Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Thursday June 20, 2019.
Mayor Pete’s Anti-Violence Commission Fails To Reduce Shootings By Nic Rowan Democratic Groups Announce Partnership with Northam’s PAC By Charlie Hoffmann Millionaire Gets Food Stamps to Prove Eligibility Loophole By Todd Shepherd Please Visit and Support Our Sponsors Federal Judge Blocks Calif. Board’s Attempt to Ban Gun Shows By Stephen Gutowski De Blasio Blasts Biden for Praising Segregationist Senators for ‘Civility’ By Charlie Hoffmann Trump Targets Democrats’ Abortion Extremism By Patrick Hauf DEBATE PREVIEW: How Trump Will Own The Entire Democratic Field on Twitter (Part 2) By Andrew Stiles FLASHBACK: Biden Touted ‘Slave State’ Delaware in Southern Strategy By David Rutz You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website. Copyright © 2019 Free Beacon, LLC, All rights reserved. To reject freedom, click here. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. |
Jun 20, 2019
Good morning from Washington, where some in a House hearing boo a
fellow Democrat who dares oppose reparations for slavery. Joshua Nelson
has the story. Trump pulls the plug on Obama’s “clean power” regime,
Fred Lucas reports. Sen. Mike Lee proposes to rein in bureaucrats,
Carmel Kookogey reports. On the podcast, a high school girl tells why
she won’t roll over for transgender athletes. Plus: Adam Michel on a
swampy tax bill, Lindsey Burke on saving school choice for poor D.C.
kids, and Michelle Malkin on comeuppance for her alma mater.
Commentary High School Track Star Who Lost Race to Transgender Athletes Explains Why She’s Fighting Back “I’m having kids from other schools in other states at track meets coming up to me and thanking me,” says Selina Soule. More News Young Democrat Booed for Opposing Slavery Reparations at House Hearing Coleman
Hughes, 23, testifies that reparations would further divide the country
and make him and other descendants of slaves “victims without their
consent.” More News Trump EPA Replaces Obama’s Anti-Coal Clean Power Plan The
Environmental Protection Agency announces a new rule to grant more
flexibility for states in regulating coal-fired power plants, replacing
an Obama-era regulation halted by the Supreme Court. More Commentary With Crony Tax Bill, Democrats Are Doing Their Level Best to Revive the Swamp Congressional Democrats take the lead to renew a list of long-dead tax subsidies at the behest of powerful corporate lobbyists. More News Mike Lee’s New Bill Would Enforce ‘No Regulation Without Representation’ Sen.
Mike Lee, R-Utah, says that regulatory rules written and enforced by
unelected administrators violate Article I, Section 7 of the
Constitution. More Commentary Regulatory Red Tape Risks Strangling DC Opportunity Scholarship Program Each
time the program is reauthorized, new regulations are added requiring
participating private schools to conform more and more to the public
school system. More Commentary I’m an Oberlin Graduate. They Had It Coming. For
decades, grievance-mongering Oberlin elites have bullied and defamed
innocent white people without consequences in their multicultural Ohio
enclave. More
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POLITICO Playbook: Biden plays cleanup while his team gripes to the press
06/20/2019 05:56 AM EDT

NEW … TOM STEYER, the liberal billionaire, is airing a new, sharply worded impeachment ad today through Monday on national cable. The ad — which Steyer’s “Need to Impeach” group is putting $700,000 behind — will also pointedly run Friday and Monday on “Fox and Friends” in D.C., a clear attempt to get President DONALD TRUMP to see it.
— THE AD features Trump saying he’s “fighting all the subpoenas” and also shows the bit from the president’s interview withABC’s George Stepanopoulos where Trump says he would take dirt from a foreign country.
— THE KICKER LINE, voiced by Steyer: “AMERICA WILL MOVE FORWARD as soon as leaders stop acting on their own interest, start leveling with voters and do what’s right.” The minute-long spot
— THESE ADS might have a bit bigger impact now that upward of 60 House Democrats have called for impeaching Trump.
NEW … The TIME MAGAZINE COVER features TRUMP leaning against the Resolute Desk, with this headline: “‘MY WHOLE LIFE IS A BET’: INSIDE TRUMP’S PLAN TO KEEP THE WHITE HOUSE” Cover
NO APOLOGY … JOE BIDEN fires back at critics of his Eastland/Talmadge comments, via Bo Erickson of CBS. 1:31 clip
… BUT A CLEANUP ATTEMPT, per pooler Maggie Severns, filing from a donor party at the Chevy Chase home of Tim Shriver: “Biden spoke about Sen. Ted Kennedy. ‘He’s the guy who got me on the Judiciary committee, we served from years and years. And we had to put up with the likes of like Jim Eastland and Hermy Talmadge and all those segregationists and all of that. And the fact of the matter is that we were able to do it because we were able to win — we were able to beat them on everything they stood for.’
