Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Friday September 6, 2019.
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“Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Good morning, Private payrolls increased by 195,000 in August, according to data contained in the ADP National Employment report. The boost in hiring by private employers suggests the economy continues to grow despite trade tensions. “Companies continue to hold on tight to the workers they have and are also onboarding new workers at a fast clip,” said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at MUFG in New York. Read the full story here Federal Judge Rules Terror Watchlist Unconstitutional Trump Says ‘Close to 500 Miles of Wall’ Will Be Completed Before End of 2020 Dorian Grazes Carolina Coast After Claiming at Least 4 Lives in US Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) filed a lawsuit alleging that opposition research outfit Fusion GPS and left-leaning watchdog group Campaign for Accountability engaged in a racketeering conspiracy by filing ethics complaints against him that the suit called “fraudulent and retaliatory.” Read more Hong Kong is a critical financial gateway for mainland China, therefore increased meddling in the city’s affairs by Beijing would backfire, causing significant capital flight, experts say. Read more Officials say an American woman attempted to bring a 6-day-old baby from the Philippines into the United States by keeping it hidden inside a sling bag she was carrying. The woman was arrested at an airport in Manila and charged with human trafficking. Read more Union pension funds unable to pay promised benefits to retirees would be bailed out by taxpayers under a Democratic plan that a Heritage Foundation retirement expert claims will only make the problem worse. Read more A whistleblower is challenging the outcome of an administrative trial that stripped him of his security clearance, after discovering that the U.S. government had withheld an exculpatory report. The report was from a secret inquiry that had cleared him of allegations that he leaked information to the media. Read more Michigan State University was fined a record $4.5 million for its systematic failure to protect students in wake of the abuse scandal involving the school’s former sports doctor, Larry Nassar, the U.S. Department of Education announced. Read more See More Top Stories Current Elitist Threats to Our Republic By Mark Hendrickson Various Americans who believe that they know the “right” path forward for our country crave the power to force their plans upon us. It’s clear they’re willing to trample the Constitution, our laws, and our traditions, if that’s what it takes to achieve their goals. Read more American Maoists Send 4 Delegations to Venezuela in Less Than 6 Months—Is This Legal? By Trevor Loudon For the fourth time since April, U.S. Maoists from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization have sent a delegation to Venezuela. These delegations are clearly in support of Venezuela’s Marxist regime. They organize support and solidarity for the regime and clearly propagandize in its favor. They also clearly side with the Maduro regime against President Donald Trump. Read more See More Opinions North Korean Satellites May Hold Nuclear Bombs By Daniel Ashman North Korea has two satellites that orbit above America and may hold nuclear bombs, a report recently declassified by the Department of Defense warns. If either satellite holds a nuclear bomb, it could be detonated when above America, cause an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and break America’s electric grid indefinitely. A full 90 percent of Americans could die. Read more In the eyes of Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton, what is the significance of the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, or IG report, on former FBI Director James Comey? Does it exonerate Comey as the former FBI Director claims? What is the significance of Bruce Ohr’s interview records, FBI 302’s, with Christopher Steele? What else might be found in other Christopher Steele-related documents? And in the Michael Flynn legal case, why is the prosecution insistent on withholding access to unredacted Bruce Ohr 302s & Strzok-Page texts? Does the IG Report “Exonerate” James Comey? Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton Weighs In Advertisement: Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
Sep 06, 2019 |
Happy Friday from Washington, where President Trump prompts hand-wringing by his willingness to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. That doesn’t mean the U.S. will ease sanctions on the Islamist regime, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tells our Nolan Peterson in an exclusive interview. A gun control debate on Twitter involving an actress and two U.S. senators prompts Jarrett Stepman to explore the Second Amendment. Plus: Chuck Donovan on Planned Parenthood’s real interest, Armstrong Williams on black employment gains, and Nicole Russell on government coercion and transgender pronouns. Enjoy your weekend. |
Commentary Why the Right to Bear Arms Is an Individual Right “The 2nd Amendment is about collective, not personal defense, and allows the government to reasonably condition firearms ownership,” says Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. More News EXCLUSIVE: Secretary of State Calls on Iran to Act Like a ‘Normal Nation’ “The Washington establishment sometimes stares at [a possible US-Iran meeting] and says, ‘Oh, my goodness, they’re getting a meeting … boy, that creates power for them.’ The president sees it differently,” Secretary Mike Pompeo says. More Commentary The State of Black Employment Black unemployment, at 6%, is the lowest it has been since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began measuring it in 1972. But the story does not end there. More Commentary Women Don’t Need Planned Parenthood to Get Affordable Care Community health centers are growing rapidly, with bipartisan support. These changes likely explain the already well-advanced decline in Planned Parenthood clients. More Commentary Cuccinelli Schools Media on Immigration, Welfare, and Freedom In 1900, 2.8% of the nation’s gross domestic product was taken by the federal government. Today, it is 23.2%, almost one-quarter of our nation’s economy, taken and largely redistributed by the federal government. More Commentary Government Shouldn’t Force Teachers to Use Transgender Pronouns A Florida high school teacher faced criticism and disciplinary action because a transgender student asked him to refer to the student by female pronouns, although the student was born male. The teacher refused. More | ||
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Friday, September 6, 2019 CNN Town Hall On Wednesday, CNN hosted a seven-hour climate change town hall featuring ten Democratic candidates in succession. CNN From the Left The left is encouraged that candidates are taking climate change seriously. “There were reportedly concerns within the DNC that ‘a debate that incentivized the eventual nominee to declare war on the fossil fuel industry risked ceding gas-producing states like Pennsylvania to Trump in 2020’… CNN showed that the DNC had little to fear with a climate crisis debate. Most of the candidates avoided direct attacks on each other, let alone proclamations that could scare off crucial blocks of swing voters. As Bernie Sanders made clear: ‘The coal miners in this country, the men and women who work on the oil rigs, they are not my enemy. My enemy is climate change.’” Sophia Tesfaye, Salon “Organizing works. Earlier this year, activists with the Sunrise Movement began agitating for the Democratic National Committee to hold a climate debate. While they didn’t get an official debate, they did get a prime-time, science-based, and mostly substantive discussion of climate change. Years of work by activists to elevate climate change to the top of the political agenda resulted in every candidate agreeing on a certain floor for action, including reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the very latest, ending federal subsidies for the fossil fuel industry, and restricting oil and gas leasing on public lands—something the Obama administration resisted.” Zoë Carpenter, The Nation “The conversation… stood in stark contrast to an administration for which the question is not how but whether to address the climate crisis — and the answer is no… Trump has… moved to protect methane leaks, open protected lands and waters to fossil fuel extraction, and help cars and trucks consume gasoline. Why do fossil fuel purveyors keep having their way with administration officials? Partly because they are often one and the same. Take Joe Balash, who resigned as the Interior Department’s assistant secretary for land and minerals management last week to become an executive at an oil company with operations near Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, an area where Balash and other administration officials have championed fossil fuel extraction… Balash follows other ranking administration officials who have jumped to the energy industry, among them former Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt.” Editorial Board, San Francisco Chronicle “The voter passionately motivated by climate change was once something of an anomaly. But that is changing as President Donald Trump has systematically unraveled the nation’s environmental regulations at the same time that Americans have witnessed a series of climate-related crises: fires in the Amazon, hurricanes that churn with increasing fury and record-shattering temperatures and weather events across the US… A Quinnipiac University poll in late August found that 56% of registered voters nationwide believe climate change is an emergency… In a new high since Quinnipiac began asking the question in 2015, 67% of voters said the US is not doing enough to address climate change.” Maeve Reston, CNN Many note that “Biden’s appearance at the town hall was less than impressive. He repeatedly interrupted himself to jump from one thought to another. When he was asked whether he would ban fossil fuel exports—an issue on which other candidates had disparate but relatively clear views—Biden instantly pivoted to a long account of his efforts on behalf of high-speed rail. Even the shallow matter of what we now call ‘optics’ went badly for Biden.” Jeff Greenfield, Politico Regarding Bernie’s comment about abortion, “It’s important to note that even reversing the Mexico City policy doesn’t mean U.S. funds can go to funding abortions. Congress in 1974 banned the use of U.S. funds for abortion and abortion-related services, and that law remains on the books. The Mexico City policy simply expanded on that to prevent the funding of groups that provide such services — even if the money doesn’t go directly to abortion services… “Sanders’s 2016 campaign said he opposes that 1974 law, known as the Helms amendment. So it’s fair to say that he supports federal funding for foreign abortion services. (Hillary Clinton did, too.) But saying he supports that policy in order to ‘abort poor babies for population control’ is taking things to another level. One can support federal funding for abortions domestically, for instance, without believing it should be used specifically to stop population growth… when describing specifically how he would support combating global population growth, Sanders only mentioned birth control. People may infer things from the fact that he invoked ‘reproductive decisions’ in his answer, but he never said he thinks the United States should support abortion as a means of population control.” Aaron Blake, Washington Post From the Right The right is critical of the solutions offered and in particular Bernie Sanders’s remarks about abortion. “Yes, climate change is real… But too often, liberal Democrats assume socialist command and control approaches – mixed with federal jobs guarantees and universal health care – are the only solutions… We could debate the merits of a socialist ‘Green New Deal’ takeover of the entire U.S. economy – a debate destined to go nowhere. Or we could have a serious debate on climate solutions [such as increased use of natural gas, nuclear energy, and hydropower], informed by political and technical realism and economic competitiveness – and get somewhere.” Rich Powell, Fox News “Democratic presidential candidates argued on Wednesday evening, during a seven-hour event broadcast on CNN, that they would stop at nothing to stop climate change… Harris would change dietary guidelines to reduce red-meat consumption. She would ban fracking. She would ban offshore drilling. She’d even ban plastic straws. What about increasing production of nuclear power, which doesn’t produce carbon dioxide emissions?… In short, 2020 Democrats argued that there is an existential environmental crisis, but we can’t be bothered to find the appropriate dirt heap under which we would dump the waste of a carbon-free energy source already in existence that actually works.” John McCormack, National Review “It’s really one of the tragedies of our age that so many anxious young people have been brainwashed into believing they live on the cusp of dystopia when, in fact, they’re in the middle of a golden age — an era with less war, sickness, poverty, and suffering than any in history… And though the most effective way to lower carbon emissions — the one that allows us to outpace signees of the vaunted Paris Accord — has been fracking, most Democrats, it seems, now oppose that as well… Americans use about 19.96 million barrels of petroleum products per day. To replace it, we’d have to create millions of unproductive taxpayer-funded jobs, layer every inch of available land with solar panels and windmills, and then pray to Gaia that every day is simultaneously sunny and windy. All for the low cost of $93 trillion.” David Harsanyi, The Federalist “Assuming mainstream climate science modeling, eliminating all U.S. carbon dioxide emissions tomorrow would avert only 0.034°C—0.062°C of global warming in 2050. Such a tiny change, which is too small to be reliably detected, would have no discernible effect on weather patterns, crop yields, or polar bear populations… How do such vanishingly small climate benefits justify the enormous costs?“ Marlo Lewis, Fox News Regarding Sanders, “To say that overpopulation is a problem, and then to immediately call for more funding of abortion in, say, Africa, is a rather startling position to take — maybe even ‘courageous,’ in the sense that it is risky to appear so callous [and] cruel. Sanders may have meant something else. He seemed to believe the Mexico City policy curtailed access to contraceptives. (It does not.) He spoke the language of autonomy. So maybe Sanders sees himself as just wanting to empower poor women to control their fertility. Even so, Western enthusiasm for reducing the number of African babies has always had racist and colonialist undertones.” Editorial Board, Washington Examiner “Sanders isn’t alone in linking abortion rights to concerns about the climate. Some of the most ardent abortion-rights activists routinely lament the choice to have children, on the grounds that doing so is bad for the environment… Pushing birth control and abortion as a means of lowering population growth, and specifically of eliminating ‘undesirable’ populations, is not a new tactic on the part of progressives. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, for instance, was a pioneer in the eugenics movement’s effort to provide contraception to minority communities, largely to limit the continued growth of what she deemed unwanted populations. Sanger put a fine point on this in her writings: ‘The feebleminded are notoriously prolific in reproduction.’” Alexandra DeSanctis, National Review “We’ve been hearing the same dire warnings about the catastrophe of population growth for 50 years now, with the crash always just ten years away. Paul Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb in 1968 and predicted massive wars and famine by the early 1980s… China imposed a brutal and corrupt one-child policy for decades, forcing mothers to have abortions and encouraging a sex-selection process that has left the country with far too many single men of reproductive age. It has warped their social structure while covering up the real problems China faces — government oppression rather than population control.” Ed Morrissey, Hot Air On the bright side… Horse joins owner on flight from Chicago as service animal. The Guardian Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Share Tweet Forward Sign Up Here Copyright © 2019 The Flip Side, All rights reserved. You can unsubscribe from this list here. |
