Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Monday June 24, 2019.
What We Talk About When We Talk About Deaths of Despair By Charles Fain Lehman Just-Promoted DCCC Official Has History of Homophobic, Racist Comments By Brent Scher Kushner to Unveil ‘Economic Vision’ for Palestinian Territories By Reuters Please Visit and Support Our Sponsors Teachers in the Dark By Bill McMorris Newly Released Docs Raise Questions About Omar’s Marriage History By Jeffrey Cimmino Health Aides Want Union Hands Off By Bill McMorris PA Intransigence Makes Peace Deal Unlikely By David Isaac Booker Refuses To Rule Out Meeting With Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan By Jeffrey Cimmino You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website. Copyright © 2019 Free Beacon, LLC, All rights reserved. To reject freedom, click here. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. |
Jun 24, 2019 |
Good morning from Washington, where lawmakers collect their paychecks no matter how little they do, as Justin Bogie and Benjamin Paris observe. Anxious about future college costs for your kids or grandkids? Lindsey Burke has solutions to drive down those costs. Plus: Rob Bluey and Virginia Allen interview a tea party leader who fought the IRS, and Amy Swearer and Lucas Drill cover the troubling case of a man who got on the wrong side of the law for defending his home. |
Commentary Supreme Court Misses Opportunity to Stop Congress Outsourcing Its Power How much authority can Congress give to the attorney general to effectively write criminal laws? Now a plurality of the Supreme Court has given its answer: as much as Congress wants to give. More Commentary This New York Man Got Arrested After Defending His Own Home Ronald Stolarczyk, 64, was “minding his own business in his kitchen” one day when he heard voices coming from his garage. More Analysis True the Vote Took on the IRS and Won. Its Founder Explains Why It Matters. “There is power in speaking out,” says Catherine Engelbrecht. “There’s power in telling the truth boldly … even if it means that you have to say some uncomfortable things.” More Commentary To Whip Congress Into Shape, Withhold Their Pay Sens. Mike Braun, R-Ind., and Rick Scott, R-Fla., introduced the No Budget, No Pay Act, which would withhold congressional pay if lawmakers fail to pass a budget by the Oct. 1 deadline. More Commentary College Costs Are Out of Control. Here’s What Can Be Done. From 1987 to 2012, America’s higher education system added more than half a million administrators, doubling the number of administrators relative to the number of faculty. More Commentary What the UK’s Orwellian Gender Policy Gets Wrong About Men and Women In banning a wide range of gender stereotypes, the British government presumes that boys and girls are essentially the same and that any notion of “male” and “female” career tendencies is inherently oppressive. More | ||
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POLITICO Playbook: Welcome to debate week
06/24/2019 05:50 AM EDT

PALACE INTRIGUE — “Exclusive: Leaked Trump vetting docs,” by Axios’ Jonathan Swan, Juliet Bartz, Alayna Treene and Orion Rummler: “Nearly 100 internal Trump transition vetting documents leaked to ‘Axios on HBO’ identify a host of ‘red flags’ about officials who went on to get some of the most powerful jobs in the U.S. government.
“Why it matters: The massive trove, and the story behind it, sheds light on the slap-dash way President Trump filled his cabinet and administration, and foreshadowed future scandals that beset his government. Some highlights: Scott Pruitt, who ultimately lost his job as EPA Administrator because of serial ethical abuses and clubbiness with lobbyists, had a section in his vetting form titled ‘allegations of coziness with big energy companies.’
“Tom Price, who ultimately resigned as Health and Human Services Secretary after Trump lost confidence in him in part for stories about his use of chartered flights, had sections in his dossier flagging ‘criticisms of management ability’ and ‘Dysfunction And Division Has Haunted Price’s Leadership Of The House Budget Committee.’
“Mick Mulvaney, who became Trump’s Budget Director and is now his acting chief of staff, has a striking assortment of ‘red flags,’ including his assessment that Trump ‘is not a very good person.’” Axios
MONEY WATCH — ALEX ISENSTADT: “GOP to launch new fundraising site as Dems crush the online money game”: “Republicans are set to launch a long-awaited, much-delayed online fundraising platform on Monday, a move aimed at closing Democrats’ massive small-donor money advantage ahead of the 2020 election.
“WinRed is being billed as the GOP’s answer to the Democratic Party’s ActBlue, which has already amassed over $174 million this year. The new tool is intended to reshape the GOP’s fundraising apparatus by creating a centralized, one-stop shop for online Republican giving, which the party has lacked to this point.
“The launch caps months of behind-the-scenes discussions involving top Republicans. President Donald Trump and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner were involved, as were GOP congressional leaders and mega-donor Sheldon Adelson. The end product, Republican leaders hope, will fill a gaping void in the party’s machinery.” POLITICO
— MOST SMART REPUBLICANS are skeptical of this effort, not because they don’t believe in the platform, but because they do not believe a small-dollar donor culture exists in their party.
NEW: POLITICO ISSUES TRACKER — POLITICO is launching its 2020 Issues Tracker, your interactive guide to the issues shaping the Democratic presidential primary, explained by the top-notch policy reporters in POLITICO’s newsroom. POLITICO Issues Tracker
— DAVID SIDERS: “‘Get down to the real business’: Debates kick off clash of ideas”: “For months, the Democratic primary has been defined by top-tier contenders who broadly agree on most Democratic policy priorities — and by an electorate less interested in what those candidates believe than whether he or she can defeat President Donald Trump. ‘The bottom line is first and most importantly, who in this race can beat Trump, and policy, in poll after poll, has taken a back seat to that,’ said Doug Herman, a Democratic strategist.
“But that approach is starting to evolve as 20 of the 23 Democratic candidates head into their first debate this week. Policy disputes are rearing up in fits and starts — a feud over taxes and Medicare for All, bursts of attention surrounding immigration, big tech and the voting rights of felons. In recent weeks, Democrats have released a barrage of proposals on issues ranging from climate change and immigration to housing and electoral reforms.” POLITICO
— SIDERS’ 3 ISSUES TO WATCH: Medicare for All, climate change and taxes and income inequality.
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ALEX THOMPSON and THEO MEYER: “Meet Elizabeth Warren’s team of nerds”: “Behind Elizabeth Warren’s trust-busting, Wall Street-bashing, tax-the-wealthy platform is a brain trust that extends well beyond the Beltway thinkers who often rubber stamp campaign proposals.
Instead, the former Harvard professor and her tight team of policy advisers have waded deeper into the world of academia than is usual in presidential campaigns, according to interviews with more than a dozen people her campaign has consulted and a review of the scholarship underlying her plans.
