Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Tuesday September 10, 2019.
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“Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.” PLATO Police Union Endorses Trump for 2020 Re-Election Trump Says He Will Release an ‘Extremely Complete’ Financial Report Before 2020 Election News Network Hits Rachel Maddow, MSNBC With $10 Million Defamation Lawsuit Trump Suggests He Won’t Debate Republican Challengers Fifty U.S. States and territories, including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, have launched an anti-trust probe into Google and the company’s “potential monopolistic behavior.” The investigation is being led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who formally made the announcement. Read more President Donald Trump honored six policeofficers and five civilians who responded to the mass shootings in August in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas. Six police officers who took down a gunman before he entered a Dayton bar received the Medal of Valor, the nation’s highest public safety award. Read more A former director at the MIT who allegedly played a role in concealing the MIT Media Lab’s financial relationship with recently deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, has been placed on leave from his current position at Brown University. Read more While former Vice President Joe Biden remains on top in national 2020 polls, several new state polls show him in second place. Read more President Donald Trump said talks with the Taliban are “dead” after secret Camp David talks were scuppered. Read more North Korea is willing to go to the negotiation table with the United States again for denuclearization talks in late September, with the condition that Washington’s proposals are acceptable, or the North Korea-United States dealings “may come to an end.” Read more See More Top Stories Words Can Be Murderous and the Left Knows It By William Brooks There is little doubt that across Canada and the United States, men and women who identify as conservative are feeling more and more uncomfortable about expressing an opinion. The left views this as a good thing. Read more If Trump’s ‘Bigotry’ Is Impeachable Offense, Why Did Obama Get a Pass? By Larry Elder Of all the reasons critics offer for President Donald Trump’s impeachment, the one suggested by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) is among the most ridiculous. Green argues that Trump’s alleged racism serves as a legitimate basis for impeachment. Read more See More Opinions Immigration Economics By Valentin Schmid (February 23, 2017) Immigrants built America into a superpower, coming first from England, then from Germany, Ireland, France, Russia, and Eastern Europe. America had open borders. Virtually anyone arriving by boat at Ellis Island was registered, then set free to make their way in the growing nation. Read more Just what are some of the methods that tech giants like Google and Facebook can use to shift their users’ attitudes, beliefs, and even votes? How do search engine rankings impact undecided voters? How powerful of an impact can search engine algorithms have on our perceptions and actions, without us even knowing? And why aren’t more people researching these things? How Big Tech’s Algorithms Can Impact Opinions and Votes—and the 2020 Election Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
Sep 10, 2019 Good morning from Washington, where the Supreme Court ruled that labor unions for government employees can’t impose dues on nonmembers. Now, Kevin Mooney reports, a state think tank describes how unions are circumventing that decision. Arrests continue to fall at the border under the president’s get-tough policy, Rachel del Guidice reports. Plus: Kay Coles James on campus persecution of conservatives, and Reaghan Waites on what other millennials should fear about socialism. On this date in 1833, President Andrew Jackson moves to shut down the country’s national bank. Analysis How the Obama Administration Made the Military More Politically Correct During the Obama administration, political appointees, not military members, drove the agenda. James Hasson, a veteran, shares the inside story about allowing more women in combat, allowing transgender military members, and more. More News Big Labor Said to Exploit ‘Weakness’ in State Laws Despite High Court Ruling on Dues Labor unions are working with allies in state legislatures to counteract a Supreme Court ruling that invalidated mandatory union dues and fees for government employees. More News With Mexico’s Help, Border Apprehensions Down Sharply in August For the past three months, border crossings have consistently fallen, with 64,000 apprehensions in August. That’s a nearly 60 percent drop from May. More Commentary The Bullying of Conservatives at Colleges Needs to End For many students, college can mean that they’re the targets of speech codes, bullying by other students, and intimidation by professors. More Commentary The Ghosts of World War II World War II ended 74 years ago. But even in the 21st century, the lasting effects endure, both psychological and material. More Commentary Fellow Millennials: Here’s Why We Must Reject Socialism Socialism is a failed experiment—it has laid waste to economies around the world. Moreover, it has come hand in hand with human rights abuses by totalitarian governments. More The Daily Signal is brought to you by more than half a million members of The Heritage Foundation. Donate to The Daily Signal Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter How are we doing? We welcome your comments, suggestions, and story tips. Please reply to this email or send us a note at The Daily Signal 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 (800) 546-2843 Add to your address book to ensure that you receive emails from us. You are subscribed to this newsletter as If you want to receive other Heritage Foundation newsletters, or opt out of this newsletter, please click here to update your subscription. |
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Tuesday, September 10, 2019 2020 Primary Update Leading up to the third Democratic Primary debate this Thursday, Joe Biden leads in the polls followed by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. RealClearPolitics From the Left The left focuses on the importance of electability. “It has become a habit to scold Democratic voters who say electability is their standard in deciding whom to support for their party’s presidential nomination… Yet like it or not, the most important watchers of the Democratic debate on Thursday will be electability voters, who happen to constitute a majority of the party. And they are right to believe that the priority in 2020 is defeating President Trump… nearly two-thirds of Democrats support one of the three leaders. And things are likely to stay that way if Sanders’s devoted band keeps the faith — and if Biden and Warren convince Democrats that they can, indeed, throw the world’s most inept meteorologist out of the White House.” E.J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post “Like Obama more than a decade ago, Warren is framing her insurgency against an establishment front-runner—in this case, Joe Biden—as a choice between conviction and caution. And in Democratic presidential primaries, conviction candidates with strong grassroots organizations often win… The bad news for Warren is that, so far, electability appears to be a larger concern for Democrats this year than in elections past. When Democrats in late 2007 contemplated losing the presidential election, they imagined a President McCain, Romney, or Giuliani. Today’s Democrats imagine something more terrifying: four more years of Trump… [But] in an era in which politics has become a secular religion, she is betting that passion will overcome political calculation. And judging by the reaction in New Hampshire—where Warren, according to the Times, ‘got the most enthusiastic response of the 19 candidates who appeared’—she may be right.” Peter Beinart, The Atlantic “When asked whether Democrats’ message should be ‘return the country to the way it was before Donald Trump took office’ or ‘advance a more progressive agenda than the country had under Barack Obama,’ 60 percent of Democrats chose the latter. Most voters get that ‘the way things were’ isn’t good enough, even if many establishment Democrats don’t. That’s bad news for Biden, whose pitch aside from electability can be summed up as ‘I was Obama’s vice president’… recent polls have shown that progressives clearly have the momentum in the Democratic race. That’s no surprise: On climate, health care, foreign policy and a host of other issues, the big problems facing the United States demand big solutions. Warren and especially Sanders are the only two candidates offering real change; no wonder more and more Democrats are moving their way.” James Downie, Washington Post “The gap between ‘political realism’ and scientific realism on climate policy is vast and ever-growing. We have procrastinated past the point when incremental, nudge-based approaches to emissions reduction could be described as serious… We have already put enough carbon in the climate to ensure that our planet will grow increasingly inhospitable for the rest of our lives, and the longer we wait to find an alternative means of powering our civilization, the more inhospitable it will become… “The left must not cede the mantle of ‘realism’ on climate. To rise to the challenge posed by our ecological crisis, centrist Democrats will need to embrace ambitious policies that are consistent with the scientific consensus — even when those policies are inconsistent with their longtime ideological commitments. If Sanders and Warren wish to persuade their colleagues to take that leap — and embrace a Green New Deal — then they must also take it themselves, and cease denying the scientific consensus on nuclear energy.” Eric Levitz, New York Magazine At the same time, “the mistake that Democratic candidates have made is thinking that just because they should activate their progressive id on some issues, they should do so on all issues. There are two main examples, both of which have received a lot of airtime during the presidential debates. The first is the idea of decriminalizing border crossings, so that the illegal entry into this country would be only a civil violation… The second example is a proposal to eliminate private health insurance and require people to have Medicare… “Several candidates… seem to be advocating an agenda that liberals think black, Latino and Asian-American voters support, rather than the agenda that most actually support. More than 60 percent of voters of color, after all, say that border decriminalization is a bad idea… In many fields — politics, business, the military, sports — successful leaders ask themselves what their opponent wants them to do, and then do the opposite. If Democrats at this week’s debate keep talking about border decriminalization and mandatory Medicare, I know that many well-meaning liberals will be happy. But I can think of someone else who will also be happy: Donald Trump.” David Leonhardt, New York Times From the Right The right is critical of the candidates’ increasingly liberal policy positions. “In every presidential election Democrats won [since 1988], they carried moderates by more than a dozen percentage points. In the elections they lost—in 1988, 2000, 2004 and 2016—they failed to carry moderates by such a margin. That represents a cautionary note as the Democrats’ liberal wing tugs at the large field of candidates angling to defeat President Trump in 2020. As a group, they are taking positions that would have been considered out of the mainstream just a few years ago, urged on by the party’s energized progressive wing… many Democrats think the 2020 election will be won simply by mobilizing the party’s progressive base. History, though, suggests that is a risky proposition.” Gerald F. Seib, Wall Street Journal Regarding support for a carbon tax, “All of these candidates are breaking with past Democrats. Neither President Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton endorsed a carbon tax. A memo for the Clinton campaign estimated that a carbon tax of $42 per ton on greenhouse-gas emissions would raise annual energy costs by $478 for the average household, and by $268 for the poorest fifth of households… [in a November 2018 poll] nearly half of respondents said that recent extreme weather events had influenced their thinking on the issue. But 68 percent opposed paying even $10 extra in their monthly utility bills to address the issue… “Washington State’s relatively liberal electorate has rejected carbon taxes twice in recent years. In 2016, a carbon tax was paired with a sales-tax cut and drew the opposition of 59% of voters. In 2018, on a generally good day for liberal causes, 56% opposed a carbon tax with no rebate… Resistance to the costs of taxes and regulations is likely to be a bigger obstacle to climate plans, in the end, than disbelief in global warming.” Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg “In the first two decades of this century, the United States substantially reduced its greenhouse-gas emissions, more so than in many Western European countries pursuing active national programs of carbon-dioxide reduction. This happened because the abundant production of natural gas drove down prices and made it attractive to substitute that relatively clean-burning fuel for such relatively high-emissions sources as coal and heating oil for purposes such as generating electricity and heating buildings… “Democrats offer a pie-in-the-sky ‘Green New Deal’ through which greenhouse-gas emissions might be radically reduced at no real cost to anybody and no meaningful economic disturbance… at some point in the future… by giving today’s Democrats a great deal of money and power and by implementing a bunch of things that look for all the world like the longstanding Democratic policy wish-list, many of them only remotely connected to energy or climate change… A more responsible ‘green’ agenda would consist of helping to enable gas production [including fracking] with a minimum of environmental trouble by regulating and managing the real and undeniable environmental challenges involved in energy production in an intelligent and productive way.” The Editors, National Review “Bureaucracy is ruinously expensive. Twenty-one states now have more noninstructional personnel than teachers in their school systems. Thirty percent of the healthcare dollar is consumed by administration… Democratic candidates avoid criticizing how government works, and hope to attract voters by promising the moon: more healthcare, free tuition, new regulations, and more rights for everybody. Newcomer Andrew Yang, though best known for promising a monthly payout to every American, stands alone in presenting concrete ideas for overhauling broken government… “Democrats pose as ‘change agents’ by attacking big business and proposing to eliminate money in politics. But where is their vision for how government will work better once virtuous people are in charge? By ignoring voter anger at overbearing government, Democrats unwittingly present themselves as the party for the Washington status quo.” Philip K. Howard, Washington Examiner “A lot of party loyalists cringe when they see primary opponents attacking each others’ records. They lament that it’s ‘negative campaigning.’ If you are a challenger, it is almost impossible to gain traction against the frontrunner without criticizing the frontrunner’s record. If Democrats don’t have any ‘negative campaigning’ from here on out, the party will nominate Biden… Four years ago, another unpredictable, gaffe-prone septuagenarian — who also kept getting accused of touching women inappropriately — ran for president, and most of his rivals waited for somebody else to throw the knockout punch. Ask the 2016 Republican contenders how well the plan of waiting worked out for them.” Jim Geraghty, National Review On the bright side… Photographer captures moment ‘curious’ squirrel stops to smell a flower. 