“‘We in fact detested what they stood for in terms of segregation and all the rest. And because of Teddy letting me become chairman of the Judiciary Committee in 1982, when he moved on to take on Health and Human Services, we were able to do so much. We restored the Voting Rights Act, we did it, and over time we extended it by 25 years not just five years.’” More from Severns
HOW IT’S PLAYING … THERE WAS A SPLIT between 2020 candidates, who largely piled on Biden, and prominent elected officials, who took a pass and leapt to Biden’s defense. The biggest deal: Rep. JIM CLYBURN, the House majority whip and South Carolina heavyweight, told a few of us just off the House floor that Biden’s working with Talmadge and Eastland is no different than him working with Strom Thurmond. NYT A1 story from Katie Glueck and Astead Herndon
INSIDE BIDENLAND … WAPO’S MATT VISER and SEAN SULLIVAN: “As seemingly random as it was for Biden to reference Sen. James O. Eastland, a long-ago deceased segregationist senator from his own party, some in Biden’s campaign had heard him discuss this relationship before — and warned him against mentioning it in public. Eastland, who represented Mississippi in the Senate from the early 1940s to 1978, often said that African Americans were ‘an inferior race.’
“Aides said they had urged Biden to find a less toxic example. ‘It might move him to pick a different senator,’ said one adviser, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations. ‘But he’s not someone you can go to and just say, ‘You’ve been doing this x number of years and you can’t do this anymore.’” WaPo
MARC CAPUTO: “But rather than bolster his image as an effective pragmatist, Biden’s parables of working with long-dead Dixiecrats have started to reinforce two of his biggest liabilities: his age and his record on race. A 76-year-old centrist who spent 36 years in the Senate before serving as vice president, Biden was already out of step with the Democratic Party’s left wing, which wants a fresh face, a woman, a candidate of color or at least an unapologetic progressive torch-bearer.” POLITICO
AND THERE’S THIS: “Does Joe Biden still believe in the death penalty? His campaign won’t say,” by Christopher Cadelago
— IT’S NEVER A HEALTHY SIGN when a campaign is airing its dirty laundry in the press. And there are reams of old Biden remarks that don’t jibe well with contemporary liberal views on race in America. Consider his favorable comparison of the late Sen. John Stennis to Confederate general Stonewall Jackson, unearthed by CNN last month. Or his eulogy for Strom Thurmond, when he hailed the segregationist senator for holding what was once the longest filibuster in Senate history … without noting it was to block the Civil Rights Act.
Or take this little-noticed comment from a 1973 speech Biden made at the City Club in Cleveland: “I think the two-party system, although my Democratic colleagues won’t like me saying this, I think the two-party system is good for the South, and good for the Negro and good for the black in the South. … Other than the fact they still call me ‘boy,’ I think they’ve changed their mind a little bit.” More from
— AOC GOES AFTER BIDEN: “If you ignore racism and if you don’t address issues of race with racists, then everything is fine, right? … That’s how you work with segregationists: By not confronting the racism and their institutionalization of second-class citizenship and a lack of fully recognizing African Americans.” POLITICO
BIDEN CAMPAIGN DEPARTURE LOUNGE … NATASHA KORECKI: “Veteran Democratic ad maker MARK PUTNAM has parted ways with Joe Biden’s campaign less than two months after the former vice president formally entered the race. Putnam’s departure came before Biden’s controversial segregationist remarks. Signs of division emerged early in the campaign when Biden’s team used a video centered on Charlottesville — and not one shot by Putnam — in his official campaign launch.
“Reached Wednesday night, Putnam would only tell us: ‘I wish the vice president well.’ Putnam was one of the lead ad makers for Barack Obama and he was behind Jason Kander’s 2016 U.S. Senate ad, in which the Democrat assembled a rifle blindfolded.” … A 2014 Ashley Parker profile of Putnam
Good Thursday morning. CONGRESSIONAL SOFTBALL GAME … The BAD NEWS BABES — the media team –beat the lawmakers 10-3, their fourth win in as many years, in the 11th annual Congressional Women’s Softball Game. The event raised more than $365,000 for Young Survival Coalition, a group that fights breast cancer. More from Roll Call
THE WASHINGTON NATIONALS swept both games of a doubleheader Wednesday against the Philadelphia Phillies. Max Scherzer pitched game two with a nose that he broke Wednesday, recording seven scoreless innings en route to a 2-0 Nats victory.
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We’re partnering with Solidia Technologies to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete, responsible for up to 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. At BP, … to help the world keep advancing.
GOOD CATCH … BLOOMBERG’S @margarettalev: “’I’ve heard and studied the Laffer Curve for many years in the Wharton School of Finance,’ @realDonaldTrump (@Wharton ’68) said today at the White House as he honored Art Laffer, who famously drew the curve on a napkin… in 1974.”
HEADS UP — AP: “Iran Revolutionary Guard shoots down U.S. drone amid tensions,” by Nasser Karimi and Jon Gambrell in Tehran, Iran: “Iran’s Revolutionary Guard shot down a U.S. drone on Thursday amid heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington over its collapsing nuclear deal with world powers, American and Iranian officials said, while disputing the circumstances of the incident.
“The Guard said it shot down the drone over Iranian airspace, while two U.S. officials told The Associated Press that the downing happened over international airspace in the Strait of Hormuz. The different accounts could not be immediately reconciled.” AP
NYT PUBLISHER A.G. SULZBERGER pens an op-ed for the WSJ: “Accusing the New York Times of ‘Treason,’ Trump Crosses a Line”
— Times spox Danielle Rhoades Ha on why Sulzberger wrote for a rival paper: “It was intentional. Attacks on press freedom are global and broader than any one news organization. To emphasize that point, our publisher reached out to the Journal to offer this piece.”