“Leafing through Warren’s plans posted on Medium, voters will find links to obscure academic literature from places like the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, the Upjohn Institute, the Journal of Applied Business and Economics, and the American Journal of Sociology.” POLITICO
Good Monday morning. THE LATEST IN IRAN — “Iranians say their ‘bones breaking’ under U.S. sanctions,” by AP’s Nasser Karimi and Mohammad Nasiri in Tehran
A ZINGER ON POMPEO FROM WAPO’S CAROL MORELLO: “Although [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo sounded optimistic about resuming negotiations with North Korea, which has an arsenal of nuclear weapons, his rhetoric remained downbeat and abrasive toward Iran, which does not yet have any nuclear arms.” WaPo
A message from Blue Cross Blue Shield Association:
We believe everyone should have access to health care, no matter who you are or where you live. In every neighborhood in every state, Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies are working to improve health and expand access to quality care. Learn more at
THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION — “Agriculture Department buries studies showing dangers of climate change,” by Helena Bottemiller Evich
WHAT DEMOCRATS ARE BANKING ON — “Democratic group’s poll shows Trump vulnerable with his base on health care,” by Scott Bland: “The Democratic research group American Bridge is preparing a $50 million campaign to win over a slice of President Donald Trump’s base, and new polling has convinced the organization that Trump is vulnerable on pocketbook issues, especially health care, among white working-class voters.” POLITICO
2020 WATCH — NYT’S ALEX BURNS: “Stand-Ins, Push-Ups and Long Drives: How the 2020 Field Is Preparing for the Debates”: “The debates on Wednesday and Thursday nights, and another two at the end of July, may represent the first, best — and for some, the only — opportunity to stand out from an enormous throng of competitors and build national momentum in the Democratic primary.
“If these debates are designed to let candidates showcase themselves to a national audience, for some they could end up serving less as a moment of introduction than as a farewell, as they separate the Democrats capable of exciting the imaginations of primary voters from those who lack that gift. More than half of the candidates debating this week risk being blocked from debates starting in September unless they can significantly lift their polling and fund-raising numbers before then.
“Across the country, in spare hotel conference rooms and bustling campaign offices, many of the 20 Democrats who will debate Wednesday and Thursday have spent long hours holding their own debate simulations and rapid-fire policy drills. In each debate, the candidates could have as little as six or seven minutes of speaking time to put all that practice to work.” NYT
— TOUGH NIGHT FOR MAYOR PETE … AP in SOUTH BEND: “Mayor Buttigieg criticized at emotional town hall about shooting”
— CONSIDER THIS: Former Rep. Joe Sestak, who has little national profile and appears to have laid no groundwork for the presidential bid he announced Sunday, came closer to defeating Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey (Sestak lost by about 80,000 votes) than Beto O’Rourke did to ousting Sen. Ted Cruz in Texas (O’Rourke lost by more than 200,000 votes). But Sestak then ran again in 2016, losing the Democratic primary to Katie McGinty, who went on to lose narrowly to Toomey in the general election.
— THE POLICY PRIMARY: “Sanders to propose canceling entire $1.6 trillion in U.S. student loan debt, escalating Democratic policy battle,” by WaPo’s Jeff Stein
TRUMP’S MONDAY — President Donald Trump will participate in a photo with the 2019 Presidential Scholars in the East Room at 11 a.m. He will have lunch with VP Mike Pence at 12:45 p.m. in the private dining room. Trump will sign an executive order on health care at 3 p.m. in the Grand Foyer.

BOLTON WARNS IRAN … NYT’S DAVID HALBFINGER inJerusalem:“President Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, warned Tehran on Sunday not to ‘mistake U.S. prudence and discretion for weakness,’ saying that military action against Iran remained very much an option even though the United States last week called off one military strike. … ‘No one has granted them a hunting license in the Middle East,’ Mr. Bolton said on Sunday at an appearance in Jerusalem alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.”
— WELP… FOR JARED: “Neither he nor Mr. Bolton mentioned the ‘Peace to Prosperity’ plan unveiled by the White House on Saturday aimed at improving the lot of the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors, in the first public unveiling of the Trump administration’s long-delayed proposal to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” NYT
— WSJ: “U.S. Plans New Iran Sanctions as Europe Tries to Defuse Tensions”
FOR YOUR RADAR — “Opposition win in Istanbul a blow to Turkey’s Erdogan,” by AP’s Zeynep Bilginsoy and Derek Gatopoulos: “The opposition candidate for mayor of Istanbul celebrated a landmark win Sunday in a closely watched repeat election that ended weeks of political tension and broke the long hold President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s party had on leading Turkey’s largest city. …
“The governing party’s candidate, former Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, conceded moments after returns showed him trailing well behind Imamoglu, 54% to 45%. Imamoglu increased his lead from a March mayoral election by hundreds of thousands of votes.
“Erdogan congratulated Imamoglu in a tweet. Analysts noted the president, who is grappling with an economic downturn and several international crises, could limit the mayor’s power or undermine Imamoglu’s authority in other ways.” AP
BEYOND THE BELTWAY — “Fairfax ‘thinking very seriously’ about run for governor, says scandal has raised his public profile,” by the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s Mel Leonor: “Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax said Thursday that he is ‘very hopeful about the future’ and ‘thinking very seriously’ about a gubernatorial run in 2021.
“Fairfax, who faces sexual assault allegations by two women, said the scandal has raised his public profile for good.
“‘Many people a year ago would not have recognized me, now they really do,’ Fairfax said. ‘People come up to me at gas stations, they say, ‘Hey, we recognize you. We love you. We know what they are saying about you is false.’”
— “Illinois bans private immigration detention centers,” by CNN’s Jamie Ehrlich: “Illinois Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker signed a bill on Friday that bans private immigration detention centers in the state, making it the first in the nation to forbid the practice.”
WHAT DEMOCRATS ARE READING: “Time’s Up on presidential debates designed for the last century,” by Eva Longoria, Ana Navarro and Hilary Rosen in WaPo
DANIEL’S POSTCARD FROM ASPEN IDEAS –Former Speaker PAUL RYAN was interviewed Sunday night at the Hotel Jerome by Judy Woodruff. One thing that keeps him up at night: “What I worry about is our system of self-determination, liberty and freedom, constitutional government, going to be able to persist against a country of 1.4 billion people run by one guy or seven people at best that is leaner and meaner and can make quicker decisions. Is democracy going to be able to survive in the tests that it will have in these illiberal dictatorships?
“That to me is a far more important question in the 21stcentury. Not the populist politics of the moment but democracy itself. We determine our own lives through our elected representatives in our government. Can that system succeed in the future or not? That to me is the bigger challenge for us, and it’s not just America, it’s all of the Western world, it’s the democracies of the world.”
LAUREN COLLINS in THE NEW YORKER: “Can Emmanuel Macron Stem the Populist Tide?: France’s young President is now Europe’s most forceful progressive. But violence at home and the success of right-wing parties throughout the Continent threaten his ambitions.”
MEDIAWATCH — U.S. Customs and Border Protection is screening journalists, at least according to this first-person account by Seth Harp in The Intercept.
— Fox News’ Tucker Carlson will interview President Trump in Osaka, Japan, on the sidelines of the G-20, according to the network, with the full interview to air July 1.
— DAILY BEAST’S SAM STEIN and MAX TANI: “Biden’s Media Strategy: Duck The Press Unless You’re Under Duress,” with a spicy quote from David Axelrod: “It is not a tenable strategy. … His message is that he’s the guy who can beat Donald Trump and he is viewed as the least risky choice. Over time, if the only interactions he has is around these screwups and gaffes, then he is going to start losing that message.”