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The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for September 10,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. Colonialist Bernie Wants White Tax Dollars to Help Exterminate Foreign Babies An old white guy recommends taking American tax dollars to go to primarily black countries and finance the extermination of their future generations. Colonialist? Imperialist? Racist? It would sure seem that way. And in a media culture that currently prides itself on its wokeness, the poor sap who suggested something so ignorant and so offensive […] The post Colonialist Bernie Wants White Tax Dollars to Help Exterminate Foreign Babies appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » When Words Are Hurtful I’ll never forget something that happened one day in high school. In one of my classes was a popular, likable athlete – the very picture of calm and collected – who always wore a smile and rarely said very much. He was friendly to everyone, and ever respectful. Let’s call him Ted. One day, Ted strolled into […] The post When Words Are Hurtful appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Stacey Abrams Published Her Playbook. D.C. Democrats are Watching Georgia Closely Don’t underestimate Abrams or the Democrats. They have money, and they’re going to spend it. In Georgia, they have a game plan, and the rest of the Democrats are watching very closely. The post Stacey Abrams Published Her Playbook. D.C. Democrats are Watching Georgia Closely appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Some Good News From the Border Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan gave a briefing today about apprehensions at the southern border for August. It clearly demonstrates things are moving in the right direction. There has been a 22% decline in apprehensions since July and a 56% decline from the high of 144,255 seen in May. In […] The post Some Good News From the Border appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Engaging in Cannibalism Won’t Help the Environment Swedish behavioral scientist Magnus Söderlund recently suggested taking up cannibalism can better the planet and curb climate change. Yes, you read that right. And it’s not a laughing matter. These people are dead serious. More from NY Post: Stockholm School of Economics professor and researcher Magnus Soderlund reportedly said he believes eating human meat, derived […] The post Engaging in Cannibalism Won’t Help the Environment appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Bernie Is The Perfect Jew for Jew-Hater Linda Sarsour Sarsour is as bad or worse than the crop of anti-Semites that inhabit the Democratic Party. She’s found the perfect Jew in Bernie. A pox on both of them. The post Bernie Is The Perfect Jew for Jew-Hater Linda Sarsour appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Congressional Republicans Won’t Debate Gun Control Bills Without President Trump’s Approval Congress is set to potentially debate firearms starting this week. It comes in wake of the El Paso, Dayton, and Odessa mass shootings that happened during August recess. Democrats are keen on passing bills containing universal background checks, red flag laws, and so-called “assault weapons” bans. Their Republican colleagues have said none of these proposals […] The post Congressional Republicans Won’t Debate Gun Control Bills Without President Trump’s Approval appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Mayor Pete: If You Eat Hamburgers Or Use Straws, You Are “Part Of The Problem” The post Mayor Pete: If You Eat Hamburgers Or Use Straws, You Are “Part Of The Problem” appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » CNN’s: Labor Force Participation Rate In Jobs Report An “Important Sign Of Success” The post CNN’s: Labor Force Participation Rate In Jobs Report An “Important Sign Of Success” appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Three States’ GOPs Are Cancelling 2020 Primaries Most of the time, when an incumbent president is running for a second term, he’s a lock on his party’s nomination. It stands to reason that Donald Trump would be in this same boat for next year’s election. That hasn’t stopped some Republicans from mounting challenges to the president. However, the GOP in three states […] The post Three States’ GOPs Are Cancelling 2020 Primaries appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
Sign up for this newsletter Read online The morning’s most important stories, curated by Post editors. (AP) Trump pronounces Taliban agreement ‘dead’ and peace talks over Dissension within the administration over the issue is “really heating up,” according to a senior administration official. By Karen DeYoung, Josh Dawsey and Missy Ryan ● Read more » U.K. Parliament again rejects Boris Johnson’s call for an early election Parliament is scheduled to be suspended until mid-October. The prime minister’s opponents are concerned he will somehow defy a new law that seeks to avert a no-deal Brexit on Oct. 31. By Griff Witte, Karla Adam and Amanda Ferguson ● Read more » U.S. got key CIA asset out of Russia amid fears he’d be caught spying The asset had provided information about the Kremlin’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, according to current and former officials. By Shane Harris and Ellen Nakashima ● Read more » For the first time ever, most new working-age hires in the U.S. are people of color Minority women are surging into the U.S. workforce, according to an analysis by The Post of Labor Department data. That has pushed the workforce across a historic threshold, but it comes as the economy starts to weaken, threatening the gains. SPECIAL REPORT ● By Heather Long and Andrew Van Dam ● Read more » Crews in the Bahamas keep finding bodies. The official Hurricane Dorian death toll is rising more slowly. The Bahamian government’s official toll stands at 50 people. But much larger numbers have been circulating. By Kevin Sieff and Rachelle Krygier ● Read more » Opinions Trump has a chance to reset the table in Afghanistan By David Ignatius ● Read more » With the Taliban invite to Camp David, Trump continues his desecration of norms By Karen Tumulty ● Read more » No, Sens. McConnell and Blunt. You’re the ones who need to step up. By Editorial Board ● Read more » Help those suffering in the Bahamas. Make sure they have a viable future, too. By Eugene Robinson ● Read more » Trump’s Taliban plans leave us wondering: What else is unbeknownst? By Dana Milbank ● Read more » We worked for the NOAA. Political appointees can’t overrule scientists. By Jane Lubchenco, D. James Baker and Kathryn D. Sullivan ● Read more » More News Trump, Pence rally support for Republican candidate in North Carolina special election The White House’s heavy involvement in the race stood in contrast to Trump’s remarks earlier Monday, when he denied that the contest had any national importance. By Josh Dawsey, Felicia Sonmez and Laura Hughes ● Read more » Judge reimposes nationwide injunction against Trump’s asylum rules The administration has asked the Supreme Court to let restrictions take effect while the legal battle continues. By Robert Barnes ● Read more » Todd Palin appears to have filed for divorce from Sarah Palin The news arrives a decade after rumors of marital trouble between the Palins first spread, with a representative referring to the reports as “all lies and fabrications.” By Bethonie Butler and Sonia Rao ● Read more » Wall Street’s ‘Charging Bull’ sculpture has been defaced again, this time by a metal banjo “I did it,” 42-year-old Tevon Varlack reportedly said to officials. “The banjo and speaker are mine.” By Rebecca Tan ● Read more » We think you’ll like this newsletter Check out By The Way for tips and guides that will help you travel better and make you feel like a local wherever you go. Delivered every Thursday. Sign up » |
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POLITICO Playbook: What tonight could tell us about 2020
09/10/2019 05:48 AM EDT

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW … TONIGHT, Republican Dan Bishop and Democrat Dan McCready will finally face off in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District. Nearly $20 million has been spent on this race — McCready has spent $4.7 million, Bishop has spent $1.7 million, and the NRCC and CLF have spent a combined $5.4 million. All the groups involved in this race say the same thing: Internal polling has the two candidates within a few points of each other — all within the margin of error.
AS YOU KNOW BY NOW, this district went for President DONALD TRUMP by a dozen points. Democrats don’t have much business holding this seat.
— From Old North State Politics: “The last time a Democrat held the seat was up to 1962, when Hugh Quincy Alexander lost his re-election bid to Republican Jim Broyhill in that year’s mid-term; Republicans have held the different configurations of this district since 1963.” Old North State Politics’ post
WHATEVER HAPPENS TONIGHT, whoever wins this race,there’s going to be a LOT of spin. So we wanted to decode what you’ll hear tomorrow, today:
— IF BISHOP WINS: Republicans are going to gloat that they were able to beat a candidate — McCready, the Democrat — who was running for Congress for more than two years and who spent $4 million. They can say that Trump districts aren’t, in fact, crumbling, like Democrats say they are. Of course, this is true, but not the whole story. The Republican congressional coalition was once built off seats like this — suburbs and exurbs — and if Democrats keep it close, it could highlight some of the GOP’s enduring problem in traditional strongholds. THE GOOD FOR THE GOP: If Bishop wins, it would show that the NRCC and CLF — who were almost sworn enemies last cycle — have learned to take cues from one another and win races. (McCready was once beating Bishop by a sizable margin.)
— IF MCCREADY WINS: If Democrats win a seat that TRUMP won by a dozen points just three years ago, Republicans could be in trouble, and no amount of spin will be able to cover that up. This isn’t a modestly red seat; it’s a solidly red seat. Combine an embarrassing loss with countless Republicans jumping ship for retirement, and that’s a troubling picture for the House GOP in 2020. Republicans are already complaining about Bishop — they say he was a bad candidate with the baggage of the notorious bathroom bill in the North Carolina legislature.
OF COURSE, this is one race in one district in America. (Remember: Republicans lost a whole ton of specials in 2009, and then won the majority.) But narratives matter in politics — and one race can be indicative of future trends.
TRUMP’S CLOSING LINE, delivered in Fayetteville, N.C.: “Tomorrow is your chance to send a clear message to the America-hating left.” More from Steve Shepard and Anita Kumar
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — PAUL RYAN is joining the American Enterprise Institute as a “distinguished visiting fellow in the practice of public policy.” He is a member of the board of the Fox Corporation and recently moved to Washington.
NEW … FROM HEATHER CAYGLE and JAKE … THE DCCC appears to have narrowed its search for an executive director to two candidates — Lucinda Guinn and Brandon Davis — and expects to come to a decision later this week. Guinn is a VP at EMILY’s List, and Davis was chief of staff at the DNC in 2016. The House Democrats’ campaign committee interviewed 13 people for the position for the open ED job — more than half of whom were people of color.
HAPPENING TODAY … DAYTON MAYOR NAN WHALEY will speak at today’s closed-door Senate Democratic Caucus lunch about pressing Senate Majority Leader MITCH MCCONNELL and TRUMP to take up a House-passed background check bill.
Good Tuesday morning.
SOMETHING TO KEEP IN MIND: The House has 40 DAYS in session between now and the end of the year. Keep that in mind when people talk about all the things Congress might or might not do — including impeachment — between now and 2020.
A message from Business Roundtable:
As leaders of America’s largest companies, Business Roundtable CEOs urge Congress to focus on key priorities like data privacy this fall. Business Roundtable CEOs across industries sent a letter to Congress today calling on policymakers to lead on nationwide data privacy policy. .
FOR DEMOCRATS’ INVESTIGATIVE FILES … NYT: “Trump Had Deal With Scotland Airport That Sent Flight Crews to His Resort,” by Eric Lipton: “Back in 2014, soon after acquiring a golf resort in Scotland, Donald J. Trump entered a partnership with a struggling local airport there to increase air traffic and boost tourism in the region.
“The next year, as Mr. Trump began running for president, the Pentagon decided to ramp up its use of that same airport to refuel Air Force flights and gave the local airport authority the job of helping to find accommodations for flight crews who had to remain overnight.
“Those two separate arrangements have now intersected in ways that provide the latest evidence of how Mr. Trump’s continued ownership of his business produces regular ethical questions. …
“[D]ocuments obtained from Scottish government agencies show that the Trump Organization, and Mr. Trump himself, played a direct role in setting up an arrangement between the Turnberry resort and officials at Glasgow Prestwick Airport. The government records, released through Scottish Freedom of Information law, show that the Trump organization, starting in 2014, entered a partnership with the airport to try to increase private and commercial air traffic to the region.
“As part of that arrangement, the Trump Organization worked to get Trump Turnberry added to a list of hotels that the airport would routinely send aircrews to, even though the Turnberry resort is 20 miles from the airport, farther away than many other hotels, and has higher advertised prices.” NYT
— “Air Force crews have lodged at Trump’s Scottish resort at least 4 times,” by Natasha Bertrand and Connor O’Brien
— FLASHBACK … FEB. 21, 2016 … THE SCOTSMAN’S MARTYN MCLAUGHLIN: “SNP accused of hypocrisy over Prestwick links with Donald Trump”
— NYT: “Commerce Chief Threatened Firings at NOAA After Trump’s Dorian Tweets, Sources Say,” by Christopher Flavelle, Lisa Friedman and Peter Baker: “The Secretary of Commerce threatened to fire top employees at the federal scientific agency responsible for weather forecasts last Friday after the agency’s Birmingham officecontradicted President Trump’s claim that Hurricane Dorian might hit Alabama, according to three people familiar with the discussion.” NYT
— HAPPENING TODAY: NOAA chief Neil Jacobs is due to speak at the National Weather Service’s annual meeting in Huntsville, Ala., which as we all know was devastated by a hurricane last week.
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GOING SWIMMINGLY … AP/SEOUL: “North Korea fires 2 projectiles after offering talks with U.S.”: “The launches and demand for new proposals were apparently aimed at pressuring the United States to make concessions when the North Korea-U.S. talks restart. North Korea is widely believed to want the United States to provide security guarantees and extensive relief from U.S.-led sanctions in return for limited denuclearization steps.” AP
MORE ON OUR FORMER MAN IN MOSCOW … NYT: “C.I.A. Informant Extracted From Russia Had Sent Secrets to U.S. for Decades,” by Julian Barnes, Adam Goldman and David Sanger: “Decades ago, the C.I.A. recruited and carefully cultivated a midlevel Russian official who began rapidly advancing through the governmental ranks. Eventually, American spies struck gold: The longtime source landed an influential position that came with access to the highest level of the Kremlin.
“As American officials began to realize that Russia was trying to sabotage the 2016 presidential election, the informant became one of the C.I.A.’s most important — and highly protected — assets. But when intelligence officials revealed the severity of Russia’s election interference with unusual detail later that year, the news media picked up on details about the C.I.A.’s Kremlin sources.
“C.I.A. officials worried about safety made the arduous decision in late 2016 to offer to extract the source from Russia. The situation grew more tense when the informant at first refused, citing family concerns — prompting consternation at C.I.A. headquarters and sowing doubts among some American counterintelligence officials about the informant’s trustworthiness. But the C.I.A. pressed again months later after more media inquiries. This time, the informant agreed.” NYT
UHH, NBC? … KEN DILANIAN: “A former senior Russian official is living in the Washington area under U.S. government protection, current and former government officials tell NBC News. NBC News is withholding the man’s name and other key details at the request of U.S. officials, who say reporting the information could endanger his life.
“Yet the former Russian government official, who had a job with access to secrets, was living openly under his true name. An NBC News correspondent went to the man’s house in the Washington area and rang the doorbell. Five minutes later, two young men in an SUV came racing up the street and parked immediately adjacent to the correspondent’s car.” NBC
A message from Business Roundtable:
That’s why Business Roundtable CEOs across industries are calling on Congress to .
THE PRESIDENT’S TUESDAY … THE PRESIDENT will have lunch with VP Mike Pence at 12:30 p.m. At 1:50 p.m., Trump will leave the White House for the Renaissance near the convention center. At 2:15 p.m., he is scheduled to address the 2019 National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week Conference. At 3:05 p.m., he’ll head back to the White House, and at 4 p.m., he will meet with Hill Republican leaders. At 5:30 p.m., the president will host a swearing-in ceremony for Kelly Craft, his U.N. ambassador.
PREVIEW OF THE PRESIDENT’S MEETING WITH GOP LEADERS … BURGESS EVERETT and MARIANNE LEVINE: “Senate Republican leaders discussed gun legislation in an hourlong party meeting on Monday evening, including expanding background checks, according to an attendee. But no one is making a move without President Donald Trump, who senators expect will be presented options on gun legislation by White House officials later this week.
“Trump himself has been nearly impossible to pin down on the issue. Top GOP leaders in the House and Senate — including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Whip John Thune, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Minority Whip Steve Scalise — will meet with Trump on Tuesday to discuss the fall agenda, according to three sources familiar with the meeting. That gives Republicans the opportunity to hear the latest from the president himself.
