Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Wednesday, September 11, 2019
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“No day shall erase you from the memory of time.” VIRGIL (Pictured is Robert Peraza, who lost his son Robert David Peraza, on 9/11/2001) Good morning, National security adviser John Bolton has left the White House after President Donald Trump asked for his resignation. “I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration,” Trump wrote in a tweet. In a press briefing, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the departure of Bolton will not change Trump’s stance on foreign policy issues. Read full story here Media Reveal Existence of Russian Source for Trump–Russia Allegations Amid Ongoing John Durham Investigation 489 Illegal Immigrants With Criminal Offense Records and Detainers Released From North Carolina Jails: ICE Arizona GOP Cancels Republican Primary, Says Party Backs Trump Blast Heard Near US Embassy in Kabul on 9/11 Anniversary Michael Flynn, a former adviser to President Trump, wouldn’t have pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI if the government had provided his defense exculpatory information, said Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor hired by Flynn earlier this year after he fired his prior lawyers. Read more Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said a secret site used by Iran to conduct “experiments to develop nuclear weapons” was wiped off the map to cover up Teheran’s attempts to acquire a nuclear bomb in violation of international treaties. Read more Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam sided with Beijing’s longstanding rhetoric against the United States, when she called the U.S. Congress a “foreign” influence trying to interfere with the city’s internal affairs. Read more Speaking at this year’s National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week Conference, President Trump said that he’s committed to “protecting, promoting, and supporting” black colleges more than any previous president. Read more Dozens of seriously underfunded trade union pension plans won’t repay millions of dollars in tax-funded government loans intended to help them regain financial integrity and pay promised benefits, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Read more Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that he had met with a White House official who had confirmed that they are preparing a proposal to tackle the issue of gun violence. Read more See More Top Stories Attention: If you Currently Own or are Considering Buying Physical Precious Metals for your portfolio, please read carefully. On Sept. 26th, 2016, under the Obama Administration, the American Bankers Association and the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures [CUSIP] announced it started tracking a list of Fungible Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium bars and coins. Simply put: when the failing banking system NEEDS to calculate YOUR ASSETS outside of their financial system, THEY CAN EASILY DO SO! Contact GSI Exchange to acquire the secret documented list of fungible precious metals that are now being tracked by the big banks. Call 833-474-4653 now to speak with a GSI Exchange representative about this new tracking trend. Click here to claim your complimentary copy of our exclusive Bank Failure Survival Guide while supplies last Why Recent Attacks on the Constitution Are Wrong By Rob Natelson Americans traditionally have revered their Constitution—as they should, if only because of the astounding success the United States has enjoyed under its governance. However, the Constitution always has had critics, particularly among those who believe the federal government should be all-powerful rather than… Read more Xi Jinping’s Recent Speech Indicates How Beijing Plans to Handle Hong Kong Protests By Li Linyi The day before Hong Kong’s chief executive Carrie Lam formally announced the withdrawal of the extradition bill, Chinese leader Xi Jinping gave a speech to the Chinese Communist Party’s cadres, in which he referred to the current situation in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as “serious struggles.” His speech may help us understand… Read more See More Opinions Is Central Banking a Capitalist or Communist Concept? By Valentin Schmid (February 9, 2017) If you visit the Federal Reserve’s Facebook page, you will seldom find a positive comment. That’s because people who don’t care about central banking won’t go to the Fed’s Facebook page. That leaves only the ones who are positive about it—if they exist—and the ones who don’t like central banks. Read more Newly released emails by the Department of Justice reveal details about the internal response by the agency to allegations that then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had wanted to wiretap President Donald Trump and invoke the 25th Amendment against him. The Truth About the Rosenstein ‘Wiretap’ Allegation Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
Sep 11, 2019 |
Good morning from Washington, where President Trump confounds critics by saluting historically black colleges and universities. Katrina Trinko reports. Let’s get serious about making college work for students’ futures, Sen. Rick Scott tells a Heritage Foundation audience. Ken McIntyre has highlights. House Republicans haven’t given up on saving babies who survive abortion, Rachel del Guidice writes, and on the podcast, a former OB-GYN explains why it’s so important. Plus: Jarrett Stepman on the left’s audacious power play, and Kay Coles James on honoring the nearly 3,000 who perished 18 years ago today, when Islamist terrorists struck the homeland. |
News 4 Ways the Left Is Grabbing Power in America The left is making a massive power grab, and it’s setting aside constitutional norms to do it. That’s the case being made by former Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah. More Analysis A Former Abortionist Explains Her Change of Heart “I read an article that compared abortion to the Holocaust, and it was the big ‘a-ha’ moment for me when I realized that here I was killing all these people because I didn’t consider them to be human beings,” recalls Dr. Kathi Aultman. More News Trump Praises Historically Black Colleges, Saying Nation Owes Them ‘Profound and Enduring Debt’ “African-Americans built this nation through generations of blood, sweat, and tears,” says President Trump. “And you, like all of our citizens, are entitled to a government that puts your needs, your interests, and your families first.” More Commentary I Saw Our Federal Workforce Defy the Terrorists After 9/11 As Office of Personnel Management dirrector during 9/11, I witnessed America’s federal workforce commit a million acts of quiet defiance against terrorism by bravely returning to work the day after the attack, writes Kay Coles James. More News Sen. Rick Scott Outlines Ways to Make Colleges More Accountable, Affordable Not every American should go to a four-year college, but those who do deserve an education that prepares them for a career without taxpayers shouldering their loan debt, says Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla. More News GOP Lawmakers Draw Attention to ‘Born Alive’ Bill With Own Hearing “I am grieved to find that we must defend something that I never thought Americans would have to fight for: lifesaving care for babies that are born alive,” says Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Mo. More Commentary The Latest College Lunacy: Correct English Grammar Is ‘Racist’ Just when we thought colleges could not spout loonier ideas, we have a new one from American University. They hired a professor to teach other professors to grade students based on “labor” rather than writing ability. More | ||
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Wednesday, September 11, 2019 John Bolton Out “President Donald Trump on Tuesday abruptly forced out John Bolton, his hawkish national security adviser with whom he had strong disagreements on Iran, Afghanistan and a cascade of other global challenges.” AP News From the Left The left is cheering Bolton’s departure, but worried about Trump’s chaotic impulses. “A rigid ideologue, Mr. Bolton has a long record of championing military action against U.S. adversaries, which Mr. Trump resists, and opposing negotiation with the likes of North Korea and Iran, which is the president’s natural instinct. He didn’t alter those views to suit Mr. Trump, and instead battled those who catered to the president’s wishes… “Yet Mr. Bolton, who served in previous Republican administrations, can hardly be blamed for the falling-out. His ultra-hawkish views and habit of bureaucratic infighting were well known, even notorious, in Washington when Mr. Trump hired him in April of last year. But the president, in the hunt for his third national security adviser in just 15 months, simply disregarded the facts. Apparently Mr. Bolton was picked because Mr. Trump had enjoyed watching him on television. The result was to compound the chaos that has characterized the administration’s foreign policy and left Mr. Trump without meaningful accomplishments.” Editorial Board, Washington Post “Experts have said that Iran is no closer to denuclearization than it was two years ago. Just two days ago, Iran announced that it would speed up its already restarted uranium enrichment. And far from being restrained, Iran has seized tankers, shot down a drone, and continued its support for militias across the Middle East. Bolton’s policy record is equally unimpressive on Venezuela, where the Trump administration seeks the ouster of President Nicolas Maduro’s regime and has thrown its support behind self-declared ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido. Bolton said the U.S. military needed to be ‘ready to go’ in Venezuela. But since a planned May 1 uprising dubbed ‘Operation Freedom’ by Guaido fizzled into a series of street protests, Maduro’s position appears as strong as ever.” Alex Emmons, The Intercept “Some have openly worried about what Bolton’s departure could mean for U.S. national security. Senator Mitt Romney lamented the loss of Bolton’s ‘contrarian’ voice. At a time when the administration has been censoring contrarian views—including factual ones—telling the president what he needs to hear, and not just what he wants to hear, is an asset… “But painting Bolton as a heroic truth teller is missing the point. Bolton was a hugely ineffective national security adviser. He didn’t occupy the role in any substantive way and failed to carry out the basic tasks that NSAs are expected to do—including holding regular national security policy meetings and getting through to the president. While he was ignoring his job, he instead focused on building up his own ego, publicly airing his disagreements with the president and pursuing his own policy convictions… Let’s hope that the next national security adviser does a lot better than Bolton.” Samantha Vinograd, Politico “Mr. Bolton’s singular achievement was to dismantle a foreign-policymaking structure that had until then kept the president from running foreign policy by the seat of his pants. Mr. Bolton persuaded Mr. Trump he didn’t need the National Security Council to make decisions; it is no surprise that the president eventually felt confident deciding he did not need a national security adviser, either. Whether Mr. Trump names a replacement for Mr. Bolton does not matter: No one is going to convince the president he needs a system now, let alone the one that existed for 70 years.” John Gans, New York Times Some argue that “As wrong as Bolton has been on many matters — his fingerprints could be seen on plans threatening American military intervention in Iran and Venezuela — his presence at least provided a healthy corrective to a president naively disposed to aligning with the some of the world’s worst authoritarian regimes, provided they butter him up. With no illusions, Bolton saw Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un and their ilk for who they were — as tyrants and enemies of American values. That an impulsive president has now dispensed with him in order, apparently, to be more comfortably surrounded by sycophants means America’s role in the world will be that much more at the mercy of the whims and ego of a mercurial president. Hold on.” Editorial Board, New York Daily News From the Right The right is divided about Bolton’s departure. “Yes, all cabinet offices serve at the pleasure of the president, and when the president and his top national-security official disagree so strongly, the president is entitled to ask the adviser to leave. But anyone with two eyes can see that the temperamental, erratic Trump keeps getting fed up with staff who tell him things he doesn’t want to hear, particularly in the realm of national security… When the president’s agenda includes inviting the Taliban to Camp David, reinstating Russia into the G-7, buying Greenland, nuking hurricanes, and slowing down assistance to Ukraine, it’s not hard to understand why members of the military and intelligence community would have friction while working with Trump.” Jim Geraghty, National Review Some argue that this “must delight North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, Iran’s Hassan Rouhani, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro… Mr. Trump thinks every security issue can be boiled down to a negotiation, and that every other head of state wants to do a deal like he does. The terms matter less to Mr. Trump than the art of the deal. Mr. Bolton had the thankless task of telling Mr. Trump that a bad deal is worse than no deal, and that strategic ground must be prepared in advance and over time if you want to get a good deal. In this role Mr. Bolton saved Mr. Trump more than once from his worst negotiating instincts.” Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal But “there’s no reason to expect swings in foreign policy now that Bolton is out the door. When Tillerson, Mattis, McMaster and Kelly were senior advisers, some claimed they led an ‘axis of adults’ that oversaw foreign policy. Yet, all of them are long gone, and today’s policies don’t look all that different.” James Jay Carafano, New York Post Supporters of the move note that “while Bolton and Trump’s views align in certain respects, especially their skepticism of the United Nations and multilateralism in general, the two have never been on the same wavelength. Bolton is the Washington insider whose record as an uber-defense hawk is as uncontested as his career in government service is long. You can’t find a more strident, unapologetic advocate for the use of U.S. military force, whether it be in Iraq, Libya, Iran, or North Korea… For the first time in nearly a year and a half, Trump will have the opportunity to explore diplomatic solutions to tough problems without a vociferous opponent of diplomacy breathing down his neck.” Daniel DePetris, Washington Examiner “Trump has made the right decision to replace Bolton. It is critical now, however, that the next national security adviser not follow in Bolton’s footsteps. The right person for the job cannot be another in the long line of establishment figures stuck in the last two decades of foreign policy failure… It is easy to destroy things. But good foreign policy demands the more difficult work of constructive, pragmatic diplomacy. Bolton has demonstrated great skill in abrogating agreements and preventing wars from ending. He has shown neither the inclination nor ability to build anything, to negotiate any new agreements, or to end unnecessary wars.” Daniel L. Davis, USA Today “President Trump has a pattern of keeping people around for the unique tasks only they can achieve, then swapping them out for new people. There is no question we would not have had as strong a policy on Iran without Bolton. It is also undeniably true that Bolton helped reshape U.S. policy towards the United Nations, China, Venezuela, and the Palestinians in ways that were long overdue. And he did it without launching any wars, as critics said he would. But now that Trump wants to advance on peace talks in North Korea and Afghanistan, he needs a different set of skills… “Where change will happen is in the areas that President Trump feels showing a softer face might help. Foremost among these is North Korea. Bolton’s tough stance was a challenge from the beginning: though Trump and Bolton played good-cop-bad-cop with some success, it became clear that North Korea wanted to see more compromise from the U.S. before making additional concessions. The chances for a deal — good or bad — are now improved.” Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart On the bright side… Deer photobombs wedding shoot, eats bride’s bouquet. Inside Edition Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Share Tweet Forward Sign Up Here Copyright © 2019 The Flip Side, All rights reserved. You can unsubscribe from this list here. |
Sign up for this newsletter Read online The morning’s most important stories, curated by Post editors. (Reuters) Doubts about loyalty, accusations of leaks bring Bolton’s Trumpian end President Trump decided to remove his national security adviser after accusations that John Bolton had leaked to the media, tried to drag others into his battles with the secretary of state, and promoted his own views over the president’s, people familiar with the matter said. By Karen DeYoung, Josh Dawsey and John Hudson ● Read more » Opioid crackdown forces pain patients to taper off drugs they say they need Chronic pain patients form a vast constituency in America, and millions of them take opioids for relief. Changes in medical guidance covering opioids have left many of them frustrated, confused and sometimes howling mad. The Opioid Files | Follow the Investigation ● By Joel Achenbach and Lenny Bernstein ● Read more » Republican pulls out narrow win in N.C. House race Dan Bishop’s victory came a day after President Trump campaigned to help boost the state lawmaker in the surprisingly competitive race. Election 2019 ● By Mike DeBonis and Laura Hughes ● Read more » Trump pushes for major crackdown on California homeless camps Officials have discussed moving homeless people into government-backed facilities, though it is unclear what legal authority they would use. By Jeff Stein, Tracy Jan, Josh Dawsey and Ashley Parker ● Read more » Ex-Russian official thought to have spied for the U.S. was hiding in plain sight The man and his family appear to have abruptly left their home in a suburban neighborhood outside Washington. By Shane Harris and Ellen Nakashima ● Read more » ADVERTISEMENT Opinions This is how the administration quietly incapacitates the government By Dana Milbank ● Read more » Dear 9/11, are we close to an end? By Lauren Kay Johnson ● Read more » Trump inviting the Taliban to Camp David is worse than an outrage By Marc Thiessen ● Read more » China’s grip on pharmaceutical drugs is a national security issue By Anna G. Eshoo and Adam B. Schiff ● Read more » ADVERTISEMENT Why conservatives feel threatened by the illiberal left By Megan McArdle ● Read more » John Bolton’s legacy: Chaos, dysfunction and no meaningful accomplishments By Editorial Board ● Read more » More News China to remove tariffs on some U.S. products, but not pork or soybeans Sixteen American-made products will be exempt from retaliatory tariffs, and further exemptions will be announced in the coming weeks. By Anna Fifield ● Read more » California Senate passes ride-share bill that has divided Democrats over the future of Uber and Lyft drivers The bill has the potential to transform Uber and Lyft contractors into employees and promises to institute wage floors and usher in benefits. It’s also highlighted a growing split between the Democratic Party’s establishment and its more progressive left. By Faiz Siddiqui ● Read more » NFL star Antonio Brown accused of rape, sexual assault in federal lawsuit The New England Patriots wide receiver denied the allegations through his attorney, who said that Brown had a “consensual personal relationship” with his former college classmate. By Will Hobson and Mark Maske ● Read more » Netanyahu offers West Bank annexation to right-wing voters ahead of cliffhanger election Opinion polls show Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party locked in a very tight race with the Blue and White party. By James McAuley and Ruth Eglash ● Read more » An unsung hero of the 9/11 recovery: The Muslim engineer who rebuilt the Pentagon crash site as a chapel Manal Ezzat fled the wreckage of the Pentagon — then went back to work to transform it. By Julie Zauzmer ● Read more » We think you’ll like this newsletter Check out The Trailer for news and insight on political campaigns around the country, from David Weigel. 435 districts. 50 states. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings. Sign up » |
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Republicans squeak by in North Carolina. Here’s what it means.
