Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Friday August 21, 2020


August 21 2020

Good morning from Washington, where identity politics threaten to overwhelm equality under the law. A new book by Heritage Foundation scholar Mike Gonzalez lays out how bad it’s become, our Jarrett Stepman writes. Will the resignation of Seattle’s police chief prove to be a turning point in the lawlessness? Jason Rantz sounds off. On the podcast, we talk to a barber who took on his home state to do his dream job. Plus: school districts charge parents twice; good news on entitlements; and a new low in pop music. On this date in 1959, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs a proclamation admitting Hawaii as the 50th state. Have a great weekend.

‘Plot to Change America’ Driven by Identity Politics
By Jarrett Stepman
Identity politics is now everywhere. It’s embraced by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, corporate America, the media, and, of course, academia.
Can One Resignation Save Seattle’s Police Force—and the City?
By Jason Rantz
Instead of being turned off by criminal behavior, City Council members kept supporting the mob’s wishes. But they ran into problems fulfilling their pledge to defund the police.
Trump Keeps His Distance After Bannon’s Indictment in Wall Scheme
By Fred Lucas
“I know nothing about the project other than I didn’t like it when I read about it,” the president says of ex-aide Steve Bannon’s indictment for fraud.
Barber Cuts Red Tape to Pursue His Dream
By Virginia Allen
Elias Zarate was told he couldn’t pursue his dream of being a barber in Tennessee because he didn’t have a high school diploma.
Double-Dipping: Empty Schools Charge Parents for Day Care
By Lindsey Burke
When a business shuts its doors, it normally doesn’t get to charge customers for a product they no longer can access. It certainly doesn’t get to charge customers twice for the privilege.
3 Ways Trump Administration Saves on Medicare, Medicaid Costs
By Fred Lucas
“The president is not afraid to take on special interests to make the health care system more sustainable,” Medicare and Medicaid chief Seema Verma tells The Daily Signal.
What Cardi B’s Song ‘WAP’ Gets Wrong
By Rachel del Guidice
Since when does female empowerment, or empowerment period, equate with sexualization?

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“We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom.”




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Steve Bannon Pleads Not Guilty on Fraud Charges, Released on Bail

Steve Bannon Pleads Not Guilty on Fraud Charges, Released on Bail

Riot Takes Place in Portland Hours After Police Chief Offers Solution to Violence

Riot Takes Place in Portland Hours After Police Chief Offers Solution to Violence

DNC Second Night Viewership Drops 22 Percent Compared to 2016

DNC Second Night Viewership Drops 22 Percent Compared to 2016

Tens of Thousands Ordered to Evacuate as Lightning-Sparked Fires Rage Across California

Tens of Thousands Ordered to Evacuate as Lightning-Sparked Fires Rage Across California

Trump Considering Replacing Goodyear Tires on Presidential Car

Trump Considering Replacing Goodyear Tires on Presidential Car

T-Cell Immunity Underestimated in Predictions for COVID-19 Herd Immunity: Study

T-Cell Immunity Underestimated in Predictions for COVID-19 Herd Immunity: Study

Trump, Biden Diverge Sharply on Border Security, Immigration

Trump, Biden Diverge Sharply on Border Security, Immigration

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Why are mathematicians saying 2+2 doesn’t necessarily equal 4? Why are protestors toppling statues of not only slave owners but also abolitionists?

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Your First Look at Today’s Top Stories – Daybreak Insider
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Biden Speech Concludes Democratic Convention

And he managed to stay on task quite well, though the speech lacked any specifics (Fox News).   From Mark Hemingway: I don’t think it hurt him, but there was nothing memorable in that speech to talk about at all. Cliche-ridden and above-all played it safe, to a fault (Twitter).  Not everyone is buying the nice guy image the DNC is planting on Biden (Townhall). The Wall Street Journal editorial board explains “there’s cause to doubt this happily-ever-after-Trump scenario—and the reasons include the man and the times. Regarding the man, Mr. Biden has never been a politician of strong political convictions. He’s a professional partisan Democrat whose beliefs have shifted as the party’s have” (WSJ). The real strangeness on the night came from actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus and her awful humor, presumably not her fault (Fox News).

Chicago Mayor Bans Protests On Her Block

And Lori Lightfoot defended herself with this: “I have a right to make sure that my home is secure” (Chicago Tribune). From Dan Proft: She has a right to expect (and direct) police to protect her home but Chicago businesses and residents don’t have a right to the same expectation. Also, I thought all the protestors were peaceful but for a few who “hijack” the expression of their grievances. Why the concern? (Twitter).  From Amy Swearer: The “security of her home” will be enforced by armed police officers. And tomorrow she’ll probably explain to the rest of Chicago residents why *akshully* it should be harder for them to secure their own homes and businesses with firearms. Because they’re mere lowly citizens (Twitter).

Steve Bannon Arrested, Charged with Fraud

From Andrew McCarthy: “The principal scheme for accomplishing this allegedly involved paying about $1 million in We Build the Wall funds to another non-profit that Bannon controlled (with Badolato’s assistance). The indictment quotes text messages, some of them quite blunt, that shed light on the movement of We Build the Wall money to “Non-Profit-1, so that it could then be disbursed to Kolfage. For example, Kolfage is said to have worried in a text to Badolato that tax laws would require We Build the Wall to disclose payments to the non-profit; Badolato is quoted as replying, “Better than you or me lol” — an apparent allusion to the promise that We Build the Wall donations would not be paid to organizers” (National Review). From Rich Lowry: If what’s in the indictment is true, this is appalling. There’s too much grift on the right by greedy operators who claim to be the courageous representatives of the same people that they are scamming (Twitter).

Netflix Apologies for Movie Sexualizing Pre-Teens

But they only apologized for the “artwork” (NY Post). From Erick Erickson: (1) It’s not the pictures and descriptions that are the problem; (2) That you don’t realize on your own that the pictures and descriptions are not a good idea is part of the larger problem; (3) It’s not actually about the pictures and descriptions (Twitter). And in what appears to be a legitimate exchange with a customer, Netflix refused to comment on whether they support pedophilia (Twitter).

California Judge Blocks Order Forcing Uber and Lyft to Classify Drivers as Employees

The story notes “…an appeals court granted Uber and Lyft a temporary reprieve, allowing them to continue operating while the court weighs their appeal. Oral arguments in the case are set for mid-October.”

NY Times

Goodyear Backtracks, Employees Can Wear Pro Police Apparel

From the story: Goodyear Chief Executive Rich Kramer said Thursday the company had clarified its policy to make clear employees can wear apparel expressing support for law enforcement after it faced a boycott call from President Trump (NY Post). More from the company (Twitter).

California Governor Never Took the Pay Cut He Promised

His staff is calling it an “administrative error.”

Fox News

Documentary Blames Fat Stigma on Racism

We are told “whenever people start trafficking in fat-phobia, they are inherently picking up on these historical forms of oppression.”

CBS News

Portland Businesses Bailing on the City

From the story: “Businesses are leaving,” Andrew Hoan, president and CEO of the Portland Business Alliance (PBA), told KATU. “The financial consequences to the downtown corridor are a running calculation that is almost impossible to wrap your mind around,” he said — with one company already saying the riots have cost $20 million in damage and lost business (NY Post). While national media has ignored the violence in the cities, local media in Seattle have been harassed by the thugs (Red State).

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Friday, August 21, 2020

Steve Bannon

“President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was pulled from a luxury yacht and arrested Thursday on allegations that he and three associates ripped off donors trying to fund a southern border wall.” AP News

Read the indictment hereDepartment of Justice

From the Left

The left notes that Bannon’s behavior is just the latest example of criminal behavior by Trump’s advisers.
“[The wall] was not just a symbol of Trump’s promise to wind back the demographic clock (and, to the degree that some voters actually saw it this way, his vow to protect working Americans from low-skilled immigrant labor competition). It also symbolized the broader story Trump was telling. In this tale, Trump would reverse the carnage that globalization had inflicted on the industrial heartland — and by extension would challenge the unchecked global capitalism that neoliberal elites, including the GOP establishment he ran against, were enriching themselves off of…

“The charging of Bannon is so resonant because it neatly captures what a scam this whole story has turned out to be… Bannon never cared much about Trump’s populist nationalism beyond immigration, and neither did Trump. Yes, Bannon did [obsess] over China, and Trump has continued down that path with his trade wars. But these impulses also have always been more about xenophobia than populist economics, and the result here has also been a major disaster… by the way, Bannon was reportedly taken into custody while hanging out on the yacht of a Chinese billionaire.”
Greg Sargent, Washington Post

“If you’re keeping score, the group of people around the president who have been charged with crimes now includes Trump’s campaign CEO, Trump’s campaign chairman, Trump’s deputy campaign chairman, Trump’s personal lawyer, Trump’s national security adviser and Trump’s longtime friend and political adviser… But the story of Bannon’s arrest isn’t just a reflection on Trump — though it certainly is that. It’s also an extremely common story on the right and has been for decades…

“Make a donation to a Republican politician or a conservative cause and you’ll be put on a list, one that will be traded and bought and sold, so you’ll be deluged with urgent pleas for funds. And while there’s plenty of legitimate fundraising that happens this way, from the beginning, this system was awash in scammers, people who pleaded for donations but never actually used them to aid the causes they claimed.”
Paul Waldman, Washington Post

“During any previous national convention, the revelation that a sitting president’s onetime chief strategist had been arrested and indicted would have sent the challenger’s campaign scrambling to rewrite speeches and work the news into that evening’s program. Biden’s campaign, however, merely shrugged: ‘No one needed a federal indictment to know that Steve Bannon was a fraud,’ deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield told reporters when she was asked about the news on a press call.”
Russell Berman, The Atlantic

“The simple truth is that the story of Bannon is, in many ways, the story of Trump’s presidency. The billionaire businessman has attracted all sorts of third-rate political consultants, grifters and assorted hangers-on, elevated them to positions of power, cast them out of those positions and then watched as they aimed to cash in on their moment in the sun — whether via a tell-all book or, in Bannon’s case, an alleged nest-feathering scheme.”
Chris Cillizza, CNN

From the Right

The right condemns Bannon and expresses concern about the future of Trumpism.
“For Bannon, who built his entire career riding on the coattails of men more powerful than him, this is a fitting fall. Bannon spent his early career as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs and then sold his own boutique firm to French firm Societe Generale. He then rebranded himself as an anti-globalist everyman, transforming Breitbart after the death of the eponymous founder from a firebrand conservative news site into what he called ‘the platform of the alt-right.’…

“Bannon then forayed the (since tempered) radicalization of Breitbart into a top spot in the Trump campaign, setting the stage to soft-pedal his own demographic grievances while reportedly undermining the White House through a coordinated series of clandestine leaks to alt-right journalists. Luckily, Trump finally gave Sloppy Steve the boot, with ties between the two severely worsened after Bannon leaked like a sieve to serial fabulist Michael Wolff. It’s safe to say that no tears will be shed in the Oval Office today.”
Tiana Lowe, Washington Examiner

“The wall was one of Donald Trump’s biggest and boldest campaign promises and it generated a lot of excitement among his base. After he ran into a stone wall with the Democrats and their objections to funding the project, We Build the Wall became something of a rallying point and the money flowed in quickly. To find that the project was at least partly operated in a fraudulent manner by someone who was given a second chance after his past misdeeds is frustrating in the extreme.”
Jazz Shaw, Hot Air

Some argue that “Trump will hardly be the first president whose cronies got into hot water with law enforcement. Jimmy Carter had Bert Lance and Bill Clinton, the McDougals, among others. But the sheer scope and sweep of malversation surrounding Trump is breathtaking… The man who pledged to drain the swamp has singlehandedly pumped more fetid water into it than almost anyone could have conceived.”
Jacob Heilbrunn, Spectator USA

“There is a broader issue regarding the future of the conservative movement: the failure of Trumpism to put down deep institutional roots. From the 1950s to the 1980s, movement conservatives built a series of institutions of their own… and generally put the stamp of Reagan/Goldwater/Buckley style conservatism on the Republican Party and the American Right…

“Where are the Trumpist institutions? True, a few of the old institutions of the Reagan-era movement have bent to varying degrees in Trump’s direction, but some of that is just the natural tendency of political institutions to work with power. [That tendency] does not guarantee that such institutions will act as long-term intellectual guardians and advocates of Trumpism… Institutions do not survive without good stewards, and the seemingly chronic tendency of Trumpist stewards to scam their own donors and abandon their own troops on the field of battle does not bode well for the ability of such institutions to survive the transition when the White House passes out of Donald Trump’s hands.”
Dan McLaughlin, National Review

On the bright side…

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Axios AM

By Mike Allen
Mike Allen
Mike Allen

📬 Happy Friday! Situational awareness: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who testifies on the Senate side today, “has mapped out far more sweeping changes to the U.S. Postal Service than previously disclosed, considering [post-election] actions that could lead to slower mail delivery in parts of the country and higher prices,” the WashPost reports.

🇷🇺 “Russian doctors say leading opposition figure Alexei Navalny remains too ill to be transferred to Germany for treatment after a possible poisoning.” BBC

1 big thing: Biden offers himself as “ally of the light”
Supporters cheer from their cars as fireworks light up the parking lot of the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del., after Joe Biden’s acceptance speech. Photo: Carolyn Kaster/AP

In last night’s acceptance speech, Joe Biden never said President Trump’s name. The former vice president used the biggest stage of his 50 years in politics to humanize himself, with the intended subtext: “I am you. You are me.”

  • If you didn’t know anything about Biden before last night, you’d remember four things: He conquered a childhood stutter, he lost his wife and daughter [Corrected], found redemption and joy in Jill, then encountered grief again when Beau died.

Why it matters: A country burying its dead is being offered a chance to hire someone who knows how to grieve, Axios’ Hans Nichols points out.

  • The Biden campaign thinks the election will hinge on the coronavirus response.

Biden set his priorities — as well as expectations — by saying he would do on the coronavirus “what we should have done from the very beginning.”

  • “We’ll put the politics aside and take the muzzle off our experts so the public gets the information they need and deserve. The honest, unvarnished truth. They can deal with that.”
  • “We’ll have a national mandate to wear a mask — not as a burden, but to protect each other. It’s a patriotic duty.”

Between the lines: From the perspective of Trump aides, Biden did everything they wish he wouldn’t, Axios’ Alayna Treene reports.

  • He didn’t stumble or jumble, making it more difficult for Republicans to attack him as unfit.
  • “Morning” Joe Scarborough called Biden’s tone “Reaganesque.”

Biden said he “will be an ally of the light”:

The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division. …

May history be able to say that the end of this chapter of American darkness began here tonight as love and hope and light joined in the battle for the soul of the nation.

Grace note … Axios’ Margaret Talev texts: “Setting the fireworks after the speech to a song by Beau’s favorite band, Coldplay, was a way for Biden to share the milestone with a child he had hoped might ascend to the presidency himself.”

  • Axios’ David Nather and Alexi McCammond contributed reporting.

See video from the speech.

🗞️ How it’s playing … 

2. Teen says Biden helped him overcome stutter
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Photo: Democratic National Convention via AP

Brayden Harrington, 13, of Concord, N.H., spoke into a cellphone camera as he read, carefully, from a sheet of paper, AP’s Will Weissert writes.

  • “We stutter,” Brayden said in the video that aired shortly before Joe Biden’s acceptance speech.
  • The teen got stuck briefly on the “s” sound, and bravely worked his way through the word. His face showed strain but determination.
  • “It’s really amazing to hear that someone became vice president” despite stuttering, Brayden said. “He told me about a book of poems by Yeats that he would read out loud to practice.”

Brayden and Biden met in February at a CNN town hall in Concord, where Biden spoke about overcoming a severe childhood stutter.

  • After the event, Biden invited Brayden backstage to talk more about learning to control a stutter. Biden noted that he’d practiced by speaking as he looked at himself in the mirror.
  • He also gave the boy a speech he’d prepared for delivery, complete with markings he’d made on its pages that showed where he had time to take breaks and pauses so that the words would come out more smoothly.

Brayden held up that speech for convention viewers.

  • “I’m just trying to be a kid,” Brayden said. “And in a short amount of time, Joe Biden made me feel more confident about something that’s bothered me my whole life. Joe Biden cared. Imagine what he could do for all of us.”

See the video.

3. How Biden would change the game for CEOs

Nick Merrill and Dan Schwerinco-founders of Evergreen Strategy Groupwrite in Fast Company that if Joe Biden wins, “expectations for what it takes to be a values-driven company will increase.”

  • “Without the foil of President Trump, … CEOs will have to back specific policy proposals, build coalitions, and put real political muscle behind their principles.”

Merrill and Schwerin, who were top Hillary Clinton aides, have these lessons for the next phase of “stakeholder capitalism”:

  1. “If Biden replaces Trump, there will be fewer easy chances to express outrage and more hard choices to make about specific policies and legislation that could become law.”
  2. “CEOs who want to be seen as leaders will have to use their market power — not just their voice — to drive systemic change.”
  3. “There’s going to be more scrutiny of companies when their campaign contributions and lobbying budgets contradict their stated values.”

The bottom line: “Companies doubling down on their values right now are proving more resilient in the current crisis, just as they did in the last recession.”

4. ⏰ Tale of the tape: The brevity convention
Via Twitter
Via Twitter
Via Twitter
5. Hospitals suing patients in virus hotspots
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Illustration: Annelise Capossela/Axios

Almost all of the roughly two dozen Community Health Systems hospitals in Florida, Texas and Arizona have sued patients since the pandemic began, Axios’ Caitlin Owens reports.

  • Many paused or slowed down in the spring, but then resumed business as usual over the summer — when these states were being hit hardest.

Why it matters: The Americans least likely to be able to pay their medical bills are the same people who are vulnerable to the virus and its economic fallout.

  • Hospitals’ aggressive legal actions against former patients were already deeply controversial before the pandemic — before millions of people lost their jobs, and in many cases their health insurance at the same time, or had their wages cut.

Go deeper.

6. Newsrooms address diversity failures
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Illustration: Rebecca Zisser/Axios

Newsrooms around the U.S. are adding dozens of positions that involve covering race and social justice, as well as publishing statistics about their own staffs for the first time, reports Axios’ Sara Fischer.

  • Why it matters: News organizations are realizing that they can’t adequately cover the current state of affairs if their editorial teams don’t reflect the changing dynamics of their readership and the nation.

The big picture: Some of the nation’s biggest newspapers are getting on board, like the New York Times, The Washington Post and Gannett, which is  USA Today’s parent company.

  • Broadcast isn’t getting left behind either, as both CBS News and CNN launched initiatives to deepen their race and culture coverage this summer.

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7. Where immigrants have voting power


Data: New American Economy; Chart: Axios Visuals
Data: New American Economy; Chart: Axios Visuals

Immigrant voters could be pivotal this fall to election outcomes in some battleground suburbs, according to a new analysis of county-level Census data, writes Axios’ Stef Kight.

  • Races to watch: Texas’ 22nd district, Georgia’s 7th and California’s 39th, 45th, and 48th — all reach into counties where immigrants comprise around one in five eligible voters.

Why it matters: Foreign-born voters will make up nearly one-tenth of the electorate in 2020 — a record percentage.

8. Bannon in cuffs
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Steve Bannon speaks with reporters outside court in New York yesterday. Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/AP

After his arrest on a 150-foot yacht, a handcuffed Steve Bannon wore a mask and two open-collared shirts in federal court in Manhattan as he pleaded not guilty to defrauding donors in a crowdfunding scheme, per Reuters.

  • Leaving the courthouse on $5 million bond, Bannon took off his mask and briefly addressed reporters before getting in a black SUV: “This entire fiasco is to stop people who want to build the wall.”
Graphic: AP

Read the 24-page indictment.

9. Sneak peek: NRA insider recounts “shambles”
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Cover: Twelve

Josh Powell, former chief of staff to longtime NRA leader Wayne LaPierre, writes in “Inside the NRA” — out Sept. 8 from Twelve — that the pro-gun group botched its response to the Parkland shooting of 2018, when “for the first time, parents and politicians began to fight back in a bigger, more organized way”:

Wayne went on the attack, blaming Democrats, the FBI, and socialism for the tragic shootings. … Six years after Sandy Hook, it felt like we had done nothing to stop the violence and prevent shootings like Parkland from happening. And now the frustration boiled over, as the survivors of Parkland took to the airwaves to plead for an end to the violence, to plead on behalf of their slain classmates. … [T]he NRA offered its standard playbook and the party line.

Powell says he realized he had become the cover‑up, or at least an accomplice”:

[T]he waste and dysfunction at the NRA was staggering, costing the organization and its members hundreds of millions of dollars over the years. … [T]here are so many ways that membership money went up in smoke. … I’d come to believe I’d failed the team. … I’d lost the larger plot and was overtaken with just winning the fight at all costs. … To me, the NRA has completely shirked its obligations to gun owners, citizens, and the children of our country.

Go deeper: N.Y. Times (subscription), “Insider’s Book Calls N.R.A. ‘Rife With Fraud.'”

10. Food trucks move to the burbs
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Julie and Greg Schwab order from the Dreamy Drinks boba tea truck near the suburb of Lynnwood, Wash., north of Seattle. Photo: Ted S. Warren/AP

Long seen as an urban treasure, food trucks are now being saved by the suburbs now that they can’t depend on bustling city centers, AP’s Sally Ho writes.

  • They’re finding a captive audience thrilled to skip cooking dinner, sample new kinds of cuisines and mingle with neighbors.

Weekday lunchtime business is the bulk of the revenue for an average food truck, which may make $800 to $1,200 a day, said Matt Geller, president of the National Food Truck Association.

  • In the suburbs, the trucks focus on dinner and add kid-friendly options.
Mike Allen
Mike Allen

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The Morning Beacon

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$18 Million Bought Bloomberg Just Five Minute Slot at DNC

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Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
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In this June 1, 2020, file photo, protesters rally as Philadelphia police officers and Pennsylvania National Guard soldiers look on in Philadelphia, over the death of George Floyd, a Black man who was in police custody in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum, File)
Schools reopening for paid childcare but not free teaching face backlash
In this May 27, 2020, photo, teachers Jana Blair, right, and Aaron Rainboth, upper-center, wear masks as they work with kids at the Frederickson KinderCare daycare center, in Tacoma, Wash. In a world weary of the coronavirus, many working parents with young children are now struggling with the decision on when or how they'll be comfortable returning to their child care providers. Frederickson KinderCare, which has been open throughout the pandemic to care for children of essential workers, removed carpets and spaced out tables and chairs as part of their measures to control the spread of the coronavirus. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

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Opinion  Read More >
Obamas remind American voters why they elected Donald Trump
In this image from video, former President Barack Obama speaks during the third night of the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2020. (Democratic National Convention via AP)
Democrats pass on Wisconsin, opt for virtual convention showcasing Biden still hiding
Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., speaks during the third day of the Democratic National Convention, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Biden has nothing to offer Black America but fear
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden stands on stage after Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., spoke during the third day of the Democratic National Convention, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Politics  Read More >
Government documents show six examples of Obama admin spying on Trump camp
President Barack Obama listens during a phone call with Jordan's King Abdullah II Jordan, according to the White House, Friday, Aug. 8, 2014, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) **FILE**
Sen. Ben Sasse hits Trump’s QAnon comments: ‘Garbage like this’ could help Democrats
In this Aug. 2, 2018, file photo, a protester holds a Q sign waits in line with others to enter a campaign rally with President Donald Trump in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)
Chicago police union rejects Kim Foxx, lines up behind opponent
FILE - In this Feb. 22, 2019 file photo, Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx speaks at a news conference, in Chicago. A special prosecutor in Chicago says Foxx and her office abused their discretion in the case against actor Jussie Smollett but did nothing criminal. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato, File)
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Navy needs to address issues causing shipyard maintenance delays for subs, carriers: GAO
This October 2015 handout photo provided by the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, shows the shipyard base in Kittery, Maine. (Portsmouth Naval Shipyard via AP) **FILE**
Trump: U.S. to continue supporting Iraq with goal of reducing force presence
President Donald Trump meets with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi in the Oval Office of the White House, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
Georgia man sentenced after falsely claiming PTSD for VA benefits
In this Feb. 12, 2009, file photo, the Pentagon is seen from Air Force One. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)
Sports  Read More >
Ron Rivera diagnosed with skin cancer
Washington defensive end Chase Young (99), left, head coach Ron Rivera, and quarterback Dwayne Haskins Jr., (7) arrive for practice at the team's NFL football training facility, Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020, in Ashburn, Va. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Capitals eliminated by Trotz’s Islanders with shutout loss in Game 5
Washington Capitals captain Alex Ovechkin, second left, and teammates watch the final minute of the third period against the New York Islanders of an NHL Stanley Cup playoff hockey game in Toronto on Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020. (Nathan Denette/The Canadian Press via AP)
Wizards to pick ninth in NBA draft
Washington Wizards' Rui Hachimura (8) gestures as he calls to teammates during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020, in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis, Pool) **FILE**

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Chicago Tribune


Good morning, Chicago. Here’s the coronavirus news and other top stories you need to know to start your day.


In DNC finale, Joe Biden vows to unite an America mired in crises: ‘We can and will overcome this season of darkness’

Joe Biden vowed to unite an America torn by crisis and contempt Thursday night, accepting the Democratic presidential nomination in an unfinished personal quest that has spanned three decades and been marred by personal tragedy, political stumbles and more dynamic rivals.


Amid ComEd scandal in Springfield, ethics reform front and center in Pritzker’s energy agenda

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration is proposing a series of “accountability” measures for utility companies as part of an energy policy agenda unveiled Friday, a month after federal prosecutors said the state’s largest utility, Commonwealth Edison, engaged in a “yearslong bribery scheme” while seeking political favors in Springfield.




A COVID-19 vaccine still hasn’t emerged — but some are already wary of it

As scientists across the globe race to create a COVID-19 vaccine that is safe and effective, the American public appears sharply divided when it comes to the prospect of getting vaccinated against the new virus, which has so far infected roughly 5.5 million and killed more than 172,000 in the United States.


A suburban Catholic school teacher was fired after refusing to return to class due to COVID-19. Others teachers are demanding Catholic schools go remote.

Elaine Sage, a 63-year-old teacher who’s married to a cancer survivor, said she didn’t feel comfortable with the Chicago Archdiocese’s plans to reopen schools full time this fall while COVID-19 is still far from contained.


Sage did not want to resign, but she did not show up for work when her school reopened to teachers on Monday. She learned late Wednesday that the archdiocese was releasing her from her contract, effective immediately.




With coronavirus changing everything, Chicago area students share what they think about online classes and school reopening plans

As Chicago’s youths prepare for the upcoming school year, the Tribune asked students of all ages, from across the city and suburbs, how they’re feeling.


As murders soar in Chicago, judges are freeing more violent crime suspects on electronic monitoring

Chicago Sun-Times Morning Edition
The number of criminal defendants freed on bail and ordered to wear electronic-monitoring bracelets has soared this year in Cook County, including more than 1,000 people charged with murder, robbery or illegal possession of guns, a Chicago Sun-Times analysis has found.
Police Supt. David Brown says many of those being set free on electronic monitoring are responsible for the steep rise in killings this year in Chicago. Frank Main has the story…

First, do no harm: Biden met night’s goal, avoiding bloopers to feed Trump’s false mind games

Sen. Tammy Duckworth slams Trump as ‘Coward-in-Chief’ in Democratic convention speech

As murders soar in Chicago, judges are freeing more violent crime suspects on electronic monitoring

Sister Jean discusses quarantining, basketball’s fate, life lessons ahead of 101st birthday

How is corrupt ex-Ald. Danny Solis still a free man? Ed Burke’s lawyers give answer in litany of court filings

Catholic school teachers ‘terrified,’ call on archdiocese to move school fully online

Police union donates nearly $58,000 to former judge looking to unseat Kim Foxx

After Near West Side park gets upgrades, some residents question new fees

Chicago ‘lefties’ still feelin’ the Bern, but not looking to burn Biden — see Dem nominee as stepping-stone to progress

Illinois Democrats vow battle plan, declaring ‘Today is D-Day’ and ‘Tomorrow, we get back to work’

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The Hill's Morning Report

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Welcome to The Hill’s Morning Report. At long last, it is Friday! We get you up to speed on the most important developments in politics and policy, plus trends to watch. Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver are the daily co-creators, so find us @asimendinger and @alweaver22 on Twitter and recommend the Morning Report to your friends. CLICK HERE to subscribe!

Total U.S. coronavirus deaths reported each morning this week: Monday, 170,052. Tuesday, 170,548. Wednesday, 171,823. Thursday, 173,181. Friday, 174,283.
Former Vice President Joe Biden vowed to lead the country out of what he called a “season of darkness” and “draw on the best” of what America has to offer as he accepted the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday night, setting up a general election battle against President Trump in November.


During his 25-minute acceptance speech, Biden appealed to voters as a unifying figure who can heal a nation and “get control of the virus that’s ruined so many lives, because I understand something this president doesn’t. We will never get our economy back on track, we will never get our kids safely back to school, we will never have our lives back, until we deal with this virus.”


The party’s four nights of nearly seamless virtual programming celebrated the 77-year-old’s decency, empathy and understanding of the troubles and travails faced by America’s families. The nominee, who never mentioned Trump by name, told voters the election “is going to determine what America is going to look like for a long, long time.”


Biden echoed the criticisms of Trump with a tone of sadness: “The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division. Here and now I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst,” Biden said. “We’ll choose hope over fear, facts over fiction, fairness over privilege” (The Hill).


Unlike convention speeches of the past, which have been delivered in front of adoring crowds and filled with applause lines, Biden’s address was written to create a feeling of intimacy with Americans watching his speech on their screens. He described his own low moments, evoking tragedy and disappointment along with his search for hope and pursuit of purpose.


“With passion and purpose, let us begin — you and I together, one nation, under God —  united in our love for America and united in our love for each other,” Biden said, “for love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than dark. This is our moment. This is our mission.”


The Washington Post: Joe Biden accepts Democratic presidential nomination, with a call for optimism at a time of fear.


The convention marked the most important moment of the campaign for Biden thus far. The campaign now looks ahead to the first presidential debate, scheduled for Sept. 29 at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.


Trump, watching the convention from the White House, gave the night a thumb’s down, calling Sean Hannity on Fox News to complain there was “a lot of hate” among Democrats. But reviews from Biden supporters were glowing (The Hill).


“No spin. No B.S. True to who he is,” said Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), an early supporter of the former VP. “A relatable president we can be proud of, and very much in the American mainstream.”


The New York Times: Biden and vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) will not leave Delaware to embark on the traditional boat, bus or train tour of swing states as presidential tickets usually do, in part because they want to model safe behavior in response to the coronavirus, and because Biden wants to keep voters focused on Trump, avoid unforced errors and confine 2020 to a referendum on the unpopular incumbent.


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Republicans plan to present their virtually-adapted case for Trump’s reelection next week, with a presidential acceptance address from the White House and Vice President Pence’s speech delivered from Fort McHenry National Monument in Baltimore, Md.


The Wall Street Journal: After Democrats nominate Biden, spotlight shifts to Trump, RNC.


The Hill’s Niall Stanage reports five takeaways from the Democratic convention.


The Hill: What we will remember from the Democrats’ week.


Matt Flegenheimer, The New York Times: Joe Biden finally got the timing right.


The Hill’s Reid Wilson reports that Biden might be helped this year by being a lifelong Democratic Party booster. The convention he closed Thursday night was evidence that he takes party politics seriously, even as he assailed “partisan politics.” It’s a departure from former Presidents Obama and Clinton, each of whom sidelined or co-opted the party machinery during their terms in the White House.


The Hill: The nine biggest Democratic National Convention moments that got everyone talking.


The Associated Press: In moving speech, 13-year-old Brayden Harrington says Biden helped him overcome stutter.


A cavalcade of Democrats on Thursday used their camera time to urge Americans to turn out and vote if they want economic recovery, defeat of a virus, a healthier planet, a living wage and racial justice.


Michael Bloomberg, who competed in the Democratic primary for 14-1/2 weeks, taunted Trump as a failed businessman who gazes backward with an overly rosy vision of the U.S. expansion prior to the arrival of the coronavirus. “When Trump says he wants to make America great again, he’s making a pretty good case for Joe Biden,” he said.


Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) made appearances, using their time to talk about Biden’s impact on the LGBTQ community, military veterans and racial injustice.


Others used the opportunity to preach familiar convention themes: It’s a big, diverse party and everyone needs to participate in the election by Nov. 3.


Our votes can be our voice,” said Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.


Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) tore up a speech he planned on Thursday night and instead delivered his message about supporting Biden and Harris while he was seen standing, tieless, in the California woods in the midst of his state’s latest battle with dangerous wildfires. More than 100,000 acres are ablaze and tens of thousands of residents have been dislocated. Newsom urged climate change skeptics to visit the Golden State.


📖 The Democratic Party platform can be found HERE.


Mark Leibovich: The phantom-limb Democratic Convention.


The Hill: Sanders says Democrats should have given more speaking time to progressives.


🎤 ABC News will air excerpts today of its exclusive joint Biden-Harris interviews and broadcast full coverage on Sunday at 8 p.m. EDT.


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Join The Hill at our virtual 2020 Conventions Hub


Join The Hill at our virtual 2020 Conventions Hub — your digital headquarters for exciting events and the latest conventions news. We’ll kick off each day with The Big Questions. Party leaders, pollsters and campaign veterans join our editors to discuss the political and policy issues shaping our nation, then stay tuned in for our afternoon briefings — deeper dives into the key policy areas that will shape the 2020 campaign including energy, affordable housing, and the ongoing response to COVID-19.


Check out the full schedule and RSVP now to hold your spot!

MORE POLITICS: GOP convention: House and Senate Republicans have been invited to be present for Trump’s nomination acceptance speech to be delivered at the White House on Thursday, Fox News reports. The Republican National Convention kicks off on Monday with a combination of virtual and live events. Monday’s pared-down daytime convention proceedings in Charlotte, N.C., will be attended by six delegates from each state and territory, for a total of 336 delegates. … Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced on Thursday through his staff that he will not speak next week at the GOP convention: “Leader McConnell is traveling across…Kentucky next week to speak w/ families, workers, and job creators about their needs. While the Leader is not speaking during the RNC, his support for President Trump is clear.”


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> Battleground states: Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told Democrats in a virtual meeting on Thursday that the outcome of the presidential election rides on Wisconsin. “No pressure,” she told them (The Associated Press). … A new poll shows Trump and Biden tied in Minnesota (The Hill). … In Pennsylvania, the two presidential contenders are neck and neck with Biden in the lead but Trump trailing within the margin of error, according to a new survey (The Hill).


Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairwoman Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) said in an interview with The Hill’s Reid Wilson on Thursday that House Democrats are likely to add to its 232-seat majority next year, with the committee pushing to flip ruby red seats in Alaska, Indiana and Montana.


Speaking for The Hill’s Big Questions series, Bustos indicated that Democrats have 31 GOP-held seats on their target list this year, with that number set to rise in the 2 1/2  months before Nov. 3.


“My prediction as we sit here is we will not only hold on to this Democratic majority, we will grow it,” Bustos said. “We’ve got the right candidates and resources, and we are ready to mobilize even in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.”


The Boston Globe: Pelosi endorses Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.) in the Senate primary against Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.). The Speaker cited her loyalty to House members and her close relationship with the Kennedy family in defending her endorsement of the congressman in the race. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), considers Markey an ally in their shared embrace of the Green New Deal, is not pleased (The Hill).


The Hill: Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) condemns QAnon conspiracy.


The Hill: Pelosi rejects idea of voting Saturday to extend unemployment insurance.


> Gubernatorial plans: Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) filed paperwork to fundraise to seek his old job in 2021. He said he has not yet committed to run, but it’s no secret he enjoyed being chief executive of the commonwealth and briefly considered a presidential bid. Virginia governors are limited to one sequential term. Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s term expires in 2022 (

ADMINISTRATION: Unemployment: The government on Thursday reported 1.1 million initial claims for unemployment benefits for the week ending Aug. 15, a worrisome increase of more than 1 million filings following a reported decline in the prior week. … At least 28 million Americans are receiving unemployment benefits, a stark reminder that the wreckage tied to the pandemic is widespread. One state that saw a rise in jobless claims last week was Iowa, considered a key battleground in the presidential contest (The Associated Press).


> Iraq policy: On Thursday, Trump declined to broach a timetable for withdrawal of U.S. forces in Iraq, which number 5,000. “At some point, we obviously will be gone,” he said before meeting at the White House with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi (USA Today).


> Trump’s U.S. “heroes” gardenChuck Laudner, the executive director of the task force responsible for the Trump-created National Garden of American Heroes, announced on July 3, says proposed sites range from 100 to 1,000 acres in size. For context, the National Mall in Washington spans roughly 300 acres. Beyond Trump’s chosen 31 heroes for inclusion, his order says other honorees must “have contributed positively to America throughout our history.” Anyone can suggest an American hero at The task force has contacted elected officials for hero suggestions and received 118 names (Washingtonian).


> NASA & the asteroid surprise: The closest flyby to Earth by a surviving asteroid on Sunday took many by surprise. “The asteroid approached undetected from the direction of the sun,” Paul Chodas, the director of NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies, told Business Insider. “We didn’t see it coming.” How close was the car-sized asteroid to the planet? 1,830 miles above the Pacific Ocean, far east of Australia (


> Recovering: Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, underwent surgery on Thursday to remove a polyp from his vocal cords and was recovering at home. Fauci, who has spoken widely in public to discuss COVID-19 and federal recommendations and responses, is advised to rest his voice while recovering (CNBC).




CORONAVIRUS: Researchers are expanding their understanding of the role children play in transmissions of COVID-19. “Some people thought that children might be protected,” said Alessio Fasano, a physician at MassGeneral Hospital for Children. “This is incorrect. They may be as susceptible as adults — but just not visible” (The Washington Post).


> Schools & teachers: The Trump administration issued new guidance designating teachers as “critical infrastructure workers,” potentially clearing the way to exempt them from quarantine requirements tied to contacts with COVID-19-infected adults and pupils. Health officials in South Carolina also designated teachers critical infrastructure workers, according to The Associated Press. The school board in Greene County in Eastern Tennessee, meanwhile, voted to give the designation to teachers in July. Several other Georgia and Tennessee districts have also announced they intend to bring asymptomatic teachers back to in-person instruction (The Hill).


The Hill: Hackers eye students returning to virtual classes as easy targets.


> Vaccines: Russia announced its coronavirus vaccine will be tested in trials on 40,000 volunteers amid international concerns about safety (CNBC). … The World Health Organization is in contact with Russia about assessing the vaccine it has licensed and tested on a small number of people (The Associated Press).


> Congress: Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a gastroenterologist, announced on Thursday that he tested positive for COVID-19 after learning he was in contact with someone who had contracted the coronavirus. He is the second U.S. senator to test positive, following Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). Cassidy said he is isolating at home in Baton Rouge (The Hill).


> Sports: Pittsburgh Pirates President Travis Williams has tested positive for COVID-19 after experiencing symptoms on Monday (CBS Pittsburgh). … NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said on Thursday that the league is likely to push back the planned Dec. 1 start to the 2020-21 season, with the hope of getting fans back into arenas. Previously, Silver has said that 40 percent of the league’s annual revenue depends on having fans attend games (ESPN).


> Travel: Delta Air Lines announced Thursday that it will continue to block out middle seats on flights throughout the winter and holidays, but that it will increase capacity of flights starting in October. According to the Atlanta-based airline, the middle seat rule will continue through Jan. 6, with the passenger capacity rising from 60 percent to 75 percent on Oct. 1 (Star Tribune).


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America must have fair elections, by Glenn Nye and James Kitfield with the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, opinion contributors, The Hill.


Israel’s new friendship with UAE will come at a cost, by Eli Lake, columnist, Bloomberg Opinion.


Key voters are still up for grabs — Democrats have two months to take them, by Matthew Rey, opinion contributor, The Hill.

The House holds a pro forma session at noon. Members will convene for legislative business on Saturday at 10 a.m.


The Senate meets at 11:15 a.m. for a pro forma session. The full Senate is scheduled to meet on Sept. 8. The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will hold a virtual hearing with testimony at 9 a.m. from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy about controversial operational changes he’s supervised since his appointment in May and Postal Service plans for processing mailed ballots ahead of the November elections.


The president will deliver remarks at the 2020 Council for National Policy Meeting in Arlington, Va., at 11 a.m.


Vice President Pence will do a morning show blitz today, with appearances on “Good Morning America,” “Fox & Friends,” CNN’s “New Day,” “CBS This Morning” and Fox Business’s “Mornings With Maria.”


👉 INVITATIONThe Hill has a new virtual 2020 Conventions Hub! Be part of digital events and get the latest news about the Republican national convention. The Big Questions Morning Briefings tap the expertise of pollsters, party leaders and campaign veterans, moderated by The Hill’s editors each day through both conventions.


  • JOIN conversations about the latest political developments shaping the country. RSVP for The Big Questions RNC morning virtual briefings daily at 11 a.m. EDT, featuring political analysts and editors who discuss up-to-the-minute trends and 2020 election developments.



📺 Hill.TV’s “Rising” program features news and interviews at or on YouTube at 10:30 a.m. ET at Rising on YouTube.

➔ Walled off: In the Southern District of New York, Stephen Bannon, Trump’s former campaign CEO and White House strategist, and three others were arrested by Postal Service agents and charged on Thursday of defrauding donors by raising “more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States,” while allegedly using some of the money they raised for personal gain (CNBC). In a White House statement, Trump disavowed the project and said he cut ties with Bannon, who left the White House in 2017. The president said Bannon’s private group raised money for a border wall project, which he suggested “was only done to make me look bad.” Bannon pleaded not guilty and was released on $5 million bond. … The Hill: Five things to know about the Bannon indictment.


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 Trump’s tax returns: A federal judge on Thursday cleared the way for Manhattan’s top prosecutor to get Trump’s tax returns, rejecting a last-ditch attempt by the president’s lawyers to block a subpoena issued to his accounting firm. Trump’s lawyers immediately appealed U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero’s decision to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. Marrero’s ruling echoed his prior decision in the case that was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court last month. Analysts have suggested Trump’s legal challenges have succeeded in running out the clock, even as New York City District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. wins proceedings in court to obtain eight years of Trump’s financial records (The Associated Press).


 State WatchMichigan officials on Thursday announced a $600 million settlement with payouts to the residents of Flint, Mich., whose health was affected by lead-contaminated drinking water, discovered in 2014. The settlement responds to a class-action lawsuit. The amounts awarded would be based on how severely applicants were harmed, particularly children (NBC News). … In CaliforniaLyft announced on Thursday it suspended its ride-hailing operations in the state as a result of a court ruling determining its workers are employees, not contractors (The Verge). … Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) announced his state applied for federal funds to give unemployed residents an extra $300 per week in benefits. Virginia will do the same, a spokesman said. The District of Columbia has not announced plans because of questions about the program’s legality and sustainability (DCist).


 Supreme Court: Justices agreed to hear a constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act on Nov. 10 and their ruling is not expected until June. The case, brought by Republican attorneys general, will be argued a week after Election Day (CNBC). …  The Trump administration on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to review a lower court ruling that determined the president cannot block his critics on Twitter (Reuters).


 International: This week’s alleged poisoning of a public critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin is a reminder of Moscow’s brutality and capabilities in the interest of suppressing dissent. Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, a noted Putin foe, is reportedly in a coma in a Siberian hospital after drinking tea that was allegedly laced with poison. His spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, wrote on Twitter that this is the second time Navalny has been poisoned under suspicious circumstances (The Hill). Navalny’s organization is trying to transport him to Germany for special treatment (The Associated Press), but his friends say the Kremlin is blocking his evacuation out of Russia (Reuters).


Mosha Green, New Yorker columnist, writes that “the history of Russian opposition figures who have been poisoned is so long that it is almost tedious to recite. Pyotr Verzilov, an activist with the protest-art group Pussy Riot and an opposition publisher, spent months recovering from an apparent poisoning that put him in intensive care, in Moscow, in September, 2018. The journalist and historian Vladimir Kara-Murza was poisoned twice, in 2015 and 2017, and came close to death both times. The defector spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were poisoned with the chemical-warfare agent Novichok in England, in 2018. The defector Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium, in 2006. The investigative journalist Yuri Shchekochikhin died in agony in a Moscow hospital, in 2003; his colleague Anna Politkovskaya survived a similar poisoning, in 2004, only to be shot to death, in 2006. This is far from a complete list.”

And finally … 👏👏👏👏 A big round of applause for all the Morning Report Quiz Masters who knew their August current events trivia (only one more week).


️Here’s a list of those who aced this week’s quiz: Norm Roberts, Donna Minter, Susan Reyes, J. Patrick White, Patrick Kavanagh, Candi Cee, R. Milton Howell III, Donna Nackers, Peter J. Stewart, Phil Kirstein, Ki HarveyLeon Burzynski, Eric Chapman, Sandy Walters, Allen Reishtein, Madi Johnson, Stewart Baker, John Donato, Luther Berg, Stuart Babendir, Jack Barshay and Ken Stevens.


They knew that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has not played an instrumental role in passing a COVID-19 relief bill, with the other three lawmakers taking part in day-to-day negotiations.


Michelle Obama set the internet ablaze by wearing a necklace reading “Vote” during her speech on Monday.


The ACC (seen below) has not yet canceled its college football season (along with other fall sports).


And finally, the St. Louis Cardinals had only played eight games as of Thursday morning (nine as of today) due to the novel coronavirus.


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The Morning Report is created by journalists Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver. We want to hear from you! Email: and We invite you to share The Hill’s reporting and newsletters, and encourage others to SUBSCRIBE! 
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POLITICO Playbook: Republicans have a lot to live up to

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EVEN IF YOU’RE A REPUBLICAN, you have to admit that the Democratic convention — which nominated JOE BIDEN on Thursday night — was a technical success. The Dems programmed a four-night television show, pulling feeds and videos from all across the country, without a major hitch. That’s a feat in and of itself — even if the content itself didn’t appeal to you.

REPUBLICANS have a lot to live up to, in that respect. Their convention — which kicks off Monday — already seems much different. The TRUMP CAMPAIGN has invited most GOP lawmakers to the White House lawn to watch the president’s speech in the middle of a pandemic. They’ve filed a request to light fireworks on the National Mall. The Democratic convention was all about party unity and trying to defeat President DONALD TRUMP. Unity doesn’t appear to be a priority for Republicans — the White House left some of the president’s Capitol Hill enemies off the invite list. The GOP affair next week will be aimed at highlighting what the president has done in his first term — putting center stage everyday people affected by what the Republicans consider to be policy victories.

CNN’S KAITLAN COLLINS and KEVIN LIPTAK had a bunch of the convention details in this story. Some elements of next week still appear to be a work in progress. On Thursday, a representative for MITCH MCCONNELL said the Senate majority leader would not be participating in the event. But hours later, his staff said he would be submitting a taped video message.

NEW: BILL STEPIEN, Trump’s campaign manager, will join us for a virtual interview TUESDAY morning on “PLUG IN WITH PLAYBOOK” to talk about the convention, Trump’s reelection bid and much more. The show will kick off at 9 a.m. Register to watch

ABOUT LAST NIGHT … NATASHA KORECKI and CHRIS CADELAGO in Wilmington, Del.: “Biden just made it a lot harder for Republicans to tag him ‘Slow Joe’”“In a campaign riddled with verbal gaffes and setbacks, where his cognitive abilities were questioned and his debate performances criticized, Joe Biden stepped up to the lectern and delivered the biggest speech of his life without a hitch. That in and of itself was no small feat for Biden, known for veering off script or tripping on his words in a way that party Democrats worried could play into the caricature put forward by Donald Trump and Republicans.

“But the Democratic nominee appeared at ease as he struck somber notes about the coronavirus pandemic, at once grieving with those who lost loved ones and promising he would take decisive action if elected in November.

“‘Look, I understand. I understand how hard it is to have any hope right now. On this summer night let me take a moment to speak to those of you who have lost the most. I have some idea how it feels to lose someone you love,’ Biden said. ‘I know that deep black hole that opens up in the middle of your chest and you feel like you’re being sucked into it. I know how mean, cruel, and unfair life can be sometimes.’”

NYT LEDEALL … ALEX BURNS and KATIE GLUECK: “The party has offered Mr. Biden, 77, less as a traditional partisan standard-bearer than as a comforting national healer, capable of restoring normalcy and calm to the United States and returning its federal government to working order. He has campaigned as an apostle of personal decency and political conciliation, and as a transitional figure who would take on some of the worst American crises — not just the coronavirus outbreak but also economic inequality, climate change and gun violence — before handing off power to another generation.”

HOW IT PLAYED … FRONTS: NYT, banner headline: “BIDEN VOWS TO GUIDE U.S. OUT OF ‘DARKNESS’” … N.Y. POST: “AVERAGE JOE: Biden clears the (low) bar, Dems exhale with relief” … WSJ: “Biden Makes Case to Oust Trump” … WAPO: “Biden calls for hopefulness”

FROM 30,000 FEET … DAVID SIDERS: “Biden finally has his big moment”“For more than a decade, Joe Biden had been defined by association — to the president he worked for and, in its contrast, to the one he is trying to unseat. On Thursday, Biden set himself apart from them both. Biden, accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for president on the convention’s final night, expanded on the searing indictment delivered Wednesday by former President Barack Obama and offered his own blistering criticism of President Donald Trump.

“And in a campaign that has served almost singularly as a referendum on Trump, he cast his candidacy as an affirmative alternative — a ‘path of hope and light.’ ‘We can choose a path of becoming angrier, less hopeful, more divided, a path of shadow and suspicion,’ Biden said. ‘Or we can choose a different path and together take this chance to heal, to reform, to unite.’” Steven Shepard with the top takeaways

A1, NYT … JONATHAN MARTIN and SHANE GOLDMACHER, with a News Analysis bug: “Biden Leaves Convention With a Clear Mission: Stop Trump”: “[L]ooming over Mr. Biden’s long-sought presidential nomination was the ever-present shadow of another man who’s poised to dominate the final 10 weeks of the campaign and use his considerable megaphone to drown out Mr. Biden’s pitch: Donald J. Trump.

“The president, who spent the day attacking Mr. Biden in the swing state of Pennsylvania, has been the greatest unifying force at the Democratic convention, given that loathing him is the one thing that everyone in the fractious party can agree on.

“Mr. Biden and the Democrats spent the week prosecuting arguments against him on Covid-19, unemployment, health care, child care, climate change, foreign policy and his fundamental fitness for the presidency — attacks that only presaged a fall campaign that, even when it features Mr. Biden, will be aimed entirely at drawing contrasts with Mr. Trump.

“‘He’ll wake up every day believing the job is all about him, never about you,’ Mr. Biden said on Thursday night. ‘Is that the America you want for you, your family, your children? I see a different America.’”

Good Friday morning.

VP MIKE PENCE will appear on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” “Fox and Friends,” CNN, CBS and “Mornings with Maria” this morning.

DRIVING TODAY: Postmaster General LOUIS DEJOY will testify in front of Senate Homeland at 9 a.m. More from Marianne LeVine and Daniel Lippman

— BIDEN, JILL BIDEN, KAMALA HARRIS and DOUG EMHOFF will attend a virtual fundraiser.

DEPT. OF CURTAIN MEASURING … DAVID SIDERS: “Biden is already forming a government. Here’s what his Cabinet could look like.”

L.A. TIMES: “Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, could also make history”: “It’s been an unlikely journey for the 55-year-old Los Angeles entertainment lawyer, who now finds himself in the inner circle of a presidential campaign. Emhoff, who lives in Brentwood, has seen his national profile swell, complete with his own fan club, the #DougHive — women who are thrilled by the novelty of a man comfortably taking a back seat in politics.

“He has more than 250,000 followers on Twitter, where he identifies himself as: ‘Dad, @KamalaHarris hubby, lawyer, wannabe golfer, advocate for justice and equality.’ His posts, sometimes addressed to the #KHive, can tend toward the goofy.”

ABC: “Donald Trump to host funeral for brother Robert Trump at White House”“President Donald Trump will have family and friends join him Friday at the White House for a funeral service for his brother, Robert Trump, who died last Friday. Robert Trump’s body will also be driven to the White House from New York for the ceremony, according to sources familiar with the arrangements, which are expected to remain private.”

SCOOP — “Trump Cabinet officials voted in 2018 White House meeting to separate migrant children, say officials,” by NBC’s Julia Ainsley and Jacob Soboroff: “In early May 2018, after weeks of phone calls and private meetings, 11 of the president’s most senior advisers were called to the White House Situation Room, where they were asked, by a show-of-hands vote, to decide the fate of thousands of migrant parents and their children, according to two officials who were there.

“President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller led the meeting, and, according to the two officials, he was angry at what he saw as defiance by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. It had been nearly a month since Jeff Sessions, then the attorney general, had launched the Trump administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy, announcing that every immigrant who crossed the U.S. border illegally would be prosecuted, including parents with small children.

“But so far, U.S. border agents had not begun separating parents from their children to put the plan into action, and Miller, the architect of the administration’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants, was furious about the delay.” NBC

LATEST MEMBER TO CONTRACT COVID — “Sen. Bill Cassidy tests positive for coronavirus,” by Andrew Desiderio: “Sen. Bill Cassidy tested positive for the coronavirus, his office said in a statement Thursday. The Louisiana Republican, who is a medical doctor, was tested for the virus after he learned he had been in contact with an individual who tested positive. ‘I am strictly following the direction of our medical experts and strongly encourage others to do the same,’ Cassidy said in a statement.

“According to his office, Cassidy will quarantine for 14 days, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends, and is ‘notifying those with whom he may have come into contact.’ His office didn’t say whether the senator, 62, has symptoms, and if so, their severity.”

TRUMP’S FRIDAY — The president will leave the White House at 10:45 a.m. en route to the Ritz-Carlton in Pentagon City. He will deliver remarks at the 2020 Council for National Policy meeting at 11 a.m. Afterward, he will return to the White House.

TV TONIGHT — PBS’ “Washington Week” with Bob Costa: Yamiche Alcindor, Molly Ball, Hallie Jackson and Philip Rucker.


  • FOX

    “Fox News Sunday”: Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) … White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Panel: Karl Rove, Susan Page and Juan Williams.

  • Gray TV

    “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren”: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy … Kellyanne Conway.

  • CBS

    “Face the Nation”: James Comey … RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel … L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti … Scott Gottlieb.

  • ABC

    “This Week”: Kate Bedingfield. Panel: Chris Christie, Rahm Emanuel, Leah Wright Rigueur and Barbara Comstock.

  • Sinclair

    “America This Week with Eric Bolling”: Anthony Scaramucci … Austan Goolsbee … Olivia Nuzzi … Marc Lamont Hill … Jose Aristimuño.

  • NBC

    “Meet the Press”: Panel: Kristen Welker, Gerald Seib and Scott Walker.


PLAYBOOK METRO SECTION — “Former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe files paperwork to form campaign committee, but has not yet decided to seek a comeback, aide says,” by WaPo’s Gregory Schneider in Richmond: “Former governor Terry McAuliffe has filed paperwork with the Virginia elections office to create a campaign committee to run for governor in 2021, but the Democrat’s spokesman said that it’s a technicality and that there’s no candidacy. Yet.

“‘Governor McAuliffe is making no decisions on 2021 until after we defeat Donald Trump and his hateful ideology. This represents a paperwork change suggested by our accountant and lawyer,’ spokesman Brennan Bilberry said via text message.

“The state paperwork — filed Wednesday and first reported by the Virginia Public Access Project — converts McAuliffe’s existing political action committee, Common Good Virginia, into a candidate committee called Virginians for Common Good.” WaPo

FOR YOUR RADAR — “U.S. Allies Reject Trump Administration Bid to Reinstate Iran Sanctions, Opening Diplomatic Rift,” by WSJ’s Courtney McBride: “The U.S.’s closest allies on Thursday rebuked the Trump administration over its effort to reinstate international sanctions on Iran, opening a rift in the United Nations Security Council over the handling of Tehran’s nuclear program and its regional ambitions.

“The U.K., France and Germany said the U.S. lacked standing to restore the measures, having withdrawn from the 2015 nuclear deal to which those nations were party, along with China and Russia, and with which Iran remains largely in compliance. Any actions taken based on the U.S. maneuver would be ‘devoid of any legal effect,’ the countries wrote.” WSJ

AP: “Former sailor details misconduct by SEALs pulled from Iraq,” by James LaPorta and Julie Watson with a San Diego dateline

NAVALNY UPDATE — “Authorities are blocking Kremlin critic Navalny’s evacuation from Russia, allies say,” by Miles Herszenhorn: “A German ambulance plane stands ready to fly critically ill Kremlin opponent Alexei Navalny from Siberia to Berlin for treatment but doctors say he cannot be moved. Supporters of Navalny, who has been in a coma since Thursday morning after an alleged poisoning attack, accuse Russian authorities of trying to prevent his evacuation.”

BANNON PLEADS NOT GUILTY … AP: “At his hearing, Bannon appeared by video with his hands cuffed in front of him and a white mask covering most of his face. He rocked back and forth on a chair in a holding cell with his lawyers on the telephone. The magistrate judge approved Bannon’s release on $5 million bail, secured by $1.75 million in assets.

“When he emerged from the courthouse, Bannon tore off his mask, smiled and waved to news cameras. As he went to a waiting vehicle, he shouted, ‘This entire fiasco is to stop people who want to build the wall.’” AP … The court drawing, via Reuters

MEDIAWATCH — “Washington Post managing editor Emilio Garcia-Ruiz named editor in chief of San Francisco Chronicle,” by WaPo’s Paul Farhi: “Garcia-Ruiz, 58, has been a managing editor at The Post since 2013, one of four currently under Executive Editor Martin Baron, and has been with the news organization for more than 20 years. … Garcia-Ruiz helped build The Post’s digital offerings, including an expansion of its video-news team, managing a new audio operation, and helping to introduce new publications.”

— Betty Nevins, senior production manager for “Meet the Press,” is leaving NBC News after 35 years. She’s worked for the show for approximately 20 years, and previously was an NBC pool production manager for special programming.


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BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Ben Howard, VP at the Duberstein Group and a Trump White House alum. What he’s been reading: “I’m picking two because I’m in between books. I just finished ‘Astrophysics for People in a Hurry’ by Neil deGrasse Tyson, and I just started ‘Hug Your Customers.’ I’ll add an article for good measure, since I think its message is important now more than ever: ‘Why Being Kind Helps You, Too–Especially Now.’” Playbook Q&A

BIRTHDAYS: Josie Sherman is 1 … Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) is 64 … Steve Case, chair/CEO of Revolution and the Case Foundation and co-founder of AOL, is 62 … Peter Hamby, host of Snapchat’s “Good Luck America” and a Vanity Fair contributor … NBC News correspondent Harry Smith is 69 … Arkansas Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin is 52 (h/t George Little) … Elizabeth Stoltz … Brian Parks of Locust Street Group … Puja Murgai … Ryan McCormack, deputy chief of staff at the Ex-Im Bank … Joe Minges … The Atlantic’s Elaine Godfrey … Stephen Neuman, Midwest region pod director for the Biden campaign (h/t Mitchell Rivard) … Hunter Lipscomb … Katie Brown of G2G Consulting … Thomas Bradbury, policy analyst at the American Conservative Union, is 25 (h/t Jake Loft) … Rubén Olmos, president of Global Nexus … Mary Ann Naylor … Manuel Roig-Franzia, WaPo feature reporter … Jana Winter … NBC’s Pamela Engel …

… Tericka Lambert, digital content director at When We All Vote … Amelia Penniman, associate director at Bully Pulpit Interactive … POLITICO’s Ian Jenkins … Robert Wells … Ken Mehlman, member and global head of public affairs at KKR and co-head of KKR Global Impact … Greg Bell … Vianovo’s Mike Shannon … David Beavers … Ilana Rovner is 82 … Margaret Chan, former director-general of the WHO, is 73 … Cheyne Worley … Reuben Jeffery III … Joan Kirchner Carr … Marguerite Biagi … Alisa Maso … Sarah Rusciano … Joe Mathieu … CNN’s Cameron Hough … Lindsay Fisher … Heather Hunter … David Heifetz, political consultant at the National Immigration Law Center … Sergey Brin is 47 … Francine McMahon … Abel Maldonado is 53 … Paul Harstad … Larry Martin (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Lamont Black … Jack Kelly … Tom Houck … Adam Dubitsky … Rachel Hirschberg Light … Katherine Perez … Bruce Evans