“Trump has sounded at times optimistic or noncommittal about new gun legislation. With memories of last year’s government shutdown fresh in their minds after Trump rejected their spending bill, Senate Republicans have no interest in getting ahead of Trump on such a charged cultural issue.
“‘We are very interested in knowing what his plan and proposal is and what he’d be willing to sign,’ Thune said, after the party leadership met on Monday. ‘All of our members, if this meeting [Monday] was any indication, believe that the president needs to indicate what it is he will be for.’” POLITICO

WHAT THE WEST WING WILL BE READING … WAPO: “For the first time ever, most new working-age hires in the U.S. are people of color,” by Heather Long and Andrew Van Dam: “The surge of minority women getting jobs has helped push the U.S. workforce across a historic threshold. For the first time, most new hires of prime working age (25 to 54) are people of color, according to a Washington Post analysis of data the Labor Department began collecting in the 1970s. Minority hires overtook white hires last year.
“Women are predominantly driving this trend, which is so powerful that even many women who weren’t thinking about working — because they were in school, caring for kids or at home for other reasons — are being lured into employment, according to The Post’s analysis.
“Minority women began to pour into the labor market in 2015, and they have begun to reshape the demographics of the U.S. workforce, especially because many white baby boomers have been retiring. There are 5.2 million more people in the United States with jobs than at the end of 2016, and 4.5 million of them are minorities, according to The Post’s analysis of Labor Department data.” WaPo
NYT’S SHERYL STOLBERG in Laredo, Texas: “In Texas, a Lone House Democrat Has an ‘A’ Rating From the N.R.A. Can He Survive?”: “In this gun-friendly border city, where Tuesdays are “ladies’ nights” at the shooting range and pistols in hip holsters are a common sight, Representative Henry Cuellar is a proud defender of the Second Amendment, the lone House Democrat from Texas with an ‘A’ rating from the National Rifle Association.
“‘This is not New York, this is Texas,’ Mr. Cuellar said in an interview. ‘So you talk about guns, you talk about God, you talk about trucks.’ … Mr. Cuellar is emblematic of the shift. He voted this year for a House bill expanding background checks for gun buyers, which will almost certainly cost him his N.R.A. ‘A’ rating and the campaign contributions and endorsement that went along with it. …
“Now, he is facing a new reality: a primary challenge from the left. His opponent, Jessica Cisneros, 26, an immigration rights lawyer who once worked as Mr. Cuellar’s intern, is backed by the Justice Democrats, the group that helped elect Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the liberal firebrand from New York. Ms. Cisneros has demanded that Mr. Cuellar give back his N.R.A. contributions, including $6,950 he received for his 2018 race.” NYT
AJC: “Ossoff to run for U.S. Senate in Georgia,” by Greg Bluestein: “The Democrat told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution he would ‘raise a grassroots army unlike any this state has ever seen’ by expanding the network of supporters who helped him raise roughly $30 million in a 2017 special election he narrowly lost. …
“The 32-year-old announced his Senate run in tandem with the highest-profile endorsement yet in the contest: U.S. Rep. John Lewis, the Atlanta Democrat and civil rights icon who said Ossoff ‘sparked a flame that is burning brighter than ever.’” AJC
A message from Business Roundtable:
Business Roundtable CEOs are calling on Congress to .
TEXAS TRIBUNE: “Texas Sen. Pat Fallon exploring primary challenge to Republican U.S. Sen. John Cornyn,” by Patrick Svitek: “State Sen. Pat Fallon, R-Prosper, announced Monday evening he is exploring a primary challenge to U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, potentially giving the state’s senior senator his most prominent intraparty opponent yet.
“Fallon, a former state representative elected to the Texas Senate last year, told a Tea Party group here that he was forming an exploratory committee and moving on a quick timeline, hoping to have a conversation with GOP voters over the next few days. Fallon said that for six months, he had been hoping that a ‘viable conservative choice’ would step up to take on Cornyn, but that person never emerged.” Texas Tribune
BORIS TAKES ANOTHER L … CHARLIE COOPER in London:“Opposition MPs once again thwarted Boris Johnson’s attempts to force an early general election before Brexit, voting down his plans for the second time in the space of a week. A government motion calling for a ballot, which would have taken place in mid-October, was defeated because it fell short of the two-thirds majority required to call an early election: 293 voted in favor and 46 against.” POLITICO Europe … London Playbook
IMMIGRATION FILES — “Judge Blocks Trump Restrictions on Asylum Claims Nationwide,” by WSJ’s Brent Kendall: “A Trump administration initiative to curb asylum claims by Central Americans seeking entry into the U.S. was thwarted by a California federal judge, who restored a nationwide injunction that blocks the restrictions from being enforced.
“U.S. District Judge Jon S. Tigar in Oakland said in a 14-page order that blocking the rules across the U.S. was the only practical way to proceed while the asylum restrictions are challenged in court. The judge previously ruled that the restrictions were likely unlawful.” WSJ
MEDIAWATCH … AP: “One America News sues Rachel Maddow for $10 million”: “A conservative television network sued Rachel Maddow for more than $10 million on Monday for calling it ‘paid Russian propaganda.’… The small, family-owned network based in San Diego is challenging Fox News for conservative cable and satellite TV viewers and has received favorable tweets from President Donald Trump.
“The lawsuit contends that Maddow’s comment on her July 22 MSNBC show were retaliation after OAN President Charles Herring accused cable television giant Comcast of censorship. The suit contends that Comcast refused to carry the channel because it ‘counters the liberal politics of Comcast’s own news channel, MSNBC.’” AP
— Chloe Arensberg will be deputy Washington bureau chief at NBC News. She previously was a longtime CBS producer in various roles, most recently as a senior producer for “CBS This Morning.”
— Tony Maciulis is now head of video at GZERO Media and executive producer of “GZERO World with Ian Bremmer.” He previously was head of video at Yahoo News and producer of “CBS Evening News.”
— The NYT announced some Washington staff moves: Julie Hirschfeld Davis will be congressional editor, Thom Shanker will edit foreign policy coverage and Justine Makieli will be day editor. Announcement
Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Chelsea Mattingly of Twilioand CNN’s Phil Mattingly welcomed Brooke Marie Mattingly on Sunday at 10:38 a.m. From Phil: “She’s doing great and, at least based on her cries upon arrival, is already feisty enough to put her two older brothers in their respective places.”
— Shira Center, metro politics editor for the Boston Globe and a Roll Call alum, and Eli Center, associate director of annual leadership giving at MIT, welcomed Lillian Ruth Center on Sept. 2 at 9:12 p.m. She came in at 7 lbs, 14 oz. Pic … Another pic
MARK YOUR CALENDARS — This year’s Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association dinner will be at the Anthem on Oct. 24.
SPOTTED: Rudy Giuliani at lunch at the Trump hotel in D.C. on Monday.
SPOTTED at a party Monday night for Jim Mattis’ book “Call Sign Chaos” ($17.23 on Amazon), hosted by Michael Bloomberg in New York: Martha Stewart, Ray Kelly, Vernon Jordan, Stephanie Ruhle, Richard Haas, Tom Brokaw, Jeh Johnson, Tammy Haddad, Jim Cramer and Fran Townsend.
SPOTTED at a reception with United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz and the airline’s board of directors, on the rooftop of 815 Connecticut Ave. NW: John Boehner, Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), Terry McAuliffe, Jay Carney, Steve Clemons, Carrie Budoff Brown, Walter Isaacson, Neal Wolin, Josh Earnest, Peter Alexander, Dana Bash, Jeff Zients, Josh Bolton, Nick Calio, Bill Shuster, Jeff Knittel, Chaitan Jain, Terri Fariello, Jason Grumet, Paul Smith, Patrick Steel, Aretae Wyler and Michael Finnegan.
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Brendon Plack will be SVP of public policy and government affairs at the NFL. He most recently was COS to Senate Majority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.).
— Camille Rivera is joining New Deal Strategies as a partner. She most recently was national political director of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union and is an SEIU alum.
TRANSITIONS — Lizzie Grams will be press secretary in Alabama for Sen. Doug Jones’ (D-Ala.) reelection campaign. Shepreviously was an account executive at BerlinRosen. … Zack Harmon is rejoining King & Spalding as a partner. He previously was chief of staff to FBI Director Christopher Wray. … Patrick Dolan is now deputy director of strategic partnerships at Emerson Collective’s Immigration Hub. He previously was associate director for state and local government affairs at CAP.
— Strategic comms firm Abernathy MacGregor is launching a Washington office, led by new managing directors Sarah Knakmuhs, Mike Hotra and Liz Sidoti. Knakmuhs was most recently at Altria Group, Hotra at PhRMA and Sidoti at BP.
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Sara Bonjean, president of Rose Strategies. How she got her start in politics: “I started by helping my father, Big T, put up yard signs in his successful bid for the Wyoming state House, followed by introducing Sen. Craig Thomas as he made his state-wide announcement for reelection. Then I did what any number of geniuses in Washington do — I answered phones!” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Neera Tanden, president of CAP … Renee Hudson … Jess McIntosh (hat tip: Jon Haber) … Josh Nass … Andrew Shapiro of Beacon Global Strategies … Hunter Walker, White House correspondent at Yahoo News, is 35 … NYT’s Mara Gay and Bill Hamilton … Emily Berret, director of operations for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is 3-0 (h/t Colin Seeberger) … James Killen … Dan Centinello … USA Today SCOTUS reporter Richard Wolf … POLITICO’s Nahal “Halley” Toosi … former Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) is 65 … former Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) is 71 … former Sen. John E. Sununu (R-N.H.) is 55 … Michael Moroney, SVP at FleishmanHillard … Trey Yingst, Fox News foreign correspondent in Jerusalem … 1776 co-founder Donna Harris … Bill O’Reilly is 70 …
… Corinne Hoare, professor at AU’s School of Communication (h/t Nicole Romano) … Soraya Darabi… Deirdre Hackleman … Brian Farnkoff … Charlie Szold is 3-0 … CNN’s Steve Brusk … Molly Bordonaro … Squarespace’s Amanda Cowie is 35 … Alyssa Bernstein … Paulina Mangubat … Jocelyn Miller Zeitzoff of The Atlantic … Gary Polland … Meshal DeSantis … Goldman Sachs’ Jack Rivers is 3-0 … Lauren DeFranco … Rey Ramsey … Mahen Gunaratna, communications director for New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy … Heather Barber … Andy Levin … Jane Gross … Kimberly Marie Abbott … Derrek Hofrichter … Christina Estrada Teczar … CNBC’s Hadley Gamble … Barbara Lippert … Oliver Kim … Justin Wiley … Tia Torhorst … Reynolds Honold … Justin Cooper (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Christopher Stio
A message from Business Roundtable:
American consumers, their devices and data constantly travel across state lines. Without a national privacy law, consumers will have inconsistent privacy protections from state to state.
Consumers deserve consistent privacy protections nationwide, no matter where they are or what
they’re doing – from banking, shopping online, reading the news or communicating with friends. The
security of their personal data shouldn’t depend on where they live, work or travel.
That’s why Business Roundtable CEOs, who operate in virtually every corner of the U.S. economy
and whose companies touch virtually every American consumer, sent a letter to Congress today
calling on policymakers to lead on nationwide data privacy policy.
Learn more at .
