable presidential candidate of all time in Hillary Clinton and more recently, failed […] The post Buttigieg repeats a tired lie appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Bernie Just Can’t Quit Walmart Socialists are often wrong Bernie Sanders is no exception. He often screams about a $15 minimum wage and likes to target Walmart in particular. I am not exactly sure how the Walton family did to the Senator but it seems awfully personal. The first thing Bernie Sanders does not understand is the concept of total […] The post Bernie Just Can’t Quit Walmart appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Tariff Wars Are Killing Tax Reform’s Boost Higher taxes from the tariff war have eroded tax cuts for both consumers and businesses. The post The Tariff Wars Are Killing Tax Reform’s Boost appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Left’s Corporate Shock Troops We’re quickly becoming a private-sector dystopia. The post The Left’s Corporate Shock Troops appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Corruption in Campaign Finance Campaign Finance is a funny subject. You have blatantly illegal and corrupt behavior or you have violations grounded in arbitrary restrictions on spending. There has been a lot of posturing on the topic of campaign finance violations in the last few years. Some believe that Citizens United and those who support it want a free-for-all […] The post Corruption in Campaign Finance appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
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“The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension… is itself a frightful despotism.” GEORGE WASHINGTON Good morning! Over a million people in Hong Kong marched on Sunday in protest of a proposed extradition bill. Concerns are that the bill makes it possible for Beijing to extradite with impunity human rights defenders and other critics of the regime. “It would violate the human rights that everyone is born with, including freedom of speech and freedom of assembly,” one protester told The Epoch Times. Read the full story here President Trump said that additional details on the immigration deal reached with Mexico will be released by his administration at the “appropriate” time, without elaborating. Read more House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to the announcement that the United States and Mexico had reached an agreement on immigration, saying, “We are deeply disappointed by the administration’s expansion of its failed Remain-in-Mexico policy.” Read more Chase Bank denied services to the business of a conservative man one day after a journalist with the left-leaning online magazine Slate inquired about the business and linked it to “a hate group,” a leaked email shows. Read more Chinese authorities are preparing to release a “National Technology Security Management List” that would ban Chinese technology from being exported to foreign countries, Chinese state media reported. Read more President Trump called on Twitter to restore the accounts of conservatives who have been banned from the platform in recent weeks, continuing his longtime criticism of social media censorship. Read more The Trump administration defeated environmentalist groups in federal court last week, convincing the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to throw out a lawsuit and restraining order that had prevented construction of the $8-billion Keystone XL Pipeline from Canada to the United States. Read more The escalating trade war between the world’s two largest economies has turned into a boon for countries such as Vietnam, as companies increasingly switch to alternative suppliers. Vietnam is by far the biggest winner, having gained 7.9 percent of its GDP from trade diversion from both the U.S. and China tariffs. Read more See More Top Stories Trump’s Climate Modeling Reform Scorches His Critics By H. Sterling Burnett & Merrill Matthews Climate models’ projections are notoriously inaccurate and often contradictory. In an effort to improve the science used by regulatory agencies, the Trump administration has made, and is still making, adjustments in the way the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other agencies approach climate change and make the predictions that drive climate policies. Not everyone is pleased, to put it mildly. Read more The Danger of a Communist Monopoly on the Media and Firearms By David Kopel How does a democracy turn into a dictatorship? The 1948 communist coup in Czechoslovakia shows one path to tyranny. Although every nation’s circumstances are different, Czechoslovakia shows the universal danger of communists obtaining a monopoly on the media and on firearms. Read more See More Opinions Down With the Welfare State! Onward to the Welfare Society! By Trevor Loudon The welfare state is a pernicious and destructive system that saps the moral fiber of a nation and leads inevitably, if unchecked, to tyranny. On the way, it cancerously eats away at our humanity. Government welfare obliterates the best side of human nature; it destroys generosity, and kindness, and genuine concern for the welfare of others. Indeed, the welfare state is the deadly enemy of the “welfare society.” Read more The Mueller report appears to have been carefully worded by the lawyers working under former special counsel Robert Mueller, and perhaps Mueller himself, in a manner designed to inflict political damage on President Donald Trump. Exposed: Five Ways the Mueller Report Misrepresented the Facts Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |

Morning Headlines
Road ahead: House tackles first spending package and NDAA endurance contest

The House has blockbuster floor action teed up this week, including votes on the first spending package for fiscal 2020 and a measure that would authorize the Judiciary Committee to pursue civil lawsuits against Attorney General William Barr and other administration officials. Read More…
Hyde amendment, other abortion riders in the spending limelight

The debate surrounding abortion access is about to spill over from the campaign trail to Capitol Hill as lawmakers begin debating must-pass appropriations bills. Read More…
Democrats running for president should run for the Senate. The state Senate.

