Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Friday June 21, 2019.
Jun 21, 2019 |
Happy Friday from Washington, where President Trump mulls a response to Iran’s downing of a U.S. drone. Defense expert Tom Spoehr analyzes the situation on the podcast, while Nolan Peterson reports from northern Iraq on how Iranian Kurds view the prospect of war. Who’s crossing the southern border illegally? Fred Lucas knows. Plus: Thomas Jipping on the Supreme Court’s Peace Cross ruling, and Rachel Greszler on a bad idea for Social Security. Have a great weekend. |
Commentary Why a Bigger Social Security Program Would Make Us Worse Off The House likely will pass the Social Security 2100 Act, which would make Social Security solvent by imposing supersized tax increases. More Commentary The Problem With Ocasio-Cortez’s Shameful Ignorance of History This dumb Nazi equivalence certainly isn’t new. We see a spike whenever a Republican is elected—be it Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, or George Bush. More Analysis What Was Iran Thinking in Shooting Down a US Drone? Tom Spoehr, director of The Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense and a former Army general, weighs in on Iran’s act of aggression. More News It’s Not Just Central America: Where Illegal Immigrants on the Border Come From U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehended more than 500 illegal immigrants from African countries. More Commentary 7 Justices Split 5 Ways in Deciding Peace Cross Doesn’t Have to Go Justice Neil Gorsuch argued that being an “offended observer” should not be enough to challenge something like a memorial or a display as an establishment of religion. More News Missouri Abortion Clinic Licensing Fight Due Back in Court “Planned Parenthood has proven, repeatedly, that it will not cooperate with commonsense licensing and inspection requirements,” says Heritage Foundation expert Melanie Israel. More News US Sanctions Send Iranians to Northern Iraq Looking for Work and War “It’s impossible to support my family, anymore, living in Iran,” says Mohsen Heidari. “Coming here was my last option,” Heidari says of the autonomous Kurdish territory in northern Iraq. More | ||
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POLITICO Playbook: Trump wants to talk to Iran, not bomb it
06/21/2019 05:46 AM EDT

NYT: “Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back,” by Mike Shear, Eric Schmitt, Michael Crowley and Maggie Haberman: “President Trump approved military strikes against Iran in retaliation for downing an American surveillance drone, but pulled back from launching them on Thursday night after a day of escalating tensions.
“As late as 7 p.m., military and diplomatic officials were expecting a strike, after intense discussions and debate at the White House among the president’s top national security officials and congressional leaders, according to multiple senior administration officials involved in or briefed on the deliberations. Officials said the president had initially approved attacks on a handful of Iranian targets, like radar and missile batteries.
“The operation was underway in its early stages when it was called off, a senior administration official said. Planes were in the air and ships were in position, but no missiles had been fired when word came to stand down, the official said. …
“It was not clear whether Mr. Trump simply changed his mind on the strikes or whether the administration altered course because of logistics or strategy. It was also not clear whether the attacks might still go forward. Asked about the plans for a strike and the decision to hold back, the White House declined to comment, as did Pentagon officials. No government officials asked The New York Times to withhold the article.” NYT
— THE BACKSTORY … TRUMP WANTED TALKS, NOT WAR, via Reuters/Dubai: “Iranian officials told Reuters on Friday that Tehran had received a message from U.S. President Donald Trump through Oman overnight warning that a U.S. attack on Iran was imminent.
“‘In his message, Trump said he was against any war with Iran and wanted to talk to Tehran about various issues … he gave a short period of time to get our response but Iran’s immediate response was that it is up to Supreme Leader [Ayatollah Ali] Khamenei to decide about this issue,’ one of the officials told Reuters on condition of anonymity.
“The second official said: ‘We made it clear that the leader is against any talks, but the message will be conveyed to him to make a decision … However, we told the Omani official that any attack against Iran will have regional and international consequences.” Reuters
INSIDE THE ADMINISTRATION, it’s been an open secret that TRUMP is pining to hold talks with the Iranians. Our question to most administration officials has been this: What deal will you cut that’s different than Obama’s bargain with Iran? The proposition — loosening economic restrictions in return for curbs on the nuclear program — is pretty one-dimensional. And the answer we’ve gotten is that Trump would seek a longer horizon for restrictions on Iranian’s nuclear program. It seems clear at this moment, though, that the Iranians have no interest in talking to the Trump administration. So here we are.
— AP: “U.S.-registered planes barred over Mideast areas amid tensions,” by Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
WHY IRAN ISN’T NORTH KOREA — TRUMP hasn’t paid any discernible political price for what, as far as we can tell, is very little to show for his summit pageantry and flowery bromance with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. One reason is the Nixon-to-China phenomenon: By establishing himself early on as a North Korea hawk with all the “fire and fury” stuff, Trump created some political space for himself to explore diplomacy. Another is that many Democrats are quietly relieved that the president is trying diplomacy rather than threatening on Twitter to incinerate Pyongyang.
BUT THE FUNDAMENTAL REASON Trump can get away with it is that, unlike with Iran, North Korea just doesn’t resonate politically the way Iran does. Not only was the Islamic Republic founded amid a hostage crisis that helped sink one president and elect another, but Iran also has earned itself some pretty powerful enemies — the Gulf Arab countries and Israel — who have political juice in Washington and know how to work the system. Iran was behind the killings of U.S. troops in Lebanon and Iraq, and backs extremist groups all over the region. And there are domestic political constituencies to consider, whereas the folks who pay attention to North Korea are a relatively small and quirky bunch of nuclear wonks and Asia experts.
ALL THAT ADDS SOME COMPLICATIONS to Trump’s apparent decision not to retaliate for Iran’s downing of a U.S. military drone. He has to take the views of America’s closest allies into account — he can’t simply brush them aside as he’s done with Japan and South Korea, which are clearly deeply uneasy with his so far fruitless embrace of Kim. And whatever he ultimately decides to do with Iran, the domestic political stakes are simply far higher.
Good Friday morning. THE NATIONALS won their third game in a row Thursday night, beating the Philadelphia Phillies 7-4. The NL East-leading Atlanta Braves come to town tonight for a three-game set.
NEW: CARL HULSE, the chief Washington correspondent for the NYT, has a new book coming out Tuesday called “CONFIRMATION BIAS,” which takes readers “inside Washington’s war over the Supreme Court, from Scalia’s death to Justice Kavanaugh.”
— THE BOOK, which we read this week, is like getting a professional guided tour of the fascinating confirmation process going back 30 years. It’s scoopy, informative and fun.
— A FEW ANECDOTES: There was a 2016 GOP primary debate scheduled the night of Antonin Scalia’s death. MITCH MCCONNELL called Josh Holmes, his longtime adviser, and the two “agreed that if Senator Ted Cruz … were to use the debate to be the first to call for Senate Republicans to block Obama’s nominee, it would be a disaster for McConnell. Republican senators would not want to appear to be doing Cruz’s bidding. … ‘If it was branded as a Ted Cruz idea, he could lose half of his conference,’ [Holmes said].”
— LOTS ON DON MCGAHN … “After [McGahn’s] Senate confirmation [for the FEC] in 2008, he was sworn in by a former Bush administration operative sitting on the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit – Brett M. Kavanaugh … ‘That guy’s going to be on the Supreme Court someday,’ he told Shannon Flaherty, his future wife, as they left the ceremony.” Later, after learning of Scalia’s death while driving to Ocean City, Md., for a gig with his band, McGahn offered Kavanaugh as his first choice for the Supreme Court vacancy. $18.89 on Amazon … Boston Globe review: “Carl Hulse’s latest examines how the highest court hit its lowest point”
A message from BP:
Even motor oil can help advance the energy transition. Like our Castrol EDGE Biosynthetic, made with 25% plant-based oil. At BP, … to help the world keep advancing.
MORE BIDEN DRAMA — NATASHA KORECKI: “Biden called Booker to quell tensions. Things only got worse”: “The two carried on a polite conversation, with the former vice president intent on talking through tensions that had flared in recent days, according to two sources familiar with the call.
“But that didn’t happen. Biden’s campaign had sent talking points to surrogates that highlighted the vice president’s work on civil rights and noted that Biden’s opponents had worked with officials who might be considered lightning rods to Democrats, including former Attorney General Jeff Sessions — a move that further inflamed the situation.
“‘I find it remarkable that the surrogate talking points they were sending around, as they were trying to contain this, include no mention of the language the vice president used and instead tried to spin that the vice president is being criticized for working with people he disagreed with,’ a Booker aide said. ‘That’s nonsense and speaks volumes to what they know is true, which is, he should be apologizing for what he said.’” POLITICO
— “Biden huddles with CBC leaders amid ‘segregationist’ controversy,” by Heather Caygle and Laura Barrón-López
— JOE BIDEN’S letters to Jim Eastland, via the WaPo
— BIDEN is meeting with African American leaders in Columbia, S.C., this afternoon. He will also attend the South Carolina Democratic Party’s Blue Palmetto Dinner and Rep. Jim Clyburn’s fish fry. AP’s Bill Barrow previews Biden’s trip
THE BIG PICTURE — JOHN HARRIS: “The hope is that voters will embrace Biden as a kind of American Churchill. The last 24 hours raise, not for the first time, a more painful possibility: Grandpa Simpson is running for president.” POLITICO
TRUMP INC. … WAPO’S DAVID FAHRENTHOLD, JOSH DAWSEY, JONATHAN O’CONNELL and MICHELLE YE HEE LEE: “When Trump visits his clubs, government agencies and Republicans pay to be where he is”: “In all, his scores of trips have brought his private businesses at least $1.6 million in revenue, from federal officials and GOP campaigns who pay to go where Trump goes, according to a Washington Post analysis.”WaPo
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THE INVESTIGATIONS … JERRY NADLER INTERVIEW … ANDREW DESIDERIO and KYLE CHENEY: “Dems see Hope Hicks testimony as huge gift in legal battle with Trump”: “House Democrats are planning to file a lawsuit within days to force former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify on Capitol Hill — and they say Hope Hicks’ reluctant testimony Wednesday will help deliver them a crucial win in court.
“Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said Hicks’ blanket refusal to tell lawmakers about her tenure in the West Wing is the real-life illustration Democrats needed to show a judge just how extreme the White House’s blockade on witness testimony has become.
“‘It very much played into our hands,’ Nadler said in an interview in his Capitol Hill office Thursday. ‘It’s one thing to tell a judge blanket immunity is not a right thing. It’s another thing when a judge can see what that means in actuality, and how absurd it is.’” POLITICO
— “Hope Hicks refused to answer 155 questions from Dems during House testimony,” by Kyle Cheney and Andrew Desiderio
— “Feds say Roger Stone is in violation of gag order,” by Darren Samuelsohn and Natasha Bertrand
HILL ZEITGEIST … BURGESS EVERETT: “’This place has enough creepy old men’: GOP vows to crush Roy Moore”: “‘There will be a lot of efforts made to ensure that we have a nominee other than him and one who can win in November,’ said Senate Majority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.). ‘He’s already proven he can’t.’ Added Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, ‘We’ll be opposing Roy Moore vigorously.’” POLITICO
— HEATHER CAYGLE and JOHN BRESNAHAN: “Pro-impeachment ranks grow as Pelosi remains unmoved”
BATTLE FOR THE HOUSE … DCCC TROUNCES THE NRCC … LAURA BARRÓN-LÓPEZ: “DCCC outraises NRCC in May”: “The [DCCC] raised $8.9 million in May, posting another strong fundraising haul in the year before the 2020 election. It’s nearly double the [NRCC’s] $4.8 million raised in May, according to its filing with the Federal Election Commission today.” POLITICO
— LARGEST DONORS: Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas) kicked in $200,000 to the NRCC. Haim Saban gave $461,500 to the DCCC.
WHAT REPUBLICANS ARE READING … SHOT … THE DAILY BEAST’S JACKIE KUCINICH: “In April 2019, [anti-vaxxer] Albert Dwoskin gave the [DCCC] $24,900 and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s PAC to the Future $5,000.” DB
… CHASER — NEWSDAY: “The [DCCC] is bringing early air support to freshman Rep. Max Rose on the hot topic of vaccinations, The Point has learned. … ‘Nicole Malliotakis is trying to hide her anti-vaxx record,’ text on the ad reads, citing Albany votes against a vaccine study in 2014, and against requiring immunization for meningococcal disease in 2015. (She says she tends to vote against studies.)” Newsday
… AND TO ROUND THINGS OUT, via Jackie Kucinich: “Dem MegaDonor Pulls Funding From Anti-Vax Group, Regrets Involvement”
A message from BP:

TRUMP’S FRIDAY — The president is having lunch with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at 12:30 p.m. in the private dining room. He and first lady Melania Trump will get a 2019 hurricane briefing at 2:30 p.m. in the Oval Office. Trump and the first lady will host the congressional picnic at 5:45 p.m. on the South Lawn.

- CNN “State of the Union”: Panel: Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Bakari Sellers and Amanda Carpenter
- FOX “Fox News Sunday”: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Montana Gov. Steve Bullock. Panel: Karl Rove, Emily Jashinsky, Howard Kurtz and Mo Elleithee
- NBC “Meet the Press”: Panel: Peter Baker, Lanhee Chen, Peggy Noonan and Kristen Welker
- CBS “Face the Nation”: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas). Panel: Ed O’Keefe, Caitlin Huey-Burns, Jamal Simmons and Salena Zito
- CNN “Inside Politics”: Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Margaret Talev, Toluse Olorunnipa and Kaitlan Collins
N.Y. MAG’S GABE DEBENEDETTI: “Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren Had a Secret Nonaggression Agreement. Is It Falling Apart?”
IMMIGRATION FILES … AP/EL PASO: “A 2-year-old boy locked in detention wants to be held all the time. A few girls, ages 10 to 15, say they’ve been doing their best to feed and soothe the clingy toddler who was handed to them by a guard days ago. Lawyers warn that kids are taking care of kids, and there’s inadequate food, water and sanitation for the 250 infants, children and teens at the Border Patrol station.
“The bleak portrait emerged Thursday after a legal team interviewed 60 children at the facility near El Paso that has become the latest place where attorneys say young migrants are describing neglect and mistreatment at the hands of the U.S. government.
“Data obtained by The Associated Press showed that on Wednesday there were three infants in the station, all with their teen mothers, along with a 1-year-old, two 2-year-olds and a 3-year-old. There are dozens more under 12. Fifteen have the flu, and 10 more are quarantined.
“Three girls told attorneys they were trying to take care of the 2-year-old boy, who had wet his pants and no diaper and was wearing a mucus-smeared shirt when the legal team encountered him.” AP
— JOSH GERSTEIN: “Court seems split on Trump border wall request”: “A federal appeals court panel appears divided on the Trump administration’s request for an emergency stay that would allow the Defense Department to begin the process of spending $1 billion to fund border wall construction in Arizona and New Mexico.
“A 9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel sitting in San Francisco heard about 90 minutes of heated legal arguments Thursday on the high-profile issue, with a Justice Department attorney and lawyers for wall opponents both facing intense questioning from the three jurists assigned to the case.” POLITICO
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THE READOUT FROM PYONGYANG … AP: “China’s Xi pushes economic reform at North Korea summit”: “Xi is expected to meet with President Donald Trump next week in Japan and could pass him a message from Kim about the nuclear negotiations.”
FOR YOUR RADAR — “Congress Targets China’s Biotech Ambitions,” by WSJ’s Kate O’Keefe:“Biotech joins chips and telecoms at the forefront of the U.S.-China technology war, with Congress moving to restrict Defense Department funding.” WSJ
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MEDIAWATCH … WAPO’S PAUL FARHI: “As tensions with Iran escalate, the Pentagon says little to the news media”: “Officials at the Department of Defense summoned reporters [on Thursday] to a hastily arranged briefing to discuss the tense situation unfolding in the Gulf of Oman after Iran’s military shot down an American surveillance drone. … But when reporters assembled at the Pentagon’s briefing room, a spokesman, Jonathan Hoffman, quickly set the tone: ‘At this time, we’re not going to be taking questions,’ he announced.” WaPo
— CNN’s Brian Stelter: “Publishing industry sources say the top prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is out with a book proposal — and there’s obviously been a lot of interest. Word of a deal could be imminent, these sources said.”
— Vanity Fair’s Joe Pompeo spoke with NYT publisher Arthur Sulzberger about his decision to place an op-ed in the rival WSJ.
— Bob Cohn, president at The Atlantic, is leaving in September to become a resident fellow at Harvard’s Institute of Politics. The announcement
— Scott Lucas has been hired as deputy editor for tech and business at BuzzFeed. He previously was senior editor for San Francisco magazine and has also written for POLITICO Magazine, The Economist and The Washington Post. Samantha Oltman, who previously had that BuzzFeed job, recently was named EIC of Recode.
SPOTTED: Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-Calif.) having dinner with Rep. Darren Soto (D-Fla.) at Nooshi on Capitol Hill.
OUT AND ABOUT — The Competitive Enterprise Institute celebrated its 35th anniversary with a “Game of Thrones”-themed dinner at the Marriott Marquis in downtown D.C. Pool report: “Guests were able to take pictures on the Iron Throne, and ‘Red Wedding’ and ‘Wildfire’ cocktails were served into glasses through an ice luge. Author, lecturer and documentary filmmaker Johan Norberg received CEI’s Julian Simon Award, and Pulitzer Prize-winning humorist and author Dave Barry gave the keynote.”
SPOTTED: Fred and Fran Smith, Kathy Kraninger, Andrew Wheeler, C. Boyden Gray, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), Luther Strange, Paul Teller, Jim Neill, Alexa Walker, Dan Huff, Matt Leopold, Mike Rose, Kevin Madden, Gregg Keller, Paul Atkins, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Byron Tau, Mike Bastach, Chris Bedford, Doug Domenech, Lawson Bader, Andrew Grossman, Melissa Holyoak, Syvlie Légère, Emily Domenech and Bridgett Wagner.
— SPOTTED at the Nahigian Strategies summer party in the Willard courtyard: Keith Nahigian, Ken Nahigian, Sean Spicer, Mira Ricardel, Oliver Carr Jr., Taylor Mason, Tyler Lane, Brent and Cassie Scher, Liz Harrington, Cara and James Hewitt, Rebecca Fisher, Eli Yokley, Michael Abboud, Natalie Johnson, Alyssa Farah, Alex Stroman, Anna Stallmann, Danielle Hagen, Lynn Hatcher, Tom Qualtere, Steve DelBianco and Betsy Ricketts.