SPOTTED: Former Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) flying from Charlotte to DCA on Sunday night. … Ben Carson walking through the B Terminal on Sunday at DCA. … Stephen Moore entering the Trump Hotel. … Per Massachusetts Playbook’s Stephanie Murray: “A ‘Pete-town’ flag flying outside the Provincetown home of prominent Democratic donor Bryan Rafanelli and his partner Mark Walsh. Buttigieg will hold a series of fundraiser with Rafanelli on Cape Cod around the Fourth of July holiday.” Pic
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Matt Continetti, editor-in-chief of The Washington Free Beacon, is 38. What he’s been reading recently: “The best nonfiction book I’ve read recently is George Will’s ‘The Conservative Sensibility.’ It is a remarkable summation of Will’s political thought after a half-century in Washington. It’s the sort of book that, when read by a young person in high school or college, might change his life. I hope it does.” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Ralph Reed is 58 … Roger Fisk, principal at New Day Strategy, is 52 … former N.Y. Gov. George Pataki is 74 … Ed Traz … Texas Tribune’s Morgan Smith (hubby tip: Travis Considine) … Nelson Peltz is 77 … Robert Reich is 73 … Jonathan Yuan, an MPP candidate at Harvard Kennedy School … Chris Weideman … Quentin Cantu … POLITICO’s Carlos Ochoa … Zach Seward, chief product officer and executive editor of Quartz … Anna Massoglia … Kirsten Hughes … WSJ’s Jennifer Maloney … Mike Gula (h/t Zack Roday) … Jesse Stinebring of Civis Analytics … Mike Fullerton is 49 … Richard Robbins, CEO of NYC’s Upper West Strategies, is 5-0 … Madison Fox Porter (h/t Cody Sanders) …
… Omnika Thompson, EP of “MSNBC Live with Katy Tur” … Rep. Haley Stevens (D-Mich.) is 36 … European Commissioner Corina Crețu is 52 … POLITICO Europe’s Alistair Walker … Jennifer Millerwise Dyck (h/t Tim Burger) … Heather Hurlburt of the New America Foundation … Greg Scruggs … Kate Yglesias Houghton (h/t Kelley McCormick) … Stephanie Craig … Amelia Makin … Brett Rosner … Ben Tomchik … Neal Becton … CKI’s Gretchen Reiter … Edelman’s Kevin Goldman and Ryan Colaianni … Melinda Arons (h/t Adrienne Elrod) … Joanna Reagan … Katherine Marie Kulik … Thomas Doane Perry III … Allie Bradford … Abel Acuña … Job Serebrov … Joe Bogosian … Roger Roscoe … Tyler Somes is 3-0 … Kelda Roys is 4-0 (h/t Teresa Vilmain)
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Monday, June 24, 2019 Close Call with Iran On Thursday, a US official stated that “a U.S. military drone has been shot down in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz by an Iranian surface-to-air missile.” Reuters On Friday, “President Donald Trump said [that] he abruptly called off the swiftly planned military strikes on Iran because the likely deaths of 150 Iranians would have been so out of proportion to the shootdown of an unmanned American surveillance drone.” AP News Both sides agree that calling off the strikes was the right decision: “War is sometimes necessary; this is not one of those times… Some Americans speak blithely about ‘surgical strikes,’ and I fear that many Americans, including those in the White House, don’t get how badly these can go awry. If we kill 150 Iranians in a set of airstrikes, as Trump says had been anticipated, Iranian proxy forces will retaliate by killing Americans in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world. Iran or its proxies might strike at Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure, while also interrupting the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz. We might see Hezbollah strikes on Israel and a new Israel-Lebanon war. The global economy could take a significant hit. The conflict may start ‘surgical,’ but it’s unlikely to end that way.” Nicholas Kristof, New York Times “More than choosing not to take the lives of Iranian military personnel – and quite possibly, civilians – President Trump did one better and purposely gave the leadership of Iran some wiggle room in order for them to save face and deescalate the growing tension… President Trump is not looking for his ‘Wag the Dog’ moment to look more presidential. In the best interest of the United States, he is trying to deescalate a highly dangerous situation which could easily spiral out of control.” Douglas MacKinnon, Fox News From the Left The left criticizes Trump’s isolationist and erratic foreign policy moves. “Trump pulled the United States out of a landmark nuclear deal with Iran over the objections of every other country that signed the agreement. Now, he’s stuck in a dangerously escalating standoff with Tehran. He accepted an offer to sit down with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un on the spot, without consulting anyone else. Now, Pyongyang is restarting weapons tests and once again training its rhetorical fire on the U.S. And he hit China with tariffs on U.S. imports after unsuccessfully pushing Beijing to change longstanding trade practices that he deems unfair. Now, the two are at an impasse on trade negotiations, causing anxiety to ripple through the global markets. Two and a half years into his presidency, Trump finds himself increasingly isolated as he forges ahead in each dispute — all exacerbated by his go-it-alone strategy.” Anita Kumar, Politico “Explaining his reasoning [for calling off the strike], Trump said it was not ‘proportionate’ to respond to the downing of a US drone by taking human life. Bravo, said anyone nervous about the US launching military attacks on Iran, while wondering how Trump got that close to ordering a strike without realizing it would cost human life… the world is learning that it’s certainly worth waiting after Trump makes a threat to see if he follows through. There’s a good chance he’ll dial it back.” Zachary B. Wolf, CNN “In the last few days, President Donald Trump flip-flopped on his order to launch a military strike on Iran and then suddenly delayed his much-hyped mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. Has the impetuous President who seems to tweet first and think second finally become more thoughtful? Or is Trump beginning to consider the prospect of losing re-election in 2020 and now second-guessing some of his more controversial choices?” Dean Obeidallah, CNN “Trump has some very good, self-interested reasons to try to stay out of a major military conflict. It would infuriate some of his most fervent supporters, risk economic turmoil, and violate a campaign promise shortly before he’s up for reelection in 2020. The problem? Trump also appears to believe that both his foreign policy strategy and personal brand hinge on being seen as ‘tough.’ With longtime supporters of regime change in Iran holding Trump’s ear, Iran responding aggressively to his ‘maximum pressure’ campaign, and a risk of miscalculation or further escalations from each side spiraling ever higher, he may decide that he doesn’t want to be seen as weak… “So the ideal outcome for Trump appears to be that he presents himself as extremely ‘tough’ without actually having to deal with a prolonged war. But if he decides he’s failed to achieve that, it’s unclear what his next move would be.” Andrew Prokop, Vox “Eliminating the Iranian nuclear threat must be any president’s priority. The Trump administration’s demand that Iran simultaneously halt all its nefarious activities failed utterly, as it sacrificed the nuclear deal and obtained nothing else… Trump needs to lay out a series of reciprocal steps whereby both sides give a little, so familiarity and confidence can be built for more significant discussions.” Susan E. Rice, New York Times From the Right The right generally approves of Trump’s handling of the situation. “Trump demonstrated his willingness to pull the trigger early in his administration with the strikes on Syria. It’s a message saying that he actually is erratic and unpredictable (or at least wants to be viewed that way). His unhappiness with Iran’s government could result in some bunker busters raining down on their radar installations, secret nuclear facilities and possibly Mehrabad International Airport for all we know. But this time they lucked out… for now. And the Iranians are left to stew in their own juices for a little while, wondering if the bombs are about to start falling and if just possibly they shouldn’t be working on being less aggressive and more accommodating before it’s too late.” Jazz Shaw, Hot Air “Some of Trump’s critics are citing the infamous ‘red line’ Barack Obama drew with regards to the use of weapons of mass destruction by Syrian President Bashar Assad. This is like comparing apples to pork chops. A single instance of shooting down a military drone over international waters is nowhere near using sarin gas against civilians on the scale of unacceptable behavior… [however] Trump has drawn a red line with Iran that he will have to enforce: harm to Americans. He made it clear in his string of tweets that Iran only escaped a military