09/11/2019 05:58 AM EDT
GOOD MORNING FROM CHARLOTTE. Millions of Republican dollars and a DONALD TRUMP and MIKE PENCE visit later, the Republicans found a way to hold onto a deep red House seat here in North Carolina, where DAN BISHOP, a Republican state senator, beat DAN MCCREADY, a Democrat who has never held elective office, by 2.08 percentage points, or fewer than 4,000 votes.
THIS DISTRICT WAS ONCE familiar and comfortable territory for the GOP, and an afterthought electorally. Republicans dominated almost everywhere, from Mercedes-lined, leafy Charlotte streets to rural farm counties. In other words, this is the kind of district that was built for a previous iteration of the GOP.
BUT IN THE TRUMP ERA, it has morphed into a battleground. The wealthy suburbs of Charlotte — Mecklenburg County — turned sharply away from TRUMP and the GOP and toward Democrats. And the exurbs and rural parts of the district have become redder, mirroring the reshaping of the Republican electorate, writ large.
THAT MADE THIS SEAT — North Carolina’s 9th District — a hell of a race. Republicans and Democrats spent lavishly, trying to match each other dollar for dollar in a race that attracted nearly $20 million in spending. And in the end, the 12-point margin that MCCREADY — an Iraq war vet with Duke and Harvard degrees — built up in Mecklenburg County was not enough to keep BISHOP from wrapping himself in everything TRUMP and keeping the seat in GOP hands. But just barely.
THERE IS A LOT TO SAY ABOUT REPUBLICANS having to fight out a district that was literally drawn for them to win, but a win is a win. Perhaps most notably, the NRCC and CLF — which were at war with each other last cycle — were able to spend money in a complementary fashion and erase McCready’s early lead.
BUT THERE ARE SOME LESSONS LEARNED HERE for the GOP and for Democrats. The Republican Party is becoming more and more of a rural party, anchored far away from the well-educated and middle-to-upper-class city suburbs. The House GOP coalition is a shadow of its 2010-to-2018 self. The party occupies far fewer suburban seats than ever before, having lost them in Dallas, Houston, Orange County, New York, Pennsylvania and elsewhere. They had to fight to keep this one in the suburbs and exurbs of the South, once the building blocks of their majority. More from Steven Shepard, Laura Barrón-López and Alex Isenstadt on the GOP’s fragile 2020 position
IF YOU’RE A REPUBLICAN thinking about running for office in anything resembling a competitive seat, would you take the plunge after seeing Bishop narrowly beat the well-funded McCready in this red seat here?
AND DEMOCRATS would like you to focus on the fact that they shouldn’t have been competing here, and keeping it close is a victory in and of itself. Well, there are no participation trophies in politics. Parties and candidates fight to win. Democrats didn’t raise and spend millions of dollars to keep it close here. They spent that money to win. And they didn’t.
REALITY: The political picture has been pretty stagnant for the GOP since November. Their political coalition is being reshaped by TRUMP, and they are squeaking by in previously comfortable environs. When it comes to control of the House, the question remains: Are there enough winnable seats for Republicans to get to 218?
SCENE … WE SPENT THE NIGHT at the McCready watch party in Charlotte, which was at the DoubleTree Hotel. After McCready lost, there were chants of “new maps.”
— MCCREADY, who came on stage late in the 10 o’clock hour, said this: “Our mission to bring this country together — this was never a mission that could be accomplished in a single election. We didn’t win this campaign tonight, but there is no doubt in my mind that our efforts over the last 27 months move our country forward.” McCready lost two consecutive elections, the first of which was marred by voter fraud. “Victory postponed is not defeat,” he said.
HMM … WATCH FOR THE DEEP DIVES … MCCREADY won rural Robeson County by 15 points last election. He won it by 1 percentage point this time around.
It’s Wednesday, and TODAY is Sept. 11. The president and first lady Melania Trump will participate in a moment of silence at 8:40 a.m. They will also participate in a Sept. 11 Pentagon observance ceremony at 9:30 a.m. at the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial.
— SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI and HOUSE MINORITY LEADER KEVIN MCCARTHY will lead a moment of silence on the House East front steps of the Capitol at 8:46 a.m.
A message from Business Roundtable:
As leaders of America’s largest companies, Business Roundtable CEOs urge Congress to pass USMCA. The agreement will strengthen America’s communities and the industries that help them grow and thrive. .
A NEW LEADER IN THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT … “House Freedom Caucus picks Andy Biggs as new chairman,” by Melanie Zanona: “The conservative House Freedom Caucus has a new leader. The hard-line group has elected Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) to be the new Freedom Caucus chief, replacing the current chairman, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.). Meadows, a founding Freedom Caucus member and one of President Donald Trump’s closest allies on Capitol Hill, will step down on Oct. 1 but is expected to remain on the group’s board.” POLITICO
BRYAN BENDER and NATASHA BERTRAND: “Senate chairman seeks independent probe of military’s use of Trump resort”: “The top Democrat on the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has formally requested an independent investigation into the Air Force’s increased use of a commercial airport in Scotland and overnight stays at the Trump Turnberry resort.
“‘I am disturbed by the growing number of those in government willing to engage in questionable taxpayer funded travel to and lodging at properties owned by the president — properties from which President Trump can draw income at any time,’ Sen. Gary Peters of Michigan, who is also a member of the Armed Services Committee, wrote in a letter on Tuesday to Gary Fine, who is fulfilling the duties of the Pentagon inspector general.” POLITICO
— FOR THE RECORD BOOKS, via NYT’s Peter Baker: “No other president has had four national security advisers in his first three years in office.” NYT
— WSJ’S MIKE BENDER and VIVIAN SALAMA: “A predawn riser and a speed reader, known to consume hundreds of pages of intelligence reports on a daily basis, Mr. Bolton was often well-equipped to debate colleagues on sensitive policy matters that at times turned into shouting matches, according to senior administration officials.
“Mr. Bolton, for instance, engaged in a heated argument with Mr. Mulvaney during Mr. Trump’s trip to London earlier this year over Iranian policy, these people said. Mr. Mulvaney accused Mr. Bolton of trying to start a war and veering from Mr. Trump’s preferred path, the people said.” WSJ
— AP: “Inside Bolton’s exit: Mongolia, a mustache, a tweet”: by Jonathan Lemire, Zeke Miller and Deb Riechmann: “Trump does value disagreement and jockeying among his staff. But he came to believe that Bolton’s presence spooked foreign leaders. And he eventually grew weary of the national security adviser’s bureaucratic knife-fighting.”AP
— ELIANA JOHNSON: “Ultimately, it was hearing media accounts about how Bolton had advised the president to scuttle a meeting with Taliban leaders at Camp David that proved a breaking point for Trump … In the president’s telling, he had taken his own counsel in arriving at the decision to call off the meeting and end the negotiations, and he was infuriated to hear Bolton credited with influencing his decision.” POLITICO
— WAPO’S KAREN DEYOUNG, JOSH DAWSEY and JOHN HUDSON: “Among accumulated grievances that had been building for months, the president was annoyed that Bolton would regularly call on members of Congress to try to get them to push Bolton-preferred policies on Trump … Many on Bolton’s handpicked staff were seen as unnecessarily confrontational with other parts of the national security bureaucracy.” WaPo
— BURGESS EVERETT and ELIANA JOHNSON: “John Bolton’s gone — and Republicans want in”: “John Bolton’s ouster from the Trump administration creates an immediate void on President Donald Trump’s national security team as the president weighs critical decisions about the war on Afghanistan.
“It’s a vacuum that a number of Senate Republicans are eager to fill. Senators who have been trying to shape President Donald Trump’s thinking on foreign policy — especially the peace talks in Afghanistan — are now jockeying for more influence over the president’s thinking. With an interventionist hawk like Bolton out of the picture, Trump, who campaigned on winding down the United States’ engagement overseas, may be more inclined to limit foreign engagements.” POLITICO
— RUSH LIMBAUGH on Bolton’s ouster: “it might have something to do with somebody inviting the Taliban to Camp David. Whoever did that needs to have their head examined. Now, I can’t believe that Bolton would be the guy responsible for that. … He doesn’t suffer fools, and he’s not somebody that likes to accommodate the enemy. Whoever it was that came up with the idea of having these Taliban monsters up at Camp David, thank goodness that didn’t happen.” Mediaite
— FWIW, THE SHORT LIST … NYT’S KATIE ROGERS ET AL: “Who Could Replace John Bolton?”: Fred Fleitz, Keith Kellogg, Jack Keane, Robert Blair, Robert C. O’Brien, Charles M. Kupperman, Stephen E. Biegun, Brian H. Hook, Douglas Macgregor, Richard Grenell, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster (!), Ricky Waddell
— BLOOMBERG’S NICK WADHAMS: “Pompeo Is ‘Last Man Standing’ After Bolton Departs White House”: “Pompeo is now without peer on Trump’s national security team. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper is weeks into his job, there’s no confirmed director of national intelligence and United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft was confirmed on Tuesday. Among the president’s advisers, Pompeo will have the biggest sway on decisions about brokering a deal with Iran, restarting talks with North Korea and finding a way to draw down forces in Afghanistan.” Bloomberg
THE NEXT THING … WAPO: “Trump pushing for major crackdown on homeless camps in California, with aides discussing moving residents to government-backed facilities,” by Jeff Stein, Tracy Jan, Josh Dawsey and Ashley Parker: “President Trump has ordered White House officials to launch a sweeping effort to address homelessness in California, citing the state’s growing crisis, according to four government officials aware of the effort.