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Elizabeth Dias, national religion correspondent for the NYT. A trend she thinks deserves more attention: “Abuse of women and children in evangelical and pentecostal communities. For so long sexual abuse in religion has been thought of as a Catholic problem, but it is widespread. As I’m reporting on these churches, I’m finding that their male power structures are deeply resistant to accountability and change.” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Charlie Glazer, former U.S. ambassador to El Salvador … Peter Perl … former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) is 72 … Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is 59 … NYT’s Elizabeth Williamson … WSJ’s Laura Meckler … Sam Nunberg is 38 … Mike Allen … Dan Wagner … Lloyd Green (hat tips: Tim Burger) … Kate Kochman … Shara Mohtadi … George Jahn .. Madeleine Morgenstern … Jill Farquharson … former Rep. Marjorie Margolies (D-Pa.) is 77 … David Makovsky is 59 … Caroline Weisser … Susan Tomai … Jackie Berkowitz … POLITICO’s Marc Sames (h/t Peter Cherukuri) … Jake Maccoby … Tanya Singer … POLITICO’s Valerie Miller and Emma Whitford … Sara Gilliam … Cody Uhing … Sanam Rastegar, deputy state finance director for Biden for President (h/t Akhil Bery) … Brendan Summers of the Elizabeth Warren campaign (h/t Zach Hudson) …
… Chris Francescani, reporter at ABC News … Edward Snowden is 36 … Maurice Saatchi is 73 … Chloe Frelinghuysen … Mike Faulman … Mollie Leavitt … Wells Wallace … Lyft’s Campbell Matthews (h/t Annie Starke) … FEMA’s Brian Kamoie … Leslie Shockley Beyer (h/t Ed Cash) … former Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) is 81 … Delece Smith-Barrow … Sir Malcolm Rifkind is 73 … David L. Marcus is 59 … Greg Hitt, VP of corporate communications at Dominion Energy, is 57 … former New Hampshire Gov. Stephen E. Merrill is 72 … Zack Richner … Brian Barger … Mason Reynolds … Max Clarke … Cole Randle … Jessica Straus … Mary Meagher … Mary Beth Donahue … Ellen Golombek … Dave Marcus … Gary Maloney … Laura Icardi … Roger Jarrell is 5-0 … Indonesian President Joko Widodo is 58 … Prince William is 37 (h/t AP)
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“To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” THEODORE ROOSEVELT Dear readers, Last week two NBC reporters contacted The Epoch Times about a story on our paper that they were working on. We agreed to answer questions in writing. Upon seeing their questions, we concluded NBC wanted to find information that could be used to discredit The Epoch Times. In response, we published an open letter, because we believe the kinds of questions asked by NBC raise issues of legitimate public concern. We believe the questions asked violate the spirit of the First Amendment, and as such stand as an example of how journalism should not be conducted. Read our response to NBC here Medic Testifies That He, Not Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher, Killed ISIS Terrorist Pentagon Releases Video of Iran Military Shooting Down US Drone With Xi Visit to North Korea, Communist Regimes Assist Each Other in Negotiations With US The State Department’s annual report on human trafficking pinpointed the prevalence of foster care history among child sex trafficking victims in the United States. While in many other countries the report listed foster care among the tools used to protect victims of human trafficking, “in the United States, traffickers prey upon children in the foster care system,” it stated. Read more House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threw her weight behind new legislation defending Hong Kong’s democracy and the rule of law. The bill is a “very bipartisan” response to Beijing’s latest effort to erode human rights in the city. Read more Some 15 hours after Iran shot down an American surveillance drone, President Donald Trump issued a statement: “Iran made a very big mistake!” Read more The Senate voted to block the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia. The resolution, which passed 53-45, was largely symbolic, since President Donald Trump has promised to veto the legislation. Read more The Supreme Court rejected arguments that a large Latin cross must be relocated from public land in a Maryland suburb of Washington because its prominence supposedly implies government endorsement of Christianity. Read more A lawsuit this week filed against the Church of Scientology International and its leader, David Miscavige, detailed multiple allegations of abuses from human trafficking to child abuse, as a legal expert told The Epoch Times of the “parallels” between the new complaint and those of NXIVM’s prosecution. Read more See More Top Stories Do the Hong Kong Demonstrations Possibly Mean the End of the Chinese Communist Party? By Steven Mosher The largest demonstration in Chinese history took place in Hong Kong a few days ago. An estimated two million people took to the streets, which is to say over a quarter of the city’s population of 7.3 million. The sheer scale of Hong Kong’s defiance was breathtaking. By way of comparison, a comparable demonstration in the United States would have around 100 million demonstrators. Read more Trump Holds All the Cards in This Game By Brian Cates While President Donald Trump’s official reelection announcement in Orlando, Florida, attracted more than 100,000 people who wanted to attend, Democrats who plan to run against Trump are struggling to fill their own venues. The president’s approval rating is now approaching 50 percent and has even topped that mark in some recent polls. This isn’t how the script for 2019 was supposed to play out, according to the plot known as “Spygate” hatched during the Trump transition period, from November 2016 to January 2017. Read more See More Opinions Green Is the New Red By Trevor Loudon In the 1970s, a friend of mine, “Mike,” was an avid striped bass fisherman on the New Hampshire coast. He was drawn into a local environmental group, the Clamshell Alliance, after being told that warm water from local nuclear power plants would harm the striped bass fishery. Mike was trained to sneak into the local power plant to spray-paint environmental slogans on the walls. There were whisperings that some more-seasoned activists might be preparing to commit more serious acts of sabotage. Read more Over the past 35 years, Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has enacted major changes in the state. President Trump has praised him for having done a “tremendous job,” including overseeing the lowest unemployment rate in history in Kentucky. What’s America’s Biggest Opportunity and Biggest Threat?—Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
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Friday, June 21, 2019 2020 Update “Sen. Elizabeth Warren moved up to a second-place tie with Sen. Bernie Sanders nationally, but both remain behind former Vice President Joe Biden, who also tops the list of who people think would beat President Donald Trump, according to a new poll from Monmouth University.” NBC At a fundraiser on Tuesday, “while stressing the importance of ‘civility’ in politics, [Joe] Biden recalled how he’d worked productively alongside two segregationist senators, including the virulent racist Sen. James Eastland (D-MS). ‘At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything,’ Biden said. ‘Today, you look at the other side and you’re the enemy.’” Vox Also on Tuesday, “President Donald Trump formally launched his 2020 re-election campaign… by presenting himself as the same political insurgent who shook up the Washington establishment four years ago and who is now a victim of an attempted ouster by Democrats.” Reuters The first Democratic primary debate is scheduled to be held next week over two nights. Reuters From the Left The left criticizes Biden’s comments, praises Warren, and disapproves of Trump’s 2020 campaign message. “Biden held a fundraiser at the Carlyle Hotel in New York… [He] told the roughly 100 affluent attendees that if he were elected, ‘nothing would fundamentally change’ for them. That ominous affirmation of the status quo should have gotten more attention, but instead we are talking about his remarks describing the ‘civility’ of the Senate in the 1970s and 1980s… Biden’s remarks Tuesday were a sobering reminder of his checkered legislative history on issues affecting people of color… Will Joe Biden be that candidate many of us will have to hold our nose and vote for? Time will tell whether Biden loses the black vote because he keeps taking us for granted.” Dorothy Brown, CNN “Most following Biden’s career know he prides himself on being able to work well with those who do not share his politics. The former lawmaker believes Americans need to elect a president who can bring conflicting sides to the table for the good of the American people. But if Biden wants to keep his good favor with black voters, why could he not use an example of bipartisanship that did not involve men whose lasting legacies with many black Americans is their racism?… The politician who helped elect America’s first black president is potentially putting his success with the left’s most influential demographic in jeopardy by glossing over the long-lasting harms that racist policymakers promoted in the name of ‘civility.’” Eugene Scott, Washington Post Many are reporting that “of the 23 Democrats who have announced they’re running, [Warren’s] is the name that comes up most… Her policy proposals are wonky so they’re not easy to condense into a column, but if you want the details, they’re not hard to find. Part of what makes her attractive is that she knows stuff. Serious stuff. Her fight is grounded not just in passion but in knowledge… “It’s a fight against economic injustice, but not one based on pitting average Americans against each other. It’s a fight against an economic system that privileges corporations, big banks and the uber-wealthy. It’s founded on an understanding that while discrimination of many kinds runs deep and poisonous in our society, those sicknesses won’t be fixed without a restructuring of the economy.” Mary Schmich, Chicago Tribune “Rather than condescend to voters, like most politicians, Warren has treated voters as adults, smart enough to handle her wonky style of campaigning… Week in and week out, she has been crisscrossing the country to tell receptive voters her ideas for an ultra-millionaire tax, student debt cancellation and breaking up big tech. She has also weighed in on reproductive rights, vaccines, the opioid crisis and algorithmic discrimination in automated loans. Her bevy of white papers demonstrates that there isn’t a policy area Warren won’t touch and she isn’t worried about repelling anyone with hard-hitting proposals… her polling surge shows that voters appreciate the nerdy policy talk.” Jill Priluck, The Guardian By contrast, “There was little new in Mr. Trump’s performance |
[at his rally]
. He did not offer a governing vision or even an updated
policy focus for a second term. His 76-minute speech was the usual brew
of aggrandizement, aggrievement and demonization of political foes. He
vilified Democrats as ‘ruthless,’ ‘unhinged’ monsters dedicated to ‘the
rise of radical socialism and the destruction of the American dream.’ He
whined about his persecution by the ‘fake news’ and the deep-state
rogues who perpetrated the Russia ‘witch hunt.’ He devoted so much time
to attacking ‘Crooked Hillary’ that it seemed as though a confused aide
might have accidentally loaded one of his 2016 speeches into the
“It is a tricky line that Mr. Trump will attempt to toe over the next 18
months. As the sitting president, he needs voters to feel good about
the job he has done — good enough to turn out and give him another four
years. The animating force of his political success, however, has always
been cultural grievance. He is the master of stoking voters’ most
primal anxieties and resentments. Tuesday’s speech suggests that going
forward, the president’s struggle to reconcile these conflicting
imperatives will not be pretty — or good for the country. If his message
in 2016 was that the political establishment and cultural elitists were
exploiting, ignoring and sneering at regular Americans, his message
this time is that the opposition despises and is aggressively plotting
to destroy MAGA country.”
