Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Friday August 30, 2019.
Aug 30, 2019 |
Happy Friday from Washington, where former FBI top dog James Comey is found to have violated Justice Department policies in handling memos he wrote about President Trump. John Malcolm breaks down the inspector general’s findings. On the podcast, Nick Loris weighs in on the Amazon rainforest fires. Plus: Jarrett Stepman on the threat of pure democracy, Fred Lucas on the EPA’s relaxing of methane rules, and Dennis Prager on the left’s brutal response to those who disagree. On this date in 1967, the Senate confirms Thurgood Marshall as the first African-American on the Supreme Court. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend. Morning Bell returns Tuesday. |
Commentary Here’s Why We Aren’t—and Never Should Be—a Pure Democracy “Well, it’s official: Republicans are now arguing that the U.S. isn’t (and shouldn’t be) a democracy,” tweets Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. More Commentary The Justice Department’s IG Delivers a Scathing Rebuke of Ex-FBI Director Comey James Comey’s closest advisers informed the Office of the Inspector General that they were “surprised,” “stunned,” “shocked,” and “disappointed” by what Comey did. They should be. More Analysis The Facts You Need to Know About the Amazon Rainforest Fires Are the fires in the Amazon rainforest, dubbed the “lungs of the earth” by environmentalists, a crisis? The Heritage Foundation’s Nick Loris joins us to discuss what’s really happening. More News Trump Administration Eases Methane Rules on Oil Industry The Environmental Protection Agency announces that it will undo some of the Obama administration’s regulations on methane, which it said could save oil and natural gas producers up to $123 million through 2025. More News Senate Republicans Tell Supreme Court Not to Be Swayed by Democrats’ Court-Packing Threats Senate Republicans urge the Supreme Court not to be intimidated after Democratic lawmakers warn that its decision in a pending Second Amendment case could inflame the liberal push to restructure the court. More Commentary Equinox Owner Surrenders to the Left. Here’s a Loyal Customer’s Response. If you support what the left opposes, the left will do everything possible to destroy your name and your business. More | ||
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Friday, August 30, 2019 Editor’s note: Happy Labor Day weekend! Assuming there isn’t a revolution in the next few days, we’ll be back in full swing Wednesday morning. Pro tip if you’re visiting family: mentioning The Flip Side is a great way to defuse tense political debates! 😉 IG Office Releases Report on Comey “Former FBI Director James Comey violated FBI policies in his handling of memos documenting private conversations with President Donald Trump, the Justice Department’s inspector general said Thursday. The watchdog office said Comey broke bureau rules by giving one memo containing unclassified information to a friend with instructions to share the contents with a reporter. Comey also failed to return his memos to the FBI after he was dismissed in May 2017, retaining copies of some of them in a safe at home, and shared them with his personal lawyers without permission from the FBI, the report said.” AP News Read the full report here. Department of Justice From the Left The left argues that while the report does not paint Comey in the best light, extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures. “Trump accused Comey of breaking the law. He tweeted: ‘James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!’… The problem is that [the accusation] was false… [The] report reiterates that DOJ declined prosecution — which by Trump’s own standards is an exoneration. The DOJ could not find that Comey broke the law… The headlines will dutifully report Horowitz’s finding that Comey didn’t get sign off under DOJ rules… It would be even better if the media, which received the Comey documents and wrote stories critical to educating the public about Trump’s obstruction, reminds readers of the context for Comey’s actions.” Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post “The problem with the report is that it gives almost no weight to the context in which Comey acted, a failing Horowitz aggravates with his hall-monitor rectitude. Because the context was extraordinary. When a president summons the FBI director to demand loyalty, and then urges the director during a second conversation to drop a criminal investigation against an ally, we are not in the normal territory of FBI rules and procedures… Horowitz argues that Comey could have served his purposes by leaving the memos at the FBI but then making vague public statements about his belief they should lead to the appointment of a special counsel. That scenario seems unlikely and, in any case, not Horowitz’s bailiwick. Had Comey stayed on the straight and narrow path as Horowitz insisted he should have, there is a real possibility that the public would still not have seen the memos.” Harry Litman, Washington Post “What should the former FBI director do if he thinks the president is executing a corrupt cover-up?… Horowitz mentions that Comey could have disclosed the information to the inspector general’s office, to the DOJ or FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, to the FBI Inspections Division, or to Congress. He also could have urged the appointment of a special counsel publicly without leaking ‘law enforcement information’… In other words: He should have gone through the proper channels. Comey, however, says he didn’t do this because he no longer trusted the Justice Department’s leadership under Trump… “The key long-running disagreement between Comey and Horowitz is whether unusual circumstances warrant unusual methods — or whether, in unusual circumstances, it’s even more important to rigorously stick to the ordinary rules and procedures… Say what you will about Horowitz’s viewpoint, but at least it’s consistent. He doesn’t think Comey should have colored outside the lines in the Clinton case, and he doesn’t think Comey should have colored outside the lines regarding Trump.” Andrew Prokop, Vox “An inspector general says the former FBI director won’t be prosecuted, but scolds him harshly for his handling of documents. Hillary Clinton can probably relate… With the question of a criminal prosecution resolved, what leaps from the OIG report is the parallel between Comey’s press conference about Clinton and his decision about the memos. In both cases, Comey violated procedures and policies in pursuit of what he believed was a larger imperative, concluding that his own judgment was more useful for protecting the Justice Department and the FBI… the parallel between the two situations, and Comey’s spurn-the-institution-to-save-it approach, is too remarkable to be ignored, and history offers strong reasons that it’s dangerous for FBI directors to freelance, placing their personal judgment over standing policy.” David A. Graham, The Atlantic “Comey was wrong to write a memo for the express purpose of leaking it to trigger a special counsel investigation. Trump was wrong in his years-long assertion that Comey had leaked classified materials and should be jailed. Neither were entirely in the right. Nor was either entirely wrong about the other.” Chris Cillizza, CNN From the Right The right condemns Comey’s behavior, arguing that it is entirely unacceptable for one of the nation’s top law enforcement officers to disregard the rules. “Mr. Comey thought he was above the rules because he wanted to save the country from Mr. Trump. No doubt J. Edgar Hoover felt a similar afflatus as he wiretapped Martin Luther King… This was only the first IG report, and we’ll learn more when he reports soon on Mr. Comey’s role in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants taken out on a former Trump campaign adviser. Even without prosecution, the American public is finally getting an honest account of the real James Comey, an FBI director so in awe of his own righteousness that he believed none of the rules applied to him.” Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal “Comey knew the rules, knew the regulations, knew the law, and swore an oath to uphold them. But when push came to shove, Comey felt that he could break those rules, because he convinced himself that his own particular violation of the regulations served the greater good. Of course, this is what almost every leaker believes… “Quite a few criminals believe they’re breaking the law for good reasons. They’re committing fraud against an insurance company that they believe is greedy and unjust. What the law calls insider trading just means being well-informed. What they told the IRS is close enough to the truth about their actual income… In the end, Comey’s unwavering faith in his own moral judgment — and his inability to see how his own self-justification echoed that of every other leaker the federal government ever prosecuted — ended up being his greatest weakness.” Jim Geraghty, National Review “Trump, no doubt, often behaves outrageously and improperly. But the sense that he is an unprecedented threat to American democracy has also made his opponents feel justified in lowering their own standards to oppose him. Just this week, we’ve seen Trump opponents promote the presidential candidacy of recovering birther Joe Walsh. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Wednesday was forced to apologize for airing a thinly sourced report on Trump’s financial ties to Russia, acknowledging that it didn’t go through the normal standards of verification. And now, on Thursday, we get this OIG report… “Those concerned with the destruction of norms in the Trump era need to consider the question in two ways. There is the threat of Trump’s actions eroding norms, but there is also the danger that his opponents take actions in opposing Trump that actually hasten the destruction of norms instead of preserving them.” Philip Klein, Washington Examiner “Mr. Horowitz’s report methodically skewers Mr. Comey’s claim that his memos were ‘personal’ and therefore his to keep and use. It notes that he interacted with Mr. Trump only in his capacity as the FBI director, in official settings. He shared the memos with senior FBI leaders. Some memos touch on official investigations, while others contain classified information, which ‘is never considered personal property’… Mr. Comey’s attempt to dig himself out of his disingenuous characterization heightens its absurdity. Asked by the inspector general how a memo describing an official dinner between the FBI director and the president could be considered a ‘personal’ document, Mr. Comey explains that he was also present in his capacity as a ‘human being.’” Kimberly Strassel, Wall Street Journal “The report found that he did not have any direct contact with the press in sharing the memos, a notion that no serious person was proposing. But the media’s rightful framing of Comey sharing the memos with Richman for the sole purpose of getting its contents to the Times was wholly accurate… Like Trump, Comey is celebrating a report that documents, in detail, his disregard for law and penchant for lies. But unlike Trump, he actually did the thing he was initially accused of. He leaked federal records through a third party. Comey ought to be thanking his lucky stars that the DOJ declined to prosecute.” Tiana Lowe, Washington Examiner On the bright side… You can rent a snow igloo in Finland on Airbnb for $122 a night. Insider Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Share Tweet Forward Sign Up Here Copyright © 2019 The Flip Side, All rights reserved. You can unsubscribe from this list here. |
The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for August 30,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. The Left’s Abusive Use of Greta Thunberg No, I am not going to be lectured to by a 16 year old just because she gets access to a prince’s private yacht. What I will say is that Greta, based on her own public statements, is doing this because adults around her have scared the hell out of her and denied her an […] The post The Left’s Abusive Use of Greta Thunberg appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Regarding Johnny Isakson The first time I met Johnny Isakson was at the old Green Jacket restaurant in downtown Macon in 1996. I both chaired the College Republicans at Mercer and was the chairman of the Georgia Federation of College Republicans. Isakson, then in the Georgia Senate, was running for the United States Senate to replace Senator Sam […] The post Regarding Johnny Isakson appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » I’m not inclined to paint conservatives as thoughtless bigots. But… Today, the Washington Post ran a lengthy opinion piece by Eve Fairbanks titled “The ‘reasonable’ rebels” that pilloried so-called “reasonable” conservatives as kinsman of the antebellum southerners who defended, maybe not always slavery per se, but at least one’s right to voice support for slavery. She targets many well-known conservative intellectuals who even the left, from time to […] The post I’m not inclined to paint conservatives as thoughtless bigots. But… appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Trump Economy Is Starting To Make Republicans Nervous The trade war’s effect on manufacturing and agriculture threaten Republicans in 2020. The post The Trump Economy Is Starting To Make Republicans Nervous appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Inspector General Slams Comey For Release Of Memos Comey will not be prosecuted for violations of DOJ policy. The post Inspector General Slams Comey For Release Of Memos appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The “Amazon is Burning” Stuff is Just Another Media Driven Moral Panic Here are the actual facts. The forest is not on fire. The vast majority of this year’s fires are on farmland or already cleared areas, and the claim that the Amazon forest produces 20 per cent of the oxygen in the air is either nonsensical or wrong depending on how you interpret it (in any […] The post The “Amazon is Burning” Stuff is Just Another Media Driven Moral Panic appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Yes, Republicans DO Have A “Woman Problem” A few years ago, I served a two year sentence – I mean TERM – as president of our county’s Republican Women’s club. It was the longest two years of my life. I actually had a running joke with several of my fellow leaders. Every quarter, we would assemble for a meeting, and each time […] The post Yes, Republicans DO Have A “Woman Problem” appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » LIVE: The Erick Erickson Show – Hurricane Dorian, Isakson Retirement, and Democratic Debates My brand new radio show is three weeks old and quickly picking up new stations across the state of Georgia. Stay tuned for updates on the Isakson retirement announcement, the democratic debate, MSNBC and someone called Leader Abrams. Hour 1 Segment 1 Hurricane update Climate Change The Trump-Biden co-dependence Gillibrand Out The economy Boris Johnson […] The post LIVE: The Erick Erickson Show – Hurricane Dorian, Isakson Retirement, and Democratic Debates appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Go Home, Greta All you need to know about Greta Thunberg, the 16 year old autistic child from Sweden, is that the left expects you to listen to her, comply with her, and never question her. She is the newly appointed high priestess of climate change. It is eye opening that the left has decided an obnoxious and […] The post Go Home, Greta appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Polls, Fake News, and Trends Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
POLITICO Playbook: Trump heads into buzzsaw in North Carolina
08/30/2019 06:03 AM EDT

SIREN … NEW PARTY POLLING … NEXT MONTH’S special election in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District is truly a squeaker. Internal Republican polling has shown GOP candidate DAN BISHOP anywhere from 2 points to 4 pointsahead of Democrat DAN MCCREADY. And believe it or not, that’s an improvement, because Bishop was down big in the Charlotte-and-east-area district just a few weeks ago.