strike because no Americans were injured or killed. If Iran or any of their terrorist stooges harm Americans, the option for military force is on the table.” Harold Hutchison, Washington Examiner “The far better course (for now, at least) is to pursue [US] national interests through diplomacy and economic sanctions. Remain calm and maintain pressure. America’s sanctions are hitting Iran hard. Its economy is in shambles. Substantial economic losses are far more painful to the Mullahs than the loss of a missile battery, a radar station, or even 150 troops. Right now, Iran feels pain while the United States does not… Unless circumstances materially change, Iran’s harassment should not be permitted to provoke an escalation.” David French, National Review Some, however, caution that “Mr. Trump may have saved Iranian lives now, but his indecision and professed fear of casualties may be risking more American lives later… Squeezed by the U.S. ‘maximum pressure’ campaign, Iran’s rulers are trying to pressure Mr. Trump in return. In recent weeks they have attacked oil pipelines, mined oil tankers, and this week brazenly shot down a $130 million U.S. drone monitoring shipping lanes over international waters. Iran’s bet is that Mr. Trump is so averse to military confrontation that he will ease U.S. sanctions. On the evidence of the aborted mission, they may be right.” Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal Others argue for a less aggressive approach. “Maximum pressure is making an unnecessary conflict more likely… Never in the Islamic Republic’s 40-year history have the ayatollahs bowed down in servitude, even during more dire times when the country was under an international arms embargo and fighting a militarily superior Iraq. To assume Iran will bow down now is folly and plays into the hands of hardliners within the Iranian government who are resistant to dialogue with the U.S., thwarting genuine moderates among the Iranian citizenry.” Daniel DePetris, Washington Examiner On the bright side… KFC’s latest junk food monster is a bright orange Cheetos chicken sandwich. Eater Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. 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“We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.” C. S. LEWIS (The Abolition of Man) You can now turn your phone into a beacon of real news! With the new Epoch Times app, you won’t miss any important news and deep analysis, wherever you are! Try the app, and let us know what you think (at the moment it’s only for iPhones, android coming soon.) Download Your App Here Trump Settles Speculation About Mike Pence, and Whether He Wants a Third Term in Office Iranian Hackers Wage Cyber Campaign Amid Tensions With US Supreme Court Set to Decide Major Census, Electoral Maps Cases Three South Korean Companies Shift Production out of China President Trump said he will impose “major additional sanctions” on Iran after he stopped a retaliatory missile strike “from going forward at this time,” an indication his administration is taking a more diplomatic approach to increase pressure on the Islamic regime. Read more Tens of thousands of Taiwanese citizens braved heavy rain for more than four hours to attend a Taipei rally calling for a ban on pro-Beijing media outlets that push the Chinese regime’s agenda. Read more The acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary leaked the timing and location of upcoming raids by immigration enforcement authorities in order to sabotage the operations, according to five unidentified current and former officials who spoke to The Washington Examiner. Read more The White House announced details of an economic plan for the Middle East that could create more than $50 billion in new investments over a 10-year period. Read more The world will be watching Osaka, Japan, this week where world leaders will gather for the G-20 summit from June 28 to 29. The meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping during the summit will likely grab much of the attention, as the leaders of the world’s two largest economies seek to end their ongoing trade war. Read more Firing underperforming career civil servants should take no more than a year, according to six Republican senators who introduced legislation to make that time limit a reality. Read more North Korean leader Kim Jong Un praised a personal letter he received from President Trump and said he would consider its content, North Korean state-run media reported. The letter is the latest indication that the two leaders are on good terms and continue to negotiate after Trump walked out of a summit with Kim in February in Vietnam. Read more See More Top Stories Beijing Is Pursuing an Outmoded Strategy to Challenge US Naval Dominance By Cheng Xiaonong Chinese state media has recently featured heavy promotion of China’s carrier program, playing up its expansion as a means of challenging the United States states for control of the seas. This strategy is in keeping with the growing assertiveness of the Chinese armed forces, as well as the Chinese Communist Party’s aim to expand its geopolitical influence beyond China’s borders… Read more Unlabeled Ingredients in Meat Raise Questions By Martha Rosenberg Most people know that antibiotics are part of the diet of conventionally raised livestock in the US and elsewhere to make them grow faster (feed is metabolized more efficiently) and prevent disease outbreaks in cramped conditions. But they’d be surprised at how many animals destined for the dinner table have drug residues that exceed legal limits. In the US, each week the Agriculture Department Food Safety and Inspection Service finds dangerous antibiotic levels in animals raised for human… Read more See More Opinions Communists and Race By Trevor Loudon Communists long ago realized that it’s difficult to achieve the social disintegration needed to ready a country for communist revolution by promoting class division alone. Class is amorphous; it can change within a generation. In a free society, an ambitious individual can rise from beggar to billionaire in a lifetime. Class is an unreliable wedge issue for revolutionaries, especially in Western free-market societies. Read more Senior investigative reporter of the Epoch Times Joshua Philipp sits down with 27-year veteran of the FBI, Marc Ruskin to discuss his thoughts on treason and foreign interference. He served on the legislative staff of U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and as an assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, N.Y. Former FBI Agent on Treason and Foreign Interference Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for June 24,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. Donald Trump Is Not To Blame For the Conditions in Detention Facilities. Making This Partisan Will Keep It From Being Fixed. Democrats seem way more invested in actually trying to pin the blame on Donald Trump for the conditions in the detention facilities at the border than on actually fixing the problem. Have you seen the video circulating of lawyers arguing about the conditions in various facilities? That comes from a lawsuit about Obama Administration era facilities. You’d never know that from the press coverage. Democrats and Republicans could pass legislation tomorrow with funding to improve the conditions in those facilities, but there seems to be no interest in doing so. Democrats like the photo ops and calls of “concentration camps” as a way to hurt the President politically. Republicans don’t want to clean up the mess in the facilities without also funding more border security. While understandable, it is silly given the immediate need. President Trump did not cause this problem and those blaming the President instead of trying to improve the situation are showing themselves to be partisan hacks. The post Donald Trump Is Not To Blame For the Conditions in Detention Facilities. Making This Partisan Will Keep It From Being Fixed. appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » In Case You Forgot, Florida Is Not A Swing State The current political narrative is and has been that red states are becoming swing states. States like Georgia and Texas, both solid historically red states, have crossed the line and can now be officially categorized as toss-ups lumped in with the likes of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and others. While this narrative keeps getting shattered with […] The post In Case You Forgot, Florida Is Not A Swing State appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Opposing Trump on Border Security Hurts Democrats Too Trump gets much wrong on immigration. But he is right about securing the border. Democrats should give Trump his funding. The post Opposing Trump on Border Security Hurts Democrats Too appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Pit of Moral Insanity Inches Closer New York Magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi has claimed