“The planning has intensified in recent weeks. Administration officials have discussed using the federal government to get homeless people off the streets of Los Angeles and other cities and into new government-backed facilities, according to two officials briefed on the planning.
“But it is unclear how they could accomplish this and what legal authority they would use. It is also unclear whether the state’s Democratic politicians would cooperate with Trump, who has sought to embarrass them over the homelessness crisis with repeated attacks on their competency.” WaPo
A message from Business Roundtable:
USMCA should be a top priority for Members of Congress to support the millions of Americans who depend on .
2020 WATCH … RYAN LIZZA ON TEAM BIDEN VS. THE PRESS: “The first thing you notice at a Joe Biden event is the age: Many of the reporters covering him are really young. Biden is not. The press corps, or so the Biden campaign sees it, is culturally liberal and highly attuned to modern issues around race and gender and social justice. Biden is not. The reporters are Extremely Online. Biden couldn’t tell you what TikTok is.
“Inside the Biden campaign, it is the collision between these two worlds that advisers believe explain why his White House run often looks like a months-long series of gaffes. For a team in command of the Democratic primary, at least for now, they’re awfully resentful of how their man is being covered. And yet supremely confident that they, not the woke press that pounces on Biden’s every seeming error and blight in his record, has a vastly superior understanding of the Democratic electorate. This is the central paradox of Biden’s run: He’s been amazingly durable. But he gets no respect from the people who make conventional wisdom on the left.” POLITICO
— NEW POLL … “Elizabeth Warren is on the rise among Democratic voters, but she and other Democrats are less popular with the overall electorate, raising concerns about a bruising primary that could go on for the better part of the next year, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds. The survey also finds President Trump continuing to struggle, with economic concerns seemingly starting to affect his standing, leaving a cloudy picture about the 2020 presidential election.” NPR
— THE GOP PRIMARY … “Still on: Iowa, New Hampshire won’t nix 2020 GOP contests,” by AP’s Steve Peoples, Hunter Woodall and Meg Kinnard with a Manchester, N.H., dateline
— BUSINESS INSIDER will host a GOP presidential primary debate Sept. 24 with Joe Walsh and Bill Weld. No Trump, of course (so far!), but an invitation was also extended to Mark Sanford.
DEPT. OF MUDDLE: “Dems stumble on impeachment messaging,” by Kyle Cheney, Andrew Desiderio, Sarah Ferris and Heather Caygle
NAMING NAMES … WAPO: “Ex-Russian official thought to have spied for the U.S. was hiding in plain sight,” by Shane Harris and Ellen Nakashima: “A former Russian government official thought to have spied for the United States was hiding in plain sight, living in a suburban neighborhood an hour outside of Washington.
“The Russian Kommersant newspaper reported Tuesday that Oleg Smolenkov, whom it described as a ‘missing’ employee of the Russian presidential administration, was spotted in the United States.
“The paper reported that Smolenkov disappeared in 2017 during a family vacation to Montenegro and suggested he may have been an American agent who was spirited out of Russia after providing information linking Russian President Vladimir Putin to his country’s campaign to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.” WaPo

GARRETT GRAFF in THE ATLANTIC: “On 9/11, Luck Meant Everything”: “In researching my new book, The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11, I’ve spent the past three years reading and listening to thousands of personal stories from that Tuesday—stories from Americans all across the country and people far beyond our shores. In all those published accounts and audio clips, and in the interviews I conducted, one theme never ceases to amaze me: the sheer randomness of how the day unfolded, who lived, who died, who was touched, and who escaped.” $18 on Amazon
PUTIN STRIKES AGAIN — “Russia Orchestrated Chechen Rebel’s Murder in Germany, U.S. Officials Say,” by WSJ’s Bojan Pancevski in Berlin, Alan Cullison and Michael Gordon: “Russia was behind the murder last month of a former Chechen rebel in Germany, U.S. officials said on Tuesday, rekindling concerns that Moscow is ramping up an assassination campaign against the country’s perceived enemies abroad.
“The victim, a 40-year-old Georgian who once commanded forces against Russia during a Chechen uprising, was gunned down in a Berlin park on Aug. 23 on his way to a local mosque. Minutes later, German police arrested a Russian man attempting to leave the scene on an electric scooter after he discarded a pistol and silencer.” WSJ
TRADE BLINK … REUTERS/BEIJING: “China exempts some U.S. goods from retaliatory tariffs as fresh talks loom”: “China announced exemptions for 16 types of U.S. products from additional retaliatory duties, in a move that comes as trade negotiators from the two countries prepare to meet later this month to try and de-escalate their protracted tariff row.
“The exemptions will apply to U.S. goods including some anti-cancer drugs and lubricants, as well as animal feed such as whey and fish meal, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement on its website on Wednesday.” Reuters
A message from Business Roundtable:
It’s time for Congress to support our communities and American jobs by passing USMCA. .
VALLEY TALK — “Uber Lays Off Hundreds More Workers as It Struggles to Make Money,” by NYT’s Kate Conger and Mike Isaac: “Uber laid off 435 workers in its product and engineering teams on Tuesday, the company’s second round of cuts in recent months as it struggles to make money.
“The cuts, which total about 8 percent of Uber’s global product and engineering group, follow 400 layoffs in July from the marketing team. In a message to employees about the layoffs on Tuesday that was viewed by The New York Times, Uber’s chief executive, Dara Khosrowshahi, said the company had gone off course as it grew and must streamline to regain its competitive edge.” NYT
MEDIAWATCH — “F.B.I. and 2 States Examine Ex-Fox News Host’s Real Estate Business,” by NYT’s Matthew Goldstein: “A former Fox News host whose real estate advisory business left behind a trail of angry customers is under investigation by two states and the F.B.I.
“Federal agents have begun talking to several customers and associates of the former ‘Fox and Friends Weekend’ host, Clayton Morris, and a onetime business partner, according to four people familiar with the matter. Civil investigators working with the Indiana and New Jersey attorneys general have also been gathering information, the people said.” NYT
— The BBC and Quibi are launching a new partnership that will be announced later this morning. It will create “Daily Essentials” news episodes five days a week, five-minute-long news shows designed for mobile.
Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at
SPOTTED: U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See Callista Gingrich and Newt Gingrich at Cafe Milano. … Ronna Romney McDaniel talking on her cell phone at DCA on Tuesday night.
SPOTTED at Business Roundtable’s open house reception for its new office opening at 1000 Maine Ave. SW: Mike Sommers, Heather Podesta, Josh Bolten, Kevin Fromer, John Lipsey, Trevor Koenig, Pierce Scranton, Larry Di Rita, Jessica Boulanger, Alex Wescott, Alix Burns, Michael Allen, Peter Chandler, Liz Dougherty, John Collingwood, Todd Webster, Patrick Steel, Andrew Kovalcin, John Michael Gonzalez, Meredith McPhillips, Ylan Mui, Bradley Akubuiro, Michelle Mesack, Bruce Harris, Jessica Ditto, Gideon Bragin, Anna Taylor, Gary Gasper, Chuck Greener, Michelle Russo, Ed Gillespie and Juanita Duggan.
SPOTTED at a private cigar reception kickoff for the Congressional Black Caucus’ Annual Legislative Conference, hosted by LeRoy Nix, Cory Horton, John Mason and Bobette Gillette at Casa de Monte Cristo on Tuesday night: Reps. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) and Marc Veasey (D-Texas), Glenn Wilson, Derrick Johnson, Yebbie Watkins, Lyndon Boozer, Willie Phillips, Arthur Sidney, Angela Rye, Hope Goins, Michael Hutton, Chasseny Lewis, Michael Reed, Ned Michael, Joyce Brayboy, Jennifer Stewart, Michael Williams, LaKeitha Anderson, Daniel Trope and Syd Terry.
SPOTTED at a Decatur House reception following a program with Ann Compton on Tuesday night celebrating the 50th anniversary of Pat Nixon becoming first lady, which brought Nixon administration alums to the White House Historical Association: Bill Allman, Jim Byron, James Cavanaugh, Red Cavaney, Jonathan Day, Muffy Day, Paris Dennard, Barbara Hackman Franklin, Hugh Hewitt, Bill Kilberg, Bobbie Kilberg, Marlene Malek, Patti Matson, Anita McBride, Stewart McLaurin, Betty Monkman, Pat O’Donnell, Terry O’Donnell, Gregg Petersmeyer, Jennifer Pickens, Jonathan Rose and Susan Porter Rose.
TRANSITIONS — Jennifer Skyler will be chief corporate affairs officer at American Express. She previously was chief communications officer at WeWork. … Jackie Kelly Jr. will be a senior federal affairs representative for FedEx. He currently is VP of legislative affairs at the American Trucking Associations. …
… Megan Moore is joining the Glover Park Group as a VP. She previously was a special adviser at the Federal Housing Finance Agency and a deputy assistant Treasury secretary. … Morgan Dwyer is now a deputy director for policy analysis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. She previously worked on defense modernization in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Gary McElyea, director of state and local policy at Coca-Cola, and Alison Ebers, SVP/account director at Grey, welcomed Nora Marie McElyea. Pic … Another pic
— Dana Acton, legislative director for Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), and James Acton, co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, welcomed Nathan “Nat” Benjamin Acton on Sept. 3. He came in at 7 lbs, 5 oz, and joins big sister Perri. Pic… Another pic
— Jennifer Becker-Pollet, legislative counsel to Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), and Adam Pollet, counsel for Eversheds Sutherland, welcomed Logan “Lolo” Sloane Pollet on Aug. 29. Pic… Another pic
BIRTHWEEK (was Tuesday): Jonathan Soros
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Maria Bartiromo, global markets editor and anchor at Fox News and Fox Business Network. What she’s reading currently: “I am reading Michael Pillsbury’s book on China called ‘The Hundred-Year Marathon.’ It is a very good explanation of China’s aspirations over the long term and how the U.S.-China relations fit in.” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, a partner at Paul, Weiss, is 62 … Markos Moulitsas, founder of Daily Kos and co-founder of Vox Media, is 48 … former Solicitor General Ted Olson is 79 … Ben Terris, political reporter for WaPo’s Style section … Syrian President Bashar Assad is 54 … WaPo fashion critic Robin Givhan … POLITICO’s Joe Schatz … Gloria Pazmino … Jon Meyersohn … Ian Solomon … Marit Babin Stout … Lee Verstandig … Liz Kennedy, SVP at the Recording Industry Association of America … Maura Hogan … Colleen Kearns … Arianne Price … Michael Hardaway, senior adviser/comms director for House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), is 38 (hat tip: Sarah Sinovic) … former Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D-Ind.) is 61 … Kara Nelson … Michael Maitland, COS for Rep. Donald Norcross (D-N.J.) (h/t girlfriend Daria Dieguts) … Jess Brammar …
… Shannon Roche, president and CEO of the Yoga Alliance (h/t Aaron Kissel) … Sammy Yaish … Clare Rizer … Paige Kerr … Jon Downs, a founding partner of FP1 Strategies … Sharon Gallagher (h/t Jon Haber) … Emily Esfahani Smith … Gordon Bronson of WeWork … Patrick Rheaume … NBC’s Pete Breen is 44 … Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, is 51 (h/t Joe Dougherty) … Cyrus Artz … Walter Alarkon … DLA Piper’s Tom Boyd … Claude Marx … Becky Lee … Emy Lesofski … Robert Favela … Julie Goon, SVP of public affairs at Anthem … Amanda Hughes … Diane Tomb (h/t husband Mark) … Jose Fourquet … Sarah Weeldreyer … Elizabeth Feldman … Maya Spanderashvili … Kyle Gerron … Karen E. Watson … Brooke Hart, VP of communications and brand at Sierra Nevada Corp. … Bruce Koeppl … Leticia Reyes (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Rick Parnell
A message from Business Roundtable:
Passing USMCA should be a top priority for Members of Congress to support the millions of American workers and families that rely on trade with Canada and Mexico. Today we have new technologies and industries, but North American trade is stuck in a decades-old agreement. USMCA will strengthen American communities and the industries that help them grow and thrive.