Michelle Cottle, New York Times
Some argue that “Trump may be historically unpopular, but he is popular
enough to be (comfortably) re-elected… Trump has so far delivered to his
non-traditional base. The average Republican, commonly referred to as
the ‘moderate Republican’, is still not a fan of Trump, who is seen as
too confrontational and vulgar, but got the one thing they care about: a
tax cut… the Christian right will once again come out strong. While the
support for Trump by religious voters puzzles liberals, it is pretty
straightforward: the supreme court. Here, again, Trump has delivered…
“Finally, there is the real Trump supporter, the mostly blue-collar and
lower-middle-class white voters who want to ‘build the wall’ (nativism)
and ‘drain the swamp’ (populism). So far, they have not really gotten
what they wanted… But where can they go?… Elections are not won by passive majorities but by mobilized minorities…
[Trump’s] supporters have agency and urgency, the two things the
Democrats are still lacking. They have 500 days left to create this,
together, rather than apart.”
Cas Mudde, The Guardian
From the Right
The right defends Biden’s comments, criticizes Warren, and offers advice and reflects on Trump’s campaign kickoff.
should we treat fellow citizens who hold and promote views that we
consider — and may have good reason to consider — deeply wrong and
harmful? The beginning of wisdom in these matters, I think, is to
recognize that any live controversy will involve people of good will on all sides,
even if one side has the morally superior position. Part of the evil of
state-enforced white supremacy was that many white people of basically
good character who grew up within it absorbed its moral teachings, and
part of our moral progress is that today only people of vicious
character support it… “There is no reason to be nostalgic about the days the Senate was home to [segregationists]. Even by the standards of their time and place, they were pretty hideous. Nor should we overestimate how much personal enmity stands in the way of political cooperation: Party polarization is based on some real differences on issues, not just vitriol. There is nonetheless something healthful about Biden’s instinct to seek common ground.” Ramesh Ponnuru, Bloomberg “Mr. Biden’s point was that he is able to work with people with whom he has profound disagreements to achieve constructive results. You have to ‘be able to reach consensus under our system,’ he said, and he’s a consensus builder… None of his Democratic opponents seriously believes he holds racially suspect views. What they have against him is that he is leading in the polls, and they hope to use the club of racial identity to reduce his considerable support among African-Americans.” Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal “Biden is right not to apologize. There was nothing wrong with working with fellow Democrats, even Dixiecrats, on non-racial issues as to which they agreed. Nor was |
anything wrong with maintaining civil relations with fellow
Senators… Biden is also smart to go on a ‘civility kick.’ He understands
that most Americans don’t like President Trump’s uncivil manner. If
they did, Trump would have a higher approval rating, given the strong
state of the American economy.”
Paul Mirengoff, Power Line Blog
Regarding Warren, many note that “Warren has successfully donned the
mantle of a policy genius, with the happy cooperation of a media eagerly
seeking labels and pigeonholes for each of the 25 Democratic
candidates. ‘Warren’s nonstop ideas reshape the Democratic presidential
race,’ the Washington Post declared in a typical headline. But it’s a
stretch to call these all her ideas…
“The list began with ‘new ethics rules on Supreme Court justices.’
Notably, her proposal here comes from a bill written and introduced by
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. Warren signed on as a co-sponsor. Warren also
touted ‘A law to force the release of politicians’ tax returns,’ in the
Post’s words. Warren in early 2017 introduced a bill requiring
presidential candidates to disclose three years of returns. But Sen. Ron
Wyden had, four months earlier, introduced a similar bill requiring
such disclosure — Warren was a cosponsor. A wealth tax on billionaires
was the third example. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., laid out the case for
a wealth tax back in 2017. Warren rolled hers out in 2019. The image of Warren as the policy innovator, it turns out, is a bit of a tall tale, but it’s one the media loves to tell.”
Timothy P. Carney, Washington Examiner
“The new [media] push has helped lift Warren above Bernie Sanders in one
national poll and in a Monmouth poll of Nevada. Overall, however, she
still lags Sanders significantly. Tellingly, her favorable ratings are
weak in her home state of Massachusetts. A new Suffolk poll reports her
favorables and unfavorables split at 46 percent apiece. Older polling of
neighboring New Hampshire placed Warren fourth in the presidential
primary race, behind Pete Buttigieg. She doesn’t seem to be faring well
with the voters closest to her. A Chicago sports radio host once coined a
term to describe situations where the national media was out of step
with the locals: ‘out-of-town stupid.’ When this sort of divergence happens, it’s worth asking why.”
Warren Henry, The Federalist
On the GOP side, in order to be re-elected, “first, [Trump] needs to
take credit for the economy, and also avoid messing it up. Unemployment
is at a historic low point, wages are up for lower-income workers, and
the situation is especially good for black and Hispanic Americans…
Second, Trump needs to take credit for his accomplishments in foreign policy…
he has successfully bludgeoned free-riding NATO countries into
increasing their non-personnel defense spending… persuaded Mexico to
stem the unmanageable tide of Central American migrants seeking to game
the asylum system at the southern border… [and] North Korea is at least
not engaging in nearly as many threatening weapons tests.”
Editorial Board, Washington Examiner
“What was most interesting about [Trump’s 2020 campaign] announcement was the acute self-awareness of the attendees.
The whole rally seemed to preemptively rebuff the standard canon of
-isms and -phobias imputed to the Trump movement. Scattered about the
crowd were signs announcing the support of various demographic cohorts
‘for Trump.’ (Women for Trump! Blacks for Trump! Hispanics for Trump!)
The camera even panned to a multiracial group wearing white shirts which
bore the (endearingly forward) assertion ‘Trump & Republicans
Aren’t Racist’…
“The heart of the Trump movement — a reservoir of disaffection and
righteous anger — was on full display at the president’s official
reelection campaign launch.”