previously that she is “not a liberal,” and does her job in a non-partisan manner. I don’t follow her work closely but I have no reason not to take her at her word. That said, her penchant for finding raaaaaaacism in something as innocuous as the original Trump/Pence […] The post The Pit of Moral Insanity Inches Closer appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Congressman Chip Roy Explains Why Senate Republicans and House Democrats Are Making the Border Situation Worse Just read his thread on Twitter. The post Congressman Chip Roy Explains Why Senate Republicans and House Democrats Are Making the Border Situation Worse appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Hey NRA, This Seems Like a Really Big Deal As you probably know, the NRA is in a legal fight with is outside marketing firm, Ackerman-McQueen. The fight has escalated and gotten really nasty. There are lots of accusations flying, document leaks, etc. I thought I had recognized the name of the NRA’s outside counsel on this, which is where the friend comes in. […] The post Hey NRA, This Seems Like a Really Big Deal appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Rice Schools NBC Interviewer on Race Relations Condoleezza Rice is one of the classiest people to ever grace the world stage. Regardless of politics or party affiliation, it’s hard for anybody to deny that the has the intelligence, experience, and grace to handle any situation that comes her way. She’s also unafraid to tell it like it is. The Secretary of State […] The post Rice Schools NBC Interviewer on Race Relations appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Bernie Sanders Says Medicare For All Plan Will Cover Illegal Aliens Too as a Right Wow. He really wants to bankrupt us. This speaks for itself really. The post Bernie Sanders Says Medicare For All Plan Will Cover Illegal Aliens Too as a Right appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Democrats Boxing Themselves in With This Biden Foolishness Democrats love to say that all the racist Democrats became Republicans, except today they’re out tearing down Joe Biden as a pro-segregation Democrat who works with other segregationist Democrats in the Senate. Well, except on MSNBC, where more than one person has claimed these Democrats were Republicans. (As an aside, it tells you everything you […] The post Democrats Boxing Themselves in With This Biden Foolishness appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » It sounds like this was intended as an orchestrated leak There is a ton of media buzz from overnight that the President ordered a strike on Iran as response for the Iranians shooting down an American drone. At the last minute, with planes in the air, the President canceled the strike. The President is now confirming he canceled it when told 150 Iranians would die. […] The post It sounds like this was intended as an orchestrated leak appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |

Morning Headlines
Road ahead: House and Senate seek to pass dueling border funding bills

Leaders in the House and Senate want to approve spending at least $4 billion more to address the influx of migrants and their humanitarian needs at the U.S.-Mexico border before the July Fourth recess. Read More…
Congressional compensation: Isn’t there a select committee for that?

As lawmakers engage in a contentious debate about whether to thaw a decadelong freeze on their pay, there’s a logical place where the underlying issues of member compensation and housing could be addressed — the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress. But the panel currently has no plans to take up such matters. Read More…
Power of New York, Texas hinges on immigrant count

Two states that have the most on the line in the Supreme Court case over the citizenship question in the 2020 census are taking drastically different approaches to the decennial count next year. Read More…
Trump’s 2020 re-election rally signals 2016 strategy may be used again

Donald Trump repeatedly railed against Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as a friendly Florida crowd cheered and jeered. Only it wasn’t 2016 — it was just six days ago. Read More…
Working with the enemy? Biden was just doing his job

OPINION — There’s a name for working with someone you can’t stand. It’s called “legislating.” Former Vice President Joe Biden didn’t say it, but he could have explained that shared goals often present themselves in Washington, even without shared values, and that working with people you disagree with can as often be a sign of strength as a marker of moral weakness. Read More…

Reps. Anthony Gonzalez and Colin Allred both had careers in the NFL before heading to Congress. Now they’re bringing their big-league talent to opposite sides of the congressional baseball diamond. Watch the video here…
Trump delays ICE raids hoping for bipartisan plan — but doesn’t say what he’ll support

President Donald Trump announced Saturday that “at the request of Democrats” a planned roundup of undocumented immigrants will be delayed. Read More…
King of the road trip: Maine senator treks home after canceled flight

Angus King stayed up way past your bedtime Thursday night. He wasn’t out partying (though he’ll tell you he had a great time) — he was road tripping from D.C. to Maine. The nearly nine-hour trek was a result of storms in Portland and a canceled flight out of Washington. Read More…
Workplace protections for legislative branch employees take effect

Legislative branch employees can now take advantage of a revised dispute resolution process and consult with a confidential adviser about their rights when they make workplace claims. Read More…
The Pentagon has a leadership vacuum at the top as tensions with Iran rise

The departure of acting Defense Department Secretary Patrick Shanahan raises questions about who is advising President Donald Trump, says CQ defense reporter Andrew Clevenger in this episode of the CQ on Congress podcast. And ex-Obama aide Chris Lu says Trump’s apparent preference for churn among his agency heads gives him more power to direct policy on his own. Listen here…
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President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Monday, June 24, 2019
By R. Mitchell –
President Donald Trump will participate in a photo opportunity with
the 2019 Presidential Scholars, receive his intelligence briefing, have
lunch with Vice President Mike Pence then sign an executive order on
drug pricing. Keep up with Trump on CDN’s President’s Schedule Page.
President Trump’s schedule for 6/24/19 All Times EDT: …
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Monday, June 24, 2019 is original content from Conservative
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Read on » Trump Settles Speculation About Mike Pence, And Whether He Wants A Third Term In Office By Chuck Ross – President Donald Trump said in an interview airing Sunday that he is “100%” certain Vice President Mike Pence will be his running mate in 2020, and he will accept the results of the election if he loses. “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked Trump about the two topics, which … Trump Settles Speculation About Mike Pence, And Whether He Wants A Third Term In Office is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Meme Nightmare – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon By Ben Garrison – In Your Wildest Memes The Left can’t meme, while the Right has an impressive roll call of Meme Warriors. When it comes to funny, high impact memes that launch weaponized truth directly at the Left’s delusional fantasies, the Right wins every time! The Meme Warriors include: Carpe Donktum, his memes … Meme Nightmare – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Palestinian Leaders Say No Thanks To Kushner’s Middle East Economy-Boosting Plan By Evie Fordham – Palestinian leaders have already panned the economic portion of the Trump administration’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan that was released Saturday. The economic plan, which was released before its political counterpart that is expected in November, would invest $50 billion in the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon over 10 … Palestinian Leaders Say No Thanks To Kushner’s Middle East Economy-Boosting Plan is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Trey Gowdy: Mystery FBI Transcript ‘Actually Changed My Perspective’ Of Russia Probe By Chuck Ross – Trey Gowdy said Sunday that an FBI transcript he reviewed while in Congress changed his “perspective” of the Mueller investigation. Republicans have alluded to the mystery transcript, which is believed to be from an FBI informant’s interactions with George Papadopoulos. Gowdy has previously said the transcript is a potential “game-changer” … Trey Gowdy: Mystery FBI Transcript ‘Actually Changed My Perspective’ Of Russia Probe is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Officials Accuse DHS Chief Of Personally Sabotaging Trump’s Planned ICE Raids By Jason Hopkins – Administration officials are accusing Homeland Security Acting Director Kevin McAleenan of sabotaging Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) deportation raids by leaking key details of the plan. President Donald Trump on Saturday abruptly announced that he would delay plans for Sunday raids targeting around 2,000 illegal immigrants across the country. The president … Officials Accuse DHS Chief Of Personally Sabotaging Trump’s Planned ICE Raids is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |
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Monday, June 24, 2019 |
Are Cyber Attacks the Future of War? NBC News reported that under President Trump, the U.S. military is using technology to keep China, Iran, Russia and other countries in check. From NBC News: “The general in charge of the push, Paul Nakasone, has spoken about the new policy in cryptic terms such as “persistent engagement,” and “defending forward,” without explaining what that means. Multiple current and former American officials briefed on the matter say military hackers are breaking into foreign networks, striking at enemy hackers and planting cyber bombs that would disable infrastructure in the event of a conflict. The officials declined to confirm or deny a New York Times reportthat an element of these classified operations included hacking into Russia’s power grid, but they said that such a move would be a standard response to similar behavior by Russia and China. U.S. officials have said that those countries have for years planted malware that could turn out the lights in parts of the U.S. “This is no different than a spy satellite,” one senior U.S. official briefed on the matter told NBC News. “What this is is finding vulnerabilities in people’s military and civilian infrastructure. That’s how you should think of it.” After Iran attacking a U.S. drone last week, the President ordered a cyber attack that disabled Iran’s military weapons and didn’t cost any civilian lives. From David Marcus at The Federalist: “Many observers seem to think that President Trump backed down by not bombing a few military installations in Iran. But this cyber attack is in many ways more insidious and dangerous for the Iranian regime. By signing our name to it, the United States is sending a clear message that it is willing and able to use this newest weapon of war, to dramatic effect. The future of warfare is now and the Pentagon knows it. How Iran responds will determine if greater cyber attacks might be employed. This was the right attack, it is the right threat to emphasize, and it is the dawn of a new kind of war that will shape the course of international relations.” Oprah to the Rescue According to HBO talk show host Bill Maher, Oprah is the only one who can win for Democrats in 2020. On his show this past weekend, he said, “I am telling you, at this particular moment in history and in this particular election year, she is the only candidate who is a sure-thing winner for the Democrats. No pressure.” What about Joe Biden, who currently leads by a large margin in the latest Monmouth poll? Maher says Biden is like “a typewriter is running for president.” The first 2020 Democratic debates are Wednesday and Thursday. Oprah is likely to be a no-show. RIP Gloria Vanderbilt Last week Gloria Vanderbilt died at the age of 95. Watch this touching tribute from her son, Anderson Cooper. Several years ago I read her romance memoir, It Seemed Important at the Time. There are lots of juicy tidbits (her greatest lover: Howard Hughes), but one of my favorites is the group of students in her small acting class — George Peppard, Steve McQueen, Suzanne Pleshette, Peter Falk, Joanne Woodward, among others. What a life! What I’m Reading This Week I generally “read” a book a week thanks to my Audible subscription. Since a vacation isn’t on my schedule this summer, I’ve decided to take a vacation from screen time and indulge in a real book! My only non-computer screen time is when I’m asleep (yay!) and when I’m in traffic (boo!). I’m missing the sound of the ocean, so I picked A Palm Beach Wife. From the description: “In this town of secrets and gossip and rumors, Faith has kept a desperate grip on everything she holds so dear, built from so little. And yet even she―the only one who knows just how far she has to fall―never suspects from which direction, or how many directions all at once, betrayal will come.” (Side note: Palm Beach is the best place to go thrift shopping. I once found Christian Louboutin shoes at Goodwill.) A Case of the Mondays Relationship goals (Twitter) The dog parties at my speed (Facebook) Soldiers sing “Amazing Grace” (Twitter) |
week the First Lady was in the sunshine state and shined in a yellow
jumpsuit and her trademark sunglasses from Saint Laurent. From John
Binder’s Fashion Notes:
“As she departed the White House for her husband’s re-election rally
in Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday, Mrs. Trump donned her favorite pair of
flat-top acetate sunglasses by Saint Laurent, a white cotton eyelet
fit-and-flare midi dress by the Paris-based designer Andrew Gn, and
polka dotted Manolo Blahnik stilettos.
For the Orlando rally, Mrs. Trump chose a bright yellow wide-leg Ralph Lauren jumpsuit with a peek-a-boo back and cape-esque billowing sleeves with a Ralph Lauren gold belt to accentuate her waist.
The jumpsuit is made from a luxurious cady fabric that is woven using crepe yarn and retails for
about $2,790. Mrs. Trump’s heels, a pair of patent leather pointed toe
stilettos, were almost dyed-to-match this jumpsuit to create a
monochromatic ensemble.”
Not all of us can pull off a yellow jumpsuit, so I’m going for the shades. The flat-top Saint Laurent sunglasses ($350 at Nordstrom) are her trademark and I was pleased to find a similar pair on Amazon for less $10!

Mondays with Melania is a weekly feature that highlights what the First Lady is doing and wearing. BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor Lisa De Pasquale is the founder of BRIGHT. She is a columnist and the author of The Social Justice Warrior Handbook (political humor), I Wish I Might (novel) and Finding Mr. Righteous (memoir). She enjoys reading chick lit on the beach and taking photos of other people’s dogs. Follow her on Twitter at @LisaDeP and on Instagram at @Lisa_DeP. |
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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray June 24, 2019 Kesha’s ‘Rich, White, Straight Men’ Tells Exactly Who The Left Despises By Emily Jashinsky From the childlike rhyme scheme to the singsong vocals to the circus-like sound of the production, ‘Rich, White, Straight Men’ embraces the simplicity of its argument. Full article How Hope Hicks’s Testimony Again Destroyed The Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative By Margot Cleveland While the press portrayed Hope Hicks’s silence as all-inclusive, in reality she testified at length and in detail about all aspects of Trump’s presidential campaign. Full article Palestinian Leaders To United States: We Don’t Need Your Stinking Money By Erielle Davidson Boycotting a conference explicitly designed to advance the economy of the Palestinian people evinces a great deal about Palestinian leaders’ actual objectives. Full article This Group Got Black Lives Matter And Tea Party Leaders To Talk. Can The Rest Of Us? By Megan Mertz ‘I don’t know at what point we moved from disagreeing with the argument to hating the person, and that scared me. I decided I have to do something,’ says this Better Angels delegate. Full article Justice Democrats Are The New Neocons, And Should Be Opposed The Same Way By David Marcus Neocons had little popular constituency but great institutional power. Justice Democrats have little popular constituency but great cultural power. They will fall the same way. Full article Psychologists Can’t Figure Out Why Hardly Anyone Wants To Date A Trans Person By Nicole Russell A study recently found that most people are not interested in dating transgender people. But why would this be a problem? Full article Rare-Earths Mining Shows Exactly How China Cheats The United States Through ‘Free Trade’ By Kyle Sammin A game where only one side plays by the rules is rigged. We have now locked ourselves in an embrace with a corrupt regime, and it has not been to our benefit economically or morally. Full article Top 8 Takeaways From Hope Hicks’s Congressional Testimony By Margot Cleveland Former Trump communications director Hope Hicks’s testimony proved that, in addition to being beautiful, smart, and funny, she’s patriotic. And there’s no Trump-Russia collusion. Full article The CNN Ratings Disaster Would Be Worse Without Its Manufactured Audience By Brad Slager Although it draws attention for being an anti-Trump news outlet, the network is working to deflect attention away from its severe