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American Minute with Bill Federer
America “the BEST form of government which has EVER been offered to the WORLD”-Justice James Wilson
He was one of six founding fathers to sign both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
President Washington appointed him to be a Justice on the Supreme Court.
His name was James Wilson.
Born in Scotland, James Wilson was one of the first to argue against British dominance.
In 1774, he wrote “Considerations on the Nature and Extent of the Legislative Authority of the British Parliament,” reasoning that since the colonies had NO representation in Parliament, the Parliament had NO authority over the colonies.
In 1775, James Wilson was commissioned as a Colonel and by the end of the Revolution he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General of the Pennsylvania State Militia.
One of the most educated and prominent lawyers in America, Wilson was chosen as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, where he spoke 168 times, more than any other delegate except Gouverneur Morris.
James Wilson’s speech in Pennsylvania’s statehouse yard, October 6, 1787, was, after the Federalist Papers, considered the most influential argument in persuading the States of ratify the U.S. Constitution.
To interpret statutes, James Wilson wrote:
“The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it.”
He added:
“Every prudent and cautious judge … will remember, that his duty and his business is, NOT to make the law, but to interpret and apply it.”
The first law professor of the University of Pennsylvania, Wilson wrote in his Lectures on Law, 1789-91, that all law comes from God, being divided into four categories:
“Law Eternal,”
“Law Celestial,”
“Laws of Nature,”
“Law … communicated to us by reason and conscience … has been called NATURAL; as promulgated by the Holy Scriptures, it has been called REVEALED …
… But it should always be remembered, that this law, natural or revealed … flows from the same divine source; it is the law of God …
Human law must rest its authority, ultimately, upon the authority of that law, which is divine …
All men are equally subject to the command of their Maker.”
James Wilson described the “Will of God” as the:
“… efficient cause of moral obligation – of the eminent distinction between right and wrong … (and therefore the) supreme law … (revealed) by our conscience, by our reason, and by the Holy Scriptures.”
He noted:
“Far from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin sisters, friends, and mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into each other.”
Wilson predicted those who are a part of the deep state establishment would resist changes, writing October 6, 1787:
“It is the nature of man to pursue his own interest in preference to the public good …
Every person … who enjoys … a place of profit under the present establishment, will object to the proposed innovation … because it affects his schemes of wealth.”
Wilson was only 55 when he died on August 21, 1798.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania recorded in 1824:
“The late Judge James Wilson, of the Supreme Court of the United States, Professor of Law in the College in Philadelphia … for our present form of government we are greatly indebted to his exertions …
In his Course of Lectures (3d Vol. of his Works, 122), he states that … ‘Christianity is part of the common-law.'”
Wilson was referencing William Blackstone who wrote in his Commentaries of the Laws of England (1765-1769):
“Christianity is part of the laws of England …
The law of England … gives liberty, rightly understood, that is, protection to a Jew, Turk, or a heathen, as well as to those who profess the true religion of Christ.”
James Wilson commented on government leaders who insist citizens give up their rights, writing in his Lectures on Law, 1790-91:
“Does man exist for the sake of government? Or is government instituted for the sake of man? …
What was the primary and the principal object in the institution of government? … To acquire a new security for … those rights … which we were previously entitled by the immediate gift … of our all-wise and all-beneficent Creator? …
Yet we are told, that … in order to acquire the security, we must surrender the great objects to be secured … that we may … depend on the pleasure of that power, to which the surrender is made.
Is this a bargain to be proposed to those, who are both intelligent and free? No …”
He concluded:
“Freemen, who know and love their rights, will not exchange their armor of … gold, for one of a baser and lighter metal, however finely it may be blazoned with tinsel.”
Justice James Wilson wrote in Chisholm v. State of Ga., 2 U.S. 419 (1793), 453-466:
“Man, fearfully and wonderfully made, is the workmanship of his all perfect CREATOR:
A State, useful and valuable as the contrivance is, is the inferior contrivance of man; and from his native dignity derives all its acquired importance …
A State, I cheerfully admit, is the noblest work of Man: but Man, himself, free and honest, is, I speak as to this world, the noblest work of God …
Cicero says so sublimely, ‘Nothing, which is exhibited upon our globe, is more acceptable to that divinity which governs the whole universe, than those communities and assemblages of men, which, lawfully associated, are denominated States’ …
Let a State be considered as subordinate to the People …
By a State I mean, a complete body of free persons united together for their common benefit, to enjoy peaceably what is their own, and to do justice to others …”
He added:
“Under that Constitution there are ‘citizens,’ but no ‘subjects.'”
What Wilson was underscoring was that Kings have “subjects” who are subjected to the King’s will.
Republics have “citizens,” who are effectively co-rulers, co-sovereigns, co-kings.
James Wilson continued:
“As a citizen, I know the Government of that State to be republican;
and my short definition of such a Government is, one constructed on this principle, that the Supreme Power resides in the body of the people.”
In America, citizens pledge allegiance to the flag “… and to the republic for which it stands.”
It is basically a pledge to we, the people, being in charge of ourselves.
When someone protests the flag, they are effectively saying, I don’t want to be king anymore – I protest this system where people participate in ruling themselves.
In his Lectures on Law delivered in the College of Philadelphia, 1790-91, James Wilson wrote:
“Permit me to mention one great principle, the vital principle …
The principle I mean is this, that the supreme or sovereign power of the society resides in the citizens at large;
and … they always retain the right of abolishing, altering, or amending their constitution, at whatever time, and in whatever manner, they shall deem it expedient …”
Wilson continued:
“The learned Author of the Commentaries (William Blackstone) concludes this very passage, by telling us, that ‘there are inherent, though latent powers of society, which no climate, no time, no constitution, no contract can ever destroy or diminish …’
… (England’s Glorious) Revolution of 1688 (where the people made William and Mary their monarchs) did more than set a mere precedent …
A revolution principle … certainly should be taught as a principle of the constitution of the United States, and of every State in the Union.
This revolution principle – that, the sovereign power residing in the people, they may change their constitution and government whenever they please …”
He added:
“In a free country, every citizen forms a part of the sovereign power: he possesses a vote …
In free states, such as ours, the sovereign or supreme power resides in the people …
… In the original constitution of Rome, the sovereign power, the dominium eminens, as it is called by the civilians, always resided in the collective body of the people …
As to the people, however, in whom the sovereign power resides … from their authority the constitution originates: for their safety and felicity it is established:
in their hands it is as clay in the hands of the potter: they have the right to mold, to preserve, to improve, to refine, and to finish it as they please.”
James Wilson stated December 1, 1787, at Pennsylvania’s Convention to Ratify the Constitution of the United States:
“The sovereignty resides in the people; they have not parted with it.”
Was America ever great?
How unique is America’s experiment of the people ruling themselves?
Only when one examines the rest of the world and the rest of human history does one appreciate what a great opportunity Americans have been given of determining the fate of their own lives.
James Wilson wrote, November 26, 1787:
“Governments, in general, have been the result of force, of fraud, and accident.
After a period of 6,000 years has elapsed since the creation, the United States exhibit to the world the first instance … of a nation … assembling voluntarily … and deciding calmly concerning that system of government under which they would wish that they and their posterity should live.”
A similar statement was made by Daniel Webster, July 4, 1802:
“We live under the only government that ever existed which was framed by the unrestrained and deliberate consultations of the people.
Miracles do not cluster. That which has happened but once in 6,000 years cannot be expected to happen often.”
James Wilson’s and Daniel Webster’s comments are confirmed by the fact that the most common form of government in all of recorded human history is monarchy.
Contrary to republics, kings ruled by dispensing honor and shame, and the threat of death, which kept subjects in fearful obedience.
Muslim Sultan Balban of Delhi, India (1266–1286) declared:
“Fear of the governing power … is the basis of all good government.”
Record keeping began around 3,300 BC with the invention of “writing” in the Mesopotamian Valley – Sumerian cuneiform on clay tablets.
This means there exists only around 5,000 to 6,000 years of recorded history.
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson stated in the Cosmos TV series (2014,, episode 10, “The Immortals”):
“It was the people who once lived here, around 5,000 years ago, who first started chopping up time into smaller bite-size portions of hours and minutes. They call this place Uruk. We call it Iraq.
The part of Mesopotamia – the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The ‘city’ was invented here.
And one of humanities greatest victories was won over the ceaseless battle of time. It was here that we learned how to write.”
Franklin Roosevelt acknowledged the same, February 10, 1940:
“5,000 years of recorded history have proven that mankind has always believed in God in spite of many abortive attempts to exile God.”
Richard Overy, editor of The Times Complete History of the World, stated in “The 50 Key Dates of World History” (October 19, 2007):
“No date appears before the start of human civilizations about 5,500 years ago and the beginning of a written or pictorial history.”
Astronomer Johannes Kepler wrote in book five of The Harmonies of the World (1619):
“The book is written, to be read either now or by posterity … It may be well to wait a century for a reader, as God has waited 6,000 years for an observer.”
Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan wrote in “Prince of Peace” (New York Times, September 7, 1913):
“6,000 years of recorded history and yet we know no more about the secret of life than they knew in the beginning.”
Throughout the 6,000 years of recorded history, what happened in America was extremely rare.
Yale President Ezra Stiles had stated May 8, 1783:
“Most of the States of all ages … have been founded in rapacity, usurpation and injustice …
The military history of all nations, being but a description of the wars and invasions of the mutual robbers and devastators of the human race …
All the forms of civil polity have been tried by mankind, except one: and that seems to have been referred in Providence to be realized in America.”
John Adams wrote in his notes of A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law, February 1765:
“I always consider the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in Providence for the illumination of the ignorant, and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth.”
John Jay, the First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, stated September 8, 1777:
“The Americans are the first people whom Heaven has favored with an opportunity of … choosing the forms of government under which they should live.
All other constitutions have derived their existence from violence or accidental circumstances …
Your lives, your liberties, your property, will be at the disposal only of your Creator and yourselves.”
Poet Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote:
“America … appears like a last effort of divine Providence in behalf of the human race.”
President Calvin Coolidge stated in 1924:
“The history of government on this earth has been almost entirely … rule of force held in the hands of a few.
Under our Constitution, America committed itself to power in the hands of the people.”
President Millard Fillmore stated in 1852:
“Our free institutions … were planted in the free charters of self-government under which the English colonies grew up …
European nations have had no such training for self-government, and every effort to establish it by bloody revolutions has been, and must without that preparation continue to be, a failure.”
Theodore Roosevelt stated October 24, 1903:
“In no other place and at no other time has the experiment of government of the people, by the people, for the people, been tried on so vast a scale as here in our own country.”
President Ronald Reagan stated in 1961:
“In this country of ours took place the greatest revolution that has ever taken place in the world’s history.
Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another.
Here for the first time in all the thousands of years of man’s relation to man … the founding fathers established the idea that you and I had within ourselves the God-given right and ability to determine our own destiny.”
James Wilson stated in Pennsylvania’s statehouse yard, October 6, 1787, regarding the U.S. Constitution:
“I will confess, indeed, that I am not a blind admirer of this plan of government …
But when I reflect how widely men differ in their opinions … I am satisfied that anything nearer to perfection could not have been accomplished.
If there are errors, it should be remembered that … the concurrence of two-thirds of the Congress may at any time introduce alterations and amendments.
Regarding it, then … I am bold to assert that it is the best form of government which has ever been offered to the world.”
Schedule Bill Federer for informative interviews & captivating PowerPoint presentations: 314-502-8924
American Minute is a registered trademark of William J. Federer. Permission is granted to forward, reprint, or duplicate, with acknowledgment.



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“For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands,” (Isaiah‬ ‭55:12,‬ ‭ESV‬‬).

Democratic Platform Most Anti-Life Platform In History

By Shane Vander Hart on Aug 20, 2020 01:08 pm
NIFLA President Thomas Glessner said that the 2020 Democratic National Convention approved the most “anti-life” platform in history.
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Hinson Launches Second Ad in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District Race

By Caffeinated Thoughts on Aug 20, 2020 10:23 am
Ashley Hinson, the Republican nominee for Congress in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, released her second TV ad titled “Grace.”
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President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, August 21, 2020

By R. Mitchell –

President Donald Trump will travel to Pentagon City in Virginia on Friday where he will deliver remarks to suporters . Keep up with Trump on Our President’s Schedule Page. President Trump’s Itinerary for 8/21/20 – note: this  page will be updated during the day if events warrant Keep up with …

President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, August 21, 2020 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Viral Misinformation About Mailbox Removals Does Not Violate Twitter Policies, Won’t Be Fact-Checked Company Says

By Chris White –

Tweets theorizing that officials are removing mailboxes to prevent people from casting mail-in ballots ahead of November do not violate Twitter’s policies against election-year misinformation, a Twitter spokesman told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Critics of President Donald Trump are suggesting on Twitter that his administration is tampering with mailboxes …

Viral Misinformation About Mailbox Removals Does Not Violate Twitter Policies, Won’t Be Fact-Checked Company Says is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Lyft, Uber Continue Operating In California After Court Delays Order Forcing Them To Reclassify Drivers

By Chris White –

Uber and Lyft will continue operating in California after a court issued a stay on an order forcing the ride sharing apps to reclassify their independent workers as full-time employees, The Washington Post reported Thursday. Both companies had threatened to suspend services in California after a court gave them 10 …

Lyft, Uber Continue Operating In California After Court Delays Order Forcing Them To Reclassify Drivers is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Drivers Hauling Illegal Aliens Are Ineligible for Commercial Licenses FOR LIFE

By R. Mitchell –

EDINBURG, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents are working in conjunction with the Texas Department of Public Safety to reinforce consequences outlined in the “Texas Hold ‘Em” initiative. As the number of illegal alien apprehensions continue to rise in the South Texas, the U.S. Border Patrol have focused their efforts …

Drivers Hauling Illegal Aliens Are Ineligible for Commercial Licenses FOR LIFE is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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CBP Seizes $17 Million in Methamphetamine at Pharr International Bridge

By R. Mitchell –

PHARR, Texas—U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Field Operations (OFO) at the Pharr International Bridge cargo facility has once again hit it big with another sizeable load of alleged methamphetamine seized in a commercial truck arriving from Mexico. “Our officers’ continued resolve and dedication to the CBP mission of …

CBP Seizes $17 Million in Methamphetamine at Pharr International Bridge is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump Campaign Event in Old Forge, PA – 8/20/20

By R. Mitchell –

President Donald Trump speaks to supporters in Old Forge, Pennsylvania, Thursday. Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under the Creative Commons license. Visit our syndication page for details and requirements.

WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump Campaign Event in Old Forge, PA – 8/20/20 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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32 Illegal Aliens Arrested at El Paso Stash House

By R. Mitchell –

EL PASO, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol Agents and Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) Agents discovered an El Paso stash house containing 32 illegal aliens. El Paso stash house arrests. El Paso Border Patrol Agents suspecting a smuggling scheme encountered three illegal aliens near the El Paso International Airport. Their arrest …

32 Illegal Aliens Arrested at El Paso Stash House is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Wildfires, Blackouts And High Gas Prices: Californians Fight Familiar Foes Amid Pandemic

By Chris White –

Wildfires are scorching California amid a massive heatwave, which is prompting citizens to consume more energy in hopes of staying cool. The increase in consumption resulted in rolling blackouts, as energy regulators managed an over-taxed energy grid.  The wildfires and blackouts are also coming amid a severe economic downturn caused …

Wildfires, Blackouts And High Gas Prices: Californians Fight Familiar Foes Amid Pandemic is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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CRUZ: Will Democrats Defend The Police? I Wouldn’t Count On It

By Sen. Ted Cruz –

This week, Democrats from all across the country convened for the “virtual” Democratic National Convention. During their pledges to ban fracking, raise taxes, and advance other policy objectives of the far Left, the Democratic Party failed to address an issue that has become more and more apparent: its problem with …

CRUZ: Will Democrats Defend The Police? I Wouldn’t Count On It is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Puerto Rico Legislator and Two Capitol Employees Indicted for Theft and Bribery

By R. Mitchell –

On Wednesday, a federal grand jury in the District of Puerto Rico returned an eight-count indictment against legislator Nelson Del Valle Colon (Del Valle Colon), a member of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives, as well as two of his employees, Nickolle Santos-Estrada (Santos) and her mother Mildred Estrada-Rojas (Estrada), …

Puerto Rico Legislator and Two Capitol Employees Indicted for Theft and Bribery is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Virtual Democratic Convention: Part 1 – Ben Garrison Cartoon

By Ben Garrison –

Democrat Disaster We at GrrrGraphics have been watching the virtual Democratic Convention extravaganza with a mixture of humor and disgust. We were disgusted that Andrew Cuomo smeared Trump as being ‘dysfunctional’ and ‘incompetent’ for COVID-19 in New York state–even though Cuomo has blood on his hands for bringing the virus …

Virtual Democratic Convention: Part 1 – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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The Reeducation of Educators, Part 1: Responding to Dangerous Student Behaviors

By Parker Beauregard –

Consider this a Public Service Announcement for the rest of society that is not currently in reeducation – oops, professional development – over the summer as a public school educator. Unless you’re in the profession, you don’t know how bad it is. By it, I mean the public school system …

The Reeducation of Educators, Part 1: Responding to Dangerous Student Behaviors is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Portland man charged with assaulting US Marshal with baseball bat during riot

By R. Mitchell –

PORTLAND – A Portland man has been charged with assaulting a U.S. Marshals Service deputy with a baseball bat during a riot at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in downtown Portland July 27, 2020. Dakotah Ray Horton, 24, has been charged by criminal complaint with one count of assaulting …

Portland man charged with assaulting US Marshal with baseball bat during riot is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Malware – A.F. Branco Cartoon

By A.F. Branco –

Some are calling Biden a Trojan Horse, hidden inside waiting to take control are the radical left, Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020

Malware – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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These Four Things Can’t All Be True, Who is Lying?

By Tom Williams –

We are now less than 3-months from the U.S. presidential elections, and we thought we would take a macro view of the political and financial landscape to better understand the state of play. The choice before the American people is a stark and a pivotal one that gives two very …

These Four Things Can’t All Be True, Who is Lying? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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People Only See A ‘Snippet’ Of What’s Happening At Protests, Portland Police Sergeant Says

By Kaylee Greenlee –

A Portland Police Bureau sergeant said it was time for someone with “firsthand knowledge” of what happened at the protests and riots to “speak up,” local outlet KGW8 reported. Sgt. Brent Maxey said in an interview that he disagrees with Oregon House Speaker Tina Kotek’s claims that police contributed to …

People Only See A ‘Snippet’ Of What’s Happening At Protests, Portland Police Sergeant Says is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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Trump On The Road Again

By Jim Clayton –

President Trump is back on the road again holding his rallies to packed houses  – though hundreds instead of thousands like before because of the virus with more people outside that couldn’t get in, standing shoulder to shoulder while he touts his accomplishments that the Destroy Trump media censors from …

Trump On The Road Again is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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1 In 5 Students May Defer Upcoming Academic Year, Axios Poll Shows

By Andrew Trunsky –

More than twenty percent of college students may defer the upcoming academic year, according to a recent Axios poll. The deferment data comes as prominent universities across the country move from in-person to online classes in response to campus-wide outbreaks of the coronavirus. Of the 21% of students who may …

1 In 5 Students May Defer Upcoming Academic Year, Axios Poll Shows is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

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The Morning Briefing: DNC Night 4: Biden Manages to Clear Low Bar, Media Weeps Tears of Joy

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
The Two DNC Finales

We have made it to Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing readers. I sincerely hope that you are all enjoying yours so far.

Well, the DNC Zoom meeting is finally over and the mainstream media couldn’t wait to get to their feelings journals to start dotting their eyes with hearts while writing about Joe Biden’s speech. It’s something they haven’t done regularly since Biden’s boss, the Lightbringer, was in office.

Get ready for two and a half months of fawning media awfulness, my friends.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that I won’t be able to participate in the concussed unicorn prance that will be substituting for journalism about the campaign. I do so miss the days when the MSM was coy about its bias, always trying to mask it. Now it’s an unabashedly biased freak flag flying session all the time.

Tyler has a rundown of last night’s DNC finale here.

It’s true, Biden didn’t make any major mistakes during his big moment at the DNC. Then again, the expectations for his speech have been lowered for months so all he really had to do was get through it without pausing to eat his foot and it was going to be judged a rousing success.

I watched a little of Biden’s DNC speech, got bored, and went back to work. I kept checking Twitter and saw the WAY over-the-top reactions from all of the usual suspects, so I went back and watched more after the DNC wrapped and it was posted online.

The speech I was seeing described by the media and prominent Democrats was not the speech I watched.

Biden was tired and slurring. He did stay riveted to the teleprompter in a way that I found distracting.

Gifted oration it was not.

The content was worse than the delivery. Biden could have been cribbing talking points from any CNN panel. Given his history of plagiarism, he may very well have been.

Look, this ain’t my first rodeo, I know how this dance goes. The partisans all love the nominee’s acceptance speech. The Democrat nominee always gets a sickening amount of love from the media. I guess I’ve just been at this too long to pretend that I like the dance.

 (Democratic National Convention via AP)

Biden may have been aided by the lack of an audience at this COVID DNC. His fixed gaze on the teleprompter may not have survived applause breaks.

Here are a couple of takes on the speech that I think sum things up nicely:




Biden may have been mistake-free, but Reaganesque? Yeah…no.

The media might want to try reeling in the gushing schoolgirl shtick, just to create the slightest pretense of objectivity.

Or they can just carry on as the propaganda wing of the Democratic National Committee.

It will be interesting to see if the RNC next week learned any virtual convention tips from the DNC.

The weirdness continues.

Oh, How I Love This Account


For Your “Dystopian Nightmare” File


Impossible. Democrats Have Assured Us That Vote-By-Mail Fraud Doesn’t Exist.


Comments of the Week


DNCPJM Linktank

Lyft and Uber Get Reprieve From CA’s Job-Killing AB5…For Now

Commie elitism. Chicago Police Ban Protests on Mayor Lightfoot’s Block

The Democrats Are Sending Out Mixed Messages About Linda Sarsour. Here’s Why.

If Your School District Pulls What One Tennessee District Has, Know Your Rights

Portland Antifa Rioters Turn ICE Office Entrance Into a War Zone, Hurling Softball-Sized Rocks at Cops

Treacher: National Susan B. Anthony Museum ‘Rejects’ Trump’s Pardon, Somehow

#TrueStory, and they’ve been lying about it ever since. Sarah Palin Says Today’s ‘Never Trumpers’ ‘Sabotaged’ McCain Presidential Run

Putin Foe in Coma After Being Poisoned

Bannon Indicted, Arrested by NY Feds for Alleged Defrauding Donors to ‘We Build the Wall’ Group

Trump Wants UN Sanctions ‘Snapback’ on Iran

Netflix Pushes Pedophilia Fantasy ‘Cuties’ Starring Twerking 11-Year-Olds

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE A WINNER: Biden: A Diminished Trojan Horse With an Army of Marxist Transformers Inside

Yarmuk: ISIS’s Inspiration and the ‘Most Consequential’ Battle Between Islam and the West

VodkaPundit: Insanity Wrap #32: Liz Warren Spells Out the Marxism for You, Plus Billy Joel as Nostradamus

The Democratic Convention Is Giving an Unusual Bump to Trump and the GOP

Wait, Did the DNC Really Cut ‘Under God’ Out of the Pledge of Allegiance?!

Trolls Shut Down Native American Caucus Chatroom Before Elizabeth Warren Speech

AWKWARD. EMBARRASSING: DNC Caught Using Duplicate Livestreams to Cheer Kamala After Her DNC Speech

Not Much Enthusiasm for Biden and Democrats as Convention TV Ratings Tank

Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ ‘Fighting Words?’ College Speech Zone Case Heads to Supreme Court


Me: Biden’s Age Is Fair Game and the MSM Is Avoiding It

This, More Than Anything Else, Might Doom Joe Biden’s Campaign

VIP Gold

Barack Obama Wants You to Vote Against Trump, Not for Biden

From the Mothership and Beyond 

Chris Wallace Defends Biden On Gun Control, Calls AR-15’s “Weapons Of Mass Destruction”

Dems Embrace Anti-Gun Agenda At Convention, But What About The Campaign Trail?

Anti-Hunters In CA Say They Want To Help Animals, But Are Enabling Poachers Instead

Has anyone else ever noticed DeWine’s resemblance to ET? Mike DeWine’s Gun Control Bill Isn’t The Answer To Ohio’s Rising Crime

Can Philly Talk Its Way Out Of Its Crime Spike?

When Organizations Push Members Away Over Gun Control

Singing ‘no riskier than talking’ for virus spread

Chess: Carlsen fights back from brink to overcome Nakamura in 38-game epic

Biden Makes Lofty Promises in His DNC Speech…President Trump Responds

LOL, yeah…after 44 years in Washington. Buttigieg Paints Biden as the Candidate of ‘Change’

Tammy Duckworth Says Biden Wouldn’t ‘Let Tyrants Manipulate Him,’ the Chinese Communist Party Disagrees

Biden’s Instagram Post Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Kamala Harris

Here’s Yet Another Graph That Shreds the COVID Lockdown Hysteria

Data: Florida, Texas, California Flattened the Curve. New York and New Jersey Did Not.

YAHTZEE! California’s Blackouts Linked To Reliance On Green Energy   

Still on his “Clueless” tour. Cuomo Finally Admits COVID Mistake: I Should Have Mandated Masks Sooner, Even Though I Did It Before Everyone Else

Pompeo Trolls Pelosi With ‘The Simpsons’ Character Meme During Her DNC Speech

Two Soldiers Appeared In American Samoa’s DNC Roll Call Video – Now They Are Being Investigated

Pittsburgh Dem Mayor: No, You Can’t Protest Outside My House

Fake Conservatives Attack Nuclear Power In Utah/Idaho Ahead Of Election

Here We Go: Harris County Clerk Requests Extended Deadline To Receive Mailed Ballots After Election Day

‘Bikers for Trump’ Show up Outside DNC With Not-So-Subtle Message for Trump-Bashing Dems: ‘Wisconsin Ain’t Theirs’

AB5 Author and Teamster Lorena Gonzalez Used CA Assembly Resources to “Encourage” Charter Schools to Go Union

Report: Hillary Clinton Hired Ghislaine Maxwell’s Nephew For State Department Position

Richard Grenell is live-tweeting the Democratic National Convention and he’s the account you should be following

Even Tom Nichols thought the ‘Julia and Andrew Show’ was cringeworthy

‘Retract and apologize’: CAIR National goes after Biden campaign for smearing ‘our sister’ Linda Sarsour; Rep. Rashida Tlaib weighs in

MSM is about to become more insufferable than ever before. ‘This cannot be real’! WaPo theater critic’s RAVE review of ‘award-worthy’ Dem convention is a melodramatic doozy

KofC says ‘under God’ in flag pledge represents ‘fundamental American belief’

This is going super well. American Airlines to suspend flights to 15 US cities amid funding debate 

California Governor Gavin Newsom Failed To Take Promised Pay Cut After Cutting State Workers’ Pay By 10 Percent

L.A. Superior Court says John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church cannot be punished for holding indoor services

Bee Me

Nailed it!


The Kruiser Kabana

Kitten watching Tom and Jerry is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen on the internet.


First round of this fight was a furious, drunken alley brawl. I remember watching it and thinking, “How in the hell are they even going to come out for the second round?”

We could all be exercising a little more privilege here, people. Let’s get on that.


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Kruiser Facebook
PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.



Cut to the News
Cut through the clutter to today’s top news
August 21, 2020
Good morning
Welcome to today’s top news.
Leading the News . . . 
Biden pledges to restore nation’s “soul” . . . Joseph R. Biden on Thursday formally accepted the Democrats’ presidential nomination, vowing to take the country in a different direction from what he has described as a scorched-earth approach from President Trump and securing the party’s nod more than three decades after his first bid for the White House. Mr. Biden has been running on a theme to restore the “soul” of America, frequently invoking the 2017 white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia — and Mr. Trump’s response — as a tipping point that helped persuade him to take the plunge again. He is now confronted with uniting a Democratic Party in which the energy is dominated by a harsher, take-no-prisoners approach championed by people such as far-left freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York rather than the back-slapping, deal-making bipartisan philosophy he has waxed on about on the campaign trail. Washington Times
We sold it to the devil and good ‘ole Joe is going to buy it back! With trillions in new domestic spending, BTW.
Trump swipes at Biden during speech . . . President Trump on Thursday wasted no time weighing in on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s acceptance speech. Trump had said earlier in the night that he planned to watch Biden’s speech on the final night of the Democratic National Convention, and he chimed in on Twitter as the former vice president drew to a close. “In 47 years, Joe did none of the things of which he now speaks. He will never change, just words!” Trump tweeted. The Hill
A shorter video would have been the most normal and comforting moments of the convention
Convention rapper has ties to Farrakhan . . . The Democratic National Convention’s final night featured a performance from the rapper Common, who has long-standing ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Common, whose real name is Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr., has appeared in photos with Farrakhan and promoted Farrakhan on social media. He was one of several rappers featured on a music compilation project that Farrakhan released in February 2018. Daily Mail
Where’s the press on this? Imagine if the Republicans presented a country singer with ties to white supremacists.
Tulsi Gabbard was not invited .  . . Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard confirmed Thursday that she had not been invited to participate in her own party’s convention. The former presidential candidate — who endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden when she formally dropped out of the race — responded to someone who noted her absence on Twitter. “You’re correct – I was not invited to participate in any way,” Gabbard replied. Daily Caller

Illegal immigrant featured at convention was put on path to deportation by Obama . . . The illegal immigrant mother whom Democrats used at their convention this week as a case study of cruelty in President Trump’s policies was deported under the Clinton administration and flagged for deportation under the Obama-Biden administration. Alejandra Juarez first sneaked into the U.S. in 1998. She was caught at the border and deported back to Mexico.

She quickly sneaked back into the U.S. — a “felony act” — and remained in the shadows until a traffic stop in 2013 At that point, the Obama Homeland Security Department could have shown leniency but instead reinstated her deportation order from 1998, putting her on the path to deportation that the Trump Homeland Security Department carried out in 2018. Washington Times

Video || Convention Muslim and LGBT caucuses omit God from Pledge of Allegiance . . . I guess maybe God is a Republican after all. Or perhaps a Trump supporter. I mean, I think even Democrats would say that Trump making it all the way to the presidency was a miracle. White House Dossier

Pfizer vaccine on track for regulatory review in October . . . Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE said the Covid-19 vaccine they are jointly developing is on track to be submitted for regulatory review as early as October, as they released additional data from an early-stage study. The companies said the vaccine was well tolerated with mild to moderate fever in fewer than 20% of the participants. The companies are continuing to analyze data from the Phase 1 trials in the U.S. and Germany. Bloomberg

Steve Bannon arrested and charged with fraud . . .

President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was pulled from a luxury yacht and arrested Thursday on allegations that he and three associates ripped off donors trying to fund a southern border wall. The organizers of the “We Build The Wall” group portrayed themselves as eager to help the president build a “big beautiful” barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border, as he promised during the 2016 campaign. They raised more than $25 million from thousands of donors and pledged that 100% of the money would be used for the project. But according to the criminal charges unsealed Thursday, much of the money never made it to the wall. Instead, it was used to line the pockets of group members, including Bannon, who served in Trump’s White House and worked for his campaign. He allegedly took over $1 million, using some to secretly pay co-defendant Brian Kolfage, an Air Force veteran who lost both legs in a mortar attack in Iraq and the founder of the project, and to cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal expenses. Associated Press

Trump asks Supreme Court to let him block critics on Twitter . . . The Trump administration on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to reverse a lower court ruling that found President Trump violated the First Amendment by blocking his critics on Twitter. The lawsuit arose in 2017 after Trump’s social media account blocked seven people who had tweeted criticism of the president in comment threads linked to his @realDonaldTrump Twitter handle. Lower federal courts found that Trump’s twitter account, where he often weighs in on official matters, constitutes a public forum and that blocking his detractors violated their constitutional free speech protections. The Hill
National Security     
Pompeo announces full sanctions on Iran . . . The U.S. is moving to reissue a full round of United Nations sanctions against Iran, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Thursday, in the Trump administration’s latest move to erase the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Pompeo said the U.S. would issue the sanctions to essentially extend an arms embargo on Iran, even after the UN Security Council voted to let the arms embargo expire this fall. Pompeo had expressed his intention to reapply sanctions Wednesday by invoking a snapback measure in the deal negotiated by the Obama administration that allows participants to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran. Politico
Hackers eye students returning to virtual classes as an easy target . . . As many students across the country are returning to school online this fall, they face a potential wave of cyber attacks from hackers seeking to take advantage of academic institutions conducting remote classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Universities and schools are scrambling to address threats such as a surge in malicious phishing emails, “Zoombombs” and other kinds of attacks. But with weakened budgets and students learning off campus, they are facing an uphill battle. The Hill
Russia preventing poisoned Trump critic from evacuation to Germany . . . Allies of stricken Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny accused Russian authorities of thwarting his medical evacuation to Germany on Friday, saying the decision placed his life in mortal danger because the Siberian hospital treating him was under-equipped.  Navalny, a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin and his lieutenants, is in serious condition after drinking tea on Thursday morning that his allies believe was laced with poison. Doctors treating him in Omsk, Siberia, said his condition had improved a little overnight but his life was still in danger. Reuters
Debt passes “doomsday” mark . . . Economists and deficit hawks have warned for decades that the United States was borrowing too much money. The federal debt was ballooning so fast, they said, that economic ruin was inevitable: Interest rates would skyrocket, taxes would rise and inflation would probably run wild. The death spiral could be triggered once the debt surpassed the size of the U.S. economy — a turning point that was probably still years in the future. It actually happened much sooner: sometime before the end of June. New York Times
Stocks hugely out of line with economy, drawing concern . . . Some of the biggest money managers are vexed by the same paradox troubling everyone else: U.S. stocks are near an all-time high, but the world still seems to be falling apart. Any number of looming threats could bring the historic rally in U.S. equities to a screeching halt, top hedge fund and mutual fund managers said. They include uncertainty over school re-openings, the November elections, tensions with China and the effect of monetary policy on inflation. Bloomberg
Get ready for early holiday sales . . . The coronavirus pandemic is upending the way U.S. consumers shop and the holidays will be no exception as major retailers and shippers roll out their earliest-ever shopping season. Target, Best Buy, and Kohl’s, have moved winter holiday promotions up to as early as October. They also joined rival Walmart in announcing store closures on Thanksgiving and plans to bypass the midnight Black Friday door-buster sales that traditionally mark the start of the holiday season but are incompatible with the pandemic’s social distancing recommendations. Reuters
You should also know 
At least five dead in massive Calif. wildfires . . . Thousands of people remained under evacuation orders in regions around the San Francisco Bay Area on Thursday as wildfires blazed across the state amid a blistering heat wave now in its second week. In all, according to Cal Fire, more than 60,000 California residents have evacuated because of fires that are burning about 780 square miles across the state. That’s an area equal to about half the size of Rhode Island. Statewide, as of Thursday evening, officials said the fires have destroyed 175 structures, including homes, and are threatening 50,000 more.  In all, 33 civilians and firefighters have been injured, and at least five people have died. USA Today
Two tropical storms to threat Gulf Coast next week . . . Two tropical storms are expected to hit the mainland of the United States at the same time next week, for the first time since the great depression. Both storms – one currently centered east of the Leeward Islands and the other in the Caribbean Sea – will eventually become storms Laura and Marco. The storms present an almost unheard of scenario where two forecast cones are both pointed at the mainland, and expected to arrive around the same time. Daily Mail
This must be either because of global warming or Trump.
Movers turning people away as NYC residents flee . . . While the moving industry is fractured among numerous small business owners, and official statistics are tough to come by, one thing is clear: From professionals who are downsizing following a job loss, to students moving back in with their parents, to families fleeing the city for the suburbs, New Yorkers are changing their addresses in droves. New York Times
Guilty Pleasures        
Man steals lottery tickets, tries to cash them in at same store . . . A suspect later identified as Herbert McClellan ran off Tuesday after grabbing 13 scratch-off lottery tickets from a convenience store in Clearwater, authorities told FOX 13 of Tampa. Hours later, after realizing one of the tickets was a $30 winner, McClellan, 27, returned to the same store and tried to collect his prize. Store employees recognized McClellan as the scratch-off thief and called 911, police told the station. Fox News
Fly repeatedly lands on Bloombergs face during his  convention speech . . . A special guest buzzed its way into Mike Bloomberg’s speech Thursday night as the former New York City mayor was in the middle of slamming President Trump during the Democratic National Convention. In the midst of Bloomberg attacking the president, what appeared to be a fly landed on his face — at least once above his right eye and once under his nose. “The star of the #DNC is the fly that keeps landing on Bloomberg’s face,” tweeted reporter John Craven. Fox News
All those millions bought him five minutes at the convention and a housefly.
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Have a great weekend.
Keith Koffler
Editor, White House Dossier and Cut to the News
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Cut to the News
Cut through the clutter to today’s top news
August 21, 2020
Good morning
My apologies, the previous email that went out included a headline saying that Russia was preventing a poisoned critic of President Trump from leaving the country. I meant to write, a poisoned Putin critic. Despite what you may hear from the left, Trump is in fact not poisoning his opponents.
I mean he should be, but he’s not.
Okay, that’s a joke, come on, let’s lighten up, it’s Friday.
Have a nice weekend!
Keith Koffler
Editor, White House Dossier and Cut to the News
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The Morning Dispatch: Joe Biden Takes the Stage

Plus, Steve Bannon’s arrest over a border wall funding scheme.

