The Morning Dispatch: Trump Creates Roadblocks for Biden Transition

Plus: A rash of eleventh-hour firings at the Pentagon.

Happy Thursday! We hope you all had a wonderful Veterans Day yesterday and were able to take some time to reflect on the service and sacrifice of the servicemen and women who have devoted their lives to our country.

Quick Hits: Today’s Top Stories

  • President-elect Joe Biden announced yesterday that his longtime aide Ron Klain will serve as White House chief of staff. Klain has worked with Biden off and on since the 1980s, and he served as the White House Ebola response coordinator from 2014 to 2015.
  • Days after GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler called on him to resign over vague “failures” they did not provide evidence to support, Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced Wednesday that Georgia will conduct a by-hand recount of all 5 million presidential votes cast last week. Raffensperger doesn’t believe the recount will affect Joe Biden’s current lead in the state. “I have faith in the accuracy of the electronic voting machines,” he told the Wall Street Journal yesterday. “I believe the results are accurate.”
  • Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer were both reelected to lead their respective conferences. With GOP Sens. Thom Tillis and Dan Sullivan both winning their races in North Carolina and Alaska, control of the Senate in the next Congress will come down to two runoff elections in Georgia on January 5.
  • Facebook and Google are extending their election-season bans on political ads, likely for at least another month. “While multiple sources have projected a presidential winner,” Facebook reportedly wrote in an email to advertisers, “we still believe it’s important to help prevent confusion or abuse on our platform.”
  • The United States confirmed 155,912 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday per the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Dashboard, with 11.3 percent of the 1,381,858 tests reported coming back positive. An additional 2,001 deaths were attributed to the virus on Wednesday, bringing the pandemic’s American death toll to 241,619. According to the COVID Tracking Project, 65,368 Americans are currently hospitalized with COVID-19.

Trump Administration Blocks Biden’s Transition Team

We’re now five days past Saturday, November 8—when most media decision desks projected Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election—and the Trump administration is still refusing to cooperate with Biden’s presidential transition team. Asked about this stonewalling on Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo first laughed and said “there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” before adding that he’s “very confident that we will do all the things that are necessary to make sure that the United States government will continue to perform its national security function as we go forward.”

The administration instructed federal agencies on Monday not to cooperate with Biden’s transition team. “We have been told: Ignore the media, wait for it to be official from the government,” one official told the Washington Post.

The transition becomes “official from the government” once Emily Murphy—a Trump political appointee who serves as the administrator of the General Services Administration (GSA)—issues a letter of ascertainment recognizing Biden’s win. That has yet to happen.

Without such approval, Biden officials said on a call with reporters on Monday, the Biden transition team cannot begin moving into government offices to securely discuss classified material, start background checks on potential nominees that require top-secret access, or tap into any of the federally appropriated $6.3 million in funding for the transition. They can, however, continue to access donations for the transition from organizations or individuals, which are capped at $5,000. Trump himself has not allowed Biden to begin receiving the President’s Daily Brief intelligence reports.

Clearing House at the Pentagon

Despite his ongoing refusal to concede the presidential election, President Trump has spent the last few days behaving like a man whose power has a looming expiration date. The White House has been purging top civilian officials at the Department of Defense, rattling Pentagon brass as they are replaced with personnel widely perceived to be Trump’s personal loyalists.

The first to go on Monday was Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who had reportedly butted heads with Trump since he assumed the job in July 2019. During the George Floyd demonstrations over the summer, Esper drew heat from both supporters and opponents of the sometimes-violent protests—the former for joining Trump on his infamous Lafayette Square photo op and for calling for the government to “dominate the battlespace” against protesters, the latter for breaking with President Trump by saying he did not support invoking the Insurrection Act to deploy the military for crowd control. Esper had also reportedly dragged his heels on pulling U.S. forces out of Afghanistan before a stable situation between the Afghan government and the Taliban had been reached.