- Anna Palmer @apalmerdc
- Jake Sherman @JakeSherman

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© Getty Images Welcome to The Hill’s Morning Report. Happy Wednesday! Our newsletter gets you up to speed on the most important developments in politics and policy, plus trends to watch. Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver are the up-early co-creators. Find us @asimendinger and @alweaver22 on Twitter and CLICK HERE to subscribe! |
President Trump announced Tuesday that John Bolton will no longer serve as national security adviser, saying that he “strongly disagreed” with a number of Bolton’s suggestions and that his services are no longer needed by the White House. “I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning,” Trump said in a pair of tweets. Trump’s remarks were a culmination of brewing tension inside the administration over Bolton, who had clashed with the president and other officials — most notably Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — on a number of issues, including the path forward with Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea, over the past 17 months. Most recently, Bolton was seemingly on the winning side after Trump announced that he would be ending negotiations with the Taliban ahead of planned meetings at Camp David, which the embattled adviser was against. He had reportedly told Trump that he could lower troop levels in the region without a deal with a group that is responsible for the murder of thousands of Americans for nearly two decades. However, Bolton was also viewed by some as responsible for leaks, including last weekend after Trump made his announcement nixing talks with the Taliban. Reports surfaced that Bolton and Vice President Pence were against the discussions, which the vice president’s team has since disputed. Not helping Bolton’s argument was his decision to immediately contact reporters insisting that he was not fired, texting and replying to questions by insisting he had set his departure in motion on Monday night. “I offered to resign last night and President Trump said, ‘Let’s talk about it tomorrow,’” Bolton tweeted shortly after Trump’s announcement. The Hill: Five takeaways on Trump’s ouster of John Bolton. CBS News: Condoleezza Rice: “I’m relieved” that U.S. walked away from talks with the Taliban. NBC News: As frustration with Bolton mounted, Trump reached out to ex-adviser H.R. McMaster. Bolton’s ouster also means the voices offering dissenting perspectives from Trump’s own inside in the White House are being reduced. GOP lawmakers, most notably Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), indicated that they were upset by the ouster for that reason. It also means there is more likelihood that Trump could meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the United Nations General Assembly, which kicks off on Tuesday in New York, has increased. Pompeo indicated that Trump could finally meet with Rouhani on the sidelines of the gathering, something Bolton vehemently opposed. The Iranians made their pleasure known over Bolton’s ouster. Hesameddin Ashena, Rouhani’s top political adviser, tweeted that Bolton’s exit was “a definitive sign that Washington’s maximum pressure on Iran has failed,” adding that “Iran’s blockade will end.” The Associated Press: Iran urges U.S. to “put warmongers aside” after Bolton firing. More than anything, the ouster came down to competing viewpoints on foreign policy matters, with Trump continuing to be skeptical of intervention across the globe. Trump derided Bolton’s penchant for pushing military action and intervention on occasion. The New York Times reported in May that Trump told officials, “If it was up to John, we’d be in four wars now.” “I think fundamentally President Trump and Bolton have different worldviews,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told reporters. “I don’t know exactly what precipitated [his leaving], but the president deserves people around him who will carry out his policies … I for one think the chances of war go down greatly with John Bolton leaving the administration. The president deserves someone who understands his America first policy.” The move also boosts Pompeo, who was in a jovial mood when he appeared alongside Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to brief the press corps, a scheduled event at which Bolton had been expected to appear. Pompeo said he is “never surprised,” suggesting Trump lost confidence in Bolton. “He should have people he trusts and values,” Pompeo said. “There were definitely places that Ambassador Bolton and I had different views about how we should proceed.” Bolton was Trump’s third national security adviser and his longest tenured one. McMaster, his predecessor, held the post for nearly 14 months and had a rocky relationship with the president, while Michael Flynn served for only 24 days before tendering his resignation. According to reports, among those under consideration to replace Bolton in a full-time capacity are Stephen E. Biegun, a former National Security Council staff member who serves as the U.S. special representative for North Korea, and Brian Hook, the U.S. special representative for Iran and senior policy adviser to Pompeo (Fox News). Another possibility is Douglas Macgregor, a retired U.S. army colonel and national security commentator for Fox News who has publicly praised Trump’s approach to Iran (The Washington Post). Appearing on Fox News on Tuesday night, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) floated Hook, Gen. Keith Kellogg, who serves as the national security adviser to the vice president, and Rick Waddell, a former national security aide to McMaster, as possible replacements. The New York Times: Trump administration turnover to date, charted and detailed. Perspectives & Analysis:Gerald F. Seib: With Bolton’s exit, GOP interventionism gives way to Trump.John Gans: How John Bolton broke the National Security Council.Tom Rogan: John Bolton’s firing won’t fix Trump’s widening foreign policy holes.The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board: John Bolton resigns.The Washington Post Editorial Board: John Bolton’s legacy: Chaos, dysfunction and no meaningful accomplishments.Michael McFaul: In foreign policy, Trump gets points for creativity. Results, not so much. |
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POLITICS & CAMPAIGNS: In North Carolina, Rep.-elect Dan Bishop took home the 9th Congressional District special election over Democrat Dan McCready, winning by just shy of 4,000 votes and a 2 percent margin, giving the GOP a big boost in what was considered a toss-up race heading into Tuesday night. Bishop was boosted by high turnout and support in rural parts of the district, handing him the narrow victory even though he lost Mecklenburg County to McCready by 12.6 percent — an increase by 3 points from his race against Mark Harris in November. Also a likely reason for Bishop’s victory: the president’s appearance in Fayetteville, N.C., on Monday night, where he painted a dire picture of Democratic control if Republicans lose next year. “Great victory under very difficult circumstances and the president campaigning made all the difference,” said Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), referring to Bishop being outspent and McCready’s high name-ID in the district as the difficult circumstances. Trump took a victory lap on Tuesday night, saying that Bishop had struggled until the past few weeks before his victory. “Dan Bishop was down 17 points 3 weeks ago. He then asked me for help, we changed his strategy together, and he ran a great race. Big Rally last night. Now it looks like he is going to win,” Trump tweeted. “BIG NIGHT FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!” For Democrats, they mood was not all doom and gloom despite the loss. They noted that the president won the district by 12 points in 2016, adding that many of the districts up for grabs in 2020 are not as favorable for the GOP as the 9th District (The Hill). “[T]here are likely dozens of Republican Congressmen watching the results tonight asking themselves whether the seat they currently hold is one they can defend in 2020,” said DCCC chairwoman Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.). “There are 34 Republican-held districts that are more favorable to Democrats than North Carolina’s Ninth. Tonight’s razor-thin result in this ruby-red district solidifies the fact that Democrats are pushing further into Republican strongholds and are in a commanding position to protect and expand our House Majority in 2020.” Republicans were also touting the success Tuesday night of WinRed, the new small-dollar fundraising vehicle the GOP launched 11 weeks ago and has coalesced around. According to WinRed President Gerrit Lansing, Bishop raised more than $300,000 on the platform. WinRed is the GOP’s answer to ActBlue, the Democratic small-dollar machine that paid dividends for the party in 2018. The Hill: Republican Greg Murphy wins special election in N.C.’s 3rd District. |
© Getty Images > Endorsement: As results poured in from North Carolina last night, the president made handed down a stunning endorsement, tweeting his support for Sen. Ben Sasse’s (R-Neb.) reelection bid despite his intense criticisms of him in years past. “Senator Ben Sasse has done a wonderful job representing the people of Nebraska. He is great with our Vets, the Military, and your very important Second Amendment. Strong on Crime and the Border, Ben has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” Trump tweeted. Sasse notably did not support Trump in 2016, calling him at times a “megalomaniac strongman” and “creepy.” However, the Nebraska senator has stayed low key in recent months. He hasn’t tweeted since late May and has kept his criticisms of the president to a minimum, which did not go unnoticed among his critics. “I am glad that Senator Sasse has finally realized that Donald Trump’s endorsement is incredibly important, and that the Trump presidency has been great for this country,” said Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Jeff Kaufmann, who has been a vocal critic of Sasse in recent years. “It took him long enough, but a sincere welcome to those of us who knew it all along,” he added in a text. Sasse announced his reelection bid last month (The Hill). |
A tech career without college How Amazon programs, like A2Tech, enable employees to build career paths in technology. Read more about these opportunities. |
CONGRESS: White House officials told Senate Republicans on Tuesday that they are working on a package of proposals to address gun violence in the wake of three mass shootings that took place over the August recess. However, the president and his GOP allies are conflicted over whether to move forward with expanding background checks, a proposal that has overwhelming public support but risks a clash with the National Rifle Association and other Second Amendment advocates ahead of the 2020 election. The overwhelming majority of the Senate GOP conference is already on the record as opposing a compromise measure to expand background checks sponsored by Sens. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), which the Senate defeated in 2013 (The Hill). Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told reporters today that he will withhold judgment on how to proceed on guns until Trump lays down his plans on the issue. Trump is viewed as the key for gun violence legislation to pass the Senate as he could give cover to Senate Republicans, but he has gone back and forth about what he will and won’t support, especially on background checks (The Hill). Over in the House, the Judiciary Committee advanced legislation on Tuesday to establish a “red flag” law intended to prevent high-risk people from having guns. The move is intended to heap pressure on the Senate GOP to respond to a string of mass shootings this summer. It’s also just the beginning of a push by Democrats as they also look to pass an assault weapons ban, which has attracted a slew of new Democratic co-sponsors in recent weeks (The Hill). > Spending: Senate negotiations to fund the government descended into chaos on Tuesday, underscoring the fight facing lawmakers as they try to avoid the second government shutdown this year. The talks ran into problems almost immediately as the two sides started to discuss abortion and funding for the U.S.-Mexico border wall, among other issues where divides runs deep on both sides. One of the few bipartisan aspects of negotiations at this point is the swapping of accusations. Republicans say that Democrats are violating the spirit of the two-year budget deal, with Trump effectively tossing a grenade into the talks with his plan to raid military construction funds to build a wall along the southern border. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) warned that they’ll need to resolve the partisan fighting in order to move funding bills “if we’re going to move them very far.” “If we’re going to have problems and disagreements, if we can have them early and resolve them, that’s good. If you have them early and they continue and persist and never go away, that’s not a good sign,” Shelby said. Congress has about 11 working days before the deadline to either pass the fiscal 2020 bills or a stopgap measure (The Hill). > Impeachment: As House Democrats ramp up their oversight of the president, their impeachment message has become jumbled and is leading to confusion among some in the Democratic ranks. While party leaders have spent much of the summer outlining their investigative strategy repeatedly, there remains widespread disagreement about whether the effort should be considered the start of the impeachment process. Speaking with reporters and appearing on cable news shows, top Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have variably referred to an impeachment inquiry, an impeachment investigation and an impeachment process, while House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) churned plenty of headlines last month when he characterized his panel’s investigation as “formal impeachment proceedings.” To Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), nothing has changed, telling reporters that there has been an investigation “for a very long time.” But the mixed messaging has created issues for the party as the impeachment push continues to make headway in the party (The Hill). The Hill: Congressional Progressive Caucus issues support for impeachment investigation. The Hill: Pelosi woos progressives on prescription drug pricing plan. |
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How will Trump exploit public lands? Dismantling Bureau of Land Management, by Jamie Rappaport Clark, opinion contributor, The Hill. Iran’s ‘triangle of power’ in Middle East threatens US, Israel, by Seth J. Frantzman, opinion contributor, The Hill. |
Hill.TV’s “Rising” at 9 a.m. ET features Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), to talk about the 18th anniversary of 9/11 and Afghanistan; Joe Bruno, reporter at WSOC-TV, to react to the election results in North Carolina; Lila Nordstrom, a 9/11 survivor advocate and founder of StuyHealth, to speak about her work with 9/11 survivors; and Benjamin Powell, director at the Free Market Institute and a professor of economics at the Rawls College of Business Administration at Texas Tech University, to discuss his book, “Socialism Sucks.” Find Hill.TV programming at or on YouTube at 10 a.m. The House meets at 10 a.m. The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m. and consider the nomination of Stephen Akard to be director of the Office of Foreign Missions. Congress, led by Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), will hold a campus wide moment of silence to observe the National Day of Service and Remembrance at 8:46 a.m. The president and first lady Melania Trump will participate in a moment of silence at 8:40 a.m. They will then take part in a September 11th Pentagon Observance Ceremony at 9:30 a.m. Trump will also receive his intelligence briefing at 1:30 p.m. The vice president will travel to Shanksville, Pa., and deliver remarks at the Flight 93 National Memorial Ceremony at 10:30 a.m. |
When a business believes in a city’s future Audible’s new Innovation Cathedral is the Amazon subsidiary’s latest vote of confidence in Newark, New Jersey. Look inside the historic building. |