Happy Friday! Thank goodness the DNC is over—your Morning Dispatchers can finally start putting this newsletter to bed before 2 a.m. again. Oh, what’s that? The RNC starts on Monday?

Quick Hits: Today’s Top Stories

  • The United States confirmed 48,266 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday, with 7.3 percent of the 661,228 tests reported coming back positive. An additional 1,278 deaths were attributed to the virus on Thursday, bringing the pandemic’s American death toll to 174,248.

  • Longtime Trump aide Steve Bannon, along with three co-conspirators, was indicted on federal fraud charges for “orchestrat[ing] a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors” as part of an online crowdfunding campaign to build a wall on the United States’ southern border. Bannon pleaded not guilty.
  • Initial weekly unemployment claims increased slightly week-over-week according to the Labor Department, from 971,000 two weeks ago to 1,106,000 the week ending August 15.
  • A spokeswoman for prominent Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny alleged on Thursday that Navalny was poisoned by something put in his tea in a Siberian airport. Navalny is reportedly in serious condition.
  • Sen. Ben Sasse and Rep. Liz Cheney became the highest-ranking Republicans to condemn President Trump’s soft praise for QAnon conspiracy theorists. Cheney called the theory “dangerous lunacy that should have no place in American politics,” while Sasse told the Washington Post that “real leaders call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories,” adding that “if Democrats take the Senate, blow up the filibuster, and pack the Supreme Court – garbage like this will be a big part of why they won.”

Biden Sets the Tone

All eyes were on Joe Biden’s closing speech to officially accept the Democratic presidential nomination. It was the capstone of a bizarre, unprecedented convention—a flurry of Zoom calls and uneven televised set pieces. The speech, delivered not to an arena full of cheering fans, but to a quiet, empty room, set an unmistakable tone for his campaign’s message over the next few months: America’s taken a beating, and he wants to start to heal it.

Biden’s never been a preternatural orator like his former boss, Barack Obama; at times, the platitudes flew thick and fast. “If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst,” he said. “I will be an ally of the light, not of the darkness. … United, we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America.”

But then, that’s basically the central argument of the Biden campaign: That in a time when the president has taken a sledgehammer to the foundations of American democracy, the best man for the job of restoring them is one whose primary selling points are basic competence, long experience, and a good heart.

Bannon’s Border Wall Scheme

Former Trump campaign adviser and chief strategist Steve Bannon—who was ousted from the White House in 2017—was arrested and charged on Thursday alongside three co-conspirators for his involvement with “We Build the Wall,” a border wall crowdfunding campaign that allegedly defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors while masquerading as a nonprofit.

Bannon was arrested at approximately 7:15 a.m. Thursday morning by investigators from the U.S. Postal Service while boating off the coast of Connecticut on Chinese exile and businessman Guo Wengui’s 150-foot yacht. Bannon pleaded not guilty to the charges Thursday afternoon during a videoconference court appearance and was released after agreeing to a $5 million bond. He is due back in court August 31, and is prohibited from traveling on private yachts, planes, or boats without permission from the judge presiding over the case.

We Build the Wall was launched on a crowdfunding website in 2018 by Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, who told donors that the funds would be given to the federal government to build a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. According to the 24-page-indictment—unsealed by the Federal District Court in Manhattan—the project racked up a total of $25 million in donations from hundreds of thousands of donors, $17 million of which were raised in the project’s first week of fundraising. Kolfage is also charged in the indictment, along with co-conspirators Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea. All were arrested Thursday.

Standoff Over Ridesharing in California

Uber and Lyft saw their lives (in California) flash before their eyes on Thursday before an appeals court granted them a temporary reprieve from a court order—originally scheduled to go into effect at midnight last night—that would have required the companies to classify their drivers as employees rather than independent contractors. Both ridesharing apps had warned they wouldn’t be able to comply with the original court and would be forced to shut down their operations in California.

“This change would … necessitate an overhaul of the entire business model,” a Thursday blog post from Lyft argued. “It’s not a switch that can be flipped overnight.”

“We may have to temporarily suspend ridesharing in California starting this week,” Uber warned its customers on Tuesday. “We know that riders rely on Uber to get around, and drivers rely on the Uber app to earn income. We wanted to let you know that this is a possibility, so you can plan accordingly.”

But a last-minute stay was granted by an appeals court Thursday afternoon, meaning that the companies could continue operating normally until their appeal is decided. Oral arguments are set for October.

Worth Your Time

  • Is it possible for the fringes of the anti-racism movement to go so far around the bend that it ends up espousing beliefs previously reserved for the alt-right? The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf was taken aback by a viral video showing a white woman deriding a fellow member of the “NYC Community Education Council for Manhattan District 2,” also white, for holding his friend’s baby nephew, a black child, on his lap during a Zoom call. “It hurts people,” she yelled, “when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap.” Friedersdorf dug into the literature and the culture that could lead her to such a conclusion. “As long as sharp disagreements persist about what causes racial inequality and how best to remedy it,” he argues in his latest piece, “deliberations rooted in the specific costs and benefits of discrete policies will provide a better foundation for actual progress than meta-arguments about what ‘anti-racism’ demands.”
  • Yesterday’s writeup of President Obama’s DNC speech sparked quite the discussion in the comments yesterday. Here’s another take on it, from Daily Beast editor Sam Stein. “Former and current aides say that Obama long ago recognized that the incentives built into the political system—from gerrymandered districts to a balkanized media ecosystem—were more powerful than pleas for better angels, moving oratory, or basic rationality,” Stein writes.

Presented Without Comment

Also Presented Without Comment

Toeing the Company Line

  • Catch the latest episode of Advisory Opinions for some highlights (and lowlights) of the Democratic convention, a deep-dive into the Steve Bannon border wall funding scam, a primer on employment law, and Facebook’s strike against QAnon and Antifa.
  • David expands on this Advisory Opinions discussion in his Thursday French Press (🔒), looking at not just the Steve Bannon indictment itself, but what it signifies about the right’s grifter problem as a whole. “Casting themselves as men (and women) of the people—avatars of the working class—this allegedly populist fundraising class intentionally and cynically lines their pockets with the hard-earned dollars of the very people they purport to represent,” David writes. “It’s the corrupt televangelist’s playbook, applied to politics.”
  • Tom Joscelyn’s latest Vital Interests (🔒) newsletter looks at both President Trump and Vice President Biden’s repeated promises to “end endless wars” in the Middle East. “It would be easy for America to ‘end’ its role in these wars. President Trump or President Biden can simply withdraw all American forces,” Joscelyn writes. “But the ‘endless’ or ‘forever wars’ narrative is vacuous. The terrorists are waging an ‘endless jihad.’ America cannot simply assume that the terrorist threat will go away once all service members are brought home.”

Reporting by Declan Garvey (@declanpgarvey), Andrew Egger (@EggerDC), Charlotte Lawson (@charlotteUVA), Audrey Fahlberg (@FahlOutBerg), James Sutton (@jamespsuttonsf), and Steve Hayes (@stephenfhayes).


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CA Gov. Gavin Newsom Mandates Ethnic Studies for State University System

Black Student Organizations at Hofstra Want Zero Tolerance for Hate Speech

Revolutionary War Statue at University of Virginia Vandalized With Red Paint


  • William Jacobson: “NEXT WEEK — Classes resume at Cornell Law School. I’ll be “remote” since under law school reopening guidelines faculty who live outside the Finger Lakes region are required to teach online.
  • Kemberlee Kaye: “Enjoy playing identity politics with this one.”
  • Mary Chastain: “Mom comes home Friday morning! She’s been in ICU & rehab since the 4th.”
  • Leslie Eastman: “How spectacular is the failure of the DNC convention?  Perhaps a key data point showing that it has been a truly botch-tastic event is that they had to duplicate the images of Kamala Harris supporters on the jumbo screen!”
  • David Gerstman: “Today the United States ordered a snapback of sanctions on Iran for its failure to abide by the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal. In a response to Russia Today, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted that “snapback” was the brainchild of former president Barack Obama, who said five years ago this week, “If at any time the United States believes Iran has failed to meet its commitments, no other state can block our ability to snap back those multilateral sanctions.” Four years ago, Vijeta Uniyal observed at LI that the New York Times described “snapback” as “one of the most unusual parts of the deal. In the event that Iran is perceived as violating it, the agreement allows the full raft of penalties to resume automatically.” Of course, he was noting that though the conditions to employ the snapback mechanism existed, the Obama administration refused to invoke it. But President Trump is much different from his predecessor.”
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Friday, August 21, 2020

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Friday, Aug. 21, 2020

Here’s how air pollution might make COVID-19 worse

Takeaways from the final night of the Democratic National Convention 

Utah Jazz-Denver Nuggets series could be decided on the glass

Cottonwood Heights files protest charge against councilwoman, then reconsiders

The UAE-Israeli normalization is a personal family story. Here’s why

Legislature OKs some in-person voting in November election amid COVID-19 pandemic

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Friday, August 21, 2020

Another Bad Day for Goodyear
Goodyear Tires has recently been in the spotlight for a leaked slide from their sensitivity training, which detailed acceptable and unacceptable speech for their employees, instituting a zero-tolerance policy. Pro-Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ attire is permitted, while wardrobe choices supporting Blue Lives Matter or Trump are banned.

While Goodyear claimed the image was doctored and didn’t belong to them, their announced policy fit squarely within the rules detailed on the leaked slide. Yesterday, audio was leaked that proved their denials were lies, and the controversial message was truly from an official Goodyear diversity training.

This reveal of anti-cop stances from a company with a long history of providing tires for police vehicles has been financially harmful for the company. In the aftermath of the slides leaking, Goodyear’s stock fell over 4% and two major police unions called for a boycott by anyone who supports the police.

Bannon Behind Bars
Steve Bannon, political strategist and Trump’s former chief strategist, was arrested for his alleged involvement with a fraudulent fundraising campaign. Bannon is accused of raising money alongside others from private investors to build the border wall between the US and Mexico, but he and his coconspirators pocketed the money for themselves.

Bannon and his three coconspirators, Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea, established the organization using shell companies and false invoices from fake companies. Donors believed that the over $25 million donated would be going directly to the creation of the wall, but instead, more than $1 million were funneled to Bannon, with other funds misappropriated to the others. After being indicted, Bannon pled not guilty, released on a $5 million bond.

Rideshare Safe in California, For Now
Uber and Lyft were nearly kicked out of the state of California but were saved by the state appeals court yesterday. Assembly Bill (AB) 5, a state law passed in California last fall, was a blatant attack on the gig economy in the form of a labor law regulating the use of independent contractors.

The rideshare giants have been embroiled in an intense lawsuit against the state since May, and were nearly forced to leave the state, starting yesterday. Luckily, for the hundreds of thousands of drivers who rely on the companies for primary or supplementary income, the appeals court gave them a temporary reprieve.

The appeal does not wholly save the companies and their drivers, but rather buys them the time they need to fight against the oppressive law.

Alexei Navalny Possibly Poisoned
Alexei Navalny, the outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin and politician, has fallen ill and is in a coma, due to a suspected poisoning via tea orchestrated by Putin. Navalny has been a passionate activist against Putin’s authoritarianism for years. He attempted to run against him for President in 2018, before being barred from running for public office due to a past fraud conviction (a conviction which was decried by the European Court of Human Rights as “arbitrary and manifestly unreasonable.)

This recent attack would not be the first poisoning possibly perpetrated by the Kremlin. Defected spy Alexander Litvinenko was killed in 2000 by poison-laced tea, attributed to the Russian government. Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned in 2004 while running an anti-Russia campaign against a Russia-backed candidate. The poison left his face permanently disfigured due to a partial paralysis. Defected spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were likewise poisoned in 2018 by a military nerve agent poison. Putin has denied involvement in each of these past poisonings, but the pattern is suspicious.

What to Watch – Starship Troopers
After so long and so dull a virtual convention, some may be seeking mindless and cathartic action or soapy teen romantic drama as a palate cleanser. Others may be seeking a sharp, biting satire, either criticizing war and fascism or wholeheartedly engaging in the importance of the military and public service. Whatever of those genres you’re seeking, you may find it in Paul Verhoeven’s 1997 sci fi action satire, Starship Troopers, based on the Robert A. Heinlein novel of the same name.

As good satire should but rarely does, the film serves as a legitimately fun action film without any commentary. The characters are fun, with great turns by Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards, and Neil Patrick Harris as a trio of high school friends who each enlist in various factions of the military to fight in an interstellar war. The special effects are some of the best of all time, and hold up beautifully, even 23-years later. The aliens look better and more believable than much more modern CGI, due to a heavy use of practical effects.

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Today’s BRIGHT Editor

Paulina Enck is an intern at the Federalist and current student at Georgetown University in the School of Foreign Service. Follow her on Twitter at @itspaulinaenck
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21 AUGUST 2020 View in Browser



Good morning. This is a special edition of AP Morning Wire. Tamer Fakahany is on vacation.



  • Rise in jobless claims reflects still-struggling US economy.
  • Russian doctors say Navalny wasn’t poisoned, refuse transfer.
  • Biden vows to defeat Trump, end ‘US season of darkness.’



The Rundown


Rise in jobless claims reflects still-struggling US economy


The coronavirus recession struck swiftly and violently. Now, with the U.S. economy still in the grip of the outbreak five months later, the recovery looks fitful and uneven — and painfully slow.


The latest evidence came Thursday, when the government reported that the number of workers applying for unemployment climbed back over 1 million last week after two weeks of declines.


The figures suggest that employers are still slashing jobs even as some businesses reopen and some sectors like housing and manufacturing have rebounded.

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Saved by suburbs: Food trucks hit by virus find new foodies
Loughlin, Giannulli to be sentenced in college bribery plot
AP FACT CHECK: Dems on minimum wage and poverty
Former sailor details misconduct by SEALs pulled from Iraq


Russian doctors say Navalny wasn’t poisoned, refuse transfer


Russian doctors treating opposition leader Alexei Navalny don’t believe he was poisoned and refused to transfer him to a German hospital on Friday.


Navalny, a 44-year-old politician who is one of President Vladimir Putin’s fiercest critics, was admitted to an intensive care unit in a coma at a hospital in the Siberian city of Omsk on Thursday, following what his supporters are calling a suspected poisoning that they believe was engineered by the Kremlin.


But Russian doctors treating Navalny say they haven’t found any indication that the Kremlin critic was poisoned.


Omsk hospital deputy chief doctor, Anatoly Kalinichenko, said that no traces of poison were found in Navalny’s body. Navalny’s spokeswoman, Kira Yarmysh, posted a video on Twitter of Kalinichenko speaking.


“Poisoning as a diagnosis remains on the back burner, but we don’t believe that the patient suffered from poisoning,” Kalinichenko told reporters Friday.

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Special Coverage: Democratic National Convention


A convention without a roaring crowd, confetti cannons, funny hats — a gathering in name only — delivered the Democratic presidential nomination to Joe Biden on Thursday, the culmination of a lifelong pursuit that comes at a time of crisis.


Here are key takeaways from the final night.


  • Biden met the moment: Biden needed an eloquent, emotional, clear speech accepting the Democratic nomination to dispel the criticisms lobbed at him almost daily by President Donald Trump, and even to allay the concerns of some of his supporters about whether, at 77, he was up to the job. He delivered. “Easily the best and most affecting speech Biden has ever delivered,” historian Michael Beschloss said on Twitter.
  • Faith at the forefront: Biden and the Democrats also put faith at the forefront, making a point not to cede the issue to Republicans. Sen. Chris Coons, who represents nominee Biden’s home state of Delaware, spoke of a “private” faith that is personally defining for Biden, a practicing Roman Catholic.
  • Still the Obama-Biden, er, Biden-Obama party: Through four nights and eight hours of programming, the speakers who claimed the most airtime besides Biden and his vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris: former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle. And’s it really not close.
  • The compassion-empathy-righteous anger card: Democrats quite consciously played up empathy, compassion and a bit of righteous anger, all traits they associated with Biden. On Thursday, it was Brayden Harrington, a 13-year-old who shared his story of bonding with Biden over their shared stutter. In a powerful moment, he made it, sometimes stuttering, through his own speech.
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We’ll leave you with this …


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Yesterday’s story on Michigan’s settlement with residents of Flint over lead-tainted drinking water misidentified a Detroit television station. The station is WXYZ-TV, not WXZY-TV.

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Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray
A Recap Of The Democratic National Convention’s Most Insane Moments
Tristan Justice
Here’s a rundown of some of this week’s most notable crazy leftist moments on camera that legacy media won’t cover.
DNC Night 4: Biden Veers Toward The Center, Calming Dems With A Strong Finish To A Mismanaged Convention
Christopher Bedford
It is difficult to imagine four days of empty seats and moderate messaging will make up for months of dodging interviews, banning questions, and sheltering in place while shifting increasingly leftward.
Yes, Children Are ‘Almost Immune’ To The Worst Of COVID-19
Deane Waldman
Strictly speaking, children are not completely immune to infection, but they are indeed ‘almost immune.’ Most definitely, children are highly resistant to illness and death from COVID-19.
In Spite Of The DNC’s Play-Acting, The Democratic Party Isn’t ‘Moderate’
Margot Cleveland
Americans need to realize that, for all the play-acting of the past week, the Biden-Harris ticket, both in policy and in person, represents an extreme leftist lurch for the country.
Chicago Mayor Who Can’t Contain Rioting Elsewhere Bans Protests From Her Block
Paulina Enck
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has banned protesters from congregating on the block where she lives, citing concerns for her safety. The rest of Chicago is still out to dry.
Poignant Documentary ‘Howard’ Pays Tribute To Disney’s Howard Ashman
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Don Hahn’s ‘Howard’ is a moving documentary of the life of Disney legend Howard Ashman — a gifted and genuine musical genius whose work inspired millions.
Big Ten Is Crushing Minority Athletes’ Prospects, And Parents Aren’t Having It
Hutson Mason
Kevin Warren is effectively telling parents he believes it’s too risky for players of his conference to play football this fall but perfectly safe for his own son to continue his NCAA career.
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Mail-In Voting Is Unreliable. Go To The Polls To Ensure Your Vote Counts
Jordan Davidson
Even though I took all the right steps such as requesting my absentee ballot as early as possible and opening a case with U.S. Postal Service after it was mailed, my ballot never arrived in my mailbox.
No Matter How Much The New York Times Pumps Polyamory, It’s Not Good For Kids
Glenn T. Stanton
Polyamory recently received two glowing write-ups in one of the world’s most influential newspapers: The New York Times.
#FreeBritney: What The Plight Of Britney Spears Says About Our Culture
Staff writers Tristan Justice and Jordan Davidson join Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky for a…

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School assignment equates law enforcement to KKK and slave owners

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:35 AM PDT

The Cultural Marxism and radical progressive thoughts being taught to our children in public schools seem to make the news every other day. Sadly, there are likely many more that do not get reported because of the culture that has been established in many public schools around the country. Schools have become like Las Vegas. What happens in public schools stays in public schools.

The latest hideous example is a political cartoon used as part of an assigned in an 8th grade social studies class at Cooper Junior High in Wylie, TX. The cartoon depicts a slave trader, a Ku Klux Klan member, and law enforcement officers with their knee on the neck of a Black man. It’s a comparison of these racist groups to modern law enforcement insinuating that Derek Chauvin’s attack on George Floyd is common.

Public School Indoctrination

In the latest episode of Non-Compliant America, JD breaks down why this isn’t an isolated case, why we must prepare our kids for college rather than trying the futile effort to change them, and how parents should be homeschooling or sending their kids to private school whenever possible.

Joe Gamaldi, Vice President of the National Fraternal Order of Police, penned a letter to the superintendent of Wylie ISD:

Superintendent Vinson,

We find ourselves living in very turbulent times in this country. Amidst the unrest and uncertainty, the brave men and women of law enforcement have made every effort to bridge the gap is engaging with the youth of our community and reminding them that we are here to help, and should they ever find themselves in need, to call us. This interaction with our youth becomes increasingly difficult when adults who were hired to educate them engage in outright divisiveness towards us.

It has been brought to our attention by concerned parent that a recent assignment to junior high school students in Wylie ISD depicted police officers being compared to slave owners and members of the KKK. I cannot begin to tell you how abhorrent and disturbing this comparison is, but what is more disturbing is that no adult within your school thought better before sending this assignment to children. After one of the concerned parents reached out, you said you would “review” the matter, and apologized. Might I suggest pulling the assignment back immediately and issuing an apology to every family who had to view the material your teachers sent out.

You see police officers are a diverse group of individuals who are working diligently to have conversations, often difficult ones, with our communities and our children. We are willing to sit down with anyone and have a fact-based conversation about our profession, but divisiveness like your teachers showed does nothing to move that conversation forward. It only widens the gap further. Schools are supposed to be a place where the youth of America are taught acceptance and understanding, it is where we mold the future of our country, not indoctrinate them in the way of division.

The school district has pulled the lesson and apologized. That’s good. But for every indoctrinating incident that makes the news, there are thousands of others nationwide that don’t get reported. Public schools are truly dangerous.


We are sorry for any hurt that may have been caused by a lesson that included political cartoons that reflected negatively on LEOs. We value them and will do better. Thanks @GLFOP @TMPALegislative @WyliePD @SachsePD @murphytex for helping us move forward.

— Wylie ISD (@WylieISD) August 20, 2020


Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post School assignment equates law enforcement to KKK and slave owners appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

QAnon targets authors of CA SB 145, a bill to shield child sexual predators

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:11 AM PDT

The normalization of sex with minors has been a quiet but relentless pursuit of many Democrats across the nation. California Democrats in particularly have sought ways to make sex with children acceptable, using the guise of LGBTQ rights as a way to put their initiatives above reproach. The latest example is SB 145.

According to the Democrats authoring the bill, it will give gay sex offenders equal rights with straight sex offenders. Seriously, that’s the predicate for the bill. Currently, vaginal sex with minors is treated differently than oral or anal sex as long as the perpetrator is less than 10-years older than the victim. For example, a 25-year-old man who has sex with a 15-year-old boy would not necessarily have to register as a sex offender under the new bill.

According to California Globe last year:

Legislators Wiener and Eggman say they are trying to shield LGBT young people from having to automatically register as sex offenders for specified sex crimes. But their bill does much more.

SB 145 would allow a sex offender who lures a minor with the intent to commit a felony (i.e. a sex act) the ability to escape registering as a sex offender as long as the offender is within 10 years of age of the minor. No specification is made as to whether the sexual offender is straight or LGBT.

SB 145 would add a section to the state’s penal code (Section 290.55) stipulating that as long as the offender is “not more than 10 years older than the minor,” they are not automatically mandated to register as a sex offender. There is no age limit or range specified, except for existing law which already excludes lewd acts with children under 14.

SB 145 appears to allow adults to victimize minors by luring them with the intent to have sex, and then shields the predator from being automatically registered as a sex offender, as in the case of a 25 year old luring a 15 year old for sex, or a 22 year old luring a 12 year old.

SB 145, as currently written, appears to allow certain sexual predators to live among the population without anyone being aware.

Why is this bill needed?

For the last couple of weeks, one of the authors of the bill has been targeted by QAnon. The anti-child-sex-trafficking activist group has turned their ire towards California Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, a gay Jewish man. Mainstream media is focused on the threats, but the effort is also shining a spotlight on the details of the bill itself. According to Fox KTVU:

“It’s very hard to talk about because I’ve been the subject of death threats and personal attacks; threatening to decapitate me and send my head to my mother; threatening to decapitate me and ‘s— down my neck’ and others. I received additional death threats yesterday, so this is not letting up,” he said.

Wiener said believers in the conspiracy theory QAnon are accusing him of pushing to let gay men have sex with minors.

“It started a few weeks ago on Instagram (with) a particular person who is part of the QAnon network, this cult-like pro-Trump network that runs around saying that there’s a big conspiracy to protect pedophiles and that prominent leaders are all pedophiles and it’s a big conspiracy,” he said. “It’s a very delusional kind of cult at this point.”

“They’ve identified this bill and started saying that this is about protecting pedophiles, which it is not, and even saying that I’m a pedophile. This kind of slander, not just against me but against my community, is outrageous, and we have to speak out against it,” he said.

Currently, if a 14- to 17-year-old and a partner who is less than 10 years older have consensual sex, it is illegal, but the law does not require someone convicted in such a case to register as a sex offender if they had vaginal intercourse; it gives a judge discretion. If the case involves oral or anal intercourse, however, the offender must register.

SB 145 would remove this discrepancy and let the judge decide in all cases of consensual sex whether the offender should be placed on the registry. The bill would not change the law at all in cases where the sex was predatory.

Wiener said the bill is about protecting young LGTBQ people from being treated unfairly based on the fact that they typically don’t engage in vaginal sex.

Democrats are targeting our children. Look at this California legislation they’re trying to sneak through. The LGBTQ community should be outraged that their movement is being used as cover to justify child sex normalization.

Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post QAnon targets authors of CA SB 145, a bill to shield child sexual predators appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

Dr. Michael Scheuer discusses the most important website you’re missing today

Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:19 AM PDT

Every now and then, we find websites that strike us as, “Why have I never seen this before?” Today, I got to experience that first-hand when I was listening to the latest episode of Two Mikes with Colonel Mike and Dr. Michael Scheuer. His website, Non-Intervention2, is loaded with perspectives we need in today’s tumultuous world.

They discussed so many important topics, it’s amazing they were able to squeeze it into a 30-minute podcast. But it’s important to look at the world through their eyes because they’ve seen things many of today’s top “commentators” have only heard about.

One does not have to go to mainstream media or even popular alternative media to find the truth. Some sites are little known but definitely not light on knowledge. Check this out.


Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post Dr. Michael Scheuer discusses the most important website you’re missing today appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

Party of Projection: The people setting fire to the Constitution warn that democracy is in danger

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:33 PM PDT

Having better things to do than watch a bunch of authoritarians issue warnings about what President Trump isn’t doing. We’re relying on news reports on last night’s democratic train wreck. They did not disappoint, with former President Barack Obama solemnly warning of a threat to democracy to a plethora of liberty grabber groups stepping ever closer to the gun confiscation line.

Perhaps those who dwell in the echo chamber of the nation’s socialist left consider this perfectly rational. They only look at the fact that people they disagree with have been silenced. They only look at one side on the issue of basic human rights, ignoring the blood-soaked history of their base ideology and what happens when they get their wish.

Two forms of human interaction epitomized by the first two amendments to the Constitution

These two forms of interaction are reason and force. People either voluntarily co-operate or they are forced to do so. Bluntly speaking, economic liberty is based on reason, while socialistic slavery is based on force. The latter is one of those truths the left would like to keep hidden until it’s too late, usually after the guns have been confiscated.

We are truly in the midst of the destruction of our country, but they are the ones tearing it down. One would think that the former president would know that we are a representative republic and stop referring to it as a democracy. Of course, this won’t be the first time he’s outright lied on a basic fact that under girds our country, and it won’t be the last.

After all, this is the man who endorsed the gun confiscation schemes implemented elsewhere going against a fundamental human right affirmed by our founding documents. Obama’s pitch included this line, devoid of self-reflection and remorse:

So I am also asking you to believe in your own ability — to embrace your own responsibility as citizens — to make sure that the basic tenets of our democracy endure.

Because that’s what at stake right now. Our democracy.

There are times when you have to wonder what they think of us – the people they rule over from day one. They traffic in falsehoods, projecting their issues on others and then feign concern about the fate of democracy.

You can’t have a representative republic with restrictions on speech.

It’s more than hypocritical that the people who effuse their concerns over the tearing apart of our representative republic have no problem with what is ripping it apart. Polls have shown that many do not feel comfortable with expressing political views because of cancel culture.

This is virtually the exclusive province of the nation’s socialist left. It means you can’t have a civil conversation if you live in fear of being ‘canceled’.

Tearing apart the nation by tearing apart basic human rights.

Last night also featured the left’s agenda item of gun confiscation, as always couched in terms of emotionally laden but logically vapid talking points as reported by the Washington Free Beacon:

“I want a president who cares about our pain and grief, a president who will take on the gun lobby to ban assault weapons and close the loopholes to keep guns out of the hands of criminals,” Moms Demand Action volunteer Deandra Dycus said.

Never mind that there is no set definition of the meaningless phrase “assault weapon” compared to a gun that is precisely defined such as a Lorenzoni or Cookson repeating flintlock that were developed in the 17th century

The bottom line: The left has just begun trying to destroy the country.

These are just two examples from one night of rhetoric from the left. These are people who only used to pretend to be interested in liberty with the false label of liberal. Who feign being for ‘progress’ wanting to go backward with ideas that began in ancient Greece and have never worked. People who have the name ‘Democrat’ but want to shut down the basic precepts of democracy.

These are people who have gone beyond hypocrisy, they have to think that their audience doesn’t have the intelligence to pick up on their lies and destruction of liberty with their socialist national agenda. The worry now is that if there isn’t a substantial win by the pro-liberty right, the left will cheat and we go over a cliff. The time is now to point out their lies and hypocrisy, that is the true threat to our representative republic.

Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post Party of Projection: The people setting fire to the Constitution warn that democracy is in danger appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

At DNC, Joe Biden gave Republicans the gameplan with which to beat him

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:29 PM PDT

It’s official. Joe Biden’s presidential campaign starts fully right now. His speech at the Democratic National Convention was just as many of us expected. It was loaded with appeals to those with Trump Derangement Syndrome and short on policy proposals. The few he mentioned were milquetoast. The ones he didn’t mention are going to be his greatest weakness.

On social media, I still see many focusing on the “Dementia Joe” narrative. It’s old. Admittedly, it’s fun and I’ve done my fair share of pointing out his declining mental acuity. But moving forward, the focus needs to shift on the real weakness in the Harris-Biden ticket. It’s what they refuse to discuss. This may be the first presidential campaign in modern history that actively hides its own policy proposals. Yes, they’re that radical.

But before I discuss those, let’s look at the reason it’s time to shelve the “Dementia Joe” attack angle. I’m not suggesting we stop talking about his cognitive challenges, but it cannot be the main attack line because most potential supporters of the ticket won’t care. They don’t look at Biden as the guy who’s going to be calling the shots, especially for the full four years. No, they see the country being run by Kamala Harris and the cabinet. It doesn’t matter to them that Biden appears to be experiencing mid-stage dementia. He’s just part of the ticket.