DEMOCRATIC PARTY INTERNAL POLLING has MCCREADY up 1 point. So both parties are seeing the same thing: that this race is truly a toss-up, with all results in the margin of error.
REMEMBER: This is a district President DONALD TRUMP won by nearly 12 points, and this race is within the margin of error 10 days before Election Day. THE PRESIDENT is going to try to move the needle with a visit the week after next, but some Democrats are whispering the trend lines are in their direction, with the early indications favoring McCready. McCready ran in 2018 — so he has a lot of momentum, and recognition.
SPENDING HAS BEEN BIG HERE: The NRCC, Congressional Leadership Fund and Club for Growth have combined for nearly $6 million in spending in this race. The DCCC and House Majority PAC are in for a bit more than $1 million. McCready has vastly outspent Bishop, with the Democrat doling out $4.7 million compared to Bishop’s $1.7 million.
A DEMOCRATIC WIN, of course, would be a very big deal. Combine that with the wave of Repbulican retirements — and the expectation for more after the recess — and Republicans are going to have a tough time explaining their current political fortunes. Republicans could easily still pull this thing out.
DEPT. OF OH MY … THE DAMNING LINE … WAPO’S MATT VISER and GREG JAFFE: “As he campaigns for president, Joe Biden tells a moving but false war story”: “Except almost every detail in the story appears to be incorrect. Based on interviews with more than a dozen U.S. troops, their commanders and Biden campaign officials, it appears as though the former vice president has jumbled elements of at least three actual events into one story of bravery, compassion and regret that never happened.” WaPo
— BIDEN to WAPO’S JONATHAN CAPEHART: “I was making the point how courageous these people are, how incredible they are, this generation of warriors, these fallen angels we’ve lost. I don’t know what the problem is. What is it that I said wrong?”
— “Biden says in SC that ‘essence’ of war story is accurate despite report of false details,” by The Post and Courier’s Jamie Lovegrove
ALSO FROM JAMIE LOVEGROVE … S.C. AS A BIDEN FIREWALL? … “‘All in for Joe’: Biden looks to create firewall in SC as he maintains 2020 lead”: “In an interview with The Post and Courier following a town hall Thursday in Rock Hill, Biden acknowledged the impact that a setback in the other early states could have on his odds of winning the Democratic nomination.
“‘Iowa can change the dynamic of a race for everybody and anybody,’ Biden said. ‘In New Hampshire, in Iowa, in Nevada, the dynamic can change.’ But he argued that his substantial campaign operation, dozens of prominent endorsements and decades of relationships in South Carolina could preserve his frontrunner status in the Palmetto State regardless of what happens elsewhere.
“‘We’re in a situation where we have invested a lot of time and effort and structure here,’ Biden said. ‘So I hope that whatever Iowa would bring, what we’ve done here would strengthen the prospect that we can continue to win here.’” Post and Courier
Good Friday morning. THE PRESIDENT has canceled his trip to Poland this weekend as Florida braces for a potentially massive hurricane. Trump will go to Camp David. VP MIKE PENCE will travel to Poland in Trump’s place.
HURRICANE WATCH … MIAMI HERALD: “Hurricane Dorian hits Cat 2 and is still strengthening. Risk to South Florida grows,” by Alex Harris: “Hurricane Dorian continued to ramp up late Thursday, reaching Category 2 strength on a path toward the Florida coast paved with more storm fuel — warm water, no land and very little in the atmosphere to weaken it.
“It’s a recipe for a dangerous major hurricane and the National Hurricane Center predicts the system could come in as a Category 4, bringing winds topping 130 miles per hour and damaging surge and coastal flooding to the Sunshine State sometime Monday.
“The key question for millions in Florida — where will it come ashore? — remained unanswered. But the latest model runs and official track continued to subtly shift, raising the risk for South Florida, the state’s most populated region. Those models potentially could change again in coming days but the trend was concerning.” Miami Herald
A message from Chevron:
Chevron is investing in emerging technologies with a $100 million commitment to its Future Energy Fund.
DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA — “Trump’s Personal Assistant, Madeleine Westerhout, Steps Down,” by NYT’s Annie Karni and Maggie Haberman: “President Trump’s personal assistant, Madeleine Westerhout, whose office sits in front of the Oval Office and who has served as the president’s gatekeeper since Day 1 of his administration, resigned on Thursday, two people familiar with her exit said.
“Ms. Westerhout’s abrupt and unexpected departure came after Mr. Trump learned on Thursday that she had indiscreetly shared details about his family and the Oval Office operations she was part of at a recent off-the-record dinner with reporters staying at hotels near Bedminster, N.J., during the president’s working vacation, according to one of the people, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss White House personnel issues.
“The breach of trust meant immediate action: Ms. Westerhout, one of the people familiar with her departure said, was now considered a ‘separated employee’ and would not be allowed to return to the White House on Friday. The White House did not respond to a request for comment. Ms. Westerhout did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.” NYT
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2020 WATCH …
— IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME: “Warren lovefest ending as 2020 competitors fear her rise,” by Natasha Korecki: “The Elizabeth Warren honeymoon may be coming to an end. Warren’s weak fundraising and Native American controversy out of the gate gave her the look of a second-rate candidate, and her rivals have treated her as such, even as she’s rebounded from those early troubles.
“But with the Massachusetts senator now drawing massive crowds and surging in national polls, competing campaigns are starting to refocus on Warren, looking to blunt her momentum. Democrats are already opening up new lines of attack: calling her celebrated policy proposals a ‘fraud,’ challenging her to say how she’d pay for her massive health care plan, highlighting a lack of diversity in her supporters and dropping reminders of Warren’s long span as a Republican.” POLITICO
— “Beto O’Rourke has chucked the presidential playbook. Will it save his campaign?” by the L.A. Times’ Mark Barabak in Marshalltown, Iowa: “O’Rourke entered the presidential race with an exuberant burst, but he’s fizzled since: His fundraising has been mediocre, debate performances uninspired, poll numbers cringingly low.
“After a pause following the mass shooting in his native El Paso, the former Texas congressman is now attempting to relaunch his campaign with a focus on gun violence, immigrant rights and the dangerous toxicity, he says, that oozes from the White House. It may be his last stand.
“O’Rourke promises to follow an unconventional path, as he did in his near-miss 2018 Senate campaign, away from the usual early-voting states and rutted tracks of his many competitors. … ‘It certainly feels like the right thing to do,’ he said, grinning broadly after hosting a recent roundtable discussion on gun control at the Iowa Capitol, ‘and so I’m doing it with all that I’ve got.’” LAT
— POLITICO MAGAZINE: “How Julián Castro Got Drowned Out,” by David Freedlander in Rye, N.H.
— NATASHA KORECKI: “DNC to recommend scrapping Iowa, Nevada virtual caucuses”: “The Democratic National Committee will recommend rejecting a plan for ‘virtual caucuses’ in Iowa and Nevada, introducing a level of uncertainty in the caucus states ahead of the upcoming election season.
“A source with knowledge of the decision said late Thursday that the DNC will recommend rejecting Iowa’s virtual caucus proposal ‘due to security concerns.’ Sources confirmed to the Associated Press that Nevada’s system faced similar peril. The decision has the potential to cause the most disruption in Iowa, which has traditionally held the first-in-the-nation vote. In 2020, the Iowa caucuses are to take place Feb. 3, 2020.” POLITICO
I’M NOT GOING TO WIN … MARK SANFORD’S RALLYING CRY, via AP’s Alexandra Jaffe in Des Moines: “Still, he acknowledged how long the odds would be if he does decide to run, pointing to the fact that since the 1950s, no candidate who has challenged an incumbent president of their own party has been successful.
“‘I’m not delusional on prospects. It’s not as if I’m saying, you know, I think I can become president. But I think you can change the debate, and you might even have an impact on the general election,’ he said.” AP
BEYOND THE BELTWAY — “Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey apologizes for participating in blackface skit in college,” by Daniel Strauss
MEDIAWATCH — RYAN LIZZA is joining POLITICO as chief Washington correspondent. Carrie Budoff Brown and Matt Kaminski email: “Starting next week, Ryan will bring his decades of experience, deep source network and elegant pen and incisive mind to our best-in-class politics team. He’ll weigh in on the news, write feature pieces, headline events and help us all chart the next great chapter of POLITICO.
“Ryan will play a major role in our 2020 coverage, as well as make sense of the political and policy crosscurrents in Washington and beyond. As his title implies, he’ll bring to life the people and stories that drive this town.”
THE PRESIDENT’S FRIDAY — The president will have lunch with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at 12:30 p.m. in the private dining room. He will leave the White House at 5:30 p.m. en route to Camp David.
- CNN “State of the Union”: Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) … Beto O’Rourke. Panel: Rick Santorum, Xochitl Hinojosa, Mia Love and Wajahat Ali.
- CBS “Face the Nation”: Rick Scott … Beto O’Rourke … Brock Long … DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan … Sergio Martín. Panel: David Nakamura, Salena Zito, Sahil Kapur and Shane Harris.
- ABC “This Week”: Panel: Matthew Dowd, Rick Klein, Mary Jordan and Asma Khalid.
- CNN “Inside Politics” (guest anchor: Manu Raju): Margaret Talev, Michael Shear, Laura Barrón-López and Molly Ball.