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WHO WOULD’VE THUNK … THE WHITE HOUSE and congressional negotiators broke up budget talks Wednesday, having reached no deal to lift strict caps that come into effect next year. Treasury Secretary STEVEN MNUCHIN pitched a one-year stopgap funding bill at current levels, and a one-year debt limit.
— BURGESS EVERETT and HEATHER CAYGLE: “Budget talks at impasse as spending cuts, debt ceiling threaten economy”: “Though Senate and House leaders have been seeking a broader, two-year spending deal aimed at taking shutdowns and default off the table through the presidential election, negotiators left the huddle in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office far from a deal, according to lawmakers and administration officials. Democrats said Republicans were reluctant to do anything to get ahead of President Donald Trump, while Republicans said they couldn’t get a serious counteroffer from their Democratic counterparts.” POLITICO
— JUST A THOUGHT … DOES TRUMP realize how good of a deal Mnuchin is offering the Democrats right now? A yearlong budget deal coupled with a yearlong debt-limit package sidesteps the $100 billion in budget cuts Democrats so desperately want to avoid. It once again punts on TRUMP’S border wall. This seems like a too-good-to-be-true deal for Dems, given the complications in cutting a deal with the White House. Of course, Democrats have no incentive to accept this deal now, but come September, if it’s on the table, it might look pretty darn good with deadlines looming.
BRENDAN BUCK, the former top Paul Ryan adviser, says the debt limit must go: “The debt limit has not just outlived its usefulness. It has become a pointless danger. In recent years, debt limit increases have routinely had to be attached to unrelated bills, tying the full faith and credit of the United States to lawmakers’ ability to sort out other partisan squabbles. We’ve always avoided crisis, but a single failure could be catastrophic.” CNN
2020 WATCH — MELANIE ZANONA and LAURA BARRÓN-LÓPEZ: “Republicans’ nervous campaign arm stumbling in fight for the House”
A message from BP:

TRUMP’S THURSDAY — Trump will meet with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and hold a meeting at 12:05 p.m. in the Oval Office followed by lunch in the Cabinet Room, before Trudeau departs at 1:25 p.m.
TRUDEAU will also be on the Hill and will meet with Speaker NANCY PELOSI. The pair will have a photo opportunity on the Speaker’s Balcony at 2 p.m.

FED WATCH … BLOOMBERG’S JENNIFER JACOBS: “Trump Believes He Has the Authority to Replace Powell at Fed”: “President Donald Trump has told confidants as recently as Wednesday that he believes he has the authority to replace Jerome Powell as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, according to people familiar with the matter.
“In Trump’s line of thinking, he could demote Powell to be a board governor, but isn’t planning to do so right now, the people added.” Bloomberg
— WSJ’S NICK TIMIRAOS: “Fed Holds Rates Steady, Hints at Future Cuts if Outlook Doesn’t Improve”: “Federal Reserve officials held interest rates steady on Wednesday but strongly suggested they would cut them in the months ahead if an economic outlook clouded by uncertainty over trade policy didn’t improve.
“‘The case for somewhat more accommodative policy has strengthened,’ Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said at a news conference after the central bank announced its decision. Still, citing recent favorable economic data, The Fed didn’t bow to pressure from President Trump for an immediate rate cut. …
“The Fed is set to meet next on July 30-31, and investors in interest-rate futures markets have priced in at least a quarter-percentage-point cut then in the central bank’s benchmark short-term rate. ‘The market now knows the Fed is going to ease unless the data dramatically reverse,’ said Steven Blitz, chief U.S. economist at TS Lombard.” WSJ
THE INVESTIGATIONS — “Deutsche Bank Faces Criminal Investigation for Potential Money-Laundering Lapses,” by NYT’s David Enrich, Ben Protess and William Rashbaum: “The investigation includes a review of Deutsche Bank’s handling of so-called suspicious activity reports that its employees prepared about possibly problematic transactions, including some linked to President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, according to people close to the bank and others familiar with the matter.” NYT
— HAPPENING FRIDAY: Former Trump business partner Felix Sater is set to testify before the House Intelligence Committee, per WaPo: “The closed-door interview is part of an inquiry by the House panel into President Trump’s long-standing interest in expanding his brand to Moscow, a topic that Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), chairman of the committee, has said he intends to explore further.”
TRUMP HAS LOST INTEREST IN VENEZUELA, according to WaPo’s Karen DeYoung and Josh Dawsey:“A frustrated Trump believed that national security adviser John Bolton and his director for Latin American policy, Mauricio Claver-Carone, ‘got played’ by both the opposition and key Maduro officials, two senior administration officials said. As the president ‘chewed out the staff’ in a meeting shortly after the April 30 failure, in the words of one former Trump official involved in Venezuela policy, he mused that he might need to get on the phone himself to get something done.
“Summer arrives this week with Maduro still in place, and little indication that he is imminently on his way out, or that the Trump administration has a coherent strategy to remove him. The president, officials said, is losing both patience and interest in Venezuela.” WaPo
TRADE WATCH … REUTERS: “U.S. tells India it is mulling caps on H-1B visas to deter data rules”
WAIT, WHAT? … AP’S BRIAN SLODYSKO: “Jane Fonda is joining a group of Hollywood power players to host a fundraiser for presidential candidate Steve Bullock on Thursday, a show of support that could lend credibility among Democratic donors to the little-known Montana governor.