OPINION — Maybe it’s the book sales. Maybe it’s the national press. Maybe they really do think they’re just “born for it.” Whatever the allure of running for president is this year, about two dozen Democrats are giving it a shot. Read More…
Who protects whom? Depends on presidential candidate, congressional status

When a protester walked onstage and took the microphone from California Sen. Kamala Harris at an event earlier this month, it raised serious questions about who is in charge of protecting the Democratic presidential candidate and at what point in her campaign — and others’ — the Secret Service should step in. Read More…
Are you Shakespeare or Tim McGraw? Your Hill horoscope

“Friends, Romans, congressmen, lend me your ears.” Members of Congress and Washington influencers will come out Monday to recite the words of the most influential writer and lyricist of all-time: Drake, er sorry, William Shakespeare. The event, hosted by the Shakespeare Theatre Company, kicks off at 7:30 p.m., and proceeds support the company’s educational, artistic and community engagement initiatives. Read More…
Senators seek another way to push back on Trump’s Saudi Arabia policy

Senators are continuing to look for creative ways to push back against the Trump administration’s foreign policy initiatives, especially when it comes to Saudi Arabia. Read More…
Kristin Lynch is working the tie — and putting in the work

There was a time when Kristin Lynch wore a dress to her job in politics, or one of those blouses that could be described as “flowy.” Now she wears a suit and tie, plus a crisp button-down shirt. Read More…
Congressional pay raise amendments roil House

A potential pay raise for Congress is stirring up debate on Capitol Hill, and with funding for the Legislative Branch on deck for floor action next week, at least four proposals to keep lawmaker pay frozen are on the table. Read More…
Bracing for impact: Is the military climate-ready?
When Hurricane Michael struck the Florida panhandle on Oct. 10, 2018, it rolled right over the top of Tyndall Air Force Base, damaging nearly every single structure on the base and decimating much of the surrounding area. Watch the video here…
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Daily Briefing Conservative News | Libertarian News | Commentary VISIT FROM OUR NEWSROOM Requiem for The New York Times By Leesa K. DonnerSome might call it the final degradation of The Gray Lady. A print copy of The New York Times Sunday […] Click Here What America’s Thinking According to Gallup, Trump has increased 3% Approval Since January. Most Doubt the Skills of New High School Graduates. Americans Aren’t Eager for Ban on Fur Sales. Most Americans Agree That WWII Was Justified. Recent Conflicts Are More Divisive. White House Watch: De Blasio Is Easy Win for Trump by + 8 points. Biden Flip on Abortion Reveals His True Character By Tim DonnerIf there were three things Joe Biden had to place atop his to-do list as he considered entering the presidential […] Click Here Washington Whispers Coming down the pipeline: With revelations that Robert Mueller left out details on”Russian actors” who just happened to be U.S. assets in his report, expect his trust level to sink fast. Will House Armed Services panel block Pentagon funds for building the wall? As Nixon White House counsel John Dean prepares to testify, will Democrats build him up as a bastion of honesty? Is California about to offer health insurance to illegal immigrants? You’re Never Alone: Tech Tyranny and Digital Despots – June 10 By Laura ValkovicAs the technological realm becomes more pervasive, whom can we trust? Each week, Liberty Nation brings new insight into the fraudulent use of personal […] Click Here News Roundup We’ve Surfed The Web for You James Thompson, former congressional candidate, has cancer Jim Acosta Is A Hero, Just Ask Him Trump Improves Relations With Every Ally (Except Germany) Police: Red Sox Legend David Ortiz Shot in Ambush at Santo Domingo Bar WATCH: CNN Grills Bill De Blasio On Having No Support In The Polls Kiwis Just Say No to Gun Ban By Leesa K. DonnerNew Zealand politicians who rushed to enact nationwide gun confiscation following the Christchurch mosque massacres are befuddled by the lack […] Click Here WATCH NOW FEATURED LNTV |
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Monday, June 10, 2019 |