HONG KONG LATEST — “Amid crisis, China rejected Hong Kong plan to appease protesters – sources,” by Reuters’ James Pomfret and Greg Torode: “Earlier this summer, Carrie Lam, the chief executive of Hong Kong, submitted a report to Beijing that assessed protesters’ five key demands and found that withdrawing a contentious extradition bill could help defuse the mounting political crisis in the territory.
“The Chinese central government rejected Lam’s proposal to withdraw the extradition bill and ordered her not to yield to any of the protesters’ other demands at that time, three individuals with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters.”
— AP/HONG KONG: “Hong Kong democracy activists arrested, protest march banned”
REMINDER: The next round of U.S. sanctions on China goes into effect Sunday unless there’s some sort of deal, or the president calls them off, by then.
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NYT’S FARNAZ FASSIHI: “In Iran’s Hierarchy, Talks With Trump Are Now Seen as Inevitable”: “In the power circles of Tehran, where ‘Death to America’ is regularly chanted, the idea has taken hold that Iran must eventually negotiate with President Trump, according to several people with knowledge of the shift.
“These people said Iran’s leadership had concluded that Mr. Trump could be re-elected and that the country cannot withstand six more years of the onerous sanctions he has imposed.” NYT
A message from Chevron:
Our future energy fund invests in emerging technology companies that develop EV charging networks, novel battery technology, and direct capture of carbon dioxide from the air. We’re exploring how to make energy more affordable, more reliable, and ever cleaner.
WHAT THE E-RING IS READING — “Pentagon Is Holding Up Former Official’s Book, Lawsuit Says,” by WSJ’s Andrew Restuccia and Gordon Lubold: “A former Pentagon official charged in a lawsuit Thursday that the Defense Department has delayed a review of his tell-all book about Jim Mattis to benefit the former defense secretary, whose own book will be published next week.
“Lawyers representing Guy Snodgrass, Mr. Mattis’s former communications director and speechwriter, said the Defense Department has demanded that chapters of the book be redacted.” WSJ
— FLASHBACK … NBC’S COURTNEY KUBE: “Former Mattis aide penning ‘shocking’ book that details Mattis-Trump relationship”
TRAILER DU JOUR — “Sacha Baron Cohen Takes Dramatic Turn in Netflix’s ‘The Spy’ Trailer,” by The Hollywood Reporter’s Jackie Strause: “The Spy sees the Emmy-nominated Who Is America? star and comedian traveling back to the 1960s to play Israeli clerk-turned-secret agent Eli Cohen as he goes deep undercover inside Syria on a perilous, years-long mission to spy for Mossad. Written and directed by Gideon Raff, the real-life spy thriller is based on true events. The six-episode limited series releases Sept. 6.” THR
MORE MEDIAWATCH — “Disney Layoffs Affect National Geographic,” by Variety’s Brian Steinberg: “As many as 70 to 80 National Geographic employees could be affected, according to one of these people.” Variety
— GOOD CATCH … WSJ’s @MichaelCBender: “THURSDAY AUG 29, 2019 No Trump stories on the front pages of the WSJ, NYT or WaPo.”
TV TONIGHT — Bob Costa sits down with John Harris, WSJ’s Vivian Salama, Vice’s Shawna Thomas and NYT’s Michael Shear at 8 p.m. on PBS’ “Washington Week.”
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REMEMBERING JIM LEAVELLE — “Former Dallas detective famously photographed escorting Lee Harvey Oswald dies at 99,” by Reuters’ Bill Trott: “Leavelle became a part of history with Oswald and Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby as they were all captured in a dramatic photograph snapped as Ruby fatally shot Oswald on Nov. 24, 1963.
“Leavelle, who as a young sailor had survived Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, was a 13-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department when he was put in charge of moving Oswald, a 24-year-old former Marine, from police headquarters to the county jail as the nation grieved for Kennedy.
“Leavelle had no qualms about protecting the man accused of killing the president but before Leavelle could get him to his armored transport vehicle, Ruby fatally shot Oswald. The slaying was broadcast live to stunned television viewers.” Reuters
SPOTTED at a surprise 50th birthday celebration for Geoff Morrell at the Chevy Chase Club: Ann Morrell, Michael and Ellen Morrell, Rob and Rebecca Nichols, Robert Allbritton and Dr. Elena Allbritton, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Ashley Kavanaugh, Tom Collamore, Matt and Kate Johnson, Aubrey Rothrock, Kevin Fromer, Lindsay Walters, Kevin Madden, Jonas Rudzki, Rickie Niceta, Peter and Missy Cook, Jeremy and Robyn Bash, Patrick Steel and Lee Satterfield, Stuart and Gwen Holliday, Fred and Ginny Ryan, Stephane and Brooke Carnot, Dana Bash, Rob and Laura Griffen, John Kelly, Brent McIntosh, Todd and Lisa Gibby and Jarrett Morrell.
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Martine Powers, host of WaPo’s “Post Reports” podcast. What she’s been reading lately: “I’ve been reading ‘Digital Minimalism,’ by Cal Newport — about being thoughtful about screens and phones and how they’re used in our lives. In a profession like journalism, it’s really beneficial to be present and engaged on social media, but I also see the ways that my phone and its apps can diminish my quality of life, or my ability to spend my downtime being present and doing things that feel meaningful. It’s an ongoing struggle, but the book is helping me think through it.” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Warren Buffett is 89 … Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) is 59 … Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa.) is 6-0 … CNN’s John King … Nancy Beren, grandma to Ryder and Josie Sherman, Manya and Phin Saiger and Sadeh Haffetz … Christi Parsons, senior editor and director of the Talent Lab at The Atlantic … Patrick Kerley … Corley Kenna, director of global comms and PR at Patagonia (hat tip: her Hillary sisters) … Ginny Hunt, justice and opportunity adviser at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative … Gary Ginsberg is 57 … POLITICO’s Mitch Schuler, Jen Dreyer and Chris McCooey … Margy Levinson of BerlinRosen Public Affairs … Julia Hoffman, Massachusetts Democratic fundraiser and a partner at 4C Partners …
… Eric Pooley, SVP of strategy and comms at the Environmental Defense Fund … Rachel Harris, comms director for Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.), is 26 (h/t Mary Kirchner) … Caitlin Girouard,press secretary for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo … Catherine Pritchard … Laura Moser … Greg Spring … Kerri Collins … Ruthie Posekany … Justin Paschal … Sean Elliott … Rose Arnsten (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) … Elizabeth Harball … Eldad Yaron … Bradley Silverman … Alec Camhi … Lia Albini Ginis, digital director for Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), is 31 … Alex Cathcart … Murray Weiss of CBS’ “48 Hours” … Ariana Berengaut … Susan Holappa … George Riccardo … Christine Marlowe … Karl Russo … Kimmy Railey … Elliot Bell-Krasner … Minna Elias … Bush SBA alum Cheryl Mills … Peter Ramjug … Sara Cooper … Charlie Pope … Terry Bish … Sean Finnegan … Cristine Russell
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Sign up for this newsletter Read online The morning’s most important stories, curated by Post editors. Hong Kong police arrest 3 prominent activists Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow, who rose to prominence as student leaders of protests five years ago, were taken into custody Friday. A third activist, Andy Chan, the leader of a banned pro-independence party, was arrested Thursday. By Shibani Mahtani and Gerry Shih ● Read more » China expels Wall Street Journal reporter over coverage of Xi’s family Journalist Chun Han Wong is known for his investigative work on Chinese politics and Communist Party doctrine. By Gerry Shih ● Read more » Ala. governor apologizes for blackface in college skit, doesn’t resign Gov. Kay Ivey (R) joins a growing group of white politicians scrutinized for minstrel-show-inspired caricatures of black people. By Reis Thebault ● Read more » ‘Your heart rate slows down’: In a workaholic China, the stressed-out find a refuge with monks Despite growing restrictions on organized religion and exhortations from business leaders to work longer, a famed Buddhist temple has flourished as a place of learning and respite from the daily grind. By Anna Fifield ● Read more » Hurricane Dorian: Not a typical Florida tropical cyclone One of the more bizarre elements of Dorian’s predicted path is the broad left curve it’s expected to make. But the storm has been tricky to forecast because of its small size and the surrounding weather systems. By Matthew Cappucci ● Read more » Opinions Trump has no trouble gutting the law to build his wall By Editorial Board ● Read more » Macron’s gamble to get Iran and the U.S. to talk didn’t pay off. Here’s why. By David Ignatius ● Read more » What we can learn from video game violence By Anna Goshua ● Read more » Trump’s and Biden’s same message: You may not like me, but you must vote for me By Marc Thiessen ● Read more » Poland’s turn toward anti-LBGT bigotry is unacceptable By Antoni Porowski ● Read more » Corporate lawyers aren’t all the same. Don’t ban us from the federal bench. By Erika Stallings ● Read more » More News As he runs for president, Joe Biden tells a moving but false story of a Silver Star hero The story, a highlight of Biden’s speeches, appears to be an embellished jumble of several events. Campaign 2020 ● By Matt Viser and Greg Jaffe ● Read more » Boris Johnson is taking British democracy to the brink The smoldering divisions within Britain over the tangled path forward make Johnson’s sidelining of its elected officials all the more alarming. WorldViews | Analysis ● By Ishaan Tharoor ● Read more » Inspector general report rebukes Comey — and debunks Trump The former FBI director avoided the worst fate — and was cleared of a charge President Trump made repeatedly against him — but the new report detailing his leaking to the media is pretty severe. The Fix | Analysis ● By Aaron Blake ● Read more » Emerging from his silence, Mattis faces criticism for trying to take the ‘middle road’ on Trump The former defense secretary’s effort to distance himself from the White House has sparked new criticism of his tenure at the Pentagon and the way he has straddled his political and military identities. By Dan Lamothe and Greg Jaffe ● Read more » Virtual afterlife: ‘Hey, Google! Let me talk to my departed father’ Some companies are planning for a world in which future generations will be able to interact with dead relatives to ask questions, elicit stories and draw upon a lifetime’s worth of advice. By Peter Holley ● Read more » ‘Finish the wall’: Trump tells aides he’ll pardon misdeeds, say current and former officials Nick Miroff explains how the president is encouraging misdeeds to get his wall built. Geoffrey Fowler talks about how his credit cards have let companies buy his data. And Rachel Hatzipanagos on anxiety in the Latino community under Trump. Post Reports | Listen Now ● By The Washington Post ● Read more » We think you’ll like this newsletter Check out The Trailer for news and insight on political campaigns around the country, from David Weigel. 435 districts. 50 states. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings. Sign up » |
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© Getty Images Welcome to The Hill’s Morning Report. TGIF! Our newsletter gets you up to speed on the most important developments in politics and policy, plus trends to watch. Co-creators are Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver. Find us @asimendinger and @alweaver22 on Twitter and CLICK HERE to subscribe! |