The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for September 6,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. I Don’t Care About Climate Change. It is a Religious Doctrine of Progressive Secularists. I do not care about climate change. The left only cares because they need some new doctrines and orthodoxies to replace the religions they are abandoning. Climate change is not an issue of reality, but an issue of rhetoric designed to find and eliminate heretics. If the Democrats really, truly cared, they’d be first in line to give up their burgers, their plane tickets, and quite possibly their lives — all to spare the world more carbon. Instead, they want the bully pulpits, the wagyu beef, and the private jets to tell the rest of us to do as they say, not as they do. I don’t care about climate change because it is very clear the left does not care about it except as a political weapon with which they can scare kids and bully opponents and keep poor third world countries in heat, mosquitos, and squalor. But then we should expect no less from the very people who adopt the arguments of slave owners to defend killing children. The post I Don’t Care About Climate Change. It is a Religious Doctrine of Progressive Secularists. appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » England Must Brexit to Save Itself From Corbyn and the Anti-Semitic Europeans The UK must Brexit, to save its own heritage as the protectors of Israel and the agents of returning the Jews ancient homeland back to its rightful owners. The English people are not Jew-haters, but how they will be remembered by history depends on if PM Johnson is successful. I, for one, hope he is. The post England Must Brexit to Save Itself From Corbyn and the Anti-Semitic Europeans appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Reality of Evil Our nation has seen its fair share of violence in recent years, and the blame goes all around. It’s the guns, some folks say. Others pin it on a lack of mental health resources. Still others find a bogeyman in some group or politician who is, in their mind, mostly responsible for stirring the violence. […] The post The Reality of Evil appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Too Much Justice for Jussie How was he supposed to know the cops would do their jobs? The post Too Much Justice for Jussie appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Biden: We’d Like To Reach a Point Where Everyone Drives Electric Cars The post Biden: We’d Like To Reach a Point Where Everyone Drives Electric Cars appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Kamala Harris Admits She Wants To Limit Your Red Meat Consumption The post Kamala Harris Admits She Wants To Limit Your Red Meat Consumption appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Bernie Supports Discussing ‘The Need To Curb Population Growth’ To Fix Climate Change The post Bernie Supports Discussing ‘The Need To Curb Population Growth’ To Fix Climate Change appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Buttigieg: Not Acting on Climate Change ‘Is a Kind of Sin’ The post Buttigieg: Not Acting on Climate Change ‘Is a Kind of Sin’ appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » My Hot Take You’ll Hate About the CNN Climate Cult Festivities It doesn’t matter. The Democrats can say all the bat crap crazy stuff about extermination poor third world populations (Bernie), banning straws (Harris), banning cows (Harris/Yang), indoctrinating kids (Castro), spreading acid rain (Yang), banning the combustion engine (Biden/Yang), and raising taxes (most of them) because it does not matter. The 2020 election is going to […] The post My Hot Take You’ll Hate About the CNN Climate Cult Festivities appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Read This Letter to the Editor Athens, GA is home to the University of Georgia and a small airport. But the Chamber of Commerce there thinks the airport can and should grow. In fact, given Athens’ location and UGA’s presence, investment at the airport makes sense. Unfortunately for the airport and the Chamber, one local resident thinks it would be a […] The post Read This Letter to the Editor appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
Sign up for this newsletter Read online The morning’s most important stories, curated by Post editors. Dorian spurs floods, tornadoes in Carolinas as it makes disastrous trek north The hurricane’s trajectory was expected to produce what forecasters called life-threatening storm surge in the Outer Banks. The U.S. is also marshaling additional resources for the Bahamas, where the death toll continues to climb. By Reis Thebault, Fenit Nirappil and Tim Craig ● Read more » In the Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian, waiting for relief amid the bodies Some wealthy islanders have paid upward of $20,000 to be airlifted out. But the people of the Mudd are stuck. By Anthony Faiola ● Read more » ‘What I said was accurate!’: Trump stays fixated on his Alabama error For a fourth straight day, Trump’s White House sought to clean up the president’s mistaken warnings to Alabama, releasing statements, disseminating alternative hurricane maps and attacking the media. By Toluse Olorunnipa and Josh Dawsey ● Read more » Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwean leader who helped liberate and destroy his country, dies at 95 The champion of the black liberation struggle in Africa rose to political power, then let his nation fall into ruin over a 37-year iron-fisted rule. By Glenn Frankel ● Read more » Boris Johnson takes a wrecking ball to government and gets hit himself The new British prime minister goes one better than President Trump as the disrupter-in-chief. The Take | Analysis ● By Dan Balz ● Read more » Contaminant in marijuana vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses Officials investigating a mysterious outbreak of lung disease detected an oil that could be dangerous when inhaled in marijuana vaping products used in different parts of the country, The Post has found. By Lena Sun ● Read more » Opinions Walmart is acting to curb gun violence. How about Congress? By Editorial Board ● Read more » Trump’s Twitter diplomacy with China is no substitute for clear policy By David Ignatius ● Read more » Theodore McCarrick still won’t confess By Marc Thiessen ● Read more » We’re in the midst of Trump’s War on Children By Catherine Rampell ● Read more » Trump’s Sharpie-doctored hurricane map embodies the man By Eugene Robinson ● Read more » Jim Mattis’s book is NOT about the president By Alexandra Petri ● Read more » More News Pence’s security detail raises eyebrows in peaceful Iceland Locals were reportedly told to show “patience and understanding” for the vice president’s seven-hour visit to a nation whose leader travels alone on private errands. By Rebecca Tan ● Read more » How an obscure law professor outmaneuvered a powerful nationalist to become Italy’s prime minister twice Giuseppe Conte went from mild-mannered academic to the man who stood up to Italy’s far right. By Chico Harlan and Stefano Pitrelli ● Read more » More than two years later, Trump’s wall remains unbuilt The president insists he’s building “the wall,” but it’s actually a much more modest system of fences and vehicle barriers, many of which are simply being replaced. Fact Checker | Analysis ● By Salvador Rizzo ● Read more » Trump administration unveils plan to revamp the housing market Administration officials are proposing significant changes that include the end to more than a decade of government control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the housing giants that back half of the nation’s mortgages. By Renae Merle ● Read more » Protests, defections, rebellions — a chaotic week for British politics Kevin Sullivan breaks down Boris Johnson’s Brexit battle. Caroline Kitchener describes the state of women’s health care in Maine. And Danielle Paquette takes us on a ride with an African delivery service. Post Reports | Listen Now ● By The Washington Post ● Read more » We think you’ll like this newsletter Check out The Trailer for news and insight on political campaigns around the country, from David Weigel. 435 districts. 50 states. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings. Sign up » |
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POLITICO Playbook: Iran tests Trump
09/06/2019 05:56 AM EDT

NUCLEAR UPDATE … NORTH KOREA has been test launching missiles with regularity, and now Iran is saying it will begin research and development of new nuclear weapons.
— NYT’S RICK GLADSTONE: “Iran Will No Longer Honor Limits on Nuclear Research, a Core Principle of Accord”: “Moving further away from the 2015 nuclear agreement, Iran said Thursday it had stopped honoring the deal’s limits on research and development, a potentially important breach of the accord.
“The step was Iran’s third retaliatory suspension of compliance with a provision of the accord since President Trump renounced it last year and reimposed severe sanctions aimed at crippling Iran’s economy.
“Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, conveyed the country’s latest step in a letter to Federica Mogherini, the top foreign policy official of the European Union, who has been trying to save the nuclear deal from unraveling.
“Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency quoted a Foreign Ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, as saying Mr. Zarif’s letter informed Ms. Mogherini that Iran had ceased all its commitments ‘in the field of nuclear research and development as of today (Thursday).’” NYT
IRANIAN LEADERS have said they will not start talks with the United States unless sanctions are dropped. President DONALD TRUMP said this to French President EMMANUEL MACRON on Thursday night, according to a White House readout distributed by the pool: “President Trump reiterated that dropping sanctions against Iran is not going to happen at this time.”
NYT’S NEW LONDON BUREAU CHIEF MARK LANDLER on A9: “Trump and Johnson’s Complex ‘Bromance’ Is Underscored by Pence Visit”: “Battered by serial defeats in Parliament, scolded by members of his own party, abandoned by even his own brother, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain looked this week like someone who could use a friend.
“He got one Thursday — or at least a faithful understudy — in the person of Vice President Mike Pence. Mr. Pence met Mr. Johnson at 10 Downing Street to pass along President Trump’s support of the prime minister’s plan to pull Britain out of the European Union.
“Mr. Trump himself offered Mr. Johnson a long-distance pat on the back Wednesday as Mr. Johnson battled a recalcitrant Parliament, telling reporters, ‘Boris knows how to win.’
“These days, however, Mr. Johnson does not look like much of a winner. … Friendship with Mr. Trump is also a fickle thing. He was friendly with President Emmanuel Macron of France until the two men fell out over Iran and climate change, among other issues. Mr. Johnson, as foreign secretary under Prime Minister Theresa May, unsuccessfully lobbied the White House not to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal.” NYT
— PENCE landed from his European trip at 12:30 a.m. From pooler Bob Costa of WaPo: “Of note: During the flight, a WH official said VPOTUS has rescheduled a major speech on China for this fall, date to be announced, at a think tank in Washington.” NOTE: Pence canceled a China speech a few months ago, as the U.S. was negotiating with the Chinese.
!!! … THE TELEGRAPH’S @rafsanchez: “I asked Netanyahu if he had confidence in @AviBerkow, the 30-year-old former Kushner [assistant] the White House has put in charge of Israeli-Palestinian peace. ‘Why not?’ he replied.”
A message from The Boeing Company:
“There’s some familiarity here that makes you comfortable,” says Nicole Canada, one of 20,000+ veterans using military experience and leadership skills to strengthen our team every day.
AP … FOR TODAY’S PAPERS … JONATHAN LEMIRE: “Mr. Never Wrong: Storm spat underscores Trump’s mindset”: “President Donald Trump doesn’t make mistakes. At least according to him.
“Trump’s relentless justifications of his erroneous warnings that Hurricane Dorian was threatening Alabama on Sunday, which created days of ridicule and skepticism, are just the latest example of the president’s lifelong reluctance to admit an error, no matter how innocuous.
“His fervent, dayslong pushback has displayed not only his prolonged focus on a personal spat but his willingness, notably again late on Thursday, to deploy government staff and resources to justify an inaccurate claim. Presidential proclamations can move markets, rattle world capitals and, in this case, unnecessarily alarm the residents of a state. Trump’s relationship with the truth and accountability threatened to, yet again, diminish the weight of any president’s words.” AP
— NANCY COOK: “The short arc of a Sharpie captures the long arc of Trump”: “The tone of the entire Trump presidency was captured this week with the simple swipe of a black Sharpie. An ill-timed, inaccurate but well-intentioned Twitter warning from Presidential Donald Trump at the start of the week extended into a five-day presidential feud by Thursday, transforming a forgettable fact-check of his words into an epic storm of attacks as the president repeatedly doubled down and dug in.
“Trump’s latest move of promulgating false information, blaming the media for the coverage of it and then subsequently turning that controversy into a seemingly pointless multi-day story reminded current and former White House aides, advisers and Trump allies of all the times in business and government he has leaned on the same playbook of never, ever backing down: whether it was the value of his real estate business or the crowd size at his inauguration or his statements about Chinese tariffs.”
QUOTE DU JOUR: “No one else writes like that on a map with a black Sharpie” — anonymous White House official to WaPo’s Toluse Olorunnipa and Josh Dawsey
RNC LEADERSHIP UPDATE … CHICAGO TRIBUNE: “Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts’ property tax assessment appeal on designer Wilmette home sent to state’s attorney,” by Hal Dardick: “The Cook County Board of Review has referred to the state’s attorney its investigation of Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts’ property tax appeal on his designer Wilmette home after concluding that Ricketts and his real estate lawyer made ‘misrepresentations’ that lowered tax bills by tens of thousands of dollars.
“The tax appeals panel concluded that it ‘does not have sufficient evidence to establish’ that either Ricketts or attorney James FortCamp ‘knowingly misled’ officials. But the board also noted it does not have the authority to compel those involved to testify under oath.
“The state’s attorney’s office does have such power. The tax board, which took a look at Ricketts’ appeal following a Tribune report, did not specify whether it’s seeking a criminal or civil review. A spokeswoman for Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx declined to say, issuing a statement that said the office was ‘reviewing the matter at this time to determine the appropriate next steps.’” Chicago Tribune
JOE BIDEN on Thursday night at a New York fundraiser, per the N.Y. Daily News’ Chris Sommerfeldt: “Biden recalled meeting Vladimir Putin while serving as VP. ‘I don’t think you have a soul and his response was “well we understand each other,”’ Biden said.