- Anna Palmer @apalmerdc
- Jake Sherman @JakeSherman

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© Getty Images Welcome to The Hill’s Morning Report. Happy Tuesday! Our newsletter gets you up to speed on the most important developments in politics and policy, plus trends to watch. Al Weaver is holding down the fort while Alexis Simendinger is on vacation (but let your heart not be troubled, she’ll be back soon). Find us @asimendinger and @alweaver22 on Twitter and CLICK HERE to subscribe! |
President Trump made a campaign appearance in North Carolina on Monday night as Republicans make a last-ditch effort to win a special election in the state’s 9th Congressional District, a race that could be a sign of things to come on both the presidential and congressional scene in 2020. Trump campaigned in support of Republican Dan Bishop, who looks to fend off Democrat Dan McCready in a district that leans Republican, but where Democrats have been competitive as they continue a surge of energy against the president that was exhibited in November. McCready infamously lost in November to Republican Mark Harris, but Harris was never certified the winner after an illegal ballot-harvesting effort cost Republicans the seat, setting up the special election. However, Trump expressed optimism that Bishop will win the contest, calling it the first step to taking back the House majority “Tomorrow, right here in North Carolina, we take the first steps to firing Nancy Pelosi and taking back the House,” said Trump, who called Bishop up earlier in the rally to address the crowd. The contest is viewed as a toss-up despite the district in 2016 going heavily for Trump, who pulled 54 percent support over 42 percent for Hillary Clinton. According to one GOP strategist who’s been closely following the race, optimism is not high that Bishop will pull out a win Tuesday night, noting that Bishop — best known for authoring the North Carolina “bathroom bill” — has not spent a ton on his own, although Republican outside groups have come in heavily on behalf of the GOP candidate. According to The Charlotte Observer, GOP groups have dropped nearly $7 million in the district, with Democratic groups spending nearly $4 million on behalf of McCready as of Friday. “It’s not looking good,” the GOP strategist said, predicting that Bishop will lose somewhere inside the margin of error. If Bishop wins, Republicans believe it’s largely going to be because Trump will have dragged him across the finish line after rallying support in Fayetteville, N.C., on Monday night. According to a recent Inside Elections poll, Trump’s approval rating in the district sits at 47 percent, down from 52 percent at the end of 2018, according to a different poll. “The presidential push will give Dan Bishop a lead when all votes are counted. The picture two weeks ago was very bleak,” said one North Carolina GOP operative. A win for Democrats would be a major boon to the party, both on the 2020 presidential scene and in the party’s push to keep hold of the House majority. As one Democratic operative noted, among the 31 House Democrats who sit in districts won by Trump in 2016, there are only two where Trump won by a greater margin: Minnesota’s 7th Congressional District, which Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) represents, and New York’s 22nd Congressional District, where Rep. Anthony Brindisi (D-N.Y.) won in 2018. Trump won the districts by 30 and 15 points, respectively. Democrats also believe that a tight race, let alone a McCready win, could bring with it a new round of retirements by House Republicans. Fifteen Republicans have announced that they will either retire, resign or run for a different office, with more likely to come in the coming weeks and months. “Putting a pin where the battlefield is for the 2020 cycle,” said the Democratic strategist when asked what’s at stake on Tuesday. “GOP leadership cannot get them to keep them in their seats. A tight race in North Carolina accelerates the rate of GOP retirements.” “If we are playing in this part of the battlefield, Democrats are fully on offense,” the strategist continued. The Hill: Influential tribe set to play key role in N.C. election. The Associated Press: At rally, Trump paints bleak picture of Democratic control. The New York Times: Moderate Democrats fared best in 2018. One gets another chance today. |
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CONGRESS: Congress made its long-awaited return to Washington on Monday, with open questions surrounding what could be done to reduce gun violence in the wake of three mass shootings since the beginning of August. More than any, the answer to one question remains elusive as the conversation heats up on the topic: What will the president support? As Jordain Carney writes, just over a week after the shooting in West Texas and over a month since those in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, the president is facing a make-or-break moment on gun reforms. Lawmakers, who say they are still in the dark about what the president would sign, are calling on him to provide “guidelines” for potential legislation. On Sunday, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) did just that, saying the president needs to “step up” and create guidelines for lawmakers to follow. “The president needs to step up here and set some guidelines for what he would do,” Blunt told “Meet The Press.” “I’m afraid what’s going to happen here is what always happens, is we take this silly ‘if we don’t get everything, we won’t do anything.’” Since the shootings in early August, Trump has consistently sent mixed signals about what he could back, having said on a number of occasions — including in discussions with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) — that he wants to look at expanded background checks but then backing off and arguing that mental illness is the main issue to tackle. Murphy said in a statement on Monday that while he continues to negotiate, “time is running short” to strike a deal on background checks, adding that it’s more likely that nothing will get done on the issue the way things are moving at this point. “I think time is running short to find a compromise on background checks. I’m still negotiating in good faith to find a bipartisan proposal that will expand checks to cover more commercial sales and save lives, and I continue to take the president at his word that he wants the same thing,” Murphy said. “But as each day goes by, it seems more likely that we’re going to find ourselves back in a familiar place where 90 percent of the Americans who want more background checks are going to be disappointed once again.” Nevertheless, supporters need him on their side to strike a deal. Senate Republicans, under pressure to act on some gun control measures, say they don’t want to move forward without political cover from Trump, as they want to keep support from their base strong ahead of the 2020 election, as Alexander Bolton reports. Trump’s lack of clarity has made life difficult for vulnerable Republicans, giving mixed signals as to where he might go on the issue and leaving them stalling for time as they try to figure out where the president will ultimately end up. > Impeachment: House Judiciary Committee Democrats have expanded their already sprawling investigation into Russian interference to include new areas of inquiry, as the panel weighs whether to introduce articles of impeachment against the president. In addition to Democrats examining possible episodes of obstruction as laid out in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) has announced in recent days that the panel will also examine payments made to two women claiming they had affairs with Trump, reports the president dangled pardons to border officials, and whether the president has profited from government trips in which administration and Air Force officials used taxpayer dollars to stay at his family-owned properties. Additionally, the panel is also preparing to have its first recorded vote this week on a resolution that would formalize procedures for the panel amid its growing impeachment investigation. Both the expansion and efforts to lay out its investigative powers come as the panel lacks public support for impeachment (The Hill). Politico: House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) lashes Michael Flynn for refusing to cooperate. The Washington Post: Democrats investigate whether Trump, Giuliani pressured Ukraine to aid 2020 reelection bid. The Hill: Ten notable Democrats who do not favor impeachment ***** POLITICS & CAMPAIGNS: The president’s reelection campaign is moving to block three Republicans challenging him in next year’s primary election, cognizant of the potential threat those challengers represent to Trump’s hold on his vaunted Republican base. Trump’s campaign has worked for months to limit a challenger’s ability to test the president’s hold on his Republican base, as Reid Wilson reports. His team has moved to install pro-Trump party officials in key states, ousting incumbents to do so if necessary. Most recently, several states voted over the weekend to end primaries or caucuses that would have given those challengers an opportunity to attract votes and attention. South Carolina party officials went so far as to do so in apparent violation of their own rules. The Hill: Trump says he won’t debate primary opponents. The Atlanta Journal Constitution: Jon Ossoff to run for Senate in Georgia. The Wall Street Journal: Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) weighs future in Trump’s GOP. > Criminal Justice: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) released a new criminal justice plan on Monday that would end mandatory minimum sentencing, the death penalty and cash bail in an effort to create a system focused on fairness and building safe communities. Harris says her plan to end mass incarceration is part of a shift to a “crime reduction” policy. Ending mandatory minimum sentences would be effective at the federal level, with her pushing for states to follow suit. Her plan would also legalize marijuana, expunge records containing marijuana convictions, and nix federal bans that prevent previously incarcerated individuals from accessing public assistance programs. “My entire career has been spent making needed reforms and fighting for those who too often are voiceless — from young people arrested for the first time and getting them jobs instead of jail, to grieving Black mothers who wanted justice for their child’s murder as the system ignored their pain,” Harris said in a statement. “This plan uses my experience and unique capability to root out failures within the justice system.” Harris released the plan only days before she is set to take part in the third Democratic debate in Houston and as she tries to claw her way back into the top tier of the primary battle. After a polling surge following the first debate in Miami, Harris has seen her support levels crater to where they were before that debate (The Hill). Politico: “It’s a deceptive lead”: Why former Vice President Joe Biden’s rivals are planning around his big collapse. The Hill: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) endorses Rep. Henry Cuellar’s (D-Texas) primary challenger. |
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Unlocking the potential of rural America Greater adoption of digital tools could add $140 billion to the U.S. economy by 2021. Read more about the impact of technology from Amazon and others companies. |
WHITE HOUSE/ADMINISTRATION: The president said Monday that peace negotiations with the Taliban are “dead” after he cancelled planned meetings at Camp David with Taliban leadership and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani over the weekend. “They are dead. They are dead. As far as I’m concerned, they are dead,” Trump told reporters about the peace talks, noting that the Taliban took responsibility for the attack that killed an American soldier. “You can’t do that. You can’t do that with me. So they are dead as far as I’m concerned,” Trump said. Trump said the administration is “looking at” whether to move forward with reducing troop levels in the region. A possible reduction of forces was one element of the preliminary deal with the Taliban that was not finalized (The Associated Press). “We’d like to get out, but we’ll get out at the right time,” Trump said. The Associated Press: Trump’s Afghanistan decision pushes country toward vote. The New York Times: C.I.A. Informant extracted from Russia had sent secrets to U.S. for decades. > Alabama, cont.: The president’s unending claim that Alabama was in the path of Hurricane Dorian took a new turn Monday when news surfaced that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross threatened to fire top staffers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Friday after the agency’s Birmingham office contradicted the president. According to The New York Times, Ross told Dr. Neil Jacobs, the acting NOAA administrator, “to fix the agency’s perceived contradiction of the president,” adding that political staffers would be fired if the situation was not rectified. The battle over Alabama is one Trump has continued to tweet about as recently as Saturday when he sent out three missives on the subject, including a video taking a shot at CNN. After news of Ross’s intervention was reported, Democrats began calling for the commerce secretary’s resignation. Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) said in a statement that the threat directed at NOAA employees is an “embarrassing new low” for the secretary, adding that he “does not deserve the trust of the American people or a place in the Cabinet.” “He should be dismissed immediately,” Beyer said. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) declined to call for Ross’s ouster, but blasted the commerce secretary for “thuggish behavior” and forcing NOAA staffers to “bow down in obeisance to an anti-science president.” |
© Getty Images > Housing: The president is facing an arduous path to overhaul the federal housing finance system as lawmakers remain sharply divided on how to address the issue. The administration’s first test comes Tuesday, when top officials are slated to appear before the Senate to explain and defend their plan to end the federal government’s control over two pillars of the U.S. housing finance system. Lawmakers have struggled for more than a decade to release the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, better known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, from Washington’s control. While there is wide bipartisan agreement that federal housing policy is in dire need of reform, Congress lacks consensus with the 2020 presidential election approaching and remains unlikely to take action in the near future (The Hill). The Wall Street Journal: Judge blocks Trump restrictions on asylum claims nationwide. |
Why impeachment of William Sulzer is solid precedent for Donald Trump, by Allan Lichtman, opinion contributor, The Hill. Moment of truth for Hong Kong — and for China, by Joseph Bosco, opinion contributor, The Hill. |
Hill.TV’s “Rising” at 9 a.m. ET features Annie Pforzheimer, former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan, to discuss her latest op-ed for The Hill about the path forward in Afghanistan; Gilad Edelman, executive editor of Washington Monthly, to talk about his story about Sen. Josh Hawley’s (R-Mo.) push against big tech; and Mike Lillis, staff writer covering Capitol Hill, to look at Congress’s return to Washington. Find Hill.TV programming at or on YouTube at 10 a.m. The House meets at 10 a.m., and will consider a series of Housing-related bills. The Senate will convene at 10 a.m. and will resume consideration of Kelly Craft’s nomination to serve as United Nations ambassador. A confirmation vote is expected at 11:50 a.m. The president has lunch with Vice President Pence at 12:30 p.m. and will deliver remarks at the 2019 National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week Conference at 2:15 p.m. He will meet with GOP Congressional leaders at 4 p.m. in the Oval Office, and will participate in a ceremonial swearing in for Craft as U.N. ambassador at 5:30 p.m. The Hill hosts the next installment in the Leadership in Action series today at 1777 F Street NW. We will be joined by Reps. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.), John Curtis (R-Utah) and Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) to take the political pulse of the country’s young voters and discuss what issues matter most as we approach the 2020 cycle. RSVP HERE. |
Innovation in Everywhere, USA With advanced technologies—from voice computing with Alexa to robotics and delivery logistics—see how Amazon supports 18 tech hubs in North America. |
➔ Brexit: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson moved to suspend Parliament until shortly before the United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union. Lawmakers responded by demanding Johnson’s government release private correspondence by officials about its plans for Brexit, which they are required to release under parliamentary rules. Lawmakers are pushing for those to be released by Wednesday (The Associated Press). Johnson reiterated on Tuesday that he would not request a Brexit extension as lawmakers once again blocked his request to hold an election on the issue (Reuters). ➔ Cargo rescue: The Coast Guard rescued all four men who were trapped in a cargo ship more than a day after it overturned while leaving a Georgia port. Three of the crew members were rescued mid afternoon, with a fourth member who was trapped in a separate part of the ship being pulled from the vessel three hours later. “Best day of my 16-year career,” said Lt. Lloyd Heflin, who coordinated the effort for the Coast Guard (The Associated Press). ➔ Silicon Valley: A coalition of 50 attorneys general will be investigating Google for potential violations of antitrust law, a step that could lead to a broad legal challenge to the company’s market dominance. The investigation into the tech giant, led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) and Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl Racine (D), was announced on the steps of the Supreme Court on Monday afternoon after months of rumors about states seeking to turn up the pressure on Silicon Valley. The investigation is expected to focus on Google’s dominance in the online search and advertising markets (The Hill). |
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And finally … a dose of positive news. Former Boston Red Sox great David Ortiz made his first public appearance on Monday night three months after being shot in the Dominican Republic. Ortiz, a three-time World Series champion, took the mound at Fenway Park to throw out the ceremonial first pitch before the Red Sox took on the New York Yankees. Ortiz made a high toss to former Red Sox teammate Jason Varitek, and thanked the fans for their continued prayers and support through the ordeal (The Boston Globe). “I want to thank all of you for all the prayers,” Ortiz said. “I really appreciate it. Thank you very much. I want to thank my former teammates for being there for me. So, a lot of them came home to check up on my boy. Also, I want to thank the Yankees, a lot of my boys over there and checked up on Big Papi. Thank you very much, appreciate it. CC (Sabathia), (Edwin) Encarnación. Thank you very much. God bless you all. Go Sox.” |
© Getty Images The Morning Report is created by journalists Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver. We want to hear from you! Email: and We invite you to share The Hill’s reporting and newsletters, and encourage others to SUBSCRIBE! To view past editions of The Hill’s Morning Report CLICK HERE To receive The Hill’s Morning Report in your inbox SIGN UP HERE Morning Report Sign Up FORWARD Morning Report Privacy Policy | Manage Subscriptions | Unsubscribe Email to a friend | Sign Up for Other Newsletters The Hill 1625 K Street, NW 9th Floor, Washington DC 20006 ©2019 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc. |
Daily Briefing Conservative News | Libertarian News | Commentary VISIT FROM OUR NEWSROOM SAY WHAT? The Eve of Destruction By Tim Donner Dems’ orgy of climate change alarmism shows how far from rational thought they are. Click Here What America’s Thinking Nearly one-out-of-three Likely Democratic Voters (32%) favor declaring the NRA a terrorist organization in the community where they live. Just 26% of American Adults believe Americans have true freedom of speech today. Sixty-eight percent (68%) disagree and say Americans have to be careful not to say something politically incorrect to avoid getting in trouble. Fifty-five percent (55%) disagree with the statement that “America was founded on racism.” 13% are undecided. 52% of those polled say they plan to vote against the president next year. Beto Betting Americans Will Freely Give Up Their Guns By Kelli Ballard The left sinks into delusion as it peddles gun confiscation and buybacks. Click Here Washington Whispers Coming down the pipeline: With 50 state AGs launching antitrust investigations into Google, how long before the tech Behemoth starts asking to become a “public utility”? News that only 64K arrests were made at the southern border in August has people wondering if the Trump effect is keeping illegals away. After SF declares NRA terrorist organization, expect to see the first court filings in retaliation this week. Expect more chatter about Joe Biden’s health in the coming weeks. Time to Put the Harris Campaign Out of Its Misery By Mark Angelides It’s time to face facts about Harris’ bid for the presidency. Click Here News Roundup We’ve Surfed The Web for You Donald Trump: North Carolina Special Election ‘First Steps’ to Firing Nancy Pelosi in 2020 ‘Hate Crime’ Investigation: Church Vandalized After Opposing Drag Queen Story Hour NRA sues San Francisco over ‘domestic terrorist organization’ declaration GOP Rep. Cheney: House Dems ‘Totally Held Hostage by the Agenda of the Most Radical Members’ Gabbard Warns 2020 Democrats ‘Are Pushing For…Essentially Open Borders’ Liberty Nation On The Go: Listen to Today’s Top News 9.10.19 By Liberty Nation Staff Conservative News – Hot Off The Press – Audio Playlist Click Here WATCH NOW FEATURED LNTV |
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Morning Headlines
Can Republicans hold on to a North Carolina Trump district on Tuesday?