➔ Housing: Mnuchin, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, and Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Mark Calabria will testify before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday to rally support for the administration’s plan to reform the federal housing finance system. The plan is unlikely to pass Congress, but it comes as the U.S. faces an affordable housing crisis in many places. The issue and the outlook for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are debated inside the administration and among the 2020 Democratic campaigns (The Hill). ➔ State Watch: South Carolina lawmakers held a hearing on Tuesday to discuss whether the state should adopt legislation that would ban nearly all abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, roughly six weeks into a pregnancy. Fifty individuals spoke at the hearing, which divided time evenly between those for and against the bill. While the bill passed the House earlier this year, it could face a tough climb to pass the Senate when the legislature reconvenes in mid-January. South Carolina would become the sixth state to pass a heartbeat bill, while Alabama outlawed abortions altogether and Missouri banned them after eight weeks (The Post and Courier). … California legislators approved a landmark bill on Tuesday that requires companies like Uber and Lyft to treat contract workers as employees, a move that could reshape the gig economy (The New York Times). ➔ iPhone: Apple announced the release of a spate of new products on Tuesday at their latest launch event in Cupertino, Calif., headlined by the new iPhone 11, a cheaper version of last year’s iPhone XR, Apple Watch Series 5, and Apple Plus, the technology giant’s challenger to Netflix and other streaming services. Most of the new products will be available on or near Sept. 20 (The Associated Press). |
And finally … Today marks the 18th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. We will never forget. |
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Wednesday, September 11, 2019 |
Bolton Out National Security Advisor is out at the Trump administration, as the President announced via Tweet yesterday afternoon. I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore….— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2019 Bolton immediately responded with his own Tweet, saying he had resigned the night before. I offered to resign last night and President Trump said, “Let’s talk about it tomorrow.”— John Bolton (@AmbJohnBolton) September 10, 2019 Regardless of whether the National Security Advisor was fired or quit, his departure will likely shape foreign policy in the coming months, as Bolton was seen as a key voice in the administration against some of Trump’s more unusual meetings and deals with figures like Kim Jong-Un in North Korea and the Taliban in Afghanistan. From Madeline Orr at The Federalist: “President Donald Trump tweeted Tuesday that he fired national security adviser John Bolton on Monday night, saying he ‘disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions.’… Trump often disagreed with Bolton when it came to foreign policy and strategy in dealing with countries such as North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan. Most recently, it was reported that Bolton opposed the president’s plan to meet with Taliban leaders at Camp David this week. White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told reporters that Bolton and Trump, ‘had policy disagreements’ and that, ‘There was no last straw.’” Media Majorly Mishandles Russian Intelligence Asset Story Another day, another “bombshell” story debunked after it’s already bounced all over the internet and the world. From Lew Jan Olowsi at The Federalist: “President Trump did not cause the Central Intelligence Agency to withdraw a top-level spy from Russia. Obama did. And so did indiscreet intelligence officials. CNN’s report to the contrary is false, as usual. CNN has a track record of fake news, including false and biased reporting that elevates white supremacists. On Monday, CNN bragged of an ‘exclusive’ report that ‘the United States successfully extracted from Russia one of its highest-level covert sources inside the Russian government’ partly because ‘President Donald Trump and his administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy.’ In fact, however, officials ‘mishandled intelligence’ and tried to extricate this source in 2016, before Trump even won the presidential election. The New York Times reports intelligence officials compromised this source by gossiping about him to news reporters.” Mollie Hemingway also weighed in on both the media malpractice and where the original leak for the story might have originated on Fox and Friends yesterday morning. Fashion Moment of the Week It’s the most wonderful time of the yeaaaaar… New York Fashion Week, that is. Runway: Ralph Lauren throws it back to the golden age of glamor. Tom Ford goes underground – literally – with a show in the subway. Carolina Herrera, Cushnie, and Tibi, oh my. Best street style looks according to Vogue and Elle. Wednesday Links September 11th, remembered: On 9/11, Luck Meant Everything (The Atlantic) Here’s How American Kids Are Learning About 9/11 in Class (Time) Ohio Woman Keeps 9/11 Memory Alive in Her Town (Dispatch) Bill Burr’s Netflix special Paper Tiger is out, and reviews say it’s a giant dare you challenge to the cancel culture crowd. (Forbes) On the disconnect between Big Tech’s political sensibilities at home and their kowtowing to Beijing. (American Greatness) Max Eden and Andy Pollack’s book, Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies That Created The Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students, was released yesterday, with an excerpt in the New York Post. I interviewed Max about this critical topic for back-to-school parents on the IWF podcast, and you can purchase the book here. (New York Post) Speaking of education books, Robert Pondiscio’s brand-new book on the successes of Success Academy charter schools garnered a review at the Times. (New York Times) Democrat Congressman’s wife complains that Obamacare doesn’t cover her marriage counseling. (The Federalist) BRIGHT editor Erielle Davidson writes that while conservatives should be courageous, the larger story is the rise of self-censorship in the face of real consequences for any dissent. (The Federalist) BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Inez Feltscher Stepman is a senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum and a senior contributor to The Federalist. She is a San Francisco Bay Area native with a BA in Philosophy from UCSD and a JD from the University of Virginia. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband, Jarrett Stepman, her puggle Thor, and her cat Thaddeus Kosciuszko. You can follow her on Twitter at @inezfeltscher and on Instagram (for #ootd, obvi) under the same handle. Opinions expressed on this website are her own and not those of her employers. Or her husband. |
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Morning Headlines
Democrats still not working off same playbook on impeachment

House Democrats are struggling to speak with one voice about impeachment, as members returned to Washington this week with mixed messages about whether the Judiciary Committee is already engaged in an impeachment inquiry and where that investigation is headed. Read More…
9 things I think I think after the North Carolina redo election

Nearly a year after the two parties fought to a draw in North Carolina’s 9th District, Republican Dan Bishop and Democrat Dan McCready ended with another close race. Bishop prevailed 51 percent to 49 percent, with absentee ballots remaining to be counted. Read More…
More states allowing gun seizures amid plague of mass shootings

Mike DeWine knows he’s in for a challenge. The Ohio governor, a Republican trying to push gun control proposals through a legislature where the GOP holds supermajorities in both chambers, saw his predecessor, John Kasich, try the same thing without success. Read More…
Pelosi’s choice: cooperation or confrontation

OPINION — Confrontation, which has become the Democrats’ de facto political operating system on the Hill and in the presidential primaries, excites their increasingly doctrinaire base; but it turns off independents. Read More…
Republicans hold on to North Carolina’s 9th District in redo election

Republicans have narrowly held on to a North Carolina district that President Donald Trump won by 12 points in 2016. It’s a relief for a party already in the minority but not enough to ease GOP fears about slippage in the suburbs. Read More…
Eastern Market can haz ‘Eat Brgz’

Brandon Gaynor didn’t completely know the “how” behind opening a restaurant, but he had a good feeling about the “when.” The launch of his Eastern Market burger shop ‘Eat Brgz’ during August recess “allowed us a little bit of a ramp-up period,” he says. Read More…
Biggs to replace Meadows as Freedom Caucus chairman, effective Oct. 1

Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs will serve as the third chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, after the group of roughly three dozen hard-line conservatives elected him to take over its leadership effective Oct. 1. Read More…
Border wall, other disputes sidetrack Senate spending work

The Senate’s appropriations process fell into disarray Tuesday after a scheduled markup was abruptly postponed in a dispute over policy riders, and a fight over the border wall threatened to hold up defense spending. Read More…
Debating 2020 Democrats should not ignore our exploding debt

OPINION — Twenty current and former Democratic presidential candidates have now debated twice without any discussion of an issue that actively threatens our nation and ideals: our growing debt burden. Read More…
As election security risks grow, Congress must get off the sidelines

OPINION — Americans need to know that what happened in 2016 will not be repeated in future elections. Members of Congress should put election security legislation — not just money, but real reform — on the president’s desk as soon as possible. Read More…
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President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, September 11, 2019
By R. Mitchell –
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will participate
in a moment of silence in honor of 9/11, then travel to the Pentagon to
participate in an observance ceremony at the Pentagon Memorial. Later,
the president will receive his daily briefing as prepared by the
intelligence community. Keep up …
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Read on » Defensive: Kremlin Downplays Role Of Former Official Rumored To Be CIA Mole By Chuck Ross – The Kremlin’s top spokesman confirmed Tuesday that a man rumored in the Russian press to be a longtime CIA asset worked in the Russian government, but in a low-level position. Dmitry Peskov fielded inquiries about Oleg Smolenkov, who Russian media outlets identified as the possible government official who spied for … Defensive: Kremlin Downplays Role Of Former Official Rumored To Be CIA Mole is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ For Aborted Babies To Die By Mary Margaret Olohan – Testimony from nurse Jill Stanek reveals that Christ Church Hospital in Illinois created a “comfort room” for aborted babies to die in. Stanek spoke at a hearing on infanticide in Washington, D.C., where lawmakers and activists spoke out against born-alive abortion. Doctors at Christ Church Hospital performed born alive abortions … Hospital Created ‘Comfort Room’ For Aborted Babies To Die is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Never Forget – Goodwyn Cartoon By Al Goodwyn – Never Forget – Goodwyn Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch: White House Press Briefing with Secretary Pompeo and Secretary Mnuchin By R. Mitchell – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin held a press briefing at the White House Tuesday afternoon. Watch: Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under the Creative Commons license. Visit our syndication page for details and requirements. Watch: White House Press Briefing with Secretary Pompeo and Secretary Mnuchin is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » New Poll Shows Most Americans Hold An Unfavorable Opinion of Democrats By Jim Clayton – Recently a column in The New York Times cited a Pew Research Center survey which found that Americans currently hold an unfavorable view of the Democratic party. According to the poll, 45 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Democrats, compared with 52 percent who hold an unfavorable view. … New Poll Shows Most Americans Hold An Unfavorable Opinion of Democrats is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » What Does It Take to be a Democrat, Today? By Amanda Alverez – Ever thought about what it must be like to join the Democrat Party or their mainstream media partners? Would there be initial questions like… Are you anti-God? Are you anti-America? Are you anti-US Constitution? Are you anti-American? Are you anti-US Flag? If you can swallow hard and pass this oral … What Does It Take to be a Democrat, Today? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Multiple News Outlets That Repeated CNN’s Debunked Scuitto Russia Story Refuse To Correct By Shelby Talcott – Several outlets have not issued corrections or updates on articles about Trump being partially responsible for the decision to extract a high-level Kremlin source. CNN first reported the story, alleging Trump’s lax handling of classified information was to blame, and the NYT later debunked this claim. Business Insider updated its story … Multiple News Outlets That Repeated CNN’s Debunked Scuitto Russia Story Refuse To Correct is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Here’s How Much The Newest iPhone Will Cost And When It Will Be Available By Audrey Conklin – Apple introduced a line of shiny new products at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino, California, on Tuesday, including the iPhone 11, iPad 7th Generation and Apple Watch Series 5. Here’s how much those products will cost and when you can expect to buy them. iPhone 11 Cost: Starts at … Here’s How Much The Newest iPhone Will Cost And When It Will Be Available is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » ‘Whose Side Is CNN On?’: Doug Collins Wants Investigation Over Kremlin Spy Story By Chuck Ross – Georgia Rep. Doug Collins called Tuesday for investigations into how CNN obtained seemingly classified information about a CIA operation to extract a longtime Kremlin spy from Russia. “I really question whose side is CNN on,” Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, said in an interview on Fox … ‘Whose Side Is CNN On?’: Doug Collins Wants Investigation Over Kremlin Spy Story is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Some Things Never Change: Dan Rather – Still the Same Clueless Mudslinging Leftist He Always Was By Greg Holt – (True Conservative Pundit) Funny how Dan Rather-not is out doing interviews and engaging in his usual nonsensical mudslinging – and oh by the way, he has a new book out too. According to Breitbart News, Rather was interviewed on Morning Joe recently and said that we, as a nation have … Some Things Never Change: Dan Rather – Still the Same Clueless Mudslinging Leftist He Always Was is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Here’s Why California Is One Of The Few States Staying Mum On Probes Targeting Big Tech By Chris White – California is one of two states not to publicly announce an antitrust investigation into some of the largest big tech companies in the country. The Golden State is home to Google, Facebook and other companies under investigation. Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s decision not to go public is apparently standard operating … Here’s Why California Is One Of The Few States Staying Mum On Probes Targeting Big Tech is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Democratic Congresswoman: ‘Are There Socialists In the Democratic Party? You Bet’ By Jason Hopkins – A Florida lawmaker responded to a constituent’s concern about the rising influence of socialism among Democrats by confirming that there are, in fact, socialists abound in the Democratic Party. Florida Democratic Rep. Donna Shalala suggested during a town hall event in Miami that, while she is not a socialist herself, … Democratic Congresswoman: ‘Are There Socialists In the Democratic Party? You Bet’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial – What to Know Before You Visit By Katie Lange – The traumatic events of Sept. 11, 2001, changed the lives of everyone in America, especially those working for the Defense Department. Terrorists proved that the very symbol of our national security — the Pentagon — was not, in fact, impenetrable. A hijacker flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the southwest … National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial – What to Know Before You Visit is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Gabbard Comes Out Against Open Borders, Supports Physical Barriers By Ben Whedon – Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard said Sunday that she opposes open borders and even supports physical barriers, painting a stark contrast between her and the rest of the primary field. The Hawaii representative appeared on “The Rubin Report” Sunday to talk about immigration, abortion and her presidential campaign, among other … Gabbard Comes Out Against Open Borders, Supports Physical Barriers is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Teacher’s Pet – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – Why is the cost of higher education so high? Professors like Elizabeth Warren earning $400,000 for teaching one class. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco 92019. See more Branco toons HERE Teacher’s Pet – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Tree of Liberty – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon By Ben Garrison – Thomas Jefferson repeatedly warned us about tyrants taking over our government and ignoring the law. Right now we see many corrupt operatives in government who are above the law. One of Jefferson’s most famous quotes was about how the tree of liberty may need to get watered with the blood … Tree of Liberty – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Revelations About CIA’s Kremlin Spy Expose Brennan, Clapper Hypocrisy By Chuck Ross – The CIA extracted a Kremlin mole from Russia in 2017 out of concerns that media scrutiny would expose the longtime spy, according to a New York Times report. Former intelligence officials like John Brennan and James Clapper have expressed concerns that President Trump and Attorney General William Barr might leak … Revelations About CIA’s Kremlin Spy Expose Brennan, Clapper Hypocrisy is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Surgeon Who’s Advised White House Explains How To Get A Better Deal On Health Care In Latest Book By Evie Fordham – Surgeon and author Dr. Marty Makary addresses the health care system’s brokenness and offers a hopeful take on how it can be solved in his upcoming book “The Price We Pay.” Makary is a health policy expert at Johns Hopkins University who published The New York Times bestseller “Unaccountable: What … Surgeon Who’s Advised White House Explains How To Get A Better Deal On Health Care In Latest Book is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Voters Head To The Polls In North Carolina Special Election By Ben Whedon – Voters of North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District head to the polls Tuesday to fill the House seat that has sat vacant since the results of the 2018 mid-term election were voided. Republican North Carolina state Sen. Dan Bishop faces off against Democratic businessman Dan McCready in a bid to represent … Voters Head To The Polls In North Carolina Special Election is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |
