Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Wednesday July 31, 2019
Jul 31, 2019 |
Good morning from Washington, where some lawmakers are talking again about a carbon tax. Nick Loris and Laura Williamson show why it’s still a bad, expensive idea for Americans. Jake Dima and Peter Hasson expose a gravy train for white liberals. On the podcast, our foreign correspondent, Nolan Peterson, talks about Russia’s ambitions. Plus: J. David Breemer on a big win for property rights, Kevin Pham on good news in health care, and Josh Shepherd on a “Star Trek” star’s faith-filled breakthrough on the silver screen. On this date in 1964, the unmanned U.S. lunar probe Ranger 7 takes the first close-up images of the moon. |
Commentary Why the Carbon Tax Would Backfire on America Marginal bipartisan support for enacting a new tax on American families and businesses doesn’t make it good policy. More News $12K a Day: How White Liberals Profit From Pushing ‘White Privilege’ White liberal academics can earn more in a day lecturing about their own “white privilege” than the median black household makes in three months, public records and Census Bureau data show. More Commentary When the Supreme Court Is Right to Overturn Precedent The high court delivers a victory for champions of property rights by overturning a 1985 precedent that had blocked property rights cases from federal courts. More Analysis What Putin Really Wants “I’d say they had less intent to actually influence the election than they did to just destabilize our country and to create chaos, and to undermine the faith of Americans in their own country,” Daily Signal foreign correspondent Nolan Peterson says of Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 campaign. More News ‘The Source of Evil Is the Same’ in These 3 Captive Nations Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua—all under the control of dictatorial communist governments—continue to subject their citizens to unspeakable human rights abuses. More Commentary A Sign of Hope for Affordable Health Care A final rule on health reimbursement arrangements set to take effect in August could expand opportunities for Americans to attain affordable health care, increase access for employees of small businesses, and create new competitive market forces. More Special Feature How Actress Roxann Dawson Achieved Her Own ‘Breakthrough’ on Faith, Hollywood, and Adoption “It’s a shame that people of faith have to go undercover in Hollywood,” the director of “Breakthrough” and cast member of “Star Trek: Voyager” says in an interview. More | ||
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Deep divisions on health care separate liberals and moderates Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders faced a barrage of challenges from candidates vying to make a name for themselves. By Toluse Olorunnipa, Matt Viser and Amy Wang · Read more Highlights from the debate The second round of the debates saw centrist candidates challenging the more ambitious proposals from the progressives. By Washington Post Staff · Read more The Fix | Analysis Winners and losers of the night Sen. Elizabeth Warren kept the status quo, while two lesser-known candidates got significant talking time. By Aaron Blake · Read more Fact Checker | Analysis 13 claims from the debate that drew notice What the presidential hopefuls said about climate change, hospital bills and green jobs. By Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly · Read more The Take | Analysis Evolution or revolution? Democrats’ ideological divisions broke into the open in their Detroit brawl Sharp substantive and political differences now will shape the nomination contest. By Dan Balz · Read more Here are the Democrats’ three key disputes about Medicare-for-all The debate showcased intense splits between the candidates over Medicare-for-all, as the party’s moderates worked to undermine the liberals’ plan for a national health insurance system. By Jeff Stein · Read more Read the transcript from our live chat Read more Democratic fringe contenders mount a move to the fore Presidential candidates Marianne Williamson, Steve Bullock and John Delaney go on the offensive against the top contenders. By Cleve Wootson · Read more Graphic: Which candidate spoke the most? Read more Transcript of the debate Ten candidates try to stand out in the crowded Democratic presidential field. Here’s what they have said. By The Fix · Read more ADVERTISEMENT Opinions Warren and Delaney had a good night. CNN had a terrible one. By Jennifer Rubin · Read more Ranking the first Detroit debaters: From Warren to Williamson By Ed Rogers · Read more Williamson won’t be president. But her 2020 competitors should take note. By Dana Milbank · Read more The first CNN debate night showed how fractious the primary fight may get By E.J. Dionne · Read more The administration’s new policy shows its contempt for Central Americans By Editorial Board · Read more Trump was wrong to attack Cummings, but right about Baltimore By Marc Thiessen · Read more ADVERTISEMENT More News Two GOP senators split sharply in assessments of general accused of sexual assault Sen. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) defended Gen. John Hyten, nominated to serve as the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) expressed concerns. By Karoun Demirjian · Read more Analysis If Boris Johnson gets his Brexit, it may break the United Kingdom The 55th prime minister of Britain could end up being the “first of England.” By Ishaan Tharoor · Read more State Dept. wasted millions on security compound in Afghanistan, report says Problems with the project became apparent almost immediately, the agency’s inspector general said, and it was abandoned with almost nothing to show for it after millions were spent. By Carol Morello and Pamela Constable · Read more Analysis The simple math that should keep Republicans up at night America’s not aging evenly: The most common age of Hispanics in America is 11. For whites? 58. By Philip Bump · Read more Dozens of Hong Kong protesters appear in court to face riot charges Demonstrators face up to 10 years in prison, signaling an intensifying crackdown by authorities following two months of upheaval By Shibani Mahtani and Anna Kam · Read more Post Reports | Listen Now How secure are U.S. elections? (Hint: Still much less than you might think.) Karoun Demirjian paints a grim picture of election security. Sam Schmidt on the 2020 Democrats flaunting Spanish skills — and the Latino candidate who isn’t. Plus, Marina Lopes explains Brazil’s C-section parties. By The Washington Post · Read more |
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Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Debate Night I “Sanders, Warren clash with moderates over ‘Medicare for All’… The signature domestic proposal by the leading progressive candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination came under withering attack from moderates Tuesday in a debate that laid bare the struggle between a call for revolutionary policies and a desperate desire to defeat President Donald Trump.” AP News From the Left The left posits that the progressives won the night, and criticizes the debate format. “Warren and Sanders want desperately for Democrats… to stop fearing the big bad Republican wolf… ‘Let’s be clear about this: We are the Democrats. We are not about trying to take away health care from anyone. That’s what the Republicans are trying to do,’ Warren said early on, in one of the night’s first big applause lines. ‘And we should stop using Republican talking points in order to talk with each other about how to best provide that health care’… Warren warned Democrats against going for ‘small ideas and spinelessness.’ What she really wants, however, is for the party to not get bogged down in the same fight that’s long been dictated by its opponents.” Russell Berman, The Atlantic “One of the problems the moderates have driving home their message, aside from their own lack of fame and standing, is that it’s not very inspiring to make arguments about what isn’t possible… Of course, the moderates do have plans of their own — plans that, in most cases, are probably more ambitious than even a Democratic Senate would pass into law. And Democratic voters, unlike progressive intellectuals, are in an intensely pragmatic mood and leery of taking risks when they see defeating Trump as essential. The centrists were given ample opportunity to make the case against the party’s race to the left. But the mere fact that so many of them made it gave none of them an especially sharp profile in the role they all crave: the center-left alternative to Joe Biden.” Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine “Health care spending makes up somewhere around a fifth of the U.S. economy. It affects every American, and is a life-or-death issue for millions of them every year. And here in the United States, where we spend more on care but die younger than in comparable countries, it’s a mess. So let us know how you’d fix it in 15 seconds… “Tapper attempted to corner Warren and Sanders into a yes/no answer on whether they’d raise middle-class taxes to fund their ‘Medicare for All’ plans. Tax increases, as an exasperated Sanders noted, are a GOP talking point, but they’re also only part of the equation of the personal finances of health care. Because if, as Sanders and Warren promise, your taxes go up some but your out-of-pocket costs go down by more, you’re better off. That’s an argument worth discussing, but it’s a discussion that one can’t have a quarter of one minute at a time.” Ryan Bort, Rolling Stone “The monomaniacal focus on health care left little time for something crucial: the rest of the world. Foreign policy is, arguably, the single most important issue voters should care about in comparing these candidates. It’s one of the few domains of policy where Congress has very little role and the presidency has nearly untrammeled authority. The president can use military force without Congress; she can damage or reconfigure alliances without Congress; she can condemn or sanction adversaries without Congress. All that is a far, far cry from presidential authority on, say, health care, where the president can do almost nothing to make Medicare for All a reality without Congress… No time was spent on Saudi Arabia, none on China’s rising military influence, and almost none on Iran. North Korea got a minute at most… It was a huge wasted opportunity.” Dylan Matthews, Vox Finally, some argue that “so far, I’ve found Buttigieg’s campaign underwhelming on policy. But where he’s clearly leading the field is his emphasis on structural reform. Buttigieg isn’t the only candidate with good ideas on this score — Elizabeth Warren and Jay Inslee have been strong on this too — but he’s the only candidate who consistently prioritizes the issue… “The reality is Democrats are debating ever more ambitious policy in a political system ever less capable of passing ambitious policy — and ever more stacked against their policies, in particular. Their geographic disadvantage in Congress is only getting worse, Republicans control the White House and the Senate despite receiving fewer votes for either, and an activist conservative Supreme Court just gutted public sector unions and greenlit partisan gerrymandering. Policy isn’t Democrats’ problem. They’ve got plenty of plans. Some of them are even popular. What they don’t have is a political system in which they can pass and implement those plans.” Ezra Klein, Vox From the Right The right criticizes Sanders and Warren for adopting far-left policies, and praises Marianne Williamson’s performance. “The Democratic debate Tuesday night proved to be the last stand for the moderates in the party who believe promises of free stuff are a one-way ticket to defeat by President Donald Trump in 2020… while the moderates urged a step back from the rush to a socialistic America and try to embrace the blue collar Americans who left the party of Obama to vote for Trump in 2016 — a position backed up by nationwide polling and Trump’s economic results — their opponents repeatedly beat them into submission with the support of the CNN audience and their higher polling among Democratic primary voters.” Amber Athey, Daily Caller “Democrats doubled down on their new immigration platform: effective open borders. The vast majority of primary contenders wanted to decriminalize illegal border crossings, they wanted to provide free health insurance to illegal immigrants, they wanted to provide rapid and, apparently, unconditional pathways to citizenship. When it came to border security, they pledged to secure the border. And they offered no policies as to how they would do so… I grew up in England and moved to the U.S. permanently at age 26. I am keenly aware that immigration is the lifeblood of America, and that we should want more immigration from skilled folks who want to complement the American dream. But this country requires borders and laws. Absent those, this country is not a country.” Tom Rogan, Washington Examiner “Warren, Sanders, and Buttigieg treaded water… If you like talk of a radical revolution sweeping away private insurance, then Sanders was yelling about it just like he always does. If you like sweeping left-wing policy proposals that have no chance of becoming law served with angry rhetoric about corporations and the wealthy rigging the game, than Warren was as on point as ever… If you like a younger face who supports liberal ideas in a calmer manner, Buttigieg held his ground… “That leaves two other low-polling candidates who probably did the best they could to advance themselves: Williamson and Delaney. Williamson… pushed back against some of the wonky discussions alienating people, and at times separated herself from both the ideological camps that formed on stage. According to Google Trends, she was the most-searched candidate during the debate… [Meanwhile Delaney offered] pointed and specific critiques of the fairy tale nature of left-wing proposals on socialized healthcare, climate change, and trade. Both Warren and Sanders were forced to punch down throughout the debate to respond to his energetic attacks.” Philip Klein, Washington Examiner “Since Warren and Sanders didn’t clash, there was no clear winner between the two. However, I give the nod to Warren because she came across as less weird than Sanders. If I were a left-wing Democrat, I’d be less uncomfortable with Warren as the standard-bearer than with Bernie. But I’m not, so what do I know?… Warren and Sanders will have other opportunities to go at it. There was no need for them to unload on each other tonight. And doing so would have risked ceding some of the left lane. To clash, one would have had to be to the right of the other at some level. Neither was going to move there.” Paul Mirengoff, Power Line Blog “A lot of us are laughing about Marianne Williamson, but there’s some of that same dynamic that drove Trump to the nomination in 2016. She’s a figure who’s famous for being connected to the entertainment world, who isn’t interested in policy details, and who emotes in a way that generates raucous applause from the audience. She’s the political candidate for people who aren’t that into politics… A chunk of the American people is going to find talk about ‘dark psychic force’ as crystal-waving nonsense. Another chunk of the American people is going to hear Williamson and respond, ‘finally, a candidate is addressing the real problem.’” Jim Geraghty, National Review “Williamson has been speaking in this way to gigantic audiences for close to 40 years, under the East Coast radar. And you know what? She’s really good at it. And she brought real feeling and passion to the most visceral issue for Democrats at the present moment. She essentially said that racism and white supremacy are nothing less than demonic and that saving America from their evil is a moral task.” John Podhoretz, New York Post On the bright side… The new PM’s first job: Impress the cat. BBC Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Share Tweet Forward Sign Up Here Copyright © 2019 The Flip Side, All rights reserved. You can unsubscribe from this list here. |