Trump Gets a Deal with Mexico El arte de la negociacion. Late on Friday, President Trump announced via Twitter (of course!) that a deal had been reached with Mexico and the 5% tariff on products from Mexico will not start today. The President tweeted: “I am pleased to inform you that The United States of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico. The Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended. Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border. This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the United States. Details of the agreement will be released shortly by the State Department. Thank you!” More from The Hill: “Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard confirmed on Twitter that a deal had been reached to avert the tariffs. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a statement Friday thanked Ebrard “for his hard work to negotiate a set of joint obligations that benefit both the United States and Mexico.” As part of the deal reached Friday, Mexico has agreed to deploy its national guard throughout the country to help apprehend migrants and fight gangs, boost intelligence sharing with the U.S. and allow the U.S. to deport migrants seeking asylum to Mexico to await adjudication, the State Department said. Mexico this week froze the assets of more than two dozen entities believed to be involved in human trafficking and deployed 6,000 members of its newly-created national guard to its southeast border in an effort to contain groups of migrants crossing from Guatemala.” ‘Notorious RBG’ Praises Kavanaugh In October 2018, the New York Times wrote, “Former colleagues of Justice Kavanaugh have described a longstanding reputation of promoting women in law.” In the article, the Times also highlighted Justice Kavanaugh’s four clerks, who are all women. Interestingly, all worked for various judges appointed by Republicans. At a conference last Friday, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg praised him saying, “Justice Kavanaugh made history by bringing on board an all-female law clerk crew. Thanks to his selections, the Court has this Term, for the first time ever, more women than men serving as law clerks.” 15 Books to Give Dads Who Don’t Fish or Golf I have a dad and a stepdad and nearly every year I have to search the Father’s Day card section for cards that don’t have fishing or golfing themes. Rather than agonize over the perfect card he’ll read and put in a drawer because he feels guilty throwing it away, give one of these books instead. I include suggestions for dads who keep reading material in the bathroom, dads who rank James Bonds and villains, new dads, and dads who say a quick goodbye so you don’t see them cry. See my list here. A Case of the Mondays This story is amazing — “My dad died. Classic start to a funny story. He was buried in a small village in Sussex. I was really close to my dad so I visited his grave a lot. I still do. [DON’T WORRY, IT GETS FUNNIER.]” Click to read the rest. (Twitter) How K-9 officers train (Twitter) |
Our cup runneth over with epic fashion moments from the First Lady in
Europe. My favorite FLOTUS fashion writer, John Binder, wrote about them
throughout the week:
Melania Trump Meets the Queen In Iconic Hervé Pierre Hat
Melania Trump Channels Her Inner Royal in Philip Treacy Hat
Melania Trump Is the Crown Jewel in Dior Haute Couture for U.K. State Dinner
Melania Trump Is A Rose in Red Embroidered Givenchy Gown
Melania Trump Is Old Hollywood Glamour in Hermès Scarf
Basically, everything that is available for purchase is now sold out. I
wouldn’t know where to begin on finding similar looks but I’ll give it a
try in an upcoming column.
Rachel Campos Duffy made a great point on FLOTUS playing to her audience. She wrote,
“Melania once again demonstrates how fashion diplomacy is done. This is
perfection. What a beautiful fashion tribute to the late Princess
Diana. Vogue & others in liberal high fashion world look so petty
& out of touch not putting our gorgeous, stylish FLOTUS on a
magazine cover.”

Mondays with Melania is a weekly feature that highlights what the First Lady is doing and wearing. BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor Lisa De Pasquale is the founder of BRIGHT. She is a columnist and the author of The Social Justice Warrior Handbook (political humor), I Wish I Might (novel) and Finding Mr. Righteous (memoir). She enjoys reading chick lit on the beach and taking photos of other people’s dogs. Follow her on Twitter at @LisaDeP and on Instagram at @Lisa_DeP. |
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CDN’s Daily News Blast delivers the day’s news first!
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CDN Daily News Blast
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Monday, June 10, 2019
By R. Mitchell –
President Donald Trump will receive his daily briefing as prepared by
the intelligence community., have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence,
meet with Major League Baseball and welcome Team Penske to the White
House. Keep up with Trump on CDN’s President’s Schedule Page. President
Trump’s schedule for 6/10/19 All Times …
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Monday, June 10, 2019 is original content from Conservative
Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary
they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political
Cartoons and more.