It may not be 2020 yet, but in North Carolina — which is holding two House contests Tuesday — it might as well be an election year already. Read More…
As Congress kicks off a grueling September, several spending hurdles await

The Senate Appropriations Committee plans to begin marking up spending bills Tuesday, starting off a grueling September that will include debate on more than $1.3 trillion in spending. Read More…
With Congress back, Trump tells staff he doesn’t want another shutdown

The White House has an ambitious autumn and winter legislative agenda that includes avoiding another government shutdown and winning approval of a sweeping trade pact — but a key official says legislation aimed at preventing mass shootings is not certain to move this year. Read More…
Why working-class whites aren’t giving up on Trump

OPINION — Trump’s comments and tweets that “trade wars are good and easy to win,” that Mexico will “pay for the wall,” and that he knows more about ISIS “than the generals do” are just a few examples of his simplistic messages that have resonated with white working-class voters. Read More…
Tuesday Bruceday: A day in the life of Roy Blunt’s bearded dragon

Inhabiting the back corner of Roy Blunt’s staff quarters in the Russell Senate Office Building is the cold-blooded staff favorite, Bruce. Read More…
California sees push on data privacy

Companies across the country are waging one last battle in Sacramento to carve out a few exemptions before California’s tough data privacy law is approved by the state’s lawmakers, who will adjourn for the year by the end of this week. Read More…
Term limit rules targeted by Trump aren’t tipping scale on House GOP retirements

President Donald Trump has an idea he thinks would quell the growing list of House Republicans who say they won’t run for another term, but the president’s proposal might not get to the root of the GOP retirements. Read More…
Despite pressure, still no gun legislation position from White House

House and Senate Democrats intend to keep pressuring President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky to support bipartisan efforts to close what they see as loopholes in background checks for gun purchases. Read More…

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019 |
Valerie Plame Announces Her Run for Congress Former CIA agent Valerie Plame announced her run for the Democratic nomination in the House race in New Mexico’s 3rd District. Plame entered the national conscience after her name was illegally leaked to the Washington Post by members of George W. Bush Administration. But since she left the CIA, Plame came under fire for tweeting several articles from an anti-Semitic website that blamed Jews for 9/11 and accused American Jews of “driving America’s wars.” Predictably, the number of outlets that chose to focus on Plame’s support of the anti-Semitic website (and on her potential anti-Semitism) has been mixed. The ad announcing her run is titled “Undercover” and glamorizes Plame’s past work in the CIA. Henry Rodgers of The Daily Caller noted several problems with the ad, which features Plame driving a speeding around in a Chevy Camaro: “In the ad, Plame…suggests she was stationed in Iran and the DPRK, which she was not. She also uses the CIA seal, which is illegal, as use the use of official government seals and logos without permission is restricted by federal law. Plame also randomly mentions that she is descended from “Ukrainian-Jewish immigrants,” after being accused of being anti-Semitic. In 2017, Plame retweeted an article titled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” from a website run by a Holocaust denier.” Todd Palin Files for Divorce from Former Alaska Gov. and VP Candidate Sarah Palin After 31 years of marriage, Todd Palin has filed for divorce from Sarah Palin, citing “incompatibility of temperament between the parties such that they find it impossible to live together as husband and wife.” From Anchorage Daily News: “The Palin family rocketed to national prominence in 2008 when Republican presidential nominee John McCain chose Palin as his vice-presidential candidate, making them household names and focusing the country’s attention on their hometown of Wasilla. The marriage of Sarah and Todd, a commercial fisherman, snowmachine racer and oil field worker, was frequently on display in TV interviews, reality shows, books and other media appearances. Palin resigned as governor in 2009. Since leaving office, Sarah Palin has kept a low profile in Alaska politics, while maintaining a national profile through her books, speaking engagements and social media presence.” Juul Coming under Fire with the FDA Yesterday, the FDA issues a warning to the e-cigarette producer Juul for illegally marketing its products as a “safer” alternative to cigarettes. Juul has 15 days to respond to the FDA’s request for corrective action and plan for compliance moving forward. The e-cigarette producer has come to national attention recently due to its growing prominence amongst American teenagers, coupled with how little is known about the long-term effects of e-cigarette smoking. From CNN: “Regardless of where products like e-cigarettes fall on the continuum of tobacco product risk, the law is clear that, before marketing tobacco products for reduced risk, companies must demonstrate with scientific evidence that their specific product does in fact pose less risk or is less harmful. JUUL has ignored the law, and very concerningly, has made some of these statements in school to our nation’s youth,” Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Ned Sharpless said in a statement. “We will continue to scrutinize tobacco product marketing and take action as appropriate to ensure that the public is not misled into believing a certain product has been proven less risky or less harmful,” he said. “We’ve also put the industry on notice: If the disturbing rise in youth e-cigarette use continues, especially through the use of flavors that appeal to kids, we’ll take even more aggressive action.” What I’m Reading Today Like the Vast Majority of Women, Tulsi Gubbard Opposes Late-Term Abortion (The Federalist) Elizabeth Warren’s Daft Fracking Scheme (National Review) Jonathan Franzen’s Crazy Climate Rant Contains a Nugget of Truth (The Federalist) Pete Buttigieg Tried to Use the Bible to Argue for Abortion up to Birth. He’s Wildly Wrong, As Usual. (Daily Wire) The Return of Archaic Forms of Power (Quillette) Beauty Recommendations for the Week Farmacy, Honeymoon Glow AHA Resurfacing Night Serum, $58 I’ve been using this serum that smells faintly of flowers and honey for the past week. I’ve used it three times over the course of the week (per the directions). It’s gentle enough to use on my skin without causing irritation or redness, and I’m happy to have found a serum that works not only to brighten skin but also to counteract aging. I have tried retinol cream and vitamin C serum in the past and found it way to harsh for my skin (picture bumpy rash). This serum seems like a good product for gradually introducing your skin to anti-aging products without “shocking” your complexion. Slight tingle, but nothing cataclysmic and goes away in a few minutes. Overall, worth the money, but let’s see if I erase some years with it. Benefit, Boi-ing Cakeless Concealer, $22 I was intrigued when I saw this liquid concealer. For the record, I have used Boi-ing’s “industrial strength” concealer for under my eyes since I was in college (apparently, that’s when the all-nighters in the library started). It comes in a small pot and requires blending with your fingers. It was so good that I got my bubbe using it, as well. So I tried the liquid version. It is good, but unlike its more solid counterpart, it has slightly less coverage. It is a good alternative to the concealer in a pot if you are looking for a product that is slightly more blendable. Overall, I would still prefer the original Boi-ing concealer in the pot, but if you have any issues with makeup creasing, this is likely a better option. BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Erielle Davidson is a law student at Georgetown University Law Center. She previously was an economic research assistant at the Hoover Institution and a Publius Fellow at the Claremont Institute. She enjoys Chick-Fil-A, her pug, and Russian literature. Find her on Twitter at @politicalelle. |
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NYT: CIA Extracted Kremlin Spy From Russia Because Media Reports, Not Trump
By Chuck Ross –
The CIA extracted a longtime Kremlin asset from Russia in 2017
because of concerns that media reports would put him at risk, according
to the New York Times. The story undercuts a key aspect of a report that
CNN published earlier Monday about the CIA operation. CNN’s Jim Sciutto
reported …
NYT: CIA Extracted Kremlin Spy From Russia Because Media Reports, Not Trump is original content from Conservative
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Read on » President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Tuesday, September 10, 2019 By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump will have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence, deliver remarks at the National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week conference, meet with Congressional Republican leadership then participate in the swearing-in of U.S. Ambassador to the U.N Kelly Craft. Keep up with Trump on Our President’s Schedule Page. … President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Tuesday, September 10, 2019 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Texas AG Ken Paxton Leads The Way On Google Antitrust Investigation: ‘It’s Creating National Interest’ By Audrey Conklin – A total of 50 attorneys general from across the U.S. have signed onto a probe into Google and its potential to stifle market competition. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is leading the investigation, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the goal of the investigation is to “have an … Texas AG Ken Paxton Leads The Way On Google Antitrust Investigation: ‘It’s Creating National Interest’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Eighth Illegal Alien Has Been Charged With A Sexual Crime In Montgomery By Jason Hopkins – A Nigerian national has been charged in Montgomery County, Maryland for rape, marking the eight illegal alien to be charged with rape or another sexual crime in the county since July 25. Oluwakayode Adebusuyi, a 26-year-old man from Nigeria, allegedly raped an intoxicated woman in her car, according to ABC … Eighth Illegal Alien Has Been Charged With A Sexual Crime In Montgomery is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » CNN Analyst Questions Report That Concerns About Trump Spurred Extraction Of Russian Spy By Chuck Ross – CNN analyst Phil Mudd on Monday said he questions a key aspect of a CNN report that U.S. intelligence officials extracted a Kremlin mole from Russia in part because of concerns over President Donald Trump’s handling of classified intelligence. “I question whether this angle of the story about whether the … CNN Analyst Questions Report That Concerns About Trump Spurred Extraction Of Russian Spy is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Clueless – Goodwyn Cartoon By Al Goodwyn – Clueless – Goodwyn Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Carly Fiorina: Republicans Shouldn’t Have To ‘Swear Fidelity’ To Trump In 2020 By Peter Hasson – Businesswoman and former GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina on Monday accused Republicans of demanding that the party’s voters “swear fidelity” to President Donald Trump. “In this country, we pledge allegiance to the flag, not the president. We swear fidelity to the Constitution, not the party,” Fiorina wrote in a blistering … Carly Fiorina: Republicans Shouldn’t Have To ‘Swear Fidelity’ To Trump In 2020 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » 6th Circuit Orders Resentencing For Rand Paul Attacker By Andrew Kerr – The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday remanded the lenient prison sentence given to the man who attacked Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on his property, finding that a federal district court lacked a “compelling justification” for sentencing him to only 30-days in prison. Rene Boucher was arrested in November … 6th Circuit Orders Resentencing For Rand Paul Attacker is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » One America News Network Sues MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow For $10 Million By Shelby Talcott – One America News Network (OANN) filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit Monday against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. OANN is suing Maddow, MSNBC, Comcast Corporation and NBC Universal for defamation, alleging Maddow “maliciously and recklessly” went after the network by suggesting it is a Russian state propaganda outlet, the complaint reads, according to … One America News Network Sues MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow For $10 Million is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Sean Hannity: Trump Is Improving The Quality Of Life For Everyone By Jim Clayton – Recently WABC radio’s Sean Hannity has been reminding fellow Americans of all the good things Trump has been doing to make our lives better and our country better. If you tune into any network other than Fox News, this election is already over. However, Fox’s Sean Hannity just reminded Democrats that it’s actually … Sean Hannity: Trump Is Improving The Quality Of Life For Everyone is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Sorry Democrats… No One Is Listening! By Amanda Alverez – After years of lies and deceit, the Democrat Party’s media wonders why no one believes them. If they publicly offered $1,000-dollar bills for the first 10,000 subscribers, there would still be no subscribers – it’s just that bad! The Democrat Party’s habitual liars (most news sources) eventually get what … Sorry Democrats… No One Is Listening! is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Schiff ‘Commands’ Michael Flynn To Appear Before House Intel Committee Sept 25 By Chuck Ross – Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, demanded that Michael Flynn appear before the committee for testimony Sept. 25, after the former national security adviser failed to provide documents and said he would plead the Fifth. The committee subpoenaed Flynn on June 12 for personal and business … Schiff ‘Commands’ Michael Flynn To Appear Before House Intel Committee Sept 25 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Nearly 500 Illegal Aliens Have Been Released From North Carolina Jails, Despite ICE Detainers By Jason Hopkins – Detention centers across North Carolina have released hundreds of illegal aliens in their custody, defying detainer requests made by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Local authorities in North Carolina have released over 500 undocumented immigrants in the past 10 months. A total of 489 detainers were ignored by the state … Nearly 500 Illegal Aliens Have Been Released From North Carolina Jails, Despite ICE Detainers is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Medical Migrants Head to Mexico By Michael R Shannon – There’s hope for price competition in healthcare, but so far only with companies that self–insure by paying for all employee’s medical costs. I do my part by advocating price transparency for hospitals to create competition and put downward pressure on insurance rates. Simply require hospitals that accept federal money to … Medical Migrants Head to Mexico is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Apple’s Labor Practices To Build New iPhones Violated Even Chinese Standards By Audrey Conklin – Apple and its manufacturing partner, Foxconn, violated Chinese labor rules by hiring temporary workers to produce its latest iPhone model, a Chinese Labor Watch (CLW) report revealed Monday. The report found that Apple’s Foxconn factory in Zhengzhou, China — the largest iPhone factory in the world — violated China’s rule … Apple’s Labor Practices To Build New iPhones Violated Even Chinese Standards is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Biden’s Red Eye Express – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon By Ben Garrison – It wasn’t easy, but Joe Biden did it. He surpassed Hillary in on-stage grossness. Joe’s Red Eye Express Hillary had coughing fits, fainting spells, and she once even chucked up some green phlegm into a glass of water, but Biden’s eye filling with blood was even more disturbing. The Democratic … Biden’s Red Eye Express – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Not Me. Us. – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – Berni Sanders accuses President Trump of being a dictator while it is the left-wing green agenda that would need to take many of our constitutional rights away once in effect. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019 See more Branco toons HERE Not Me. Us. – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch: Gun Ownership is a Constitutional Right By R. Mitchell – Do you understand why gun ownership is one of the most important rights in our Constitution? Will Witt explains why the Second Amendment exists and how it empowers the individual against oppression. Watch: Watch: Gun Ownership is a Constitutional Right is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » How Do We Hold Democrats Responsible For Their Lies When They Keep Moving The Goal Post? By Dave King – Democrats are liars one hundred percent of the time, but when one tries to hold them responsible for their lies they have already gone elsewhere, practicing new lies, and are impossible to trap in order to challenge them with their numerous obfuscations. Some of the major lies told by leftists … How Do We Hold Democrats Responsible For Their Lies When They Keep Moving The Goal Post? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch: White House Press Briefing with Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan By R. Mitchell – Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan held a press briefing Monday afternoon. Watch: Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under the Creative Commons license. Visit our syndication page for details and requirements. Watch: White House Press Briefing with Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 |