Within that ticket is a platform and within that platform lies the key to defeating the Democrats up and down the ballot. In the latest episode of NOQ Report, I discuss how we should move forward by highlighting the radical changes and lurches to the far-left that will come if they’re given power. The policies they want to enact are the most extreme progressive ideas any presidential candidate has ever proposed. They make Barack Obama’s ideas seem moderate. And a strong majority of Americans would not support them if they knew about them.

It’s incumbent on us as patriots, social media users, journalists, and Americans to expose the policies of lawlessness, abortion on demand, gun confiscations, and coronavirus pandemic theater for what they are. We have the narrative on our side, but that narrative will not be spread by mainstream media. We have the truth on our side, but it must be us who gets it out there. Nobody’s going to do it for us.

We have a plan. The path is clear. It’s time to take the truth to the nation and expose Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the new Democratic Party for what they are: The most radical grouping of political extremists this nation has ever seen.


Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post At DNC, Joe Biden gave Republicans the gameplan with which to beat him appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

Seattle photojournalists harassed, threatened as feckless leaders celebrate ‘peaceful protesters’

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:19 PM PDT

Portland, Oregon, has received a lot of attention lately with violence escalating across the once-proud northwest city. But their neighbors in Seattle, Washington, are started to take back the attention regarding Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots as the radicals that rule their streets are getting more aggressive.

As reporters from KIRO 7 in Seattle learned, the anarchy isn’t just a nighttime activity any longer in Seattle. Now that federal law enforcement was “kicked out” by Governor Jay Inslee and Mayor Jenny Durkan, the anti-free-speech activists from the neo-Marxists, highly fascist progressive “peaceful protesters” of Black Lives Matter and Antifa rule the streets during the day as well.

In @MayorJenny‘s Seattle and @JayInslee WA State, photo-journalists are threatened by criminal, Marxist mobs. Sideshow @BobFergusonAG ignores it.

Meanwhile, @GovInslee pretends all is peaceful and beautiful in Seattle because he “kicked Trump out.”

— Todd Ξ Herman (Parler: ToddEHerman) (@toddeherman) August 20, 2020


It’s almost impossible to imagine that this is happening in broad daylight in a major city of the United States of America in 2020. These are the type of intimidation techniques used by mafia or Black Panther criminals of the past. In a world with ubiquitous camera phones in major cities, one would think the “peaceful protesters” would be more careful protecting their identity, but they don’t care. Why should they? City or state police or government would never lift a finger to protect their citizens from domestic terrorists like these.

Seattle is one of the most progressive cities in the nation. But “progress” appears to be taking them in the wrong direction as terrorizing mobs control the streets 24/7. Law and order is dead in Seattle.

Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post Seattle photojournalists harassed, threatened as feckless leaders celebrate ‘peaceful protesters’ appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

OAN’s Chanel Rion launches National White House Correspondents Association to compete against ‘old boys’ club’

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT

Chanel Rion, Chief White House Correspondent for One America News (OAN), announced today, the formal launch of the National White House Correspondents Association (NWHCA). Rion’s ewly formed correspondents’ organization has begun accepting applications by invitation only.

NWHCA’s first phase mission aims to accomplish the following:

  • Bring more balance and diverse question in the White House briefing room
  • Foster meaningful discussion and debate at the White House
  • Restore free and open press coverage in the briefing room and coverage of the White House

The NWHCA seks to restore balance and diversity of viewpoints in White House news coverage. The American public is served best when all voices are heard and the President’s message is unfiltered. According to Rion, the WHCA has maneuvered almost all balance and diversity out of the White House correspondents’ pool and briefing room demonstrating daily that they consider America’s free press the exclusive property of the “progressive” reformers of Washington. This is not representative of a free and balanced press.

NWHCA’s presence at the White House will create a healthier atmosphere for our nation. Our republic thrives best when all viewpoints are considered and discussed.

Rion founded the NWHCA on her own initiative in Delaware, April 2020, after her experience with the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) including their vote to expel Rion from the WHCA—a club of which she had never even been a member.

Moving forward, Rion’s NWHCA is seeking shared control of the White House briefing room and all other delegated press functions with the 117-year-old WHCA in order to restore balance to White House reporting which at present, largely amounts to a confederation of journalists with long socialist agendas and deep links to the Democratic Party.

Rion has volunteered to serve without remuneration throughout what she says will be the organizational period of sixty months including all of the second Trump administration. Part of that organizational period will include the NWHCA’s expectation to set up legal networks, state by state, to defend the First Amendment and press rights in the courts.


Rion became nationally controversial after traveling to Ukraine with Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, to film money laundering and bribery testimony related to Joe and Hunter Biden. In 2019, Rion interviewed high profile witnesses in Ukraine that Adam Schiff had concealed from the American public in the Trump impeachment hearings. Thereafter Rion became a target of WHCA members’ orchestrated smear campaigns.

Nonetheless, President Trump recognized, often, OAN’s efforts to deliver real news o the American public. After the WHCA failed in its attempt to evict Rion from the White House Briefing Room, Rion returned daily as a guest of the White House by permission of Press Secretaries Stephanie Grisham and Kayleigh McEnany. WHCA relegated Rion to stand in the back of the room, segregated and roped off from the rest of the press pool.

Rion was defended and protected by thousands of supporters after WHCA members attempted to smear her by concocting stories they invented and fed to the tabloid Daily Mail. WHCA members claimed Rion no longer deserved any presence in the White House nor in the Brady Briefing Room.

Rion, who graduated from Harvard University in 2015 after five years in Cambridge, says she had no aspirations in broadcasting and was not specifically trained in journalism beyond several journalism courses and intensive writing as an honors graduate in International Relations and Religion with film production training.

As a stalwart defender of the First Amendment, she soon found herself recruited by Charles and Robert Herring of the OAN Network in 2019 where she found her lifetime of dedication to constitutional and conservative causes perfectly suited.

She looks forward to a future where NWHCA will contribute to balance and accuracy in White House reportage.

For more information:

#BREAKING: Newly Organized National White House Correspondents Association Launches, Offers Counterpoint to 117-Year-Old @WHCA.

“Rion’s NWHCA is seeking shared control of WH briefing room and all other delegated press functions with the 117-year-old WHCA”

— Chanel Rion OAN (@ChanelRion) August 20, 2020


Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post OAN’s Chanel Rion launches National White House Correspondents Association to compete against ‘old boys’ club’ appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

19-yo Aaron Coleman, who admitted to revenge porn of a 13-yo, wins Kansas Democratic primary

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:36 AM PDT

The youth movement in the Democratic Party, which has called for legalizing everything other than free speech and wants 16-year-old Tide Pod eaters to vote in elections, won a major victory in Kansas. One of their iconic figures, Aaron Coleman, 19, won his primary for a state House seat over a long-time incumbent. But instead of celebrating, many state Democratic Party leaders are concerned about the message it sends.

Coleman has admitted to participating in “revenge porn,” including circulating photos of a nude 13-year-old girl unless she sent more images to him. According to the NY Times:

Aaron Coleman admitted that he harassed girls online when he was in middle school. He called one sixth-grade girl fat and told her she should kill herself.

Seven years ago, he told another girl, who was 13 at the time, that he would circulate a naked photo of her if she didn’t send him more nude images. When she refused, she said, he followed through on his threat.

“They’re accurate,” Mr. Coleman, 19, said of the women’s claims.

On Monday, Mr. Coleman, a dishwasher and community college student, was declared the winner of a Democratic primary for a seat in the Kansas House of Representatives, defeating the incumbent, Stan Frownfelter, by 14 votes. The final count was 823 to 809.

What would have been a story about a young upstart taking down a seven-term incumbent during a period of nationwide youth activism has instead alarmed Democratic state leaders, who said they were worried that Mr. Coleman’s acknowledgment of his troubled past and other comments he made during the campaign would hurt their party’s chances in competitive races.

Frownfelter says he is going to run as a right-in candidate to try to retain the seat. There is no Republican running in the election.

If there was ever a doubt that voters can be easily manipulated, one need only look at this race. A 19-year-old who admitted to multiple counts of revenge porn and sexual bullying won the Democratic primary. It’s time to take November seriously.

Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post 19-yo Aaron Coleman, who admitted to revenge porn of a 13-yo, wins Kansas Democratic primary appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

Steve Bannon, others involved with ‘We Build the Wall’ arrested

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:55 AM PDT

Audrey Strauss, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Philip R. Bartlett, Inspector-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the United States Postal Inspection Service (“USPIS”), announced the unsealing of an indictment charging BRIAN KOLFAGE, STEPHEN BANNON, ANDREW BADOLATO, and TIMOTHY SHEA for their roles in defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign known as “We Build the Wall” that raised more than $25 million.  The defendants were arrested this morning.  KOLFAGE will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Hope T. Cannon in the Northern District of Florida.  BANNON will be presented today in the Southern District of New York.  BADOLATO will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Wilson in the Middle District of Florida.  SHEA will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Kristen L. Mix in the District of Colorado.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres in the Southern District of New York.

Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As alleged, the defendants defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors, capitalizing on their interest in funding a border wall to raise millions of dollars, under the false pretense that all of that money would be spent on construction.  While repeatedly assuring donors that Brian Kolfage, the founder and public face of We Build the Wall, would not be paid a cent, the defendants secretly schemed to pass hundreds of thousands of dollars to Kolfage, which he used to fund his lavish lifestyle.  We thank the USPIS for their partnership in investigating this case, and we remain dedicated to rooting out and prosecuting fraud wherever we find it.”

Inspector-in-Charge Philip R. Bartlett said:  “The defendants allegedly engaged in fraud when they misrepresented the true use of donated funds.  As alleged, not only did they lie to donors, they schemed to hide their misappropriation of funds by creating sham invoices and accounts to launder donations and cover up their crimes, showing no regard for the law or the truth.   This case should serve as a warning to other fraudsters that no one is above the law, not even a disabled war veteran or a millionaire political strategist.”

According to the Indictment[1] unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:

Starting in approximately December 2018, BRIAN KOLFAGE, STEPHEN BANNON, ANDREW BADOLATO, and TIMOTHY SHEA, and others, orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors, including donors in the Southern District of New York, in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign ultimately known as “We Build The Wall” that raised more than $25 million to build a wall along the southern border of the United States.  In particular, to induce donors to donate to the campaign, KOLFAGE repeatedly and falsely assured the public that he would “not take a penny in salary or compensation” and that “100% of the funds raised . . . will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose” because, as BANNON publicly stated, “we’re a volunteer organization.”

Those representations were false.  In truth, KOLFAGE, BANNON, BADOLATO, and SHEA received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donor funds from We Build the Wall, which they each used in a manner inconsistent with the organization’s public representations.  In particular, KOLFAGE covertly took for his personal use more than $350,000 in funds that donors had given to We Build the Wall, while BANNON, through a non-profit organization under his control (“Non-Profit-1”), received over $1 million from We Build the Wall, at least some of which BANNON used to cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in BANNON’s personal expenses.  To conceal the payments to KOLFAGE from We Build the Wall, KOLFAGE, BANNON, BADOLATO, and SHEA devised a scheme to route those payments from We Build the Wall to KOLFAGE indirectly through Non-Profit-1 and a shell company under SHEA’s control, among other avenues.  They did so by using fake invoices and sham “vendor” arrangements, among other ways, to ensure, as KOLFAGE noted in a text message to BADOLATO, that his pay arrangement remained “confidential” and kept on a “need to know” basis.

*                *                *

KOLFAGE, 38, of Miramar Beach, Florida, BANNON, 66, of Washington, D.C., BADOLATO, 56, of Sarasota, Florida, and SHEA, 49, of Castle Rock, Colorado, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, each of which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

The statutory maximum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants would be determined by the judge.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the USPIS and the Special Agents of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.  She also thanked the U.S Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Florida for their assistance.

The case is being handled by the Office’s Public Corruption Unit.  Assistant United States Attorneys Nicolas Roos, Alison G. Moe, and Robert B. Sobelman are in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations.  The defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Patriots stepping up to save independent media from COVID-19 woes

We were on the verge of a disastrous end, but you guys have been stepping up big time. We’re almost there.

This year has been a roller-coaster ride for tens of millions of Americans. We’ve experienced the hardest economic downturn in history thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns and many are still trying to recover. We’re among them. Despite record-breaking surges in traffic, our revenue has fallen dramatically. It’s strange knowing that we’re working harder and getting the truth out to more people, yet revenue on the site plummeted.

We have called on our patriotic readers and podcast listeners to pitch in what they can to help. The outpouring of support has been tremendous and extremely humbling. As a conservative, I have a hard time “begging” for funds to keep our news outlet running, but COVID-19 lockdowns and subsequent reduction of revenues have made it necessary. Nevertheless, the last month has shown us that patriots appreciate pro-American news as a contrast to the anti-American mainstream media outlets spreading lies incessantly.

We asked for help and you guys have been delivering. We raised over $3200, enough to keep us going for the rest of August and part of September! I cannot stress how much of a blessing this has been for not only NOQ Report as an organization but also for my family. This isn’t a hobby; we operate NOQ Report and all of the podcasts associated with it as a more-than-full-time job. Every day we’re producing tons of content and spreading the truth that mainstream media refuses to report. Even when they do report it, they do so with a leftist slant while pretending to be unbiased. We do not use subterfuge. We are unabashedly conservative in our opinion but the news we report is factual. It all comes from a conservative, America First perspective, but we do not lie.

This isn’t about propaganda. If it were, we would be no better than the mainstream media outlets we abhor. Instead, we focus on the truth because we know that being honest gives us credibility. Besides, conservatives almost always have the truth on our side.

The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. Our Giving Fuel page makes it easy to donate one-time or monthly. Alternatively, you can donate through PayPal as well. We need approximately $8,300 to stay afloat for the rest of 2020, but more would be wonderful and any amount that brings us closer to our goal is greatly appreciated.

The second way to help is to become a partner. We’ve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didn’t seem necessary. Now, we’re struggling to pay the bills. This shouldn’t be the case as our traffic the last year has been going up dramatically. June, 2018, we had 11,678 visitors. A year later in June, 2019, we were up to 116,194. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready to talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more importantly who want to help America hear the truth. Interested investors should contact me directly with the contact button above.

Election year or not, coronavirus lockdowns or not, anarchic riots or not, the need for truthful journalism endures. But in these times, we need as many conservative media voices as possible. Please help keep NOQ Report going.

Check out the NEW NOQ Report Podcast.

American Conservative Movement

Join fellow patriots as we form a grassroots movement to advance the cause of conservatism. The coronavirus crisis has prompted many, even some conservatives, to promote authoritarianism. It’s understandable to some extent now, but it must not be allowed to embed itself in American life. We currently have 8000+ patriots with us in a very short time. If you are interested, please join us to receive updates.








The post Steve Bannon, others involved with ‘We Build the Wall’ arrested appeared first on NOQ Report – Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes.

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Day Three, The Left vs. Law & Order, Trump Takes Action

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:54 PM PDT

Gary Bauer

by Gary BauerDay Three
I’m not going to dwell on last night’s big convention speeches. Kamala Harris and Barack Obama said what everyone expected them to say. Hillary Clinton is still litigating her 2016 defeat, and I think it is safe to say that she will never get over it. Ever. (By the way, why haven’t Barack and Michelle donated to Joe’s campaign yet?)

Far more interesting, however, is what you did not see, mainly because the media aren’t showing it and they are refusing to talk about it, which should concern us all. And that is what is taking place during the convention’s day time policy meetings. For example:

  • The words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance were skipped in at least two DNC caucus meetings.
  • During the Environment and Climate Crisis Council meeting, a delegate added a word to the pledge, saying, “with liberty and justice for all, someday.” Because, of course, there is no liberty or justice in America today.
  • Pastor Frederick Haynes III, a Louis Farrakhan supporter, condemned the border wall and warned voters, “Jesus will say, ‘America, if you don’t get your act together, you may well go to Hell!'” So we will go to Hell if we secure our borders, but we are heading to Heaven if we keep aborting hundreds of thousands of babies a year.
  • During a meeting of the LGBTQ+ caucus, a transgender activist, who identifies as “they/them” and as a Mermaid queen-king, wondered why people just can’t imagine a world without police and prisons. Clearly, this individual has no trouble imagining strange and impossible things.

It would be totally understandable if someone reading this insanity thought it was a hoax or that it came from a satire site. How I wish that were the case. But kudos to Tucker Carlson for documenting it. We can’t say we weren’t warned.

Portland Beating
You’ve probably seen video of the horrible attack that took place Sunday night in Portland. Adam Haner was viciously beaten when he attempted to help a woman who was being robbed. If you haven’t seen the video, you should. And it should make you angry because this is the evil the left has unleashed.

Portland authorities are searching for Haner’s attacker, Marquise Love. Not surprisingly, Love has been arrested multiple times for theft, criminal trespassing and domestic assault.

After assaulting Haner, Love posted on social media, “Might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all I did was fight him.”

There was no fight. This was a brutal beating. Portland prosecutors should charge Love with attempted murder and hate crimes. But I’m not holding my breath.

The Left vs. Law & Order
Rudy Giuliani transformed New York City with a simple view of law enforcement known as “broken windows.” It was a forerunner to the concept of community policing, and based on the theory that enforcing laws against minor crimes goes a long way toward restoring law and order by preventing even bigger crimes.

With that in mind, it’s worth remembering some of the things that have been taking place in recent years.

  • Before the virus hit, social media was filled with police officers being humiliated by mini-mobs, often getting doused with water and other liquids. New York politicians did nothing.
  • Fare avoidance” became a cause celebre among the left. Radical activists decided that the subway system should be free and started jumping turnstiles every day. Riots often erupted when the police attempted to intervene.

Was any of that Donald Trump’s fault? And during the Obama years:

  • There was surge in assassination attempts against police officers.
  • Remember the knockout game? You’re walking down a city street and a group of young people have a little bet going as to whether they can knock you out with one punch. People died in this “game.” (Here and here.)
  • Then there were flash mobs. Some were innocent with people emerging out of nowhere singing in a mall. Others were not so innocent. Dozens of people would pour into a store all at once, grabbing whatever they could and running off in all directions.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence were not in office then. The first man of color was president, we had two black attorneys general and the vice president during those years is supposedly going to save us now.

The left was in charge of everything, and yet we were already seeing nihilism on the streets and a war on cops.

Any American who thinks that the Biden/Harris ticket (really Harris/Biden) will stop all this chaos if we can just get Trump out of office hasn’t been paying attention.

I am pleased to report that President Trump is cracking down on violent crime. Attorney General William Barr announced yesterday that Operation Legend has resulted in nearly 1,500 arrests and federal charges against 220 thugs.

“That’s more than 90 suspected killers who might still be on the streets without Operation Legend,” Barr said. “Our work is just getting started.”

Another Warning
A lot has been written about November’s obvious “what ifs.” What if the Harris/Biden ticket wins? Well, taxes will go up. Healthcare will be socialized. Left-wing judges will take over the courts. Free speech, religious liberty and our Second Amendment rights will be under siege.

Here’s something else that will happen: The anti-American 1619 Project will end up in every school in short order. It’s already popping up in progressive districts now.

But I guarantee that a “woke” secretary of education will mandate it. Leftists in Congress will tie educational aid to the teaching of social justice courses. The attacks on our historical monuments will continue because, as Nancy Pelosi told us, “People will do what they do.”

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden won’t not condemn it. They haven’t yet.

Trump Takes Action
President Trump announced late yesterday that the U.S. intends to reimpose “virtually all of the previously suspended United Nations sanctions on Iran.”

President Trump blasted Barack Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal with Iran, which gave the ayatollah hundreds of billions of dollars in sanctions relief and more than $1 billion in cash, which Iran used to fund “chaos and the bloodshed and the terror in the region.”

Trump added, “My administration will not allow this Iran nuclear situation to go on. They will never have a nuclear weapon.”

That is quite a contrast, my friends. The Harris/Biden ticket would end sanctions and put us back in the Iranian nuclear deal.

Speaking of Iran, the media went nuts several weeks ago over unconfirmed reports that Russia may have put bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan. Well, there are new reports that Iran did pay the Taliban to kill our soldiers – the same Iranian regime that Obama rewarded in 2015 and that Harris/Biden want to reward in 2021.

The Trump Administration is also fighting Iran in another very important way: It is aggressively combating the Islamic Republic’s militant anti-Semitism, which I have made a special focus of my work on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

A Mixed Report
Weekly unemployment claims offered a mixed report on the economy this morning. Sadly, first time unemployment claims bounced back above one million to 1.1 million.

That sound you hear is Harris and Biden applauding because their only hope in November is that America is in as much pain as possible.

On the plus side, continuing claims (people who have been receiving unemployment benefits for at least two weeks) fell, which suggests that people who became unemployed are finding work somewhere.

Fortunately, we are on the right road. The waning of the virus, along with the announcement of vaccines and other treatments in the months ahead, will cause the economy to take off like a rocket.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have the economic policies that will keep our economy strong and growing. They proved that in their first three years.

Harris/Biden will raise taxes, reimpose regulations and take us back to the malaise days of the Obama era.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families

Tags: Day Three, Democrat Convention, The Left vs. Law & Order, Trump Takes Action To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!

We Are Being Invaded

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:22 PM PDT

Dr. Chuck Baldwin

Dr. Chuck Baldwin: The invasion has begun. And if it is not repelled, Liberty will cease to exist. And that is not hyperbole.

They’re here! No, not the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. We’re not being colonized by giant alien fruit. I’m afraid it is a little more serious than that. People’s minds are being taken over by a much more destructive and less otherworldly force … a force that transforms them overnight into aggressively paranoid, order-following, propaganda-parroting totalitarians.

You know the people I’m talking about. Some of them are probably your friends and family, people you have known for years, and who had always seemed completely rational, but who are now convinced that we need to radically alter the fabric of human society to protect ourselves from a virus that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or absolutely no symptoms at all) in over 95% of those infected, and that over 99.6% survive, which, it goes without saying, is totally insane.

I’ve been calling them “corona-totalitarians,” but I’m going to call them the “New Normals” from now on, as that more accurately evokes the pathologized-totalitarian ideology they are systematically spreading. At this point, I think it is important to do that, because, clearly, their ideological program has nothing to do with any actual virus, or any other actual public health threat.

As is glaringly obvious to anyone whose mind has not been taken over yet, the “apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic” was always just a Trojan horse, a means of introducing the “New Normal,” which they’ve been doing since the very beginning.

The official propaganda started in March, and it reached full intensity in early April. Suddenly, references to the “New Normal” were everywhere.

The slogan has been relentlessly repeated (in a textbook totalitarian “big lie” fashion) for going on the past six months. We have heard it repeated so many times that many of us have forgotten how insane it is, the idea that the fundamental structure of society needs to be drastically and irrevocably altered on account of a virus that poses no threat to the vast majority of the human species.

And, make no mistake, that is exactly what the “New Normal” movement intends to do. “New Normalism” is a classic totalitarian movement (albeit with a pathological twist), and it is the goal of every totalitarian movement to radically, utterly transform society, to remake the world in its monstrous image.

That is what totalitarianism is, this desire to establish complete control over everything and everyone, every thought, emotion, and human interaction. The character of its ideology changes (i.e., Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc.), but this desire for complete control over people, over society, and ultimately life itself, is the essence of totalitarianism … and what has taken over the minds of the New Normals.

In the New Normal society they want to establish, as in every totalitarian society, fear and conformity will be pervasive. Their ideology is a pathologized ideology (as opposed to, say, the racialized ideology of the Nazis), so its symbology will be pathological. Fear of disease, infection, and death, and obsessive attention to matters of health will dominate every aspect of life. Paranoid propaganda and ideological conditioning will be ubiquitous and constant.

Everyone will be forced to wear medical masks to maintain a constant level of fear and an omnipresent atmosphere of sickness and death, as if the world were one big infectious disease ward. Everyone will wear these masks at all times, at work, at home, in their cars, everywhere. Anyone who fails or refuses to do so will be deemed “a threat to public health,” and beaten and arrested by the police or the military, or swarmed by mobs of New Normal vigilantes.

Cities, regions, and entire countries will be subjected to random police-state lockdowns, which will be justified by the threat of “infection.” People will be confined to their homes for up to 23-hours a day, and allowed out only for “essential reasons.” Police and soldiers will patrol the streets, stopping people, checking their papers, and beating and arresting anyone out in public without the proper documents, or walking or standing too close to other people, like they are doing in Melbourne, Australia, currently.

The threat of “infection” will be used to justify increasingly insane and authoritarian edicts, compulsory demonstration-of-fealty rituals, and eventually the elimination of all forms of dissent. Just as the Nazis believed they were waging a war against the “subhuman races,” the New Normals will be waging a war on “disease,” and on anyone who “endangers the public health” by challenging their ideological narrative.

Like every other totalitarian movement, in the end, they will do whatever is necessary to purify society of “degenerate influences” (i.e., anyone who questions or disagrees with them, or who refuses to obey their every command).

This isn’t a joke, folks. The New Normals are serious. If you cannot see where their movement is headed, you do not understand totalitarianism. Once it starts, and reaches this stage, it does not stop, not without a fight. It continues to its logical conclusion.

The way that usually happens is, people tell themselves it isn’t happening, it can’t be happening, not to us. They tell themselves this as the totalitarian program is implemented, step by step, one seemingly harmless step at a time. They conform, because, at first, the stakes aren’t so high, and their conformity leads to more conformity, and the next thing they know they’re telling their grandchildren that they had no idea where the trains were going.

What that means is that it is your responsibility to speak up, and to do whatever else you can, to stop the New Normal future from becoming a reality. You will not be rewarded for it. You will be ridiculed and castigated for it. Your New Normal friends will hate you for it. Your New Normal family will forsake you for it. The New Normal police might arrest you for it. It is your responsibility to do it anyway … as, of course, it is also mine.  (Source)

Make no mistake about it: This is the Liberty Fight of our lifetimes. In truth, this attack is much more threatening than the ones from Kaiser Bill in WWI and Hitler, Mussolini and Emperor Hirohito in WWII, because this attack is being perpetrated from within.

Daniel Webster rightly warned:
There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing.

And in a speech before the United Nations, Russian communist leader Nikita Khrushchev said, “America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within.”

The destruction Webster warned of and the fall Khrushchev promised has now begun. And it’s happening under the auspices of the government of Donald Trump and the U.S. medical establishment.

Christians and conservatives practically worship Trump as the provider and guardian of America’s peace and safety. And historically, our physicians and medical providers (our healers) have been held in utmost regard as role models of protection and safety by the vast majority of the American people.

This verse of Scripture is appropriate at this point: For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them. (I Thessalonians 5:3 KJV)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is reported as saying, “The CIA killed my father and uncle – do not trust the medical or the national security establishment!”

In a recent interview, Robert F. Kennedy admitted that the Central Intelligence Agency had his father and uncle assassinated, and in that light, he has been speaking out against the medical community with regard to vaccines.  Kennedy warns Americans not to trust the same people, the national security establishment, who murdered his father and uncle and added not to trust the medical establishment as well.
You are watching two men, Dr. Ron Paul, who himself was a career Republican Congressman, and Mr. Kennedy from a famous career Democratic family, who both agree on the issues of medical tyranny facing us today, because they both understand that the threat to America today over the fear of COVID, is a non-partisan issue.

While neither man waxes eloquent as some who use those teleprompters.  What you will find are men who, though coming from politically ideological different viewpoints, agree about medical tyranny.  It needs to be stomped out. (Source)

But trusting the medical and national security establishments is what most Americans seem to do best. If you doubt that, just walk into any Costco or Walmart and count how many people are NOT wearing those stupid “masks of the beast.”

Under the totalitarian interpretation of Romans 13 that most pastors and churches have embraced, Christian people are among the most sheepish and compliant adherents of despotic government in the country. The only freedom they seem to know is whatever crumbs of freedom the state tosses their way.

Christians seem to be indifferent to the fact that any attack against our Liberty is an attack against the God who gave us Liberty. In other words, it is an attack against our Faith.

The major reasons for this indifference are:

1. The rejection of the authority of Christ over our eternal and temporal salvation.2. The slavish misinterpretation—even propaganda—of Romans 13.

3. The almost universal surrender to the “Spirit of Party.” (G. Washington)

4. The rise and dominance of Christian Zionism over evangelicalism.People who are under the delusion of Romans 13 misteaching, party partisanship and Christian Zionism are living in spiritual blindness and—as were the Galatian Christians—spiritual bondage. As a result, they are not even fully capable of resisting despotism—which is why most of them are NOT resisting this invasion of the New Normals.

Thomas Jefferson said:

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all.
I urge readers to watch my message from last Sunday entitled, “Whom Resist.”

Under the guise of safety and security, our medical establishment and surveillance state have generated an intense internal invasion against our liberties that MUST be resisted, or Liberty will be thoroughly and completely eviscerated in this country. And if Freedom is lost to America, it will be lost to the rest of the world.

As was quoted at the beginning of this column:

This isn’t a joke, folks. The New Normals are serious. If you cannot see where their movement is headed, you do not understand totalitarianism. Once it starts, and reaches this stage, it does not stop, not without a fight. It continues to its logical conclusion.The way that usually happens is, people tell themselves it isn’t happening, it can’t be happening, not to us. They tell themselves this as the totalitarian program is implemented, step by step, one seemingly harmless step at a time. They conform, because, at first, the stakes aren’t so high, and their conformity leads to more conformity, and the next thing they know they’re telling their grandchildren that they had no idea where the trains were going.

What that means is that it is your responsibility to speak up, and to do whatever else you can, to stop the New Normal future from becoming a reality. You will not be rewarded for it. You will be ridiculed and castigated for it. Your New Normal friends will hate you for it. Your New Normal family will forsake you for it. The New Normal police might arrest you for it. It is your responsibility to do it anyway.Right now we are finding out how much Liberty means—or doesn’t mean—to us.
Dr. Chuck Baldwin is the Pastor of Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana. Dr. Baldwin is Talk Radio Show Host for Chuck Baldwin Live.” He addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view.and is a writer/columnist whose articles and political commentaries are carried by a host of Internet sites, newspapers, news magazines and the ARRA News Service.

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To Be A Democrat Today, You Have To Believe…

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:21 PM PDT

Mike Huckabee

by Mike Huckabee“There’s no use trying,’ she said: ‘one can’t believe impossible things.’ ‘I daresay you haven’t had much practice,’ said the Queen. ‘When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.’” – Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

As I watch the nightly news from urban liberal war-zones like Portland or force my eyeballs to stay open through the Democrats’ virtual convention, I keep thinking, “We’re through the looking glass, people!” And that’s not just an expression. I mean that, like Carroll’s mad Red Queen, in order to be a Democrat in 2020, you are required to believe an unlimited number of impossible things. The Party’s embrace of “Alice In Wonderland” level madness inspired me to start making a list of these impossible things.

To be a Democrat today, you have to believe…

1. That a pre-born human baby is not a human being deserving of protection from killing, and neither is a baby that was born 10 minutes ago if the mother decides she doesn’t want to keep it.

2. That capitalism, which has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and despair worldwide, is evil; but socialism, which has caused the oppression, impoverishment, starvation, and death of hundreds of millions of people over the past century, is the only hope of the future.

3. That the best solution for rioting, looting, arson, and violence in the streets is to defund the police.

4. That all the gains in the economy under Trump were really caused by Obama, but the worldwide economic crash following China’s unleashing of a pandemic was caused by Trump.

5. That Trump has a plan to rig the next election that involves making the Obama Administration remove thousands of mailboxes several years ago. Also, that the Post Office is removing little-used mailboxes in Oregon because the key to Trump’s reelection is for him to win Oregon.

6. And on that subject, that nobody ever complained about the US Post Office being slow, inefficient, and unreliable until Trump was elected.

7. That America is an oppressive, racist, white supremacist nation that’s the root of all evil in the world and its culture is inferior to that of other nations, including the many nations where people are willing to risk their lives just for the chance to come to America.

8. That Trump built “cages for children” on the border during the Obama Administration.

9. That viruses spread like wildfire at church services, but not at crowded protest rallies for left-wing causes. Also, viruses spread at bars that serve chips, but not at bars that serve sandwiches. Because “science!”

10. That people with male genitals are women just because they say they are, but people who say that actually having female genitals makes them women are intolerant, transphobic bigots.

