The Morning Dispatch: CPAC Rallies Around Trump

Plus: Playing chicken with Iran, and the State Department’s new “Khashoggi ban.”

(Photograph by Joe Raedle/Getty Images.)

Happy Monday! And just like that, it’s March.

Quick Hits: Today’s Top Stories

  • The Food and Drug Administration on Saturday formally issued an emergency use authorization for Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose COVID-19 vaccine. Manufacturers will begin shipping doses of the vaccine around the country this week, but supply is expected to initially be somewhat limited before ramping up in April and May.
  • The House passed President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 aid package early Saturday almost entirely along party lines. The legislation now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to be reformed somewhat to comply with budget reconciliation rules.
  • The White House declassified an intelligence report on Friday that found Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the 2018 operation to “capture or kill Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.” The Biden administration, however, has opted against directly punishing bin Salman, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying the United States’ “relationship with Saudi Arabia is bigger than any one individual.”
  • A second former staffer to Andrew Cuomo accused the New York governor of sexual harassment over the weekend, leading Democratic lawmakers to call for an independent investigation into the charges. Cuomo said in a statement on Sunday that some of his comments “have been misinterpreted as an unwanted flirtation,” adding that “to the extent anyone felt that way, I am truly sorry about that.” New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office will oversee an investigation into the allegations.
  • Hong Kong officials charged 47 pro-democracy activists figures with violating the region’s strict, Chinese Communist Party-backed national security law. Police said the figures were accused of “conspiracy to commit subversion.”
  • Burmese security forces killed at least 18 people on Sunday and detained hundreds more as widespread protests against last month’s military coup stretched into their fourth week.
  • The United States confirmed 51,367 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday per the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Dashboard, with 3.9 percent of the 1,329,497 tests reported coming back positive. An additional 1,097 deaths were attributed to the virus on Sunday, bringing the pandemic’s American death toll to 513,091. According to the COVID Tracking Project, 47,352 Americans are currently hospitalized with COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 2,429,823 COVID-19 vaccine doses were administered yesterday, bringing the nationwide total to 75,236,003.

CPAC Rallies Around Trump

The arrival of March has driven it home for us: We’ve been doing this pandemic song and dance for an entire year. One particularly staggering piece of anecdotal data for you Morning Dispatchers:Andrew was sitting in the press gallery at last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, reading articles on the arriving virus during a lull in the proceedings, when it first struck him that maybe this thing was going to be a bigger deal than we’d previously thought.

A year later, CPAC has come around again under very different circumstances: The entire conference moved to Florida to avoid pandemic restrictions. And, of course, the political circumstances are very different now than they were then. Andrew spent the weekend following the proceedings, and wrote about it for the site. Trump remains a favorite, he found, in large part because both the speakers and the attendees seemingly saw it as settled science that the election had been wrongfully stolen from him:

So how did Trump escape the twin stigmas of loser and arsonist at CPAC? Simple: It was a major theme of the conference that Trump hadn’t lost, not really. In panel after panel, speakers argued that the media and the Democrats had conspired to pull off an election fraud of historic proportions against the president and the country.

One Friday discussion, for instance, tackled the question: If the election was fraudulently stolen, why didn’t the judges who heard the lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign step in and offer relief? The crack panel assembled to tackle the question included the Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky, Fox News contributor Deroy Murdock, and Trump attorney Jesse Binnall.

Why didn’t the judges look at the evidence? “It’s very interesting, because judges even in ordinary election contests are very reluctant to overturn an election,” von Spakovsky offered. “And when it becomes an extraordinary election contest, one with national implications, and one in which they risk being attacked by one of the political parties, the pundits, and the news media, their reluctance to do anything gets even greater.”

“When you have judges that are taking on these cases,” Binnall added, “they’re also going home and watching the media. So when the media has this narrative that there is no voter fraud, that it’s debunked, that it’s baseless, and they say the same thing over and over again … judges are actually at home watching that. And they don’t want to be the first one to go out there to say that the emperor has no clothes.”

Does this mean, the moderator went on to ask, that all this evidence is just “accumulating in boxes around the country”? “Well, it may be shredded by now,” Murdock replied. “Maybe. Well, probably.”

With Trump remaining the attendees’ heir apparent for 2024, other potential candidates struggled to get out from under his shadow:

Sen. Ted Cruz, having plainly internalized that what the base wants is less hard-nosed policy positioning and more a constant stream of cultural grievances, embarked on protracted riffs about erstwhile Mandalorian actress Gina Carano, Mr. Potato Head, and media criticism of his recent trip to Cancun. Sen. Tom Cotton reminded everyone that the New York Times published an op-ed of his over the summer, which made some Times employees—“the little social justice warriors … all these children”—upset. Sen. Rick Scott delivered a halting address about the importance of GOP unity, although most of his jokes fell flat and he seemingly got lost in his notes, repeating a line twice about the importance of fighting for conservative values boldly and without apologizing to anyone. The crowd applauded politely at the appropriate times.

Others staked out their own ground more successfully. Sen. Josh Hawley, who has proven a singular talent at taking base-pleasing positions that at least nominally also comport with classically liberal principles, got huge applause when he bragged about contesting the election results on January 6. But in Hawley’s telling, that move was simply in the interest of provoking “a debate about election integrity”: “If we can’t have free and open debate in this country, we’re not going to have a country left. If we can’t have free and open debate according to the laws in the United States Senate, what good is the United States Senate? … I thought it was an important stand to take. And for that the left has come after me. They’ve tried to silence me. They canceled a book.”