“The Academy Award-winning actress, activist and fitness guru is among a handful of Los Angeles agents, producers and lawyers hosting the event at the home of model and professional golfer Anna Chervin and her talent-agent husband, Ted, according to an invitation obtained by The Associated Press.” AP
A message from BP:

EXPLAINER: “Biden wants to cure cancer. Now Trump does, too. But cancer, like health care, is complicated,” by Stat’s Lev Facher and Andrew Joseph
THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMM … Some folks noticed that STEPHEN MOORE, the conservative think-tanker who withdrew from consideration for a Fed board seat, was doing a TV hit from inside the White House on Wednesday — lending the impression that he was speaking on behalf of the administration despite holding no official post. Turns out, per our colleague BEN WHITE, that Moore was there to witness Trump award his fellow supply-sider Art Laffer the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and there was nowhere else to go.
THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION — “HUD hires former official at center of racial scandal,” by Katy O’Donnell: “The Department of Housing and Urban Development has hired Eric Blankenstein, the former Consumer Financial Protection Bureau official whose racially charged blog posts sparked an uproar last year. Blankenstein has been hired by HUD’s Office of General Counsel as a senior counsel working on Ginnie Mae matters, making $166,500 a year, according to people familiar with the matter.
“Democrats and civil rights activists demanded that the CFPB fire Blankenstein after the Washington Post reported in September that he had questioned the veracity of hate crimes and whether the N-word is racist, in blog posts he wrote 14 years earlier.” POLITICO
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BEYOND THE BELTWAY … PALM BEACH POST: “Why Riviera Beach agreed to pay a $600,000 ransom payment to regain data access… and will it work?” by Tony Doris:“The city’s email and computer systems, at City Hall, the city’s Port Center offices and elsewhere, including those that control city finances and water utility pump stations and testing systems, are still only partially back online, two weeks after the ransomware attack was disclosed. But crucial data encrypted by the attackers remains beyond reach and there was no explanation of whether the city has any guarantee that the ransomers will release it if paid.
“The FBI, Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security are investigating the attack, which officials said began after someone in the police department opened an infected email May 29.
“More than 50 cities across the United States, large and small, have been hit by ransomware attacks during the past two years. Among them: Atlanta; Baltimore; Albany, N.Y.; Greenville, N.C.; Imperial County, Calif.; Cleveland, Ohio; Augusta, Maine; Lynn, Mass.; Cartersville, Ga.; and in April, nearby Stuart.” Palm Beach Post
FOR YOUR RADAR — CNN: “Syrian refugee arrested, accused of plotting attack on Pittsburgh church for ISIS”
WHAT SILICON VALLEY IS READING — “YouTube under federal investigation over allegations it violates children’s privacy,” by WaPo’s Tony Romm, Elizabeth Dwoskin and Craig Timberg: “The U.S. government is in the late stages of an investigation into YouTube for allegedly violating children’s privacy, according to four people familiar with the matter, in a probe that threatens the company with a potential fine and already has prompted the tech giant to reevaluate some of its business practices.
“The Federal Trade Commission launched its investigation after numerous complaints from consumer groups and privacy advocates, according to the four people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because such probes are supposed to be confidential.
“The complaints contended that YouTube, which is owned by Google, failed to protect kids who used the streaming-video service and improperly collected their data in violation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, a 1998 law known as COPPA that forbids the tracking and targeting of users younger than age 13.” WaPo
— WSJ’S ROB COPELAND: “YouTube Weighs Major Changes to Kids’ Content Amid FTC Probe”
SPOTTED: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAlleenan having dinner at the Monocle. … Don McGahn speaking at the Union League Club of Philadelphia on Wednesday. … Having lunch together at Trump Hotel’s BLT Prime on Wednesday: Donald Trump Jr., Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Kyle Plotkin and Andy Surabian. … Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) chatting with Boris Epshteyn on an American Airlines flight on Wednesday from DCA to Nashville.
OUT AND ABOUT — SPOTTED at the Hay-Adams at a party hosted by Stephen Moore and Steve Forbes celebrating Art Laffer getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom: Larry Kudlow, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, Mick Mulvaney, Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Kellyanne Conway, Adam Brandon, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Debbie Meadows, Corey Lewandowski, Jim DeMint, Dave Brat, Josh Arnold, Andrew Kovalcin, Zach Sentementes, Alexandra Preate, Sergio Gor and Vince Coglianese.
— SPOTTED Wednesday night at a farewell party for former Treasury spox Tony Sayegh at PJ Clarke’s hosted by Craft, the media consultancy: Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, Kaitlan Collins, Donna Borak, Pam Brown, Fin Gomez, Katie Watson, Damian Paletta, Bob Cusack, Josh Dawsey, Francesca Chambers, Ashley Parker, Stephanie Grisham, Hogan Gidley, Morgan Ortagus, Jessica Ditto, Brian Donahue and David O’Brien.