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“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” FREDERICK DOUGLASS Good morning, President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that billions of dollars have been wasted or stolen in Rep. Elijah Cummings’ district. “It’s been misspent. It’s been missing. It’s been stolen with a lot of corrupt government. And as you know, Cummings has been in charge,” Trump said. Cummings’ district received an estimated $16 billion in federal funding in fiscal 2018. Read full story here Democratic Presidential Candidates Target Private Equity Funds, Warren Calls Them ‘Vampires’ Elizabeth Warren Confirms She’d Decriminalize Illegal Border Crossings If Elected President Chinese National Sentenced for Smuggling 40,000 Apple Knockoffs from China North Korea Fires Multiple Unidentified Projectiles: South Korean Military California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, signed a bill that requires President Trump to release his tax returns to the public if he wants to appear on the state’s primary ballot next year. Read more President Trump headed to historic Jamestown, Virginia, to commemorate and deliver remarks at the 400th anniversary of the first representative legislative assembly in the Americas. Read more A hacker gained access to personal information from more than 100 million Capital One credit applications, the bank said, as federal authorities arrested a suspect in the case. Read more A top representative of Venezuela’s legitimate interim President Juan Guaidó spoke out about the need for establishing a peaceful transitional government after illegitimate dictator Nicolás Maduro steps down. Read more President Trump celebrated a judge dismissing the Democratic National Committee’s lawsuit accusing his campaign, Russia, and Wikileaks of interfering in the 2016 election. Read more A federal jury in Washington has convicted a Chinese national of conspiracy to commit theft of trade secrets in order to transfer dual-use marine technology to the Chinese regime and its state-owned companies. Read more See More Top Stories Meditations on the Wisdom of Inaction By Chris Erickson I recently read an article published on The Art of Manliness that was written by one of my peers, Kyle Eschenroeder, a fellow writer and marketing director. The title of the piece was “Meditations on the Wisdom of Action,” and the main idea contained within was that much of the confusion-driven anxiety that’s creating a feeling of meaninglessness in our society has a simple, one-step remedy: taking action. Read more Safe Third-Country Agreements Restore the Rule of Law and Honor American Sovereignty By Clifford Humphrey Evidence increasingly piles up that our most concerning immigration problem isn’t on our southern border; it’s in Congress. In a recent oration about immigration, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) waxed lyrical in what began as a Marxist jingle, rose to something like existential philosophy, and ended in an unabashed defense of open borders… Read more See More Opinions Bitcoin, the Next Level By Valentin Schmid There are many ways to measure the value of bitcoin, but most proponents of the decentralized cryptocurrency agree that the more people use it, the higher its value will be. One of the reasons bitcoin’s market capitalization is only $145 billion is that not many people are using it as currency. While millions have opened accounts at popular bitcoin exchanges like Coinbase, few actually transact in it, except for speculation. At the moment, the number of… Read more Former Trump 2016 presidential campaign associate George Papadopoulos intends to travel to Greece to retrieve $10,000 in cash that he believes consists of marked bills used by the CIA or the FBI to entrap him during the summer of 2017. Papadopoulos to Bring Back Mystery $10,000 From Greece Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for July 31,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. Elizabeth Warren Won the Debate The Republicans I talked to who watched the Democratic debate were appalled by Elizabeth Warren. They were convinced she blew the debate by taking some very extreme positions. The problem is they were watching the debate as conservatives and Warren was speaking to progressives. To get the Democratic Party’s nomination, Warren cannot be a conservative. […] The post Elizabeth Warren Won the Debate appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Capital Punishment and Abortion: A Helpful Refresher for Liberal Activists Here are two positions that can be logically defended: Human life is precious and inviolable. Both abortion and capital punishment are immoral acts. Human life is precious and inviolable. Abortion is immoral while capital punishment is sometimes the only appropriate and just penalty. Here is a position that cannot be logically defended: Human life is […] The post Capital Punishment and Abortion: A Helpful Refresher for Liberal Activists appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Warren Claims ‘Medicare for All’ Will NOT Raise Taxes on Middle Class Elizabeth Warren forcefully claimes that she can implement Medicare For All without raising taxes on the middle class. The post Warren Claims ‘Medicare for All’ Will NOT Raise Taxes on Middle Class appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Sanders vs Delaney. Should Private Insurance Be Outlawed? The post Sanders vs Delaney. Should Private Insurance Be Outlawed? appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » McConnell hits back at “Moscow Mitch” smear “Moscow Mitch” was trending. Mitch McConnell slapped it down on the Senate floor. The Left and the mainstream media think that they have Mitch McConnell backed into a corner. Due to his recent opposition to election security bills, Joe Scarborough started calling McConnell “Moscow Mitch”, an attempt to link his opposition to being a Russian […] The post McConnell hits back at “Moscow Mitch” smear appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » VA Lawmaker Who Posted Anti-Semitic Tropes Brags About Disrupting Trump’s Jamestown Address Virginia Delegate Ibraham Samirah, who represents Virginia’s 86th House of Delegates District, bragged about interrupting President Trump’s speech at Jamestown on social media. He tweeted, “I just disrupted the @realDonaldTrump speech in Jamestown because nobody’s racism and bigotry should be excused for the sake of being polite. The man is unfit for office and unfit […] The post VA Lawmaker Who Posted Anti-Semitic Tropes Brags About Disrupting Trump’s Jamestown Address appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » President Trump Delivers Memorable Jamestown Speech Today marks the 400th celebration of representative government in the New World. On this day in 1619, the House of Burgesses—which morphed into the present-day Virginia General Assembly—was housed in Jamestown, Virginia. This significant event propelled the formation of the representative government federally and elsewhere across the U.S. President Donald Trump was the keynote speaker […] The post President Trump Delivers Memorable Jamestown Speech appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Sanders: I Would ‘Absolutely’ Consider Cutting Aid to Israel The post Sanders: I Would ‘Absolutely’ Consider Cutting Aid to Israel appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » American Innovation and Technology are Improving Lives All Over the Country The technology sector always seems to be in the news these days. We often see headlines that focus on what policymakers in Washington are doing or what tech leaders on the West Coast are working on. But what’s often overlooked in the latest news stories about tech is the impact that the tech industry is […] The post American Innovation and Technology are Improving Lives All Over the Country appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Only “Answer” to Trump is the Ballot Box The ballot box will–and should–decide the “answer” to Donald Trump on November 3, 2020. Given where the Democratic Party is going, Trump may very well win another term. It won’t be his style that wins it, but his style may have many years of resonance in American politics. The post The Only “Answer” to Trump is the Ballot Box appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
© Getty Images Welcome to The Hill’s Morning Report. Happy Wednesday! Our newsletter gets you up to speed on the most important developments in politics and policy, plus trends to watch. Co-creators are Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver (CLICK HERE to subscribe!). On Twitter, find us at @asimendinger and @alweaver22. |
Progressive and centrist Democrats sparred Tuesday night over whether ambitious ideas such as “Medicare for All” and free college tuition are “political suicide” when it comes to defeating President Trump. The 10 candidates in Detroit on Tuesday, including Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), set the stage tonight for former Vice President Joe Biden, who leads in recent polls, to weigh in as a progressive pragmatist who believes voters want experience and electability coupled with real-world proposals that can persuade Republicans and independents to move away from Trump next year. The CNN format on Tuesday, which encouraged fast-moving, sharp exchanges among the candidates, was unlikely to change the makeup of top tier of Democrats currently leading in polls and fundraising. But the questions about health care, immigration, guns and climate change drilled down into whether progressives, including Sanders and Warren, could explain why their calls for big structural changes are doable in an era of divided government and poisonous partisanship. The Hill: Sanders, Warren battle centrists in testy debate. The Hill: Intraparty rift emerges on Detroit debate stage. The Hill: 5 takeaways from combative Democratic debate. The Hill: Top moments from Detroit debate. The Hill: Former Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.): “Why do we have to be the party of taking something away from people?” The Hill: Montana Gov. Steve Bullock to Warren on immigration: “You are playing into Donald Trump’s hands.” The Hill: South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg: “It is time to stop worrying about what the Republicans will say.” The Hill: Warren, Bullock spar over “no first use” nuclear policy. Biden tonight aims to rebound from a sub-par debate performance, giving him a rematch with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) after their high-profile battle in late June. While Biden has regained the polling advantage he lost immediately following the June 28 debate, his allies believe the former vice president is poised for a bounce-back performance despite looming attacks and some tense back-and-forth exchanges with Harris and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.). Some see the opportunity ahead of Biden as similar to the situation former President Obama faced in 2012 after he lost decisively to Mitt Romney in the first debate in Denver but was able to rebound in the next go-around. “He doesn’t have to go in and just like burn the place to the ground and be carried out in adulation,” said Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), who has endorsed the former Delaware senator. “But he’s very much focused on what he did well in the first debate and what he needs to do better in the second debate. He is a pro. You don’t do this stuff for 40 years at very high levels and not be able to do better.” “I think Joe, frankly, did a whole lot better than Barack did in that first debate with Mitt Romney,” Carper said after making the comparison to Obama. “Can he do better? Should he do better? Yeah, he will.” After health care played a starring role in Tuesday night’s debate, it’s certain to do so again, especially between Biden and Harris over his defense of the Affordable Care Act and support for a public option and her support for a variant of a “Medicare for All” system, which Biden has dubbed a “have-it-every-which-way” plan. Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), a Biden backer, believes that while Democrats battle with the former vice president to pull him to the left, he should make the contrast with Republicans and make that the centerpiece of his health care argument. “I think too many Democrats are letting them off the hook on sabotaged budget cuts and supporting lawsuits,” Casey said, referring to the Trump-backed lawsuit seeking to invalidate the Affordable Care Act. “I’ve told him it’s important to make the case on issues where Republicans are, frankly, not getting enough questions about the support for the lawsuit.” The White House contenders on Tuesday agreed on a list of foes beyond the president, including the National Rifle Association, pharmaceutical and health insurance companies, big money influencers and lobbyists, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and “Republican talking points.” Also appearing on Tuesday were former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas, Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and author Marianne Williamson. Along with Biden, Harris and Booker, the participants tonight are former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, entrepreneur Andrew Yang, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. It is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. The next debate will be in September. Dan Balz: Evolution or revolution? Democrats’ ideological divisions broke into the open in their Detroit brawl. The Associated Press: Should Democrats go big, or get real? The New York Times: What Kamala Harris doesn’t want to be asked at the debate. Jonathan Allen: The Warren-Sanders wing comes up short. |