Read on » The Bernie-Beto-Pelosi Blast of BS on Trump’s Mexico Tariff By Frank Salvato – While Democrats and Progressive-Fascists continue to shriek at anything and everything Trump in their preparation for the up-coming election cycle, there is perhaps nothing more pathetic than the unlikely tag-team of Nancy Pelosi, Beto O’Rourke, and Bernie Sanders. Nevertheless, where Trump’s actions regarding Mexican tariffs are concerned, we are entertained … The Bernie-Beto-Pelosi Blast of BS on Trump’s Mexico Tariff is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Carter Page: FBI Informant ‘Intensified’ Outreach Before Spy Warrant Application By Chuck Ross – Carter Page said Sunday that his contacts with Stefan Halper, an alleged FBI informant, “intensified” in the month before the U.S. government obtained its first spy warrant against the former Trump campaign aide. “My conversations with him intensified right, the month before my illegitimate FISA warrant, in September 2016, when … Carter Page: FBI Informant ‘Intensified’ Outreach Before Spy Warrant Application is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Are Democrats Nuts Or What? By Dave King – After years of Democrats investigating President Trump for the lie of Russian Collusion, and finding nothing they can use to remove him from office, and in fact during this investigation we’ve learned that the FBI and the FISA Court colluded to illegally spy on and eventually intended the removal of … Are Democrats Nuts Or What? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Nikki Haley Warns That Politics Is ‘Reaching The Point Of Hate’ By Peter Hasson – DALLAS — Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley warned at an event Friday night that American politics is “reaching the point of hate.” Haley was the marquee speaker at Turning Point USA’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit, where rumors and speculation about a possible Haley 2024 presidential campaign … Nikki Haley Warns That Politics Is ‘Reaching The Point Of Hate’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » ‘First Time We’ve Heard Anything Like This’: DHS Chief Applauds Immigration Deal With Mexico By Jason Hopkins – Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan said the White House’s immigration deal includes an array of fresh concessions from Mexico, pushing back against questions over whether the president actually pushed Mexico to agree to new terms. “All of it is new,” McAleenan said on “Fox News Sunday” about the president’s deal … ‘First Time We’ve Heard Anything Like This’: DHS Chief Applauds Immigration Deal With Mexico is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |
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SCOTT RASMUSSEN Launch – Check Out My All New Website
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Good morning,The first 2020 Democratic Presidential debates are coming on June 26 and 27. PredictIt, in partnership with polling,
is preparing to launch a few special markets for the debate that will
predict the question everyone will be asking: who won? The trader who
makes the most profit combined in these select markets will be featured
at the top of the tournament leaderboard for the month of
July. Just 26%
of voters believe YouTube is likely to use its new content rules fairly
while 34% expect it will censor views that it doesn’t like. However, an even larger number–40%–simply are not sure.Republicans and Independents are more likely to expect censorship. Democrats have a different view.To
ensure equal opportunities for all points of view, just 21% believe the
federal government should impose regulations on YouTube. That’s partly
because 59% believe government regulators are more likely to be biased
than YouTube.If the election were held today, 42% of Asian voters would vote for the Democrat from their district while 30% would vote for a Republican.
A national survey found that the Democratic
advantage among Asians is twice as large as their six-point lead among
all voters.In most
public opinion surveys, the number of Asian voters is too small to
report reliable results. However, by reviewing the data from over 7,000
total interviews conducted during the week ending June 7, we were able
to produce a statistically meaningful sample.Twenty-five
(25%) of Asian voters trust the federal government to do the right thing
all or most of the time. Twenty-four percent (24%) rarely or never
trust it. That is a far higher level of trust than offered by most Americans.Finally, 41% of American adults pray daily.
A national survey found that another 22% pray at
least once a week. At the other extreme, 15% rarely or never pray.Thirty-four
(34%) read the Bible or another religious text at least once a week.
Twenty-seven percent (27%) regularly meet with a small group of others
who share their faith for study, fellowship, or accountability.Have a great day,Scott
Stay Informed Up To The Minute and Share ContentDeeper CurrentsScott Rasmussen offers his personal insight, analysis, and opinion on current political races, issues, and controversy.
Read more
Scott’s ColumnsPresident
Trump has perfected the art of antagonizing his opponents with
provocative tweets. He demonstrated this skill recently in declaring
that the tax reform act,…
Read more
SCOTT RASMUSSEN 142 W 57th Street, 11 Floor New York, NY 10023 Launch – Check Out My All New Website Like Tweet Share Forward Preferences | Unsubscribe |
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2020 Democrat Hopeful Eric Swalwell Still Has Significant College Debt U.S. Senators Show Support for Campus Free Speech Resolution Student Calls for Course Evaluations to Ask About Feelings of ‘Acceptance and Inclusion’
William Jacobson: “OBERLIN-APALOOZA — We had a ton of coverage this weekend on the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College $11 Million Verdict that came down on Friday and the aftermath. Read it all here.”
Kemberlee Kaye: “Professor Jacobson is joining The Michael Berry Show
at 9:30 AM ET to discuss the landmark Oberlin case. Tune in if you can!
It’s not everyday a jury finds in favor of the little man who was
unjustly maligned as a racist by the social justice/higher education
establishment mob.”
Mary Chastain: “Not a
bad Sunday sports day! Rafa Nadal won his 12th French Open title, the
most any tennis player has won at a single Grand Slam, and my Cubs swept
the Cardinals.”
Leslie Eastman: “From the comments section: Global warming is proceeding at a glacial pace.”
David Gerstman: “Do
you think that John James would be Senator from Michigan now if he got
the same sort of hagiographic national press coverage that Beto O’Rourke
got? I think so, so I’m glad that he’s trying again.”
Vijeta Uniyal: “The U.S. Treasury Department has sanctioned Iran’s biggest oil company PGPIC because of its links to the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), a designated terrorist group.”