2020 TRANSITIONS — Per CNN’s Eric Bradner: Beto “O’Rourke’s latest hires are deputy communications directors Rachel Thomas, hired from the Democratic digital organization ACRONYM, and Ofirah Yheskel, who was Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s communications director. … O’Rourke [also] hired Aleigha Cavalier as his national press secretary. … Anna Pacilio, who was communications director for Texas Rep. Marc Veasey, was hired as O’Rourke’s director of women’s messaging.” CNN
— Steve Bullock has hired Rich Thuma to manage his campaign’s New Hampshire operation. He is a Bill Clinton and Al Gore alum. WMUR
OBAMA ALUMNI — Nick Colvin, a former personal aide to then-Sen. Barack Obama who later worked in the Obama White House Counsel’s office, will run in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District, which is currently represented by Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.). Detroit News
TRANSITIONS — John Stopher will leave his post as principal assistant to the Air Force secretary for space to return to the private sector. SpaceNews … DOJ legend and Mueller team member Michael Dreeben is leaving the department for parts unknown, per Darren Samuelsohn.
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Kathy Grant, MPAA’s VP of administration, who celebrated 30 years with the trade association Wednesday (hat tip: Chris Ortman)
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Ian Prior, VP at Mercury and a DOJ alum, is 42. What he’s been reading recently: “I recently finished reading a book called ‘Advise and Consent,’ by Alan Drury, a reporter who covered the Senate in the 1950s. It won the Pulitzer in 1960 and documented a fictional confirmation hearing for a secretary of State nominee. One side tried to destroy the nominee, the other tried to destroy the chair of the subcommittee in charge of the nomination. Both were successful. It’s tough not to read that book without seeing shades of the recent Kavanaugh confirmation. It is probably one of the best books I have read in the past 10 years.” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Josh Gerstein … DOJ’s Chris Grieco … Jeremy Wiggins, associate director and policy coordinator of the NEC … Adrienne Elrod … Jacquie Hayes-Byrd … Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) is 69 … Gregg Birnbaum, senior political editor at … Brandon Arnold, EVP of the National Taxpayers Union … Megan Murphy … Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) is 66 … former Rep. Phil English (R-Pa.) is 63 … David Kornahrens … Robert Yoon … POLITICO’s Janie Boschma … Kyle Scriven, director of social communications at AARP … Rachel Meadows … Victoria Grace … Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki is 51 …
… Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania AG, is 46 … POLITICO Europe’s Jeanette Minns … Michael Neibauer … Ryan Walker … Tommy Zigo, director of comms at the MPAA … Brad Howard, COS for Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-Fla.), is 35. He’s celebrating Friday night with a happy hour at Officina in the Wharf (h/t Kristen Hawn) … Brendan Welch …’s Sara Pearl Kenigsberg is 31 … Kristin White … Dan McManus … Ming Long … León Rodríguez, partner at Seyfarth Shaw and former director of USCIS … Facebook’s Roya Soleimani Winner … Ginger Loper … Arjun Awasthi … Ed Miyagishima … Valerie Mackoff Graham … Sue Dvorsky (h/t Teresa Vilmain)
- Anna Palmer @apalmerdc
- Jake Sherman @JakeSherman
- Daniel Lippman @dlippman
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Thursday, June 20, 2019 Harvard Revokes Kyle Kashuv’s Admission “Kyle Kashuv, 18, posted on Twitter that Harvard had revoked his admission over anti-Semitic language and repeated use of a slur referring to black people. He said in an apology that he made the comments when he was 16, before the February 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.” AP News From the Left The left supports Harvard’s decision, arguing that Kashuv’s comments were egregious and worthy of consequences. “Should the use of such racial slurs ruin Kashuv’s life or brand him forever? No. Should it keep him out of Harvard? Yes… Universities like Harvard have thousands of qualified kids applying for entry every year. I’m guessing they’d have no problem finding one as qualified as Kashuv who did not spew a bunch of racist screeds when he was 16. And, by the way, isn’t 16 old enough to know that racist screeds are, you know, racist? Kashuv is ‘news’ only because he’s a darling of some conservatives… if it were anyone else, we wouldn’t be giving it a second thought.” EJ Montini, USA Today “Conservatives love to lambaste campus liberals for practicing ‘identity politics,’ a poorly defined term that boils down to any kind of politics that takes concerns about identity-based oppression seriously. The Kyle Kashuv-Harvard saga is such a big deal because it taps into conservatives’ sense of their own victimhood — what conservative identity politics looks like in practice… “[Furthermore] the conservative view of racism treats it as a personal failing, a set of explicitly held ideas and attitudes that reflect outright animus toward a group of people… Liberals and leftists, meanwhile, see racism as a structural problem, reflected in both social institutions and deeply ingrained, arguably unshakable biases that can lead even people who firmly believe in ideals of equal treatment to act or speak in prejudiced ways. Addressing the consequences of racism requires work, effort, and vigilance. When you approach the situation through that lens, Kashuv looks less like a kid who made youthful mistakes and more like a young man who’s trying to escape responsibility for his actions, and his attempt to minimize his comment by saying they were designed for shock value is part of the problem. ‘Ironic’ racism is still real racism.” Zack Beauchamp, Vox “To argue that we should not be judged for what we do in our teens is to argue that we shouldn’t have selective college admissions at all—a defensible position, but not one that any of [the commentators defending him] hold… To have a chance of getting into Harvard as a freshman, you have to show that you used your last four years better than the competition used theirs. We now see that Kashuv did not use his time as well as the competition, so he can’t go to Harvard… Consequences and redemption are not in tension. In fact, they go hand in hand.” Hanna Stotland, Slate “Virtually everyone competing against Kashuv for an undergraduate seat was also a teen, and most never would have thought to casually repeat the most harmful racial slur in America’s history. No, Harvard shouldn’t have to take him. So, no Harvard. But then, where?