Hurricane Dorian is expected to strengthen into a ferocious storm with winds of 130 mph as it barrels toward the United States through the Labor Day holiday weekend. President Trump, who owns properties in South Florida and is practiced at participating in federal command center planning for natural disasters, on Thursday canceled a weekend trip to Warsaw, Poland, in order to remain in the United States to monitor the storm, the White House announced. Trump will send Vice President Pence to Poland in his place. Trump taped a public safety video in the Rose Garden, released on social media on Thursday night, in which he described Dorian as a potential “monster,” referenced its potential path toward Florida’s Atlantic coast, which he called “dead center,” and mentioned possible evacuations. “Be safe,” the president said. “It’s something very important for me to be here. The storm looks like it could be a very, very big one indeed,” Trump said at the White House earlier in the day. The entire state of Florida is under an emergency declaration and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) activated 2,500 National Guard troops with another 1,500 on standby. As of early this morning, with expectations that Dorian will become a Category 3 storm over the warm waters of the tropical Atlantic today, no evacuation orders had been issued (Reuters). The National Hurricane Center said the swirling cyclone could strengthen to a Category 4 storm and make landfall on Monday somewhere between the Florida Keys and southern Georgia — a 500-mile stretch that reflects predictive uncertainty for now (The Associated Press). The Washington Post reported this hurricane is unusual, in part because of a ridge of high pressure known as the Bermuda High that could influence its path. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands got lucky as a weaker Dorian brushed past the islands leaving relatively minor damages. Up and down the Florida coast on Thursday, people emptied store shelves of water and nonperishable food items, searched for batteries, gasoline and diapers, and many followed signs that directed them to sandbags or the basic ingredients to shovel their own. Cruise lines rerouted some ships on Thursday to steer clear of Dorian’s path as travelers who had hoped for a final summer getaway pondered whether to cancel their plans. In other headlines … The Justice Department’s watchdog reported on Thursday that former FBI Director James Comey violated policies through his handling of memos he created documenting private conversations with Trump in 2017. The inspector general determined that Comey — who was fired by the president, testified before Congress and wrote a book titled “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership” — broke department rules by giving a memo containing his observations and information to a friend, with instructions to share it with a reporter. None of the information Comey shared was classified and the Justice Department declined to prosecute him (The Associated Press). “Perhaps never in the history of our Country has someone been more thoroughly disgraced and excoriated than James Comey in the just released Inspector General’s Report. He should be ashamed of himself!” Trump tweeted. White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement that “Comey disgraced himself and his office to further a personal political agenda, and this report further confirms that fact.”The Hill: Five takeaways from the inspector general report. |
© Getty Images > White House turnstile: Trump’s West Wing personal assistant, Madeleine Westerhout, abruptly resigned on Thursday (The Hill). The New York Times was the first to report that her departure was blamed on discovery that she spoke about the Trump family to reporters during an off-the-record dinner during the president’s summer stay in New Jersey. > Citizenship: A new federal rule that alters how Americans abroad convey U.S. citizenship rights to offspring may disproportionately hit the LGBT community, including U.S. service members stationed overseas (The Hill). > Deutsche Bank and the president: On Tuesday, Deutsche Bank revealed it has Trump-related tax returns in its possession. The records may be responsive to subpoenas and investigations underway in New York and in Congress. Here’s what you need to know about the bank’s ties to Trump, his properties and his family, and what the tax returns could disclose (The Hill). > Environment: The Trump administration wants to roll back 84 federal regulations. The New York Times summarizes some of the biggest ones including methane gas, fuel efficiency, the Paris climate agreement, electricity generation, petroleum drilling on federal lands and the Endangered Species Act. |
POLITICS: With the debate stage set for September, Democratic presidential candidates who missed out and continue to have trouble making inroads with primary voters are trying to soldier on as they see some of their 2020 opponents drop out of the race. As Reid Wilson and Max Greenwood report, those who missed the debate stage are facing a critical moment in the campaign as they decide if they should weather the storm or run for shelter. In the last two weeks, four of their fellow 2020 candidates have done the latter: former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), the highest-profile of the four, who announced her decision Wednesday evening. However, others have made clear they’re sticking it out. A pair of candidates — Montana Gov. Steve Bullock and former Rep. John Delaney — told The Hill they’re doing so because more than five months stand between them and when Iowa caucus-goers convene or because they aren’t pressured to do so. . “I think that the debate is missing something without me in it. But you know, we still know that we’re five and a half months from the Iowa caucuses, which is the first time that actual voters get to express a preference,” Bullock said. “Actual voters are still off on summer vacation. We’ve got a long way to go.” Meanwhile, Delaney has sunk $23 million into his campaign and believes his point-of-view is needed, especially if former Vice President Joe Biden falters in the coming months ahead of Iowa. “I don’t have any pressure — financial pressure or political pressure — to drop out of the race,” Delaney said in an interview. “There’s nothing between now and the Iowa caucus that is going to change my opinion.” “I think most voters are looking for an alternative to the vice president,” Delaney said. “The vice president is effectively squatting on the more moderate voters in the party and I think that’s going to change.” |
© Getty Images With only 10 candidates taking part in the Sept. 12 affair in Houston, it means all the participants will be on the same stage for the first time, setting up the political version of a royal rumble. As Niall Stanage writes, the big story of the evening will be Biden, who will be facing off with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for the first time amid her continued rise in the polls, culminating in recent weeks with massive rallies in Seattle and St. Paul, Minn., and questions about what happens when the two meet on stage. “We’ve never seen Warren go after anyone before,” said progressive strategist Rebecca Katz. “This might be the first time she or Biden really go on offense.” The Washington Post: As he campaigns for president, Biden tells a moving but false war story. The Post and Courier: Biden says that “essence” of war story is accurate despite report of false details. > Women for Trump: Polls show that Trump is losing women voters by huge margins, presenting his reelection campaign with a massive hurdle to overcome as he seeks a second term in office. Perhaps most alarming for the president is that his support from the white women who were pivotal to his electoral success in 2016 is dropping. The Trump campaign is taking the matter seriously, launching a “Women for Trump” campaign. The push is headlined by a dynamic group of female surrogates aiming to build a grassroots army to turn out female voters for Trump next November. The Trump campaign told The Hill that the group’s first national day of training resulted in 4,600 new female volunteers signing up in 16 states to register new voters or knock on doors for Trump. Still, the preponderance of evidence suggests that Trump’s myriad controversies, from his boasting about grabbing women to feuds with the U.S. women’s soccer team, have taken their toll on his reelection prospects (The Hill). Elsewhere on the political scene … According to a new survey, Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.) holds a 17-point lead over incumbent Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) in a hypothetical primary matchup between the two. Kennedy announced on Monday that he is considering a bid against the longtime Massachusetts Democrat, who maintained he will run whether or not Kennedy runs (Commonwealth Magazine). |
HEALTH: Mumps outbreak: The highly contagious virus has swept through 57 immigration detention facilities in 19 states since September, according to the first U.S. government report on the outbreaks in immigration facilities. The virus sickened 898 adult migrants and 33 detention center staffers, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Thursday. New cases continue as migrants are taken into custody or transferred between facilities; as of last week, outbreaks were recorded in 15 facilities in seven states (The Associated Press). Mumps is transmitted by respiratory droplets or direct contact with an infected person and spreads rapidly among people living in close quarters. > Mosquitoes: Health officials in New Jersey, Michigan and Massachusetts are warning residents of mosquitoes carrying Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), a rare and potentially deadly virus that causes brain inflammation. The New Jersey Department of Health confirmed a case earlier this month where a man was hospitalized and is urging residents to take extra precautions to avoid being bitten. In Michigan, the state Department of Health and Human Services has confirmed one case and is investigating another three. Additionally, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health confirmed the fourth case of the infection in the state earlier this week. In total, the EEE virus has been found in 334 mosquito samples in Massachusetts this year (The Hill). > Juul: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is investigating electronic cigarette company Juul Labs Inc. over potentially deceptive marketing practices. Among other things, the FTC is interested in whether Juul deliberately targeted advertising at minors and is looking into the company’s paid influencer program, which Juul dismissed as “a small, short-lived pilot.” “We fully cooperate and are transparent with any government agency or regulator who have interest in our category,” a Juul spokesman said. “We have never marketed to youth.” The FTC is not the only government agency investigating the e-cigarette giant. The Food and Drug Administration, and a number of state attorneys general, also are investigating the company’s marketing practices. The FDA conducted a surprise inspection of their headquarters last October where they collected documents about their marketing (The Wall Street Journal). |
© Getty Images > Marijuana: Top federal health officials issued a warning Thursday against marijuana use by adolescents and pregnant women, saying that the drug has dangerous effects on them. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Surgeon General Jerome Adams made the announcement. Azar calling marijuana “a dangerous drug,” with Adams saying that science shows the drug is a health risk to developing brains of teenagers and fetuses. The surgeon general also pointed to the increased potency of the drug over the years, noting the increase in concentration of the THC in marijuana plants over the last two decades: “This ain’t your mother’s marijuana” (The Hill). > Measles: The contagious disease, which has spread in the United States, is on the rise in Europe, according to the World Health Organization (The Wall Street Journal). |
How not to grow old in America, by Geeta Anand, opinion contributor, The New York Times. Not all corporate lawyers are the same. Don’t ban us from the federal bench, by Erika Stallings, opinion contributor, The Washington Post. |
Hill.TV’s “Rising” at 9 a.m. ET features Bob Cusack, editor-in-chief of The Hill, with the Friday “DeBrief” segment; Behnam Ben Taleblu, senior fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, discussing the potential for a meeting between Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani; and Katie Halper, host of The Katie Halper Show podcast and co-host of Useful Idiots, a Rolling Stone podcast. Halper comments about presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii). Find Hill.TV programming at or on YouTube at 10 a.m. The House resumes work on Sept. 4 with consideration of legislation to respond to mass shootings. The Senate returns to Washington on Sept. 9. The president will have lunch with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. In the afternoon, he will depart for Camp David. The American Political Science Association holds its annual convention in Washington through Sunday. Information HERE, and watch for coverage on C-SPAN and Economic indicators: The Bureau of Economic Analysis reports on personal income in July, and consumer spending last month, both at 8:30 a.m. The National Book Festival, sponsored by the Library of Congress, takes place in Washington on Saturday, featuring in person more than a hundred best-selling authors, novelists, historians, poets and children’s writers. The event is free and open to all. Information HERE, and check out the author roster. |
➔ United Kingdom: The opposition Labour Party said on Thursday it would trigger an emergency debate in Britain’s Parliament next week to try to stop Prime Minister Boris Johnson from exiting the European Union without a withdrawal deal for Great Britain. The U.K. is on a path toward its gravest constitutional crisis in decades and a showdown with the EU over Brexit on Oct. 31. It has been more than three years since British voters said in a referendum they wanted to leave the bloc (Reuters). ➔ Hong Kong: Police in Hong Kong today arrested at least three pro-democracy activists and blocked plans for a Saturday demonstration as China, with troops in the territory, watches closely (The New York Times). ➔ Amazon rainforest: Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro banned the use of fire to clear land throughout the country for 60 days in response to the international outcry about the destruction and deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. His decree was issued on Thursday and took effect on Wednesday when he signed it (CNN). ➔ Iran: A rocket at an Iranian space center apparently exploded on its launch pad Thursday, suggesting the Islamic Republic suffered its third failed launch this year. State media and Iranian officials did not immediately acknowledge the incident at the Imam Khomeini Space Center in Iran’s Semnan province, seen in satellite images. Iranian satellite launches had been anticipated before the end of the year, but the Trump administration has criticized the endeavor (The Associated Press). ➔ Jeopardy!: Host Alex Trebek, 79, treated for pancreatic cancer after a March diagnosis, says he’s “on the mend” and has been back at work since July for a new season of the popular game show, which begins airing Sept. 9 (The Associated Press). ➔ Lemonade served sweet: Two sisters in North Carolina helped erase tens of thousands of dollars of student lunch debt, mainly by selling lemonade, which they like to do to support worthy causes each year. Hailey Hager, 14, an eighth grader, and Hannah Hager, 11, began the summer with a goal of paying off some of their two schools’ combined lunch debt of nearly $8,000. Their effort caught on, so they decided to tackle the student lunch debt for the entire school district, which at its peak totaled more than $40,000. That number has been whittled to about $15,000, thanks to the sisters’ inspiration, according to Davidson County Schools (ABC News). |