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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray June 10, 2019 Don’t Minimize Conservative Concerns About Big Tech Censorship By Emily Jashinsky To assert with such confidence that ‘most red Americans either don’t know or don’t care about social-media censorship’ seems very unwise indeed. Full article Biden’s Reversal On Taxpayer-Sponsored Abortions Has Both Democrats And Trump Smelling Blood By Jonathan S. Tobin If he wants to hold onto his lead in the polls, Joe Biden’s flip-flop on abortion won’t be his last. And that’s a double-edged sword for him. Full article Why Conservatives Should Stop Giving To Arts Organizations By David Marcus Progressive hegemony in American arts and culture is a direct result of not-for-profit funding models. Conservatives should stop supporting them. Full article The Toronto School Board’s New Marxist ‘Dress Code’ Is A Huge Red Flag By Joshua Lawson A dress code that allows students to wear hats during the national anthem is just one symptom of a school culture that’s lost all seriousness and respect. Full article In Ignoring Nasty FBI Info, Are The Media Protecting MLK Or ‘Call-Out Culture’? By Warren Henry Do America’s establishment media fear that publishing Garrow’s story in a straight fashion would risk a swath of their core woke audiences turning on one of history’s greatest civil rights leaders? Full article Why Overturning Roe V. Wade Requires A Constitutional Amendment By Kyle Sammin Roe was wrong on the day it was written, but to settle the issue we must go beyond overturning it. The people must demand that the Constitution be amended to prevent rulings like Roe from happening again. Full article Inside Gaming’s Latest Revolt Against The Social Justice Left By Joel Kurtinitis Just one day after the #VoxAdpocalypse, tech journal CNET used similar tactics to go after The Quartering’s advertisers in a shockingly pointed hit piece, and got many of them to drop. Full article Why Courts Need To Treat Embryos As People, Not Property By Rita Lowery Gitchell The legal process, which fails to recognize embryos as developing human beings with distinct DNA, has not caught up with modern science. Full article ‘Amazing Grace’ Musical Tells A True Story Of A Slave-Trader’s Redemption By Josh Shepherd Ambitious in its production scale and subject matter, ‘Amazing Grace: The Broadway Musical’ plays this summer at an unlikely venue in the nation’s capital. Full article Is America Experiencing Europe’s Growing Anti-Semitism? By Melissa Langsam Braunstein ‘It all started on the campuses, and we did nothing because they were students. We did nothing when they joined the party because it was just the left-wing fringe, and now they’ve taken over.’ Full article Intersectionality Is A Lie If Pro-Choicers Are Okay With The Black Baby Death Toll By Stephanie Curry If leftists were truly staunch advocates of racial equality and harmony, they should be moved to address the fact that the face of abortion has a color. Full article Requiring People To Work To Get Medicaid Went Really Well In Arkansas Until A Judge Stopped It By Victoria Eardley Without the work requirement, Julia wouldn’t have had the opportunity—or the push—to take the next step in her career, changing her life through education and work. Full article ‘Dark Phoenix’ Crashes And Burns Without Rising From The Ashes By Paulina Enck The final X-Men outing gives the iconic Phoenix Saga a second try, learning nothing from the mistakes of the past and delivering an ending sure to disappoint even the most forgiving fans. Full article No RSS items found. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |

From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: Here are four takeaways from that Iowa poll – beyond the horserace.
Eight months out until the Iowa caucuses,
we care A LOT more about what Iowa Democrats want – rather than the state of the horserace.
Especially before the first debates even take place later this month.
So here’s what caught our eye in
the Des Moines Register/CNN Iowa poll that was released over the weekend:
1. Beating Trump is more important than ideology
Two-thirds of likely Democratic caucus-goers say it’s more important to them that the Iowa winner has a strong chance of beating Trump, while just a third say it’s more important that the winner shares their position on key issues.
2. Iowa Dems are divided on impeachment
Forty-two percent of likely caucus-goers who plan to participate in person believe House Democrats should begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump ASAP. That’s compared with 48 percent who want them to focus on investigations – but not move forward with impeachment.
3. Here are the most POPULAR candidates when it comes to the fav/unfav numbers among in-person caucus-goers
Elizabeth Warren (+54)
Kamala Harris (+50)
Pete Buttigieg (+49)
Joe Biden (+48)
Bernie Sanders (+45)
Cory Booker (+36)
And Beto O’Rourke (+33).
4. Here are the LEAST POPULAR candidates
Tulsi Gabbard and Tim Ryan (+2)
Seth Moulton (+1)
And Bill de Blasio (-26).
As for the horserace in poll, Biden leads the pack at 24 percent – followed by Sanders at 16 percent, Warren at 15 percent and Buttigieg at 14 percent.
But we have almost an eternity to go until February 2020…

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall
That’s a lot of cattle
Speaking of Iowa, a whopping 19 Democratic candidates (!!!) spoke at cattle call in Cedar Rapids on Sunday.