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CONGRESS: A week after Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) played a key role in questioning former special counsel Robert Mueller, he is now taking center stage in what is shaping up to be a fierce political battle, throwing his potential nomination to serve as the director of national intelligence into question. With Democrats breaking with tradition and ready to oppose him, Ratcliffe will likely be forced to rely on only Republican votes to get his confirmation across the finish line. With the 53-47 edge for the GOP, Ratcliffe can lose only three votes. He also is facing a potentially tough vote in the Senate Intelligence Committee, where Republicans hold an 8-7 advantage. That prospect is setting up a high-wire act for the Texas congressman as many senators view him as an unknown and don’t know much about him. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who has voted against other high-profile nominees, told reporters she didn’t know anything about Ratcliffe, while Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) acknowledged that for Senate Republicans, the selection was “not someone we had heard of before.” Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), a member of the Intelligence Committee, said that she had a “special interest” in who succeeds outgoing Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats because she helped write the law that created the position. “So I feel very strongly about this position and the importance of having someone with the integrity and skill and ability to bring all of the members of the intelligence together,” she said (The Hill). NBC News: Intelligence officials worry Trump’s pick for top spy will politicize the job. CNN: Trump may bypass protocol and the deputy intelligence director to name an acting chief while Ratcliffe awaits confirmation. > Distraction: As they continue to deal with the ongoing feud between the president and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), minority lawmakers are sending a warning to Democrats ahead of 2020: Don’t take the bait. Trump kept up the back-and-forth with Cummings for a fourth day on Tuesday, and some Democrats believe it’s a diversionary tactic by the president to avoid discussing kitchen table issues, such as health care, that helped win them the House in November. “I hope we don’t take the bait,” said Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), the former head of the Congressional Black Caucus, of which Cummings is also a powerful member. “The president always plays [the] race card when he is having a bad news cycle. [It’s] easier to call people names, when you don’t have anything else to point to.” The anger at Cummings came soon after Trump’s bitter throwdown with four progressive minority lawmakers known as “the squad” (The Hill). |
© Getty Images > Impeachment: With a rising tide of House members supporting impeachment a week after Mueller testified on Capitol Hill, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) declined to join in, saying on Tuesday that he backs Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) decision to wait for investigations and evidence to support a formal process. “I believe that Speaker Pelosi is handling this appropriately,” Schumer said. Schumer’s decision to back Pelosi also comes as some Senate Democrats have come out in favor of opening an impeachment inquiry, including Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) (The Hill). 110 House Democrats currently are in favor of opening an inquiry against the president, including House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) and Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.), a freshman lawmaker, who became the latest to back the push on Tuesday evening. The Hill: Democrats worry diversity furor could spill into 2020 election. |
WHITE HOUSE: Trump on Tuesday denied that his days of attacks on Cummings, including calling the House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman a “racist,” together with his blistering criticisms about Baltimore, are part of a political strategy to please his supporters. Trump said he’s “pointing out facts.” “There’s no strategy. I have no strategy. There’s zero strategy,” Trump told reporters (The Hill). |
© Getty Images > Immigration: The number of migrants reaching the U.S.-Mexico border hit a five-month low in July, according to Mexico’s top diplomat. Secretary of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard told reporters Tuesday that 87,648 migrants reached Mexico’s northern border in July, the lowest number since February. Compared with June’s statistics, the July number marks a 16 percent drop in immigrants caught or turned away by U.S. authorities at the border. The decline comes after the Mexican government committed to protect its southern border in a bid to cut down on the number of migrants traveling through Mexico to reach the United States (The Hill). > Migrant family separations: The Trump administration has separated more than 900 migrant children from their families despite a judge ordering the administration to stop separations more than a year ago, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) alleged in a court filing on Tuesday. The ACLU asked a federal judge to block the administration from continuing separations (The Hill). > Arms control: The United States is poised to officially abandon a 30-year-old arms control treaty credited with helping end the Cold War. The close of a six-month window for the United States to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty is fast approaching on Friday. The Trump administration announced it was leaving the pact in February. The focus is on what comes next in U.S.-Russia arms control, including the U.S. preparations to move forward with long-banned weapons (The Hill). > Agriculture: More than half of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s subsidies to farmers tied to the trade war with China flowed to just one-tenth of the recipients in the program, according to a Bloomberg analysis. The president, seeking to ease the domestic pain created by his tariff policies, approved $16 billion in federal agriculture aid for 2019. > World Trade Organization (WTO): Trump’s assault on the global system of rules that guide international businesses may be quietly scoring a major victory. Thanks to a U.S. veto on new appeals judges, the WTO’s dispute arm is expected to start slipping into the institutional equivalent of a coma at the end of this year. That has set off a scramble by the European Union, Canada and other countries to set up a temporary alternative allowing the use of arbitrators rather than three-judge panels to hear appeals (Bloomberg). > Pentagon: Gen. John Hyten, Trump’s nominee to be the second-highest ranking general in the military, denied allegations that he sexually assaulted a subordinate in 2017, speaking for the first time about the controversy during his confirmation hearing on Tuesday (The Hill). Hyten’s accuser, Col. Kathryn Spletstoser, says he lied under oath to Congress (The Hill). |
The real tragedy of the Trump-Cummings feud, by Baltimore Bishop Donté L. Hickman, opinion contributor, The Hill. Why I stand with Baltimore city and against Trump’s controversial comments, by former Baltimore prosecutor Deborah Hines, opinion contributor, The Hill. |
Hill.TV’s “Rising” at 9 a.m. ET features The Hill’s Jamal Simmons, live in Detroit at the site of the Democratic presidential debates, and John Iadarola, host of “The Young Turks,” talking about the 2020 candidates. Find Hill.TV programming at or on YouTube at 10 a.m. The House is in recess through August and will return to Washington on Sept. 9. The Senate convenes at 9:30 a.m. resume consideration of the nomination of Mark T. Pittman to be a United States District Judge for the Northern District of Texas. The president will greet Khaltmaagiin Battulga, the president of Mongolia, for a meeting lasting less than an hour this afternoon. Vice President Pence will speak at 11 a.m. to the Young America Foundation’s 41st Annual National Conservative Student Conference held at The Renaissance in Washington, D.C. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, along with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, concluded trade talks with Vice Premier Liu He of China where they started — with evident differences. The session, which amounted to a working dinner and half a day of discussion, ended with a sharp response from China to Trump’s assertion that Beijing is stalling (Reuters). The Federal Reserve concludes a two-day meeting with a policy statement and a press conference with Chairman Jerome Powell at 2:30 p.m. The central bank has signaled it will cut the federal funds rate this week for the first time since 2008. The Fed’s decision may be consistent with Trump’s public lobbying but is independent of his druthers, Powell has said. Sylvan Lane reports what to watch (The Hill). Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is traveling through Aug. 6 to Bangkok (ASEAN ministerial meetings); Sydney (Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations); and Kolonia, Micronesia, the first visit to the Pacific island nation by a sitting secretary of state. Administrator Seema Verma of the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will discuss Democrats’ proposed “Medicare for All” ideas at 10 a.m. at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. The event is live streamed HERE. The Senate Appropriations transportation subcommittee will hold an oversight hearing at 9:45 a.m. on aviation safety and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) following two Boeing 737 Max crashes that killed 346 people. The subcommittee will hear testimony from acting FAA Deputy Administrator Carl Burleson, Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety Ali Bahrami, Deputy Associate Administrator for Airports Winsome Lenfert, and Deputy Associate Administrator for Security and Hazardous Materials Safety Angela Stubblefield. …More: FAA hopes global regulators will approve the Boeing 737 Max to fly again (Reuters). … The origins of Boeings’ 737 Max crisis (The New York Times’s “The Daily” podcast). |
➔ Tech: The $26 billion T-Mobile–Sprint mega-merger deal faces one last hurdle in a lawsuit from a group of state attorneys general looking to block it (The Hill). ➔ State Watch: The rocky shore of mid-coast Maine has always been home to some of America’s largest lobster catches, but the last few years have been some of the best on record, thanks to warming ocean temperatures. Maine’s lobsters have found themselves in a climate change sweet spot. But the good news may be short lived (The Hill). … In California on Tuesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a state law requiring U.S. presidential candidates to release five years of tax returns before they can appear on the state’s ballot, a move aimed squarely at Trump (The Los Angeles Times). ➔ Saudi Arabia: How Saudi Arabia makes dissidents disappear (Vanity Fair). ➔ Change your parachute: Carl Allamby, a former car mechanic who built a career telling customers what was wrong with their vehicles, found himself drawn to medicine. This year, at age 47, Allamby became a doctor and is now an emergency room diagnostician. “He’s got people skills most doctors don’t start out with – that customer relations mentality from his years in business,” said Dr. Steven Brooks, chairman of emergency medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Akron General hospital. “We were blown away by him” (Cleveland Plain Dealer). |
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And finally … Explorer Robert Ballard, 77, the man who located the Titanic and John F. Kennedy’s World War II patrol boat, is setting off on Aug. 7 to Nikumaroro, an atoll in the western Pacific Ocean with an expedition to try to locate Amelia Earhart’s plane wreckage, if indeed her famous Lockheed Electra 10E wound up there on July 2, 1937. The mystery surrounding Earhart’s disappearance has never been solved, despite official and amateur sleuthing for more than 80 years. The working assumption has long been that Earhart’s plane ran out of fuel and landed or crashed in a remote location in the vast ocean. But it’s not the only theory about what happened to the aviator and her navigator Fred Noonan on the second-to-last leg of a daring journey that was to take them around the globe. Ballard’s search will be chronicled by National Geographic for a two-hour documentary airing Oct. 20. The explorer’s technique, honed over more than 150 deep-sea expeditions, uses sonar to map the ocean floor and deploy a variety of remotely operated vehicles. The odds are long of finding conclusive evidence that Earhart was marooned on what’s known as Gardner Island. Where there’s “very high energy encounter of the ocean with a living reef,” Ballard concedes, an airplane would have been quickly pulverized. |
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POLITICO Playbook: Sanders and Warren team up, the NRSC goes into the field and the DCCC gets much-needed help
07/31/2019 06:22 AM EDT

… NYT’S ALEX BURNS and JONATHAN MARTIN in Detroit: “On an evening that could have produced explosions in their own political rivalry, [Sens. Bernie] Sanders and [Elizabeth] Warren instead formed something of an ideological tag team to defend their shared agenda, above all on health care. Though each is seen as the other’s chief obstacle in the Democratic race, Mr. Sanders and Ms. Warren did not at any point clash directly.