‘Leverage game’: Trump puts America first by walking away from bad deals Sometimes the art of the deal is turning down the deal on the table. more |
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Fiorina Blasts Republican Party For Demanding Loyalty to Trump
By Shane Vander Hart on Sep 09, 2019 01:57 pm Carly Fiorina took to Twitter on Monday criticizing the Republican Party for its treatment of Republicans who criticize President Donald Trump. Read in browser » Study Confirms Genes Don’t Determine Homosexuality By Shane Vander Hart on Sep 09, 2019 01:24 pm A study conducted by scientists from Harvard and MIT once again refutes the “born that way” reason for homosexuality. Read in browser » Mark Sanford’s Presidential Campaign to Focus On Debt and Spending By Shane Vander Hart on Sep 09, 2019 01:09 pm Mark Sanford said that the current debate happening between President Donald Trump and Democrats on spending is “more versus more.” Read in browser » Recent Articles: Viewpoint Neutrality Is Not Moral Relativism Iowa Democrats’ Latest Target? Hy-Vee Featured Sermon: A Christian Response to Homosexuality A Bible Scholar Pete Buttigieg Is Not Karen Pence to Headline Reynolds’ 3rd Annual Harvest Festival Launched in 2006, Caffeinated Thoughts reports news and shares commentary about culture, current events, faith and state and national politics from a Christian and conservative point of view. Caffeinated Thoughts P.O. Box 57184 Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 321-5077 Editor, Shane Vander Hart Connect: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Share Tweet Share Forward Copyright © 2019 Caffeinated Thoughts, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
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ADVERTISEMENT HIGHLIGHTS Pelosi drug pricing plan would let government negotiate most costly medicines Church vandalized with satanic graffiti after denouncing ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ with children Maryland State Highway Administration removes signs leading to ‘Negro Mountain’ Brexit opponents cry ‘impeachment’ as Boris Johnson follows Trump playbook British Members of Parliament are threatening to impeach Boris Johnson after reports their prime minister would sidestep the legislature with an eleventh-hour Supreme Court showdown to drive through Brexit. Family split: ‘Tension’ over Trump at George W. Bush staff reunion in Washington Differences over President Trump reverberated during a weekend reunion bash for George W. Bush White House alumni, exposing rifts in the network of Republican operatives and officials. Holes poked in CNN report blaming Trump for alarm that led to extraction of Kremlin informant New details about a high-level CIA informant close to the Kremlin cast doubt on President Trump playing a role in the lead-up to the decision to extract the individual from Russia in 2017. ‘Hillary Clinton, part two’: Democrats fear that Biden could be a ghost of losers past Democratic activists in New Hampshire worry that if Joe Biden is the party’s presidential nominee, he could lose the 2020 election for some of the same reasons Hillary Clinton was defeated in 2016. ADVERTISEMENT ‘Impeccable integrity’: Clapper intervened to lavish McCabe with praise in bid to save him at FBI James Clapper, formerly the Director of National Intelligence, penned a glowing testimonial to FBI Director Christopher Wray in 2018 in an strenuous effort to save Andrew McCabe’s job, calling the fired FBI deputy director a man of “self-effacing humility” and “impeccable integrity.” Is military money really propping up a Trump resort? Politico reported Friday that the U.S. Air Force “may have helped line the president’s pockets” by making an “odd” refueling stop at an airport in Scotland not far from the Trump Organization’s money-losing Turnberry hotel and golf course. Jon Ossoff enters Georgia Senate race Former House candidate Jon Ossoff announced late Monday evening he will be entering the Georgia Senate race, making him the fourth Democrat that wants to unseat Republican Sen. David Perdue. Lawyer who represented the ‘Unabomber’ will defend man accused of masterminding 9/11 The lawyer who represented Theodore Kaczynski, more commonly known as the “Unabomber,” will be leading the defense of the man who is accused of masterminding the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Palin detractors celebrate news of her divorce Many took to social media to gloat over the news that Todd Palin filed for divorce from his wife, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, last week. Boris Johnson’s call for snap election fails a second time British Prime Minister Boris Johnson failed to get enough votes for a snap election to take place before the current Oct. 31 Brexit deadline. Trump: Democrats ‘not big believers in religion’ President Trump claimed during his Monday night rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, that the Democratic Party does not put much stock in religion and that their attempts to appeal to religious voters are ineffective. US to increase operations against the Taliban following canceled peace talks With the peace talks between the U.S. and the Taliban now over following an attack that killed a U.S. soldier, the American military said they expect to increase operations against the terror group. THE ROUNDUP Trump declares peace talks with the Taliban ‘dead’ For the first time ever, most new working-age hires in the U.S. are people of color ‘Stop the radical left’: Trump rallies for candidate in key House election ADVERTISEMENT |
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A ‘curvy’ high school swimmer won — only to be disqualified because of a ‘suit wedgie’ “The fact that she’s been told she’s intentionally trying to draw this sexual attention has really crushed her,” Lauren Langford, who coached the teenager when she was younger, told The Washington Post. By Antonia Farzan · Read more Slaves helped build Virginia Theological Seminary. The school will spend $1.7 million in reparations. “We were a Seminary where enslaved persons worked. We participated fully in segregation. So we apologize; so we commit to a different future; but we need to do more,” said the dean of the school. By Meagan Flynn · Read more Jon Ossoff became an unlikely Democratic star in Georgia. Now, he’s running for Senate. The 32-year-old said his campaign will be focused on “trying to end this appalling corruption that has infected our political system and fighting the abuse of power.” By Allyson Chiu · Read more San Francisco branded the NRA a ‘domestic terrorist organization.’ The gun-rights lobby is suing. The National Rifle Association says it is the victim of an attack on free speech. By Katie Shepherd · Read more Trump speaks out after Bahamas hurricane survivors were kicked off ferry over U.S. visa demands The incident, which U.S. Customs and Border Protection blamed on the ferry operator, comes amid bipartisan calls to waive all visa requirements for Bahamas survivors. By Katie Shepherd and Herman Wong · Read more A woman vanished 27 years ago. A teenager and his GoPro led police to the bottom of a lake. “The RCMP will probably be looking at this guy down the road for potential employment,” Cpl. Thomas Blakney said. “Good detective work on his part.” By Allyson Chiu · Read more Recommended for you Get The Trailer newsletter News and insight on political campaigns around the country, from David Weigel. 435 districts. 50 states. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings. Sign Up |
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Unsuspecting Americans to be Hit Hard by this U.S. Confiscation Scheme The 20-year head of the U.S. Fed has revealed Washington’s nasty trick to confiscate the savings of unsuspecting Americans… Are you one of them? ==> Here’s the ONE THING Greenspan Says Can Protect Your Savings |
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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray September 10, 2019 Are Conservative Students Cowards If They Don’t Publicly Advocate For Their Beliefs? By Erielle Davidson Although Brad Polumbo’s approach to political debate in college undoubtedly evinces a certain heroism, his argument misses the mark by labeling more politically closeted students cowards. Full article Not All Stories Of Infertility End With A Baby By Katie Schuermann The most exact science provided by the world’s top fertility specialists can produce a viable baby less than half of the time. Yet the stories of women in that other half can end in joy, too. Full article CNN’S Climate Town Hall Was A Setup For Far-Left Activists To Push 2020 Candidates By R.A. Epstein CNN synchronized its forum with a radical climate change activists and writers masquerading as students and eco-friendly entrepreneurs. Full article The Top 10 Gun Laws Americans Really Need By Mark Overstreet These are the changes Republicans should make to federal gun laws, once they again hold the White House and both houses of Congress. Full article How Politics Made Elizabeth Warren Dull And Less Electable By Warren Henry Elizabeth Warren’s ascent in the Democratic presidential campaign is the oft-told tale of a politician becoming boring, telling voters what they want to hear and disguising it as something else. Full article Democrat Rep’s Wife Demands Free Marriage Counseling In Her Taxpayer-Subsidized Health Plan By Christopher Jacobs If Democrats don’t like Obamacare plans for themselves, then why did they force all Americans to buy this insurance under penalty of taxation? Full article Joe Biden Isn’t Even Close To A Moderate By Shawn Fleetwood Biden’s phony moderate shtick will only hold up for so long, as true moderate and centrist voters will begin to see his tendencies to move left with the rest of the party on key issues. Full article College Admissions Scandal Reveals Parents Grossly Misunderstand College And Their Children By Libby Emmons Children rarely become what their parents imagine for them, and it’s pointless to think they will. The problem isn’t the kids; it’s the parents’ expectations. Full article Despite A Bad Week, Boris Johnson Still Has A Fighting Chance By Helen Raleigh Boris Johnson has to make necessary changes quickly to unite his party, because the ‘do or die’ moment for him and his country is fast approaching. Full article Why Swedish-Style Socialism Is Completely Incompatible With Identity Politics By Serge Laifer While Scandinavian countries have higher taxes and overall more generous public services, using Sweden as a model of socialism’s success can be misleading. Full article To Prevent Teen Vaping, Give Kids The Facts, Not Misinformation By Michael Siegel The truth is, one Juul pod is not equivalent to one pack of cigarettes. And building a vaping prevention campaign around this message is dishonest and misleading. Full article Like The Vast Majority Of American Women, Tulsi Gabbard Opposes Late-Term Abortion By Kylee Zempel During a conversation Sunday with Dave Rubin, 2020 Democratic presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard said she is opposed to third-trimester abortions. Full article Kamala Harris Unveils Criminal Justice Plan That Reverses Her Record On Crime By Tristan Justice The plan unveiled on Monday is a sharp reversal from what Sen. Kamala Harris has previously stood for as an aggressive prosecutor. Full article Tulsi Gabbard Says She’s Disheartened By Democrats’ Lack Of Love For Liberty By Chrissy Clark 2020 hopeful Rep. Tulsi Gabbard appeared on The Rubin Report, where she admitted she is disheartened by Democrats’ entanglement with identity politics and socialism. Full article Jonathan Franzen’s Crazy Climate Rant Contains A Nugget Of Truth By Warren Henry ‘What If We Stopped Pretending?’ is infuriating the left. Yet Jonathan Franzen cannot quite escape the mindset he believes has led to the End of The World As We Know It. Full article Lord Conrad Black On Brexit, Media, Trade, And Silicon Valley By The Federalist Staff Lord Conrad Black joins Ben Domenech on the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss media and how newspapers have failed to adjust to the Internet age. Full article Migrant Apprehensions On Southwest Border Dropped To 64K In August By John Daniel Davidson Although numbers are down, border arrests remain at their highest level since 2007. The majority of apprehensions are families and children. Full article BEGINNING OF THE END FOR BREXIT Sumantra Maitra. “The British Parliament stood firmly opposed to the British people, as 21 Conservative Party members of Parliament (MPs) defected and joined the Liberals-Democrats to damage the new Boris Johnson government and oppose a No-Deal Brexit on October 31. In a win for the European Union, keenly being watched from the Americas and the European continent, the British government is now paralyzed, with no majority for any Brexit, even a diluted one; no mandate for another election; no unified opposition to win in an election; and no government strong enough to push through.” Read more of The Transom by signing up for a free trial today. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |
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Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Climate change and carbon emissions have overwhelmingly positive effects. Read More… A Camp of Comrades Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Times and values have changed in the new postmodern America. Read More… Education Is Driven By False Premises and Practices Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Technocrats embracing software and sentimentalists who insist every student’s “dream” is legitimate have made an unholy alliance. Read More… CNN’s Climate Change Townhall — An Affirmation of Faith Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Although high on emotion, politics, and passionate intensity, none of the candidates offered a shred of evidence scientific or otherwise that the humans have anything to do with the climate. Read More… We Need a Theory of Injustice Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am In our United States right now there is no feeling among our liberal friends that they are responsible for their actions insofar as they affect deplorables and other racist sexist homophobes. Read More… Should we Partially Resegregate the University? Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am We should recognize that some blacks or other minorities are uncomfortable during their education and would be more comfortable in an environment not characterized by “whiteness.” Read More… Recent Blog Posts So the NYT now thinks … Michael Bloomberg was New York City’s greatest mayor? Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am They hated him when he ran the city. But by comparing him to Bill de Blasio… Read more… The best speech on Brexit — from a shocking source Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Myths are being shattered. Read more… Change in population of world religious groups over the last 75 years Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am A short video that tells you a lot. Read more… The ‘Moderates’ in the Democrat Field Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am When has America ever had to endure such a field of sanctimonious, morally superior clowns as the current crop of candidates for the Democrat nomination? Read more… ‘Biological Male’ is tautological. Let’s not use it Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Scientists and writers, some out of fear and some out of carelessness, have started to use the term “biological male”, as if there are other kinds of male out there. Read more… Progressivism’s human dog parks Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Dogs are free to run inside a defined space but also must behave in a manner expected by those who control the space. Remind you of progressivism’s plans for humans? Read more… 9-11 heroes still need help Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Over 70,000 Americans are still dealing with lasting effects today. Read more… Max Boot reaches peak narcissism Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am The frustrations of being a #NeverTrump columnist. Read more… Can green turn blue into red? Sep 10, 2019 01:00 am Donald Trump is fighting to win. Read more… A French soldier’s view of US soldiers in Afghanistan Sep 09, 2019 01:00 am Simply stunning. Read more… Press completely opaque to Trump’s grip on socialism Sep 09, 2019 01:00 am The Daily Beast is trying to portray Trump as a hypocrite for warning of the dangers of socialism publicly while saying privately that socialism is hard to beat. Actually, that’s a warning to them that he’s on to their tricks. Read more… Left-wing principal of DC school fails to protect Trump-supporting student Sep 09, 2019 01:00 am School does not tolerate “acts of hate”…unless they are directed at a Trump-supporter. Read more… Did Jerry Nadler lie to a federal judge? Sep 09, 2019 01:00 am Top ranking Republican on Nadler’s House Judiciary Committee says, “I want to know if they’re going to go back in court and say, ‘Sorry, Judge, we lied.'” Read more… Who is this toilet-mouthed Chrissy Teigen, and why is she associated with housewares at Target? Sep 09, 2019 01:00 am Should Target be shilling the housewares of someone this out-of-control vulgar? Read more… So famous lefty feminist lawyer Lisa Bloom offered to plant stories to trash Harvey Weinstein’s victims? Sep 09, 2019 01:00 am And a vast Democrat nexus of supporters, doing the machine politics–type things Democrats are famous for, also sprang forward to defend Weinstein… Read more… View this email in your browser American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. |