John Hirschauer, National Review
On the bright side… A new species of ‘cat fox’ may be prowling French island of Corsica. This creature eats stone. Sand comes out the other end. CNN, New York Times Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! |
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The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for June 21,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. Can We Get Serious About Joe Biden and Roy Moore? The problem with internet culture is that everyone is invested in clicks. The clicks don’t come for reality. The clicks come for alternate reality and silly think pieces where the author is not thinking. Chris Cillizza at CNN specializes in these where he tells everyone what they already know then gets the obvious conclusions staggeringly wrong and twisted so people click purely to ridicule him. It’s why the internet makes people stupid. Let’s get serious about Joe Biden. He’s probably going to be the nominee for the Democrats. The post Can We Get Serious About Joe Biden and Roy Moore? appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Moral Cowards of Twitter Here is a thought experiment for you. Your government, the one your tax dollars fund, is systematically rounding up African-Americans and placing them into forced labor. The government is re-enslaving a people against their will and in violation of the thirteenth amendment. Just hypothetically, what is your response? What would you do? Now presume the government is also rounding up other people and putting them in concentration camps. People are disappearing. What do you do? How do you respond? I assume your response is not to tweet angrily. The post The Moral Cowards of Twitter appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Five Reasons Joe Biden Won’t Be The Nominee Joe Biden is simply dominating the field in the Democratic primary. Real Clear Politics has him at +16.9% nationally over second place in a suffocatingly crowded field. Biden has won dozens of races, been on countless debate stages and has a donor network worth more than some countries. However, things may not be as optimistic […] The post Five Reasons Joe Biden Won’t Be The Nominee appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Is It Time to Tear Down MLK Statues and Memorials? Just a few days ago I was driving in a part of my home city that I hardly ever frequent. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a very impressive, very large, stone monument. It was an elaborate display, including very large plaques and pictures honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, […] The post Is It Time to Tear Down MLK Statues and Memorials? appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Ben Sasse Calls Rabid Pro-Abortionist “Wildly, Spectacularly Out of the Mainstream” Ben Sasse did not hold back on the state of the pro-abortion movement. This follows Senator Gillibrand’s comments comparing pro-life beliefs to racism and claiming that pro-lifers are not eligible to be judges. The post Ben Sasse Calls Rabid Pro-Abortionist “Wildly, Spectacularly Out of the Mainstream” appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Roy Rides Again It’s official. He’s running. To the surprise of nobody and the delight of Democrats everywhere, Roy Moore has announced his candidacy for Alabama’s Senate seat. Again. Yeah, that would be the same seat that he managed to lose in 2017. Moore announced his candidacy in Montgomery today, stating “Can I win?” “Yes, I can win. […] The post Roy Rides Again appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Arnold Mooney, Not Roy Moore Roy Moore has announced he is running for the United States Senate against Doug Jones. Doug Jones got elected last time by running against Roy Moore. Moore is the only Republican who has ever lost to Doug Jones. Moore proved himself to be a tone deaf candidate with a lot of baggage he could not […] The post Arnold Mooney, Not Roy Moore appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » We Need Room for Grace, Growth and Forgiveness in the Digital Age Kyle Kashuv, a survivor of the Parkland school shooting and a pro-gun, school safety advocate, recently had his offer to attend Harvard University in the fall rescinded, in response to hateful, racist, and antisemitic comments he made when he was 16. Harvard has taken similar actions toward students in the past and is well within […] The post We Need Room for Grace, Growth and Forgiveness in the Digital Age appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Dem Senator: ‘There’s a Mistrust of the United States’ Because Trump Pulled out of the Iran Deal The post Dem Senator: ‘There’s a Mistrust of the United States’ Because Trump Pulled out of the Iran Deal appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: The Time to Examine Joe Biden’s Record on Race Was 2008, Not 2019 Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
Daily Briefing Conservative News | Libertarian News | Commentary VISIT FROM OUR NEWSROOM VA Senator Mark Warner Lost in Space By Leesa K. Donner“It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light […] Click Here What America’s Thinking Most voters see a war between the U.S. and Iran as “likely.” Youngest voters remain most likely to question Social Security. Approval ratings of President Trump steady since Mueller probe ended. In Florida St. Pete Poll, Biden and Trump tie in the presidential race. Outrage in the Red States By Sarah CowgillWhile the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at […] Click Here Washington Whispers Coming down the pipeline: Are Democrat rivals going to use segregation cooperation to take down Joe Biden? Republican lawmakers may be ready to give up reclaiming the House as a lost cause. Early figures suggest that President Trump may be breaking records on financing his re-election campaign. $25 million – More than the top five Dem contenders combined. As House Democrats begin asking “Why not now?” on reparations, will this become a campaign platform for 2020? How Would Margaret Thatcher Solve Brexit? By Onar ÅmThanks, in part, to her handling of Brexit, British Prime Minister Theresa May will be remembered as one of the […] Click Here News Roundup We’ve Surfed The Web for You Infighting And Identity Politics Is Tearing Democrats Apart Dems Are the Party of Ta-Nehisi Coates, Not Joe Biden NYT: Trump Ordered, Then Canceled Air and Naval Strikes Against Iran BREAKING: FAA Bans US-Registered Planes From Flying In Certain Areas In Middle East House Dems push for new AUMF before any military action on Iran, unlikely to pass Did Bernie Sanders Miss Econ 101? By Andrew MoranSeminal economist Friedrich Hayek quipped that “if socialists understood economics, then they wouldn’t be socialists.” Like French Toast Crunch, overalls, […] Click Here WATCH NOW FEATURED LNTV |
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Morning Headlines
Pay debate raging on Capitol Hill ignores lowest-earning staffers

While Congress tussles over whether a legislative spending bill should allow a salary boost for lawmakers, their staffers agree that the Members’ Representational Allowance — which pays House staff salaries — needs more funding. Read More…
From front-runner to also-ran: Looking back on the Dean ‘scream’

It was the second time Tricia Enright had seen a campaign fly high and crash hard. Presidential contender and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean had just finished a disappointing third in the 2004 Iowa caucuses when a pep talk urging supporters to keep up the fight ended with an otherworldly yell. Read More…
For Colin Allred, Major League dreams are close to coming true

As a kid, Rep. Colin Allred dreamed of playing baseball on a Major League field. The Texas Democrat will get that chance Wednesday night at the Congressional Baseball Game, and he could add significant heft to an already loaded Democratic squad. Read More…
Republicans look to avenge last year’s baseball rout

Republicans hope that roster additions and A-list advisers can help their team avenge last year’s blowout loss in the Congressional Baseball Game. Read More…
Jessica Cisneros wants to put her old boss out of office

Five years ago, Jessica Cisneros was a 20-year-old intern in Texas Democrat Henry Cuellar’s Washington office. Now, two bachelor’s degrees and a law degree later, she’s running against him in the 2020 Democratic primary for Texas’ 28th District Read More…
Meet some of the former pros who’ve played in the Congressional Baseball Game

Reps. Colin Allred and Anthony Gonzalez won’t be the first former professional athletes to compete in the Congressional Baseball Game. Over the decades, Republicans and Democrats have looked to other ex-pros-turned-members of Congress and their athletic talents in hopes of scoring on the diamond. Read More…
Trudeau warns about reopening trade talks, but is ‘optimistic’

After a visit to the White House and Capitol Hill on Thursday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he is optimistic about the prospects of the United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement, but added he hoped obstacles in the U.S. don’t lead to reopening negotiations. Read More…
Schumer pushes for vote to make clear Trump needs congressional approval for Iran War

Returning to Capitol Hill after a meeting at the White House about the shooting down of an American drone, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer increased the pressure for a floor vote to make clear that authorization would be needed for military action against Iran. Read More…
Roy Moore running again for Senate in Alabama

Roy Moore, who lost a 2017 special election following allegations of sexual misconduct, announced Thursday that he is once again making a run for the Senate. Read More…
Bad news Congress, Bad News Babes continue win streak

For the fourth year in a row, the babes of the press corps defeated Congress at the 11th annual Congressional Women’s Softball Game. Watch the video here…
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CDN Daily News Blast
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, June 21, 2019
By R. Mitchell –
President Donald Trump will receive his daily briefing as prepared by
the intelligence community then have lunch with Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo. Later, the president and first lady will receive a briefing on
the 2019 hurricane season then attend a Congressional Picnic on the
South Lawn. Keep up with …
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, June 21, 2019 is original content from Conservative
Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary
they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political
Cartoons and more.