“Instead, they battled an array of comparatively obscure candidates who used the debate as an opportunity — and for some of them, likely a last chance — to express alarm about their party’s embrace of immense liberal policy goals, like the creation of a ‘Medicare for all’-style health care system, Mr. Sanders’s No. 1 issue, and a broad liberalization of the immigration system.
“There was former Representative John Delaney of Maryland, who accused Mr. Sanders and Ms. Warren of making ‘fairy tale’ promises; Gov. Steve Bullock of Montana, who lamented liberal ‘wish-list economics’; and former Gov. John Hickenlooper of Colorado, imploring the left not to overreach and ‘FedEx the election to Donald Trump.’” NYT
— WAPO’S TOLUSE OLORUNNIPA, MATT VISER and AMY WANG: “Ten more candidates, including former vice president Joe Biden, are scheduled to appear on the stage Wednesday, on the second night of this round of debates hosted by CNN. Yet Biden, whose lead in the polls has been one of the most enduring aspects of the Democratic primary contest, was not mentioned by name Tuesday night. Instead, other moderates were used as stand-ins for some of the ideas he espouses.” WaPo
— TRUTH BOMB from DAN BALZ in today’s WAPO from Detroit: “Delaney, who has been in the race longer than anyone but has little to show for it …” WaPo
— JOHN HARRIS: “It’s a center-left party after all”: “The assignment of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to the same debate stage in Detroit Tuesday night was random chance, but turned out to be a well-timed and clarifying event. There was the possibility that the two heroes of the left would sharpen the differences between them in the competition over who is the fairest of them all. But very little of that came to pass.
“Instead, the combined Warren-Sanders presence emboldened most other voices in the first round of a two-night debate to say they wouldn’t enter the derby over who is most ideologically pure. The real argument, they urged, should be over who is most credible general election adversary to Donald Trump and potential president in 2021.
“It wasn’t exactly an invigorating evening. It was too long (closing in on 2 hours, 45 minutes) and too disorienting (candidates clamoring to be heard; moderators laboring with impatient “thank yous” to shut down answers that went over time) for that.
“But in its discursive way it was illuminating: The debate showed a party arguing seriously about the inherent tension between boldness and realism, passion and prudence, on such topics as improving health care, immigration, taking on wealthy interests, and the best way broadly to energize average voters.” POLITICO
— CLIFFSNOTES: “5 things we learned from kind-of a meh debate,” by David Siders and Chris Cadelago … THE POLICY PRIMARY: “Democrats brawl over ‘Medicare for All’ during debate,” by Rachana Pradhan and Adam Cancryn
— CALIFORNIA REP. JUDY CHU became the 116th House Democrat to call for impeachment — just two more would put Democrats over the 50% mark. (This calculation per our impeachment-watching colleague Kyle Cheney.)
— WE SCOOPED THAT TEXAS REP. MIKE CONAWAY will not run for reelection, the fifth Republican in two weeks to call it quits less than halfway through this Congress. Conaway represents the second-most Republican district in America, so the GOP won’t have trouble holding this one. But it does illustrate that people plainly hate being in Congress right now. This is a big problem for the NRCC. (with Mel Zanona)
Good Wednesday morning. YOUR WASHINGTON NATIONALS play the Atlanta Braves at noon today at Nats Park.
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP spoke with C-SPAN’S STEVE SCULLY for an interview that aired Tuesday, via Caitlin Oprysko: “Trump said Democrats have called him a racist so often they’ve diluted the meaning of the word. ‘Everybody’s called a racist now,’ Trump said. … ‘The word is so overused, it’s such a disgrace,’ he continued. ‘I’m the least racist person there is in the world, as far as I’m concerned.’” POLITICO
A message from the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future:
You’re going to hear a lot of health care terms tossed around at tonight’s debate. Whether it’s the public option, Medicare buy-in, or Medicare for All, they all put us on a slippery slope to one-size-fits-all health care. Let’s build on what’s working and fix what’s broken – not start over.
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — THE SENATE MAJORITY PAC — the Senate Democrats’ super PAC — raised nearly $13.6 million during the first six months of the 2020 cycle. The group says it is by far the most it has raised in the first six months of a cycle since its inception in 2011. The haul also more than doubles the $5.5 million Senate Republicans took in through their Senate Leadership Fund. SMP has more than $8.7 million cash on hand.
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK … DOUG THORNELL — a well-known Democratic political operative — is joining the DCCC on a temporary basis as an adviser to the committee and Rep. CHERI BUSTOS (D-Ill.), the embattled chairwoman. Bustos’ senior staff has completely turned over in the last few days following a raft of POLITICO stories detailing widespread discontent with the committee.
THORNELL will return to SKDK, where he is co-head of the firm’s political practice. This is a temporary gig. He is joining the DCCC to help to try to right the ship, which is desperately needed as the committee is reeling. Thornell will work with the executive council committee, and advise on new hires. The DCCC lost its executive director, communications director and political director in one day this week.
THORNELL worked at the DCCC for two cycles — from 2007 to 2008 he was national spokesman, and in 2009 and 2010 he worked for Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, chairman at the time. He was also at the DSCC in 2004, and was brought in to clean up the DNC after the hack last presidential cycle. He’s seen as an experienced hand, who has a good read on the dynamics of party committees.
MEANWHILE, BUSTOS is taking steps to try to shore up her shaky internal political standing. She had a call with Democratic front-liners Tuesday, in which the chairwoman reassured them that they were focused on keeping the majority. She spoke privately to Congressional Black Caucus Chairman CEDRIC RICHMOND (D-La.) and Rep. GRACE MENG (D-N.Y.). She told them changes have been made at the committee, and more will come. Bustos is also trying to schedule a call with the leaders of the Tri Caucus — the Congressional Asian and Pacific American Caucus, the CBC and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Quotes from prominent minority members of Congress, passed to us by the DCCC
— HEY DEMOCRATS, IS ANYONE HOME? … THE NRCC has $2.6 million booked on TV and radio in NC-9, where there’s a special election Sept. 10. Democratic committees have zero booked. The Environmental Defense Fund has roughly $600,000 on TV. CLF is going in to help Republican Dan Bishop over Democrat Dan McCready.
BEHIND THE SCENES … SCOOP: THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL COMMITTEE conducted focus groups in key states in the last month to understand why people voted how they did in 2018, and what they care about as 2020 approaches. The NRSC was focused on suburban women and affluent college-educated voters in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire and North Carolina.
HERE ARE THE TOPLINES, per a source familiar with the effort:
— A PLURALITY OF VOTERS say they’re better off now, but a near majority say they’re uncertain.
— PEOPLE LIKE THE FREE-MARKET ECONOMY over socialism, but voters need to hear more about what socialism is, and when they do, “opposition skyrockets.” The Green New Deal didn’t have widespread recognition.
— ‘MEDICARE FOR ALL’ TESTS WELL, but swing voters are against another overhaul of the health care system.
Playbook PM
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MAYBE THE HOUSE ISN’T SO BAD AFTER ALL … NYT’S JULIAN BARNES and NICK FANDOS: “Trump’s Pick for Top Intelligence Post Overstated Parts of His Biography”: “Aides to the congressman chosen by President Trump to lead the nation’s intelligence agencies were forced on Tuesday to clarify his claims that he had won terrorism convictions as a federal prosecutor, as his background came under new scrutiny.
“Mr. Trump’s pick, Representative John Ratcliffe, Republican of Texas, had said on his House website and in campaign material that he had tried suspects accused of funneling money to the Hamas terrorist group. But instead, an aide said, Mr. Ratcliffe had investigated side issues related to an initial mistrial, and did not prosecute the case either in that proceeding or in a successful second trial.” NYT
PELOSI/MNUCHIN BUDGET FLAILING IN THE SENATE? … JOHN BRESNAHAN, BURGESS EVERETT and SARAH FERRIS: “Fearing defections, Trump and McConnell crank up pressure on budget vote”: “Senate Republican leaders and President Donald Trump are working to whip up support for their bipartisan, $2.7 trillion budget deal, hoping to stave off embarrassing defections ahead of a vote that’s splitting the party.