Some of the highlights, per NBC’s team on the ground there:
Bernie Sanders
understand that there are some well-intentioned Democrats and candidates
who believe that the best way forward is a ‘middle ground’ strategy
that antagonizes no one, that stands up to nobody
and that changes nothing. In my view, that approach is not just bad
public policy, but it is a failed political strategy that I fear could
end up with the reelection of Donald Trump. The American people want
change, real change, and we have got to provide
that change.”
Elizabeth Warren
done 90 plus town halls. I’ve taken literally thousands of questions.
I’ve been to 20 states and Puerto Rico and we’re coming up on our
30,000th selfie. That is how you build a grassroots
movement. Because here’s why. Why do I have the time to do that?
Because I’m not spending my time with high-dollar donors and with
corporate lobbyists. I’m spending my time with you. That’s how we build a
grassroots movement in America.”
Pete Buttigieg
we’ve got a lot of work to do to vindicate our values, to establish a
new democracy where money can’t outvote people and politicians can’t
choose their voters by drawing districts the way
they look. A democracy where all citizens, including those of D.C. And
Puerto Rico enjoy proper political representation in our capital. And
maybe in this greatest democracy in the world we might go about choosing
our president by giving it to the person who
got the most votes.”
Kamala Harris
“And, Iowa, I’m going to tell you there’s a rap sheet full of evidence to make the case [against Trump]. Let’s look at what happened. He promised health care and then he tried to rip health care away from millions of people. What’s that called? Health care fraud. He said he was for working people, then he passed a tax bill benefitting the 1% and biggest corporations of this country. That’s tax fraud. He believes the president of Russia and a northern Korean dictator, and then he claims to be the best president we’ve seen in a generation. I’d say let’s call Barack Obama because that’s identity fraud.”
TWEET OF THE DAY: Family first

“Nobody move … or the United States gets it”
Did anyone else think of the
scene from “Blazing Saddles” – when Sheriff Bart takes HIMSELF hostage
to get out of a sticky situation –
reading this on Trump’s tariff/immigration deal with Mexico?
“The deal
to avert tariffs that President Trump announced with great fanfare on
Friday night consists largely of actions that Mexico had already
promised to take in prior discussions with the United
States over the past several months,”
the New York Times reported over the weekend.
“Friday’s joint declaration says Mexico agreed to the “deployment of
its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern
border.” But the Mexican government
had already pledged to do that in March.”
“The centerpiece of Mr. Trump’s deal was an expansion of a program to
allow asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their legal cases
proceed. But that arrangement was reached
in December in a pair of painstakingly negotiated diplomatic notes that
the two countries exchanged.”
Not surprisingly,
Trump has taken issue with the New York Times report in a tweet,
saying “Another false report in the Failing @nytimes. We have been
trying to get some of these Border Actions for a long time, as have
other administrations, but were not able to get them, or get them in
full, until our signed agreement with Mexico.”

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall
2020 VISION: Focusing on New Hampshire
a weekend when Iowa dominated the political world’s attention, New
Hampshire comes into focus this week, NBC’s Amanda Golden and Julia
Jester report.
Seven Democratic contenders make their way to the Granite State this week: Amy Klobuchar and Seth Moulton on Monday; Tim Ryan on Tuesday; Jay Inslee on Wednesday; Andrew Yang starting
on Thursday; and Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand on Friday.
candidates will make their pitches to New Hampshire voters at events
like political forums, house parties, meet and greets, and fundraisers.
Klobuchar is set to have a voting rights conversation with young
Democrats, and Moulton will be the first to make his case to employees
at the largest electric
utility company in the state.
And on
Friday, actress Connie Britton joins Kirsten Gillibrand for a fundraiser
for young Democrats (clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose).
On the campaign trail today: Amy Klobuchar stumps in New Hampshire, hitting Manchester for a Politics & Eggs event, Concord and Somersworth… Seth Moulton also is in the Granite State… And Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Steve Bullock all remain in Iowa.
DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… 24
That’s the number of immigrants who have died in ICE custody during the Trump administration,
according to a new NBC News review.
At least four others have died shortly after being released.
And that
total doesn’t include the deaths of other migrants, including five
children, who have died while being held by other federal entities.
THE LID: Carolina in my mind
Don’t miss the pod from Friday, when we looked at how important North Carolina will be in 2020.
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
Alex Seitz-Wald checks in on why the 2020 candidates are spending so much time on… selfies?
Democratic leaders are shifting towards a legislative strategy to address election interference rather than an impeachment inquiry.
The Washington Post has more details on lavish spending by the NRA.
The California legislature has agreed to extend some health benefits to people who are in the country illegally.
And on MSNBC’s “Kasie DC” last night, Rep. Rob Woodall, R-Ga., admitted he’s yet to read the Mueller report.
Thanks for reading.