… I actually saw a fair number of suggestions like this: Not Harvard. Somewhere else. Somewhere less good. The solution seemed reasonable, but it had a tinge of classism, an element of passing the buck. If you don’t believe that Harvard students should have to attend classes with someone who has used racist terminology within the past two years, then why would you subject University of Florida students to that?… What does it look like to make amends? How do we decide what’s redeemable, for example, and then how does a person actually become redeemed? What kind of roles does our society allow for them, and when?” Monica Hesse, Washington Post Many point out that “America is forgiving of youthful mistakes made by guys like Brett Kavanaugh. It’s forgiving of guys like Brock Turner. It’s forgiving of guys like Kyle Kashuv. It’s not, however, forgiving of guys like Tamir Rice… It’s not forgiving of guys like Kalief Browder, who was sent to Rikers, New York City’s notorious island jail, when he was 16 after being accused of stealing a backpack. Browder spent three years awaiting trial in Rikers island, half of the time in solitary confinement, because his family couldn’t raise bail money. When he was eventually brought to trial a judge dismissed all charges against him; two years later Browder killed himself. Not everyone gets to be a child in America… The right is obsessed with lecturing liberals on personal responsibility. However, as their response to the Kashuv situation demonstrates, they are not so keen on taking personal responsibility themselves.” Arwa Mahdawi, The Guardian “One way you begin to earn public redemption for your mistakes is to accept the ramifications; many of the conservatives lamenting the lack of forgiveness shown Kashuv would, in other circumstances, understand that serving penance is often a requirement for obtaining pardon. If losing admission to America’s most elite private university is the worst that Kashuv faces as a result of his mistakes, he will be a fortunate young man indeed.” Joel Mathis, The Week From the Right The right criticizes Harvard’s decision, arguing that the comments do not appear to reflect Kashuv’s true beliefs. “Kashuv has been in the public eye for a year and a half. In that time, he has acted with remarkable poise, as have many others in his class. The fact that he participated in an idiotic and disgusting private group chat months before the Parkland shooting has had apparently no effect on his public behavior. If the new standard is that past private statements, once surfaced, override all public behavior since — including apologies, evidence of decency and willingness to evidence repentance — we are entering a dangerous new era… “Kashuv would have been admitted to Harvard if he had never engaged in activism: He scored a 1550 on his SAT and graduated second in his class. No one on the radical left or alt-right would have tried to destroy his academic career; no one would have bothered. Kashuv dared to speak up politically and thus became a target. Rational actors will take note and stay away from the public square, leaving that square to the most shameless and the most enigmatic.” Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire “No one disputes that his comments were egregious and wrong. Kyle doesn’t dispute that fact. He’s apologized publicly, and he apologized to Harvard. He’s done everything we want a young man to do when he’s done something wrong. But in today’s post-Christian, allegedly more-tolerant culture, apologies are not enough. He has to be punished… “Harvard has had the ability to watch Kyle more than virtually any other student in its freshman class. It’s seen him operate in the white-hot glare of public debate over one of the most contentious issues in American life. To the extent that any freshman is a known quantity, Kyle is known — and he’s known to presently conduct himself with unusual patience and dignity… Let’s not pretend that Kyle is anything other than a victim of the culture wars. Had he not stepped forward after Parkland as a conservative spokesperson, he would be in no one’s crosshairs.” David French, National Review “On the leaked Google Doc, Kashuv also wrote, “f*** my a** now NOW” and “I WILL LITERALLY F*** YOUR UGLY A** DOG.” Either Kyle leads a secret double life as a zoophilic, gay racist, or he, like all teenagers, said something outrageous among his friends for shock value… How many other students admitted to Harvard have ever written or uttered an offensive phrase or racial epithet — even jokingly, even just once? How many have ever sung along to a rap song or quoted a Quentin Tarantino movie? Does the Harvard Admissions Office plan to investigate the private teenage chat logs of the 2,000 students it just admitted?” Michael Knowles, Fox News “There are few mistakes a 16-year-old can make — again, below the level of a felony — that I’d want to alter their lives over. Teenagers are ignoramuses almost by definition. One might counter by saying that youth should be no defense in the context of college admissions: Harvard’s choosing among a population of 18-year-olds… Still, that’s no counter to believing that universities should be exceedingly forgiving of their charges, perhaps especially in Kashuv’s case. He did in fact endure an unusual trauma at Stoneman Douglas High and may have felt that he ‘grew up’ quickly afterward because of it. Often in cases like this, the claim that the accused is more ‘mature’ now and has seen the error of his ways rings hollow and too convenient. In Kashuv’s case, there’s more reason to believe there’s something to it.” Allahpundit, Hot Air “When Harvard pulled their offer to Michelle Jones (who murdered her own son), 166 of the University’s professors signed an open letter, ‘We are Educators, Not Prosecutors,’ denouncing the decision. How many do you think will speak out on Kashuv’s behalf?” Rafael Mangual, Twitter “Not even the most pompous administrator could claim with a straight face that no matriculating student at Harvard ever uttered a hurtful word. What doomed Kashuv was that his knuckleheaded moments were preserved in tidy digital packets to be turned against him. He is part of the vanguard of humans raised in the iPhone Age, for whom every mistake, offense and poor decision of childhood potentially lasts forever… “The decision to bounce an apologetic student over a sophomoric mistake betrays a lack of intellectual confidence in [its] original mission. It’s