Esper appeared to see the blow coming last week, giving an uncharacteristically frank interview to Military Times where he argued explicitly he’s refused to be a “yes man” to the president. “Have you ever seen me on a stage saying, ‘Under the exceptional leadership of blah-blah-blah, we have blah-blah-blah-blah?” Esper said. (Answer: Yes.)

Trump’s pick to replace Esper is Christopher Miller, a former Army Special Forces officer who recently became director of the National Counterterrorism Center. While Miller’s leap from the NCTC to heading up the entire DoD raised some eyebrows, he’s a well-respected veteran who was (as Trump pointed out) confirmed to his former role without objection by the Senate three months ago.

But Esper’s ouster opened the door for Trump and Miller to bring on several more new staffers Tuesday, and those are much more controversial. Acting policy chief James Anderson was replaced by retired Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata, a frequent Fox News guest whom Trump had nominated for the job earlier this year. His nomination was withdrawn, however, after it came to light he had called President Obama a “terrorist leader” and shared an article calling him a “Manchurian candidate” in now-deleted tweets.

Worth Your Time

  • Thanksgiving is going to look a whole lot different this year, but it is coming up. Whether you’re still planning to travel to be with family or are staying put, the New York Times’ Food Department’s compilation of their staff’s 21 favorite Thanksgiving recipe ideas is a fun read. “If the usual cook isn’t cooking and the table isn’t full, why stick with exactly the same food?” writes Emily Fleischaker. From new spins on classics like roast turkey and pecan pie, to more unorthodox Thanksgiving dishes like hot crab dip and squash on toast, you’ll have plenty of ideas for your Thanksgiving table.
  • Is Florida Democrats’ new Wisconsin—a state full of voters that party officials took for granted, and lost? In a piece for the New Yorker, Stephania Taladrid outlines how the Biden campaign consistently ignored warnings from ground-level staffers in Florida about the Latino vote slipping away from them. It “was clear that the resources for the Hispanic team were an afterthought,” Chris Wills—Biden’s Hispanic vote director in South Florida—told Taladrid. The Biden campaign failed to provide consistent funding, coordination, or even much attention to get-out-the-vote efforts.  Wills said he “literally had to stand at an A.T.M. to find out how much Wells Fargo would allow me to overdraw to pull out one of these events,” buying stickers and buttons on his own dime. Latino Democrats in Florida are disappointed and frustrated: Mille Raphael, a Latino-outreach associate, told supporters at an election night event that the “campaign did not give you the resources that you needed to do your jobs.”

Presented Without Comment

Josh Jordan @NumbersMuncher

Ronna Romney McDaniel had to delete this tweet because it admitted that Trump lost the election. 😂

Toeing the Company Line

  • Mark Esper’s sudden dismissal from the Trump administration and the accompanying firing spree of numerous other Pentagon officials has raised both questions and alarm bells in the national security world. On Wednesday’s Dispatch Podcast, Sarah and the guys break down competing theories regarding what the Pentagon purge is all about. Plus, they discuss emerging arguments surrounding the future of the post-Trump GOP, ongoing election lawsuits, and the conspiratorial trajectory of conservative media.
  • Speaking of “emerging arguments surrounding the future of the post-Trump GOP,” it’s Jonah’s midweek G-File (🔒)! In it, he takes aim at the conservatives who, based on early exit polls, trumpet the arrival of a new “workers’ party.” While Sens. Tom Cotton and Marco Rubio argue that Trump’s success these past five years demonstrates the unpopularity of free market fundamentalism, Jonah thinks it had more to do with the man himself. “The real lesson of the Trumpification of the GOP isn’t that it’s become more ‘pro-worker’—whatever that is supposed to mean—but that it became simply ‘pro-Trump,’” he writes. “You think more finely crafted subsidies for dying industries or more clever tax credits is going to put asses in the seats at a Pence 2024 rally?”

Reporting by Declan Garvey (@declanpgarvey), Andrew Egger (@EggerDC), Audrey Fahlberg (@FahlOutBerg), Charlotte Lawson (@charlotteUVA), James P. Sutton (@jamespsuttonsf), and Steve Hayes (@stephenfhayes).

Photograph by Joe Raedle/Getty Images.