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Majority Whip John Thune are trying to win over undecided rank-and-file senators to avoid a replay of last week’s effort in the House, when roughly two-thirds of House Republicans opposed the deal, according to multiple senators and aides. Trump is ‘strategically’ making calls to on-the-fence members, Thune said.
“McConnell delivered a firm message to his caucus on Tuesday during lunch at the National Republican Senatorial Committee, warning them they cannot leave town until the budget and looming debt ceiling deadline has been addressed, according to three sources familiar with the meeting. McConnell also said the chamber will not recess without passing something.
“McConnell and Thune’s goal is to get at least 27 of the caucus’ 53 members to support the deal, a majority of the Republican-controlled Senate that would combine with most of the Democratic Caucus to push the deal over the top. That Republican number may be aspirational given the party’s antipathy for new spending, but Thune said he was ‘hopeful’ he could meet it.” POLITICO
BLOOMBERG: “Trump to Soon Present Peace Plan to Arab Leaders, Yediot Says,” by Alisa Odenheimer: “U.S. President Donald Trump plans to outline his ‘deal of the century’ Middle East peace plan to Arab leaders at a summit before Israel’s Sept. 17 election, Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported on Wednesday.
“Jared Kushner, a senior adviser to Trump, will invite the leaders to the summit at the Camp David presidential retreat during his swing through the Middle East beginning Wednesday, the newspaper said, citing an unidentified person in Washington. Kushner will hold talks in Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, it said.
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was involved in planning the summit, but won’t attend in an effort to make it easier for Arab leaders to come, the newspaper said. The president will present the plan in general terms, without going into details, it added.” Bloomberg
— FROM YEDIOTH AHRONOTH: The plan will include an entity for the Palestinians, but not a Palestinian state. Palestinians will have a presence in East Jerusalem, but not a capital — since there is no state. The PLO — and Mahmoud Abbas — will likely reject this.
THE LATEST ON IRAN — “Trump to disappoint Iran hawks with more nuclear waivers,” by Eliana Johnson: “After building up its maximum pressure campaign on Iran, the Trump administration is poised deliver a disappointment to hawks who want tougher action against Tehran.
“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to reissue waivers this week allowing continued international work on nuclear projects inside Iran, according to two sources familiar with the deliberations. Some lawmakers have been pressing the administration to eliminate the waivers since Iran announced earlier this month that it had breached the limits on uranium enrichment set by the nuclear deal.” POLITICO
— MNUCHIN’S RISING STAR, via WaPo’s Josh Rogin: “In an Oval Office meeting last week, Trump sided with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who argued that the administration should again renew sanctions waivers related to five separate parts of Iran’s nuclear program. Mnuchin prevailed over the objections of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton, according to six administration officials. Pompeo, who is the lead official on the issue, will nevertheless support Trump’s decision when it is announced later this week.” WaPo
THE OTHER ROGUE NATION … AP/SEOUL: “Seoul: North Korea launches 2 short-range ballistic missiles”
COMING TODAY … WSJ: “The Federal Reserve is expected to say Wednesday it will reduce its benchmark interest rate by one quarter percentage point. That would mark just the fifth time in the past 25 years that the central bank switched from raising to lowering rates. …
“The Fed’s new policy statement, to be released at 2 p.m. EDT, and a press conference by Chairman Jerome Powell at 2:30 p.m. should provide more clarity. No new economic or interest-rate projections are scheduled for release.” WSJ
A message from the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future:
Every American deserves access to affordable, high-quality health care, but any new government insurance run by Washington politicians would destroy the progress we’ve made and put us on a path to a one-size-fits-all system.
— NEWS: MARGARET TALEV is joining Axios as politics and White House editor, starting around Labor Day. She previously was a White House reporter for Bloomberg and is a CNN political analyst.
TRUMP’S WEDNESDAY — The president will participate in the arrival of Mongolian President Khaltmaagiin Battulga at 1:45 p.m. followed by a meeting in the Cabinet Room.

NYT/STOCKHOLM: “ASAP Rocky Trial Begins in Sweden, With a Special Envoy From America,” by Christina Anderson and Alex Marshall: “To some cheers and an equal amount of mockery, President Trump has treated the ASAP Rocky assault case as something akin to an international hostage crisis.
“So when Rocky went on trial here on Tuesday along with two members of his entourage, few were very surprised when Robert C. O’Brien took a seat in the courtroom, joining the journalists and a handful of teenage rap fans and curious onlookers already assembled there. Mr. O’Brien is the president’s special envoy for hostage affairs.” NYT
THE INVESTIGATIONS — “Attorneys fail to reach agreement in dispute over Trump’s New York tax returns,” by Brian Faler: “Lawyers for President Donald Trump, House Democrats and New York state told a federal judge Tuesday that they have failed to resolve a dispute over the president’s state tax returns. ‘Notwithstanding their best efforts, the parties are unable to reach agreement,’ the three sides said in a joint court filing.
“They had been ordered by District Judge Carl Nichols on Monday to figure out among themselves how to proceed in the case, in which Trump is demanding a temporary restraining order to prevent Democrats from taking advantage of a newly passed New York law designed to give them access to the president’s state tax filings.” POLITICO
— “DOJ investigating Zinke’s use of personal email, inspector tells lawmakers,” by Nick Juliano: “The Justice Department is investigating whether former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke used personal email accounts for official business, a matter that has become part of a larger criminal probe into the departed official, according to a letter released by House Democrats on Tuesday.” POLITICO
A message from the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future:
There’s no debate: Americans simply can’t afford one-size-fits-all health care.
JOSH GERSTEIN: “Judge dismisses DNC suit against Trump campaign, Russia over email hack”: “A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit that the Democratic National Committee filed against the Trump campaign, the Russian government, WikiLeaks and various Trump campaign officials over alleged involvement in the hacking of Democratic Party email accounts during the 2016 presidential race.
“U.S. District Judge John Koeltl rejected the central theory of the racketeering suit: that the Trump campaign, campaign aides and allies abetted the theft of the emails by encouraging WikiLeaks to publish the messages and by urging that they be released when they would be of maximum political benefit to then-candidate Donald Trump.
“Koeltl said such actions were protected by the First Amendment when taken by people not involved in the actual hacking.” POLITICO
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DEEP DIVE — “To Cheat and Lie in L.A.: How the College-Admissions Scandal Ensnared the Richest Families in Southern California,” by Vanity Fair’s Evgenia Peretz
MEDIAWATCH — Lydia DePillis will be a trade and economy reporter for ProPublica in D.C. She is currently a senior writer at CNN Business. The announcement
— Libby Watson will be a staff writer at The New Republic. She is currently a politics writer at Splinter.
— Sarah Boxer is joining CNN as a senior producer. She previously was a field and political producer at Yahoo News. The memo
Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at
ENGAGED — Matt Dixon, POLITICO Florida’s Tallahassee bureau chief, got engaged to Ana Ceballos, of the News Service of Florida, in Northern California. They met three years ago when she was a legislative session reporter for the AP. Pics
WEEKEND WEDDING — Kevin Bingle and Jaclyn Tracy, co-founders of, got married at Camp Hale in Colorado on Sunday. He also founded, a GOP digital agency in Columbus, Ohio, and is a John Kasich 2016 alum. She previously worked at Leo Burnett on the Samsung Global account in Chicago. They met while working for former Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner in 2016. Instapics
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Holly Strain, associate VP at Capitol Decisions, and Col. Steven Strain welcomed Aubrey Grace Strain. Pic … Another pic
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Sean Eldridge, founder and president of Stand Up America, is 33. A fun fact that people might not know about him: “I went to Deep Springs College, a liberal arts school with 26 students on a cattle ranch in the High Sierras, where the two required courses are horsemanship and public speaking. (Fortunately for me, horsemanship was pass/fail.)” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld is 74 (hat tip: David Andelman) … Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) is 72 … Bill Bennett is 76 … Mark Cuban is 61 … POLITICO’s Bill Duryea and Wendy Hudson … Haywood Liggett of the WH office of digital strategy … Nelson Garcia … Katie Longo of West Virginia University … former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, now managing director of the double impact business at Bain Capital, is 63 … Kouri C. Marshall … Jessica Lautz … John Parks, celebrating with Maggie and Remi (h/t Jon Haber) … Audrey Sheppard … Tiffany Shackelford … Cory Bythrow … Elizabeth Wurtzel … Dan Schnur … Ben Ostrower … Sam Frizell … Sara Steele … Richard Schifter is 96 … Richard C. Blum is 84 … Danielle Meister Cohen, senior global comms manager at Tesla … Edelman’s Brian McNeill … U.S. Chamber’s Lexi Branson … Andrew Marr is 6-0 …
… Matthew Ballard, a VP and director at BCW Global and the pride of Kentucky, is 35 (h/t Ben Chang) … former Rep. Adam Putnam (R-Fla.) is 45 … James Floyd of Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)’s office … Terry Schilling … Micah Spangler, the U.N. Foundation’s director of advocacy and humanitarian affairs, is 35 … AP’s Elena Becatoros … John Weber … Fount Holland, Oklahoma political guru … Gray Televison’s Kevin Latek … Michael Mershon … Matt Hutchison, SVP of corp comms at Forbes … Walter Dantzlerward … Shayla Birath … Scott Evertz … Sherry Lansing … Leon Black is 68 … CJ Pearson … WNYC’s Yasmeen Khan … attorney Ron Kuby … Todd Novascone, principal at Ogilvy GR, is 47 … Rachel Wilensky … Rachel Gumpert … Lauren Russell … Royce Reding … Elizabeth Schneider … Dan McFaul … Cara Rinkoff … Denis Dison is 52 … Marjorie Clifton … Richard Rosenstein … Zoe Reyners … Jay Dunn … Margi Weiss … David Goldenberg (h/ts Teresa Vilmain)
A message from the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future:
No matter what it’s called, any one-size-fits-all government insurance system would threaten Americans’ health care. Medicare for All would destroy our current system overnight, while similar proposals like the public option and Medicare buy-in would destroy it over time. These proposals would ultimately mean higher taxes on Americans, longer wait times for patients, and lower quality of care. Americans can’t afford one-size-fits-all health care. Learn more:
- Anna Palmer @apalmerdc
- Jake Sherman @JakeSherman
Daily Briefing Conservative News | Libertarian News | Commentary VISIT FROM OUR NEWSROOM Dem Debates Second Round – Socialists Under Fire By Graham J Noble For the first time, extreme leftist candidates came under fire but will it be the last? Click Here What America’s Thinking More voters rate the economy positively today than have since 2001. Forty-nine percent (49%) of American Adults still favor the death penalty. Thirty-six percent (36%) are opposed. Emerson, Hill/Harris, and Morning Consult polls all give Joe Biden a lead against fellow Democrats of at least 13 points. Only 11% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Trump will be impeached before serving his first full term in office. CA Governor Rigs the Presidential Deck Against Trump Over Tax Returns By Mark Angelides Could a new bill on tax returns bring about a Constitutional Crisis? Click Here Washington Whispers Coming down the pipeline: Has the latest Democrat debate drawn battle lines over healthcare? Is media interest in Papadopoulos heading to Greece to retrieve $10K caused worry in the Intelligence community? As California Governor signs bill requiring Trump to release his tax returns, will we see a tit-for-tat media frenzy ensue? Is the mysterious Joseph Mifsud finally catching media attention? And what will this mean for finding the roots of the Russian hoax? Conservatives: Channel Richard Nixon on Global Warming By John Klar Conservatives must reclaim the higher ground on the ecosystem. Click Here News Roundup We’ve Surfed The Web for You NATO ‘Ally’ Germany Won’t Back U.S. in Gulf to Avoid War with Iran WATCH: John Delaney Smacks Bernie Sanders On ‘Medicare For All’ AOC says Palestinians ‘have no choice but to riot’ against Israel Democratic rival on Sanders health plan: ‘His math is wrong’ Are Democrats On Track for a Brokered Convention? By Doug Johnson Hatlem Papadopoulos’s Grecian Formula Has Media Salivating By Jeff Charles Is Spygate’s smoking gun in Greece? Click Here WATCH NOW FEATURED LNTV |