not the job of Harvard College, properly understood, to certify a relative handful of perfect human specimens and train them in the proper expression of approved ideas. Education is about improvement; it is rooted in the faith that errors can become resources, ignorance can be enlightened, horizons can be expanded. Improvement is the value from which learning derives its moral character.” David von Drehle, Washington Post A libertarian’s take This “represents a major victory for the online mobs of cancel culture. One way to discourage Twitter trolls from dredging up old dirt on their enemies would be to ignore them. By giving the bullies exactly what they wanted, Harvard has only emboldened them… No one is entitled to placement at Harvard, and if you say racist things to people, you should not be surprised when someone calls you out. But, as with the efforts to cancel James Gunn, Kevin Hart, Sarah Jeong, Kyler Murray, and so many others, we should be concerned about where this corrosive impulse to seek and destroy is leading us.” Robby Soave, Reason On the bright side… Norway island wants to be world’s first time-free zone. CNN Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. 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“He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another.” AESOP The Epoch Times Launched a NEW App Turn your iPhone into a beacon of free, independent news! We just released a new app (only for iPhones at the moment, Android coming soon). Click on the link, give it a try, and please give us your feedback! Try it here House Passes $1T Spending Bill as Budget Talks Resume Critics Decry Trump’s Alien Deportations Vow but Defenders Say It Can Be Done US Trade Rep Urges Congress to Pass US-Mexico-Canada Trade Deal President Trump officially launched his 2020 reelection bid on June 18, telling a crowd of passionate supporters in Florida that the choice in the upcoming election is between the radical socialism embraced by the Democratic field and his agenda of freedom and the American dream. Read more The State Department identified 15 people involved in multiple security violations connected to the handling of classified information as a result of Hillary Clinton’s use of an unauthorized email server. Read more Paul Manafort, former campaign manager of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, will not wait for his state trial in the scandal-ridden Rikers Island jail in New York City due to intervention from the Department of Justice, a media report said. Read more A sizable majority of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ (D-N.Y.) own constituents in the Bronx 14th congressional district have a low opinion of her, with a majority saying they would not vote for her re-election according to a new door-to-door survey of 2,261 homes. Read more Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has no choice but to deport illegal immigrant families that fail to show up for their court hearings, said Mark Morgan, acting director of the agency. Read more Mexico’s Senate voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new free trade agreement with the United States and Canada, making it the first of the three countries to gain legislative approval. Read more See More Top Stories On Foreign Help, DNC and Clinton Campaign Did What They Accuse Trump of Doing By Joshua Philipp President Donald Trump is facing another wave of attacks from the big corporate media and the Democratic establishment. This time, he’s being accused of saying he would accept opposition research on a political opponent from a foreign country. As usual, the main narrative in the criticism is false. Trump didn’t say he would accept opposition research on an opponent, nor did he suggest he would use foreign intelligence for a political victory, as the blaring voices are currently claiming. Read more Megan Rapinoe Should Lose Her ‘Captain’ Designation or Play for Another Team By Elad Hakim U.S. women’s soccer player Megan Rapinoe refused to sing the national anthem before the team’s first World Cup match against Thailand on June 11. Rapinoe told Yahoo Sports in May, “I’ll probably never put my hand over my heart. I’ll probably never sing the national anthem again.” Additionally, Rapinoe has repeatedly disparaged the president. In light of her conduct, Rapinoe shouldn’t have the privilege to represent her country on the pitch and should not serve as captain of the team. Read more See More Opinions Socialists Plan to ‘Pack’ Supreme Court By Trevor Loudon Socialists are plotting to “pack” the U.S. Supreme Court, with a goal to destroy the first non-leftist majority for 70 years. Currently, the U.S. Supreme Court consists of four leftist justices, three constitutionalists, and two right-leaning moderates. Socialists are terrified that if Ruth Bader Ginsberg—or another leftist justice—retires or dies before President Donald Trump leaves office, he or she may be replaced by another constitutionalist with potentially dire consequences for their radical agenda. Read more The U.S. State Department has identified 15 individuals involved in multiple security incidents, including 23 violations, connected to the handling of classified information in the emails of Hillary Clinton. Clinton had used a private, unauthorized, non-government email server she used for government work while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. In a security review of the mishandling of classified information, the State Department has issued 23 violations and seven infractions incidents that were carried out by 15 current or former employees, according to Mary Elizabeth Taylor, the assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs. New Hillary Clinton Email Revelation Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
IN THIS ISSUE: – The Decisive Role of Black Voters in the 2020 Democratic Primary THE BLUE WAVE EXCERPT: THE DECISIVE ROLE OF BLACK VOTERS IN THE 2020 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY And why Booker and Harris can’t take black support for granted By Theodore R. Johnson Guest Columnist |