Another hit came from South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, whose singular refusal to impose statewide COVID measures of the sort employed by every other state made her a right-wing folk hero of sorts over the last year. Amid the standard-issue shots at the media and targets like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Gov. Noem made the case that hers had been the route of governance in true accordance with small-government principles, and that her state’s economy had not suffered the same damage as others as a result.

The Latest on Iran

Last Monday, we wrote about the White House’s posture toward Iran. The Biden administration appeared to be so desperate to jumpstart nuclear talks with Tehran that it was willing to overlook repeat provocations—including rocket attacks on a U.S. base in northern Iraq.

A lot has changed in seven days. On President Biden’s orders, the United States conducted a series of airstrikes Thursday night targeting facilities used by Iranian-backed militia groups in Syria. A Defense Department spokesman said the strikes were “authorized in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq,” and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters the administration was “confident” the target of the airstrikes “was being used by the same Shia militia that conducted the strikes [against Americans in Iraq].”

President Biden was asked by a reporter Friday what message he hoped to send Iran with the offensive, which a Pentagon spokesman confirmed resulted in an unspecified number of casualties. “You can’t act with impunity,” Biden responded. “Be careful.”

(An Iraqi militia official told the Associated Press the U.S. strikes killed one and wounded several others.)

Jason Brodsky, policy director at United Against Nuclear Iran, believes the recent attacks on American assets in Iraq were a “test” of the Biden administration—and the White House passed.

“After a few attacks, there was no response, and there was some concern, especially in the United States, that we would be once again ignoring or dismissing Iran’s regional provocations in order to make nuclear diplomacy with the Islamic Republic work,” he told The Dispatch. “But the Biden administration, to their credit, said no, Iran will be held responsible for its regional aggression, despite the fact that we are pursuing nuclear diplomacy. … I think it shows that Joe Biden is not necessarily Barack Obama on these issues.”

Biden Administration’s Saudi Arabia Game Theory

President Biden on Friday approved the release of a four-page intelligence report concluding that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman—also known as MBS—approved the October 2018 operation “to capture or kill” Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. MBS has long been suspected of having a role in the gruesome killing of Khashoggi: The CIA concluded in November 2018 MBS was behind it, according to “people familiar with the matter.” But Friday’s report was the first time the U.S. intelligence community put forth their conclusions on the record.

The report did not include the horrific details of Khashoggi’s kidnapping, murder, and subsequent dismemberment in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. It did, however, trace his assassination to a 15-member team of elite Saudi security officials, including seven members of the crown prince’s elite protective detail, who operate under the “absolute control” of bin Salman.

The report’s publication was accompanied by sanctions and restrictions for the perpetrators of the attack, but the Biden administration opted against directly punishing bin Salman himself.

Worth Your Time

  • In a deeply reported and informative piece on the Chinese prison state of Xinjiang, Ben Mauk of The New Yorker provides rare, firsthand accounts of life inside a genocide. “The retirement home’s dormitory bedrooms had been transformed into prison cells with triple-locking metal doors and surveillance cameras,” Mauk writes. “For several hours each day, [prisoners] watched state-produced news broadcasts, documentaries, and speeches by President Xi Jinping. Video cameras kept them under constant surveillance. … The detainees were never allowed outside.”
  • The public health messaging surrounding COVID-19 has, over the past year, often been confusing and contradictory, preventing the United States’ response from being as robust and effective as possible. Zeynep Tufekci highlights five pandemic mistakes we keep repeating in a piece for The Atlantic. “One of the most important problems undermining the pandemic response has been the mistrust and paternalism that some public-health agencies and experts have exhibited toward the public,” she writes. “Much of the public messaging focused on offering a series of clear rules to ordinary people, instead of explaining in detail the mechanisms of viral transmission for this pathogen.”

Presented Without Comment

Also Presented Without Comment

Siraj Hashmi in Gitmo @SirajAHashmi

for playing a made-up character on TV, Andrew Cuomo really deserves that Emmy

Also Also Presented Without Comment

William Turton @WilliamTurton

#CPAC #AmericaUncancelled

Toeing the Company Line

  • In Sunday’s French Press, David dives into the “Seven Mountain Mandate,” an Evangelical concept that essentially argues that, to create Godly change in America, Christians should be in the highest positions of power in all aspects of life. David argues that this is a warped interpretation of how the Bible calls Christians to really live their life.
  • Over the weekend, Jonah gave us both an extra-long G-Fileand a “feature-length” episode of The Ruminant. In both, Jonah provides his take on two pieces from earlier in the week: Scott Alexander’s plea for Republicans to center their arguments around class, and Bill Kristol’s trial balloon regarding anti-Trump Republicans moving into the Democratic column.
  • In his confirmation hearing last week, Xavier Becerra claimed he “never sued any nuns” in his role as attorney general of California. Turns out, the truth is a little more complicated than that. Alec Dent dug into the claim in his latest Dispatch Fact Check.
  • Sarah continued her quest to find the perfect chicken sandwich over the weekend, adding new sandwiches and spicy versions to her original pool: McDonald’s, Chick-fil-a, Wendy’s, Shake Shack, and more.

Let Us Know

There’s an old saying about March: It comes in like a lion, and it will go out like a lamb.

Usually, that’s in reference to the weather. But what’s your prediction for what life will be like at the end of the month? Where will we be on the “back-to-normal” scale?

Reporting by Declan Garvey (@declanpgarvey), Andrew Egger (@EggerDC), Haley Byrd Wilt (@byrdinator), Audrey Fahlberg (@FahlOutBerg), Charlotte Lawson (@charlotteUVA), Ryan Brown (@RyanP_Brown), and Steve Hayes (@stephenfhayes).