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And finally … Bravo to this week’s Morning Report Quiz Winners! Plenty of readers know Georgia and notable people who put the Peach State in the headlines over the years. Here are the victors, some of them from Georgia, who help close out August on a high note: Zev Lewis, John R. Gill, L.D. Tretiak, Steve Valley, Mike Axelrod, Thomas Miller, John van Santen, Frank Myers, Justin Pauly, David Letostak, Jim Dykstra, Dara Umberger, Natalia Castro, Caroline Hakes, Randall S. Patrick, B.J. Ford, Luther Berg, Buzz Watkins, John Donato, Jack Barshay, Sandy O’Neil, Candi Cee, David Bond, Phil Kirstein and Patrick Kavanagh. They knew that Tom Price, formerly a Georgia congressman, resigned in 2017 as secretary of Health and Human Services because of a controversy over federal spending for chartered flights. Muhammad Ali, who had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1984, lit the cauldron during the opening ceremony at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. He died in 2016. Zell Miller, a longtime Democratic politician from Georgia who died last year, spoke in support of former President George W. Bush at the Republican National Convention in 2004. Actor Jamie Foxx starred as Ray Charles, the legendary voice of “Georgia on My Mind,” in “Ray,” an Oscar-winning biopic about the R&B singer. Ray Charles Robinson was born in Georgia and raised in Florida. CNN founder and media entrepreneur Ted Turner, 80, who was raised in Georgia but born in Ohio, owned the Atlanta Braves during the team’s glory days in the 1990s. |
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By Kelvey Vander Hart on Aug 30, 2019 05:00 am Kelvey Vander Hart: Arthur Brooks’ new documentary “The Pursuit” should be added to your must-watch list. Read in browser » Episode 87: Is Wealth Immoral? By Caffeinated Thoughts on Aug 29, 2019 04:49 pm On the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast, Shane Vander Hart talks to Dr. E. Calvin Beisner about his response to a question asked in Vox: is wealth immoral? Read in browser » Reynolds Appoints Julie Schumacher to Iowa Court of Appeals By Shane Vander Hart on Aug 29, 2019 01:56 pm Gov. Kim Reynolds announced her appointment of District Court Judge Julie Schumacher to the Iowa Court of Appeals, replacing Judge Gayle Vogel who retired. Read in browser » Grassley: Comey’s Self-Serving Decisions Did Great Harm to FBI By Caffeinated Thoughts on Aug 29, 2019 01:12 pm U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley: “Americans expect federal officials, particularly those at the highest level of law enforcement, to live by the same laws and regulations that they enforce.” Read in browser » Recent Articles: The Democratic Presidential Field “Narrows” to Twenty A Win for Religious Freedom and Free Speech in Federal Court Ernst: Pentagon Buys Chinese Computers Vulnerable to Hacking Film Review: Overcomer About Kamala Harris’ Teacher Pay Plan Launched in 2006, Caffeinated Thoughts reports news and shares commentary about culture, current events, faith and state and national politics from a Christian and conservative point of view. Caffeinated Thoughts P.O. Box 57184 Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 321-5077 Editor, Shane Vander Hart Connect: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Share Tweet Share Forward Copyright © 2019 Caffeinated Thoughts, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
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Ilhan Omar Wants The United Nations At The Southern Border
By Jason Hopkins –
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the United Nations should be deployed at the southern border to manage
the immigration crisis, claiming that the U.S has committed human rights
abuses. “There is no good way to detain immigrants,” Omar said Tuesday
before during a forum …
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Read on » Biden Wants To Close Down Detention Centers For Illegal Immigrants By Mary Margaret Olohan – Former Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that detention centers for illegal immigrants should be closed down. Biden spoke at a Thursday town hall in South Carolina where he was asked what he would do about detention centers designated for illegal immigrants. “Close them down…we don’t need them!” Biden responded, … Biden Wants To Close Down Detention Centers For Illegal Immigrants is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Comey In The Hot Seat! He Must be Sweating Now By Jim Clayton – Former FBI Director James Comey violated FBI policies in his handling of memos documenting private conversations with President Donald Trump, the Justice Department’s inspector general said Thursday. The watchdog office said Comey broke bureau rules by giving one memo containing unclassified information to a friend with instructions to share the contents with a reporter. … Comey In The Hot Seat! He Must be Sweating Now is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, August 30, 2019 By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump will receive his daily briefing, have lunch with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo then travel to Camp David for the weekend. Keep up with Trump on Our President’s Schedule Page. President Trump’s Itinerary for 8/30/19 All Times EDT 11:30 AM Receive intelligence briefing – Oval Office 12:30 PM … President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, August 30, 2019 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » President Trump Delivers Message on Hurricane Dorian By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump delivered a message Thursday on Hurricane Dorian which is gaining strength as it approaches Florida’s east coast. The storm is expected to make landfall as a category 3 or 4 major hurricane. Watch: Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for … President Trump Delivers Message on Hurricane Dorian is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Are Media Outlets Democrat Party Domestic Terrorists? By Amanda Alverez – Most Americans love and devote their efforts toward improving America. But, I have never read or heard as many bogus stories and out-right lies at any time during my lifetime, until now. It’s insanity! No longer any doubt why President Trump routinely yells, “Fake news!” We see many stories … Are Media Outlets Democrat Party Domestic Terrorists? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Trump Cancels Trip To Poland To Monitor Hurricane Dorian By Shelby Talcott – President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he will not be going to Poland and will instead stay in the U.S. to monitor incoming Hurricane Dorian. Trump was set to head to Poland over the weekend as Hurricane Dorian heads towards Florida. The hurricane could turn into a Category 4, and … Trump Cancels Trip To Poland To Monitor Hurricane Dorian is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » FBI Witnesses Said Comey’s Trump Briefing Was Meant To Collect Info For Russia Probe, Report Says By Chuck Ross – A Justice Department inspector general’s report sheds new light on James Comey’s Jan. 6, 2017 briefing to Donald Trump regarding allegations made in the Steele dossier. The report cites witnesses who said that the FBI and Comey wanted to use the briefing to collect information that could be used in … FBI Witnesses Said Comey’s Trump Briefing Was Meant To Collect Info For Russia Probe, Report Says is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Hurricane Dorian Expected To Be A Category 4 As It Nears Florida By Shelby Talcott – Hurricane Dorian is expected to strengthen and hit Florida as a Category 4, the National Hurricane Center forecasted. Hurricane Dorian could reach up to 130 mph according to a National Hurricane Center forecast Thursday morning. This puts it at a Category 4, and the forecast still can’t say for certain … Hurricane Dorian Expected To Be A Category 4 As It Nears Florida is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Biden Told A Moving War Story. But It Was Actually A Mishmash Of Different Events By Mary Margaret Olohan – 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden told a moving story of how he pinned a medal on a distraught soldier overseas, but the former vice president appears to have compiled three different war stories and mixed up a variety of details. 76-year-old Biden told 400 people assembled in a Hanover, New … Biden Told A Moving War Story. But It Was Actually A Mishmash Of Different Events is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Want To Skip The Genius Bar? Apple Plans To Offer Independent Repair Shops iPhone Parts By Audrey Conklin – Apple said it plans to provide supply parts to independent repair shops in an effort to ease pressure on its stores to fix millions of out-of-warranty iPhones in a Thursday statement. The tech giant announced the plan after nearly a decade of officially allowing only its Genius Bar experts to … Want To Skip The Genius Bar? Apple Plans To Offer Independent Repair Shops iPhone Parts is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch: President Trump Participates in the Establishment of the U.S. Space Command By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump joined military and administration officials Thursday to participate in the establishment of the U.S. Space Command. Watch: Transcript: THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. It’s a great honor. What a beautiful day in the Rose Garden. Please sit. Thank you. To ensure that all resources of the … Watch: President Trump Participates in the Establishment of the U.S. Space Command is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Multiple Outlets Avoid Reporting On Omar’s Alleged Misuse Of Campaign Finances To Fund Affair By Shelby Talcott – Multiple outlets have not reported on Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s alleged use of campaign funds to pursue an affair with a married man. Omar’s campaign gave $223,000 to E. Street Group, LLC, which is Democratic consultant Tim Mynett’s company, FEC records show. The Minnesota congresswoman allegedly had an affair with … Multiple Outlets Avoid Reporting On Omar’s Alleged Misuse Of Campaign Finances To Fund Affair is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » The Facade – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon By Ben Garrison – I’m not a ‘climate change denier.’ Climate does change and it has varied widely during the Earth’s long history. My objection to the climate change narrative from the left is that it’s not honest. We know scientists can be purchased by the elite to produce whatever dire warnings based on … The Facade – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Democratic Voters Shifting Left on Immigration By Jason Hopkins – A new poll finds that Democratic voters are increasingly embracing lax immigration enforcement policies, putting them in contrast with overall voters. A Politico/Morning Consult survey released Wednesday found that 42% of Democratic voters would more likely support a 2020 presidential candidate who wants to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The … Democratic Voters Shifting Left on Immigration is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Scary Movie – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – The media will do anything to sabotage President Trump even if it means hurting the American people by pushing the economy into a recession. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019. See more Branco toons HERE Scary Movie – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » DOJ Watchdog Says James Comey Violated FBI Policy In Handling Sensitive Memos By Chuck Ross – The Justice Department’s inspector general said in a report released Thursday that former FBI Director James Comey violated bureau policy in the handling of memos that he wrote after conversations with President Trump. “Former Director Comey failed to live up to this responsibility. By not safeguarding sensitive information obtained during … DOJ Watchdog Says James Comey Violated FBI Policy In Handling Sensitive Memos is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Carbon Hypocrites – Goodwyn Cartoon By Al Goodwyn – Carbon Hypocrites – Goodwyn Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Matthew Whitaker: DOJ Meeting Suggests Andrew McCabe Will Be Indicted ‘Imminently’ By Chuck Ross – Former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker said Wednesday he believes Andrew McCabe will soon be indicted on federal charges, based on reporting that the former FBI deputy director’s attorneys recently met with Justice Department officials. Whitaker said in a Fox News interview that McCabe’s lawyers’ meeting with Deputy Attorney General … Matthew Whitaker: DOJ Meeting Suggests Andrew McCabe Will Be Indicted ‘Imminently’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » ‘Absurd, Insulting’: Immigration Experts Skewer Sanctuary County Leader For Pushing False Info Following Violent Rapes By Jason Hopkins – Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich defended his sanctuary policies by saying ICE needs a judicial warrant to keep an illegal alien detained. Immigration experts objected to this claim, and ICE pointed out the Immigration and Nationality Act gives ICE supervisors the authority to issue arrest warrants. Montgomery County is a … ‘Absurd, Insulting’: Immigration Experts Skewer Sanctuary County Leader For Pushing False Info Following Violent Rapes is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |
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Friday, August 30, 2019 Free Speech and Comedy are at Risk The outrage brigade doesn’t just want apologies, they want blood. And the reality is that they blood they want is that of castrated comedians who have yielded to the mob and no longer joke freely about the things that once made them famous. Examples of this are Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman, and Jimmy Kimmel. There are also the comics that refuse yield: Jerry Seinfeld, Ricky Gervais, and Dave Chappelle, to name a few. Chappelle is under considerable fire for his new special on Netflix that jokes about the transgender community and other things. From Mollie Hemingway at the Federalist: “The show is not boring or hypocritical, and it is most definitely not out-of-touch. It is offensive, deliberately so. But above all else, it’s really funny, even if Chappelle occasionally pulls his punches. If you are sensitive to vulgarity, indecency, and in-your-face offensive humor, regardless of your politics, this probably isn’t the stand-up special for you. Chappelle opens by complaining about audiences that are beholden to the social justice warrior agenda and keeps it going to the end. He defends Michael Jackson on charges of child molestation, makes light of fellow comedian Louis C.K.’s disgusting habit of masturbating in front of female colleagues, and mocks singer R. Kelly for completely botching his lines in an underage sex tape that is now a key piece of evidence against him in federal court.” I also liked Chappelle’s new special. I celebrated his ‘unwokeness’ at The Federalist. “Chappelle succeeds in his unwillingness to bend. “Sticks & Stones” leaves no stone unturned as he masterfully finds humor in every silly, weeping critique he hears. He laughs at his own jokes and begs viewers to question whether or not he truly does not know how to say Jussie Smollett’s name. Not wanting to rewrite the artist’s jokes here and rob him of his craft and delivery, I will say simply that the special is an unwoke riot.” The Tea Party Celebrates 10 Years From David Harsanyi: “How do you write a 10 years later piece on the Tea Party and not mention — not once, not even in passing — the fact that it was essentially a hysterical grassroots tantrum about the fact that a black guy was president?” asked non-biased Washington Post reporter Wesley Lowery, calling it journalistic ‘malpractice.’” Well, you get the idea. In the first draft of this column, I joked that The New York Times might add a line about tea party “racism” before the day was over to placate the Twitter mob. They did it before I could even publish. But it doesn’t change the fact that there’s no evidence that a “good deal” — or any substantial deal, for that matter — of the tea party’s popularity was propelled by racism. For one thing, the wealthy white leader of Congress at the time was just as unpopular among tea partyers as the black president. And as we’ve seen, had Hillary Clinton won the 2008 election, she would have generated no less anger among conservatives.” Weekend Reading David Marcus digs into the ugly battle over power in Ohio (The Federalist) The media seems to be excitedly blaming Kirsten Gillibrand’s presidential campaign failures on her scolding of Al Franken, her lack of progressive values, and her tendency to bend too far right when pressured. This is all absurd, of course. She’s one of the most liberal Democrats in the Senate. She also happens to be the lease genuine human I’ve ever seen try to run for president. And that’s something. Gillibrand’s fakeness highlighted here in Politico. The Independent let Jeremy Corbyn write an op-ed about climate change and Brexit. It’s worth reading just to know how off he is about his own country, his supporters, and the planet. Friday Entertainment Center Brad Pitt says his new film “Ad Astra” struck a personal tone and celebrates masculinity. Hell yeah. (Variety) Emmy voting is coming to an end but there’s still time to consider the work of Phoebe Waller-Bridge and other insanely talented women. (IndieWire) I try not to wax too nostalgic for businesses that are forced to close, but The Paris, a legendary movie theater in New York City, was not a victim I was expecting. Yes, the theaters were kind of dirty and their snack selection was weak-at-best but The Paris was an institution. It will be sorely missed. (Deadline) BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Ellie Bufkin is a breaking news reporter at The Washington Examiner and a senior contributor to The Federalist. Originally from northern Virginia, Ellie grew up in Baltimore, and worked in the wine industry as a journalist and sommelier, living in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. A fanatic for movies and TV shows since childhood, she currently reviews movies and writes about many aspects of popular culture for The Federalist. She is an avid home cook, cocktail enthusiast, and still happy to make wine recommendations. Ellie currently lives in Washington D.C. You can follow her on Twitter @ellie_bufkin |
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ADVERTISEMENT HIGHLIGHTS ‘My job is to cover you’: Neil Cavuto fires back at Trump’s Fox News criticism Pence defends Bible at VA hospitals, vows they ‘will not be religion-free zones’ Former Canadian prime minister hopes Hurricane Dorian strikes ‘direct hit on Mar a Lago’ Trump’s Texas confidence vexing GOP insiders President Trump’s high confidence in winning Texas is vexing some Republican insiders, who fret that his 2020 campaign is unprepared to handle a generational challenge from the Democratic Party for control of the state’s critical 38 votes in the Electoral College. White House and State greenlight Israeli strikes on Iranian proxies in Iraq despite Pentagon disapproval Washington gave Israel its blessing to strike Iranian-backed forces in Iraq a day after Pentagon leaders distanced themselves from the operations, emphasizing the United States is a “guest” in the country. Devin Nunes: DOJ watchdog report on James Comey contains ‘evidence’ for conspiracy complaint Rep. Devin Nunes called the Justice Department inspector general’s report on former FBI Director James Comey a “building block” for a criminal referral he delivered to the agency. ‘Bastion of bigotry’: University of Kansas faculty demand Chick-fil-A boycott In a letter to the leadership at the University of Kansas, the Sexuality and Gender Diversity Faculty Staff Council said it was outraged the school had moved Chick-fil-A to a more prominent location on campus and called for a boycott. ADVERTISEMENT ‘I just drooled on myself’: Tucker Carlson left in stitches as Mark Steyn riffs on Biden flubs Conservative commentator Mark Steyn reduced Fox News host Tucker Carlson to fits of laughter as he offered his take on Joe Biden’s latest display of confusion on the campaign trail. CNN analyst suggests Trump is concerned about Dorian hitting Florida because of election A CNN analyst accused President Trump of showing more concern for Florida than Puerto Rico as Hurricane Dorian approaches, and suggested that he only cares for political and racial reasons. DOJ inspector general condemns Comey memo leak to ‘force’ a special counsel The Justice Department’s watchdog condemned fired FBI Director James Comey’s decision to leak contents from his memos to “force” the appointment of a special counsel, saying his scheme violated FBI rules. Joe diGenova: FISA report circulating ‘inside and outside’ of Justice Department Former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova revealed the source of his insider information about the Justice Department inspector general’s incoming report on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses. Trump’s ‘gatekeeper’ resigns abruptly President Trump’s personal assistant abruptly stepped down on Thursday. Judge keeps spotlight on victims as he dismisses Epstein case The federal judge overseeing the case against Jeffrey Epstein dismissed the charges on Thursday but kept the spotlight on the victims who spoke out against the alleged child sex trafficker. Biden: ‘Essence’ of false wartime story was true Former Vice President Joe Biden defended the inaccurate war story he told during a rally last Friday in New Hampshire, saying the “central point” of it was true. John Brennan warns Trump that his ‘protective cocoon’ is ‘temporary’ Former CIA Director John Brennan, in an ominous tweet defending James Comey, warned President Trump that the “protective cocoon” shielding him is “only temporary.” THE ROUNDUP The women who allegedly recruited girls for Epstein Hong Kong police arrest prominent activists Why Gillibrand crashed and burned ADVERTISEMENT |
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He was kicked out of a border militia. Then the FBI found a gun ‘factory’ in his home. Joshua Pratchard had “a long history of violence and unresolved anger,” according to prosecutors. By Antonia Farzan · Read more ‘We don’t work for you’: Fox News’s Neil Cavuto rebukes Trump for slamming network “My job is to cover you, not fawn over you or rip you,” Cavuto said, speaking directly to Trump on his show Thursday. “Just report on you.” By Allyson Chiu · Read more He pointed a finger gun at his neighbor. It’s a crime, Pennsylvania court rules. The neighbor said he felt “extremely threatened.” By Meagan Flynn · Read more ‘Nobody cared’: A woman gave birth alone in a jail cell after her cries for help were ignored, lawsuit says “They put my son’s life at risk,” Diana Sanchez said. “When I got to the hospital, they said that I could have bled to death.” By Allyson Chiu · Read more He stole $50 and got life without parole. 35 years later, he’s coming home. The unusually harsh punishment was the result of Alabama’s Habitual Felony Offender Act, also known as the “three strikes law.” By Antonia Farzan · Read more ‘I don’t think this president has lied’: Trump aide denies he’s ever misled the public The eighth time Trump campaign spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany made the claim that President Trump has never lied forced CNN’s Chris Cuomo to reach for his earpiece to make sure it was working. “Wow!” By Timothy Bella · Read more Recommended for you Get The Trailer newsletter News and insight on political campaigns around the country, from David Weigel. 435 districts. 50 states. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings. Sign Up |
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Immigration Services Offered to Those at Cal State San Marcos, San Diego State University Michigan State University Students Protest Flat Rate Tuition UT-Austin Appoints Matthew McConaughey to Professor in the College of Communication
William Jacobson: “UNDERSTATEMENT – Gibson’s Bakery: Oberlin College’s request for a new trial is “baseless””
Kemberlee Kaye: “After just passing the two year anniversary of Hurricane Harvey, we’re praying for our friends in Hurricane Dorian’s path.”
Mary Chastain: “James Comey is a smug, condescending, arrogant something I shouldn’t say here.”
Leslie Eastman: “Trump’s roll-back of Obama’s legacy projects continues
full-steam, as the US Navy sinks the previous administration’s Climate
Change Task Force. Personally, I am thrilled that the Navy is focusing
in on weapons development, protection of allies and assets, and getting
Congress to address a new era of naval warfare possibilities.”
David Gerstman: “Paul Gherkin makes an important observation at the end of his post looking
at the possibility that the 2020 Democratic platform will be
anti-Israel. At the end he wrote: ‘Trump has not made Israel a wedge
issue in politics; the Democrats have been actively doing that
themselves since Obama.'”
Stacey Matthews: “After hearing about Hurricane Dorian’s projected path, Canada’s former Prime Minister Kim Campbell tweeted “I’m rooting for a direct hit on Mar a Lago!” She sounds nice.”
Samantha Mandeles:
“The New York Post reported yesterday that Columbia University’s Knight
First Amendment Institute sent a letter to AOC this week after ex-Assemblyman Dov Hikind sued
her last month “in Brooklyn federal court, claiming that the Democratic
socialist blocked him on Twitter because of his ‘criticism’ of her.”