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Chuck, Mark and Carrie
Mon, June 10 |
ANOTHER CONSPIRACY? AOC Says ‘Powerful People’ at Trump Hotel Trying to ‘Bribe the President into War’ Embattled Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez found another conspiracy theory to promote regarding President Trump Friday; suggesting rich people staying at his hotel are “bribing the President into war.”“NEW: We got leaked documents detailing 1,200+ different stays at @realDonaldTrump’s hotel. Here’s the guest who stayed the longest: a sheikh who wants to be president of… |
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- Understanding the 10 investigations into the FBI’s inappropriate 2016 behavior
- Why Christians should defend Israel politically
- Heather Higgins on how the media vilifies conservative women
- Dr. Trumplove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love America
- John Carroll for Honolulu Mayor and American Conservative Movement are working together
- Twitter’s Thread Ban explained
- It’s time for conservatives to boycott Hollywood
- Rick Robinson on AotR: ‘Government Intervention is Bad MMM’Kaaay’
- Let’s primary the seven Republican Congressmen who voted for amnesty
- The real reason Democrats passed the Dreamer bill
Understanding the 10 investigations into the FBI’s inappropriate 2016 behavior Posted: 10 Jun 2019 05:43 AM PDT The more we learn, the more questions we have. That’s how deep the hole goes in the FBI’s and DOJ’s involvement in attempting to “hack” the elections of 2016. Ironically, Russian election hacking was the cover they used to instigated their own efforts to subvert the American people and fix the election for Hillary Clinton. […] The post Understanding the 10 investigations into the FBI’s inappropriate 2016 behavior appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Why Christians should defend Israel politically Posted: 10 Jun 2019 04:44 AM PDT It’s easy to be anti-Israel whether it’s labeled as anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist. It seems that everyone from celebrities to politicians, forum comment trolls to social media gurus are generally more supportive of Hamas, Hezollah, the Palestinian Authority, and Iran than Israel. For reasons that we’ll discuss later, blaming Israel and the Jewish people in general […] The post Why Christians should defend Israel politically appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Heather Higgins on how the media vilifies conservative women Posted: 10 Jun 2019 03:44 AM PDT Heather Higgins knows all about being vilified as a conservative woman. As CEO of Independent Women’s Voice and chairman of its sister organization, Independent Women’s Forum, she’s been forced to live under the scrutiny of leftist mainstream media for years. Why? Because women are supposed to be progressive, pro-choice, and anti-conservative. If not, they’re an anomaly. […] The post Heather Higgins on how the media vilifies conservative women appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Dr. Trumplove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love America Posted: 09 Jun 2019 11:56 PM PDT Hello, my name is JD and I was once a NeverTrumper. In fact, I left the Republican Party in 2016 and started a new party to bring limited-government policies back to Washington DC. It wasn’t over Trump alone. The GOP seemed to be heading in the wrong direction on many policy issues, choosing to slide to the […] The post Dr. Trumplove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love America appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
John Carroll for Honolulu Mayor and American Conservative Movement are working together Posted: 09 Jun 2019 10:20 PM PDT City & County of Honolulu has been honored by Mr. John S. Carroll announcing his bid to become our next Mayor. He will be following in the footsteps of such notables as first Honolulu Mayor Joseph Fern who took office in 1909. Plus the nearly immortal, but not quite, Frank Fasi, who served as Honolulu […] The post John Carroll for Honolulu Mayor and American Conservative Movement are working together appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Twitter’s Thread Ban explained Posted: 09 Jun 2019 09:50 PM PDT If you are on Twitter you have probably noticed an increasing amount of unavailable tweets in replies on major tweets. For instance, the ratio Vice received, for supporting the sexualization of children, saw an enormous amount of unavailable tweets in the reply section. So two questions should arise here: What is going on? Why is […] The post Twitter’s Thread Ban explained appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
It’s time for conservatives to boycott Hollywood Posted: 09 Jun 2019 06:52 PM PDT The rest of my family went to see Avengers: Endgame last night. I had gone to an early screening and couldn’t take everyone, so the rest of the crew left me with the baby for four hours while they enjoyed Hollywood’s biggest movie (well, biggest once it passes Avatar). While they were gone, the baby and I discussed […] The post It’s time for conservatives to boycott Hollywood appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Rick Robinson on AotR: ‘Government Intervention is Bad MMM’Kaaay’ Posted: 09 Jun 2019 05:46 PM PDT On this episode of America off the Rails, we delve into a recent monologue by Tucker Carlson . While I take issue with many decrying him for saying Warren has a decent plan, I’ll be the first one to admit that good ideas can come from both sides, I cannot support his supposition about the […] The post Rick Robinson on AotR: ‘Government Intervention is Bad MMM’Kaaay’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Let’s primary the seven Republican Congressmen who voted for amnesty Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:46 AM PDT Following a spot-on take on the Democrats’ DREAMer amnesty bill that didn’t include anything for securing the border, I wanted to know which Republicans voted in favor of the bill. As noted, there were seven. They were: Don Bacon (NE) Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) Brian Fitzpatrick (PA) Will Hurd (TX) Dan Newhouse (WA) Chris Smith (NJ) […] The post Let’s primary the seven Republican Congressmen who voted for amnesty appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