Read on » Blunders By Democrats And Capitol Police Enabled The ‘Largest Data Theft In Senate History’: Prosecutors By Luke Rosiak – Former Democratic aide Jackson Cosko committed the “largest data theft in Senate history” by stealing a senator’s data and “doxxing” Republicans during the hearings for Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The crime was enabled by a series of errors by Democrats, prosecutors said. Capitol Police made multiple mistakes that left spy devices … Blunders By Democrats And Capitol Police Enabled The ‘Largest Data Theft In Senate History’: Prosecutors is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » House Judiciary Releases Hope Hicks Testimony Transcript [Full Text] By Chuck Ross – The House Judiciary Committee has released a 273-page transcript of former White House communications director Hope Hicks’s testimony. Hicks largely defended President Trump and the activities during the 2016 presidential campaign. Hicks’ lawyers refused to let her answer more than 150 questions about her work in the White House, citing … House Judiciary Releases Hope Hicks Testimony Transcript [Full Text] is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Court Rules In Favor Of Title X And Abortion Restrictions In Major Win For Trump Admin By Mary Margaret Olohan – An appeals court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration can ban taxpayer-funded abortion clinics from performing abortions or making abortion referrals. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Trump administration can bar clinics from performing abortions or making abortion referrals, according to Politico. For the first time … Court Rules In Favor Of Title X And Abortion Restrictions In Major Win For Trump Admin is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Here Are The New York Clerks Refusing To Issue Driver’s Licenses To Illegal Aliens By Jake Dima – New York clerks in upstate counties are refusing to comply with Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s recently passed law Green Light law, which mandates driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants. Clerks in Rensselaer, Niagra, Chautauqua and Allegany Counties are refusing to comply following Erie County Clerk Michael Kearns’s statements to the press that … Here Are The New York Clerks Refusing To Issue Driver’s Licenses To Illegal Aliens is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » One Of The Biggest Gun Shows In Southern California Can Continue, US District Court Rules By Whitney Tipton – A federal judge lifted an injunction banning gun shows on the state-owned Del Mar Fairgrounds while litigation proceeds, The California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA) announced Wednesday. The U.S. District Court ruling allows gun shows to continue on the property as a lawsuit against the state’s 22nd District Agricultural Association … One Of The Biggest Gun Shows In Southern California Can Continue, US District Court Rules is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » WaPo Gives Biden 3 Pinocchios For ‘Flat-Out Wrong’ Poverty Claim By Evie Fordham – The Washington Post Fact Checker dinged former Vice President Joe Biden Thursday for what it called a “flat-out wrong” claim he made Monday about the number of Americans living in poverty. “We have … almost half the people in the United States living in poverty,” Biden said at the Poor … WaPo Gives Biden 3 Pinocchios For ‘Flat-Out Wrong’ Poverty Claim is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » NRA Suspends Chris Cox, Alleges He Took Part In ‘Coup’ Attempt By Whitney Tipton – The National Rifle Association suspended chief lobbyist Chris Cox, alleging he participated in a coup against CEO Wayne LaPierre, according to court documents. The gun-rights behemoth said Cox’s text messages and emails with a board member show an apparent attempt to oust CEO Wayne Lapierre, reported The New York Times … NRA Suspends Chris Cox, Alleges He Took Part In ‘Coup’ Attempt is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » More Than 100,000 Illegal Migrants Have Escaped Border Patrol Agents in 2019, Provost Says By Jason Hopkins – Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost spoke to Congress on Thursday about the immigration crisis, and how it’s keeping agents from apprehending migrants who cross the border illegally. “I have been forced to divert 40% to 60% of Border Patrol’s manpower away from the border as we process and care for … More Than 100,000 Illegal Migrants Have Escaped Border Patrol Agents in 2019, Provost Says is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Iran Shoots Down U.S. Global Hawk Operating in International Airspace By Jim Garamone – Defense officials announced today that Iran shot down an unmanned Navy RQ-4 Global Hawk surveillance aircraft, escalating an already tense situation in the Strait of Hormuz. Air Force Lt. Gen. Joseph T. Guastella Jr., the commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Command, said the Iranian action “was an unprovoked attack … Iran Shoots Down U.S. Global Hawk Operating in International Airspace is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Devin Nunes Says ‘Pervy’ Democrats Asked Hope Hicks About Her Love Life By Chuck Ross – California Rep. Devin Nunes said Thursday that “old, pervy” Democratic congressmen asked former White House communications director Hope Hicks about her love life during a closed-door House Judiciary Committee interview Wednesday. “Nobody quite understood why she was back in the U.S. Capitol yesterday doing essentially another deposition,” Nunes said of … Devin Nunes Says ‘Pervy’ Democrats Asked Hope Hicks About Her Love Life is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Don Jr. Says Roy Moore Doing ‘Disservice’ To Conservatives By Running For Senate By Chuck Ross – Donald Trump Jr. said Thursday that Roy Moore is doing a “disservice” to President Trump and conservatives by running for Senate in Alabama. Trump Jr. issued his remarks after Moore said at a press conference earlier Thursday that he is “not going against President Trump” by running for Senate. Trump … Don Jr. Says Roy Moore Doing ‘Disservice’ To Conservatives By Running For Senate is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Laid-Off Journalists Release Ad Campaign Blaming Google, Facebook For Their Downfall By Chris White – A group of laid-off journalists is starting in ad campaign urging lawmakers to break up some of the largest social media companies in the country. The Save Journalism Project, a group started of reporters who want to highlight big tech’s effect on the news industry, launched in June to show … Laid-Off Journalists Release Ad Campaign Blaming Google, Facebook For Their Downfall is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » United Launch Alliance Announces K-12 Student Rocket Launch Payloads By Duncan Idaho – Hands-on STEM Project Culminates with Launch on 50thAnniversary of Apollo 11 Moon Landing Centennial, Colo., (June 20, 2019) — United Launch Alliance (ULA) has selected K-12 student “payloads” to launch atop its intern-built sport rocket at this summer’s Student Rocket Launch. The event, sponsored by ULA and Ball Aerospace, offers … United Launch Alliance Announces K-12 Student Rocket Launch Payloads is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Where Do Dems Go from Here? By Amanda Alverez – In case anyone missed the 2020 Trump/Pence kick-off in Florida, the only thing to understand is it was the most successful Presidential kick-off in the history of America. Democrat Socialism was addressed and destroyed by a Political neophyte! After being taken to the woodshed, it is appropriate to ask, “Where … Where Do Dems Go from Here? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Trump On Possible Iran Strike: ‘You’ll Soon Find Out’ By Evie Fordham – President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday “you’ll soon find out” whether the U.S. plans to strike Iran after declaring Iran “made a very big mistake” on Twitter earlier in the day. U.S. officials said an Iranian missile took out a costly, unmanned drone that was flying above international waters Thursday. Iran … Trump On Possible Iran Strike: ‘You’ll Soon Find Out’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Brute Force – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon By Ben Garrison – One of the things discussed during the 2019 Bilderberg meeting was “The Weaponization of Social Media.” We don’t know what was said about this exactly, but I assume they dealt with the fact that independent voices on such media were garnering a lot of views—especially by Trump supporters. The globalist’s … Brute Force – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » ‘Jeopardy!’ Champion Honors Alex Trebek With Donation To Pancreatic Cancer Walk, Organizer Says By Alexa Secrest – “Jeopardy!” champion James Holzhauer donated over $1,000 to a Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk in honor of host Alex Trebek. Trebek announced that he had been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in early March. Despite the prognosis, Trebek resolved “to fight this” and “beat the low survival rate statistics.” Trebek … ‘Jeopardy!’ Champion Honors Alex Trebek With Donation To Pancreatic Cancer Walk, Organizer Says is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » As Pressure Mounts, ‘Fox & Friends’ To Run Another Tom Steyer Pro-Impeachment Ad By Whitney Tipton – A new ad calling for President Trump’s impeachment will air on Fox & Friends Friday and Monday. The group behind the ad, “Need To Impeach,” funded by Billionaire Tom Steyer, is reportedly spending $700,000 to air the 60-second spot during high-viewership segments on Fox & Friends, according to Politico. Steyer’s … As Pressure Mounts, ‘Fox & Friends’ To Run Another Tom Steyer Pro-Impeachment Ad is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Biden Says Trump’s Iran Strategy Is A ‘Self-Inflicted Disaster’ By Ezer Zuniga – Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said President Donald Trump’s Iran strategy has worsened diplomatic relations in the Middle East on Thursday, the same day officials said Iran shot down a U.S. military drone. “President Trump’s Iran strategy is a self-inflicted disaster,” Biden said. “Two of America’s vital interests in … Biden Says Trump’s Iran Strategy Is A ‘Self-Inflicted Disaster’ is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. 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Connect: Facebook Twitter YouTube View this email in your browser “but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint,” (Isaiah 40:31, ESV). Keeping a Check on Foreign Influence By Chuck Grassley on Jun 21, 2019 12:42 am Chuck Grassley: American voters have a right to know if foreign interests are paying to infiltrate, influence and undermine our system of self-government. Read in browser » Reynolds Appoints Jim Kurtenbach to Lead State’s Human Resources Department By Caffeinated Thoughts on Jun 20, 2019 03:50 pm Gov. Kim Reynolds appointed former state lawmaker and Republican Party of Iowa chair Jim Kurtenbach to head the Iowa Department of Administrative Services. Read in browser » Recent Articles: Clarence Thomas, Stare Decisis, and Bad Precedent FEMA Extends Incident Period for Iowa Flooding Disaster Janet Petersen Promotes Effort to Ban Conversion Therapy in Iowa New Property Tax Law Will Slow Rising Bills SCOTUS Reverses Oregon’s Decision to Punish Bakers Launched in 2006, Caffeinated Thoughts reports news and shares commentary about culture, current events, faith and state and national politics from a Christian and conservative point of view. Caffeinated Thoughts P.O. Box 57184 Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 321-5077 Editor, Shane Vander Hart Connect: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Share Tweet Share Forward Copyright © 2019 Caffeinated Thoughts, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
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Friday, June 21, 2019 |