The institute called the practice ‘unconstitutional.'”
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From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: The summer felt chaotic. But not much has really changed for 2020.
The more things have changed this summer, the more they’ve stayed the same.
Just think about
everything that’s transpired this summer as we head into the Labor Day Weekend.
The El
Paso and Dayton shootings. Mueller’s testimony. “Send her back.” Trump’s
July 4 event. The continued trade war. The congressional GOP
retirements. The two Democratic debates. Harris vs. Biden
on race.
Despite it all, the overall political environment remains pretty much the same from when the summer began: President Trump’s job rating is stuck in the low 40s – perilous territory
for an incumbent president.
And Biden still leads the 2020 Democratic horserace.
Indeed, it’s been one of the defining features of the Trump Era –
so much noise, and so little movement.
But given that stability in a news environment that’s so unstable, let’s also not lose sight of what HAS CHANGED this summer:
- Increasing fears about an economic downturn;
- Elizabeth Warren’s steady rise in the polls;
- Credible or semi-credible primary challengers for Trump (especially if Mark Sanford runs);
- And a slightly wider Senate map for Democrats.
Oh, and the Democratic horserace is bound to change as the field gets smaller and smaller.
The thing is:
We just don’t know how the race will change.
Shakeup with the Iowa caucuses
Recognizing that caucuses
limit voter participation, Iowa Democrats had proposed holding “virtual
caucuses” for people who couldn’t physically be present for the contest
on February 3.
Think of it as an absentee/early voting system for the caucuses.
But it looks like that national Democrats are going to reject that virtual-caucus system.
NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard, Priscilla Thompson and Maura Barrett report that the
Democratic National Committee believes the technology isn’t secure and will recommend scuttling the current setup, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.
Bottom line: The national party
is concerned about the threat of these virtual caucuses being hacked.

2020 VISION: A busy Labor Day weekend on the trail
On the campaign trail today:
Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro stump in South Carolina… Beto O’Rourke
is Virginia, including a town hall at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg… And
Steve Bullock campaigns
in Iowa.
On the campaign trail Saturday:
O’Rourke remains in Virginia… Bullock spends another day campaigning in
Iowa… And Sanders and Castro, in Houston, Texas, attend the Islamic
of North America Convention presidential forum.
On the campaign trail Sunday: Bullock, Michael Bennet and Amy Klobuchar are in Iowa… And Sanders holds rallies in New Hampshire and Maine.
On Labor Day:
Bernie Sanders spends another day in both Maine and New Hampshire…
Elizabeth Warren also is in the Granite State… And Pete Buttigieg,
Bullock, Bennet and Klobuchar
are in Iowa… And Cory Booker travels to Nevada.

AP Photo/Jim Mone
Dispatches from NBC’s embeds: Bernie
Sanders held a climate change town hall in Myrtle Beach, S.C., where
NBC’s Gary Grumbach reports Sanders
said he doesn’t “support a military intervention” in Brazil to deal
with President Bolsonaro’s actions in the Amazon rainforest.
Sanders continued, “I may be doing a little bit of wishful thinking when
I say this, but maybe just maybe if we make governments all over the
world aware of the severity of the crisis, maybe just maybe then instead
of spending a trillion and a half dollars
every year on weapons of destruction, maybe we can pool our resources
and fight our common enemy which is climate change.”
DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is … 56 percent
56 percent.
That’s the share of registered voters who say that climate change is an emergency, compared with 42 percent who do not, according to new polling data
from Quinnipiac University.
Democrats, 84 percent call climate change an emergency. For
independents, it’s 63 percent. But among Republicans, 81 percent say it
is NOT an emergency.
THE LID: Moneyball
Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we took a look at what we know about Americans’ views of what’s next for the economy — and what that could mean for Trump.
Shameless plug: NBC’s headed to the Texas Tribune Festival
For the second year in a row, NBC News and MSNBC will be headed to the Texas Tribune Festival, where the likes of Garrett Haake, Steve Kornacki, Chris Hayes, Katy Tur, Stephanie Ruhle and Lawrence O’Donnell will interview 2020 Dems and other prominent politicians.
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey
is apologizing for wearing blackface in college, but she’s refusing to resign.
Trump’s personal assistant
has resigned after she reportedly shared personal information about Trump and his family at an off-the-record dinner with reporters.
the Washington Post story on how Joe Biden has conflated several stories on the campaign trail about a reluctant soldier rewarded for valor.
The DOJ Inspector General
says that James Comey violated policy, but DOJ won’t prosecute him.
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
We’ll be back bright and early Tuesday morning.
Thanks for reading.
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Chuck, Mark and Carrie
NOQ Report Daily |
- Collectivist contradictions are causing the Left to lose the plot
- 2020 must be a referendum against the radical progressives taking over the Democratic Party
- Daniel Horowitz on the state of Republican politics
- Convicted child sex offender Francisco W. Rodriguez-Garcia caught reentering United States
- President Trump: Space is ‘the next war-fighting domain’
- Watchdog: Comey violated FBI policies in handling of memos
- Harvard, MIT researchers say there’s no ‘gay gene,’ throw cold water on ‘born this way’ argument
- Two important takeaways in WaPo’s discombobulated Joe Biden story
Collectivist contradictions are causing the Left to lose the plot Posted: 29 Aug 2019 10:08 PM PDT As the Left’s socialist national agenda verges further into authoritarianism it’s inconsistencies will tear it apart. It’s one of the staples of any science fiction story whenever some overarching automated system that needs to be brought down. The good guys will introduce some sort of contradictory programming to the system and it will rip itself […] The post Collectivist contradictions are causing the Left to lose the plot appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
2020 must be a referendum against the radical progressives taking over the Democratic Party Posted: 29 Aug 2019 05:06 PM PDT Over the years, I’ve grown disenchanted by the GOP. They’ve had good and bad moments regarding conservatism. Shortly after the rise of the Tea Party, we saw the RINOs in DC take advantage of a lack of cohesion in the movement to effectively disassemble it to oblivion. But any qualms I have with the GOP’s […] The post 2020 must be a referendum against the radical progressives taking over the Democratic Party appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Daniel Horowitz on the state of Republican politics Posted: 29 Aug 2019 04:39 PM PDT Are there really any red states left? That’s the question Conservative Review’s Daniel Horowitz asked when he heard Idaho was pushing a far-left progressive agenda in public schools. This is an important question because the leftist push in both bureaucracies as well as local government have made traditionally “red” states seem much less conservative than […] The post Daniel Horowitz on the state of Republican politics appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Convicted child sex offender Francisco W. Rodriguez-Garcia caught reentering United States Posted: 29 Aug 2019 04:09 PM PDT Child rapists keep coming back to the United States after deportation. This has been a trend for months, perhaps years, and shows no signs of stopping as border patrol and ICE seem to be capturing more child sex offenders every other day. It doesn’t matter to them that they’ve been convicted, imprisoned, and deported back […] The post Convicted child sex offender Francisco W. Rodriguez-Garcia caught reentering United States appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
President Trump: Space is ‘the next war-fighting domain’ Posted: 29 Aug 2019 03:54 PM PDT The White House is launching U.S. Space Command, a precursor to the United Federation of Planets (at least to Star Trek fans). But he doesn’t view it as an exploration division like NASA. This is all about protecting the United States from above. Listen to the President’s own words: Establishment of the U.S. Space Command! […] The post President Trump: Space is ‘the next war-fighting domain’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Watchdog: Comey violated FBI policies in handling of memos Posted: 29 Aug 2019 03:24 PM PDT Note: This story is from the Associated Press and covers an important topic in modern American politics. It is posted as a reflection of the news itself. Any bias or editorializing by the Associated Press does not reflect on or own perspectives here at NOQ Report. Original Story: WASHINGTON (AP) — Former FBI Director James […] The post Watchdog: Comey violated FBI policies in handling of memos appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Harvard, MIT researchers say there’s no ‘gay gene,’ throw cold water on ‘born this way’ argument Posted: 29 Aug 2019 02:55 PM PDT Nature or nurture? Born this way or developed over time? A reality or a choice? These are the questions that have surrounded homosexuality and other alternative sexual preferences since science started truly tackling the human genome in the 1990s. The best answer science has been able to come up with to these questions was revealed […] The post Harvard, MIT researchers say there’s no ‘gay gene,’ throw cold water on ‘born this way’ argument appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Two important takeaways in WaPo’s discombobulated Joe Biden story Posted: 29 Aug 2019 02:02 PM PDT Politicians are liars. This is indisputable and for all intents and purposes, it’s universal. Politicians are human, most of them at least, and humans lies. Many choose not to tell big lies, and there are even a few politicians who avoid lying as much as they possibly can despite having jobs that often requires it. In […] The post Two important takeaways in WaPo’s discombobulated Joe Biden story appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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08/30/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Kamala’s Chances; Steyer Fizzles; Quote of the Week By Carl M. Cannon on Aug 30, 2019 08:58 am Hello, it’s Friday, Aug. 30, 2019, the day I offer a quotation intended to be inspirational. Today’s comes from a baseball lifer whose formal education ended at Kansas City’s Central High School yet was known by the nickname “the Old Perfesser.” I’m talking about the one and only Casey Stengel. As a dead-ball-era outfielder for 14 seasons in the National League, Stengel was good — lifetime average of .284 — but not great. As a manager of the New York Yankees, he was a Hall of Famer: seven World Series championships. In the 1960s, he was reprised as a manager of the New York Mets, an expansion team he helmed from age 71 through 75, and here his career entered a third phase: as a philosopher-king famous for dispensing bon mots that ran the gamut from garbled gaffes to priceless pearls of wisdom. “Can’t anybody here play this game?” Stengel lamented after watching the woeful Mets turn in another ghastly performance. Then again, it was Casey who said in 1961, before the team had been assembled, “the Mets are going to be amazin'” — a prediction that came true in 1969. Like John F. Kennedy’s dream of conquering the moon, the Mets went from a dubious idea to crowning achievement in a decade. Casey himself lived into his mid-80s, and was philosophizing until the end, as we’ll see in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * Can Kamala Come Back? A.B. Stoddard assesses Harris’ prospects amid her drop in the polls and flip-flops on key issues such as health care. Steyer’s $12 Million Failure to Launch. Susan Crabtree has this analysis of the liberal billionaire donor’s underwhelming entry into the Democratic presidential race. 24 Hours of Media Malpractice. Mark Hemingway has this critique of lagging journalistic standards this week. Who Will Chicago Tax If the Rich Say “Enough”? Richard Porter warns the mayor and other elected officials that tax increases are offers, not commands, and that residents and businesses can elect to go elsewhere. Myths Aside, the GOP Can Win a Presidential Popular Vote. Myra Adams explains why Republicans should embrace the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. What Do Federal Watchdogs Actually Do Most of the Time? As Max Diamond reports for RealClearInvestigations, the bureaucracy’s 73 IG offices