The real reason Democrats passed the Dreamer bill Posted: 09 Jun 2019 08:07 AM PDT Story after story over the last five days laid out the reasoning behind the House Democrats plus seven Republicans passing the DREAM and Promise Act of 2019, a bill that offers a pathway to citizenship for 2.5 million DACA protection recipients. Considering the fact the bill has very little chance of passing in the Senate and […] The post The real reason Democrats passed the Dreamer bill appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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06/10/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Oversight vs. Overreach; Hyde’s History; Taking Cuba By Carl M. Cannon on Jun 10, 2019 09:23 am Good morning, it’s Monday, June 10, 2019. Immersed in an editing project, I’ll be out of the office for much of the week, so I’m reprising some of my daily history homilies from years’ past, beginning today. The noteworthy event I’m highlighting this morning took place in Cuba 121 years ago on this date, when a contingent of U.S. Marines landed on an isolated spot on the island’s southern coast. It seems incongruous that we’ve kept a military presence on that island ever since, but it’s true. Is it time to leave? Perhaps, but this morning we’re looking at how American forces arrived there in the first place. I’ll have more on this in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * Constitutional Oversight? Or Unconstitutional Overreach? Frank Miele writes that Democrats’ stated basis for seeking testimony or documents from the executive branch is not found in the Constitution itself. The Hyde Amendment Isn’t Going Anywhere. Bill Scher offers some historical perspective on the controversy Joe Biden found himself in the middle of last week. Disruptor-in-Chief Shows How to Win With Mexico. Steve Cortes applauds the president for his refusal to accept the status quo or cower to the nation’s elites. PolitiFact’s Notre-Dame Retraction Illustrates Digital-Era Pitfalls. Kalev Leetaru examines the fact-checking site’s declaration that a viral photograph was a fake, and its later reversal. Liberalism in the Progressive — and in the Larger – Sense. Peter Berkowitz assesses a new book by Adam Gopnik, “A Thousand Small Sanities: The Moral Adventure of Liberalism.” Visit to China Dispels “Enemy” Myth. RealClearMarkets editor John Tamny shares lessons from his latest trip to the country demonized by the current administration. Sensible Wireless Policy Needed to Bridge Digital Divide. In RealClearPolicy, David Williams outlines challenges in allocating the C-band spectrum needed to accommodate 5G technology. Why “The Idol of Our Age” Resonates With Readers. In RealClearReligion, Chandler Lasch considers the success of Daniel Mahoney’s book about secular humanitarianism’s effect on church thinking about divine mercy and Christian charity. * * * The U.S. Marines who landed on the beach at Guantanamo Bay on June 10, 1898 were led by 57-year-old Civil War veteran Robert W. Huntington. This man, and a sergeant named John H. Quick, were the very embodiment of the United States Marine Corps — and the American military itself all the way back to the nation’s founding. Born in 1840, Huntington quit college in 1860 to enlist in the Union Army. He fought at Bull Run, was later detailed to the U.S. Navy, and became a Marine officer. His first wife died young; his second wife, Elizabeth Sherburne Whipple, was the daughter of Maj. Gen. Amiel Whipple, a West Point man killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville. Sgt. Quick knew none of this pedigree as he followed orders during the 100-hour battle with Spanish irregulars defending Cuba against the Americans on June 10-12, 1898. Quick did know that he and a couple of other men, including a young lieutenant named Draper and a Capt. McCauley, were supposed to wave a flag to the ships offshore signaling when the bombardment should begin and where it should be directed. Suddenly, just as it seemed the flag-waving sentries were sitting ducks, these young officers were joined on the hill by their commander, Lt. Col. Huntington. The scene was captured by famed war correspondent and Civil War novelist Stephen Crane in a dispatch headlined “Marines Signaling Under Fire at Guantanamo”: Colonel Huntington came himself to the signal place with Adjutant Draper and Captain McCauley, the quartermaster. When the man stood up to signal, the colonel stood beside him. At sight of the lights, the Spaniards performed as usual. They drove enough bullets into that immediate vicinity to kill all the marines in the corps. Lieutenant Draper was agitated for his chief. “Colonel, won’t you step down, sir?” “Why, I guess not,” said the gray old veteran in his slow, sad, always-gentle way. “I’m in no more danger than the man.” “But, sir –” began the adjutant. “Oh, it’s all right, Draper.” And so it was. The men on the hill survived the battle, the Marines set up their beachhead, the United States liberated Cuba from Spain — and “Gitmo” remains in Yankee hands to this day. The question, more relevant than ever, is what we should do with our prize. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) |
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