Mexico is Making Good on Their Promise to Slow Migration to U.S. While Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is stealing headlines for comparing the humanitarian crisis at the U.S. southern border to Nazi concentration camps, it seems that Mexico has significantly stepped up their efforts to secure the borders – and it’s making a difference – while her party is steadfastly refusing to budge. Following President Trump’s threat of a 5% tariff against Mexico, it seems that promises made by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador earlier this month to slow migration have been kept. Mexico created a brand-new National Guard as part of the deal, which quickly deployed 6,000 additional security forces to the northern and southern borders of Mexico. From the Washington Examiner: “A senior Mexican official told the Associated Press that just three weeks ago there were 4,200 Central American migrants arriving daily at the border Mexico shared with the U.S. Since the arrival of the National Guard, that number has shrunk to 2,600. Wary that he was judging only a short amount of time, he felt cautiously optimistic that the new measures were making a difference. One migrant, 65-year-old El Salvadorian Tomas Leyva, returned to Guatemala by raft after encountering the newly enhanced border security. He said, ‘Now the situation is more serious, more strict, because the soldiers who were there yesterday weren’t there before.’ Seeking asylum from gang threats, he intended to return to Mexico by bridge and request asylum at an official port of entry. The usually busy cross-river commerce on the Suchiate River between Mexico and Guatemala has also slowed to a crawl. Another migrant returned to Guatemala with his young son after being stopped at a checkpoint in Tijuana, just south of the U.S. border. He told the Associated Press that before the arrival of the National Guard, ‘with children we’d be able to pass easily, [but] things got hot in the past week.’” Crenshaw Weighs In Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats continue to block all attempts to secure the border in the name of obstructing President Trump no matter what. Representative Dan Crenshaw, R-Tx., penned an op-ed framing perfectly what his Democrat House colleagues have done (or not done) to compound the ongoing border crisis. From Dan Crenshaw for Fox News: “Last month, 144,000 people were arrested at our southern border. Many of these people were not trying to escape the Border Patrol but were turning themselves in. Why? Because our asylum process is laughably easy to take advantage of. One must be deliberately ignoring reality to pretend that our asylum process is not being abused. As it stands now, the incentives are aligned to permit illegal immigrants to cross the border with a child, knowing full well that they will be caught and released into society without the chance of deportation. We cannot pretend that this a system based on rule of law and respect for our sovereignty…” “…The root cause of the record-breaking surge in migrants is the widespread abuse of our asylum system. Because of a massive backlog of asylum cases and an inability to quickly adjudicate and enforce them, more migrants are making the journey to our border. They bring children with them to take advantage of our loopholes, knowing we must release family units within 20 days. This encourages many adults to recycle the same children over and over again – effectively incentivizing human trafficking. Upon arrival, they’re held for a matter of days or weeks, then released into the country. And when their court dates arrive? The Department of Homeland Security’s program found that 90 percent of asylum seekers don’t even show up for their hearings. Most Americans want to see a solution to this, but political opportunism prevents reasonable solutions. As Republicans propose solutions — such as the asylum reform bill from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. — we are accused of being unsympathetic and anti-immigrant. But this accusation relies on the false equivalency between legal and illegal immigration. It is a rhetorical tactic that liberals use to claim moral superiority against Republicans, distract from the heart of the issue, scare immigrant communities and ensure that nothing gets done.” Authorities also intercepted two semi-trucks packed with nearly 800 migrants – including 150 children – near the Mexican gulf coast this past weekend. Weekend Reading No, maintaining borders is not the same thing as ethnic cleansing. (The Federalist) Four reasons why Trump is cruising toward reelection. (The Guardian) Trump campaign manager: ‘Polling is dead.’ (Washington Examiner) Why conservatives should support rebuilding New York’s Penn Station. (The Federalist) Former staffer to Democrats gets four years in prison for doxxing Republicans during Kavanaugh hearings. (Washington Examiner) Friday Entertainment Center More on the tragic death of comedian Brody Stevens. (The Hollywood Reporter) Toy Story 4 review: this could be the best one yet. (Deadline) Hollywood’s top gay donors have mixed feelings about Mayor Pete. (Politico) Summer guide to television. (IndieWire) ‘Murder Mystery’ on Netflix is not only watchable, but kinda fun. (The Federalist) ‘Avengers: Endgame’ will be re-released June 28thwith more scenes and surprises. (Wired) Hulu’s ‘Das Boot’ is well-acted and well-crafted…but needs more boot. (A.V. Club) In LA, you can order a drink and hang out with some rats…if that’s your thing. (NBC Washington) BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Ellie Bufkin is the co-host of the weekly movie podcast, Flix It and a senior contributor to The Federalist. Originally from northern Virginia, Ellie worked in the wine industry as a journalist and sommelier- having lived in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. Having been a fanatic for movies and TV shows since childhood, she currently reviews movies and writes about many aspects of popular culture for The Federalist. She is an avid home cook, cocktail enthusiast, and still quite happy to make wine recommendations. Ellie currently divides her time between Charleston, SC and Washington, D.C. You can follow her on Twitter @ellie_bufkin on Instagram @exsommellie. |
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He played the hits, but he also had a few new lines that we should expect to hear again. “Trump cited many of the same political enemies Tuesday night that he ran against last time, grumbling about “Washington insiders” and “career politicians.” But he identified new foils, as well: Democratic congressional investigators, special counsel Robert Mueller, and the “radical socialism” he claims his political opponents have enthusiastically embraced. “They’ve been afflicted with an ideological sickness,” Trump said of Democrats, attracting deafening applause as he affirmed that “America is not a socialist country.” “Republicans do not believe in socialism. We believe in freedom,” he added.” Read more of The Transom by signing up for a free trial today. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |
06/21/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Targeting Porter; Job Corps Reversal; Quote of the Week By Carl M. Cannon on Jun 21, 2019 08:05 am Hello, it’s June 21, 2019, a Friday, the day of the week when I unearth a quotation intended to be inspirational. This morning’s line, which expresses the hope that America becomes a “kinder, gentler nation,” comes from … well, that’s the question we’ll explore. Who first expressed this noble sentiment? I’ll expound on that matter in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * GOP Launches Ad Campaign Hitting Porter on Impeachment. Susan Crabtree reports on efforts to unseat the freshman congresswoman who turned a long-red California district blue in 2018. Despite “Fight Club” Reports, Job Corps Centers to Stay Open. Phil Wegmann has this follow-up on administration efforts to shutter troubled facilities, which triggered strong lobbying from local lawmakers. Virtue and the Social Fabric. RealClearPolicy continues its “American Project” series with this essay by John Wood Jr. Five Facts: The Importance of the Census. No Labels has this primer, also in RCPolicy. Dems Can’t Have It Both Ways on Amazon Taxes. In RealClearMarkets, Andrew Wilford argues that the deductions the company takes advantage of are proof that the incentives are having their desired effect. Market Efficiency, Not Regulation, Is Driving People From Coal. Also in RCM, Allan Golombek takes a dim view of administration efforts to prop up the industry. Hints of 2007 Seen in Recent Trends. Jeffrey Snider points to some troubling signs amid the overall economic boom. What to Do About the SAT Diversity Score. In RealClearEducation, Max Eden suggests that state governments require all school districts to administer the ACT instead. * * * It was still “Morning Again in America” in the summer of 1988; or, at least, the U.S. economy was humming along and the nation wasn’t at war — all of which meant that the election prospects of Vice President George H.W. Bush were pretty good. Democrats countered a competing narrative: namely, that the nation’s prosperity wasn’t being shared by all. This is a perennial truism, yes, but also one with implications about the nation’s values, which Bush addressed directly in his 1988 acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans. “But where is it written that we must act [as] if we do not care, as if we’re not moved?” he asked. “Well, I am moved. I want a kinder and gentler nation.” Bush won the election and repeated this sentiment, in an expanded form, in his Jan. 20, 1989 inaugural address, one drafted by the eloquent Peggy Noonan: “America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle,” he said. “We as a people have such a purpose today. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.” It’s a beautiful sentiment, and Bush went on to discuss Americans’ obligation to the homeless, the poor, the addicted, and children growing up without love or guidance. He wasn’t the first politician to talk this way, obviously, and he wouldn’t be the last. Bush and his speechwriter weren’t even the first notable figures to use the words “kinder” and “gentler” in close proximity — in that very context. Readers of the Christian Science Monitor published on this date in 1983 would have learned that New York Gov. Mario Cuomo had urged the graduating class at Barnard College to “be wiser than we are, kinder, gentler, more caring.” Acclaimed quote sleuths unearthed other usages. Ralph Keyes noted that two years after Cuomo (and three years before Bush) Roy Orbison asserted that Elvis Presley “had made kinder and gentler souls of us all.” William Safire reported that famed defense attorney Clarence Darrow lauded socialist leader Eugene V. Debs by saying, “There may have lived somewhere a kindlier, gentler, more generous man than Eugene Debs, but I have not known him.” My personal favorite use of the phrase came five years before Cuomo’s in “A Childhood: The Biography of a Place,” the evocative memoir of Southern writer Harry Crews. Recalling his stepfather, Crews wrote, “The stronger the smell of whiskey on him, though, the kinder and gentler he was with me and my brother.” Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) |
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From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: An unconventional president faces a more conventional – but combustible – crisis.
So many of the controversies and crises of the Trump Era
have originated from the president’s Twitter account.
Or the Russia investigation. Or the rampant turnover in the administration.
But this is different:
President Trump appears to be facing a potential crisis in the
combustible Middle East – all without a confirmed secretary of defense.
New York Times first reported last night that Trump approved military strikes against Iran for shooting down a U.S. surveillance drone, but then he backed down.
Washington Post then confirmed the story.
“The developments came as
the United States and Iran continued to fight over whether the
high-altitude U.S. surveillance drone had violated Iranian airspace when
it was shot down Thursday,”
NBC’s Alex Johnson, Ali Arouzi and Kristen Welker added.
More: “The
incident has prompted the Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, to
prohibit most U.S. civil aircraft from flying in Iranian-controlled
airspace over the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of
As the Times puts it,
it’s unclear whether Trump changed his mind about the strikes against Iran because of logistics or strategy.
Or if the attacks might still go forward.
How to fix America’s democracy
Our most recent NBC/WSJ poll asked Americans about potential changes that could occur within our democracy.
Here are the most popular answers – adding up those who said the changes would improve democracy “a lot” or “just some”:
- Term limits for members of Congress: 71 percent
- Non-partisan commissions drawing congressional/state legislative districts: 66 percent
- Election Day as a national holiday: 66 percent
- Automatic voter registration for every adult citizen: 65 percent
- Term limits for Supreme Court justices: 60 percent
- Eliminating the Electoral College to decide presidential elections: 56 percent
- Federal funding of congressional campaigns: 54 percent
- Eliminating the filibuster: 44 percent.
Of course, there are significant partisan differences on these fixes:
Eighty-one percent of
Democratic respondents say abolishing the Electoral College would
improve democracy a lot/somewhat, versus just 32 percent of Republicans
who agree.
But the one fix where there’s bipartisan support is
congressional term limits, with :
- 81 percent of Republicans
- 68 percent of independents
- and 67 percent of Democrats who think it would improve things.
REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
Moore problems
Well, he’s running for the Senate – only producing headaches for a GOP in their one big Senate pickup opportunity in 2020.