audience flight. Full article If ‘Lock Her Up’ Was An Outrage, So Is ‘Let’s Put Him In Prison’ By Jonathan S. Tobin Democrats’ threats to imprison Trump echo ‘lock her up chants’ at his rallies. What’s at stake isn’t just civility, but faith in the constitutional order. Full article How To Talk To Your Kids About Their Rights If They’re Ever Stopped By The Police By Holly Scheer Here’s how to talk to your children about their rights, how to show respect to the police, and the hard truth that officers sometimes abuse their power. Full article I Was Called A KKK Member For Asking Amazon To Support Ideological Diversity By Justin Danhof What do the terms Klan member, racist, and book burner all have in common? They were all names I was called during Amazon’s annual meeting of shareholders. Full article Corpus Christi Is One Way For Christians To Remain Visible In A Secularizing America By Casey Chalk Solemn, respectful public acts of piety like Corpus Christi are all the more necessary in an America overwhelmed by anti-faith, anti-life protests by the Left. Full article Why Trump’s Cyber Attack On Iran Was The Right Move By David Marcus Cyber attacks are the future of warfare. By launching one against Iran, Trump has increased the threat to Iran without plunging the United States into war. Full article TRUMP WEIGHS WAR WITH IRAN To the brink of strikes, then back. “President Trump approved military strikes against Iran in retaliation for downing an American surveillance drone, but pulled back from launching them on Thursday night after a day of escalating tensions.” Read more of The Transom by signing up for a free trial today. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |
06/24/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Dubious Debates; Trump’s Strategy; UFOs! By Carl M. Cannon on Jun 24, 2019 08:39 am Good morning, it’s Monday, June 24, 2019. On this date in 1947, an amateur pilot named Kenneth Albert Arnold was flying his small plane from his home in Boise, Idaho, to an air show in Oregon. He had taken a slight detour en route, one necessitating that he look out of his cockpit window with acute attentiveness: a U.S. Marine Corps transport plane had crashed recently in that area, and there was a $5,000 reward offered to anyone who found the wreckage. Although Arnold did not spot the Curtiss C-46, he did see something else interesting that afternoon, not on the ground but in the air. When he discussed it during a refueling stop at a small airstrip in Yakima, Wash., Kenneth Arnold launched a new movie genre, a coast-to-coast craze, and a national obsession — with UFOs. He would be quoted, controversially, as saying he saw “flying saucers.” That’s not precisely the phrase he used, but within a couple of weeks, President Truman was discussing flying disks with White House reporters. In a moment, I’ll have a further word on this subject, which I first wrote about four years ago. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * The Dubious DNC Debates. Bill Scher argues that flaws in the criteria for inclusion have kept out two candidates with credible resumes while two others with no qualifications made it through the door. Murder on the Campaign Express: All the Dems Did It. Frank Miele offers some advice regarding the president’s 2020 messaging. American Nationalism: It’s Real…and It’s Spectacular. Steve Cortes asserts that the term is defined not by race but by shared values. A Madisonian Remedy to the Social Media Revolution. Peter Berkowitz assesses a new book by Glenn Harlan Reynolds, “The Social Media Upheaval.” Innovative Gun Control Idea Gains Support. Jack Beyrer explores the use of Extreme Risk Protection Orders to temporarily take firearms from someone behaving in ways that suggest potential violence. 2020 Women: Overlooked But Not Forgotten. Lauren Leader applauds the accomplishments of the six female candidates who will take the stage this week at the Democratic primary debates. Trump Isn’t Afraid to Stand Up to the Big China Lobby. Jon Toomey writes that plenty of U.S. businesses are behind the president despite media coverage of those opposed. * * * By 1947, Americans were attuned to the awesome, and sometimes frightening, power of technology. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had taught everyone that lesson. And even before the Second World War, Orson Welles’ 1938 “War of the Worlds” broadcast wasn’t merely viewed as a metaphor for the destruction beginning to erupt around the globe. It was also a frightening campfire story about unknown threats from the heavens. In this milieu Kenneth Arnold flew his small plane over Mount Rainier when something caught his eye. He saw the flash of a bright light with a bluish tinge, which he initially thought came from another airplane. Looking around, he saw a DC-4, which he estimated to be 15 miles away, heading in the opposite direction. Then he saw another series of flashing lights, nine in succession, and, even stranger, a series of airborne objects that he estimated were stretched over a distance of five miles. Moving in unison, they weaved from side to side, he said, darting like “the tail of a Chinese kite.” Attempting to calculate their speed, the pilot clocked how long it took the mysterious fleet to travel between Mount Rainer and Mount Adams, and concluded that they were traveling 1,700 miles an hour. This assessment is what convinced some people — and convinces UFO enthusiasts to this day — that Kenneth Arnold was witnessing extraterrestrial avionics at work. That airspeed, after all, is more than twice the speed of sound, and Chuck Yeager wouldn’t go supersonic for another four months. I think Arnold was looking at a flock of geese, and he miscalculated their speed because he misjudged how far away they were. But his imagination was off and running, and when he told the ground crews and hangers-on at the Yakima airstrip what he’d seen, they tended to believe him. Or, at least, they passed it along. By the time Arnold arrived at the air show in Pendleton, Ore., his tale had preceded him. A local reporter interviewed him, the story went out on the wires and made newspapers all over the country. Arnold didn’t really call the objects “flying saucers.” What he said was that “they flew like … a saucer being tossed across the water.” Famed CBS newsman Edward R. Murrow would later call this a “historic misquote,” but it seems to me that the paraphrase is pretty close and that if there’s a fault, it lies with Arnold. In any event, reports of “flying saucers” spiked in this country, and by the time a military weather balloon crashed outside Roswell, N.M., on July 8, 1947, witnesses immediately thought of flying saucers and spacemen. Two days later, Harry Truman was asked about this phenomenon at a White House press conference. “Mr. President,” he was asked, “have you seen any flying saucers?” “Only in the newspapers,” he replied with a laugh. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) |
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Getting too much email? Unsubscribe | Manage subscriptionsMeet the Press: First Read <>Mon 6/24/2019 08:38
From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: In one interview, Trump mentioned Obama, his wife and “Obamacare” 23 times
Two and a half years into his presidency,
Donald Trump still has Barack Obama on his mind.
Trump mentioned Obama, his wife and “Obamacare” 23 times in
his interview on “Meet the Press” – when he was asked only four direct questions that involved the former president.
some of those mentions contained outright falsehoods.
AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
Here’s a partial list:
cannot have nuclear weapons [regarding Iran]. And they would have had
them with President Obama. He gave them $150 billion…”
(In fact, the Iran nuclear deal was forged to keep Iran from nuclear weapons, and
the $150 billion wasn’t U.S. money – it was Iran’s money
frozen in international financial institutions around the world.)
“Obama had a lousy economy. It was a dead economy.”
(In fact, the state of the economy
has been fairly consistent between Obama’s second term and Trump’s first two years in office – with Obama enjoying
slightly higher job-creation numbers and Trump with
slightly higher GDP numbers. But in no way was the economy “dead” under Obama.)
“[U]nder President Obama you had separation [of migrant families]. I was the one that ended it.”
(In fact, it was Trump’s administration that started this zero-tolerance policy, while
there was no
similar actual policy by the Obama administration.)
“I’m about great health care. Obamacare is a disaster. I got rid of the individual mandate.”
[DeWine in Ohio] won. Georgia, President Obama was there. Oprah was
there. Michelle Obama was there. It was going to be a big celebration.
[Stacey Abrams] was the star of the party. I went there for Brian.
Brian Kemp. Brian Kemp won. Florida, Ron DeSantis…”
Every new president
tends to be his predecessor’s opposite.