11. Also, hospitals must be forced to give gynecological exams to “women” with male genitals, and taxpayers forced to pay for abortions for them.

12. Again on that subject, that someone born male who developed a muscular masculine physique before deciding he was a girl has no unfair physical advantage in sports over the much smaller teenage girl whose face (s)he is crushing into the wrestling mat.

13. That Trump botched the response to COVID-19 by xenophobically shutting down travel from China and crashing the economy with a shutdown, but Democrats would have prevented both the pandemic and the crash by not stopping travel from China and shutting down the economy sooner, harder and longer. Also, it’s absolutely impossible for Trump to keep people from crossing our border, but he could have kept a virus from crossing our border.

14. That an acceptable way to express how much you care about black lives is to burn black neighborhoods, loot black-owned businesses, and tear down statues of abolitionist leaders. Also, that all black lives matter except those of black cops, black Republicans, and black pre-born babies.

15. That free healthcare is a right, free college is a right, free food is a right, a guaranteed paycheck is a right, and citizenship for illegal immigrants is a right, but free speech and freedom of religion are not rights.

16. That the people who presided over the rise of ISIS, the Iraq and Afghan wars, a nuclear Iran and North Korea, and even Iran falling to the Mullahs in the first place, are trusted diplomatic professionals, while the man who crushed ISIS, dealt with Iran and North Korea, and crafted a historic Middle East peace agreement is a dangerous amateur who’s destroying our foreign policy.

17. That disproven rumors are evidence that Trump colluded with Russia to undermine a presidential election, but Democrats paying Russians for disproven rumors and using them as “evidence” to launch a Deep State coup is NOT collusion with Russia to undermine a presidential election.

18. That 2 + 2 only equals 4 because of white supremacy.

19. That there are 57 genders but only one acceptable political viewpoint.

20. That burning a flag is protected free speech, but objecting to someone burning a flag is not.

Okay, this could go on forever, so I’m going to stop at 20 and let you add to the list in the comments. Have fun, if that’s not impossible these days…
Michael Dale Huckabee is an American politician and Christian minister who served as the 44th governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007. He was a candidate for the Republican Party presidential nomination in both 2008 and 2016.

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Goodbye — Sort of — to Germany?

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:56 PM PDT

U.S. Army soldiers with Third squadron, Second Cavalry Regiment,
march at their home base at Rose Barracks in Vilseck, Germany

by Dr. Victor Davis Hanson: Why should America anchor Germany’s defense? It cuts deals with Russia, has never met its NATO commitment, and is the most anti-American nation in Europe.

President Trump recently ordered a 12,000-troop reduction in American military personnel stationed in Germany. That leaves about 24,000 American soldiers still in the country.

A little more than half of the troops being withdrawn will return home. The rest will be redeployed to other NATO member nations such as Belgium, Italy, and perhaps Baltic and Eastern European countries.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is said to be furious. She claims the redeployments will “weaken the (NATO) alliance.” German commercial interests chimed in that the troop withdrawals will hurt their decades-old businesses serving U.S. bases.

Perhaps, but Merkel surely cannot be surprised. Six years ago, all NATO members pledged to spend 2 percent of their GDP on defense. Yet only eight of 29 so far have kept their word.

Germany spends only about 1.4 percent of its GDP on defense. As NATO’s largest, wealthiest and most powerful European member, it sets the example for the rest of alliance.

Merkel’s reneging on her 2014 pledge helps explain why less wealthy and influential NATO members also see no reason to meet their obligations.

Germany surely knows that 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the World War II, and the 29th year since the fall of the Berlin Wall — the symbolic end of the Cold War.

Will there be any point in the future when Europe is confident enough to be a full defense partner with the U.S. rather than an eight-decade client?

NATO, of course, still provides a common European defense, but only by habitually relying inordinately on U.S. military contributions. That dependence seems increasingly odd when the European Union has an aggregate GDP nearly as large as America’s.

More important, NATO’s frontline threats are now mostly concerned with rogue member Turkey, especially its bullying of Greece and its increasingly aggressive stance in the Middle East.

Russia always poses a threat to Europe. But the likely flashpoints are not on the German border, but more likely eastward in the Baltic states or on the Russian frontier with Poland.

Moreover, the Merkel government has concluded, over American objections, a huge natural gas deal with Russia that is currently under some U.S. sanctions and short of cash.

Russian energy exports to Germany are said to earn Russia $10 billion a year, with a likely doubling of that income once additional pipelines to Germany are completed.

Merkel likes to lecture the world on moral issues, but what is so noble about empowering Russian President Vladimir Putin, who recently reclaimed Crimea and seems now to be eyeing Belarus?

Like a modern-day Byzantine emperor Justinian, who recovered much of the lost Western Roman Empire, Putin seems to think he can reabsorb the lost Soviet republics.

In recent polling, Germans were more anti-American than any other nation in Europe. And while about 75 percent of Americans believe the U.S. still has a good relationship with Germany, only about a third of Germans feel that way about the U.S. Nearly half the German population in some polls want U.S. troops out.

Note that Germany piles up the largest annual trade surplus with the U.S. of any nation in Europe — roughly $55 billion to $70 billion in most years. The Trump administration says the surpluses have grown in large part due to asymmetry in tariffs and duties, with Germany the far more protectionist of the two partners.

With Germany now united, rich and often angry, and with the Soviet threat largely over, it’s Germany, not the U.S., that seems to have altered its view of this once-solid relationship.

Does Merkel really believe that if her nation cuts huge deals with NATO’s historically greatest threat, polls as the most anti-American country in Europe and still refuses to honor its promises to increase defense spending, Germany still deserves a large American commitment of 36,000 troops to anchor its defense?

There is one caveat that the Trump administration and other European countries might consider.

According to its founders, NATO was created for three reasons: to keep the always aggressive Russians “out” of Europe, to keep the often isolationist Americans “in” to help protect it, and to keep the supposedly restless Germans “down” in order to avoid a replay of their invasions that ignited both world wars.

In other words, the huge defense commitment to an often ungracious Germany over eight decades was not just envisioned to create a central base from which to protect Europe from ancient Russian ambitions, but also to remind Germany itself of its checkered past.

That third mission seems ossified and silly now. But it is not entirely forgotten, and it may explain why many in Europe — and some in Germany itself — are worried when any American soldiers leave Germany.
Victor Davis Hanson (@VDHanson) is a senior fellow, classicist and historian and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution where many of his articles are found; his focus is classics and military history. He has been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush. H/T National Review.

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Republicans’ Problems Can Be Sourced To This Eisenhower Legacy They Must Reject

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:41 PM PDT

. . . In politics it’s about winning, and if you don’t win how you played the game won’t matter.

by Cal Thomas: In a new book about her grandfather, Dwight D, Eisenhower, titled “How Ike Led: The Principles Behind Eisenhower’s Biggest Decisions,” Susan Eisenhower writes admiringly about Ike’s pursuit of what she calls “the middle way.”

In a decision that still infects elements of the Republican Party today, Susan Eisenhower says Ike’s pursuit of compromise and centrism led to his decision to nominate Democrats as well as Republicans to the Supreme Court. She quotes Ike’s attorney general, Herbert Brownell: “The President believed and acted upon the belief that the Supreme Court’s membership should represent divergent ideological points of view.” She says he believed this approach would “foster public confidence in the court…”

Ike could not have foreseen future battles over all federal courts and how his successors would mostly nominate judges who fit their ideological views of the Constitution, Roe vs. Wade being the most egregious of many such examples.

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Our 34th president gave the Supreme Court two of its most liberal members, Justices William Brennan and Earl Warren. Ike would later come to lament those appointments, saying, “I made two mistakes and both of them are sitting on the Supreme Court.”

Ike had success with the middle way as supreme allied commander during World War II when his advisers and heads of Allied nations agreed on a common goal, the defeat of Nazi Germany and Japan. Unfortunately, his noble sentiment works less well in politics because Democrats do not reciprocate.

The purpose of politics is to win and to demonstrate one party’s ideas and policies are superior to those of the other party. If politics is only about being liked and praised, especially by one’s ideological adversaries, the party that adopts such a philosophy is doomed to perpetual defeat and to not have its positions — if it has them — taken seriously.

Democrats have been known since the Great Depression as the party of government, luring more and more voters by dispensing free stuff and promising to take care of them. Government has replaced individual responsibility and accountability. We now subsidize bad individual decisions and failure and penalize those who have succeeded by playing by what used to be called “the rules.”

For many, government has become an addiction with Democrats serving as “dealers.” Republicans have had only marginal success in countering this because they don’t seem to be able to come up with a set of unified policies and goals. Instead, the GOP has become like a protein shake dieters drink because it contains fewer calories. In too many cases, Republican positions resemble “Democrat-lite.” The growing debt is only one example. Republicans seek only to manage it, not reduce it.

Susan Eisenhower quotes from a letter Ike wrote to a California friend in 1954: “I developed a practice which, so far as I know, I have never violated. The practice is to avoid public mention of any name unless it can be done with favorable intent and connotation; reserve all criticism for the private conference; speak only good in public.”

In this, Ike demonstrated his good character, but that didn’t stop Democrats from criticizing him about everything from the rounds of golf he played to allegations by Harry Truman and others that he was in the pocket of “reactionaries,” which translated into today’s parlance means “extreme right-wingers.”

There’s a cliche about sports: “It’s not whether you win or lose; it’s how you play the game.”

In politics it’s about winning, and if you don’t win how you played the game won’t matter.

Texas politician Jim Hightower wrote a book titled “There’s Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos.”

Modern Republicans might learn from that Texas liberal.
Cal Thomas (@CalThomas) is a syndicated columnist, author, broadcaster, and speaker with access to world leaders, U.S. presidents, celebrities, educators, and countless other notables. He has authored 12 books, including his latest, “What Works: Common Sense Solutions for a Stronger America.” HT Fox News. Visit his site at

Tags: Cal Thomas, Fox News, Republicans’ Problems ,Can Be Sourced To, This Eisenhower Legacy, They Must Reject To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!


Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:04 PM PDT

. . . Some are calling Joe Biden a Trojan Horse, hidden inside waiting to take control are the radical left

Editorial Cartoon by AF “Tony” Branco

Tags: AF Branco, editorial cartoon, Malware, Joe Biden, a trojan Horse, hidden inside, waiting to take control, the radical left To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!

Thin Veneer

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:50 PM PDT

by Kerby Anderson: The last two months have shown us how easily the veneer of civilized American society can be shattered. We naively assumed that the moral foundations and social institutions would be strong enough to handle a global pandemic and scattered protests and riots. Now we see their weaknesses.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about this thin veneer of American civilization and begins by focusing on New York City which used to be thriving not so long ago. “The city is now something out of a postmodern apocalyptic movie, reeling from the effects of a neutron bomb. Ditto in varying degrees Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco.”

On more than one occasion, I have mentioned in my commentaries that most of us lived in a world with a “live and let live” social philosophy. I do that in part to explain to a younger generation what life used to be like before university professors encouraged their students to hate America and to protest even “microaggressions.” Nearly everything is under attack. It’s not just statues that are being pulled down. Movies and TV programs are being pulled from services on the Internet. Comedians are complaining that they can’t even make a joke without facing the cancel culture.

Meanwhile, out in the streets, it is getting dangerous. Hanson reminds us that, “Once upon a time, trying to torch a federal courthouse would earn years in prison. And simply taking over a large chunk of downtown to re-create Lord of the Flies was unthinkable. Not now. Today you can go to jail for reopening a gym that requires masks, social distancing, and constant cleansing with antiseptics.”

In the book of Isaiah (5:20) there is a warning of a nation that “calls evil good, and good evil.” It sounds like American society today.
Kerby Anderson @KerbyAnderson) is an author, lecturer, visiting professor and radio host and contributor on nationally syndicated Point of View and the “Probe” radio programs.

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California Schemin’

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:41 PM PDT

by Paul Jacob, Contributing Author: Is California a failed state? It has an electric grid problem. And a vagrancy problem. Both of which stem from the bizarre ideological blind spots of a political class “benefiting” from the state’s high legislator/citizen ratio, which insulates politicians from feedback.

Driving them power mad.

And one form of madness flowers in political greed, hubris and overreach.

“A pack of Democratic lawmakers in California are proposing a wealth tax for the state’s richest citizens, forcing them to pay more essentially just for owning a lot of stuff,” writes Scott Shackford at Reason. “They also, amazingly, want the tax to follow Californians who flee the state in response, attempting to make them continue paying taxes on wealth that’s not even in the state.”

Rob Bonta, Oakland’s Democrat in the Assembly, says the Golden State needs more gold, and he has made a startling observation. Wait for it. “Rich people have money,” Shackford summarizes, and Bonta wants to take it. To expand services.

But surely service expansion is not only not the only option, it is often the worst option.

Take the state’s rolling blackouts. Was that caused by not enough or really bad legislation? President Trump points his finger at the Democratic-controlled Assembly: “In California, Democrats have intentionally implemented rolling blackouts — forcing Americans in the dark. Democrats are unable to keep up with energy demand,” the president tweeted on Tuesday. But the New York Post identifies as a cause not “intentionally implemented” blackouts, but “inadequate transmission and an over-reliance on renewable energy and issues with natural gas plants during high heat.”

Bad policy. Not too few “services.”

And the proposal to tax the richest Californians — or former Californians — to pay for more disastrous programs?

Hubris and greed.

Not Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.
Paul Jacob (@Common_Sense_PJ) is author of Common Sense which provides daily commentary about the issues impacting America and about the citizens who are doing something about them. He is also President of the Liberty Initiative Fund (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge Foundation. Jacob is a contributing author on the ARRA News Service.

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Back to Academic Brainwashing

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:31 PM PDT

Walter E. Williams, Ph.D.

by Dr. Walter E. Williams: Parents, legislators, taxpayers and others footing the bill for college education might be interested in just what is in store for the upcoming academic year. Since many college classes will be online, there is a chance to witness professors indoctrinating their students in real-time. So, there’s a chance that some college faculty might change their behavior. To see recent examples of campus nonsense and indoctrination, visit the Campus Reform and College Fix websites.

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley warned congressional lawmakers that antifa is “winning” and that much of academia, whether wittingly or unwittingly, is complicit in its success.” In his testimony before Congress Turley said: “To Antifa, people like me are the personification of the classical liberal view of free speech that perpetuates a system of oppression and abuse.

I wish I could say that my view remains strongly implanted in our higher educational institutions. However, you are more likely to find public supporters for restricting free speech than you are to find defenders of free speech principles on many campuses.”

The leftist bias at our colleges and universities has many harmful effects. A University of California, Davis, mathematics professor faced considerable backlash over her opposition to the requirement for “diversity statements” from potential faculty. Those seeking employment at the University of California, San Diego, are required to admit that “barriers” prevent women and minorities from full participation in campus life.

At American University, a history professor wrote a book calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment. A Rutgers University professor said, “Watching the Iowa Caucus is a sickening display of the over-representation of whiteness.” A Williams College professor has advocated for the inclusion of social justice in math textbooks. Students at Wayne State University are no longer required to take a single math course to graduate; however, they may soon be required to take a diversity course.

Maybe some students will be forced into sharing the vision of Professor Laurie Rubel, a math education professor at Brooklyn College. She says the idea of cultural neutrality in math is a “myth,” and that asking whether 2 plus 2 equals 4 “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.” She tweeted, “Y’all must know that the idea that math is objective or neutral IS A MYTH.”

Math professors and academics at other universities, including Harvard and the University of Illinois, discussed the “Eurocentric” roots of American mathematics. As for me, I would like to see the proof, in any culture, that 2 + 2 is something other than 4.

Rutgers University’s English department chairwoman, Rebecca Walkowitz, announced changes to the Department’s graduate writing program emphasizing “social justice” and “critical grammar.” Leonydus Johnson, a speech-language pathologist and libertarian activist, says Walkowitz’s changes make the assumption that minorities cannot understand traditional and grammatically correct English speech and writing, which is “insulting, patronizing, and in itself, extremely racist.”

Then there is the nonsense taught on college campuses about white privilege. The idea of white privilege doesn’t explain why several historically marginalized groups outperform whites today. For example, Japanese Americans suffered under the Alien Land Law of 1913 and other racist, exclusionary laws legally preventing them from owning land and property in more than a dozen American states until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. During World War II, more than 120,000 Japanese Americans were interned. However, by 1959, the income disparity between Japanese Americans and white Americans had almost disappeared. Today, Japanese Americans outperform white Americans by large margins in income statistics, education outcomes and test scores, and have much lower incarceration rates.

According to Rav Arora, writing for the New York Post, several black immigrant groups such as Nigerians, Trinidadians and Tobagonians, Barbadians and Ghanaians all “have a median household income well above the American average.” We are left with the question whether the people handing out “white privilege” made a mistake. The other alternative is that Japanese Americans, Nigerians, Barbadians, Ghanaians and Trinidadians and Tobagonians are really white Americans.

The bottom line is that more Americans need to pay attention to the miseducation of our youth and that miseducation is not limited to higher education.
Dr. Walter Williams (@WE_Williams) is an American economist, social commentator, and author of over 150 publications. He has a Ph.D. and M.A. in Economics from the UCLA and B.A. in economics from California State University. He also holds a Doctor of Humane Letters from Virginia Union University and Grove City College, Doctor of Laws from Washington and Jefferson College. He has served on the faculty of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics, since 1980. Visit his website: and view a list of other articles and works.

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Election Emerges As Titanic Battle Of Press v. Trump

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:12 PM PDT

Conrad Black

by Conrad Black: Each week in the inexorable march to Election Day, it becomes more challenging to believe how the campaign is unfolding and to rationalize it as a serious process for choosing the leader of the world’s greatest nation. After some reflection, it becomes clear that the extreme improbability of this process is the result of it not really being a race between two pairs of candidates for national office. It is surely the last round in the great battle between Donald Trump and the national political media.

Mr. Trump’s ostensible opponents, Vice President Biden and Senator Harris, are a spavined political wheel-horse who came in fifth in the New Hampshire primary and a vice presidential nominee who flamed out ignominiously two months before the Iowa caucuses. They are a matched pair of bombed-out losers; Mr. Biden was retrieved by the party elders in desperation that otherwise the Democratic candidate would be Marxist Senator Bernie Sanders. They salvaged Mr. Biden and Mr. Biden salvaged Ms. Harris from the pre-primary ash heap.

The attempt to sell this metamorphosis into political stardom will not be easy. Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris have no history of political victory that entitled them to serious consideration for the offices they now seek. Mr. Biden ran twice for president before he was vice president. On neither occasion did he ever poll as loftily as 3%. He dropped out of his 1988 pursuit of the Democratic nomination when he was caught cribbing a family recollection, which was completely false when applied to Mr. Biden’s background, from British Labor Party chief Neil Kinnock, the only British opposition leader to lose two consecutive general elections in more than 60 years.

Mr. Biden has faced in all four directions on almost every major public issue, leading Robert Gates, the former defense secretary under presidents of both parties, to observe he had been “wrong on practically every major foreign policy and national security issue in the last four decades.” Mr. Biden describes himself as a “human gaffe machine,” and it is a relief even to those who are not his partisans when he is able to finish two or three consecutive sentences correctly.

Kamala Harris is well to the left of Mr. Biden even on the small number of issues where she does not waffle and call for a “national conversation.” She is for open borders and imposition of the Democrats’ Green Terror. Though an ideological leftist, as district attorney and attorney general of California, she was a harsh prosecutor who never hesitated to abuse her position by extorting false inculpatory evidence by threats of indictment. She is the personification of the evils of the U.S. prosecution system, which we now see in the misconduct by former FBI director James Comey that is steadily being disclosed. She prosecuted thousands of cases against marijuana users, before confessing to having been one herself, eliciting a rebuke for untruthfulness from her Jamaican father.

The Democrats are unable as a party, as Attorney General William Barr recently remarked, to renounce mob violence. Although it is now impossible to stamp out the coronavirus without a vaccine (and even a vaccine may not accomplish the task completely), the Democrats advocate as slow a restoration as possible of the pre-virus economy, for obvious political reasons masquerading as a medically informed opinion.

They champion an authoritarian program of testing everyone and tracing everyone who tests positively, and of badgering these suspected infectees unmercifully to verify that they are self-quarantining. It is an insane and intolerably intrusive pursuit of an unattainable objective, the motive for which can only be the prolongation of the country’s economic sluggishness to enhance Democratic election chances.

The Democrats’ current policy is to maintain benefit payments to those unemployed as a result of the pandemic shutdown at a level that incentivizes them not to work, at immense borrowed cost to the government, while retarding the return to work, and hounding practically the whole population while endlessly repeating the unsubstantiated mantra that President Trump has managed the coronavirus incompetently.

The Durham special counsel investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion nonsense is already being fervently denounced as a redundant “investigation into the investigators.” The Democrats believe that they have a permanent right to hold a cloud of investigative doubt over the President while being themselves completely immune to any inquiry into the probity of their own conduct, regardless of what is now extensive evidence of the politicization for corrupt and unconstitutional purposes of sections of the Department of Justice and the intelligence agencies. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declares marshals Mr. Trump sent to prevent the burning down of the Portland federal building to be “stormtroopers,” and has revived the old bunk that Mr. Trump has improper relations with the Russians.

The Democrats are also demanding, on the pretext of the coronavirus, mass mail-in voting on the basis of the states mailing ballots to everyone on the voter register, despite the notorious inaccuracy of these lists, and the limitations of the post office’s ability to deliver such a huge volume of important mail efficiently. Because the President is resisting this proposal and citing the disaster and dishonesty of previous and current mailed ballot systems, the Democrats and their media are denouncing him for trying to shrink the electorate, steal the election, and unjustly deprecate the post office.

The skyrocketing levels of violent crime in the cities governed by the Democratic political machines, like the efforts of the teachers’ unions to keep the schools closed, are barely mentioned in the Democratic press or by their candidates. Their only answer to Mr. Trump’s drastic reduction of illegal immigration is to promise to reopen the border.

This is what happens when instead of a campaign by candidates who were popularly chosen, the waxworks presidential candidate is inaccessible while the Trump-hating press conduct the Democratic campaign of relentless and systematic vilification of the president.

Mr. Biden and Ms Harris were just picked off-the-shelf to avoid the Marxist Sanders and the unorthodox Pete Buttigieg; they are going through the motions, and they are sitting ducks if subjected to serious scrutiny. They benefit from general disaffection in an era of coronavirus danger and accompanying economic recession which is hyped, shaped, and blazed into the minds of the American public by almost all of the national political media.

This election is the supreme test of whether the electoral process will weigh the merits of the competing candidates, or whether a dishonest press can exploit and abuse the constitutional protections it receives by info-assassinating the incumbent while the challengers skulk about Delaware wearing masks.

This is a decisive election in terms of the legitimacy of its methods and the ability to resist press manipulation. This is even before we get to the determination of important policy matters. The defeat of a rather successful president by an incompetent rival carried to the goal line by corrupt media, would produce the greatest crisis American democracy has faced since the Great Depression and Roosevelt, if not the Civil War and Lincoln. The forces of righteous discernment should be heard from as soon as the public focuses on the election which is normally shortly after Labor Day. What we have now is a dangerous and fraudulent levitation.
Conrad Black is a Canadian writer with an interesting past. Article shared in The New York Sun

Tags: Conrad Black, The New York Sun, Election Emerges, Titanic Battle, Press v. Trump To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!

Here’s A List Of Corporations Funding The ‘Defund The Police’ Movement

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:27 PM PDT

by Jake Dima & Peter Hasson: Dozens of corporations from around the world have collectively donated millions of dollars to left-wing organizations that advocate for defunding America’s police departments, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.

Companies including Microsoft, Intel and Airbnb have donated to Black Lives Matter Global Network and Color of Change, both of which want to defund police departments across the country.

Color of Change is leading a national petition campaign demanding elected officials “defund the police, and invest in communities now!”

“Policing is a violent institution that must end,” Color of Change President Rashad Robinson said after the Minneapolis City Council voted to “dismantle” its police department.

“We imagine a country where there is enough money to educate our children, care for our sick and feed those who are financially unstable,” Robinson continued. “Defunding the police allows for this vision.”

Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, released a statement on May 30 calling for “a national defunding of police.” The organization published a video on June 6 arguing that “defunding the police is the only way to stop pouring resources into a system that doesn’t keep us safe.”

Both Black Lives Matter and Color of Change have seen a flood of corporate donations since George Floyd, a black man, died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video.

Clothing company H&M donated $500,000 across three social justice organizations including Color of Change, H&M announced in a June 1 Instagram post.

Clif Bar announced a $100,000 donation split between two groups, including Color of Change, in a June 1 Facebook post.

Cisco announced on June 1 that it was splitting a $5 million donation across four social justice groups, including both Color of Change and Black Lives Matter.

RITZ Crackers announced on June 4 that the company and its sister brands — OREO, Trident and Chips Ahoy! — had donated $500,000 to the NAACP and Black Lives Matter.

Degree pledged $100,000 to Black Lives Matter, the deodorant company announced in a June 1 tweet.


We will not stay silent on the issue of systemic racism. We stand with the Black community and recognize the importance of taking action to drive change. As a first step towards this, Degree is pledging $100K to @Blklivesmatter #BlackLivesMatter

— Degree (@Degree) June 1, 2020

Food delivery service DoorDash donated $500,000 to Black Lives Matter, along with donations to other racial justice groups, the company announced in a June blog post.

Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield and his wife announced they would make a $700,000 donation to Color of Change, Black Lives Matter and a host of other organizations in June, Protocol reported. The couple also said they would match $300,000 in employee gifts to organizations.

Clothing brand Vans Inc. announced a $50,000 donation to Color of Change in June, according to the Orange County Business Journal.

Women’s working space collective, The Wing, donated $200,000 to Color of Change in June, according to Protocol.

The Pokémon Company International company announced on Twitter in June it would be making a $100,000 donation to Black Lives Matter.

Fashion and music merchandising company Bravado pledged to match employee donations to Black Lives Matter, among various other organizations, Protocol reported.

Workspace computer software company Dropbox pledged to donate $500,000 to Black Lives Matter in a June 3 blog post.

Women’s undergarment company Spanx said it would donate $100,000 across multiple organizations, including Black Lives Matter, the NAACP and the Minnesota Freedom Fund, according to a June 3 Instagram post.

The Minnesota Freedom Fund has faced scrutiny for using donations to post bail for alleged violent criminals, including a woman charged with murder and a convicted rapist.

Beauty company Biossance announced it would donate $100,000 to Color of Change, Black Lives Matter, the ACLU and the Minnesota Freedom Fund in a June Instagram post.

Sportswear company Lululemon announced they donated a $250,000 sum to a variety of organizations, including Black Lives Matter, according to an Instagram post.

Japanese video game publishing company Square Enix made a $250,000 donation to Black Lives Matter and pledged to match employee contributions to Black Lives Matter, as well, the company announced in a June 2 tweet.

None of the companies other than DoorDash returned requests for comment.

“In the wake of the death of George Floyd, DoorDash has taken a series of steps to show our support for equality and to stand against discrimination, including by making donations to a number of national and local organizations and leveraging our platform to support Black-owned businesses,” DoorDash global head of public affairs Taylor Bennett told the DCNF in an email.

“In partnership with our Black@DoorDash Employee Resource Group (ERG) and in consultation with civil rights leaders, we made donations to Black Lives Matter, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Black Girls Code, and a number of local organizations across the country that work to empower local economies to promote equality,” Bennett’s email continued.

“Our goal with these donations and the other actions we announced is to stand with our employees and community members to fight injustice, inequality and discrimination and to support organizations that are working to root out structural and systemic racism and providing local community development, mentorship, education and entrepreneurship programs to support Black communities across the country,” Bennett said.

His email did not address questions from the DCNF asking if DoorDash was aware that Black Lives Matter supports defunding the police at the time the donation was announced and whether DoorDash has a position on defunding the police.
Jake Dima & Peter Hasson contribute to Daily Caller.

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The Biden-Harris 2A Assault

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:40 PM PDT

Biden-Harris, if they succeed, will be the most anti-2A administration in history.
by Mark Alexander:“The ultimate authority … resides in the people alone. … The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation … forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any…” —James Madison (1788)

If Joe Biden and his presidential designee Kamala Harris defeat President Donald Trump in November, the conventional wisdom predicts that the urban violence they have fomented for months will subside. Conventional wisdom may be wrong this time around, though. If Biden wins, urban centers could erupt with a level of violence far exceeding anything socialist Democrats seeded this summer.

According to Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), one of the uber-leftist “Gang of Four” Squad members leading the socialist surge in the House, “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives.”

The catastrophic crime surge resulting from the Democrat “defund the police” agenda has left millions of Americans with only one means of defense: self-defense. And that is the final line of defense to which all Americans are both entitled and obligated in order to sustain American Liberty.

On that note, Biden has promised to be “the most progressive [read: regressive] president in history.” In other words, his handlers and heir apparent, Harris, if they succeed, will be the most anti-2A administration in history. Harris has already demonstrated her plans to ban so-called “assault rifles” and “high-capacity” magazines — though the latter hit a legal roadblock in federal court last week.

Harris supports gun confiscation by way of “mandatory buybacks,” a distinction without a difference. She insists, “We’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets.”

Making Harris’s objectives clear, National Shooting Sports Foundation spokesman Mark Oliva notes, “During her short-lived presidential campaign, she demanded gun-control legislation within 100 days and threatened executive action if Congress didn’t deliver.” He added: “Harris was clear when she said gun control would be an administration priority. Her platform included entertaining forced confiscation of lawfully owned semiautomatic rifles, redefining ‘sporting purpose’ for lawful firearm possession, criminalizing private firearm transfers and repealing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. In fact, she supports politicizing the Department of Justice and using the weight of the federal government to harass a constitutionally protected industry in a series of frivolous lawsuits to bankrupt manufacturers. Biden’s selection of Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate makes this ticket the most serious threat to American Second Amendment rights ever faced in a presidential election.”

Kris Brown, president of the Brady United gun-control group, says that Harris is “a game changer.” She affirmed: “By choosing Harris, Biden takes a bold stance. He proves he understands a fundamental problem our country is facing: gun violence. And with two gun violence prevention champions on the ticket, we can finally overcome the NRA, Donald Trump, and Mitch McConnell.”

Actually, as I’ve documented many times before, violence is a culture problem, not a “gun problem.” But Biden and Harris are beholden to the far Left, and I predict they will set about to deconstruct and repeal the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment, of course, is the First Civil Right of all law-abiding Americans. As Justice Joseph Story, appointed to the Supreme Court by James Madison, wrote in his definitive Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1833): “The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a strong moral check against usurpation and arbitrary power of the rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.”

To define the difference between Republicans and Democrats regarding the Second Amendment, consider the following.

The 2020 Democratic Party Platform declares total war on Second Amendment rights, the likes of which have never before found their way into the party’s policy platform.
It notes: “Democrats will ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high capacity magazines. We will incentivize states to enact licensing requirements for owning firearms and ‘red flag’ laws that allow courts to temporarily remove guns from the possession of those who are a danger to themselves or others. We will pass legislation requiring that guns be safely stored in homes. And Democrats believe that gun companies should be held responsible for their products, just like any other business, and will prioritize repealing the law that shields gun manufacturers from civil liability.”

That is a marked shift from the Democrats’ 2008 and 2012 platforms, which affirmed, “We recognize that the right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans’ Second Amendment right to own and use firearms.” The NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action concludes the current platform is a “full-throated assault on firearms ownership and a blueprint for undermining every aspect of Second Amendment rights.” The 2004 platform simply stated, “We will protect Americans’ Second Amendment right to own firearms.”

The ban on semiautomatic firearms and magazines was explicitly prohibited by the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 Second Amendment decision in District of Columbia v. Heller.
In 2015, Justice Antonin Scalia reiterated the Heller finding that the Second Amendment prohibits so-called “assault weapon” bans when he signed onto a dissent from the denial of certiorari in Friedman v. Highland Park. In that dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas explained: “Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons.”

For the record, the number of 5.56mm semi-auto rifles is now estimated to be between 10 and 15 million, and every American Patriot I know, and 70 million I don’t know, are gun owners.