“In order to ensure that Putin doesn’t interfere in more American elections, Biden said, ‘we have to get every state in the union to move toward having paper ballots. We need the backup.’”
— BIDEN AT A SECOND FUNDRAISER at the New York apartment of Andrew Goldman, co-founder of Houston-based natural gas company LNG Wester: “‘Folks, I know there’s been a lot of attention paid to you showing up tonight. More than I think you anticipated,’ Biden said. …
“He added, in an apparent reference to the rest of the Democratic presidential primary field, ‘I’m the only guy who has ever gotten anything done.’”
— MARC CAPUTO in Rock Hill, S.C.: “Biden bets it all on the black vote”
Good Friday morning. NBC’S KASIE HUNT and MATT RIVERA, also a member of the peacock family, had a baby boy Wednesday night. Mars Hunt Rivera came in at 9 lbs, 8 oz. With pic: NBC
SPOTTED at a book party for Jim Mattis and Bing West’s new book, “Call Sign Chaos,” hosted by Katherine and David Bradley: Mark Shields, David Ignatius, Margaret Brennan and Yado Yakub, John Kelly, John Allen, Bill and Janet Cohen, Rudy de Leon, John Toolan, Margaret Snyder, Margaret Warner, Bob Barnett …
… Heather Podesta, Dana Bash, Eileen Marousek, Ruth Marcus, Woody Woodbridge, Sally Donnelly, Bob Woodward, Ali Siddiqui, Rita Braver, Mark Leibovich, Molly Ball, Cathy Merrill Williams, Margret Carlson, Jeremy Bash, Sally Quinn, Michèle Flournoy, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Andrea Mitchell and Rachel Gleischman. Pic of the partiers, including Mattis and Kelly
Playbook PM
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THE LATEST ON GOVERNMENT FUNDING — SARAH FERRIS and HEATHER CAYGLE: “House to vote on stopgap bill to avert shutdown”: “The House will return to Washington next week with plans to swiftly pass a bill to keep the government open past Sept. 30, marking the first step to avert yet another shutdown.
“The House will take up the stopgap funding measure the second week they return from the August recess, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced in a letter to the caucus on Thursday. … [I]t’s unclear whether Senate Republicans are willing to accept a stopgap measure, which would not include a single additional dollar for President Donald Trump’s border wall, which is likely to be the administration’s top priority in the funding talks.” POLITICO
ALEX ISENSTADT: “Republicans to scrap primaries and caucuses as Trump challengers cry foul”: “Four states are poised to cancel their 2020 GOP presidential primaries and caucuses, a move that would cut off oxygen to Donald Trump’s long-shot primary challengers. Republican parties in South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Kansas are expected to finalize the cancellations in meetings this weekend, according to three GOP officials who are familiar with the plans.
“The moves are the latest illustration of Trump’s takeover of the entire Republican Party apparatus. They underscore the extent to which his allies are determined to snuff out any potential nuisance en route to his re-nomination — or even to deny Republican critics a platform to embarrass him.
“Trump advisers are quick to point out that parties of an incumbent president seeking reelection have a long history of canceling primaries and note it will save state parties money. But the president’s primary opponents, who have struggled to gain traction, are crying foul, calling it part of a broader effort to rig the contest in Trump’s favor.” POLITICO
TRUCKIN’ … TRUMP TOUR 2020 … WSJ’S MIKE BENDER: “‘It’s Kind of Like an Addiction’: On the Road With Trump’s Rally Diehards”: “Mr. Trump has hosted more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015, at least 70% of which include his trademark rallies, according to Republican officials. These rallies form the core of one of the most steadfast political movements in modern American political history, a dynamic that has reordered the Republican Party.
“Mr. Trump’s perpetual tour attracts a coterie of political pilgrims who travel across the country and encamp outside arenas for days at a time for the chance to stand in the front row and, for 90 minutes, cheer the man they say has changed the U.S. and, in many cases, their own lives. Somewhere between 5% to 10% of attendees have been to multiple events, the officials said.
“’You go to the rallies, and he basically tells you that you don’t have to put up with “the swamp” and those kinds of people,’ said Saundra Kiczenski, a 40-year-old Walmart worker from Michigan who has been to 29 rallies. ‘Because of him I decided not to pay for Obamacare, not pay the fine. And what happened? Nothing. Before, the quiet me would have paid the fine. But Donald Trump told me that we have a voice, and now I stand up for myself.’” WSJ
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TRUMP’S FRIDAY — The president has no public events scheduled.
- CNN “State of the Union”: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) … Julián Castro. Panel: Amanda Carpenter, Scott Jennings, Karen Finney and Abdul El-Sayed.
- NBC “Meet the Press”: Amy Klobuchar … Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) … Stanley Greenberg. Panel: Kimberly Atkins, Peter Baker, Jonah Goldberg and Amy Walter.
- ABC “This Week”: Panel: Alexi McCammond, Rahm Emanuel, Chris Christie and Mary Bruce.
- CBS “Face the Nation”: Jim Mattis … Garrett Graff … Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.). Anthony Salvanto with new poll numbers. Panel: Jamal Simmons, David Frum, Michael Crowley and Laura Barrón-López.
- FOX “Fox News Sunday”: Mark Sanford. Panel: Karl Rove, Jane Harman, Dana Perino and Juan Williams. Power Player: Lisa Marie Riggins, president of Fairness for Athletes in Retirement.
- CNN “Inside Politics” (Dana Bash guest-hosting): Lisa Lerer, Mike Bender, Rachael Bade and Sahil Kapur.

THE INVESTIGATIONS — “U.S. congressional probe finds possible lapses in Deutsche Bank controls,” by Reuters’ Mark Hosenball, Matt Scuffham and John O’Donnell: “U.S. congressional investigators have identified possible failures in Deutsche Bank AG’s money laundering controls in its dealings with Russian oligarchs, after the lender handed over a trove of transaction records, emails and other documents, three people familiar with the matter said.
“The congressional inquiry found instances where Deutsche Bank staff in the United States and elsewhere flagged concerns about new Russian clients and transactions involving existing ones, but were ignored by managers, two of the people said.
“Lawmakers are also examining whether Deutsche Bank facilitated the funneling of illegal funds into the United States as a correspondent bank, where it processes transactions for others, one of the sources said.” Reuters
GUN CONTROL LATEST … WSJ’S ANDREW RESTUCCIA and NATALIE ANDREWS: “President Trump met with Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin at the White House on Thursday to discuss a policy response to mass shootings that have killed dozens of people over the past several weeks, three people familiar with the matter said.
“The 30-minute private meeting, which included several White House staffers, touched on a range of possible gun-related policy issues including background checks, the people said. … another person familiar with the meeting said the president didn’t give Sen. Manchin a clear signal, illustrating the widespread uncertainty on Capitol Hill about what Mr. Trump might support.” WSJ
— STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, sure, but Joe Manchin does not exactly represent the center of gravity in the Democratic caucus.
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DEATH OF A TYRANT — “Robert Mugabe, former strongman of Zimbabwe, dies aged 95,” by The Telegraph’s Chris Graham: “Robert Mugabe, who ruled Zimbabwe for nearly four decades since independence from Britain, has died at the age of 95. The former strongman, who was ousted in a military coup almost two years ago, reportedly passed away in hospital in Singapore, where he had been receiving medical treatment since April. … Officials often said he was being treated for a cataract, denying frequent reports by private local media that he had prostate cancer.” Telegraph
FOR YOUR RADAR — “Cracks in Saudi-UAE coalition risk new war in Yemen,” by AP’s Maggie Michael in Aden, Yemen: “Fighting between their allies in southern Yemen has opened a gaping wound in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates’ coalition against the country’s rebels. If they can’t fix it, it threatens to tear the country apart into even smaller warring pieces.
“Last week saw a stunning escalation in the turmoil in the south, as Emirati warplanes blasted fighters loyal to Yemen’s internationally recognized president, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi — the man the coalition is supposed to be trying to restore to power. Dozens were killed, and the UAE rubbed salt in the wound by calling Hadi’s forces ‘terrorists.’” AP
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THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION — “Trump administration seeks major mortgage finance overhaul,” by Katy O’Donnell: “The Trump administration proposed sweeping changes to the U.S. housing finance system on Thursday, including a plan to release from government control the two companies behind about half of the country’s mortgages.” POLITICO
BEYOND THE BELTWAY — JKIII sure sounds like a Senate candidate in this interview with Boston’s WBZ-TV.
PLAYBOOK METRO SECTION — STEVE SHEPARD (@POLITICO_Steve): “Spotted in Arlington, Va.: Road crews preparing to change street signs along U.S. 1 from ‘Jefferson Davis Highway’ to ‘Richmond Highway.’” Tweet w/ pic
MEDIAWATCH — “Jeffrey Epstein’s Donations Create a Schism at M.I.T.’s Revered Media Lab,” by NYT’s Tiffany Hsu, Marc Tracy and Erin Griffith:“Joichi Ito gave himself some advice in 2008: ‘Reminder to self,’ he wrote on Twitter. ‘Don’t invest with or take money from creeps,’ although he used an earthier term.
“Then, over the next decade, he accepted about $1.7 million from Jeffrey Epstein.” NYT
— WSJ investigative reporter Gary Fields, AP national political reporter and POLITICO alum Elana Schor and former WSJ and Bloomberg reporter Mariam Fam are joining Michael Rezendes on the AP’s global religion team. AP
— Tom Ranzweiler has been named a producer of the 11 a.m. hour of “MSNBC Live” hosted by Craig Melvin. He most recently was a producer for MSNBC’s “Up With David Gura.” … Ilana Ozernoy will be global head of communications for Bloomberg. She previously was a VP and deputy head of communications for News Corp.
— “NPR Names Veteran Media Executive John Lansing As Its New CEO,” by NPR’s David Folkenflik: “Lansing, who is 62, is currently the chief executive of the government agency that oversees Voice of America, Radio and Television Martí and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, among others. He made his mark in his current job with stirring defenses of journalism, free from government interference. Lansing will start in his new position in mid-October.” NPR
— Abby Smith, Nihal Krishan and Jeffrey Cimmino are joining the Washington Examiner. Smith will be an energy and environment reporter and previously was at Bloomberg. Krishan will be an economic policy reporter and previously was at Mother Jones. Cimmino will be a culture and politics reporter and previously was a media analyst at the Washington Free Beacon.
Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at
IN MEMORIAM — “John ‘Sully’ Sullivan was ‘everything we wanted America to be,’” by WaPo’s Josh Rogin: “Communities of friends, family and admirers in Washington, Massachusetts and Jordan came together this week to mourn the passing of John Sullivan, former U.S. diplomat, husband, father, humanitarian, cancer survivor and the life of every party he attended. He was 37 years old.
“‘Sully,’ as he was known, last worked at the Financial Integrity Network, an advisory firm, and lived in Washington with his wife, Haya Abu Sharar, who works at the International Monetary Fund, and their 9-month-old daughter, Suzanne. He served the U.S. government during three presidential administrations, most recently as the Treasury Department’s attache at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.” WaPo
SPOTTED at a gala dinner celebrating the opening of the Kennedy Center’s $250 million expansion project, The Reach, where first lady Melania Trump gave a surprise speech: David Rubenstein, Deborah Rutter, Chief Justice John Roberts and Jane Roberts, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Dick DeVos, Jacqueline Mars, Norma and Morton Funger, Donna Marriott …
… Steve Schwartzman, Daniel and Gayle D’Aniello, William Conway Jr., David Gregory and Beth Wilkinson, Robert and Arleen Kogod, Clarice Smith, Joseph and Alma Gildenhorn, Michael Kaiser, Steve and Jean Case, Mary Mochary, Kevin Chaffee, Melissa Chiu, Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, Robert Meyerhoff, Marlene Malek, Jeanne Ruesch, Marion Rosenthal and Bobby Ourisman.
TRANSITIONS — FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: Former Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) is joining Nelson Mullins. He previously was at McDermott Will & Emery.
— Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is joining the board at Priorities USA. More via NBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald
— Matthias Reynolds will be a managing director at Targeted Victory. He previously was a senior product specialist at Zignal Labs and is a Romney 2012 alum.