But Trump just says it more than past presidents – and often inaccurately.
Three retreats in three weeks
In less than three weeks, President Trump has made three different retreats: 1. Reaching a deal with Mexico to avert tariffs – a deal that largely consisted of actions that Mexico had already agreed to. 2. Backing down on military strikes against Iran for shooting down a U.S. surveillance drone. 3. Delaying his plan for nationwide raids to deport undocumented immigrants. Indeed, on foreign policy, the New York Times’ Nick Kristof points out that MAXIMUM Trump pressure – on China, Venezuela, the Palestinians and Iran – hasn’t worked out all that well so far. Robert Franklin/South Bend Tribune via AP Big trouble in little South Bend Pete Buttigieg has had a charmed run for the presidency. Until now. “South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg was peppered with tough questions Sunday as he sat alongside the city’s police chief at a town hall event following a white police officer shooting a black man to death one week prior,” NBC’s Josh Lederman and Allan Smith write. More: “Buttigieg was repeatedly shouted down and met with profanities and heckles as he spoke during the extremely tense and emotional town hall meeting at a local high school about last weekend’s shooting.” These are maybe the most damning statistics for Buttigieg when it comes to South Bend’s police force: “The department had 26 African American officers in 2014, according to news reports at the time, meaning a little more than 10% of the 253-officer department was black. There are now 13 black officers in the South Bend Police force, according to numbers released by the department, leaving the force 88% white and just over 5% black,” per CNN. “That steady decline in African American officers is opposite to the demographic makeup of South Bend. According to the 2010 census, the city is 26% African American.” It’s hard being a sitting executive – either a mayor or governor – running for president. 2020 VISION: Pre-debate plans Two days before the first Democratic presidential debate of the 2020 season, the Dem hopefuls are out announcing policy plans. Bernie Sanders is unveiling a plan to wipe away $1.6 trillion of student debt – paid for by a tax on Wall Street speculations, per NBC’s Gary Grumbach, Shaquille Brewster and Savannah Sellers. Joe Biden lays out his immigration/Latin America plan in a Miami Herald op-ed: “The next president must institute effective immigration reform while restoring regional policies grounded in respect.” And Beto O’Rourke introduces his plan to support U.S. veterans. On the campaign trail today: Bernie Sanders – along with Reps. Jayapal and Omar – unveils a college-affordability plan on Capitol Hill… Beto O’Rourke holds a vets roundtable in Tampa., Fla… Julian Castro holds a media avail in Miami… And Jay Inslee makes a policy announcement in Fort. Lauderdale, Fla. DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… 16. That’s the number of women who have come forward with allegations of some form of sexual assault by President Trump. The latest, writer and columnist E. Jean Carroll, said in a magazine piece released Friday that Trump violently attacked her in a department store dressing room in 1995 or 1996. Additional women have accused the president of walking in on them while they were undressing at a beauty pageant. The White House has dismissed all of the women’s statements as fabricated. TWEET OF THE DAY: A diverse field – that’s become less diverse. ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss Pete Buttigieg is learning the tough parts of campaigning for president as a mayor, Josh Lederman writes. How did Joe Biden play in South Carolina after a week of stories about his past work with segregationists? Mike Memoli reports that his rivals seemed reluctant to exploit his vulnerabilities directly. Heidi Przybyla notes that Bernie Sanders has evaded criticism for his vote on the 1994 crime bill. The New York Times reports on how the Democratic candidates are preparing for this week’s debate. Thanks for reading. If you’re a fan, please forward this to a friend. They can sign up here. We love hearing from our readers, so shoot us a line here with your comments and suggestions. Thanks, Chuck, Mark and Carrie |
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NOQ Report Daily |
- Tulsi doubles down
- Maxine Waters repeats Iranian talking points while pretending to represent Americans
- Colion Noir on the disingenuous intent of gun registration
- Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation
- Joy Villa on being called the ‘N-word’
- Second loss in Istanbul marks the beginning of the end for Erdogan, if he will allow it
- Deportation orders must be enforced or we aren’t a sovereign nation
- How much could peace in the Middle East cost? Around $50 billion, according to Kushner’s plan.
Tulsi doubles down Posted: 24 Jun 2019 04:03 AM PDT SETTING THE SCENE Presidential candidates and other politicians cannot rely upon consensus to determine which path to take. But they do need to listen to what the people are saying. Tulsi Gabbard is more than just a presidential candidate and a politician. There is no realistic expectation that the Democratic National Committee will rein her […] The post Tulsi doubles down appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Maxine Waters repeats Iranian talking points while pretending to represent Americans Posted: 23 Jun 2019 08:48 PM PDT Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) is arguably the least honest person on Capitol Hill, and that’s saying a lot. Her latest display of late-stage Trump Derangement Syndrome came in the form of a Tweet that ignores American intelligence reports while calling the leaders of our armed forces liars. Instead, she chose to get her talking points […] The post Maxine Waters repeats Iranian talking points while pretending to represent Americans appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Colion Noir on the disingenuous intent of gun registration Posted: 23 Jun 2019 07:57 PM PDT It was the ideal “good guy with a gun” story, at least at first. Two home invaders broke into an elderly man’s house. Thankfully, the man had inherited a gun from his father, which likely saved his life. Instead of succumbing to violence from the home invaders, as so many victims face daily, this many […] The post Colion Noir on the disingenuous intent of gun registration appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:33 PM PDT The left should be absolutely outraged by implications that pedophilia is a sexual orientation. The notion takes away from arguments that homosexuality and bisexuality are immutable and acceptable for the human race despite biological evidence supporting heterosexuality as the “proper” path. We can have those debates and there is definitely evidence that many people who […] The post Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Joy Villa on being called the ‘N-word’ Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:08 PM PDT “The only time I’ve ever been called the N-word derogatorily is from other people of color or White liberals.” – Joy Villa Joy Villa made a huge splash when she came out as a Trump supporter. She’s an African-America in the entertainment industry, making her a rare conservative demographically. As a result, she has been […] The post Joy Villa on being called the ‘N-word’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Second loss in Istanbul marks the beginning of the end for Erdogan, if he will allow it Posted: 23 Jun 2019 04:10 PM PDT We will soon see the true colors of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. His party lost the election for Mayor of Istanbul for the second time and by a much larger margin than the original “contested” election that was voided over “irregularities.” Now, there is no ambiguity about the will of the people, sending a […] The post Second loss in Istanbul marks the beginning of the end for Erdogan, if he will allow it appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Deportation orders must be enforced or we aren’t a sovereign nation Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:45 AM PDT Democrats and the media are licking their lips in anticipation of stories coming out of the illegal immigration industry in America once ICE acts on deportation orders reportedly starting in two weeks after an odd delay, possibly prompted by a leak by acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan. They’re ready to pounce on the President […] The post Deportation orders must be enforced or we aren’t a sovereign nation appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
How much could peace in the Middle East cost? Around $50 billion, according to Kushner’s plan. Posted: 23 Jun 2019 06:05 AM PDT 99 times out of a 100, any time there’s a new program or initiative being introduced by the United States government that has any significant price tag, I instantly balk. The only way we could afford to spend an extra dollar is if Congress cancels spending two dollars somewhere else. Even then, it would take […] The post How much could peace in the Middle East cost? Around $50 billion, according to Kushner’s plan. appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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