Wednesday, September 11, 2019 |
Bolton’s firing empowers Pompeo, opens door for Trump diplomacy ANALYSIS: President Trump’s stunning dismissal of John R. Bolton clears the stage for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo — along … more |
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Remembering 9/11/01
By Shane Vander Hart on Sep 11, 2019 01:11 am The attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, as well as, the brave actions of the passengers of Flight 93 happened 18 years ago. Read in browser » Why Should Debt Keep People From Driving? By Kelvey Vander Hart on Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Kelvey Vander Hart: Revoking someone’s license for unpaid debt is not a suitable penalty. Read in browser » A Right to Live Close to Work? By Shane Vander Hart on Sep 10, 2019 05:40 pm Former democratic congressman and current presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke of Texas declared that Americans have a right to live close to work. Read in browser » Parents Storm State Capitals over Vaccines By Dr. Jane Orient on Sep 10, 2019 03:43 pm Dr. Jane Orient: Parental outrage might cause a reexamination of vaccine orthodoxy. It also raises the question of where to draw the line against the encroachment of our freedom. Read in browser » Vacation Indoctrination: A Local Summer Travel Journal on Identity, Whiteness, and Sex? By Anne Taylor on Sep 10, 2019 02:15 pm Anne Taylor: Seeing how children are indoctrinated in stores and schools should raise awareness for what is at stake: Our children’s right to be free from harm. Read in browser » Recent Articles: Fiorina Blasts Republican Party For Demanding Loyalty to Trump Study Confirms Genes Don’t Determine Homosexuality Mark Sanford’s Presidential Campaign to Focus On Debt and Spending Viewpoint Neutrality Is Not Moral Relativism Iowa Democrats’ Latest Target? Hy-Vee Launched in 2006, Caffeinated Thoughts reports news and shares commentary about culture, current events, faith and state and national politics from a Christian and conservative point of view. Caffeinated Thoughts P.O. Box 57184 Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 321-5077 Editor, Shane Vander Hart Connect: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Share Tweet Share Forward Copyright © 2019 Caffeinated Thoughts, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
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The new Monopoly ‘celebrates women trailblazers.’ But the game’s female inventor still isn’t getting credit. Lizzie Magie, who patented the property-collecting board game decades before a man claimed to have dreamed it up, saw her creation as a critique of capitalism and economic inequality. By Antonia Farzan · Read more Trump takes credit for GOP’s North Carolina win, tweets photo suggesting a third term for himself In a flurry of tweets sent well into early Wednesday morning, Trump celebrated the “TWO BIG VICTORIES” — while also taking time to bash the “Fake News.” By Allyson Chiu · Read more ADVERTISEMENT A teen fractured her thumb. Doctors botched the surgery and replaced it with her big toe. After doctors forgot to remove a tourniquet, killing Brittany Thomas’s thumb, they decided to replace the finger with her big toe. By Katie Shepherd · Read more A church lured in homeless people — then locked them in houses and forced them to panhandle, feds say For six days a week and nine hours a day, the victims were forced to hand out Pixie sticks and religious literature in exchange for donations, all of which they turned over to the church, prosecutors say. Then, they were locked inside their homes. By Meagan Flynn · Read more Slaves helped build Virginia Theological Seminary. The school will spend $1.7 million in reparations. “We were a Seminary where enslaved persons worked. We participated fully in segregation. So we apologize; so we commit to a different future; but we need to do more,” the dean of the school said. By Meagan Flynn · Read more Jon Ossoff became an unlikely Democratic star in Georgia. Now, he’s running for Senate. The 32-year-old said his campaign will be focused on “trying to end this appalling corruption that has infected our political system and fighting the abuse of power.” By Allyson Chiu · Read more ADVERTISEMENT Recommended for you Get the Must Reads newsletter Get a curated selection of our best journalism in your inbox every Saturday, plus a peek behind the scenes into how one story came together. Sign Up |
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Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Christopher Wray may also be suffering from his own lack of candor in his reasons for hiding McCabe’s text messages. Read More… Grievously Injured Rand Paul Gets a Second Chance at Justice Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am President Trump’s work on judicial appointments may be what eventually secures justice for Rand Paul. Read More… Anti-Gun Laws Will Never Solve Gun Violence in America Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am The real problem with gun violence in the U.S. is the murder and mayhem that often plague Democratic enclaves in urban America. Read More… How Obama’s Iran Deal Funded Terrorism Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am The Obama administration clumsily acceded to the most dangerous terms of any deal ever enacted by the Free World against its own best interests. Read More… Get Off My Grass Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Has there ever been a more transparently disingenuous, pandering group of politicians than the 2020 Democratic candidates? Read More… Eighteen Years Onward Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Americans should be tired of hearing excuses for what the Islamic Jihadists did Read More… Recent Blog Posts The impenetrable, gloomy rage of the Democrat presidential candidates Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Thankfully, American voters are vastly smarter than this slate of candidates, each of whom is crippled by the acid of his anger. Read more… President Trump should keep tweeting…and yes, John Legend is a ‘boring musician’ Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Kudos to our president for punching down, up, sideways, parallel, and perpendicular. Read more… California workers unite… or else we’ll unite you by force Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Califonia bill would forced indepedent contractors to become salaried workers. Read more… Huge racial disparity in SF homeless must be due to racism, right? Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am The leftists who run San Francisco, like all leftists, have been telling us for years that any racial disparity is a sign of racism. Read more… Trump wins with the votes of people who don’t like him Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am If you have anything in the stock market, you have no choice but to vote for Trump. Read more… Individualism: Our eventual demise Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am When we think a particular battle secure, we return to our homes, our families, our livelihoods. But leftists never quit. Read more… Discrimination is bad…unless you’re wearing a MAGA hat Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Diversity of thought doesn’t seem to be nearly as important to skittish liberals as diversity of culture. Read more… Democrats Have Forgotten 9/11 Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am How else to explain their enthusiasm for open borders? Read more… All aboard Trump Train 2020! Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Triumphing in an anti-Trump enviroment. Read more… Liberals live in an anechoic prison Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am Liberals live in a world of heightened and isolated self-perception brought on by the anechoic chamber they have locked themselves into. Read more… The Trump — Lopez-Obrador deal is working Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am On border issues, Trump and Lopez-Obrador are acting a lot alike. Read more… Will Swedish cannibals save the planet? Sep 11, 2019 01:00 am In their never-ending search for foods to Save the Planet, a Swedish professor named Magnus Soederlund has proposed eating dead human bodies, presumably fresh from the morgue. Read more… The best speech on Brexit — from a shocking source Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Myths are being shattered. Read more… Valerie Plame lies like a rug in her campaign introduction to New Mexico’s voters Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am From trying to cover for her anti-Semitic past by claiming Jewish roots to blaming Scooter Libby for her desk jockey “outing,” she’s already loaded herself up with a lot of baggage, as befits a carpetbagger. Read more… Justice coming for Rand Paul, thanks to Sixth Circuit Court Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am An implicit rebuke to the Clinton-appointed federal judge who handed down a slap-on-the-wrist sentence for grave injury and severe pain dealt to a sitting U.S. senator in an unprovoked attack. Read more… View this email in your browser American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. |
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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray September 11, 2019 Media Blacks Out Abortion Industry Admissions Of Baby Body Part Trafficking And Kamala Harris’ Abuse Of Power By Madeline Osburn Why would journalists supposedly concerned about the First Amendment ignore the case of David Daleiden, prosecuted by former California attorney general Kamala Harris? Full article Vice Rewards Aziz Ansari’s Assault-Alleging Reporter With New Gig By Emily Jashinsky Back in January 2018, Katie Way reported a highly dubious allegation of sexual assault against Aziz Ansari. This month, Way landed a job with Vice. Full article How A Priest With No Money Honored Flight 93’s Heroes Where They Fell By Alexander Riley For more than a decade, Father Fonzie worked tirelessly at the Flight 93 Thunder on the Mountain Memorial Chapel, honoring the heroic patriots of Sept. 11, 2001. Full article Now That Bolton’s Out, Here’s What Trump Needs From A National Security Advisor By John Allen Gay The president should appoint a new national security advisor who shares his instincts: to get out of quagmires, to seek deals to reduce tensions, and to get our allies to take defense seriously. Full article Neither David French Nor Sohrab Ahmari Have Any Ideas About Where To Go From Here By Sumantra Maitra After several dust-ups and intra-theological disputes, David French and Sohrab Ahmari still didn’t answer the key question of conservative policy. Full article 4 Ways To Use Government To Make America More Friendly To Christians By Lyman Stone The real loser was Christians in America as Sohrab Ahmari and David French tackled how Christians should live as citizens in an increasingly hostile world, without offering any answers. Full article Memories From These 8 Americans Explain Why They Can Never Forget 9/11 By Caroline D’Agati ‘Now people are forgetting. Every year that goes by, it’s less and less that people remember. We’ve done a better job remembering Pearl Harbor than 9/11.’ Full article Warren Mimics Bernie’s Promotion Of Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour To Campaign Surrogate By Warren Henry Given Linda Sarsour’s record, her claim that she supports Bernie Sanders because of rising anti-Semitism in America is irony thick enough to cut with a chainsaw. Full article Israel’s Sovereignty Claims Over The Jordan Valley Are Legitimate By Erielle Davidson For those with any familiarity of Israeli politics, Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement is unsurprising. A nation cannot annex land over which it already has sovereign claims. Full article Not Even Jonathan Franzen Can Top My Concern Over Climate Change By Neal Pollack Where I live, there’s an organization called Feed The Homeless While Not Using Any Fossil Fuels And Fighting Racism. I give them $100 a year so they don’t ring my doorbell. Full article MTV’s New ‘Ghosted’ Perpetuates A Culture Of Stalking By Tristan Justice The reality show gives false hope to hurt individuals craving closure from their ghosts on why they disappeared, glorifying the idea of stalking them down. Full article Complaining About Kim Kardashian West Employing A Freed Inmate As A Model Is Petty And Mean By Molly Davis Kim Kardashian West’s Skims advertisement featuring Alice Johnson, a former drug dealer President Trump gave clemency, brings awareness to an awful story of imprisonment and the downfalls of the justice system. Full article September 11, 2001 Is Still A Day To Set Aside Partisan Rancor By James R. Poplar III Did my ‘shipmates’ in the Pentagon sacrifice their lives for the political morass that has gripped this nation for the last two years? I sincerely hope and pray their sacrifice was not in vain. Full article Following Disagreements, Trump Tells Bolton: You’re Fired By Madeline Osburn “I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week,” President Trump tweeted. Full article What Is Really Behind The Deluge Of Leaks About The Extradited Spy? By The Federalist Staff “They are starting to expose some shenanigans or misbehavior by intelligence chiefs … who put forth this false and dangerous Russian collusion narrative.” Full article Beto O’Rourke: Living Close To Work Is A ‘Right’ By Tristan Justice While touting his plans to spend federal dollars on integrating socioeconomic classes, O’Rourke once endorsed plans to do the exact opposite. Full article Obama, Not Trump, Outed Russian Spy By Lew Jan Olowski Trump didn’t cause the CIA to withdraw a top-level spy from Russia. Obama did. CNN’s report to the contrary is false, as usual. Full article ‘Star Trek’ Scribe Was Right To Quit After Being Chastised For Using The N-Word By David Marcus A black writer for Star Trek: Discovery decided to quit after a co writer ratted out his use of the N word to his bosses. Quitting was the right response. Full article NRA Sues San Francisco For Declaring The Group A ‘Terrorist Organization’ By Tristan Justice The NRA alleges that the city is violating its rights to free speech and is impeding on its mission by attempting to “blacklist anyone linked to the NRA.” Full article BEGINNING OF THE END FOR BREXIT Sumantra Maitra. “The British Parliament stood firmly opposed to the British people, as 21 Conservative Party members of Parliament (MPs) defected and joined the Liberals-Democrats to damage the new Boris Johnson government and oppose a No-Deal Brexit on October 31. In a win for the European Union, keenly being watched from the Americas and the European continent, the British government is now paralyzed, with no majority for any Brexit, even a diluted one; no mandate for another election; no unified opposition to win in an election; and no government strong enough to push through.” Read more of The Transom by signing up for a free trial today. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |
SCOTT RASMUSSEN Launch – Check Out My All New Website
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Good morning,Economic
confidence may be rebounding after a difficult stretch. Our weekly
economic update found that 34% of American adults now believe the U.S.