routinely run down complaints of not much of consequence — at a cost of $2.5 billion per year. Why the Next Democratic Debate Should Focus on China and IP Theft. In RealClearMarkets, Arvin Patel writes that the issue, which received little attention in the previous debates, could affect the trajectory of America for the next century. Threats to American Workers Lurk as Labor Day Nears. In RealClearPolicy, Elaine Parker argues that proposals such as the Green New Deal would flip the economy on its head with regulations applied to both businesses and individuals. * * * It was this date in 1965 that Charles Dillon “Casey” Stengel announced he was retiring as manager of the New York Mets, thus ending a remarkable 56-year professional baseball career as a player and manager. In 1960, the New York Yankees, with 70-year-old Stengel as skipper, lost a thrilling World Series Game 7 to the Pittsburgh Pirates. Afterward, the man who had managed the Yankees to 10 pennants in 12 years was replaced by a younger manager. Stengel’s response: “I’ll never make the mistake of being 70 again.” Other Stengelisms live on, including this classic: “Going to bed with a woman never hurt a ballplayer. It’s staying up all night looking for them that does you in.” Sometimes you didn’t know if Casey was a Zen master or merely a master of the malaprop. “Most ball games are lost, not won” is profound, if unromantic. But what about this line: “Good pitching will stop good hitting, and vice versa.” It could be deep; more likely it’s abject nonsense. Or maybe it was just the Old Perfesser being funny. Some of his best stuff concerned aging, and those lines are timeless. “A lot of people my age are dead at the present time” seems like a verbal miscue. Yet it was undeniably true. Casey Stengel’s epitaph — it’s on his headstone at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, Calif. — is this one: “There comes a time in every man’s life and I’ve had plenty of them.” And that’s your quote of the week. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) |
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– View in a Browser – Fri, August 30 AOC’S DEEP THOUGHTS // TRUMP RIPS MSNBC DEEP THOUGHTS: AOC Rips ‘Bogus’ Electoral College While Making Instant Macaroni and Cheese Controversial Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubled-down on her fierce attacks against the Electoral College this week; calling the centuries’ old institution a “bogus scam” while cooking instant Macaroni and Cheese.“I’m not taking it back. It’s bogus, it’s a scam. I talked about how bogus the Electoral College is and Fox News got really mad…… CONTINUE READING HERE ENOUGH: Trump RIPS ‘Crazy’ Lawrence O’Donnell Over Phony Russia Report President Trump slammed MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on social media Thursday morning; blasting the far-left host after he apologized for a phony report regarding the President’s financial relationship with wealthy Russians.“Crazy Lawrence O’Donnell, who has been calling me wrong from even before I announced my run for the Presidency, even being previously forced by… CONTINUE READING OMAR’S NEW PLAN: Omar Says UNITED NATIONS Should Handle Immigration Crisis at US-Mexico Border Embattled Congresswoman Ilhan Omar surprised audience members at a speaking event this week; arguing the United Nations should be “brought in” to handle the immigration crisis at the US-Mexico border.“Listen, we’re really losing our moral high ground… It doesn’t make any sense for us to be committing these kinds of human rights violations.… CONTINUE READING HERE STATE OF EMERGENCY: Florida Braces for Hurricane Dorian, Trump Tells Residents ‘Be Prepared’ A State of Emergency has been declared for Florida’s eastern and central counties as the state braces for hurricane Dorian to make landfall. The U.S. National Hurricane Center expects Dorian to reach Category 3 status before reaching the U.S. mainland late Sunday or early Monday.“Across much of Florida’s east coast, residents began flocking… CONTINUE READING Recommended Reading: Promoted Content PO BOX 7298, Van Nuys, CA 91409-7298 US © 2019 The Sean Hannity Show Unsubscribe | Sign Up | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy |
Today’s Top News
August 30, 2019
DOJ Inspector
General: Comey Sets a Dangerous Example
Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a
report Thursday outlining a wide range of serious misconduct by former
FBI Director James Comey. Concluding that “Comey set a dangerous example
for the over 35,000 current FBI employees … who
similarly have access to or knowledge of non-public information,”
By: David Catron ______________________ Playing Politics With the Fed: But Bill Dudley Outdoes the President Presidential pressure on the Fed did not start with Donald Trump even if his hectoring strikes as something beyond the norm. Pressure on the Fed to undermine the economy to prevent a president’s re-election seems the more novel phenomenon. By: Hunt Lawrence and Daniel J. Flynn ______________________ Disposable Families: Ilhan Omar and Tim Mynett’s Adultery The actions once confined to European aristocrats filtered to Hollywood and then Washington, D.C. Now, it’s everywhere. It’s gauche to point out the pain; it’s just so routine. But it’s not routine to the people enduring it. It’s very specific and brutal in its misery. By: Melissa Mackenzie ______________________ Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places Red Line Blues, the first novel by Scott Seward Smith, arrives more than six years after its Obama-Romney election backdrop. If its setting seems passé in the wake of the seismic presidential election in between then and now, its theme strikes as so very 2019. By: Daniel J. Flynn ______________________ Joe Biden Puts His Foot in His Electability Joe Biden is setting a bear trap for himself by insisting that Democrats should back him solely on the “electability” issue. By: Patrick Hynes ______________________ The American Spectator is now on Flipboard, a user-friendly and customizable news aggregation website, please give us a follow today! You Might Like Read More |
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“You can’t hold a man down without staying down with him.” BOOKER T. WASHINGTON Hurricane Dorian Could Be the Strongest Storm to Hit Florida’s East Coast Since Andrew Japan Takes on China With a Planned $20 Billion Investment in Africa DNC Arm Cracks Down on Activist Offshoots Trump Says Beijing Playing ‘Vicious Game’ in Targeting US Farmers Former FBI Director James Comey leaked classified information to his attorneys and violated Department of Justice policies guiding the retention, handling, and dissemination of government documents, according to a report released by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Read more Beijing appeared to be sending deliberate warnings to Hong Kong protesters with its irregular troop rotation in the region and a state media editorial openly endorsing the Hong Kong government to declare a state of emergency. Read more Two cameras pointed toward the outside of the cell holding now-deceased financier Jeffrey Epstein that had reportedly malfunctioned at the time of his death have been sent to an FBI crime lab for examination, an unnamed law enforcement source told Reuters. Read more Department of Defense officials bought $30 million worth of computers and related equipment from Chinese companies last year, despite repeated warnings that doing so risked creating cybersecurity weaknesses in the U.S. military, according to Sen. Joni Ernst. Read more President Donald Trump officially opened the U.S. Space Command, a precursor to the new branch of the military, the Space Force, that Trump announced last year. Read more Nonprofit government watchdog Judicial Watch stated it has filed a lawsuit in California Superior Court seeking a permanent injunction to bar Santa Clara County officials from enforcing a sanctuary policy that protects illegal aliens accused of heinous crimes. Read more See More Top Stories Leftist Victim Culture Causes Trouble for Professors and Universities By Andrew Parkman An ideological battleground has been developing in the country’s higher learning institutions. Once free markets for different viewpoints, some universities have restricted what can be discussed if the topic is a sensitive subject or offensive to certain demographics or people with certain ideologies and lifestyles… Read more Beijing Gaining Ability to Subvert US Transport By Jon Toomey Recent purchases by a Chinese automaker raise the prospect of China being able to interfere with our transport system. Geely automotive—a Chinese global automotive group headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China—owns many recognizable brands such as Volvo cars and Lotus. Geely is also the largest shareholder of… Read more See More Opinions The Hidden Force Behind the US Trade Deficit By Valentin Schmid (April 6, 2017) The Trump administration promised the electorate that it would fix trade imbalances that cost American jobs, and so amped up its rhetoric ahead of President Donald Trump’s meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping on April 6 and 7. “Thousands of factories have been stolen from our country. … Under my administration, the theft of American prosperity will end,” Trump said on March 31. Read more What’s unusual about the McCabe hiring is that CNN is intentionally overlooking why McCabe is no longer at the FBI. McCabe was fired by Jeff Sessions at the recommendation of Michael Horowitz. The IG’s office had demonstrated after an exhaustive investigation that McCabe had repeatedly lied about leaking information from active investigations to the news media. McCabe is being given this platform now for one reason only… Media Prepare Massive PR Campaign to Spin Spygate Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
August 30 2019 |
How to Think about Biden’s Gaffes
Jim Geraghty
Making the click-through worthwhile and wrapping up your week
before Labor Day weekend: the worst-case scenario for Democrats if they
nominate Joe Biden; a lesson about money in politics that needs to be
taught and retaught, seemingly endlessly; a shocking poll up in
Massachusetts; and a whole bunch of Hillary Clinton fans suddenly like
leaks from the former FBI director.
The Worst-Case Scenario for Democrats with Biden
Joe Biden is probably mentally and physically fine – or within the
parameters of fine for a man who turns 77 in November and who never had
the greatest verbal discipline at the height of his career.
When Biden tells a story where he gets just about all of the details wrong,
when he mixes up New Hampshire and Vermont, or calls former British
prime minister Theresa May “Margaret Thatcher,” or when he says, “those
kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president” or when he
mangles the …
Read More
Top Stories
Is The Matrix the Conservative’s Star Wars?
Armond White
The real subject of “The Matrix” is hegemony: the
rule of authority that hides ideology from people accustomed to simply
accepting and following social conventions.
Is the Future Vegan?
Michael Brendan Dougherty
Perhaps it is not the muddled moral impulses of
meat-eaters that make them uncomfortable with the premises of veganism,
but the convictions of vegans themselves.
Hong Kong Democracy Protest Leaders Arrested
Mairead McArdle
this month, 5,000 protesters swarmed Hong Kong International Airport,
causing the major travel hub to shut down and cancel all flights.
Scotland, Suffering, and Silence: An Interview with Sir James MacMillan
Madeleine Kearns
The pre-eminent Scottish composer discusses themes
from his memoir: music, religion, and coming to terms with the tragic
loss of his granddaughter.
The Amazon Scam
Rich Lowry
The G-7 Summit, insofar as it dealt with the fires,
relied on a hysteria-induced misunderstanding of what’s happening in the
Biden’s Best Bet Is a Front-Porch Campaign
Jonah Goldberg
The risk for Joe Biden is that he’s not a good presidential campaigner.
He should borrow a page from Beto O’Rourke and release videos on
Instagram or Facebook on his terms.
The Brexit Remainers Made
Michael Brendan Dougherty
Whatever final form Brexit takes, it will have been shaped to a considerable degree by opponents of Brexit.
Biden Calls for Shuttering Immigrant-Detention Centers
Mairead McArdle
vice president Joe Biden said Thursday that as president he would shut
down immigrant-detention centers at the southern border, calling them
Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency
Andrew C. McCarthy
you want to become conversant in every aspect of this [Russiagate] hoax
that matters, if you want to be the one in your family that has the
answers to any question about this, then this book is a must. Not only
that, it is fun to read it… It blows this thing to smithereens.” — Rush Limbaugh LEARN MORE Photo Essays Top Shots MAKS 2019 Air Show ADVERTISEMENT Follow Us & Share 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY, 10036, USA Your Preferences | Unsubscribe | Privacy View this e-mail in your browser. |