Remembering Andrew Breitbart

(NOTE: Some of the photos and videos in the original article had been removed, so I added a couple of photos I found)

It has been 10 years to the day that Andrew Breitbart had died, On March 2, 2013, I wrote this editorial remembering Andrew Breitbart:

On March 7, 2012, I had written this blog entry paying tribute to Andrew Breitbart.

I know we are only 65 days into the year, and we lost a great Conservative Patriot 6 days ago, but this has to be said. If there is anything we will take away from this year, it is the tag of #IAmBreitbart, just like 2011 was the year of #IAmJohnGalt in memory of the movie “Atlas Shrugged: Part 1” which opened on April 15, 2011.

I might not have met Andrew Breitbart, but had seen him on Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld and also in a few YouTube videos where he confronted the Occupy Wall street people as well as some who opposed the Tea Party. Through those incidents I feel as if I had known Andrew Breitbart, and will uphold his legacy of citizen journalism and blow the whistle on those who seek to cause harm to the country.

Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012

Andrew Breitbart doing what he does best in exposing Occupy Wall Street for the troublemakers they are.

And this wonderful pic (h/t Sarah Rumpf of Sunshine State Sarah) of Dana Loesch and Company. (pic taken by Chris Loesch) with the tweet posted


— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 7, 2012

L-R: Joel Pollak, Christian Hartsock, Meredith Dake, Larry O’Connor, Dana Loesch, Mike Flynn, John Nolte, Pam Key, Alex Marlow, Ben Shapiro, in Los Angeles on the day of Andrew Breitbart’s memorial service. Dana Loesch/Instagram.

It has been a year ago today that he had died, and those words ring true today as they did back then. Andrew Breitbart was a happy warrior, one who knew that in order to win the political war you first have to conquer and win the cultural war.

Last month, I had written the blog entry Alinsky vs. Breitbart and based on what I had seen over the past year from those on the Left and even from those on the Right, it just goes to show that I was right. This battle is not conservative v. liberal or even Republican v. Democrat. Rather, it is Saul Alinsky v. Andrew Breitbart. Barack Obama has been so successful in using Alinsky tactics to further divide and tear this country apart that at times it seems like nobody will be able to stand up to him. Well Andrew Breitbart had provided the tools to stand up to Obama and push back against the false narratives in his book Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World for us to use. We just have to actually go out there and DO it and not be afraid of whatever the consequences might be. The question is: Will you be willing to stand with me in using those tactics to fight the Alinsky tactics, or are you against me? Like Andrew said at CPAC last year, “If you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with a certain candidate, more than shame on you! You’re on the other side!” While there is no nominee to stand behind now, the fight still wages on. Andrew said this is a #WAR; I say #ThisMeansWAR. The internet is our battleground; our keyboards, cell phones, webcams, digital cameras, and iPods are the weapons we use. Andrew paved the way for us, now let’s go out there and make him proud of his work.

Those words still ring true today. Andrew Breitbart is a legend in the New media industry, and there are many who still uphold his work. I am one of them with this blog, Larry O’Connor (who used to work with Andrew at from 2009 to 2012 and who currently has a radio talk show at WMAL out of Washington DC) is another. James O’Keefe (who because of the videos which Andrew had posted stopped ACORN and also launched Project Veritas) is yet another. The list goes on. Also, like I said in prior entries, the war is still going on. The names and faces of the enemy might have changed, but the philosophy remains the same.

Next week, I will begin going over the Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries that Andrew wrote about in Chapter 7 of his book Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save The World, working on one rule per week. Hopefully, more people will read and realize that they need to figure out which side of the political and cultural war they are on. As Larry O’Connor and company mentioned in a discussion at CPAC a couple of days ago, Andrew Breitbart knew politics is downstream of culture, and that is how the left had been controlling the world. They won the cultural war, and then the political war came right afterward. Republicans and Conservatives are focusing on the political war, but what happens in Hollywood and Broadway is more important than what happens in a stuffy federal office in Washington DC.