economy is getting better. Just 28% think it’s getting worse.That’s the first time in a month that the number of optimists have outnumbered the pessimists.As always, there is a significant partisan difference in perceptions of the economy.By a 66% to 7% margin, Republicans believe the economy is getting better.Democrats, by a 43% to 15% margin, hold the opposite view.A
plurality of Independents (37%) believe the economy is staying about
the same. Thirty-two percent (32%) believe it is getting worse while 26%
say better.The
survey also found that 52% of all adults rate the economy as good or
excellent. That’s up from 49% last week and the highest total in a
month.While confidence
in the overall economy had declined over the past month, people
remained more upbeat about their personal finances. That optimism
continues. Thirty-two percent
(32%) believe their own finances are getting better while 18% say worse.On
the personal level, 52% of Americans rate their own finances as good or
excellent. Thirty-one percent (31%) say fair and 16% poor.On another topic, 63% of voters approve of the way the Supreme Court is doing its job.
Over the past year, the court’s approval rating has remained in a
narrow range between 59% and 66%. Neither controversial rulings nor the
Kavanaugh hearings had any measurable impact.Forty percent (40%) believe the ideological balance of the Court is about right.
Thirty-five percent (35%) see it as too conservative and 26% say it’s too liberal.Most voters–55%–believe the Court has the right amount of power.Eighteen years after the horrific terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, 89% of American adults remember where they were when they heard the news (this is the first year every adult was alive on that fateful day).Thirty-seven
percent (37%) now believe the changes brought about by 9/11 made
America better while 43% believe the nation changed for the worse. In the first year after the attacks, Americans
generally believed our nation had changed for the better. Over time, a
more negative assessment took hold. Now, 18 years later, it may be
difficult for people to remember just how much has changed since those
horrific attacks.Finally, today’s Number of the Day
notes that, in the aftermath of those terrorist attacks, 204 New York
Firefighters have died due to World Trade Center related illnesses.Thank you for your interest in our work,Scott
Stay Informed Up To The Minute and Share ContentDeeper CurrentsScott Rasmussen offers his personal insight, analysis, and opinion on current political races, issues, and controversy.
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Scott’s ColumnsPresident
Trump has perfected the art of antagonizing his opponents with
provocative tweets. He demonstrated this skill recently in declaring
that the tax reform act,…
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The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for September 11,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. Remember List of Victims of the World Trade Center Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr. Edelmiro Abad Maria Rose Abad Andrew Anthony Abate Vincent Abate Laurence Christopher Abel William F. Abrahamson Richard Anthony Aceto Jesus Acevedo Rescand Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann Paul Acquaviva Donald LaRoy Adams Patrick Adams Shannon Lewis Adams Stephen George Adams Ignatius Udo Adanga Christy A. […] The post Remember appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Never Forget This is the timeline of major events that happened 18 years ago today. 7:59 am – Flight 11 takes off from Boston 8:15 am – Flight 175 takes off from Boston 8:20 am – Flight 77 takes off – Dulles to LA 8:42 am – Flight 93 takes off from Newark 8:46 am – Flight […] The post Never Forget appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » About Last Night The GOP won a special election billed as a “must win” by the media in NC-09. Congressman-elect Bishop will head to Washington despite Democrats pouring vast resources into the race. Had the GOP lost, the media would have turned it into a defining narrative. Because they won, the press will move on. There are a […] The post About Last Night appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Bolton Firing Obscures News Of Trillion-Dollar Deficit The last trillion-dollar deficit was under Barack Obama in 2012 and, with several weeks left to go in the current fiscal year, Donald Trump looks likely to blow past Obama’s spending that year. The post Bolton Firing Obscures News Of Trillion-Dollar Deficit appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The NRA hits back at San Francisco Last week the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco designated the NRA a “domestic terror group”. And now the NRA is taking them to court. Well, if the city of San Francisco didn’t see this coming, they probably shouldn’t have done it in the first place when just last week, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors […] The post The NRA hits back at San Francisco appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Democrats Are Overestimating Suburban Appeal As a suburban, college-educated woman who has a lot of suburban college-educated friends, I think the Democrats suburban strategy is easily countered if the RNC gets their strategy straight. I sat out the top line in 2016 and will not be repeating that in 2020. There is too much at stake. Yes, Donald Trump can […] The post Democrats Are Overestimating Suburban Appeal appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Tulsi Gabbard: Fair to Say Democratic Presidential Candidates Are Pushing for Open Borders The post Tulsi Gabbard: Fair to Say Democratic Presidential Candidates Are Pushing for Open Borders appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Gorsuch: ‘It Is Not up to Nine People to Tell 330 Million Americans How to Live’ The post Gorsuch: ‘It Is Not up to Nine People to Tell 330 Million Americans How to Live’ appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » My Interview with Congressman Doug Collins The post My Interview with Congressman Doug Collins appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Georgia Is Not Really a 2020 Swing State. Here’s Why. Stacey Abrams has tapped into Democrat white guilt to convince them to pour money into Georgia for 2020. But the data suggests Georgia is not really a 2020 swing state. The post Georgia Is Not Really a 2020 Swing State. Here’s Why. appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
Share This Oberlin College denied new trial in Gibson’s Bakery case Brexit: Corbyn’s Labour Party Vows To Oust PM Johnson as Parliament Go es Into Recess Leprosy May be the Next Infectious Disease to Plague Los Angeles Almost 1,000 Employees at Amazon in Seattle to Stage Walkout for Climate Change Trump Fires National Security Advisor John Bolton Due to Strong Disagreements Over Policy Marijuana Use Among College Students Reaches 35 Year High Constitutional Law Scholar Running for Yale Trustee in Effort to Protect Free Speech Four Years at Princeton University Now Costs Nearly $300,000 William Jacobson: “Oberlin College denied new trial in Gibson’s Bakery case — “the Court finds that the amount awarded is not manifestly excessive nor does it appear to be influenced by passion or prejudice”” Kemberlee Kaye: “The NRA sued San Francisco after the city declared the group a domestic terrorist organization.” Leslie Eastman: “‘Welcome to California. Come for the sunshine, stay for the leprosy.” David Gerstman: “I’m unhappy that President Trump fired National Security Advisor John Bolton. I still think that the most important foreign policy issue is Iran. If the administration’s policy doesn’t change on account of Bolton’s dismissal, I won’t be alarmed. Lee Smith has been writing about the administration’s Iran policy for Tablet, here’s his latest (written before Bolton’s firing was announced.)” Stacey Matthews: “The Charlotte Observer reports ‘… more than 100 people showed up to vote at a church in Cornelius and were surprised to find out’ that they couldn’t vote in Tuesday’s NC09 special election. Here’s an idea: Find out what your Congressional district is before you go out and vote next time.” Legal Insurrection Foundation is a Rhode Island tax-exempt corporation established exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to educate and inform the public on legal, historical, economic, academic, and cultural issues related to the Constitution, liberty, and world events. For more information about the Foundation, CLICK HERE. Donate Here! Legal Insurrection Foundation 18 Maple Avenue #280 Barrington, Rhode Island 02806 Follow Us Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your web browser Unsubscribe |
Wed, September 11 |
AOC ON IMPEACHMENT: It’s ‘Outrageous to Protect the Amount of Lawlessness’ Controversial Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubled-down on her demand for President Trump’s impeachment Tuesday; saying Republican support for the Commander-in-Chief is “outrageous.”“I want to see every Republican go on the record and knowingly vote against impeachment of this president knowing his corruption, having it on the record … because this is outrageous to protect… |
BETO’S BILL OF RIGHTS: O’Rourke Says Americans Have ‘The Right’ to Live Near Their Job Beto O’Rourke added to the list of rights -like Freedom of Speech and Religion- enjoyed by all Americans this week; saying workers have “the right” to live close to their employment.“Here’s a tough thing to talk about though we must. Rich people are going to have to allow — or be forced to… |
TRUMP ON SANCTUARY CITIES: ‘Can I Be Honest? It’s Crazy What’s Happening’ President Trump spoke with supporters in North Carolina Monday night; slamming California’s ‘Sanctuary City’ policies and saying the immigration situation is “crazy” across the state.“Can I be honest? It’s crazy what’s happening. This whole thing with Sanctuary Cities. You go to California, they have so many Sanctuary Cities. They don’t know what’s happening… |
SANDERS ON HANNITY: ‘I’m Not Sure Joe Biden Knows What Election He’s In’ Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders stopped-by ‘Hannity’ Monday night to weigh-in on the 2020 race for the White House; saying she’s not entirely sure Joe Biden “knows what election he’s in.”“I think Donald Trump, the reason you saw him so happy and joyful, not only because the country is doing… |
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09/11/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Presented by Fisher Investments: Biden and Iraq; Twitter Power; 9/11’s Unlearned Lesson By Carl M. Cannon on Sep 11, 2019 09:35 am Good morning, it’s Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019. Eighteen years ago today, in the fading evening light of a tragic and trying day in American history, 150 members of Congress stood on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. After a few brief remarks, they bowed their heads in silence for the lives taken in the devastating attack against this country. Republican stood next to Democrat, senators embraced House members, congressional leaders were side-by-side with freshmen. But mournfulness wasn’t the most prevalent emotion at the Capitol, a building that itself was a likely target of the terrorists. Resilience was the order of the day — and national unity. As if on cue, those members of the 107th Congress spontaneously transfigured themselves into a bipartisan choir. The hymn they sang was “God Bless America.” I’ve been thinking this week about that tableau and wondering where the spirit on display went. “We are not enemies, but friends,” Abraham Lincoln reminded a divided nation in his first inauguration. “We must not be enemies.” Today, Americans do not seem to be heeding the wisdom of our greatest president, a theme I will explore briefly in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * Numbers Show How President’s Tweets Drive News Cycle. Kalev Leetaru lays out the data. Trump Expands Economic Pie. Kimberly Guilfoyle spotlights all-time-low unemployment figures for blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and women. Joe Biden’s Iraq War Revisionism. Michael Tracey compares the Democratic front-runner’s comments today with those on record from 16 years ago, when he supported the U.S. invasion. Is Trump the Cost-Benefit President? In RealClearPolicy, James Broughel applauds the administration’s approach to measuring costs and benefits of its deregulatory efforts. EPA and the Merits of Granting Biofuel Waivers. In RealClearEnergy, Merrill Matthews analyzes the politics of the country’s most politicized energy source. Buying Medications from Canada Not the Same as Importing Them. In RealClearMarkets, Allan Golombek explains that most medications purchased from up north originated with U.S suppliers. South Korea and Japan Are Weaponizing History. In RealClearDefense, Roddy Howland-Jackson laments that old animosities between the two nations are harming efforts to address the North Korean threat. What Can Be Done About the Toxic Buffalo Diocese? In RealClearReligion, A.A.J. DeVille asserts that a long pattern of sexual abuse by priests and subsequent cover-ups by the bishop must be addressed by Catholic Church hierarchy. * * * Abraham Lincoln came to power in a nation already splitting apart, irrevocably divided over slavery. Although the first major battle between North and South, in fertile fields outside the Virginia town of Manassas, was only four-and-a-half months away, Lincoln still hoped to avert a civil war. But that conflict had been a long time in building. By 1856, the fighting between anti-slavery forces in Kansas and pro-slavery vigilantes from Missouri had escalated into a virtual border war. The region was known as “Bleeding Kansas.” In 1859, fiery abolitionist John Brown came out of Kansas to try and start a race war at Harpers Ferry, W.Va. For the most part, members of Congress didn’t quell these passions or the lawlessness. If anything, they contributed to the carnage. Five years before Lincoln became president, pro-slavery South Carolina Democratic Rep. Preston Brooks ambushed anti-slavery Massachusetts Republican Charles Sumner on the Senate floor, nearly killing Sumner with a metal-tipped cane. So that’s the other extreme from singing “God Bless America” together, but it wasn’t an isolated act. Attacks like that were common anywhere the debate over slavery was joined. Let’s be blunt about this: Violence was inherent in the very institution of slavery. It was the necessary ingredient for maintaining that evil institution. So it’s no surprise that its defenders were violent men. It was fitting, therefore, if tragic — as Lincoln would also note — that ending slavery on these shores would require “the scourge of war.” But it’s fair to ask: What are we fighting about now? In our time, a congressman is shot and wounded on a baseball field by a hyper-partisan gunman intent on killing Republican lawmakers. A Kentucky senator is physically attacked in his own yard by another partisan Democrat. A mob gathers outside the home of Kentucky’s other senator to shout death threats. A California congresswoman mocks every American who voted for the president and encourages her supporters to harass members of the administration anywhere they can be found in public, to drive them out of department stores, restaurants, and even gas stations — even to prevent them from sleeping peacefully in their own houses. It took less than 18 years to go from singing hymns to this. It doesn’t seem sustainable. Abraham Lincoln foresaw this crisis, too. In an 1838 speech that helped make him a national figure, he inveighed against the perils posed to democratic self-government by mob action. “At what point shall we expect the approach of danger?” 28-year-old Abe Lincoln asked his audience in Springfield, Ill. “By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the Earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.” Lincoln continued: “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) For years, many pundits and politicians have claimed Internet behemoths are too powerful and monopolistic. Then, in June, the House announced they would launch a probe into several tech giants. Despite many possible outcomes, we don’t view these possibilities as a reason to avoid Tech now. Click here to read more of this message, brought to you by Fisher Investments. |