Notably, with the rise of Biden as the Democrats’ presumptive (and now official) nominee, between March and May of this year there have been more than 2.5 million first-time gun buyers in the U.S., more than 40% of whom are women. And after the Demos launched riots across the nation, gun sales surged in July, with more than 1,795,602 recorded transactions. And if you’ve tried and failed to purchase ammunition in the last three months, it’s because distributors have sold out before much of it reaches a retail shelf.

In stark contrast to the Biden-Harris socialist Democrat platform is the Republican platform, which was adopted from President Trump’s 2016 nomination convention. It states:

The Second Amendment: Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.We uphold the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, a natural inalienable right that predates the Constitution and is secured by the Second Amendment. Lawful gun ownership enables Americans to exercise their God-given right of self- defense for the safety of their homes, their loved ones, and their communities.

We salute the Republican Congress for defending the right to keep and bear arms by preventing the President from installing a new liberal majority on the Supreme Court. The confirmation to the Court of additional anti-gun justices would eviscerate the Second Amendment’s fundamental protections. Already, local officials in the nation’s capital and elsewhere are defying the Court’s decisions upholding an individual right to bear arms as affirmed by the Supreme Court in Heller and McDonald. We support firearm reciprocity legislation to recognize the right of law-abiding Americans to carry firearms to protect themselves and their families in all 50 states. We support constitutional carry statutes and salute the states that have passed them. We oppose ill-conceived laws that would restrict magazine capacity or ban the sale of the most popular and common modern rifle. We also oppose any effort to deprive individuals of their right to keep and bear arms without due process of law.

We condemn frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers and the current Administration’s illegal harassment of firearm dealers. We oppose federal licensing or registration of law-abiding gun owners, registration of ammunition, and restoration of the ill-fated Clinton gun ban. We call for a thorough investigation — by a new Republican administration — of the deadly “Fast and Furious” operation perpetrated by Department of Justice officials who approved and allowed illegal sales of guns to known violent criminals.
The anti-2A forces aligned against a second Trump term are formidable. The archenemies of Liberty, particularly billionaire socialists George Soros and Michael Bloomberg tens of millions of dollars into key swing states

Soros says the China Virus pandemic provided a “revolutionary moment,” and we all know that leftists never let a good crisis go to waste. According to Soros: “I would describe it as a revolutionary moment when the range of possibilities is much greater than in normal times. What is inconceivable in normal times becomes not only possible but actually happens. People are disoriented and scared.”

That’s the Democrat mantra, as stated most succinctly by Barack Obama’s former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel: “You don’t ever want a good crisis to go to waste; it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

It will be a pitched battle to defend the Second Amendment under a Biden-Harris regime, as Democrats long ago betrayed their solemn oaths “ to support and defend” our Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

Join us in prayer for our Patriots in uniform and their families — Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen — standing in harm’s way, and for our nation’s First Responders. We also ask prayer for your Patriot team, that our mission would seed and encourage the Spirit of Liberty in the hearts and minds of our countrymen.
Mark Alexander writes for The Patriot Post.

Tags: Mark Alexander, The Patriot Post, Biden-Harris 2A Assault To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!

It’s Always Amusing to Watch Criminals Attempt to Defend Their Criminality

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:33 PM PDT

Seton Motley

by Seton Motley, Contributing Author: It’s a perpetual case of Chico Marx’s famous line:

“Who ya gonna believe – me or your own eyes?”

The World Wide Web will quickly deliver you all sorts of ridiculous excuses from people engaged in criminal activity.

I Closed One Eye to Stop Seeing Double So I Could Drive Drunk

I’m Not Drunk, But the Horse Is

I’m Not Drunk, I’m a Werewolf

Thieves are particularly funny.

I Shoplifted to Prepare for an Acting Role

This Isn’t a Burglary, We Were Told Everything Was Free

Intellectual Property (IP) thieves pretty much have a set slate of theft excuses. A selected excerpt:

“‘You’re Selfish and Conniving’:

“It’s amazing how often image users lash out once they have been caught red-handed. It’s not uncommon for them to treat the (IP rights holder) as someone you has the nerve to expect fair pay for fair work. Making character assassinations against someone when you’ve been caught breaking the law helps no one.”

No matter how much money a thieving company has – no matter how erudite the executives the company puts forward to defend its theft – we almost always only get these tread worn excuses.

To wit: Google (Market Cap: $1.04 trillion).

About a decade ago, Google stole 11,500 lines of Java code from Oracle. We know Google stole them – because before Google stole them they were negotiating for licenses from Oracle to pay to use them.

Google then suddenly stopped negotiating for the licenses to legally use the code. And then released its 11,500-lines-of-Java-code-using Android products – without licensed permission to do so.

“Who ya gonna believe – me or your own eyes?”

If I go to a car dealership and begin negotiating a price for a car – I’m tacitly admitting I need to pay these people for the car.

Google’s license negotiations – were the exact same tacit admission. They then took the car – the code – without paying for it.

Then came the avalanche of stupid Google excuses.

‘If You Don’t Let Us Steal – People Will Stop Making Things for Us to Steal’

This is literally the argument Google filed with the Supreme Court – which on October 7 will hear Google’s appeal of Oracle’s lower court win.

This Google excuse – is antithetical to human nature:

“Why go to all the time, trouble and expense of creating – if your creations are destined to be stolen?

“You wouldn’t. No one would. Because human nature. Which remains fixed – and immutable.

“Google is asking SCOTUS to overturn a perfectly sane and rational lower court decision in Oracle’s favor.

“But what Google is really looking to dump – is reality.

“Google wants SCOTUS to rule against human nature.”

In further attempted defense of Google’s mass heist, Google Senior Vice President for Global Affairs Kent Walker recently penned the following:

In Support of Interoperability

Which should be more accurately entitled “In Support of our Theft.”

Or the aforementioned “(Oracle is) Selfish and Conniving.”

Or the aforementioned “This Isn’t a Burglary, We Were Told Everything Was Free.”

Google’s Walker writes:

“A decision in Oracle’s favor would limit consumers’ freedom to use technologies on a range of devices.”

No. It would limit thieves’ ability to steal technologies.

You can’t have interoperability – if people stop making things to interoperate because everyone keeps stealing them.

When Google isn’t imploring you to buy their ridiculous anti-human nature assertions – they’re attempting a ridiculous legal argument…“fair use.”

Fair Use in ‘Oracle v. Google’

They say the 11,500 lines of code they stole – is protected theft under the legal shield of “fair use.” Except….

Google Should Google What ‘Fair Use’ Actually Means

Here’s the legal definition of “fair use”:

“(In US copyright law) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.”

ALL of which has to do with the written word. NONE of which has anything to do with computer code:

“Google stole 11,500 lines of Oracle’s Java code. To call 11,500 of anything ‘brief’ or “‘small’ – or any other diminutive adjective – is absurd.

“Was what Google stole – used for ‘criticism, news reporting, teaching,…(or) research?’ Of course not.

“Because you can’t use computer code to do any of those things.

“Google used Oracle’s Java – to make what became the world’s most used mobile operating system.

“Google is using Oracle’s Java – to make money.”

There is nothing high-minded – or legal – about what Google did.

Google did to Oracle what it does all the time to all sorts of people and companies. Steal – and deal with the consequences later.

Consequences mightily mitigated – by Google’s massive one trillion dollar size. There is almost no person or company on the planet that can afford to challenge Google – let alone defeat them.

Google is a corporate bully. Stealing all the smaller kids’ lunch money – because the kids are too small to stop them.

Google’s Business Model – Is Theft

Behold: An Avalanche of Headlines Chronicling Google’s Systemic Theft

The Evidence Google’s Systematic Theft is Anti-Competitive

Small kid Oracle – decided to fight back.

Here’s hoping the Supreme Court stands up for Google’s victim(s) – and the rule of law.
Seton Motley is the President of Less Government and he contributes articles to ARRA News Service. Please feel free to follow him him on Facebook.

Tags: Seton Motley, Less Government, Amusing to Watch Criminals, Attempt to Defend, Their Criminality To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!

Floyd Welch, Survivor of Pearl Harbor, Dies at 99

Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:58 PM PDT

Floyd Welch

by Pat Eaton-robb: Floyd Welch, who was credited with saving the lives of fellow sailors during the attack on Pearl Harbor, has died in Connecticut. He was 99.

Welch died peacefully at his home in East Lyme on Monday, his family said.

Welch, who was born in February 1921 in Burlington, Connecticut, was serving aboard the USS Maryland on Dec. 7, 1941, when the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor came under attack by Japan.

Welch has said he was coming out of the shower on that Sunday morning when he heard the first alarm and later the loud explosions of bombs and torpedoes. When he came on deck, he saw the raging fire and the overturned USS Oklahoma next to the Maryland.

He helped pull survivors from the Oklahoma out of the water. He and others then climbed onto the Oklahoma, where they heard tapping coming from inside the ship.

Dec. 7, 1941: part of the hull of the capsized battleship Oklahoma is seen at right as the
battleship West Virginia, center, begins to sink after suffering heavy damage, while the
battleship Maryland, left, is still afloat in Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii

“By using blueprints of the Oklahoma, so as not to burn into a fuel void, we began the long and extremely difficult process of cutting holes through the bottom steel plates of the Oklahoma,” he wrote in a remembrance of the battle. “When we could see the planes coming, we would try to find cover. We would cut near where we heard the trapped crewmen tapping. In all, I believe 33 men from the Oklahoma were rescued through these holes.”

The attack killed more than 2,400 people, including 17 from Connecticut, according to the Pearl Harbor visitors bureau.

Floyd served on the Maryland for the entire war, earning numerous honors, including American Defense Medal, the WWII Victory Medal, the American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal with three stars, the Good Conduct Medal and the United States Navy Constitution Medal.

“His was just a remarkable story of bravery, discipline and dedication,” U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal said. “He lived the word ‘hero’ in his actions, not just words and gave it real meaning. He was a hero, not just in his dedication and bravery, but also in the result of his actions, which was to save lives.”

After leaving the Navy in January 1946, Welch worked as an alarm installer, a farmer and a milkman, before opening a construction company, Welch & Son, which built road infrastructures, foundations, and drainage systems throughout the Northeast.

Welch, who served for a time as an officer in the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, was a guest of honor in 2016 at the 75th Pearl Harbor Survivors Memorial Ceremony in Hawaii.

He is survived by his wife, Marjorie, six children, 13 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

The family said a private graveside funeral service is planned.
Article by Pat Eaton-Robb – Associated Press – shared on

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So, who will you bow down to? Biden and his merry band of Marxist misfits and their ever-changing Dogma? Or, will you take personal responsibility and answer to your Maker, holding your truths self-evident?

That’s the choice. More on that in a minute.

I didn’t write over the weekend…it was one of those times. Instead, I packed a kid up for grad school and unloaded a vehicle in 107 degree heat. I looked up the temperature at which proteins denature: 107 degrees. We were melting from the inside.

The college kids were throwing caution to the wind. No masks in sight. Hopefully, they continue to interact normally and ignore the hysteria. They’re at nigh unto no risk and should enjoy their college experiences. Lots of schools are already closing and it’s nonsense. College aged young adults have the same or less risk of harm from Covid that they do from Flu. Nothing stops for the flu – or it rarely does.

It’s those 65+ who have to be concerned – especially those who are struggling with health issues. For an understanding of risk, go here. You can see the chart here of what people think their risk is and what their actual risk is:

Meanwhile, here’s what’s happening in Wuhan, China:

Those are Chinese people, in the epicenter of where the Wuhan virus started, enjoying a movie in a floaty pool THIS WEEK. No masks. No distancing. Nothing. The Karens of America want to force a nationwide mask mandate in America. Most people have no risk of dying or even showing symptoms. The Chinese economy has been 100% open. The Chinese have gained ground through this virus meanwhile, the West, especially America, suffers because the weak, scared, fragile, leftists (and a good chunk of the right) can’t understand statistics, have no concept of risk analysis, and are so cosseted in wealth that they will sacrifice the next generation’s future to keep what they have as long as possible. This is not good. It is the older generation who should be making the sacrifices and preserving our country for the future.

What can people do for themselves to prevent the Wuhan virus? Eat healthy, get sunshine and supplement with Vitamin D, supplement with Zinc and Vitamin C, and control blood sugar by cutting carbs and upping protein. Exercise moderately – take a daily 20 minute walk. That’s it. If you want to get crazy, do 15 minutes of resistance exercises (weights) a couple times a week to maintain muscle mass. Get your sleep. This regimen will help you prevent the risk factors for dying from anything, not just Covid.

I’ll step down from health soapbox and move on to the news of the day. Back to the hot summer of morbid politics.

The Dems started their convention Tuesday night. I missed it because I went to bed at 7 by accident. (“I’ll just take a 20 minute nap to refresh myself” turned into an all-nighter.) It doesn’t matter. I saw some clips and died a little inside at the insipid insanity of it all.

The real convention happened on the streets of Portland. The Black Lives Matter folks have taken to beating random white people for the sins of being white. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler instructed the police to stand down and let it happen. Wheeler should be on trial for attempted murder. If not that, he should be sued for enabling the violence. This is happening everywhere – NY, San Fran, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, and on and on. Soros AG’s are letting all the criminals off and it’s causing mayhem in America’s city streets.

This is the America Democrats want: chaos, division, war, until their communist/Marxist ideology runs every aspect of American life. They’re totalitarians.

Did you see the Nuclear scientists forced to go through diversity training and denounce their white privilege? This is your tax dollars at work. Great job by Christopher Rufo who did the digging.

What should American workers do in response to this kind of pseudoscience garbage? American’s already endure sexual harassment training, etc. – a gift from Bill Clinton et al. Now, they’re doing diversity training. It’s a money suck and there’s zero evidence it does anything besides cover the butts of management.

There is a war afoot. It’s non-violent and carried out in curriculum, on college campuses and in the business environment. It is violent and carried out in the form of terrorism. Buildings and property are destroyed. Looting. Theft. Beating and murdering people. It is based on ideas. The Left is winning it.

The majority of people are cowed into silence or ignorant of American history and so don’t feel on solid ground in denouncing the dogma. The Right needs to punish these institutions. Otherwise, they don’t learn. Goodyear decided to do a U-turn today after their stocks dove and the people who actually buy their products revolted. It’s like businesses like Target, Walmart, Goodyear, Chick Fil-A, forget their paying customers.

Hint: It’s not the screaming banshees causing the mayhem in the streets and yelling at you on Twitter from grandma’s basement. Businesses need to stop bending to the five people on Twitter who form the rage mob. They’ll be encouraged to knock it off when their bottom line suffers from their behavior.

It’s been that kind of week. I kept hoping to get the email out and One More Thing keeps happening.

Have you enjoyed the scintillating Dem online convention? Merciful heavens, it’s terrible. Kamala Harris’ speech was so cringey, I had to turn it off. It was unbearable. Kamala Harris isn’t submissive. She doesn’t play second fiddle to anyone. Watching her trying to be supportive of the demented old fart Biden was a bridge too far for someone as politically malleable as Harris. This is the woman who called Biden racist and who claimed she believed the allegations of sexual abuse against him were true.

Joe Biden made it through his speech tonight. Yay? The bar is low.

My thoughts after watching the boring, lying lefties is that the GOP better have more energy than this sad lot. There needs to be audiences and interaction and optimism and fun. There needs to be vision and vitality and humility and resolve. A little bombast and a lot of humor would do much to encourage Americans during this extended funk. Americans need hope…and not the empty platitudes, but the hope that comes when someone has a clear idea of where the country should go and a solid action plan to get there.

The July 4th spectacle at Mt. Rushmore was great. Outside, optimistic, and larger-than-life like the noggins of the presidents. As President Trump says, “Yuge!” A big dose of that would be nice.

Clarity is also necessary. The Dems tried to muddy the waters. No mention of #BLM or #AntiFa. Did you notice that? No emphasis on their radical agenda. No agenda at all. Democrats can never get elected if they’re honest. They always have to obfuscate and hide the truth.

The GOP needs to cut through the mud and put the stark choice before the voters. I think people are getting the idea anyway. The Democrats have managed to destroy nearly every great city in America in a few short months. Some, may take a generation, if ever, to recover.

Actions speak louder than words and Americans have seen the Democrats in action and it’s frankly scary. No soft-spoken Kamala (Hi Suburban Moms, I’m just like you!!) or blandly kindly, creepy grandpa Biden words can distract from Democrat actions.

2020 has been a strange year so far. In addition to Covid and Teachers Unions, there’s two hurricanes headed the Gulf’s way. One coming toward my town, Houston. One, aimed at Alabama and Mississippi. Two of them. Next to each other. If you’re the praying type, please pray for the residents in the paths of these things. Let’s hope they’re just thunderstorms when they hit.  We could use some rain, but not too much.

I’m going to sign off for now. My personal email is I enjoy your letters and read them all.


Melissa Mackenzie
Publisher, The American Spectator

P.S. We’ve got a lot of great content over at Please keep checking back through the day. We’re constantly updating. Also, we are working on providing RNC coverage next week. Amory Manual, our Tech Guru, is setting us up for some picture in picture awesomeness and I’ll be doing commentary with some special guests. This is all last minute and we’re working on ironing out tech issues. So, if I don’t lose power and internet due to the hurricane craziness, we will have some coverage. See you there!

The American Spectator
Melissa Mackenzie
Copyright © 2020 The American Spectator, All rights reserved.

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August 21, 2020 – Having trouble viewing this email? Open it in your browser.
Morning Rundown
Joe Biden accepts nomination for president: Former Vice President Joe Biden formally took the reins of the Democratic Party on Thursday night in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, and officially accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for president. The 30-minute speech was the most significant speech of his lengthy career, and sought to meet the unprecedented moment of crisis, with the convention unfolding against the backdrop of a pandemic, a tumultuous economy and a country wrestling with an introspection on race. “Here and now I give you my word. If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us, not the worst,” he said. “It is time for us, for we, the people, to come together.” The final night of the Democratic National Convention also highlighted Biden’s personal story with recollections from his friends and family, including remarks from his children and grandchildren, and tributes to his son, Beau, who died from brain cancer in 2015. Many of the speakers, including former 2020 candidates for the Democratic nomination, shared their personal experiences with Biden, which were stories of his kindness and empathy. “Joe Biden, you have a human being who is empathetic, who is honest, who is decent,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders. Throughout convention week, Democrats threaded a key theme: a call to get out the vote. That message was particularly poignant on Thursday when the convention featured a five-minute tribute to late Rep. John Lewis. “The baton has now been passed to each of us,” said Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. “We have cried out for justice … and now we must pass on the gift John Lewis sacrificed to give us. We must register, and we must vote.” David Muir will conduct the first joint sit-down interview with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and Robin Roberts will interview them about their history-making ticket this Sunday at 8 p.m., only on ABC.
Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon indicted for fraud: Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump’s former campaign CEO and chief strategist in the White House, has been federally indicted for conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering in connection to a crowdfunding campaign to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. He was arrested Thursday morning in a boat docked at a marina in Connecticut on charges that he and others allegedly made false representations about the “We Build the Wall” campaign, which raised more than $25 million. According to prosecutors, Bannon and others defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors by falsely assuring them the organizers were not taking donation money. However, the indictment shows that Bannon took at least $1 million to pay the group’s founder and to cover hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal expenses. If convicted, Bannon could face 20 years in prison. Bannon’s indictment makes him the sixth person associated with the top echelons of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign to face federal charges.
Uber, Lyft allowed to continue operations in California amid legal battle: An appeals court in California granted Uber and Lyft an emergency stay on Thursday, giving the ride-share giants more time to appeal a ruling that required them to classify drivers as employees instead of independent contractors. Lyft had announced earlier in the day that it would suspend its ride-sharing operations in the state — but then it backtracked. Last week, Lyft and Uber threatened to suspend operations in California as a result of a judge’s ruling that ride-hailing companies need to classify their drivers as employees — meaning that drivers should be provided with sick leave, overtime pay and other benefits. However, ride-share companies argued that an employee classification for drivers would conflict with the flexible hours that they are able to create as independent contractors and is so critical during the pandemic.
1st statue honoring real-life women is coming to Central Park: For the first time in its 160-plus-year history, New York City’s famous Central Park will have a statue to pay tribute to real-life women. A statue featuring women’s rights pioneers Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth and Elizabeth Cady Stanton — all New Yorkers — will be unveiled on Aug. 26, in the same month that the United States celebrates the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote. Previously, women were only represented in statues of fictional characters like Alice in Wonderland, while real-life men are immortalized in nearly two dozen statues in the park. “The sad thing is that so many people for so many years never even noticed that real women were missing in Central Park,” said Pam Elam, president of Monumental Women, the group that commissioned the project. “What does that say about the invisibility of women and the lack of recognition that women face in this country?” Elam said that Monumental Women will continue challenging cities and towns across the country to “reimagine their public spaces” and include tributes to women and people of color.
GMA Must-Watch
This morning on “GMA,” The Killers perform their hit songs, “Mr. Brightside” and “Caution.” Plus, Angelia Jolie sits down to talk about the new Disney+ movie, “The One and Only Ivan.” And Stephanie Humphrey shares tips for keeping school affordable for your kids this fall, including laptops and tablets for under $200. All this and more only on “GMA.”
‘GMA’ Deals and Steals: 50% off Dr. Brandt and Perricone MD skincare
Tory Johnson has exclusive discounts for “GMA” viewers.
Put some good in your morning
[PHOTO: Taylor Swift attends the premiere of Taylor Swift donates over $30K to help student pay college tuition
[PHOTO: Restaurant owner Blair Papagni stands in front of her diner that closed after 13 years in Brooklyn. ] NYC restaurant owners demand plans for indoor dining: ‘Winter is coming’
[VIDEO: Out of work drag queens from New York are on a mission to ‘destroy’ COVID-19] Out of work drag queens from New York are on a mission to ‘destroy’ COVID-19
[VIDEO: Playful fox makes a surprise appearance in a Colorado backyard ] Playful fox makes a surprise appearance in a Colorado backyard
Read more →
AMC Theatres reopen: Here’s what you need to know
AMC Theatres officially began its reopening process Thursday, having taken steps to keep patrons safe due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.



Friday, August 21, 2020

Good morning, NBC News readers.


Former vice president and six-term U.S. Senator Joe Biden drew a sharp contrast with himself and President Donald Trump as he accepted his party’s nomination for president on the final night of the Democratic National Convention.


Here’s what we’re watching this Friday morning.

Biden promises a ‘path of hope and light’ as he accepts presidential nomination

Five decades after he first entered national politics, Joe Biden accepted his party’s nomination for president Thursday on the final night of the Democratic National Convention.


Just months after he was politically left for dead, Biden told America to get back on its feet.

“The current president has cloaked America in darkness for far too long. Too much anger, too much fear, too much division,” the former vice president said. “We can and will overcome this season of darkness.” (Read his full speech).


Biden excoriated Trump’s record and said the country was facing four simultaneous crises: the coronavirus pandemic, the ensuing recession, renewed demands for racial justice, and climate change.


But his overall message was one of optimism and unity. “While I’ll be a Democratic candidate, I’ll be an American president,” he said.




  • Laugh: Veep and Seinfeld star Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who hosted the evening, got in a few good jabs and even poked fun at the Democrats four-day love fest by joking that they were adding a fifth night: Michelle Obama’s speech on a loop.

Steve Bannon charged with fraud in ‘Build the Wall’ effort 

Steve Bannon, Trump’s former adviser, was charged on Thursday with defrauding donors to a private fundraising campaign to help build a wall along the southern border.


Bannon, and three other defendants “orchestrated a scheme to defraud hundreds of thousands of donors,” according to prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York.


The defendants’ online crowdfunding campaign “We Build The Wall” raised more than $25 million, with promises that they would not “not take a penny in salary,” according to the indictment.


But in fact, prosecutors said, the defendants took hundreds of thousands of donated dollars and used them for personal expenses.


Bannon pleaded not guilty during his initial court appearance on Thursday.


Trump’s former 2016 campaign chairman was aboard a 150-foot yacht in Long Island Sound, off the coast of Connecticut, when he was arrested earlier in the day.


Who owns the yacht? A Chinese billionaire named Guo Wengui who is allegedly involved in a separate federal inquiry involving a company both men are linked to.


So how many of Trump’s former associates have faced criminal charges? CNBC has compiled a list.


Bannon’s arrest should alarm Trump and his cronies, former U.S. attorney Barbara McQuade writes in an opinion piece.


Firefighters stretched thin as flames rage across California, killing at least five

Officials and firefighters in California say they are stretched thin battling hundreds of wildfires, many of which exploded across the state in recent days.


The problem has intensified as tens of thousands of structures remain threatened and evacuation orders and warnings issued from rural Lake County north of San Francisco to the Santa Cruz mountains on the south. The blazes have been blamed for at least five deaths.


Tim Edwards, president of the CalFire firefighters union, said 2020 was beginning to resemble 2017, when the state saw some of its most destructive fires.


“We are in the same situation but with 10 times as many fires,” he said.


Flames jump Interstate 80 in Vacaville, Calif., on Wednesday. See more images of the wildfires raging across Northern California. (Photo: Noah Berger / AP)

Their businesses survived the pandemic. Then came Postal Service delays.

Beth Nolan’s shipping costs have doubled over the past six weeks.


Her company has spent so much to make up for the U.S. Postal Service’s delays that she said she had to recently lay off an employee, while another worker turned the wall of her kitchen into a giant calendar filled with notes about mail routes and the status of packages.


She is just one of many business owners across the country who say they were hit hard by the Postal Service’s shipping delays.


While U.S. Postmaster General DeJoy is expected to testify to the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee today about the postal service charges ahead of the election, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin role in his appointment is coming under scrutiny.


“This didn’t have to happen. COVID was no one’s fault, but the response and these delays definitely are,” said one nurse impacted by the postal delays.

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  • The Kansas City Chiefs officially banned fans from wearing headdresses and face paint appropriating American Indian culture.

THINK about it 

DeJoy’s USPS meddling isn’t over — why are Senate Republicans covering for him? Kurt Bardella, former House Oversight Committee spokesperson, asks in an opinion piece.

One fun thing 

Among the many biographical details revealed about Biden on Thursday night: His penchant for Irish poets.

Biden quoted Seamus Heaney’s “Doubletake” from “The Cure at Troy” as he concluded his speech. He said:


“The Irish poet Seamus Heaney once wrote:

‘History says don’t hope

On this side of the grave.

But then, once in a lifetime

The longed for tidal wave

Of justice can rise up

And hope and history rhyme.’ This is our moment to make hope and history rhyme.”

And we learned that he shared a book of W.B. Yeats poetry with a young teen to help him overcome his stutter.

The campaign still has a way to go, we’ll see if Ireland’s other two Nobel laureates for literature get a mention…


Thanks for reading the Morning Rundown. Hope you have a restful weekend.


If you have any comments — likes, dislikes — send me an email at: 

If you’re a fan, please forward it to your family and friends. They can sign-up here.


Thanks, Petra Cahill



From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, Carrie Dann and Melissa Holzberg

FIRST READ: Mission accomplished: After virtual convention, Democrats are united against Trump

The first-ever virtual national political convention couldn’t have gone better for the Democrats.


Alternate text


Introduce a new generation of elected Democratic leaders to the American public? Check.


Tell Joe Biden’s life story – from overcoming his stutter to his family tragedies? Yup.


Deflect GOP attacks – like that Biden is beholden to the Bernie Sanders left and that Biden is so declined that he can’t deliver a speech to the public? Done. (In fact, for those of us who’ve watched Biden plenty over the past decade, last night was one of the best speeches he’s ever delivered.)


And unite a party from progressives to moderates to disaffected Republicans? Mission accomplished.


It’s that last objective – party unity – that’s maybe the biggest difference between this past week’s virtual Dem convention and the Dem one four years ago, when the WikiLeaks disclosures, the resignation of the DNC chair, and the Hillary-versus-Bernie delegate skirmishes marred that Philly convention.


Democrats of all stripes are ready for battle against President Trump. And the Dem operatives who helped orchestrate this not-easy-to-produce convention, including Stephanie Cutter, deserve lots of credit.


Of course, the pandemic and virtual nature of the convention helped sweep any kind of dissent under the rug. It’s easy to imagine – under normal circumstances and during an ordinary convention – that upset Sanders delegates would have generated headlines, and that rogue delegates would have booed speakers like John Kasich and Michael Bloomberg.


Indeed, the entire virtual campaign so far has benefitted Biden, masking his weaknesses a candidate (age, gaffes on the stump) and emphasizing his strengths (his name ID, his empathy and his experience).

Reminder: Winning the convention doesn’t win you the election

Yet as we learned four years ago, the party that has the better -run convention doesn’t always win the presidential election.


While the 2016 Dem convention featured disunity between Clinton and Sanders delegates, the GOP’s gathering was much worse – remember the plagiarism charges, the contentious floor fight and Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement?


But Trump and the GOP won the election.


Conventions, however, tell us a lot about how a candidate might govern. And that disorganization and chaos we saw four years ago at the GOP convention in Cleveland certainly gave us a window in how Team Trump would run the White House.

Pressure is on for next week’s GOP convention

Also, the political party that goes second – not first – usually benefits, because it gets to make the last impression.


But the pressure is now on the Republicans to match what Democrats did, with much less preparation time (given Trump’s earlier insistence on holding an in-person convention, which he eventually had to scrap).


How do they handle the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing?


How does Trump speak to the 70 percent of Americans who think the country is headed in the wrong direction, and the 80 percent who think things are out of control?


And how does the president turn the election from a referendum on him to a choice?


We’ll find out next week.


TWEET OF THE DAY:  That’s a lot of speeches


DATA DOWNLOAD: The numbers you need to know today

5,600,920: The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States, per the most recent data from NBC News and health officials. (That’s 54,688 more than yesterday morning.)


175,422: The number of deaths in the United States from the virus so far. (That’s 1,334 more than yesterday morning.)


69.58 million: The number of coronavirus TESTS administered in the U.S., according to researchers at The COVID Tracking Project.


200 million: The number of doses of flu vaccine being prepared in the United States, as manufacturers boost production by about 15 percent.


7: The number of coronavirus cases so far that have been traced to the Sturgis motorcycle rally.

AD WATCH from Ben Kamisar

Remember the opaque group that meddled in the Kansas GOP Senate primary to boost Kris Kobach, the one linked to Democrats? Well, surprise, surprise — top Democratic groups were behind it.


Politico reported that Sunflower State, which spent millions to boost Kobach and bury Roger Marshall, was bankrolled primarily by Senate Majority PAC and the EMILY’s List super PAC, Women Vote!


The group’s Democratic links were pretty clear, and their strategy to boost the controversial Kobach over the establishment’s pick only underscored the belief that Democrats were behind the effort. But the hunch was proven right in Thursday’s Politico report, which included an on-the-record interview with Senate Majority PAC president J.B. Poersch.

Going postal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn’t think there’s a problem with the Postal Service – but it’s a problem he’s going to take care of nonetheless. At least that’s what he told reporters yesterday:


“The post office is not in trouble. We’re going to make sure that they are able to deliver our ballots on time,” McConnell said. He later added, “This is a non-existent problem, it’s going to be taken care of.”


While McConnell’s view is in contradiction to what many others are concerned about, he does agree that one problem that isn’t getting fixed soon is coronavirus relief.


“I do think the environment is a lot more political now that was in March and April. You know we’re only a couple months from the election, I think that’s hampered it. I’m hoping we can get past that. But I can’t predict today. I think we need another dose, I think we need it now. Or I wouldn’t have recommended one. But at the moment we are at an impasse,” McConnell said.

THE LID: Message discipline

Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we looked at the framing of the Democratic convention — and the numbers that explain it.

ICYMI: What ELSE is happening in the world?

As always, if you missed last night, our live blog has you covered.


Don’t miss the appearance by Brayden Harrington, 13, who spoke about how Biden helped him overcome his stutter.


Here’s how the president responded to Biden’s speech.


The postal crisis is bigger and more urgent than just the election, experts say.


Kanye West won’t be on the ballot in Wisconsin.


Trump says he wants to use “sheriffs” as poll watchers on Election Day.


Trump’s refusal to condemn QAnon is getting some big pushback.


What’s with the big fight over a gold mine in Alaska?