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Renuka Rayasam, POLITICO’s Austin-based health care reporter, and Ricardo Gilb, a third-year law student at the University of Texas, welcomed Rahul Javier Gilb on Wednesday. Rahul joins big brother Rafael. Pic… Another pic
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Kendis Gibson, MSNBC weekend anchor. A fun fact about him: “I once spent a 36-hour period in December traveling from NYC to Seattle to Anchorage, Phoenix, Charlotte, San Juan, and back to NYC, so I could get enough miles to make platinum status with American Airlines. And after all that, I was a few hundred miles short.” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Rep. Bill Keating (D-Mass.) is 67 … Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) is 62 … Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.) is 78 … Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas) is 69 … former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is 57 … Carly Fiorina is 65 … CIA’s Brittany Bramell … Matt Littman … Dan Ronayne, president of Asta Strategies … Ryan Mahoney, RNC senior adviser … Lizzie Ulmer, DAGA communications director … Ari Schaffer, special adviser for communications at Commerce … Peter Barnes … Elizabeth Vargas … Jason Schechter, chief comms officer for Bloomberg LP … Gabrielle Farrell, traveling press secretary for Elizabeth Warren, is 29 (hat tip: Eric Koch) … POLITICO’s Paul Volpe, Grace Kok, Krystal Campos and Jack Larsen … Meredith McPhillips … Liz Shrum … PublicAffairs’ Jaime Leifer is 4-0 … John Hagner … Leslie Barkemeyer … Tim Ogborn … Joshua Baca, SVP for public affairs at the American Beverage Association … Ben Hammer … Andrew Irving …
… Clyde Prestowitz, founder and president of the Economic Strategy Institute … former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter is 63 … Fox News’ Gillian Turner (h/ts Frederick Graefe and Ben Chang) … Kathy Grannis Allen … Madeleine Gilmer … author Brian Abrams … Brianna Tucker, editor at the Public Religion Research Institute, is 25 … Alex Leo … Daniel Flesch … Christa Davis … NPR’s Claire Harbage … former Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) is 88 … former Rep. John Kline (R-Minn.) is 72 … former Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-Fla.) is 53 … Cameron Hardesty … Peter Schanzer … Owen Kibenge … Gordon Hickey … Spotify’s Tammas Wilner … Kevin Rieg … Jessica Goldstein … Gina Martinez … Bruce King … Dan Drummond … Scott McCrary … Douglass Daniel … Marie Wilson … Ken Smukler … Robin Wright Parker … John Hagner … Howard Zucker (h/ts Teresa Vilmain)
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To continue powering innovation across our workforce, Boeing has invested more than $1 billion in employee training and another $1.5 billion in college education and tuition assistance for our team.
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© Getty Images Welcome to The Hill’s Morning Report. Back by popular demand, it’s Friday! Our newsletter gets you up to speed on the most important developments in politics and policy, plus trends to watch. Al Weaver is holding down the fort for the week while Alexis Simendinger is on vacation. Find us @asimendinger and @alweaver22 on Twitter and CLICK HERE to subscribe! President Trump just won’t let go of his erroneous forecast showing Alabama in the path of Hurricane Dorian. Over the past two days, the president has zeroed in on his claim, having posted numerous tweets and maps backing up his initial statement. A day after he appeared in the Oval Office to speak about the storm while using a map featuring a magic marker outline of Alabama in the storm path, a Homeland Security and counterrorism adviser went so far as to release on official letterhead a statement backing up the president over his Alabama prediction, all as a storm was peppering the Carolinas and as multiple states sat in Dorian’s path (The Hill). “I was with you all the way Alabama. The Fake News Media was not!” Trump tweeted on Thursday. As The Washington Post reported on Thursday night: “Trump, who has privately and publicly griped about media coverage during the Group of 7 summit last month, complained extensively to administration officials this week about coverage of the Alabama issue and asked aides to bring him old briefings showing Alabama in the storm’s potential path.” The Post also reported, sighting a White House official, that Trump indeed used a Sharpie marker on the map on Wednesday. The Associated Press: Mr. Never Wrong: Storm spat underscores Trump’s mindset. As for the storm itself, Hurricane Dorian was moving along the coast of North Carolina early Friday morning, with the storm’s center threatening to hit the Outer Banks, according to the National Hurricane Center. “Dorian should remain a powerful hurricane as it moves near or along the coast of North Carolina during the next several hours,” NHC said in a Friday update. They also added that there’s a “high risk” of “life-threatening flash flooding” in eastern North Carolina as rainfall is expected to hit 15 inches in some locations. The storm is also expected to move north and affect southeast Virginia, which has ordered evacuations in the area ahead of early Friday, when the storm could potentially affect the region (The Virginian-Pilot). In South Carolina, nearly 250,000 homes and businesses lost power as the storm hit the coastline as a Category 2 storm with winds at 105-mph. In the U.S., four deaths were attributed to Dorian’s impact. According to The Associated Press, all of the deaths involved falls or electrocution while trimming trees, putting up storm shutters or preparing for the hurricane’s landfall. The Bahamas continued to reel from the devastation left behind by the hurricane on Thursday. The death toll rose to at least 30 as authorities continued to search for bodies in the wreckage, according to Health Minister Duane Sands. Sands added that the final death count would be much higher. The United Nations projected that 76,000 people would be in need of humanitarian aid. “Let me say that I believe the number will be staggering,” Sands said. “I have never lived through anything like this and I don’t want to live through anything like this again” (Reuters). Some companies are also offering humanitarian help for those affected in the Bahamas. Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line announced that it is embarking on a humanitarian journey Thursday evening from the Port of Palm Beach. The cruise ship is carrying food, water, supplies, first responders, and volunteers. It will also give Bahamians stranded in Florida transportation back to the Bahamas. The ship is expected to sail to Freeport on Grand Bahama Island and return to Palm Beach on Friday. It will also allow Bahamians to evacuate the islands for the U.S., although those on board must have proper documentation. The trip will be free for Bahamians, volunteers and relief workers (Orlando Sentinel). The hurricane has also has a political impact in North Carolina as it readies for next week’s special election in the 9th Congressional District. Julia Manchester reports that the state has closed a number of early voting sites only days before the Tuesday contest. The North Carolina State Board of Elections said it had closed early voting sites in Robeson, Bladen and Scotland counties, adding it had not determined when they will reopen. Tuesday’s contest between Democrat Dan McCready and GOP state Sen. Dan Bishop is a redo of the November 2018 election after the results were tossed out because of widespread ballot fraud. © Getty Images LEADING THE DAY POLITICS & CAMPAIGNS: Republicans are sensing they have a Texas problem on their hands. Although they have held onto power in the state for 25 years, Republicans are worried that their grip could slip away in 2020 as the state becomes more purple, headlined by a string of retirements by House Republicans early on in the cycle. On the Democratic side, 2020 candidates will gather in Houston for the party’s third presidential debate next week amid growing excitement within the party that the Lone Star State is trending in their direction. Republican support is faltering heavily in the suburbs around Houston, Dallas, Austin and San Antonio — four of the nation’s largest and fastest growing metro areas — and five House Republicans from the state have already decided not to seek reelection. Other GOP lawmakers are squarely on retirement watch. Thanks in large part to the “Texas Miracle” that saw millions of jobs move to the state from states like California, the state has seen an influx of liberal voters. Recent polls show several 2020 Democratic candidates running neck and neck with the president in the state. Reporting from Austin, Jonathan Easley interviewed more than a half-dozen top GOP strategists, donors and officials in Texas. While they all expressed confidence that President Trump will carry the state’s 38 electoral votes and that Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) will win reelection next year, the long-term trends in the state are of utmost concern. © Getty Images The Associated Press: Black votes will define electability for Democrats. The Hill: Marianne Williamson under fire for controversial health remarks. The New York Times: Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), defending Trump in impeachment inquiry, seeks Georgia Senate seat. > Sanders struggles: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is having a major problem with one key portion of the Democratic primary electorate: the AARP crowd. While Sanders has been extremely successful in raking in young voters, both in 2016 and in this year’s primary, recent polls show he is sorely lacking in support from older voters. A Quinnipiac University poll out last month highlights the problem the Vermont independent faces as only 4 percent of those over 65 — those in the senator’s age group — backs him. Sanders, 77, is the oldest candidate in the 2020 field. Even Sanders supporters acknowledge that the campaign needs to do more to convince older voters that his bid isn’t just about issues aimed at young people. “Seniors are often more concerned about not losing what they earned and fearful about what might lie ahead,” said Larry Cohen, a longtime Sanders ally who runs Our Revolution. “We have to convince older voters that they can be ushers for the future not just ushers for the past. Sometimes older voters are fearful that change means change for the worse” (The Hill). The Hill: Sanders under fire for remarks on population control. The Hill: CNN climate town hall finishes last in viewers among cable news broadcasts. IN FOCUS/SHARP TAKES ADMINISTRATION/CONGRESS: Republican lawmakers are displeased as the president is set to fund part of a wall along the U.S./Mexico border with funds initially intended for military projects in their states or districts. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper announced that $3.6 billion will be stripped from 127 projects at U.S. bases, including some in states where GOP senators are up for reelection, upsetting some lawmakers who do not believe the president has the proper authority or want the monies backfilled in a funding package. “Each of these projects was recommended by the administration, passed in Congress, signed into law by the president, and while there is some discretion that he has to move money around, I think that his executive order exceeds his discretion,” said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who is up for reelection next year, during an event back home on Wednesday. The Senate attempted to override the president’s emergency declaration, but lawmakers fell short of the necessary votes to do so. Some other Senate Republicans who are seeing funding redirected away from their states are Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), Sen. Thom Tillis (N.C.), Sen. Martha McSally (Ariz.) and Sen. Cory Gardner (Colo.) — all of whom voted in support of Trump’s emergency declaration (The Hill). © Getty Images > Spending: House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced Thursday that the House is expected to vote on a short-term measure to fund the government and prevent a shutdown in mid-September. In a “Dear Colleague” letter, Hoyer said that he expects the House to take up a “clean” stopgap measure, known as a continuing resolution (CR), during the week of Sept. 16. According to one leadership aide, the stopgap funding bill is expected to run through mid-November. Over the summer, House Democrats passed 10 of 12 annual appropriations bills for fiscal 2020, but the Senate has yet to even approve any of its versions out of committee as they were waiting to see if lawmakers would strike a budget caps deal before the August recess. Without a deal by the end of September, the government would partially shut down for the second time in a calendar year after the 35-day shutdown that lasted until late January (The Hill). The Hill: House, Senate Democrats to prioritize election security this fall. > Guns: CVS, Walgreens and Wegmans all asked consumers to avoid bringing firearms into their stores, continuing a string of announcements by corporations in the wake of mass shootings in recent weeks. In statements by all three corporations, they asked that customers avoid carrying guns in their stores outside of law enforcement officers. The announcements came in the aftermath of similar requests by Walmart and Kroger (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution). The Associated Press: Vice President Pence tiptoes past Brexit tumult for an oh-so-chipper chat. The Hill. Trump’s envoy for Middle East, architect of peace plan set to leave post. OPINION The NRA as a terrorist organization? San Francisco took one step too far, by Jonathan Turley, opinion contributor, The Hill. Revenge of the base: How ‘democratic’ reforms led to anti-democratic results in U.K. and U.S., by Sidney Tarrow, opinion contributor, The Hill. WHERE AND WHEN 📺 Hill.TV’s “Rising” at 9 a.m. ET features Tim Chapman, executive director at Heritage Action for America, to expound upon a new Heritage Action poll; Stephanie Valencia, co-founder of EquisLabs, to discuss the group’s 11-state study on Latino voters; and Bob Cusack, who will try to make sense of the week that was in his latest DeBrief news update. Find Hill.TV programming at or on YouTube at 10 a.m. The House and Senate return to Washington on Monday. The president has no events scheduled. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers the 190th Landon Lecture Series speech on “In Defense of the American Rights Tradition” at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, at 11:30 a.m. EDT. Economy: The Bureau of Labor Statistics at 8:30 a.m. reports on the U.S. employment situation in August. The Hill hosts the next installment in the Leadership in Action series on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 1777 F Street NW. We will be joined by Reps. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.), John Curtis (R-Utah) and Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) to take the political pulse of the country’s young voters and discuss what issues matter most as we approach the 2020 cycle. RSVP HERE. ELSEWHERE ➔ SCOTUS: Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is keeping an active schedule and continues to make public appearances amid concerns over her health after undergoing three weeks of radiation treatment for a malignant tumor on her pancreas. Since Aug. 1, Ginsburg has made three appearances and has six more on the docket before the court reconvenes, including a speaking engagement at the University of Chicago on Monday and another at Georgetown University Law School on Sept. 12 (The Hill). © Getty Images ➔ Sexual Harassment: Plácido Domingo, the legendary opera singer, was accused once again of sexual misconduct on Thursday. Angela Turner Wilson, who worked with Domingo 20 years ago in the Washington Opera’s production of Jules Massenet’s “Le Cid,” accused Domingo of approaching her as she sat in a makeup chair, slipping his hand under her bra strap and grabbing her breast. “It hurt … It was not gentle. He groped me hard,” she said. A spokeswoman for Domingo disputed the allegations (The Associated Press). ➔ Brexit: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s younger brother, Jo Johnson, announced Thursday that he would step down as a member of Parliament and resigned his post as a junior minister as the ongoing battle over Brexit rages on in the United Kingdom. The prime minister’s brother said early on Thursday that he was “torn between family loyalty and the national interest,” adding that the “unresolvable tension” led him to his decision. The elder Johnson has tried to execute Brexit with or without a deal with the European Union by Oct. 31, but it has run into roadblocks as he has lost both his parliamentary majority and control of the Brexit process in recent days, forcing him to call for a mid-October election on the issue at hand (BBC). > Zimbabwe: Former Zimbabwean Prime Minister and President Robert Mugabe died on Friday at age 95 in Singapore. Mugabe, who served as president for 30 years, is known in the eyes of some for having ended white minority rule in Zimbabwe in the 1980s, but his legacy grew more complicated later on as he clung to power at all costs, harming his country in the process, leading to his ouster and resignation in 2017 (Reuters). THE CLOSER And finally … 👏👏👏 Three cheers to today’s Morning Report Quiz winners! This week, we asked readers about the NFL ahead of last night’s Green Bay/Chicago season opener and from the looks of it, some quizzers are just as excited for Sunday as this author. Those who deserve the applause today are Steve Valley, Patrick Kavanaugh, Donna Nackers, William Chittam, Allyson Foster, John Carlan, Rich Davis, Cheryl Gibson, Dalton Temple, g8, Carol Katz, Anita Bales, Randall Patrick, Anna Aurilio, Luther Berg, David Straney, John Donato, Jeff Marston, Marc Deninno, Rich Gruber, Jack Barshay, and Wade Lewis. Most of you knew that the Patriots have appeared in 11 Super Bowls, the most in NFL history (including one loss to former Philadelphia Eagles great Nick Foles). The Chicago Bears unveiled a statue earlier in the week of legendary running back Walter Payton, along with one of George Halas, the club’s founder and late owner. The Dallas Cowboys signed running back Ezekiel Elliott to a new deal, which makes him the highest paid running back in NFL history. And finally, you knew that Charles Haley, a former defensive end, won five Super Bowl rings — two with the San Francisco 49ers and three with the Dallas Cowboys. © Getty Images The Morning Report is created by journalists Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver. We want to hear from you! Email: and We invite you to share The Hill’s reporting and newsletters, and encourage others to SUBSCRIBE! 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Daily Briefing Conservative News | Libertarian News | Commentary VISIT FROM OUR NEWSROOM Trump Tamps Down the Light Bulb Hysteria – Thank God! By Andrew Moran Trump administration removes Obama-era mandate on light bulbs. Click Here What America’s Thinking Just over half of voters say they are likely to vote against President Trump next year, and most of them say Trump, not the Democratic candidate, is the likeliest reason why. More college students are smoking marijuana than at any other time in the last 35 years. According to FiveThirtyEight, Democratic women are 2.9 points more likely to support Warren than Democratic men. The president earned a monthly job approval of 47% in August, down one point from 48% in July. Heartland Won’t Turn a Blind Eye to Biden’s Health By Sarah Cowgill Joe Biden turns up the creep factor for CNN townhall. Click Here Washington Whispers Coming down the pipeline: How much border wall can Trump get built before election day? Joe Biden argues he’s the only electable candidate — but rising health concerns and continued gaffes may doom his campaign. Trump and Sen. Joe Manchin met Thursday to discuss possible gun reforms in the wake of recent mass shootings. All new infringements on the right to keep and bear arms perhaps on the horizon. Can Congress get along well enough to pass the stopgap spending bill or will the government shutdown? Is China the New Evil Empire? By Onar Åm In the shadow of Soviet Russia, China may be emerging as the genuine threat. Click Here News Roundup We’ve Surfed The Web for You Ex-Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe Dead at 95 WATCH: De Blasio Wants To Seize Semi-Automatic Rifles From Citizens, But His Bodyguards Can Keep Theirs Anti-ICE protesters block rush-hour traffic in Boston area; 12 arrested for trespassing at Amazon Getting Trump’s attention Pinkerton – AOC to Small States: Drop Dead (And What Small States Can Do to Stay Alive) Liberty Nation On The Go: Listen to Today’s Top News 9.6.19 By Liberty Nation Staff Conservative News – Hot Off The Press – Audio Playlist Click Here WATCH NOW FEATURED LNTV |
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Morning Headlines
Child care centers, cybersecurity facility among Pentagon projects delayed for wall

officials briefed lawmakers Wednesday on which military construction
projects previously approved by Congress would be delayed so the Trump
administration can instead use the money to pay for barriers along the
U.S.-Mexico border. Read More…
Trump drags ‘Sharpiegate’ into second day as latest self-inflicted wound festers

President Donald Trump on Thursday dragged another self-created scandal into another day as he defended a map he displayed a day earlier of Hurricane Dorian’s expected path that appeared to have been altered, prompting howls from Democrats and accusations that he was putting lives in danger. Read More…
GOP poll finds close race for Democratic seat in Houston suburbs

Texas Rep. Lizzie Fletcher could be in for a tough reelection fight in 2020, according to a new Republican poll released Thursday. The survey gave GOP challenger Wesley Hunt, a former Army captain, a 2-point lead over the freshman Democrat in the Houston-area 7th District. Read More…

Rep. Devin Nunes dropped one of his ongoing lawsuits Wednesday — the one against three of his constituents who called him a “fake farmer” and petitioned, unsuccessfully, to remove the designation as “farmer” from his name on the 2018 ballot. Read More…
UK’s Boris Johnson to White House: Buy our shower trays and Scottish haggis

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday offered some cheeky — but pointed — criticism of the United States and its trade practices, telling Vice President Mike Pence he wants to rip down “barriers” that keep British goods out of the massive American market. Read More…
Perchance to dream: Some British cheek and scowl in Congress

What hath the Brexit debate wrought? Leaving aside the overall chaos in the United Kingdom, the last two days have given those of us who watch Congress for a living a chance to imagine what it would be like if there was just a smidge of British cheek in its deliberations. Read More…
Why Georgia will be the wildest ride in politics heading into 2020

OPINION — You could almost hear the collective “Holy #&%!” across Georgia last week after Sen. Johnny Isakson’s surprise announcement that he will retire from the Senate at the end of the year. The first reaction among Republicans and Democrats alike was that the highly respected GOP senator would be sorely missed. Read More…
Biden and Beto are like night and day — except when they’re potato-potahto

OPINION — It was a difference in styles and generations. In a Carolinas swing, first there was Beto O’Rourke with a town hall at a brewery in Charlotte, North Carolina — more like an informal gathering among many new friends. The next day there was Joe Biden with a large crowd at a historically black college in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Read More…
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Read on » What Will Future Generations of Americans Think of the Obama Era? By Dave King – Twenty-First century American Democrats are highly destructive people. It’s common for today’s current radical Democrats to want to tear down statues they don’t like or to destroy art that offends them. They are also fond of ridiculing Americans of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries by calling them all racists because … What Will Future Generations of Americans Think of the Obama Era? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Facepalm: Pro-Abortion Kamala Harris Tells Trump Admin: ‘A Society Is Judged Based On How It Treats Children’ By Mary Margaret Olohan – Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris tweeted Thursday that “society is judged based on how it treats children,” but the California senator has also said she wants to “protect every woman’s constitutional right to abortion.” Harris re-tweeted a Bloomberg article Thursday that criticized President Donald Trump’s “policy of separating migrant children … Facepalm: Pro-Abortion Kamala Harris Tells Trump Admin: ‘A Society Is Judged Based On How It Treats Children’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Facebook Integrates Instagram into First of a Kind Dating App By Audrey Conklin – Facebook officially launched its new dating feature, Facebook Dating, in the United States on Thursday. The tech giant says the new feature will take “the work out of creating a dating profile and gives you a more authentic look at who someone is” in a Thursday newsletter. The feature will … Facebook Integrates Instagram into First of a Kind Dating App is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Guardsmen Ready to Respond to Hurricane Dorian By Jim Garamone – National Guardsmen all along the East Coast are on duty, ready to do what needs to be done in response to Hurricane Dorian, the chief of the National Guard Bureau said. Air Force Gen. Joseph L. Lengyel told Pentagon reporters today that guardsmen from Florida to Virginia are assisting civilian … Guardsmen Ready to Respond to Hurricane Dorian is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Judge Rules In Favor Of CAIR, Says Terrorism Watchlist Violates Constitutional Rights By Jason Hopkins – The Council on American-Islamic Relations scored a big court victory on Thursday, with a federal judge ruling that the FBI’s terror watchlist violates the Constitution. Judge Anthony Trenga of the Eastern District of Virginia ruled in favor of 23 Muslim Americans who filed a lawsuit alleging that their inclusion on … Judge Rules In Favor Of CAIR, Says Terrorism Watchlist Violates Constitutional Rights is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Russian and Italian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Steal Trade Secrets From American Aviation Company By R. Mitchell – A Russian national and an Italian national have been charged in the United States with conspiring and attempting to steal trade secrets from an American aviation company. Alexander Yuryevich Korshunov, 57, and Maurizio Paolo Bianchi, 59, were charged by a criminal complaint on Aug. 21. Korshunov was arrested on Aug. … Russian and Italian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Steal Trade Secrets From American Aviation Company is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch Live: President Trump Presents Medal of Freedom to Jerry West By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to basketball great Jerry West in a Thursday afternoon Oval Office event. The event is scheduled to begin at 4:30 PM EDT. Watch: Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under … Watch Live: President Trump Presents Medal of Freedom to Jerry West is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Thieves Used Voice-Mimicking Software To Pull Off An Incredible Heist, Raising Concerns About Deepfakes By Chris White – Thieves used voice-mimicking software to dupe a company’s employees into putting hundreds of thousands of dollars into a secret account, the company’s insurer said, marking a first for the growing artificial intelligence industry. The managing director of a British energy company followed orders one day in March from the supposed … Thieves Used Voice-Mimicking Software To Pull Off An Incredible Heist, Raising Concerns About Deepfakes is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Judge Jeanine Acknowledges Suspension, Worries She Could Be Fired By Shelby Talcott – Fox News host Jeanine Pirro acknowledged her suspension last year from Fox News and said she is now worried that she could be fired. Pirro, the host of “Justice with Judge Jeanine” spoke on Sebastian Gorka’s radio program Tuesday and discussed the suspension which came about after she questioned whether … Judge Jeanine Acknowledges Suspension, Worries She Could Be Fired is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch: Federal law enforcement officials announce significant law enforcement action on health care fraud By R. Mitchell – The U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California, the Health and Human Services Officer of Inspector General and other law enforcement officials held a press conference Thursday afternoon to discuss a recent major law enforcement action against Medicare fraud. U.S. Attorney David Anderson announced that they have charged 30 … Watch: Federal law enforcement officials announce significant law enforcement action on health care fraud is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Winning: China to Meet with U.S. Officials in D.C. for Trade Talks By Audrey Conklin – U.S. and Chinese officials reportedly agreed to schedule trade talks in early October amid an escalating tariff war between the two countries. (Related: Trump is Winning the Trade War with China) Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He agreed to open talks during … Winning: China to Meet with U.S. Officials in D.C. for Trade Talks is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » What Could Go Wrong? Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft Meet With Intel Agencies To Prep For 2020 By Audrey Conklin – Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft met with U.S. intelligence in Washington, D.C., on Thursday to discuss plans to avoid the spread of misinformation ahead of 2020. The tech giants met with officials from the FBI, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and Department of Homeland Security to explore … What Could Go Wrong? Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft Meet With Intel Agencies To Prep For 2020 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Dems Blame Airplanes, Meat, Business For Climate Crisis – CNN Immediately Runs Ads For Those Three Things By Shelby Talcott – CNN aired advertisements for airplanes, meat and businesses during its climate crisis town hall Wednesday as candidates branded those three things as reasons for the crisis. Ten 2020 candidates answered questions about ways to help the climate crisis during a seven-hour CNN town hall Wednesday evening. South Bend Mayor Pete … Dems Blame Airplanes, Meat, Business For Climate Crisis – CNN Immediately Runs Ads For Those Three Things is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Who’s In Your Wallet – Goodwyn Cartoon By Al Goodwyn – There is only one type of green the left’s climate change agenda is after. Who’s In Your Wallet – Goodwyn Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » NYT Reporter Floats Baseless Conspiracy About Trump Getting Advance On Job Numbers By Mary Margaret Olohan – New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted Thursday that President Donald Trump was able to see the jobs report numbers in advance, suggesting he was attempting to “spin” the figures. Haberman retweeted a Trump tweet Thursday that said, “Really Good Job Numbers,” captioning Trump’s tweet by speculating about what Trump’s … NYT Reporter Floats Baseless Conspiracy About Trump Getting Advance On Job Numbers is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Hard to Swallow – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – A lot of grumbling by many democrats that Biden should hang it up for the sake of the party and their 2020 election chances. See more Branco toons HERE Hard to Swallow – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Category 3 Dorian Scrapes Charleston, Could Make Landfall By Shelby Talcott – Hurricane Dorian was about 70 miles from Charleston, South Carolina, Thursday morning and could make landfall later in the day. The hurricane moved up to a Category 3 storm and coastal areas saw heavy rain Thursday morning. The storm hovered over the Bahamas beginning Sunday for more than a day … Category 3 Dorian Scrapes Charleston, Could Make Landfall is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » CNN To Host Town Hall On LGBT Issues In October By Ben Whedon – CNN’s Don Lemon announced the network will host an LGBT-focused town hall in October in partnership with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. The announcement came at the end of the network’s seven-hour environmental town hall, where Democratic presidential candidates fielded questions about their various proposals to combat climate change. WATCH: … CNN To Host Town Hall On LGBT Issues In October is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Ex-Trump Campaign Staffer Drops Battery Lawsuit Against President By Chuck Ross – Alva Johnson, the former Trump campaign aide who accused President Trump of forcibly kissing her during a campaign stop in 2016, dropped her lawsuit on Wednesday, weeks after video emerged casting doubt on her allegations. Johnson, 44, sued Trump and the campaign on Feb. 25 for gender and race pay … Ex-Trump Campaign Staffer Drops Battery Lawsuit Against President is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |
Friday, September 6, 2019 |
‘From benign to possibly electorally disqualifying’: Health, memory woes overshadow Biden bid Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s red eyes and shaky memory have become major media stories in recent days, complicating … more |
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Debate: David French vs. Sohrab Ahmari (Video)
By Shane Vander Hart on Sep 06, 2019 12:00 am David French of National Review and Sohrab Ahamri of the New York Post debated how cultural conservatives should respond to the secular left. Read in browser » Media Pushes Narrative Instead of Waiting for Facts in West Texas Shooting By Shane Vander Hart on Sep 05, 2019 05:30 pm Media reported that the rifle used in the Odessa shooting was from a private sale, but law enforcement announced it was illegally manufactured and sold. Read in browser » Kraayenbrink Endorses Feenstra in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District Race By Shane Vander Hart on Sep 05, 2019 04:00 pm Iowa State Sen. Tim Kraayenbrink announced his endorsement of his colleague, Randy Feenstra, in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District’s Republican Primary. Read in browser » Reynolds Appoints Kelly Kennedy Garcia to Head Iowa Dept. of Human Services By Caffeinated Thoughts on Sep 05, 2019 01:50 pm Gov. Kim Reynolds announced Thursday that she will appoint Kelly Kennedy Garcia as director of the Iowa Department of Human Services. Read in browser » Recent Articles: Bernie Sanders Wants Taxpayer Funding for Abortion for Population Control The Woke Outrage Mob Comes After Drew Brees Blasey Ford’s Attorney: Roe v. Wade Support Motivated Accusations Against Kavanaugh Gun Rights Don’t Trump Private Property Owners’ Rights Large Class Sizes and Public Education Funding in Iowa Launched in 2006, Caffeinated Thoughts reports news and shares commentary about culture, current events, faith and state and national politics from a Christian and conservative point of view. Caffeinated Thoughts P.O. Box 57184 Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 321-5077 Editor, Shane Vander Hart Connect: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Share Tweet Share Forward Copyright © 2019 Caffeinated Thoughts, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
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A lawsuit against Maurice the rooster divided France. Now a judge says he can crow in peace. In France, the rural-versus-urban culture war is about animal noises disturbing vacationing city people. Maurice the rooster is at the center. By Meagan Flynn · Read more ‘Being Christian is love’: Drew Brees defends appearing in video linked to anti-LGBT religious group Instead of apologizing, the New Orleans Saints quarterback argued that the outcry was sparked by a news article’s “very negative headline.” By Allyson Chiu · Read more ‘I’m about to die’: A woman escaped a serial killer by stabbing him and jumping out a window, police say Police have submitted four homicide warrants against Deangelo Martin, 34, who allegedly attacked and killed women inside abandoned houses in Detroit. By Tim Elfrink · Read more A judge who sentenced a Jewish inmate used anti-Semitic slurs, lawyers say. They want a new trial before he’s executed. Halprin’s attorneys filed a notice requesting that their 41-year-old client, who is scheduled to be executed on Oct. 10, be granted a new trial, arguing that there was no way the recent revelations of the former judge’s alleged bias and hateful sentiments did not play a role in the case. By Timothy Bella · Read more ‘I smacked my lips’: Rep. Steve King says water from toilet fountain at detention center was ‘actually pretty good’ The controversial congressman raised more than a few eyebrows on Wednesday when he told constituents about his tour of a migrant detention facility where people in custody were allegedly told to drink from toilets. By Antonia Farzan · Read more Conservative activist Jacob Wohl charged with felony in California Wohl faces the charges in California over a company he ran in 2016. By Tim Elfrink · Read more Recommended for you Get the Must Reads newsletter Get a curated selection of our best journalism in your inbox every Saturday, plus a peek behind the scenes into how one story came together. Sign Up |
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Friday, September 6, 2019 |
Straw Bans Should be Cause for Alarm Unnecessary climate panic is changing the law and our lives at an alarming rate. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience to drink out of a mushy paper straw or sippy-cup lid, bans on straws have become the trendiest piece of legislation in the United States. Virtue-signaling progressives rejoice in what they consider to be “planet-saving” bans on useful items needed by children and disabled people on a daily basis. The bans are not based at all on science and facts about ocean pollution, but entirely by emotional activists intent on making people think the world is on the verge of ending. Straws account for a nearly immeasurable amount of refuse in the ocean, yet laws are being changed at the whim of a conspiracy that they are a significant risk to the planet, despite significantevidence to the contrary. Let’s look at some of the most blatant facts that debunk the idea that giving up your bendy straws will do any planet saving whatsoever. – The United States contributes less than 1% of plastic ocean pollution annually (The Wall Street Journal) – Plastic straws account for less than 1% of the 1% that the United States dumps into the ocean (Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions) – Paper straws are not actually biodegradable and use significantly more energy to produce than plastic straws. In fact, paper straws don’t degrade all that much faster than their plastic counterparts. (The Environmental Protection Agency) – No, you can’t recycle paper straws either. Items tainted with food product must go to landfill. (Recyclebank) Yet, despite these extremely easy to research facts, presidential candidates and lawmakers across the country have vowed to make these types of bans priorities – and it’s been effective. That’s what’s really scary. David Harsanyi has more about the dangers of overblown climate panic after enduring the seven-hour marathon of Democrats discussing climate on CNN. (The Federalist) “Put it this way: the most benign climate-change plan proposed during CNN’s seven-hour Democratic Party presidential candidate town hall was more authoritarian than anything Donald Trump has ever suggested during his presidency. Democrats were not merely proposing massive societal upheaval but mass coercion.” “None of this hysteria, as far as I can tell, was challenged during those seven hours.” Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren would appreciate it if everyone stopped pointing out that climate change alarmists want to ban everyday items. (The Washington Examiner) It’s O.K. to Admit that You Love America; It’s Pretty Great Even though we are constantly being told that the United States is full of problematic, hateful people, and that we are basically the same as Germany right before World War II, and that we’re about 10 minutes from ending the planet by drinking out of plastic straws, it is nice to occasionally take a moment to remember that we live in the greatest country on the planet. No, of course, things aren’t perfect. But they’re a heck of a lot better than what you read about on Twitter and hear in the news. This is a big country full of extremely nice people enjoying the broadest freedom afforded to humans across the globe. David Marcus wrote about a recent trip across the country in which he experienced a very different, far less racist America than the one we keep hearing about in the news. From The Federalist: “This summer, I’ve had the chance to spend a few weeks on the road, exploring the vast, forgotten America west of the Acela corridor and east of Hollywood. In June, I drove from Brooklyn to Arkansas and back, and just last week coursed through the whole continent, landing at a beach bar in Venice Beach. One thing I noticed everywhere I went, in the bars and restaurants I haunted along the way, was a level of racial harmony that belies the notion of our nation as a hotbed of racism. The people I met along the way, and there were a lot of them, were white, black, brown, Asian, and Native American, and they weren’t self-segregated within the establishments I found. Much the opposite: they were mixing, mingling, laughing, and drinking together without even a hint of racial tension.” Weekend Reading Hurricane Dorian absolutely ravages the Bahamas, leaving 20 dead before heading for the Carolinas. (CNN) Former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes sued Fusion GPS and its founder in a sweeping suit alleging conspiracy to obstruct investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election. (Mollie Hemingway for The Federalist) Authorities are investigating an individual suspected of building, illegally selling rifle to shooter in Midland and Odessa, Texas last week. (The Wall Street Journal) Friday Entertainment Center In the new trailer for Jack Ryan season two, Ryan is poised again to be the only man that can save the world. The season debuts on Amazon Prime November 2. (AV Club) On Becoming a God in Central Florida is a riotous, dark comedy with outstanding 90s nostalgia. Both shocking and moving, it is a provocative look into the fortitude of a woman kicked when she is down. (Slate) Once Upon a Time in Hollywood miniseries confirmed by Brad Pitt to be headed to Netflix. (IndieWire) BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Ellie Bufkin is a breaking news reporter at The Washington Examiner and a senior contributor to The Federalist. Originally from northern Virginia, Ellie grew up in Baltimore, and worked in the wine industry as a journalist and sommelier, living in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. A fanatic for movies and TV shows since childhood, she currently reviews movies and writes about many aspects of popular culture for The Federalist. She is an avid home cook, cocktail enthusiast, and still happy to make wine recommendations. Ellie currently lives in Washington D.C. You can follow her on Twitter @ellie_bufkin Copyright © BRIGHT, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list Note: By using some of the links above, Bright may be compensated through the Amazon Affiliate program and Magic Links. However, none of this content is sponsored and all opinions are our own. |
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ADVERTISEMENT HIGHLIGHTS Bahamian prime minister says free flights available for residents to escape devastation ‘It’s scary’: VA grapples with wall of silence over rising veteran suicides 2020 Democratic dropouts exerting more influence than when they were in the race Pressure grows on Biden to release health records as campaign stonewalls on bloody eye mishap Democratic front-runner Joe Biden was speaking at a televised town hall Wednesday when the corner of his left eye appeared to fill with blood, bringing attention away from the issue of climate change at a time when his campaign is already batting back scrutiny about his age and health. ‘It’s scary’: VA grapples with wall of silence over rising veteran suicides To stem the rise in veteran suicides, Veterans Affairs officials say a cultural shift on mental health issues is required. ANALYSIS: Mueller and Horowitz reveal Fusion GPS role in both Trump Tower meetings The heat is turning up on opposition research firm Fusion GPS, including a lawsuit filed this week by California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes and scrutiny as part of the Trump-Russia investigation. White House official says Trump drew Sharpie bubble on Dorian map President Trump drew the Sharpie bubble, according to a White House official. ADVERTISEMENT ‘Oh, come on!’: De Blasio dismisses Tucker Carlson’s inquiry into his carbon footprint New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio dismissed Tucker Carlson’s accusations that the 2020 long shot candidate doesn’t really care about the environment because of the carbon footprint he makes merely going to the gym. Blind man carries disabled son to safety after Hurricane Dorian tore roof off Bahamas home A blind man carried his disabled adult son to safety as Hurricane Dorian tore apart his home in the Bahamas. Marianne Williamson: Democrats in 2020 need ‘not a person but a rising up of consciousness and energy’ 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and author Marianne Williamson argued that Democrats need something more than just “a person” in the next election. Tucker Carlson savages Buttigieg for disobeying his own climate commandments South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s campaign explained to Fox News host Tucker Carlson that the Democratic presidential candidate flies commercially as much as possible, unless his schedule dictates otherwise. House Democrats announce vote on temporary government spending bill this month The House this month will vote on a temporary spending bill to keep the federal government funded past a Sept. 30 deadline, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced Thursday. ‘Not sure why the negativity spread’: NFL quarterback defends himself against bigotry allegations after appearing in Christian video New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees defended himself against attacks that he is anti-gay for participating in a promotional video for a Christian organization. Police pinpoint suspected source of Texas gunman’s weapon Police have pinpointed a man they suspect is the source of the weapon Seth Ator used during his mass shooting spree in Texas last weekend. THE ROUNDUP Ghost ship jury acquits one man, deadlocks on another Contaminant in marijuana vaping products linked to deadly lung illnesses Trump administration seeks major mortgage finance overhaul ADVERTISEMENT |