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SCOTT RASMUSSEN Launch – Check Out My All New Website No Images? Click here Good morning, The monthly Congressional update found that 38% of voters now believe that Congress is too liberal. Thirty-one percent (31%) believe it is too conservative. Last month, voters were evenly divided on the question. Just 28% now believe it is even somewhat likely that Congress will successfully address major issues facing the nation before the 2020 elections.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now viewed favorably by 38% of voters and unfavorably by 48%. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell earns favorable ratings from 33% and negative reviews from 43%. Both McConnell and Pelosi have a net favorability rating of -10. As the Democrats prepare for Round 3 of their presidential debates, Joe Biden’s lead is down to single digits. Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren remain the top three candidates well ahead of everybody else. We will continue tracking the race daily throughout the week. Forty-two percent (42%) of voters believe that President Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Forty-five percent (45%) disagree. Just 30% of voters believe the federal government has the right to ban a private landowner from allowing fracking on their own property. A national survey found that 43% disagree and say the government does not have that right. Democrats are evenly divided on this question. Republicans and Independents are more likely to say the government has no right to ban fracking on private property. Finally, today’s Number of the Day notes an interesting form of U.S. global influence. Sixty-two (62) heads of state or heads of government have received higher education training in the United States. That’s more world leaders than have been educated by any other nation. Thank you for your interest in our work, Scott Stay Informed Up To The Minute and Share ContentDeeper CurrentsScott Rasmussen offers his personal insight, analysis, and opinion on current political races, issues, and controversy. Read more Scott’s ColumnsPresident Trump has perfected the art of antagonizing his opponents with provocative tweets. He demonstrated this skill recently in declaring that the tax reform act,… Read more SCOTT RASMUSSEN 142 W 57th Street, 11 Floor New York, NY 10023 Launch – Check Out My All New Website Like Tweet Share Forward Preferences | Unsubscribe |
Share This When it Comes to Gun Control, Beto Has No Idea What He Wants Branco Cartoon – Feel the New Green Bern New Book Claims Lisa Bloom Offered to Help Harvey Weinstein Damage Reputations of His Accusers UK Parliament Speaker John Bercow Will Step Down by October 31 After Conservatives Claim He Abuses His Power IT Chapter 2 Review: A Movie About Hatred Gets Accused of Bigotry Poll Finds Nearly Half of College Students Want ‘In God We Trust’ Removed From Currency UCLA Prof Doesn’t See the First or Second Amendments as Absolute Climate Activists at Harvard Protest in Front of President’s Home and Office Kemberlee Kaye: “Beto needs to stop.” Mary Chastain: “Saudi Arabia wants to improve its global image. Instead of stopping executions of gays and journalists or respecting basic human rights the Islamic kingdom turned to….Instagram influencers.” Leslie Eastman: “‘Debunking Howard Zinn’ makes a great gift for anyone who loves politics, culture, and history. I also recommend giving it to college students who are being forced to study Zinn’s work… and maybe even high school students as well!” David Gerstman: “As I continue to think about 9/11, perhaps the best column on the attack was When Innocents are the Enemy by the late Michael Kelly. Kelly’s best observation was this: “If it is morally acceptable to murder, in the name of a necessary blow for freedom, a woman on a Tel Aviv street, or to blow up a disco full of teenagers, or to bomb a family restaurant — then it must be morally acceptable to drive two jetliners into a place where 50,000 people work. In moral logic, what is the difference? If the murder of innocent people is for whatever reason excusable, it is excusable; if it is legitimate, it is legitimate. If acceptable on a small scale, so too on a grand.” I wish his observation was taken to heart by more of our chattering class. To this day, the Palestinian Authority still pays convicted terrorists stipends, incentivizing terror, while these same people criticize Israeli “settlements” as if terrorism was a mere distraction. But terrorism is (for now) an essential part of the Palestinian cause. Peace won’t come until that’s acknowledged and the Palestinians are forced to come to terms with Israel’s existence. I had hoped that 9/11 would change the way people think about terror, but it didn’t.” Stacey Matthews: “Joe Biden’s campaign is saying the Democratic frontrunner ‘misspoke’ when he falsely claimed he was ‘immediately’ against the Iraq war ‘the moment it started.’ Sure, Joe. Sure.” Miriam Elman: “This past weekend marked 5 years since Avera Mengistu, a mentally disabled Ethiopian Jewish Israeli, wandered into Gaza and hasn’t been heard or seen from since, Free Avera Mengistu – Mentally disabled Israeli captive in Gaza. Mengistu, who is presumed alive, has been held in captivity by Hamas for all this time. In considering his plight and the suffering of his family for all these years, it’s worth noting that Israel has frequently returned to Lebanon a mentally ill man (who Hezbollah has repeatedly abused by sending him across the border to ‘test’ its defenses). It’s more evidence of Israel’s compliance with the laws of armed conflict—and the depraved inhumanity of the terror organizations arrayed against it, Hezbollah used mentally ill Lebanese man to probe Israeli border and electric fences.” Legal Insurrection Foundation is a Rhode Island tax-exempt corporation established exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to educate and inform the public on legal, historical, economic, academic, and cultural issues related to the Constitution, liberty, and world events. For more information about the Foundation, CLICK HERE. Donate Here! Legal Insurrection Foundation 18 Maple Avenue #280 Barrington, Rhode Island 02806 Follow Us Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your web browser Unsubscribe |
09/10/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Presented by Fisher Investments: Maine Senate Race; Green Promises; 9/10/01 By Carl M. Cannon on Sep 10, 2019 08:08 am Good morning, it’s Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019. On this date in 2001, a president who’d been in office less than eight months was touring Florida classrooms. George W. Bush was doing made-for-TV events to drum up support for his plan to bolster effective teaching methods in the nation’s public schools. Over time, the reforms set in motion by this push from Washington took on official names: The No Child Left Behind Act during Bush’s presidency and Common Core during Barack Obama’s tenure in the White House. Then, as now, both were targeted by an odd-bedfellows alliance of left-wing Democrats and right-wing Republicans. Eighteen years ago today, however, Dubya’s approach was not ideological. It was down-to-earth. “It’s time to wage war on illiteracy for the young, and to whip this problem,” the president said that afternoon, as his brother — Florida’s governor — looked on. The setting was Justina Road Elementary School in a working-class Jacksonville neighborhood. There, both Bushes emphasized that quality education should not be a partisan matter. “Getting every child to read in America is an American issue, and it ought to be an American goal,” President Bush added. “There are great teachers who have got wonderful hearts who don’t know how to teach reading.” I’ll have more on that day in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * “Dark Money”-Fueled Ads Heat Up Maine Senate Battle. Susan Crabtree reports on efforts to unseat four-term incumbent Susan Collins in what’s shaping up as one of the most hotly contested 2020 races. CNN’s Climate Debate Hurts the Democrats It Tried to Help. Charles Lipson writes that the extravagant promises made by the presidential candidates last week would likely harm the eventual nominee’s chances in the general election. 2020 Coverage: After Biden, Also-Ran Order Varies by Channel. Kalev Leetaru has the latest numbers from the Television News Archive. Ten Debating Democrats Giving It the Old College Try. Bill Whalen draws comparisons between the 2020 candidates and football teams with title aspirations. Government Price-Fixing Will Put Health Care on Life Support. Ron Paul urges Congress to consider Independent Dispute Resolution as a better way to protect the interests of providers, insurers, and patients. Why Is Surprise Medical Billing Congress’ Problem? In RealClearPolicy, James Capretta faults the insurance industry for failing to take steps that could have kept Capitol Hill at bay. It’s Time to Escalate Against Nicaragua’s Ortega. In RealClearWorld, Ryan Berg calls for the U.S. and the OAS to step up pressure against the regime. “The Case Against Education.” In RealClearBooks, Max Diamond interviews Bryan Caplan, whose new work assails the rise of credentialism and useless degrees. * * * Jeb Bush had helped select Justina Road Elementary as the backdrop for his older brother’s push for No Child Left Behind because of its rising test scores. After the president spoke, the governor who had made education such a priority in Florida took his turn to speak. “I agree with you,” he said. “And you agree with our mother — that reading is maybe the most important thing we can do to ensure there is rising student achievement.” From there, the president went to Longboat Key for the night before heading to Sarasota — and a similar session there at Emma E. Booker Elementary the following morning. The staffers in the advance team had selected a book for Bush to read aloud to the kids. It was titled “The Pet Goat.” Meanwhile, a complementary event was being prepared in Washington. Although education policy wasn’t yet a strictly partisan issue, the House and the Senate had passed divergent versions of No Child Left Behind and the legislation was languishing in a conference committee that was supposed to reconcile the two bills. Among Bush’s staunchest allies was Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. The iconic Massachusetts liberal was planning hearings the following day, Sept. 11, 2001. Among the invited witnesses was first lady Laura Bush, who planned to tell the Senate education committee, which Kennedy chaired, about the results of a summit on early childhood cognition she had hosted earlier that summer at Georgetown University. Ted Kennedy had attended some of those July sessions and had personally invited Mrs. Bush to testify. On the eve of the hearings, his staff checked with the first lady’s office to make sure things were on track for Tuesday, Sept. 11. They were told that Mrs. Bush was looking forward to it, that everything was going to be fine. That’s what nearly everyone thought. Adding to the sense of optimism: The next day’s weather promised to be clear and pleasant. The sky, as Bruce Springsteen would later write, was an unbelievable blue. But that wasn’t a good omen. And in New York City, Arlington, Va., and central Pennsylvania — where lethal black smoke would fill the air the following morning — it was more akin to an illusion. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) For years, many pundits and politicians have claimed Internet behemoths are too powerful and monopolistic. Then, in June, the House announced they would launch a probe into several tech giants. Despite many possible outcomes, we don’t view these possibilities as a reason to avoid Tech now. Click here to read more of this message, brought to you by Fisher Investments. |
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From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: North Carolina will be a hot spot today — and until November 2020
For all of the attention that Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin get – due to President Trump’s surprising victories in those states in 2016 – don’t forget that North Carolina (with its 15 electoral votes) remains an important battleground state in 2020.
That’s the 30,000-foot reminder when it comes to today’s NC-9 congressional do-over election, where Democrat Dan McCready faces off against Republican Dan Bishop in a district that Trump won by 12 points in ’16.
Trump carried the Tar Heel State by 3.7 points in 2016, and the polling (especially before the Comey letter in the last two weeks) had it even closer than that.
Photo by Sara D. Davis/Getty Images
So in addition to North Carolina being a presidential battleground state in 2020, it also features a competitive Senate race (with vulnerable GOP Sen. Thom Tillis up for re-election), a competitive gubernatorial race (with Dem Roy Cooper up for re-election) and the GOP presidential convention (which will take place in Charlotte).
Oh, and the state is going to have new state legislative district lines – after state judges ruled that the current ones are illegal partisan gerrymanders.
So don’t sleep on North Carolina over the next 14 months.
Data Download: And the number of the day is … 905 votes
905 votes.
That was the margin in the original NC-9 race last November, when Republican Mark Harris received 139,246 votes and Democrat Dan McCready got 138,341.
The results were thrown out after the state discovered illegal ballot harvesting.
But given that close margin, here are the
major county-by-county percentages – if you want to see how McCready is performing in tonight’s NC-9 do-over compared with 2018.
McCready 54 percent
Harris 44 percent
Harris 59 percent
McCready 39 percent
McCready 51 percent
Harris 47 percent
Harris 58 percent
McCready 41 percent
NYT: Commerce secretary threatened to fire NOAA officials after Trump’s hurricane tweets
Sharpie-gate has produced plenty of laughs, but yesterday’s report by the New York Times wasn’t funny.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross “threatened to fire top employees at the federal scientific agency responsible for weather forecasts last Friday after the agency’s Birmingham office contradicted President Trump’s claim that Hurricane Dorian might hit Alabama, according to three people familiar with the discussion,” the paper writes.
“Mr. Ross phoned Neil Jacobs, the acting administrator of NOAA, from Greece where the secretary was traveling for meetings and instructed Dr. Jacobs to fix the agency’s perceived contradiction of the president,” the Time adds.
And: “Dr. Jacobs objected to the demand and was told that the political staff at NOAA would be fired if the situation was not fixed, according to the three individuals, who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the episode.”