Nancy Pelosi endorsed Joe Kennedy III over Ed Markey in the Massachusetts Senate race.

Thanks for reading.

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Eye Opener

Joe Biden officially became the Democratic nominee for president Thursday night and pledged to unite the country in his speech at the DNC. Also, Steve Bannon, a former adviser to President Donald Trump, pleaded not guilty to charges he ripped off people trying to fund a wall at the border. All that and all that matters in today’s Eye Opener. Your world in 90 seconds.

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Joe Biden calls for unity in DNC speech

Joe Biden calls for unity in DNC speech

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Joe Biden accepts presidential nomination

Joe Biden accepts presidential nomination

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Pence on Bannon's arrest, DNC and mail-in voting

Pence on Bannon’s arrest, DNC and mail-in voting

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Inside the "very cautious" U.S. human trial of a COVID vaccine

Inside the “very cautious” U.S. human trial of a COVID vaccine

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Doctor on concerns about returning to school

Doctor on concerns about returning to school

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 August 21, 2020
Featuring the latest analysis, commentary, and research from Manhattan Institute scholars


Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images

In Policing, Race Matters

Black men are the principal beneficiaries of policing; they also bear its highest costs.
By James R. Copland
National Review
September 7, 2020, Issue


Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

We Are Suffering From a Social Recession, Too.

“Covid-19 has targeted not only our lives, but our life together as Americans.”
By Michael Hendrix
August 21, 2020


Stakeholder Capitalism and the Future of American Democracy

As Americans of all stripes debate contentious social issues, one group in particular is making its voice heard: corporate leaders. On August 24, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy joins Reihan Salam to discuss how and why the nature of American capitalism is changing.

A Conversation with NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea

What’s driving crime upticks in New York City? How will the NYPD navigate the challenges posed by recent policy shifts? How should the Department balance the public’s appetite for reform with the need for order maintenance and public safety? On August 25, join Rafael A. Mangual for an important discussion exploring these and other questions with the 44th Commissioner of the NYPD, Dermot Shea.


Photo: Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images

We Need Rapid—and Reliable—Virus Testing

Fast, cheap diagnostics are just as important as a vaccine for controlling Covid-19.
By Jonathan M. Ellen
City Journal Online
August 20, 2020

Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Pointless Quarantine

New York’s restrictions on interstate travelers are overbroad and punish rather than protect New Yorkers.
By Joel Zinberg
City Journal Online
August 20, 2020


Photo: krblokhin/iStock 

Across the South and Midwest, Coronavirus Is Producing a New Generation of Entrepreneurs

“[Only] several months into the Covid-19 recession, there are already signs that the next big company may already be in a nascent stage. The number of business applications has been increasing since the spring.”
By Allison Schrager
August 20, 2020


Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

Conventional Wisdom

Quadrennial political carnivals have been outdated for at least 60 years.
By Lance Morrow
City Journal Online
August 20, 2020


Photo: Jamie Meggas/Manhattan Institute

Manhattan Institute Announces 2020-21 Civil Society Fellows

Today, the Manhattan Institute announced its second cohort of Civil Society Fellows, nonprofit leaders who will receive a $10,000 fellowship for their efforts to improve their local communities by addressing or preventing a social challenge. The institute’s 15-month Civil Society Fellows Program will help three individuals raise national awareness for their missions and make the case for the essential nature and value of their nonprofit work.

The 2020-21 Civil Society Fellows are:



Photo: RossHelen/iStock

Guidance for Reforming Medicaid

As Congress seeks to stabilize Medicaid in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, a new report from Chris Pope offers timely guidance for redesigning the program in a way that will enhance its fairness, focus, and accountability.


Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images

Chicago’s Ransacking and Illinois’ Fiscal Blues

John O. McGinnis joins Brian Anderson to discuss the economic condition of Illinois, the main players in its infamous “machine” politics, the recent looting in Chicago that tore through the city’s Magnificent Mile, and more.


A Discussion with SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce on Shareholder Voting and More

The Manhattan Institute welcomed SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce to discuss policy changes to shareholder voting, as well as her broader vision for the future of U.S. securities regulation. Sworn in on January 11, 2018, Commissioner Peirce has long been a leading thinker about these issues—including as a former contributor to the Manhattan Institute’s legal-policy weblog.

A Conversation with Governor Larry Hogan: Leading Through Crisis

On August 10, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan joined the Manhattan Institute to discuss his new book, Still Standing, and how America’s governors can lead the nation out of crisis.

The Successor Ideology

What do young progressives believe? On August 6, Manhattan Institute fellow and City Journal contributing editor Coleman HughesNew York Times opinion columnist, Ross Douthat; and columnist for Tablet Magazine, Wesley Yang discussed the “Successor Ideology” that is quickly becoming a major force in our national life.


President’s Update: Summer 2020

With America and its cities still reeling from the Covid-19 pandemic and the recent civil unrest, Manhattan Institute scholars are charting a path forward at the federal, state, and local levels. Read more in the Summer 2020 update from president Reihan Salam.
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Bitterman, Table for One 
Larry O’Connor
What Exactly Are Brian Kolfage and Steve Bannon Accused of Doing?
Marina Medvin
Obama Should Fool No One With His Bipartisan Mask
David Limbaugh
Doctors Worldwide Are Recording More Deaths Due to Lockdowns Than to COVID-19
Brad Slager
Of Jihadists and Democrats
William Marshall
Entrepreneur Shay Hawkins Hopes to Take Conservative Message to Columbus
Gabriella Hoffman
Swamp Creatures are Fleeing to the Democratic Party
Joe DiGenova
Trump and Netanyahu Debunk the Failed Consensus
Josh Hammer
Will Liberals Protect Your Vote When They Won’t Protect You?
Ken Blackwell
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
Ken Blackwell
Will the Catholic Bishops Call Out Joe?
Pat Buchanan
Phony Lines From Barack Obama’s Speech
Tim Graham
Blue and Red America Differences Could Hurt Democrats
Michael Barone
Mail-in Voting Part II: Company the Democratic Party Keeps
Loyd Pettegrew
The Truth About the Post Office Controversy
Neil Patel
Foreign Exploitation of America’s Largest Forest Is This Campaign Season’s Sleeper-issue
Craig Shirley
The Abraham Accords
Erick Erickson
Dying to Go to School
Chad Savage
Racism: How to Intellectually Destroy the Left
Ilana Mercer
Heiress Harris
Jason Killmeyer
Biden Doubles Down on Obamacare’s Broken Promises
David Balat
Joe Biden Requires Being Led by the Hand—Literally
Steve Sheldon
Gov. Evers: Saying Abortionists ‘Execute Babies’ Is ‘Blasphemy’
Trump blasts Schiff as ‘political hack’
Pelosi’s condescension offers some laughs
Pelosi open to border infrastructure
AOC’s Dumb Economics And Dangerous Politics
The Minimum Wage Should Be Abolished, Not Increased
Debunking The Postal Panic
On Last Night of DNC, Dems Didn’t Duplicate Virtual Audience…But What They Did Might Be Worse
Matt Vespa
Biden Makes Lofty Promises in His DNC Speech…President Trump Responds
Reagan McCarthy
Buttigieg Paints Biden as the Candidate of ‘Change’
Bronson Stocking
Tammy Duckworth Says Biden Wouldn’t ‘Let Tyrants Manipulate Him,’ the Chinese Communist Party Disagrees
Ellie Bufkin
I Guess Democrats Decided to Forget Cory Booker’s Me Too Episode During Their Convention, Huh?
Matt Vespa
Julia Louis-Dreyfus Intentionally Botches Pence’s Name at DNC Convention
Cortney O’Brien
Biden’s Instagram Post Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Kamala Harris
Bronson Stocking
Here’s Yet Another Graph That Shreds the COVID Lockdown Hysteria
Matt Vespa
DNC Silence on Violence, Murder, and Looting Is Deafening 
Ellie Bufkin
Newsom Bows Out of Democratic National Convention as State Burns
Bronson Stocking
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Mike DeWine’s Gun Control Bill Isn’t The Answer To Ohio’s Rising Crime | Cam Edwards
When Organizations Push Members Away Over Gun Control | Tom Knighton
Dems Embrace Anti-Gun Agenda At Convention, But What About The Campaign Trail? | Cam Edwards
Anti-Hunters In CA Say They Want To Help Animals, But Are Enabling Poachers Instead | Tom Knighton
Chris Wallace Defends Biden On Gun Control, Calls AR-15’s “Weapons Of Mass Destruction” | Cam Edwards
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Carl Cannon’s Morning Note

Four Nights Online; Biden’s Moment; Quote of the Week

By Carl M. Cannon on Aug 21, 2020 08:52 am
Hello, it’s Friday, Aug. 21, 2020, the morning after the first online presidential nominating convention in U.S. history. This is also the day the week when I reprise an instructive or inspirational quotation. Today, I have two, both from women — one of whom you are probably unfamiliar with, and the other from someone the whole world now knows.

First, though, I’ll point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion pieces spanning the political spectrum. We also offer an array original material from our own reporters, columnists, and contributors this morning, including the following:

*  *  *

Dems 2020: The Good, the Bad and the Gimmicky. Phil Wegmann and I have this overview of the party convention.

Biden Meets the Moment. Susan Crabtree assesses the nominee’s speech last night.

Trump’s Team Says Biden Is Hiding as Pence Blitzes Media. With five TV appearances Friday morning, the vice president appears to be taking the fight to Democrats, Phil reports

Can Trump Learn From the Last Three Defeated Incumbents? Myra Adams revisits the Ford, Carter and Bush 41 campaigns for clues the current president would be wise to study.

Democrats Ignore the Men and Women Who Elected Trump. Brendan Flanagan warns the party not to assume that working-class voters who backed the president in 2016 won’t do so again.

A Big Deal in the Middle East. In RealClearWorld, Dan Feferman explains why the UAE-Israeli peace agreement matters so much.

The Biblical Roots of Capitalism. In RealClearReligion, Charles Mizrahi links our economic system, now under assault by the far left, to Judeo-Christian values.

Thomas Sowell’s Unfair Attack on Teacher Tenure. In RealClearEducation, Glenn Sacks answers the conservative critic’s charges, made in a new book.

*  *  *

“You, me, and Joe — together. What an awesome responsibility. What an awesome privilege.” That was Kamala Harris teeing up the conclusion of her potent acceptance speech Wednesday night. She continued:

“So, let’s fight with conviction. Let’s fight with hope. Let’s fight with confidence in ourselves, and a commitment to each other. To the America we know is possible. The America we love.

“Years from now, this moment will have passed. And our children and our grandchildren will look in our eyes and ask us: ‘Where were you when the stakes were so high?’

“They will ask us, ‘What was it like?’ And we will tell them. We will tell them, not just how we felt. We will tell them what we did.”

It’s a noble thought, imparted to a nation where much work needs to be done. Yet, as wildfires rage out of control in the state that both Kamala Harris and I come from, I thought this week of a sentiment I came across from Charlotte Kasl, a psychotherapist and author of self-help books. I realize that Kasl isn’t the kind of source I usually cite is my daily essays, but we must take wisdom wherever we find it these days. She used fire as a metaphor, not as a call to action but as a reminder of human limitations, and that our purpose in life is not only to fight. Sometimes, we must put down our weapons, experience gladness — and instill it in others.

“My father once told me of a trick question he used in a college class on forest fire control,” she wrote. “If there was a fire coming from a certain direction and wind was coming from another, what was the best thing to do? The right answer was, ‘Run like hell and pray for rain,’ but few students ever got it. So allow yourself the freedom of knowing there are times to bail out, quit, run, leave the struggle, and have more time for joy.”

And those are your quotes of the week.

Carl M. Cannon
Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics
@CarlCannon (Twitter)

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We Are Suffering From a Social Recession, Too.

The Truth About the Post Office Controversy

COVID-19 is Forcing Economists to Rethink the Value of Life


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The announcement of the third peace treaty between Israel and an Arab state came as a complete surprise to the international community Thursday. No dialogue leaked, no statements floated to the press ahead of time, no countermeasures deployed to interfere, and no traditional diplomacy—only President Donald Trump’s blackjack-like brinksmanship and his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s calm.

But the sound of throats clearing Friday in Abu Dhabi was followed by cautious gloating, and efforts to point out how the Israelis will no longer be “annexing” the West Bank.

Read the article by Center Senior Fellow, Dalia al-Aqidi.

You know President Trump scored an extraordinary foreign policy win last week when the Washington Post ran the headline “Israel and UAE reach historic accord” and an op-ed by the liberal Post foreign policy columnist David Ignatius titled “Trump is right. The Israel-UAE agreement is a huge achievement.”

Even more incredible, notoriously anti-Trump New York Times opinion columnist Thomas Friedman published a similar op-ed titled “A Geopolitical Earthquake Just Hit the Mideast” in which he said “For once, I am going to agree with President Trump in his use of his favorite adjective: “huge.””

Click here to read the article by Center President and CEO, Fred Fleitz.

Highlighted Articles/Interviews

Why won’t Joe talk about China?

You’d never know from former Vice President Joe Biden’s acceptance speech last night that, if elected, his single most important foreign policy, national security, economic and public health problem would be the Chinese Communist Party. Evidently, he’d rather not talk about it.

But voters are entitled to know what would Joe Biden do about the existential threat to freedom posed by the CCP of which its virus is just one, albeit devasting example? Does he even see Communist China as a threat – let history’s greatest one? Or, is he still in the “C’mon, man!” mode, downplaying – if not actually dismissing – the mortal danger we face from the PRC.

Donald Trump is, as he should be, going to make his yuuuge differences with Joe Biden on China a centerpiece of the 2020 campaign now getting underway in earnest.

Bring it on.

This is Frank Gaffney.

ANDREW WHITNEY, Vice Chairman and Director, Phoenix Biotechnology, Inc.:

  • What does Phoenix Biotechnology Inc. do?
  • What is oleandrin?


  • How does oleandrin work?
  • What are envelope viruses?

GEN. ROY ROBINSON, President of the National Guard Association of United States:

  • How is the National Guard responding to the civil unrest taking place in the US?
  • How has the National Guard been impacted by COVID-19?

JEFF NYQUIST, Has written for Newsmax, WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes, Financial Sense and Epoch Times, Author of the book Origins of the Fourth World War and The New Tactics of Global War

  • The nature of the Marxist revolution taking place around the world
  • Signals being sent out by the People’s Liberation Army
  • What is the strategy of the Chinese army?
Secure Freedom Parler
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Fox News has a fever and the only prescription is … Joe Biden?
The biggest loser from Night 4 of the Democrat convention is…
Karen Townsend
Breaking: The Associated Press fact checks Spartacus
Jazz Shaw
Kanye West loses chance to be placed on Wisconsin ballot … for the dumbest reason ever
Karen Townsend


Bannon pleads not guilty. Kolfage: Wanna rent my donor list?
Jazz Shaw
Cuomo finally admits COVID mistake: I should have mandated masks sooner, even though I did it before everyone else
Sasse: If we lose the Senate, Trump’s refusal to condemn QAnon will be part of the reason why 
Netflix apologizes for ‘Cuties’ ads but still plans to release the film about twerking pre-teens
John Sexton
Dem convention, night four: The Joe show — featuring Hunter Biden
New polls: Trump tied with Biden in Minnesota, statistically tied in Pennsylvania
Fort Lori: Police directive banned protesters on Mayor Lightfoot’s block
John Sexton
The Duchess of Sussex is helping Michelle Obama register women to vote
Karen Townsend
Trump on Bannon’s indictment: I never liked the idea of a private outfit trying to build the wall 
Adam Haner: ‘Their whole chaos came right at me’
John Sexton
Pompeo trolls Pelosi with ‘The Simpsons’ character meme during her DNC speech
Karen Townsend
Harris’s speech was a clunker, Obama’s was not
California’s blackouts linked to reliance on green energy
John Sexton
Minneapolis lawsuit: “every single night you can hear gunshots” 
Jazz Shaw
Two soldiers appeared in American Samoa’s DNC roll call video – now they are being investigated
Karen Townsend
So was Navalny poisoned or not?
Jazz Shaw
WaPo Pelosi endorses Kennedy over Markey in tight Massachusetts Senate primary
Vice USPS tells managers not to reconnect mail-sorting machines, emails show
Elie Honig Steve Bannon’s troubles are just beginning
Philip Klein What will Never Trumpers do if Biden and Harris win?
CNN Harris won’t interrogate DeJoy at hearing
Michael McFaul A Russian dissident is fighting for his life. Where is the U.S.?
WaPo Postmaster general eyes aggressive changes at Postal Service after election
Fox News Mutated form of coronavirus may be more contagious but less deadly, experts say
ESPN Kansas City Chiefs ban Native American headdresses, face paint, reviewing chop
Roll Call Schumer: Ditching filibuster not “off the table” if Biden, Democrats win
NYT Bannon’s efforts to stay relevant after White House end in arrest
Conor Friedersdorf Anti-racism arguments are tearing people apart
Dnyuz Movers in NYC are so busy they’re turning people away
NYT Democrats have their doubts about Biden’s bipartisan bonhomie
Michael Tesler Support for Black Lives Matter is waning among white Americans
Elizabeth Drew Conflict between Biden and Harris is inevitable
Seth Masket How Clinton’s loss paved the way for Biden
Bonnie Kristian The anti-war wing of both parties is dead
Brady, Parker Biden/Clinton vs. Trump: Comparing 2020/2016 polling “gaps”
Isaac Schorr How Trump made Laura Loomer’s primary win possible



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August 21, 2020
Governments Are Faking It, and Copying Each Other

By Jeffrey Tucker | “A mystery for months is how it is that so many governments in so many different places on earth could have adopted the same or very similar preposterous policies, no matter the threat level of the virus, and without firm…

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Ride Sharing and the Absurdity of “Protecting” Workers…

By Raymond C. Niles | “Government regulation unnecessarily pushes up transaction costs. In this case, by mandating unwanted benefits, those transaction costs are so high that Uber/Lyft are choosing not to transact at all in California.

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Happy Birthday to Libertarian Firebrand Walter Block

By Art Carden | “His positions can be very, very off-putting. He strips pretty much everything down to a simple question: ‘Is it voluntary?’ If the answer is ‘yes,’ then he argues that we have no right to interfere no matter how much we might…

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For Economic Recovery, the Lockdowns Must End (Videos)

By Edward Peter Stringham | I’ve been doing some media appearances on the ongoing economic stagnation. It is not an accident of history. It is an imposition by governments. Constantly changing rules and stringencies hamper economic recovery,…

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Initial Claims for Unemployment Benefits Rise as…

By Robert Hughes | The fallout from government-imposed restrictions intended to slow the spread of COVID-19 continues as initial claims for unemployment benefits rose in the latest week. The longer businesses remain closed or limited, the more…

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Edward C. Harwood fought for sound money when few Americans seemed to care. He was the original gold standard man before that became cool. Now he is honored in this beautiful sewn silk tie in the richest possible color and greatest detail.
The red is not just red; it is darker and deeper, more distinctive and suggestive of seriousness of purpose.
The Harwood coin is carefully sewn (not stamped). Sporting this, others might miss that you are secretly supporting the revolution for freedom and sound money, but you will know, and that is what matters.
We are on the cusp of a dramatic wave of technological change – from blockchain to automated smart contracts, artificial intelligence and machine learning to advances in cryptography and digitisation, from Internet of Things to advanced communications technologies.
This book presents a call to arms. The liberty movement has spent too much time begging the state for its liberties back. We can now use new technologies to build the free institutions that are needed for human flourishing without state permission.
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Biden’s Unrealistic Hopes


On the menu today: Joe Biden went out and gave the speech he needed to give — but you can already see signs that a Biden presidency would not live up to the happy, reassuring, calming vision that it promises; a huge issue that got zero attention from Biden; one of the most hated politicians in America seems to be getting something right, at considerable political risk; and asking whether famous faces from the entertainment world really help in politics anymore.

Joe Biden’s Happy and Unrealistic Vision

Joe Biden was fine last night. He wasn’t really bold or exciting or inspirational, but he didn’t need to be. He just needed to go out and sound like a man ready to handle the challenges of the job. Americans have heard Biden speak before, lots and lots of times. About 65 million Americans voted to make him vice president eight years ago. Americans aren’t expecting him to deliver the Gettysburg Address or to get them to leap off their couches at home and pump their fists in frenzied enthusiasm.

The audience watching at home — which may not be that big …   READ MORE

Facebook launches new Voting Information Center


Facebook is building the largest voter information effort in US history, starting with the new Voting Information Center, where you can find the latest resources about voting in the 2020 election. Our goal is to help register 4 million voters.

Explore our new Voting Information Center now.


1. A Pro-Gay President Is Not Enough

2. Five Questions for Ed Conard

3. On the Record: The  Canned Language of Self-Described Victims 



Why Was Governor Steve Bullock Soliciting Chinese Investment in Montana?

In a mysterious video, Montana Governor Steve Bullock sings the state’s praises to Chinese investors. The video …


Civil-Asset Forfeiture Should Be an Easy Place to Start on Criminal-Justice Reform

Why has civil-asset forfeiture, which flies in the face of American expectations of due process and the …


Turkey Converts Additional Byzantine-Era Church into Mosque

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed an order on Friday morning formally converting the Byzantine-era …


On Reopening Schools, de Blasio Is Right

If educating our children is mission-critical to the kids themselves and to the country, as every teacher is …


Democrats Strain to Depict Biden as a Moderate

The Democratic Convention was, for the most part, bereft of policy, focusing instead on President Donald Trump’s …


California Governor Newsom Didn’t Take Promised Pay Cut After Cutting State Workers’ Pay

Newsom’s office said the situation was caused by an “administrative error.” 


The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free


“Makes an original and compelling case for nationalism . . . A fascinating, erudite—and much-needed—defense of a hallowed idea unfairly under current attack.” — Victor Davis Hanson






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SHOCK VIDEO: “Mom! Call 911!” – Biden Supporters Attack 7-Year-Old Boy Outside DNC Convention For Wearing Red MAGA Hat
Biden supporters attacked a 7-year-old boy Thursday night outside of the DNC convention. The boy, Riley, was attacked for wearing a red MAGA hat. Riley… Read more…
Convicted Rapist, Torturer and Killer Who Squeezed Her Victim’s Testicles with Pliers Speaks at DNC as “Impactful Community Leader”
Satan’s party. The DNC this week welcomed convicted rapist, torturer and killer Donna Hylton to speak to their supporters. Democrats introduced Hylton as an “impactful… Read more…
Trump Supporters Outnumber Biden Supporters 100:1 Outside Delaware Arena Where Joe Biden Will Give His Speech (VIDEO)
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Trump supporters outnumbered Biden supporters 100:1 according to a conservative activist who showed up to the Delaware arena where Biden… Read more…
Goodyear Caves to President Trump, Reverses Ban on Blue Lives Matter at Workplace
Goodyear Tires caved to pressure from President Trump and announced Thursday the company will now allow workers to wear pro-police messages on clothing in the… Read more…
Astroturfed DNC ‘Car Parade’ After Biden’s Acceptance Speech Trumped by ‘Creepy Joe Biden’ Truck Parade
Last night was the final night of the 2020 DNC Democrat Dumpster Fire.  After Sleepy Joe Biden finished his acceptance speech as the party’s chosen… Read more…
OUTRAGEOUS: SDNY Ignores Gov. Cuomo Killing Thousands, Clinton Foundation Crimes and ActBlue Bundling BLM Donations – Indicts Triple-Amputee War Vet Brian Kolfage
OUTRAGEOUS: The Deep State attorneys at the Southern District of New York indicted triple amputee Brian Kolfage along with Steve Bannon and two others for… Read more…
“Wake Up Motherf*ckers!” BLM-Antifa Militants Rove Into Portland Neighborhood in Late Night Rampage (VIDEO)
Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants roved into a Portland neighborhood Thursday evening and harassed white men sitting on their porches. The militants marched through… Read more…
Trump ON FIRE in PA: “They Want to Cancel You, Take Your Job, Turn Your Family Against You While They Indoctrinate Your Children with Twisted World Views” (VIDEO)
President Trump on Thursday spoke at an event in Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania as part of his four-state campaign tour this week. In a… Read more…
Dem Convention Dumpster Fire: Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Andrew Yang’s ‘Comedy Skit’ a Huge Flop (VIDEO)
Thank God Thursday night is the last night of the Democrat convention. Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Socialist Andrew Yang attempted a short comedy skit to… Read more…
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AUGUST 21, 2020


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A daily digest of analysis and commentary by Hoover fellows. Problems viewing this email? View this email in your browser
hoover daily report
Friday August 21st, 2020
A Little Revolution Now And Then . . .
interview with John H. CochraneNiall FergusonH. R. McMasterBill Whalen via GoodFellows: Conversations From The Hoover Institution

Its virtual national convention now concluded, what is the Democratic Party’s vision? Hoover Institution Senior Fellows Niall Ferguson, H.R. McMaster and John Cochrane discuss whether the November election will spawn a policy push for the left and how a Biden presidency would balance old-guard liberal governance against a younger generation’s socialist and activist cravings.

Opportunity And Income Inequality
via Socialism and Free Market Capitalism: The Human Prosperity Project

The Hoover Institution presents an online virtual speaker series based on the scholarly research and commentary written by Hoover fellows participating in the Human Prosperity Project on Socialism and Free-Market Capitalism. Tune in on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 11:00 am PT.

Is Belarus Destined To Become The Next Crimea?
by Kiron K. Skinner via National Interest

Putin may be emboldened by the perception of a West greatly divided and distracted. He sees the U.S. distracted with domestic politics and COVID. How should Donald Trump and the west respond?

Lead From The Front
by Lanhee J. Chen, Ph.D. via The Washington Examiner

President Trump’s foreign policy record boasts significant accomplishments and noteworthy gains. But there is unfinished business and unfulfilled potential that should give us an idea of where the administration would seek to finish the job in a second term. First and foremost: Another four years would allow the president to redefine America’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China fundamentally — tackling the single biggest geopolitical challenge America faces today.

Decision 2020 Report: COVID-19 And Education Reform
via Decision 2020

In the 18th edition of the Decision 2020 Report, Hoover fellows discuss the success of charter schools and why teachers’ unions oppose them; the national struggle over reopening schools amid the COVID-19 crisis; and the future of American education beyond the pandemic.

The Libertarian: Golden State Delusions
interview with Richard A. Epstein via The Libertarian

Rolling blackouts, unhappy ridesharing firms, and a confiscatory new tax proposal point to California’s precipitous decline.

Belarus’s Struggle Is A Powerful Reminder Of The Value Of Freedom
by Timothy Garton Ash via The Guardian

Of all the moving scenes from Belarus, one sticks in my mind. A man, probably in his 30s, holds his child on his arm. “The election was … ” he says to the camera, pauses nervously for a long moment, glances sideways at his child, and then concludes explosively, “falsified!” There you have the exact moment, crucial for any protest movement against any dictatorship, when the individual breaks through the barrier of fear.

Biden’s Speech: Acceptance, Avoidance . . . Clairvoyance?
by Bill Whalen via Forbes

In becoming the first Democratic nominee since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1994 not to deliver an acceptance speech before a live convention audience, Joe Biden made all sorts of history tonight – in ways he’d rather not recognize.

Opinion: The Republican Party Has A Tough Choice To Make
by Lanhee J. Chen, Ph.D. via CNN

The future of the Republican Party must be rooted in a principled, next-generation conservatism. That’s the only way that the GOP can expand its appeal to those who do not traditionally think of themselves as conservatives.

What’s The Moral Case For Capitalism?
by David R. Henderson via Econlib

Economist James Pethokoukis at the American Enterprise Institute writes: But it may not be enough to point out liberal democratic capitalism and creative destruction create a wealthier, healthier, and more interesting society. I mean, that should be enough.

The Dysfunctional FDA
by David R. Henderson via Econlib

A front-page article in Wednesday’s print edition of the Wall Street Journal is titled “Three Lost Weeks Stalled Virus Testing.” (The title in the linked e-version is slightly different.) The reporters are Stephanie Armour, Brianna Abbott, Thomas M. Burton, and Betsy McKay. The investigative report is quite good.

Victor Davis Hanson On The John Batchelor Show: Trumpism And Events
interview with Victor Davis Hanson via The John Batchelor Show

Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson discusses his American Greatness article “Trumpism—A Look Backward and Forward to November.”

Victor Davis Hanson On The Eric Metaxas Show
interview with Victor Davis Hanson via The Eric Metaxas Show

Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson covers a myriad of subjects, including the Covid pandemic response, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s health, and overall thoughts on what’s ahead for the November election.

Victor Davis Hanson On The John Batchelor Show: Bidenism And Events
interview with Victor Davis Hanson via The John Batchelor Show

Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson discusses his National Review article “Ten 2020 Issues, Policies, Personalities — and Chance.”

Raghuram Rajan: In A World Where Central Banks Issue Digital Currencies, Bitcoin And Libra May Find A Place
interview with Raghuram Rajan via CNBC

Hoover Institution fellow Raghuram Rajan discusses digital currencies and how Bitcoin, Libra, and other digital currencies might be affected if central banks issue digital currencies.

A NEW Look At Asia With Michael Auslin
interview with Michael R. Auslin via Rep. Mike Gallagher

Hoover Institution fellow Michael Auslin explores the history of Asia and how it impacts the geopolitics of today, which is key to developing a comprehensive strategy to compete with China.

Defender In Chief: John Yoo On President Trump And Executive Power
interview with John Yoo via Ricochet

Hoover Institution fellow John Yoo examines Donald Trump’s performance as president as well as deeper theories about the nature of executive power. Yoo contends that presidents have the “power to reverse,” meaning a vastly consequential policymaking power to modify the decisions of previous administrations. Yoo also sees a vital role for presidents, not just the Supreme Court, in defending the Constitution.
Politics And Prose With Terry Moe
interview with Terry M. Moe via Politics and Prose

Hoover Institution fellow Terry Moe discusses his recent book Presidents, Populism, and the Crisis of Democracy.

Michael Petrilli: On Biden’s Education Platform
interview with Michael J. Petrilli via Thomas B. Fordham Institute

Hoover Institution fellow Michael Petrilli talks about the educational platforms discussed in the presidential election campaigns.

New Trump Coronavirus Adviser Makes Case For Opening All Schools
featuring Scott W. Atlas via The Washington Examiner

Dr. Scott Atlas, President Trump’s newest coronavirus adviser, is pressing the case for ensuring that schools are open.

What It Means To Be An American Citizen
quoting Condoleezza Rice via Hartford Courant

“The essence of America – that which really unites us — is not ethnicity, or nationality or religion – it is an idea — and what an idea it is: That you can come from humble circumstances and do great things. That it doesn’t matter where you came from but where you are going.” -Condoleezza Rice, the former US Secretary of State.

Keeping Schools Closed Is Hurting Our Kids
quoting Scott W. Atlas via American Thinker

With all the conflicting opinions these days, it’s hard for people to know if their kids are “safe” in school. Dr. Scott Atlas, Hoover Institution senior fellow and former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, weighed in: “There is zero science to back up claims that the schools should be closed or even opened with any constraints whatsoever.”

What Would A Biden-Harris Administration Look Like?
quoting Jack Goldsmith via NPR

One of the big moments on Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention was former President Obama making the argument that democracy itself is at stake this November.

Back On Track ESAs Offer Opportunity For Parents, Students
quoting Eric Hanushek via Westfield Free Press-Courier

With the start of the school year fast approaching, everyone from parents and students to teachers and school administrators is likely feeling anxious about what lies ahead.

Reciprocity Is A Tool, Not A Strategy, Against China
quoting Michael R. Auslin via Foreign Policy

Since the outset of the U.S.-China trade war, critics have castigated the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump for its capricious approach to relations with Beijing. They have found fault in particular with Trump’s flip-flopping on sanctioning ZTE, banning U.S. companies from selling to Huawei and then reversing course, and refusing to censure China for its abuses in Xinjiang and Hong Kong in order to preserve trade negotiations.

The Abuse Of The Pardon Prevention Act Would Criminalize Politics
cited Jack Goldsmith via Lawfare

On July 23, the House Judiciary Committee held a markup of a new bill, the Abuse of the Pardon Prevention Act.

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