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Share This Branco Cartoon – Thank You For Your Service San Francisco declares NRA to be a ‘domestic terrorist organization’ CNN’s “Climate Crisis Town Hall” Slammed by a Category 5 Trump Tweet-Storm Actor Isaiah Washington Explains Why He Left the Democratic Party: ‘Something Doesn’t Feel Right’ Thousands of University Workers in Oregon Preparing to Strike U. South Carolina Doesn’t Have Course on U.S. Constitution but Offers ‘Tailgating 101’ Poll Finds 73 Percent of Republican Students Stay Silent for Fear Over Their Grades William Jacobson: “IS IT OVER YET? CNN’s 7-Hour ‘Climate Change’ Town Hall was a man-made disaster for Democrat presidential candidates” Kemberlee Kaye: “Good on the administration and the DOL for refusing to succumb to the tiny minded media elites who think nothing of destroying the livelihood and reputation of perfectly respectable individuals.” Leslie Eastman: “How bad was the #CNNTownHall on #ClimateCrisis? The Democrats don’t want to talk about it – #TrumpsSharpie & #SharpiePresident were top trending topics instead. However, Trump should thank CNN for 7 hours of footage to use during the his Presidential Campaign.” David Gerstman: “What do Dave Chappelle and Isaiah Washington have in common? One answer could be that they refuse to be governed by the demands of political correctness. 2020 is going to come down to how much of a backlash there is against political correctness. In December 2015, Glenn Reynolds identified this – the failure to address issues of concern to most Americans and instead seeking to be politically correct – as the reason Trump was so appealing to many Americans. More than Trump’s policies or successes, the next president (or the continuation of this one’s term) will be determined by how turned off voters are by the oppressive PC climate.” Stacey Matthews: “California’s 36th Congressional District is represented by Democrat Raul Ruiz. The name of the Republican who wants to challenge him is also Raul Ruiz. Assuming the Republican Ruiz wins the primary, one thing is for certain come election time: Raul Ruiz will win.” Miriam Elman: “It’s hard to believe that the educational curriculum that Palestinian children in the West Bank are receiving could be any worse than it was a few years ago when we posted about it, but it actually is even worse now! A new series of reports by the Jerusalem-based IMPACT-Se has reviewed the current textbooks in use—those that have been approved by the Palestinian Authority and are also used in UNRWA schools. Overviews are here and here, but it’s worth reading the original report.” Legal Insurrection Foundation is a Rhode Island tax-exempt corporation established exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to educate and inform the public on legal, historical, economic, academic, and cultural issues related to the Constitution, liberty, and world events. For more information about the Foundation, CLICK HERE. Donate Here! Legal Insurrection Foundation 18 Maple Avenue #280 Barrington, Rhode Island 02806 Follow Us Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your web browser Unsubscribe |
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Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am Dave Chappelle, doctoring news photos, Poland and the Nazis, and more. Read More… Busting Liberals and Their Safe Spaces Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am Despite the price America paid in WWII to remain free, the Left in America today is constantly trying to expand government control at the expense of personal freedom. Read More… Republicans Win by Hammering Immigration in the Suburbs Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am Republicans should ruthlessly and persistently take the illegal immigration to American voters in 2020, especially in the suburbs. Read More… Liberal Libido Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am One major difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives are generally more restrained in their sexual behavior. Liberals are not. Read More… American Jews are in Total Denial about the Democratic Party Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am What will it take to wake up the Jews of the USA? Read More… From Cradle to Jihadi Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am Islam, from its inception, discovered the crucial secret of getting to the young mind early. Read More… Recent Blog Posts Robert Mugabe, socialist curse of humanity, is gone Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am He’s gone, but the virus of his horrible socialist ideas and grievance politics remains, still as deadly as the ebola virus. Read more… Maryland’s Montgomery County Council disgraces itself defending sanctuary policies that allowed 7 illegals to remain and rape local residents Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am Desperate to avoid their own responsibility for harboring criminals, local politicans lash out at those who note their tolerance of lawlessness, lumping thier critics together with “neo-Nazi sympathizers.” Read more… The Left’s determination to destroy us from within Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am It is not an exaggeration to say that today’s Left is a scourge upon this nation. No one who values civility and respect for our law enforcement men and women should cast a vote for any Democrat, anywhere. Read more… A second look at recent attacks on Jews in New York City Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am By handing the keys to the city to the hoodlums, de Blasio has manifested a sense of cruelty to those who seek to protect and to those who need and deserve to be protected. Read more… The rise of left-wing entropy Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am Whereas “moderates” on the left and right merely disagree, the radical Left embraces entropy — burning down the house. Read more… A review of the novel Bill Clinton co-wrote with James Patterson Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am It’s called “The President Is Missing,” and the bad guy is — you guessed it — Russia, Russia, Russia. Read more… The real skinny Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am Which is worse: being fat or studies about being fat? Read more… European Central Bank to put climate change at its core Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am How can a central bank implement green policies? What does Europe expect to accomplish? Read more… ‘It’s good to be the king’ Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am It’s still good to be the king, although in 21st-century America, we no longer call them kings. Read more… I guess you can say anything against black Republicans Sep 06, 2019 01:00 am Many of these white liberals really don’t know a thing about the state of black America. Read more… Four years after allowing universal ‘concealed carry’ law, Maine rated the safest state in the nation for crime Sep 05, 2019 01:00 am The San Francisco Board of Supervisors should take note. Read more… Does Trump have something up his sleeve to help Boris? Sep 05, 2019 01:00 am After a slew of bad news for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, President Trump came out with some mysterious ‘he’s going to be fine’ statements. Read more… Hilarious lineup of commercials for CNN’s climate hysteria town hall Sep 05, 2019 01:00 am 2020 Dems: big business, air travel, and meat are all to blame for the climate crisis. CNN: Tonight’s town hall brought to you by Invesco, Priceline, and Golden Corral’s endless meat buffet! Read more… Pope Francis effectively admits it: He really, really hates Americans Sep 05, 2019 01:00 am He calls it an ‘honor’ to be criticized by ‘the Americans.’ Read more… Leif Olson reinstated to his job, leaving Bloomberg Law with egg all over its face Sep 05, 2019 01:00 am Olson’s tormentor at Bloomberg Law has yet to apologize for his smear reporting and seems to hope no one will notice. Read more… View this email in your browser American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. |
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From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: From crowd size to Sharpie-gate, it’s all about debase
It’s one thing for a politician to embarrass himself.
It’s another for that politician to actually use government employees and taxpayer funds to further that embarrassment.
And that’s precisely what President Trump has done to justify his claim that Alabama was somehow a target of Hurricane Dorian – when Dorian has been hitting other states like the Carolinas.
The White House yesterday released this letter from the president’s homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, Rear Adm. Peter J. Brown:
“While speaking to the press Sunday, September 1, the president addressed Hurricane Dorian and its potential impact on multiple states, including Alabama. The president’s comments were based on that morning’s Hurricane Dorian briefing, which including the possibility of tropical storm force winds in southeastern Alabama. In fact, from the evening of Tuesday, August 27, until the morning of Monday September 2, forecasts from the National Hurricane Center showed the possibility of tropical storm force winds hitting parts of Alabama.”
Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Image
And it’s not the first time Trump has done this with government personnel and resources.
“It’s been the pattern since the very first day of his administration, when he sent out his press secretary to show edited photos inflating his inaugural crowd size,” as NBC’s Shannon Pettypiece writes. “Or a few months later, when he created a commission to search for evidence of widespread voter fraud, after falsely claiming there were millions of illegal votes in 2016.”
“Or in between, when he requested Congress investigate a baseless allegation that President Barack Obama had his phones at Trump Tower wiretapped.”
What we still don’t get is how these bureaucrats and politicians – including those with sterling reputations – allow themselves to get used in this embarrassment.
By the way, the Washington Post reports that it was Trump himself who used the black Sharpie to mark up that official hurricane map.
Howard Schultz won’t be running for president in 2020 after all
Remember Howard Schultz, the former Starbucks CEO considering an independent White House bid?
Well, he won’t be running for president after all.
Schultz released a statement this morning citing “vitriol,” his back surgeries and the possibility that, yes, a “moderate” could become the Democratic presidential nominee. (Cough, Joe Biden, cough.)
“It has become more likely that the Democratic nominee will not be known before the deadlines to submit the required number of signatures for an independent to get on the ballot. If I went forward, there is a risk that my name would appear on ballots even if a moderate Democrat wins the nomination, and that is not a risk I am willing to take,” Schultz writes.
Cheeseburgers and climate change: Comparing Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar
You can tell which Democratic 2020er has a Midwestern constituency and which one doesn’t in how they answered the same cheeseburger/climate change during CNN’s town halls on Wednesday.
QUESTION: Climate change has been linked to — to agriculture and the over consumption of red meat and also the over production of crops. Certain countries have changed the dietary deadlines to reduce the consumption of red meat in light of the impact of — of the climate change.
If elected, are you — will you be supporting change in dietary guidelines and then how will you plan on implementing the changes so that people effectively change the diets?
KAMALA HARRIS: Yes, I mean it’s — and thank you Carol for your work on the question. There is — I think of the point that you’re raising in the — in a broader context, which is that as a nation we actually have to have a real priority at the highest level of government around what we eat and in terms of health eating because we have a problem in America.
I mean just to be very honest with you; I love cheeseburgers from time to time. Right. I mean I — I just do. And — and I think that — but there is — but there has to be also what we do in terms of creating incentives that we will eat in a healthy way, that we will encourage moderation, and that we will be educated about the effects of our eating s habits on our environment, and we have to do a much better job of that. And the government has to do a much better job of that.
QUESTION: Good evening. Thank you. Thank you. The Amazon Rainforest is currently burning after being cleared for the cattle and dairy industry to expand. And livestock being grown irresponsibly has caused an accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere.
As a senator from Minnesota, an agricultural state that produces large amounts of cheese and beef, how can young climate change activists, like myself, trust you to take on the beef and dairy industries that have so much influence in our government?
AMY KLOBUCHAR: I am hopeful that we’re going to be able to do this in a way — especially when I am president that we can continue to have hamburgers and cheese. But at the same time, understand that there are many people that choose to eat vegan and that is great too.
But let me tell you a little bit about a different perspective on our farmers and what we can do to make them part of the solution, because I have seen in rural America many incredible farmers. And ones that are struggling right now to keep going.
2020 Vision: Manchester United
The 2020 Democratic field is set to descend on the Granite State for the New Hampshire Democratic Party state convention on Saturday, NBC’s Julia Jester and Amanda Golden report.
Unlike other cattle calls in other early states, the convention in Manchester is an opportunity for the 19 candidates speaking – all in under 10 minutes each – to not only court voters, but also earn prime endorsements up for grabs, Jester and Golden add.
On the campaign trail today: Ahead of the New Hampshire state convention, many of the candidates are in the Granite State: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Beto O’Rourke all hold town halls… Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Ryan and Tom Steyer also stump in New Hampshire… And Jill Biden campaigns for her husband in Iowa.
Michael Reynolds/Pool via Bloomberg
Dispatches from NBC’s embeds: Tulsi Gabbard held a town hall yesterday in New Hampshire, where she said her campaign will be moving forward despite not qualifying for the next debate, and also where she had herself a 2016 Jeb Bush moment. NBC’s Amanda Golden reports, “As Gabbard spoke about how the government of the United States should serve its people, she took a pause, and then told the audience, ‘That’s worth a clap,’ as they then obliged. Paging Jeb Bush…”
Beto O’Rourke wrapped up his first Massachusetts swing with a student meet-and-greet at a brewery, which was mostly attended by students from Boston University, NBC’s Deepa Shivaram reports. “The former Congressman faced questions from folks here on immigration and infrastructure, and was even interrupted during his stump when someone shouted and asked what he was going to do to act (he commented on this in the gaggle and said he loves when people are engaged like they were here [last night].”
TWEET OF THE DAY: Meet baby Mars! (Congrats Kasie and Matt!)
DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… five.
That’s the number of years that Chuck has moderated Meet the Press!
Happy anniversary!
THE LID: Swing sets
Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we took a deep dive into what swing voters really look like (it might surprise you!)
Shameless plug: Dateline NBC’s “Life Inside” airs tonight
Lester Holt spent two nights locked up and embedded inside the largest maximum security prison in America for a special one-hour Dateline NBC, “Life Inside.” The program airs on NBC tonight at 10pm ET as part of the network-wide “Justice for All” series.
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
The Afghan government is clashing with Trump’s envoy over a proposed deal with the Taliban for troop withdrawal.