Moore, the failed U.S. Senate candidate in Alabama who was accused of
sexual misconduct by several women when they were teenagers and he was
in his 30s, announced Thursday that he will run again
for the seat,”
per NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard and Dartunorro Clark.
“Yes, I
will run for the United States Senate in 2020,” Moore said, adding, “Can
I win? Yes, I can. Not only can I, they know I can.”
TWEET OF THE DAY: Can’t touch this

2020 VISION: Gone fishin’
Tonight is Rep. James Clyburn’s Democratic fish fry, where nearly the entire 2020 Democratic field will make an appearance.
“This is going to be the biggest fish fry we’ve ever had,” Rep. Clyburn
told NBC’s Jordan Jackson earlier this week. “I don’t know if they’re going to be able to produce enough fish for us.”
The fish fry, an event Clyburn started nearly three decades ago to say thank you to campaign workers,
has become an important stop for Democrats seeking the
nomination — offering the opportunity to woo voters, particularly those
in the African American community, Jackson notes.
While he could be a kingmaker in the state, Clyburn says he
isn’t likely to endorse a candidate ahead of the primary.
“It would
be a bit selfish for me to go out and please my political inclinations
and threaten the foundation on which we are trying to build a new,
vibrant South Carolina Democratic Party,” he told
On the campaign trail today: Beginning at 9:00 am ET, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren Eric Swalwell, Beto O’Rourke, John Hickenlooper and Bernie Sanders participate in a NALEO candidate forum in Miami, Fla… Kamala Harris holds two events in Columbia, S.C…. Michael Bennet also campaigns in Columbia… Steve Bullock stumps in New Hampshire… And beginning at 9:00 pm ET, the candidates appear at Jim Clyburn’s fish fry.
DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… 4 points.
That’s the margin in
our new poll between the share of Americans who say they’re more
concerned that people who should be eligible to vote are being excluded by laws meant to discourage voting (48
percent) …
… and the share who are concerned that people who are unregistered or are not citizens are nonetheless able to vote. (44 percent).
Not surprisingly, there’s a
significant difference by party.
Democrats, by a 74 percent-to-20 percent margin, say they’re more concerned about people being excluded.
compared with Republicans who, by a 73 percent-to-18 percent margin, are
more concerned about non-citizens and the unregistered.
independents are split down the middle – 48 percent are more concerned
about exclusion, 42 percent about non-citizens and the unregistered.
THE LID: Unruly
Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we looked at how Trump and Democrats are playing by different sets of rules.
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
Biden called Cory Booker to smooth things over after their pointed exchange about race. (And he met with the CBC behind closed doors).
Our own Mike Memoli
digs this out of the archives: Joe Biden once warned George W. Bush
that military action in Iran without congressional approval would be
grounds for impeachment.
Washington Post has another deep dive in how money is flowing from Trump’s clubs as would-be allies try to curry favor.
Hope Hicks
was stopped from answering questions by White House lawyers 155 times in her closed-door testimony on the Hill this week.
Thanks for reading.
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We love hearing from our readers, so shoot us a line here with your comments and suggestions.
Chuck, Mark and Carrie
Fri, June 21 |
THIS IS REAL: Adam Schiff Introduces Bill to BAN ‘Accepting Dirt’ from ‘Foreign Agents’ House Intel Chair Adam Schiff left millions of Americans scratching their heads Thursday; announcing new legislation that would officially make it “illegal” for anyone to accept “dirt” from “foreign agents.”“Trump has shown us time and time again, He thinks it’s ok to accept assistance from a foreign power, and given the chance, he’d… |
INSIDE THE BUBBLE: South Carolina Dems Give MSNBC ‘Exclusive Rights’ to 2019 Convention The South Carolina Democratic Party has granted conspiracy-theory obsessed MSNBC exclusive rights to air live coverage of their 2019 convention this weekend; prompting many in the industry to say the party is refusing to leave their liberal echo-chamber.“The South Carolina Democratic Party has made MSNBC the only network permitted to air live coverage of… |
UNPRECEDENTED: Israeli Holocaust Center Responds to AOC, Urges Her to ‘Learn’ About Concentration Camps Yad Vashem, the official Israel Holocaust Center in Jerusalem responded this week to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ recent comments; urging the far-left lawmaker to “learn” about concentration camps.“@AOC Concentration camps assured a slave labor supply to help in the Nazi war effort, even as the brutality of life inside the camps helped assure… |
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- Migrant caravan that hit California in December included 660 with U.S. criminal convictions
- Exclusive: Fill out your Democrat Presidential Primary Bracket
- Oregon Republicans properly represent their constituents by walking out over climate change bill
- Michael J. Knowles: ‘The left can’t be civil’
- The Peace Cross ruling sets a precedent and a time stamp for religious monuments
- European laws determine social media policies in America
- Thomas Sowell on slavery
- Dale Wilcox: ‘I’m glad to see that he’s ordering ICE to execute on these removal orders’
- Is war with Iran inevitable?
- 8-month-pregnant woman caught transporting illegal aliens with her two children in vehicle
Migrant caravan that hit California in December included 660 with U.S. criminal convictions Posted: 21 Jun 2019 01:22 AM PDT The narrative being pushed by Democrats has been dissolving recently. They once said the border crisis was “manufactured.” Now they’re saying they thought it was manufactured, but not in the way they intended it to mean when they first started invoking the phrase in unison. But a new report shows the scope and scale of […] The post Migrant caravan that hit California in December included 660 with U.S. criminal convictions appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Exclusive: Fill out your Democrat Presidential Primary Bracket Posted: 21 Jun 2019 01:02 AM PDT There are 24 candidates running for nomination. But in order for them to win, they first have to establish a base of support. Now, the Democrats can be broken down into three primary bases, with other secondary divisions. The largest, most competitive base is the Confused White Men Region featuring half of the field within the […] The post Exclusive: Fill out your Democrat Presidential Primary Bracket appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Oregon Republicans properly represent their constituents by walking out over climate change bill Posted: 20 Jun 2019 08:49 PM PDT Climate change is arguably the fastest way to get the left really riled up over a topic. Sure, they’re passionate about gun control and abortion rights. They really hate President Trump and have no problem voicing their vitriol. But if you really want to get them foaming at the mouth, stop them from spreading disinformation […] The post Oregon Republicans properly represent their constituents by walking out over climate change bill appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Michael J. Knowles: ‘The left can’t be civil’ Posted: 20 Jun 2019 07:50 PM PDT Democrats across the spectrum, from “moderate” Hillary Clinton to radical Maxine Waters, are claiming an end to civility. They do not see a need to be civil with those who disagree with their perspectives, which means they’re saving their civility for… those who agree? That doesn’t make much sense, as Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles points […] The post Michael J. Knowles: ‘The left can’t be civil’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
The Peace Cross ruling sets a precedent and a time stamp for religious monuments Posted: 20 Jun 2019 06:56 PM PDT The Supreme Court today ruled 7-2 in favor of keeping the Peace Cross monument up despite being on public land and require public-funded upkeep. But it does more than just protect the century-old monument. This ruling will likely act as a protective covering over other historical monuments that display religious symbolism. Several cases across the […] The post The Peace Cross ruling sets a precedent and a time stamp for religious monuments appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
European laws determine social media policies in America Posted: 20 Jun 2019 06:37 PM PDT So much blame is placed on big tech companies regarding their tendencies to purge, silence, and censor users, particularly conservatives. This blame is correctly placed, but one of the reasons they feel they must do this is based on laws. While American free speech laws only prohibit things that can be dangerous such as “doxing” […] The post European laws determine social media policies in America appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Thomas Sowell on slavery Posted: 20 Jun 2019 04:12 PM PDT “Slavery was an ugly, dirty business but people of virtually every race, color, and creed engaged in it on every inhabited continent. And the people they enslaved were also of virtually every race, color, and creed.” – Thomas Sowell As Congress holds hearings on the possibility of reparations for African-Americans whose ancestors were slaves, the […] The post Thomas Sowell on slavery appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Dale Wilcox: ‘I’m glad to see that he’s ordering ICE to execute on these removal orders’ Posted: 20 Jun 2019 03:25 PM PDT Deportation is a touchy subject in America today. Much of that is because it’s an action that’s very misunderstood by the public. When the President Tweeted last week that ICE would start removing “millions” of people this week, many progressives started chanting about “deportation squads.” That’s not what this is about. During the 2016 election, […] The post Dale Wilcox: ‘I’m glad to see that he’s ordering ICE to execute on these removal orders’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Is war with Iran inevitable? Posted: 20 Jun 2019 02:28 PM PDT Following the downing of an American drone, the prospects of war with Iran seem to be increasing every hour. Politicians are scrambling to point fingers, as they’re wont to do. Journalists are busy turning hot takes into news articles. EU nations are trying to figure out how to slow things down. Middle Eastern nations are […] The post Is war with Iran inevitable? appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
8-month-pregnant woman caught transporting illegal aliens with her two children in vehicle Posted: 20 Jun 2019 06:12 AM PDT To many progressives, the cause of smuggling illegal aliens is more important than anything else. More important than our sovereignty. More important than the law. In some cases, illegal aliens are more important than these progressives own families. That may have been the case this week as a woman was stopped at a checkpoint for […] The post 8-month-pregnant woman caught transporting illegal aliens with her two children in vehicle appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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