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Wednesday, July 31, 2019 CNN Dem Debate, Round 1 Politico has a roundup of the key moments, but really, this one tweet sums up what was a three-hour fight among Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders vs the moderates. Even Jake Tapper wasn’t safe from the wrath of the socialists. At one point during a debate over whether Democrats should take away private health insurance, John Delany asked, “Why do we have to be extreme?” adding, “I’m starting to think this isn’t about heath care, but rather an anti-private sector strategy.” John Hickenlooper said if the party keeps moving to the left by embracing policies such as the Green New Deal and Medicaid for All, they “might as well FedEx the election to Donald Trump.” (Well technically, Democrats would be using the government-run mail system, USPS.) Nevertheless, the far-left candidates unapologetically went for it, touting ideas such as reparations, decriminalizing illegal border crossers, and single-payer healthcare, because as South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg put it, Republicans will call us “crazy socialists” no matter what our policies are. In all, it was a snooze fest, and if you instead chose to watch the crazy season finale of “The Bachelorette,” (spoiler alert!) you made the right decision. Plus, we’ve still got night two.🤦♀️ Rat Photobombs Reporter’s Live Shot in Baltimore The feud between President Donald Trump and Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings spilled into Tuesday, with Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson defending the president’s description of the city as a “very dangerous and filthy place.” A former Baltimore resident and renowned pediatric neurosurgeon at the city’s Johns Hopkins Hospital, Carson said he would consider ordering extra tests “because some of those kids had to go back into homes in East Baltimore that were infested with rats and roaches and ticks and mold and lead and violence, and I didn’t want to send them back.” To top off this ridiculous spat, a rat made an appearance during a local reporter’s live shot on the feud. #2019 U.S. Soccer Strikes Back After remaining largely silent on the equal pay lawsuit brought forth by the U.S Women’s National Team, U.S. Soccer president Carlos Cordeiro is striking back, tellingThe Wall Street Journal via a letter that a pay analysis conducted by U.S. Soccer staff and reviewed by an accounting firm shows that women actually make morethan men. “Mr. Cordeiro said the federation’s analysis showed that U.S. Soccer paid female players $34.1 million in salaries and game bonuses from 2010-2018, while paying the men $26.4 million during the same period. Women’s team members receive salaries plus bonuses, while the men receive only bonuses, though larger ones, according to the letter. The compensation structure for the two teams is different because of their respective collective-bargaining agreements and not because of gender, Mr. Cordeiro wrote. Molly Levinson, a spokeswoman for the players, called the letter ‘a sad attempt by USSF to quell the overwhelming tide of support the USWNT has received from everyone from fans to sponsors to the United States Congress.’ … “The federation said U.S. women’s games had generated a net profit, defined as ticket revenues minus event expenses, in just two of 11 years analyzed: 2016 and 2017. Across those 11 years, women’s games generated a net loss of $27.5 million, Cordeiro’s letter said. The letter didn’t list the men’s game net result. A spokesman said men’s games from 2009-2019 produced a net loss of $3,130,980.” ‘Ultimately, the best way to close any gaps between the women’s and men’s game is to do everything we can—as a federation and as fans—to grow women’s soccer, here in the United States and globally,’ Cordeiro wrote.” Read more about it here. |
Archie Is Only Getting One Sibling Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are saving the planet…by only giving Archie one sibling. “Two, maximum!,” Prince Harry told conservationist Dr. Jane Goodall during an interview on the environment for British Vogue. “We are the one species on this planet that seems to think that this place belongs to us, and only us,” the 34-year-old royal said. “I think, weirdly, because of the people that I’ve met and the places that I’ve been fortunate enough to go to, I’ve always had a connection and a love for nature. I view it differently now, without question.” TBD on whether they’ll give up their private jets and multi-million dollar estates to reduce their carbon footprints. Also announced in the September issue of British Vogue—which Markle guest edited—she’s teaming up with British department stores Marks & Spencer and John Lewis, the brand Jigsaw, and her close friend and fashion designer Misha Nonoo to create a work wear clothing line that gives away one item to charity for every item it sells. And Because It’s Hump Day… A graphic designer has some fun with videos of his son. Donald Trump admits some of his retweets can be a problem. 🤣 And finally, IMPORTANT CORRECTION: Not one but FOUR times in the windmill. The worst “person of Walmart“? BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Kelsey Bolar is a senior news reporter/producer at The Daily Signal, the multimedia news organization at The Heritage Foundation, and the 2017-2018 Tony Blankley Fellow at The Steamboat Institute. She is also a Visiting Fellow at Independent Women’s Forum. She is a contributor to The Federalist and previously worked at Fox News in New York City. She now lives in Washington, D.C., where she balances her passion for politics with her affinity for yoga and her Australian Shepherd, Utah. Follow her on Twitter @kelseybolar and on Instagram @kelseybolar. Opinions expressed on this website are her own and not those of any other person or entity. |
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Morning Headlines
Gerrymandering in mind, parties target state legislative races

With the Supreme Court’s recent ruling green-lighting partisan gerrymandering, groups on both sides of the aisle are looking at the 2020 elections as crucial to drawing what they describe as fair maps. Read More…
Biden on criminal justice: After working the middle, criticism from the left

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s record as a senator who crafted tough-on-crime laws in the 1980s and the 1990s will likely make him a target on the presidential debate stage Wednesday night, as Democratic opponents seek to paint him as out of touch. Read More…

What’s it like traveling the world, selling out stadiums in foreign countries? Touching the hearts of millions and becoming a global icon? I have no idea, and neither does 25-year-old House Democratic Caucus policy fellow Taylor Swift. Read More…
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For Joint Chiefs nominee, a subdued hearing addressing contentious charges

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Senate inches toward Wednesday budget deal vote

Senate leaders edged toward get-out-of-town votes on Wednesday, lining up a series of President Donald Trump’s nominees for confirmation either this week or shortly after the summer recess. Read More…
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‘Fundamental Defects’: Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit Against Trump Campaign, WikiLeaks Over Stolen Emails
By Chuck Ross –
A judge in New York on Tuesday dismissed the Democratic National
Committee lawsuit against members of the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks,
saying that they were not legally liable for publicizing emails that
Russian hackers stole from the party’s computer systems. “The DNC has
now had three chances to plead a …
‘Fundamental Defects’: Judge Dismisses DNC Lawsuit Against Trump Campaign, WikiLeaks Over Stolen Emails is original content from Conservative
Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary
they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political
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Read on » President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, July 31, 2019 By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump will have a series of meetings with the President of Mongolia. Keep up with Trump on CDN’s President’s Schedule Page. President Trump’s schedule for 7/31/19 All Times EDT 1:45 PM Participate in the arrival of the President of Mongolia – South Portico 2:00 PM Participate in an expanded … President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, July 31, 2019 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Homeland Security Committee Chair: US Should ‘Reduce The Flow’ Of Asylum Seekers By Kyle Hooten – Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson suggested the one million unvetted, unapproved asylum seekers in the U.S. were a security risk, saying “we don’t even know where these people are.” Johnson joined another Wisconsin Republican Representative Sean Duffy on his “Plaidcast” podcast Tuesday to discuss the border crisis and America’s tremendous … Homeland Security Committee Chair: US Should ‘Reduce The Flow’ Of Asylum Seekers is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Trump Administration Could Fine Hospitals For Failing To Disclose Insurance-Negotiated Prices By Evie Fordham – The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed a rule Monday that would require hospitals to disclose the prices that are negotiated with insurers and fine them for not complying. The rule builds on President Donald Trump’s executive order signed in June that directs the Department of Health and … Trump Administration Could Fine Hospitals For Failing To Disclose Insurance-Negotiated Prices is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » ACLU Blames ‘Inaccurate Stereotypes’ For Opposition To Male Athletes In Girls’ Sports By Peter Hasson – The liberal American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is blaming “inaccurate stereotypes” for opposition to male athletes — who identify as transgender — competing in female athletics, despite scientific research showing that transgender athletes have advantages. The ACLU is leading a petition campaign in support of two male athletes, Terry Miller … ACLU Blames ‘Inaccurate Stereotypes’ For Opposition To Male Athletes In Girls’ Sports is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » New York Extends Gun Background Checks, Bans Bump Stocks By Whitney Tipton – New York gun buyers may wait up to 30 days for background checks under a new law signed Monday by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo signed legislation to extend the background check waiting period from three days to as much as 30 for gun buyers who are not immediately approved, … New York Extends Gun Background Checks, Bans Bump Stocks is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Baltimore And Other Rat-Infested Cities Run By Democrats In Crisis By Jim Clayton – By now everyone is aware of the rivalry between Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings and Donald Trump over the rat and crime-infested city he represents. The media attacks Trump for telling the truth about Baltimore and other liberal run cities which are in shambles and call him racist every second of … Baltimore And Other Rat-Infested Cities Run By Democrats In Crisis is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Hawley Seeks To Ban Certain Social Media Features In Effort To Curb ‘Addiction’ By Audrey Conklin – Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley introduced legislation Monday that would ban autoplay and endless scrolling on social media in an effort to curb what he called addiction. The Social Media Addiction Reduction Technology (SMART) Act would also require social media companies to restrict users to 30 minutes per day unless … Hawley Seeks To Ban Certain Social Media Features In Effort To Curb ‘Addiction’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » California Gov. Calls Semi-Auto Rifles ‘Goddamn Weapons Of Mass Destruction’ By Jake Dima – California Governor Gavin Newsom called the semi-automatic rifle used by the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter a “goddamn weapon of mass destruction,” in a statement Monday. Newsom’s profanity-laden rant at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center was spurred by the events of the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting, which left three dead … California Gov. Calls Semi-Auto Rifles ‘Goddamn Weapons Of Mass Destruction’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Fake Jim Jordan Quote Goes Viral After Fooling Prominent Liberals By Peter Hasson – A fake quote attributed to Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan went viral on Twitter after fooling prominent liberals. “While Obama and Biden were cowering in fear on Air Force 1, Mr. Trump was on the ground with first responders searching for survivors and pulling people to safety” after the 9/11 … Fake Jim Jordan Quote Goes Viral After Fooling Prominent Liberals is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Man Who Shaun King Falsely Accused Of Murdering Black Girl Dead From Apparent Suicide By Chuck Ross – A Houston-area man who social media activist Shaun King falsely accused of murdering a seven-year-old black girl late last year has died from an apparent suicide after hanging himself in his jail cell last week. Houston’s ABC and Fox stations reported that Robert Cantrell, 49, was found dead on July … Man Who Shaun King Falsely Accused Of Murdering Black Girl Dead From Apparent Suicide is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Major Democratic Fundraising Committee Sees ‘Midnight Massacre’ Senior Staff Shakeup By Whitney Tipton – Several senior staffers for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) resigned Monday night amid accusations that the organization lacked diversity and after the Executive Director Allison Jaslow departed earlier in the day. The mass staff shakeup included political director Molly Ritner, communications director Jared Smith, deputy executive director Nick Pancrazio, … Major Democratic Fundraising Committee Sees ‘Midnight Massacre’ Senior Staff Shakeup is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Aqua Man – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – Years of New York Mayor de Blasio anti-police rhetoric is having an adverse effect on the police officers on the street, as they are more and more disrespected with the latest incident of people throwing water on them. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019. See more Branco toons HERE Aqua Man – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Williamsburg, VA By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump delivers remarks at the 400th Anniversary of the First Representative Legislative Assembly being commemorated at Jamestown Settlement Museum on Tuesday. The event is scheduled to begin at 11:15 AM EDT. Watch: Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without … Watch: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Williamsburg, VA is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Restaurant Apologizes After Asking Officer To Leave Because He Had A Gun By Shelby Talcott – A restaurant in San Antonio, Texas, has apologized after asking a police officer to leave the premises because he was carrying a gun. The officer was asked to leave Fogo de Chao Brazilian Steakhouse Saturday night because he was carrying a gun, KSAT reported. Texas law states that establishments can’t … Restaurant Apologizes After Asking Officer To Leave Because He Had A Gun is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |
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ADVERTISEMENT HIGHLIGHTS Elizabeth Warren slams moderate Democrats: Why are you even running? Sanders and Warren take flak from centrists over ‘Medicare for all’ Mike Huckabee says he’s thinking of ditching Trump for Marianne Williamson Left-wing Democrats pounded by 2020 debate rivals on healthcare and immigration Centrist 2020 Democratic presidential candidates confronted liberal rivals on healthcare and immigration in the opening round of the party’s second debate set, while liberals targeted the man they want to replace: President Trump. Conservatives talk up Marianne Williamson in 2020 debate A number of conservative pundits talked up 2020 presidential long-shot Marianne Williamson during Tuesday night’s debate. Marianne Williamson pitches half a trillion dollars in slave reparations to raucous applause Self-help author Marianne Williamson defended her support of slave reparations by arguing Americans owe descendants of slaves trillions of dollars and should pay at least $100 billion to make amends. CNN anchor: Warren, Sanders ‘way to the left’ of Obama CNN anchor John King declared 2020 presidential front-runners Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to be “way to the left” of former President Barack Obama. ADVERTISEMENT Warren and Sanders lead total speaking time on first night of Democratic debates Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont logged the top speaking times on the first night of the second round of the Democratic presidential debates in Detroit. Too little, too late? Steve Bullock’s strong debate performance doesn’t guarantee campaign surge Steve Bullock made a strong debate debut in Detroit, but it’s an open question whether his performance can compensate for the ground he lost by missing the opening series in Miami. Judge dismisses DNC hacking lawsuit against Trump campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Democratic Party against President Trump’s campaign alleging a conspiracy with Russia to disrupt the 2016 presidential election because no one on the Trump campaign was involved in stealing material from the Democratic National Committee. No mention of Mueller in Democratic primary debate Neither former special counsel Robert Mueller nor his report was mentioned once during Tuesday’s Democratic primary debate on CNN, despite his investigation that dominated national headlines for two years. Buttigieg says Obamacare saved his mother in law, who blames her skin cancer on tanning beds Pete Buttigieg said during the Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night that Obamacare saved his mother in law’s life. Soldiers from Ohio and Chicago named as victims of insider attack in Afghanistan Two U.S. paratroopers who were killed in a suspected insider attack in Afghanistan on Monday have been identified, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne Division. Trump admits some of his retweets are ‘sort of’ a problem President Trump does not regret any of the thousands of tweets he has sent in his lifetime, but concedes that his retweets are “a bigger problem.” THE ROUNDUP How Gina Haspel manages the CIA’s volatile relationship with Trump For big banks, it’s an endless fight with hackers Trump and McConnell crank up pressure on budget vote ADVERTISEMENT |
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- Thought-provoking video by Truthstream Media asks if we’re still stuck in Plato’s cave
- Josh Hawley’s misguided legislation is not how to attack big tech companies
- Crazy versus crazier: There are no moderate Democrats
- Seoul: North Korea launches 2 short-range ballistic missiles
- Which Democratic frontrunner is proposing the highest spending?
- Proving that the Left’s war on culture and morality is the cause of societal violence
- Deported child rapist Gregorio Neri-Basilio caught trying breach open border section
- Democrats, stop repeating Bernie Sanders’s lie about the three richest men
- Elizabeth Warren doesn’t understand how healthcare works
- To my fellow minorities: Democrats and the media are lying to you
Thought-provoking video by Truthstream Media asks if we’re still stuck in Plato’s cave Posted: 31 Jul 2019 05:15 AM PDT The movie They Live has been a cult classic and the source of several memes, but few ever considered if there’s some truth in the story of mind control and mass media hiding nefarious puppet-masters pulling every string in our lives. It’s crazy to think that we could put on a pair of sunglasses and see […] The post Thought-provoking video by Truthstream Media asks if we’re still stuck in Plato’s cave appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Josh Hawley’s misguided legislation is not how to attack big tech companies Posted: 31 Jul 2019 04:42 AM PDT Conservatives have many issues with big tech companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter. We’re being purged, silences, and censored. Meanwhile the leaders in these and other companies have made it their personal mission to use the vast powers of influence they have through their platforms to manipulate next year’s elections. It’s a mess, but we […] The post Josh Hawley’s misguided legislation is not how to attack big tech companies appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Crazy versus crazier: There are no moderate Democrats Posted: 31 Jul 2019 04:10 AM PDT There’s a narrative being built by mainstream media and leftist pundits as they try to hedge their bets, unsure of which presidential candidate will emerge but knowing that whoever it is, they’re going to support them. This narrative is being repeated by many conservative news outlets as well. It poses the notion that there are […] The post Crazy versus crazier: There are no moderate Democrats appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Seoul: North Korea launches 2 short-range ballistic missiles Posted: 31 Jul 2019 03:17 AM PDT SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea’s military said North Korea conducted its second weapons test in less than a week Wednesday, firing two short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast in a move observers said could be aimed at boosting pressure on the United States as the rivals struggle to set up fresh nuclear […] The post Seoul: North Korea launches 2 short-range ballistic missiles appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Which Democratic frontrunner is proposing the highest spending? Posted: 31 Jul 2019 01:22 AM PDT Being a frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for president is expensive business. No, I’m not referring to the costs of their campaigns themselves, though I believe too much money is given to people so they can tell you to vote for them. The expensive part comes if any of the Democrats get elected, with the […] The post Which Democratic frontrunner is proposing the highest spending? appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Proving that the Left’s war on culture and morality is the cause of societal violence Posted: 31 Jul 2019 12:52 AM PDT Can we finally admit that trying to control Liberty doesn’t work and that societal violence isn’t caused by the ‘easy access to guns’? Over the weekend, we had two mass murder shootings in bastions of Liberty Control – and all the legislation, regulation and gun confiscation SWATing failed to work as advertised. The aphorism that […] The post Proving that the Left’s war on culture and morality is the cause of societal violence appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Deported child rapist Gregorio Neri-Basilio caught trying breach open border section Posted: 30 Jul 2019 08:57 PM PDT How many times do we have to report stories like these before Congressional Democrats are willing to act? A man convicted of child sexual assault was captured by U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the El Centro Sector. Mexican national Gregorio Neri-Basilio, 36, was captured approximately 12 miles east of the Calexico West Port of Entry. He was […] The post Deported child rapist Gregorio Neri-Basilio caught trying breach open border section appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Democrats, stop repeating Bernie Sanders’s lie about the three richest men Posted: 30 Jul 2019 08:18 PM PDT Despite past fact-checks proving him wrong, Senator Bernie Sanders doubled (Tripled? Quadrupled?) down at tonight’s Democratic debate on his long-standing claim that the three richest men in America have more wealth than the bottom 90% of the country. This is a bald-faced lie that has been repeated so many times, it has practically become the […] The post Democrats, stop repeating Bernie Sanders’s lie about the three richest men appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Elizabeth Warren doesn’t understand how healthcare works Posted: 30 Jul 2019 06:39 PM PDT Tonight’s Democratic debate was a dud. It was well-moderated by CNN’s hosts, and that’s about the best thing we can say about the show tonight. But there’s an important takeaway about one of the frontrunners, Senator Elizabeth Warren. Her lack of understanding of the healthcare industry is shockingly lacking. I’ll admit, I didn’t realize how […] The post Elizabeth Warren doesn’t understand how healthcare works appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
To my fellow minorities: Democrats and the media are lying to you Posted: 30 Jul 2019 02:32 PM PDT Virginia Governor Ralph Northam spoke at an event commemorating the 400th anniversary of Jamestown as the first Democracy. In it, he described the horrors that black slaves had to endure as they were sold in Jamestown weeks after the initial landing. At a separate event 60-miles away, President Trump also spoke about the two pieces […] The post To my fellow minorities: Democrats and the media are lying to you appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: Four storylines to watch in tonight’s second Dem debate
At last night’s debate, the pragmatists struck back (more on that below), progressives Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren held their own, and Marianne Williamson talked about “dark psychic” forces.