A Commerce Department spokesperson disputed the NYT report in a statement to NBC News. “The New York Times story is false. Secretary Ross did not threaten to fire any NOAA staff over forecasting and public statements about Hurricane Dorian.”
Boris Johnson loses – again
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson failed to convince Parliament to call for snap elections, per NBC News.
Just 293 members supported the motion – far short of the (at least) 434 needed.
That defeat for Johnson came on the same day as a new law went into effect blocking him from pursuing a “no deal” Brexit withdrawal from the European Union.
TWEET OF THE DAY: Six defeats in one week
REUTERS/Phil Noble
2020 Vision: Ossoff is Oss-on in Georgia
Failed 2017 GA-6 candidate Jon Ossoff has announced his bid for Georgia Senate.
Importantly, however, Ossoff is running for GOP Sen. David Perdue’s seat – not the one that Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson will be vacating at the end of the year, triggering a second 2020 Senate race in Georgia.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Ossoff announced his Senate bid in tandem with an endorsement from Rep. John Lewis.
“Like the many thousands Jon has already organized and inspired, I am ready to work tirelessly to elect him,” Lewis said. “Georgia and America need Jon.”
On the campaign trail today: Pete Buttigieg (at 3:45 pm ET), Julian Castro (at 4:10 pm), Amy Klobuchar (at 4:25 pm) and Cory Booker (at 4:45 pm) speak at a Congressional Hispanic Caucus presidential forum in DC… And Elizabeth Warren holds a town hall in Austin, Texas.
Dispatches from NBC’s embeds: Bernie Sanders held a rally yesterday in Denver, where he pulled in a larger-than-average crowd, per NBC’s Gary Grumbach: “The Sanders campaign rarely holds rallies of this magnitude. When asked why Denver, the campaign says this is part of their outreach to not just the earliest states, but to the Super Tuesday states as well.” Campaign officials estimated the crowd size at 10,000 attendees. Fittingly for Colorado, Sanders focused on the need to legalize marijuana, “Thank you, Colorado, for leading the way to the legalization of marijuana. And that is what we have got to do nationally. And what we also have to do is expunge the records of those people arrested for possession.”
Julián Castro spent time at his Houston rally discussing the upcoming Democratic debate on Thursday. NBC’s Deepa Shivaram reports that Castro says “there’s nothing particularly new he’s doing to prepare,” but, “he hopes ABC and Univision will ask questions about topics that aren’t always in the news, like housing. Before he wrapped, Castro called on ABC to enforce equal speaking times for the candidates.” Castro went all to say that if candidates don’t receive equal time, ABC and Univision should have to explain why.
THE LID: Nothin’ could be finer
Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we looked at why the stakes are so high for tonight’s special election in North Carolina.
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
A new Washington Post-ABC poll finds Trump with a 38 percent approval rating.
Blast from the not-so-distant past: Jon Ossoff says he’s running for Senate in Georgia against David Perdue.
The president says that negotiations with the Taliban are “dead.”
The plot thickens with those claims of Air Force flight crews staying overnight at a Trump property in Scotland.
Here’s the latest on the Brexit chaos after Parliament again rejected Boris Johnson’s call for a new election.
Thanks for reading.
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Chuck, Mark, and Carrie
NOQ Report Daily |
- ‘Hate speech’: Facebook takes down post calling for deporting criminal illegal aliens
- President Trump makes an important promise ahead of the 2020 elections
- Johnson to suspend UK Parliament after latest Brexit defeat
- Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists
- As border apprehension drop sharply, we must ramp up pressure before the next surge
- Charlie Kirk reacts to an 8th illegal alien sexual predator arrested in Montgomery County
- ‘Science’ is advancing us towards eating bugs to fight climate change. Seriously.
- As 50 Attorneys General look into slapping Google, does it pass Reagan’s ‘consumer welfare’ rule?
- Trump says peace talks with Taliban are now ‘dead’
- What it means for the United States if Benjamin Netanyahu loses in Israel
‘Hate speech’: Facebook takes down post calling for deporting criminal illegal aliens Posted: 09 Sep 2019 06:38 PM PDT Deportation is an important tool necessary to keep American citizens safe. One can even argue it works to keep illegal immigrants safe as deporting violent criminals, such as the man accused of shooting a sheriff’s deputy in California, removes them from the communities where many illegal immigrants reside. But Facebook has a different perspective. To […] The post ‘Hate speech’: Facebook takes down post calling for deporting criminal illegal aliens appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
President Trump makes an important promise ahead of the 2020 elections Posted: 09 Sep 2019 06:16 PM PDT During the first Democratic debate, candidates learned a hard lesson about what the American people really want when it comes to illegal immigration. There can be debates about amnesty, DREAMers, asylum rules, and building the wall, but as Democrats were met with feedback following the June debate regarding one illegal immigration topic, they scrambled to […] The post President Trump makes an important promise ahead of the 2020 elections appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Johnson to suspend UK Parliament after latest Brexit defeat Posted: 09 Sep 2019 06:06 PM PDT LONDON (AP) — The simmering showdown between Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Britain’s Parliament over Brexit came to a head as lawmakers delivered three defeats to the government’s plans for leaving the European Union, before being sent home early Tuesday for a contentious five-week suspension of the legislature. In a session that ran past midnight, […] The post Johnson to suspend UK Parliament after latest Brexit defeat appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists Posted: 09 Sep 2019 05:39 PM PDT Project 21 members credit Trump economic policies for increased minority opportunity. Washington, D.C. – Black unemployment and the black-white employment gap have fallen to the lowest levels ever recorded, and members of the Project 21 black leadership network are cheering the economic policies of the Trump Administration for ushering in historic levels of opportunity and […] The post Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
As border apprehension drop sharply, we must ramp up pressure before the next surge Posted: 09 Sep 2019 05:25 PM PDT August illegal immigration apprehensions fell sharply from heir high point in May. This can be attributed to multiple factors from the scorching hot weather (though the numbers are lower than July, which was just as hot), Mexico doing its part to stop migrants before they make it to the border, and news of policies invoked […] The post As border apprehension drop sharply, we must ramp up pressure before the next surge appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Charlie Kirk reacts to an 8th illegal alien sexual predator arrested in Montgomery County Posted: 09 Sep 2019 05:06 PM PDT As we noted the other day, sanctuary jurisdiction Montgomery County, Maryland, has become a rape playground for illegal immigrants. Since July 25th alone, they’ve now had eight illegal aliens arrested on suspicion of sexual assault, often against minors. Many of these and other crimes could have been avoided had sanctuary policies not prohibited law enforcement […] The post Charlie Kirk reacts to an 8th illegal alien sexual predator arrested in Montgomery County appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
‘Science’ is advancing us towards eating bugs to fight climate change. Seriously. Posted: 09 Sep 2019 04:38 PM PDT It’s the type of headline I dread reading because invariably it fails to deliver on its click-bait premise. I never thought I would be writing such a headline myself, but that’s exactly what’s happening. I could have gone with the more provocative headlines which is also mostly true: “Science is advancing us towards cannibalism to […] The post ‘Science’ is advancing us towards eating bugs to fight climate change. Seriously. appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
As 50 Attorneys General look into slapping Google, does it pass Reagan’s ‘consumer welfare’ rule? Posted: 09 Sep 2019 04:04 PM PDT Is Google too big? Yes. The company controls 9 out of 10 searches. It receives over a third of every digital advertising dollar spent in the world. It’s on the verge of being worth a trillion dollars. And it does all of this with a progressive mindset that harms conservatives and Christians. Based on this […] The post As 50 Attorneys General look into slapping Google, does it pass Reagan’s ‘consumer welfare’ rule? appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Trump says peace talks with Taliban are now ‘dead’ Posted: 09 Sep 2019 03:07 PM PDT WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. peace talks with the Taliban are now “dead,” President Donald Trump declared Monday, one day after he abruptly canceled a secret meeting he had arranged with Taliban and Afghan leaders aimed at ending America’s longest war. Trump’s remark to reporters at the White House suggested he sees no point in resuming […] The post Trump says peace talks with Taliban are now ‘dead’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
What it means for the United States if Benjamin Netanyahu loses in Israel Posted: 09 Sep 2019 02:48 PM PDT Israel’s elections are just over a week away and most Americans are enjoying a collective yawn. Politics in Israel is not well understood nor properly covered by American press. This is by design; if more American Jews were made aware of the state of affairs on the ground in Israel, it would be harder for […] The post What it means for the United States if Benjamin Netanyahu loses in Israel appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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Tue, September 10 |
BLIND SIDED! Joe Biden Tells Terrified Voter to ‘Look into His’ Blood-Filled Eye During Town Hall Former Vice President Joe Biden blind-sided a climate change activist during a speaking event last Friday; demanding the young voter “look into his eyes” just days after the frontrunner’s eye filled with blood during a televised town hall.“How can we trust that you’re going to act on the climate crisis if you’re still… |
SANDERS SCHOOLED: Dan Crenshaw Rips Bernie’s ‘Pure Intellectual Laziness’ Rep. Dan Crenshaw slammed Sen. Bernie Sanders on social media over the weekend; saying the far-left lawmaker’s comments on the defense budget and education spending reveals his “pure intellectual laziness.”The 2020 presidential hopeful called for tuition-free college across the United States on Twitter, writing “Congress gives hundreds of billions of dollars to fund… |
GREEN NEW MEAL: Scientist Says ‘Consuming Human Flesh’ May Be Needed to Fight Climate Change A European scientist speaking at a summit in Sweden last week suggested a controversial new trend to combat climate change: consuming human flesh as an alternative to animal products.“Stockholm School of Economics professor and researcher Magnus Soderlund reportedly said he believes eating human meat, derived from dead bodies, might be able to help… |
CRANKY BERNIE: Sanders Says Dems Must Come Together to Defeat ‘Most Dangerous President’ in History Vermont Senator and 2020 hopeful Bernie Sanders escalated his war-of-words with the White House Monday; saying all Democrats must “come together” to defeat “the most dangerous president” in modern history.“No matter who ends up winning that nomination — and needless to say, I hope it is us — we will all come together… |
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Highlighted Articles/Interviews Islamic Regimes’ Deep Involvement in 9/11 Exposed Clare Lopez: 9/11 Came From Riyadh & Tehran Tommy Waller: “Swamp” trying to derail Trump on electric grid protection Gaffney: The US and the Taliban are closing in on a deal requiring us to pull back our forces Statement by Center for Security Policy President Fred Fleitz on Iranian Threats Against the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Former Senior National Security Practitioners Offer President Trump A ‘Secure Afghanistan’ Blueprint, Outline Alternative To More-Of-The Same Or Surrender WASHINGTON, D.C.— In the wake of President Trump’s laudable decision not to meet at Camp David with Taliban jihadists (doing business as the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan”) and to suspend further negotiations with them regarding the presence of U.S. forces in that country, four seasoned national security professionals outlined key elements of a new approach for securing Afghanistan. Read the whole letter here. Iran Tanker Spotted Near Syrian Coast Center President and CEO, Fred Fleitz, joined the BBC’s Newsweek to discuss the latest developments regarding an Iranian oil tanker that was seen near the Syrian coast. Listen to the whole interview here. Talks with the Taliban are ‘Dead’; Time for the ‘Secure Afghanistan’ Strategy Yesterday, President Trump further clarified his policy toward Afghanistan. He announced that negotiations with the Taliban jihadists are “dead.” And, while there will be further reductions of U.S. forces there, they will not be dictated by our Sharia-supremacist enemies. The President deserves great credit for this critical course-correction. The temptation to do otherwise is, as he would say, yuuuuge. He is committed to keeping campaign promises to end the nation’s longest war; diplomats yearn for Nobel Peace Prizes; budgeteers seek spending cuts; and supporters of the military want to end its seemingly futile sacrifices. Now, Mr. Trump has the chance to re-boot U.S. policy to as to achieve significant reductions in the U.S. presence in Afghanistan – without surrendering the place and its long-suffering people to the Taliban and other Jihadists. Our “Secure Afghanistan” Strategy shows how; review it at Secure With Gordon Chang, Thomas McIntyre and Stephen Young GORDON CHANG, The Daily Beast contributor, Author of The Coming Collapse of China and Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World, Latest book: Losing South Korea (2019): Updates on Hong Kong protests The current state of China’s economy Dangerous implications of the ‘thrift savings plan” THOMAS MCINERNEY, Retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, Served in top military positions under the Secretary of Defense and the Vice President of the United States: Why the Taliban cannot be trusted in any negotiation The significance of a CORDS model What does the “Secure Afghanistan” proposal entail? STEPHEN YOUNG, Global Executive Director of Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism, Author of Moral Capitalism and The Road to Moral Capitalism, Served as Assistant Dean at the Harvard law School: How Vietnamization can be applied to Afghanistan Why surrender and defeat are unacceptable regarding Afghanistan (PART TWO): Dissecting the critical turning point in the Vietnam War The significance of understanding the ideology of the Taliban Why mobilizing the local people should be an essential component of our Afghan policy TWEET OF THE DAY Retweet, like, and comment! DONATE View this email in your browser Copyright © 2019 Center for Security Policy, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 189 Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 835-9077 Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
September 10 2019 |
China May Cry ‘Uncle’ Sooner Than We Think
Jim Geraghty
the click-through worthwhile: Some signs that China is starting to feel
the pain from Trump’s trade war; a special House election in North
Carolina and what it could tell us about 2020; and Beto O’Rourke
declares that living close to work is “a right for everyone.”
Is China Starting to Feel the Pain from the Trade War?
Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal had a fascinating front-page article that could have deep political ramifications.
now, Trump’s trade war with China looks like slamming our collective
foreheads against a brick wall, hoping we do more damage to the wall
than the wall does to our skulls. We institute tariffs, China gets mad
and responds with their own tariffs, Trump gets mad and responds with
more tariffs, and the cycle goes on and on. The escalating battle hurts
our farmers and exporters, while the leaders of Beijing …
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