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NOQ Report Daily |
- Andy Biggs to replace Mark Meadows as House Freedom Caucus Chair
- Lessons that must be relearned about 9/11
- Trump pulls a Thanos, kills half the population as single Tweet makes every Democrats’ head explode
- Suddenly, the running mate the Democrat nominee picks looks critical
- Open letter to Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell from John Carroll
- Dan Bishop’s win is important today, yet meaningless for 2020
- Netanyahu vows to begin annexing West Bank settlements
- The final straw
- One America News slaps MSNBC, Comcast with $10 million lawsuit
- RFK, Jr. hammers anti-choice Democrats for forced vaccines, being stooges for Big Pharma
Andy Biggs to replace Mark Meadows as House Freedom Caucus Chair Posted: 11 Sep 2019 05:00 AM PDT News Representative Andy Biggs has been voted by his peers to replace Representative Mark Meadows as Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus. This will take effect October 1. Meadows is a founder and the second chairman to lead the powerful 30-representative-strong conservative group. He is expected to remain on the board and work with Biggs […] The post Andy Biggs to replace Mark Meadows as House Freedom Caucus Chair appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Lessons that must be relearned about 9/11 Posted: 10 Sep 2019 10:35 PM PDT There will be Americans voting in the 2020 election who were not born before September 11, 2001. It marks the first such presidential election in which a large swath of voters were either not born yet or not old enough to understand what was happening in America during the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. It’s […] The post Lessons that must be relearned about 9/11 appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Trump pulls a Thanos, kills half the population as single Tweet makes every Democrats’ head explode Posted: 10 Sep 2019 09:38 PM PDT “It’s unconstitutional!” “He’s a dictator!” “We’re moving to Canada!” “He can’t do that!” …seconds later… Boom! With a single funny Tweet, President Trump eliminated the competition for the foreseeable future as the collective heads of every Democrat, progressive, and mainstream media pundit exploded simultaneously. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 11, 2019 “I showed my […] The post Trump pulls a Thanos, kills half the population as single Tweet makes every Democrats’ head explode appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Suddenly, the running mate the Democrat nominee picks looks critical Posted: 10 Sep 2019 09:01 PM PDT As the Democrat primary progresses, it seems the leader board is filling up with a lot of gray hair. And while 60 may be the new 50, all three of the leading candidates will be well beyond that on Inauguration Day 2021. Both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will be into their 80’s by the […] The post Suddenly, the running mate the Democrat nominee picks looks critical appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Open letter to Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell from John Carroll Posted: 10 Sep 2019 09:01 PM PDT Public transportation in Honolulu leaves much to be desired. Years ago an excellent bus system was a great asset. When I first arrived in 1978, one could ride around the entire Island for $0.25. But with population increases and much development especially on West Oahu, traffic congestion has stolen much of the joie de vivre […] The post Open letter to Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell from John Carroll appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Dan Bishop’s win is important today, yet meaningless for 2020 Posted: 10 Sep 2019 09:00 PM PDT Bellwether. It’s a funny word that is tossed around political circles by media pundits whenever there’s an off-season election. Some were calling the North Carolina races (well, the one race that had question marks, at least) a bellwether for President Trump and/or the GOP for 2020. This is absolutely ludicrous. I am very happy Dan […] The post Dan Bishop’s win is important today, yet meaningless for 2020 appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Netanyahu vows to begin annexing West Bank settlements Posted: 10 Sep 2019 09:00 PM PDT JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Tuesday to annex the heart of the West Bank if he wins re-election next week, a move that could inflame the Middle East and extinguish any remaining Palestinian hope of establishing a separate state. Arab leaders angrily condemned Netanyahu’s remarks, and a U.N. spokesman warned […] The post Netanyahu vows to begin annexing West Bank settlements appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
The final straw Posted: 10 Sep 2019 09:00 PM PDT I don’t care if it’s plastic or biodegradable. Donald Trump firing John Bolton as National Security Advisor means no more sipping the Trump Kool-Aid for yours truly. No more benefit of the doubt will be afforded. I abstained in 2016 and I will do so again in 2020. On this 18th commemoration of 9/11, Mr. […] The post The final straw appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
One America News slaps MSNBC, Comcast with $10 million lawsuit Posted: 10 Sep 2019 05:26 PM PDT When MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow first said One America News had a reporter paid directly by the Kremlin, it was seen as another fake news moment by progressive legacy media against an ally of President Trump. But it was also slanderous, according to OAN, and they’re going to court to make MSNBC and parent company Comcast […] The post One America News slaps MSNBC, Comcast with $10 million lawsuit appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
RFK, Jr. hammers anti-choice Democrats for forced vaccines, being stooges for Big Pharma Posted: 10 Sep 2019 03:36 PM PDT Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the son of a former Senator and nephew of a former President, has been a Democrat his entire adult life. But in a moment that seems similar to Ronald Reagan’s famous quip, “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me,” the environmental activist hammered his fellow California Democrats for their authoritarian […] The post RFK, Jr. hammers anti-choice Democrats for forced vaccines, being stooges for Big Pharma appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: There’s good news and bad news for the GOP after a narrow NC-9 win
The last race of 2018 pretty much played out the way the other ones did the last cycle, especially when it comes to special elections.
The good news for the GOP: They won last night’s NC-9 special, with Republican Dan Bishop narrowly defeating Democrat Dan McCready, 51 percent to 49 percent.
That keeps the magic number of seats they need to flip to win back the chamber in 2020 at a net of 18 – instead of raising it to 19.
It also means Republicans won’t have to spend the same kind of resources next November to defeat McCready, which would have been a definite target.
That money can now go elsewhere.

AP Photo/Nell Redmond
The bad news: They BARELY won a district that both Donald Trump and Mitt Romney carried by 12 points, suggesting – at least for this one special – that the overall political environment hasn’t changed much since 2018.
Indeed, the Cook Political Report identifies more than 30 GOP-held House seats that are less friendly to Republicans than NC-9, per NBC’s Ed Demaria.
They include: TX-23 (the open Will Hurd seat), PA-1 (Brian Fitzpatrick), MI-6 (Fred Upton), NE-2 (Don Bacon), IL-12 (Mike Bost), OH-1 (Steve Chabot) and FL-16 (Vern Buchanan).
Mr. Below 40 Percent
Speaking of a political environment that hasn’t changed that much since last November, three new national polls all have Trump’s job rating below 40 percent.
Gallup: 39 percent
Washington Post/ABC: 38 percent
CNN: 39 percent
So, nearly a year after the midterms, the president’s approval rating is still stuck in pretty much the same place; Democrats are making more and more races competitive but the bottom still hasn’t fallen out for the GOP; and — in districts with *just* enough Trump supporters — the president can still show up for a rally and make the difference.
The question for the GOP is, of course, whether there are enough of those Trump-friendly areas in 2020.
By the way, this unchanged political environment is bad news for backers of new gun legislation, too.
Without a jarring loss in NC-9, there’s no reason to think Republicans will have any incentive to make policy concessions— on guns or anything else.
Bolton Out
National Security Advisor John Bolton is out after a series of disagreements with Trump, most recently over potential negotiations with the Taliban at Camp David.
Bolton is the fourth person to hold the job during the president’s tenure.
He served just 520 days (per Foreign Policy), which still made him the longest-tenured official in the position during the Trump administration.
Michael Flynn held it for just 24 days before stepping down and later pleading guilty to lying to the FBI; H.R. McMaster was in the job for 412 days; and Keith Kellogg briefly served as acting NSA for seven days.
Trump has tried to make the case that the constant churn is “shaking things up.”
But does he have anything to show for it, especially on foreign policy? Other than the public dismissal of people HE HIRED?
As our colleague Benjy Sarlin points out: “There’s no one reason why Trump’s approval isn’t great, but “Everyone I hire ends up being an incompetent loser who betrays me!” continues to be an interesting choice of re-election theme.”
DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… 15.3 percent versus 1.1 percent.
15.3 percent versus 1.1 percent.
That’s Democrat Dan McCready’s margin of victory in North Carolina’s Robeson County in the 2018 election and the 2019 special election redo, respectively.
Robeson is a majority-minority county, due in part to about 42 percent of residents who identify as Native American. (Black residents make up another 24 percent.)
And/but: It’s worth noting that the turnout in the special election was far lower — by nearly 10,000 votes in Robeson County alone — compared with 2018.
By the way, Trump WON Robeson in 2016 by 4.3 points.
TWEET OF THE DAY: The urban-rural divide continues
Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images
2020 VISION: Texas Two-Step
A new Quinnipiac poll in Texas finds Elizabeth Warren now in second place among Democratic primary voters in the Lone Star State, while Beto O’Rourke has slipped since June.
Here’s how the poll — out just a day before the Democratic debate in Houston — shows where the top four candidates stand.
Biden: 28 percent
Warren: 18 percent
Sanders: 12 percent
O’Rourke: 12 percent
And here’s where things stood in the same poll back in June.
Biden: 30 percent
O’Rourke: 16 percent
Sanders: 15 percent
Warren: 11 percent
(No other candidates cracked double digits in either the June or September Texas polls.)
On the campaign trail today: It’s debate-prep day for the major candidates, and they don’t have events… Tom Steyer, who appears to have qualified for the October debate(s), stumps in South Carolina… And Joe Sestak is in New Hampshire.
Dispatches from NBC’s embeds: Elizabeth Warren kicked off debate week in Texas with a town hall in Austin, where she was introduced by Rep. Henry Cuellar’s primary challenger, Jessica Cisneros. Warren endorsed Cisneros on Monday. Per NBC’s Benjamin Pu, “Warren reiterated calls to abolish the electoral college” and hunkered down on running her campaign without closed-door fundraisers. Pu flags this Warren remark: “I don’t spend my time at fundraisers for bazillionaires and corporate executives. I just don’t do it.”
And while that could be a wink and a nod to Joe Biden’s fundraisers, Warren deflected when asked how she plans to, or if she plans to, take on Biden directly during the debate on Thursday. Instead, Warren pivoted to discussing how she’s building a grassroots movement and to “talk about what’s broken in this country.”
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
Here’s NBC’s reporting on what went wrong for Trump and John Bolton.
Bolton’s departure “removes one of the last constraints on Mr. Trump’s sense of the possible in world affairs,” writes the New York Times.
Republicans in Iowa and New Hampshire say they’re sticking with their caucus and primary.
Is Andrew Yang ready for prime time?
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Chuck, Mark, and Carrie
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