Four states — South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Kansas — are poised to cancel their 2020 primaries and caucuses entirely in a move to further protect the president from a primary challenge.
Some of Trump’s supporters have been to dozens of rallies. The Wall Street Journal looks at who they are.
Robert Mugabe has died.
Thanks for reading.
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Chuck, Mark, and Carrie
09/06/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note ‘Climate Crisis’; Poland’s Role; Quote of the Week By Carl M. Cannon on Sep 06, 2019 08:52 am Good morning, it’s Friday Sept. 6, 2019, the day of the week when I pass along a quotation intended to be uplifting. Today’s comes from a placard raised in Camden Yards on this date in 1995, meaning that it came from an anonymous Baltimore Orioles fan. I’ll have quote that memorable line, and its context, in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * “Climate Crisis”: The Media’s New Catchphrase for Climate Change. Kalev Leetaru examines usage numbers for the term, which has surged on CNN. Poland: Keystone to NATO’s Evolving Security Architecture. In RealClearDefense, Daniel Goure writes that Poland is positioned to best counter Russian military threats to Eastern Europe, and is spending the money needed to do so. Ignored Risks That Could Affect the Global Economy. In RealClearMarkets, Jeffrey Snider spotlights a troubling trend in Japan and Argentina. Fake News Seeps Into the Business World. In RealClearPolicy, Jonathan Thomas challenges a Wall Street Journal story alleging that GE has been misleading federal regulators on its cash position — and in turn, misleading its investors. NFL Rules Analyst Is Worried About Football’s Future. In RealClearSports, Mike Pereira lays out his concerns about what the growing numbers of officiating reviews are doing to the game. * * * Because of the changing nature of professional baseball, many the game’s lifetime records will never be broken. No major league pitcher will ever approach Cy Young’s career record 749 complete games. A modern starter who completed 49 complete games would be Hall of Fame material. No one will ever throw 16 shutouts in a season, as Pete Alexander did in 1916, or 110 in a career, an amazing total amassed by Walter Johnson. Yet other marks once deemed unassailable have fallen. Ty Cobb’s stolen base totals were eclipsed by Lou Brock and then Rickey Henderson. Babe Ruth’s home run records were topped by Roger Maris in 1961 and Henry Aaron in 1974. On this date in 1995, the record for durability set by Ruth’s Yankee teammate Lou Gehrig was bettered. The “Iron Horse” had played in an unthinkable 2,130 consecutive games before he benched himself because his body wouldn’t cooperate. In fact, Gehrig’s body betrayed him. He had developed ALS, known forevermore as “Lou Gehrig’s disease.” He said farewell to the baseball world on July 4, 1939 in a ceremony that is still stunningly evocative. Less than two years later, the “Quiet Hero” was gone. The man who outdid his feat, Calvin Edward Ripken Jr., was an Orioles infielder called up to the big leagues in August 1981, two weeks before his 21st birthday. Ripken began the 1982 season as a third baseman, but was switched in July by manager Earl Weaver to shortstop, a position young Cal would help redefine. By then, he had started a streak that no one noticed at first: It began on May 30, 1982, in a game against Toronto at Baltimore’s old Memorial Stadium. For the rest of that year and all of the next, Cal played every game — part of a consecutive inning streak that lasted until 1987 — while winning Rookie of the Year in 1982 and Most Valuable Player in 1983, leading the Orioles to the ’83 World Series title. The Orioles never won another championship, but their shortstop set a standard for durability and class that was its own reward. Cal Ripken played 20 seasons, all of them with Baltimore. He broke Lou Gehrig’s record in 1995, and played in every game for three more years until Sept. 20, 1998, the Orioles last home game of the year. He’d grown up, literally, with the team — his father had been an Orioles coach — and now fans realized that he’d grown old with the Orioles, too. Looking back, there were many memorable moments. But nothing approached the magic in the ballpark on Sept. 6, 1995. The 1994 season had ended disastrously for Major League Baseball with labor strife between owners and players that had done what two world wars and the Great Depression had not managed to do: namely, cancel the World Series. I won’t say, as some did at the time, that Cal Ripken “saved” baseball in 1995, but he certainly reminded Americans what was good and great about the game. Cal homered the night before he tied Lou Gehrig’s record for consecutive games played, then homered the night he equaled it, and yes, homered for a third night in a row the night he broke it. “An almost ridiculous command performance,” wrote the great Thomas Boswell. “You can’t do that on cue in batting practice.” The most extraordinary occurrence that night was even more spontaneous than a home run. Although an elaborate ceremony was planned for after the game, those in the stands couldn’t wait. On this night, the fans got their way. With the Orioles ahead 3-1, the game became official as the Angels went down in the top of 5th inning. The sold-out crowd rose immediately and began cheering. And cheering and cheering. They called for Cal to come out for one encore, and then another. They wouldn’t let the game continue. Did the Angels get sore? Hell, no — they were cheering too, both in the dugout and in the field. The umpires couldn’t do much, either, as they were clapping — along with the ushers, cops, grounds crew, beer vendors, and Cal’s family. Also standing in tribute were Frank Robinson, Ernie Banks, Joe DiMaggio, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Tipper Gore. Games were stopped in stadiums around the country. Members of the media were not immune. I know this, because I was at Camden Yards myself, covering the White House for the Baltimore Sun and interviewing the First Fan, who had brought daughter Chelsea to the game. “There’s an old saying in baseball, ‘No cheering in the press box,'” play-by-play man Mel Proctor told the television audience as the cameras showed the broadcast team standing and cheering. “We’ll make an exception this time.” After about 10 minutes of cheering and those two curtain calls, Ripken’s teammates shoved him out of the dugout. Once there, he took a lap around the stadium, waving to the fans, shaking hands, hugging people he knew — and he knew a surprising number of them. Cal, being Cal, even stopped to return a cap to a fan who’d dropped it on the field. When Ripken got to the Angels’ dugout, those players and coaches stopped applauding long enough to hug him. He ended back in front of the Orioles’ dugout where he hugged his wife, Kelly, and their two young children. The cameras kept panning to Cal Ripken Sr., wearing a suit — a new look unfamiliar to Orioles fans — and Cal’s mother, Vi. One of the last people in the stands Cal talked to was his brother Billy, in street clothes, one of 30 second basemen Cal played with during the streak. At one point, Cal exchanged waves with the great DiMaggio, who appeared to have a tear in his eye. DiMaggio had played with Gehrig. He was in the lineup on July 4, 1939, when Gehrig told the Yankee Stadium crowd, and the world, that he considered himself “the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.” After the Sept. 6, 1995 game, during the official ceremony, the Yankee Clipper would say, “Wherever my former teammate, Lou Gehrig, is today, I’m sure he’s tipping his cap to you, Cal. You certainly deserve this lasting tribute.” Earlier, in the 5th inning, an Oriole fan waved a sign that said this: “We consider ourselves the luckiest fans on the face of the Earth. Thank you, Cal.” And there’s your quote of the week. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) |
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NOQ Report Daily |
- Robert Mugabe, longtime Zimbabwe leader, dies at 95
- The gun used in west Texas mass shooting was illegally built, sold: Report
- CNN’s climate change town hall finished last among cable news channels
- Stop talking about Alabama, Mr. President
- The left has destroyed their cause by jumping the gun and demanding confiscation. Part I
- Now we know why the DNC didn’t want a climate change debate
Robert Mugabe, longtime Zimbabwe leader, dies at 95 Posted: 06 Sep 2019 01:18 AM PDT HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Robert Mugabe, the former leader of Zimbabwe forced to resign in 2017 after a 37-year rule whose early promise was eroded by economic turmoil, disputed elections and human rights violations, has died. He was 95. His successor President Emmerson Mnangagwa confirmed Mugabe’s death in a tweet Friday, mourning him as an […] The post Robert Mugabe, longtime Zimbabwe leader, dies at 95 appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
The gun used in west Texas mass shooting was illegally built, sold: Report Posted: 05 Sep 2019 04:59 PM PDT If you’re wondering why news reports about the alleged west Texas mass shooter have died down much faster than previous mass shootings, it’s because the details that are emerging do not jibe with the gun control agenda being promoted by mainstream media. The more we learn about the alleged gunman and how he acquired the […] The post The gun used in west Texas mass shooting was illegally built, sold: Report appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
CNN’s climate change town hall finished last among cable news channels Posted: 05 Sep 2019 04:26 PM PDT The leftist media folks at CNN had an idea. They could draw attention to their network amidst plummeting ratings by hosting a seven-hour town hall with ten Democratic candidates on the topic of climate change. Everyone loves to talk about climate change, they thought. This will certainly boost their profile and bring back millions of […] The post CNN’s climate change town hall finished last among cable news channels appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Stop talking about Alabama, Mr. President Posted: 05 Sep 2019 04:09 PM PDT Seriously, nobody cares. Fake news is a real phenomenon, but this isn’t one of those cases. As the President continues to press the media to acknowledge he was right to warn Alabama about Hurricane Dorian, he’s only drawing excessive attention to a mistake. I get it. He doesn’t want to be wrong. Nobody does. But […] The post Stop talking about Alabama, Mr. President appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
The left has destroyed their cause by jumping the gun and demanding confiscation. Part I Posted: 05 Sep 2019 03:09 PM PDT The true implications of the left admitting the obvious, that it was always about gun confiscation Over the weekend, Robert Francis O’Rouke went full authoritarian, promising that if elected, he will demand the surrender of arbitrarily designated firearms to the government. Front runner Joe Biden called for a ban on ALL magazines. Most people realize this […] The post The left has destroyed their cause by jumping the gun and demanding confiscation. Part I appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Now we know why the DNC didn’t want a climate change debate Posted: 05 Sep 2019 06:30 AM PDT If you know anyone who planned on watching yesterday’s CNN climate change town hall and you haven’t heard from them, check on them immediately. Hopefully, they just fell asleep through the unhinged marathon of silliness. But there’s a chance they injured themselves while laughing at fearmongering about straws. Or cows. Or how this time the […] The post Now we know why the DNC didn’t want a climate change debate appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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Fri, September 06 |
BACKLASH BUILDS: Bernie BLASTED for Suggesting ‘Population Control’ Needed to Fight Climate Change
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is under
fire after suggesting the use of “population control” and women’s
“reproductive rights” to combat the growing threat of climate change.Sanders
was speaking at a televised CNN town hall event Wednesday when he was
asked if “population control” was needed to reduce carbon emissions
across the planet… |
HANNITY: Everyone Knows Fusion GPS Hired by Clinton to ‘Dig Up Russian Dirt’ on Trump Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Wednesday night, Sean weighed-in on the escalating scandal surrounding opposition research firm Fusion GPS, saying “everyone knows” they were hired by the Clinton campaign to “dig up dirt” on Donald Trump.“During his Congressional testimony, Robert Mueller said he wasn’t familiar with Fusion GPS… Everyone knows Fusion… |
JOE’S GREATEST GAFFES: Vote for Your Favorite Biden Blunder NOW Former Vice President Joe Biden’s bumbling campaign continued this week; with the Democratic frontrunner making countless mistakes regarding his visit to Afghanistan, his time in the Senate, even his location.Biden’s defense? “Details are irrelevant.”“That has nothing to do with judgment of whether or not you send troops to war, the judgment… |
NUNES ON HANNITY: The Courts Must Come in and ‘Clean Up’ Fusion GPS Congressman Devin Nunes spoke with Sean Hannity Wednesday night to discuss his recent lawsuit against Fusion GPS; claiming the company attempted to “obstruct justice” and “derail” his ongoing investigation.“I was often smeared, and now we know there’s a link between those doing the smearing and Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS has a long record… |
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September 06 2019 |
A Sigh of Relief over the Death of a Brutal Left-Wing Dictator
Jim Geraghty
Making the click-through worthwhile: The brutal dictator who
seized all the farms finally buys the farm; Howard Schultz calls it
quits long after everyone forgot he was running; the president still
wants to argue about Alabama and the hurricane; and a point about the
European Union’s behavior since the Brexit referendum.
Robert Mugabe’s Dead, So Today’s a Good Day Already
Robert Mugabe was — ah, what a delight it is to use the past tense —
one of those demonic despots whose name and crimes ought to be commonly
known. Yet somehow, he never quite caught the imagination of the Western
press, even if he caught its attention. The average person walking down
the street knows about the Kims in North Korea, Saddam Hussein, and
Ayatollah Khamenei; but you had to be interested in foreign affairs to
recognize the name Mugabe as a monster who deserved to be lined up
alongside them in hell.
Some might argue Mugabe’s relative obscurity reflects a Western press
that is uncomfortable with acknowledging the fact that a leftist
anti-Colonialist revolutionary leader can turn out to be a bloodthirsty
and brutal despot; some might argue his relative obscurity …
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