And now we’re on to Night Two, with tonight’s lineup being these 10 Democrats: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Andrew Yang, Bill de Blasio, Michael Bennet, Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand and Jay Inslee.
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Here are the four storylines we’re watching tonight:
1. Does Biden look stronger than he did in Miami?
He wasn’t on the stage last night, but Joe Biden had a good night. He had surrogates (Bullock, Delaney etc) defending the Obama record; the generational challengers Pete Buttigieg and Beto O’Rourke really didn’t break through; and Bernie and Warren split the progressive high ground. That’s his path to victory.
Tonight’s debate is going to go one of two ways for Biden: He’s either going to have a decent to good night, which will solidify him as the big dog in Dem race.
Or he’s going to have a repeat bad performance, which could be quite the destabilizing event in this contest.
2. Get ready for a big conversation on race
Biden’s task won’t be easy, however. He’ll be flanked on one side by Kamala Harris (who charged at him on bussing and segregationist senators in Miami), and one the other side by Cory Booker (who’s loaded for bear on Biden’s 1994 crime bill).
By the way, last night’s debate stage was all-white, while tonight’s is full of diversity – Harris, Booker, Castro and Yang.
3. Who’s the more aggressive candidate – Harris or Booker?
Kamala Harris came out swinging last month, and it boosted her poll numbers (before coming back to earth).
But did she go a little too far? And will see Booker, who’s looking for his moment, try to make his move?
4. The one-percenters and below
Like last night, the candidates who are sitting at 1 percent or less in the polls — Bill de Blasio, Michael Bennet, Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand and Jay Inslee – have little to lose.
This could very well be their last debate…
The bold vs. the popular
As for the pragmatists striking back last night, we saw:
- Steve Bullock, in his opening statement of his first overall debate performance (he didn’t qualify for the Miami debates), discussing his record as Montana governor. “I’m running for president to get stuff done,” he said.
- John Delaney, Beto O’Rourke and Amy Klobuchar underscoring their opposition to the single-payer Medicare-for-All bill that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren support.
- And Bullock and O’Rouke arguing that decriminalizing illegal border crossings – as Warren said she supports – would only incentivize more illegal immigration crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
as Elizabeth Warren retorted to Delaney, “I don’t understand why
anybody goes to the trouble of running for president of the United
States just to say all
the things we can’t do and shouldn’t fight for.”
And that’s maybe the central divide we saw last night:
boldness (from Warren and Sanders) and popularity on issues (from the more pragmatic candidates).
this month’s NPR/PBS/Marist poll showed just 41 percent of all
adults supporting Medicare for All that replaces/eliminates private
insurance (compared with 70 percent who want to choose between private
insurance and Medicare)… 27 percent who back decriminalizing
illegal border crossings… and another 27 percent who support
reparations for slavery.
And, as
New York Magazine’s Josh Barro points out, the political science shows that more moderate candidates perform better in general elections.
That’s the choice for Dems:
Go bold or go popular.
REUTERS/Rebecca Cook
2020 VISION: Warren gets backing from Sanders’ first ‘16 congressional endorser
While Sanders and Warren didn’t spar last night, Warren definitely pulled off a power move before the debate.
Her campaign announced the endorsement from Rep. Raúl Grijalva — who was Bernie Sanders’ first congressional endorser in 2016
On the campaign trail today: Before
debate, Pete Buttigieg participates in a Detroit security officers
protest… Beto O’Rourke, staying in Michigan, has lunch with Macomb
County residents… And Tom Steyer continues to campaign in New
Dispatches from NBC’s embeds: NBC’s Julia Jester attended a debate watch party in Concord, N.H., where attendees are engaged, but not swayed yet.
Jester reports: “Some attendees shared they thought Bullock had an impressive debut, Buttigieg has been consistently strong across debates (one elderly man said he was still getting used to the husband references), neighboring senators Warren and Sanders held solid, and one woman said she worried the media will decide for voters who won before they can personally process what they’ve watched.”
At a watch party in Iowa one voter told NBC’s Priscilla Thompson that the two most progressive candidates stuck together.
Thompson reports: “’It seemed like they, they went out of their way to basically defend each other,’ Kevin Cavallin said. While Cavallin was hoping to find some distinction between the two he thinks not drawing contrast between the pair was smart strategy.”
TWEET OF THE DAY: Pet Sematary
DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… 17 minutes and 41 seconds.
17 minutes and 41 seconds.
That’s approximately how long Elizabeth Warren spoke during last night’s debate, according to a count by NPR.
In a close second place: Bernie Sanders, who spoke for 17 minutes and 9 seconds.
Solidly in third was Pete Buttigieg, whose speaking time totaled 14 minutes and 36 seconds.
No other candidate spoke for more than 11 minutes total.
The least speaking time went to John Hickenlooper, at 8 minutes and 54 seconds.
THE LID: Lost in translation
Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we tried to sort out which Democratic health care proposals have the most popular support.
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
NBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald’s big take on last night’s debate: The progressive-moderate split was ripped wide open.
Here’s our team’s fact check and live blog coverage of the debate.
Here’s what’s going on with the fractious debate over a general facing accusations of sexual assault.
And: Eleven candidates have now signed on to a pledge to support the 28th amendment, according to advocacy group American Promise. The amendment would overturn Citizens United and allow limits on money in state and federal elections. The candidates who have signed on are: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, Tom Steyer, Marianne Williamson, Steve Bullock, John Delaney, Tim Ryan and Kamala Harris.
Thanks for reading.
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Chuck, Mark and Carrie
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William Jacobson: “HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Kemberlee Kaye’s 5th Anniversary at Legal Insurrection”
Mary Chastain: “The DCCC is in shambles. I really hope Trump doesn’t say or tweet anything that will cause them to drop their grudges and unite. Let them fight.”
Leslie Eastman: “I
have just returned from our annual family vacation, which included
stops in Iceland, England, Scotland and Wales. I am thrilled to see
that President Trump has is now setting the agenda for the media, taking
urban wastelands, and that “Mueller Time” was a bust. In terms of
politics across the pond, the conversations I overheard lead to believe
that Britain’s polls are just as bad as those from the American
media…and new Prime Minister Boris Johnson and is No Deal Brexit is
much more popular that the gobalist reporters for the BBC would have you
David Gerstman: “Congratulations to Kemberlee Kaye on her fifth anniversary at Legal Insurrection and for keeping everything running.”
Vijeta Uniyal: A leaked internal report
implicated top officials from the United Nations Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in a major corruption scandal
including sex crimes and abuse of power. The UN agency’s ethics
office described the charges as “an extremely grave and significant
reputational, operational and security risk to the agency.”
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Good morning,With
the Democratic debates this week, we are releasing new numbers daily on
the race for the right to challenge Donald Trump in 2020.Yesterday’s numbers, released at 5:00 p.m. Eastern, showed Biden remaining in front with support from 30%
of Registered Democrats and Democratic leaning Independents. He is
followed by Senator Bernie Sanders at 15%, Senator Elizabeth Warren at
8%, and Senator Kamala Harris at 8%. Sixteen percent (16%) remain undecided. No other candidate reaches the 5%
level of support.Our
daily results are based upon a two-day rolling average. Typically, our
surveys run from approximately 7:00 p.m. Eastern one evening until noon
Eastern the next day. As a result, the data released tonight will
include a mix of interviews conducted pre-and-post debate.On a different topic, 27% of voters nationwide believe they have been discriminated against because of their political views. Among
senior citizens, just 13% believe they have faced discrimination
because of their political views. However, among voters under
35, that number is three times as high.Thirty-nine
percent (39%) of those who Strongly Approve of President Trump say
they’ve experienced discrimination because of their views. As for those
who Strongly Disapprove, just 22% say their political views have led to
percent (22%) of voters say that most or all of the time they’re afraid
to let co-workers, friends, or neighbors know their views. Another 25%
say that happens some of the time. Among
those who Strongly Approve of President Trump, 30% are afraid most of
the time. As for those who Strongly Disapprove, just 16% are that
worried about sharing their political views.Thank you for your
interest in our work,Scott
Stay Informed Up To The Minute and Share ContentDeeper CurrentsScott Rasmussen offers his personal insight, analysis, and opinion on current political races, issues, and controversy.
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Scott’s ColumnsPresident
Trump has perfected the art of antagonizing his opponents with
provocative tweets. He demonstrated this skill recently in declaring
that the tax reform act,…
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CommentEvolutionist Clarence Darrow v. William Jennings Bryan, Creationist
CommentMoon Landing & Communion on the Moon
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Today’s Top News
July, 31 2019
Harris Flip-Flops Again
Pressed by Meghan McCain to clarify her stance on unauthorized border crossings on The View,
Harris asserted that she was “not in favor of
decriminalizing,” directly contradicting her raised hand in favor of the
practice during the first Democratic
debates in June. She proceeded to flop a second time on the same topic
in the very next breath, telling McCain that she would make it a “civil
enforcement issue, but not a criminal enforcement issue.” As a lawyer,
she ought to have known that the technical
name for such a policy is decriminalization.
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