Dear Readers: Our new book on the 2018 midterm elections, The Blue Wave: The 2018 Midterms and What They Mean for the 2020 Elections, is now available from Rowman and Littlefield. Edited by University of Virginia Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato and Crystal Ball managing editor Kyle Kondik, The Blue Wave features top journalists, academics, and analysts who explore the 2018 midterm from all angles and look ahead to the monumental presidential election coming in 2020. What follows is an excerpt from The Blue Wave. Theodore R. Johnson, a senior fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice and expert on African-American voting patterns, explores the vital role that black voters will play in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. — The Editors KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE — Black voters are a crucial voting bloc in the upcoming Democratic primary season, particularly in the South. — White candidates with proven bona fides among black voters can compete for the black vote, even against other black candidates, as Joe Biden is showing (at least for now). — The differing backgrounds of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker provide each with unique avenues to appeal to black voters. — Whites, not blacks, are driving the growth in liberal self-identification among Democrats. Black voters and the 2020 Democratic primary The state of the black electorate is strong and positioned to be a king- (or queen-) maker in 2020. The candidate that black voters coalesce behind in the Democratic primaries will have the inside track on the party nomination, particularly in a large field. The Democratic field is already the most diverse in history. The candidates include no less than six people of color and six women (two of whom are of color). The field spans the ideological spectrum from moderates who are elders of the party establishment to far-left progressives advocating for significant and fundamental societal reform. The age range covers about four decades, from under-40 candidates such as Reps. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii and Eric Swalwell of California as well as Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, to former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, who will both be in their late 70s by Election Day 2020. And there are three black candidates: Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Cory Booker (D-NJ), as well as Florida’s Wayne Messam, the mayor of Miramar. Whatever primary voters are looking for in a candidate, they are likely to find some version of it. The black electorate will, of course, be especially intrigued and interested in the black candidates. This is a natural reaction to such candidacies and not specific to black Americans — women, Hispanic voters, and the gay community, for example, react similarly to women, Hispanic, and gay candidates, respectively. Scholars agree that descriptive representation — the representation of a constituency by a person who sufficiently resembles it in appearance or lived experience — is important to groups, even when it is mostly symbolic and doesn’t result in policy gains. For this reason, Harris and Booker will attract black voters’ attention and will be immediately scrutinized through individual and group assessments. Black voters will get a sense of the candidates’ policy histories and proposals and, perhaps more importantly, determine the viability of each of their campaigns. The size of the primary’s black voting bloc will be of interest to most of the Democratic candidates. Black candidates understand quite well that their success is contingent on whether they can carry the black electorate. Past elections have proven that this is not a foregone conclusion. One need only recall that black voters preferred Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama in the 2008 primary season until Obama won the Iowa caucuses. As Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said of black women at the end of 2007, “Most [of them] simply believe Clinton can win.” The notoriously pragmatic black electorate simply isn’t willing to automatically devote the lion’s share of its support to a black candidate based on race alone. This realization can provide a window of opportunity for white and non-black candidates of color, reminding them that they cannot afford to ignore black voters or tacitly surrender them to black competitors. But they will also need to be realistic about the extent to which they can compete for them. If they have not undertaken deep, consistent, and prolonged engagement, they cannot expect policy appeals alone to do the trick. The Clinton-Obama example demonstrates that established and well-known white candidates can effectively compete for black voters against black candidates. We are currently seeing this with Joe Biden, who is polling very well with black voters so far. For candidates making new entreaties to black voters, a goal of placing alongside or just behind black and respected white party elder candidates is a sound strategy. It positions those candidates to inherit black support should the frontrunners lose traction and be perceived as no longer competitive. Contrary to common logic, attempting to appeal to black voters by espousing a series of far-left policy proposals is unlikely to work: The majority of black Democrats are not liberals (this may be another factor helping Biden). Besides, in a crowded field that will have multiple progressive candidates running to the left of the Democratic mainstream, such policy appeals will not provide a sufficient distinction. Further, engaging black political elites in hopes they signal who black voters should support is also insufficient. There are plenty of examples of this: Congressional Black Caucus members initially supported Clinton over Obama; advocated for the reelection of Massachusetts Rep. Mike Capuano in 2018 over primary challenger Ayanna Pressley, a black Boston city councilwoman who won the primary and was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018; and backed Rep. Chris Van Hollen in Maryland’s 2016 senatorial primary over CBC member Donna Edwards, who won the black vote by 20 points but lost the election. Black voters tend not to take their cues from black political elites. Consistent engagement at the local level is the only way non-black candidates with low name recognition can make inroads with the black electorate. The schedule of Democratic primaries will figure largely into the choices available to black primary voters. The first two are in Iowa and New Hampshire with black populations of 3.8% and 1.6%, respectively. In a change from previous election cycles, Nevada will be the third contest, and its population is just about 10% black. In 2016, black voters comprised 13% of the caucus, indicating that Nevada will provide the first look at who black voters may support in 2020. The outcomes of these three contests will have a substantial effect on the South Carolina primary, where black voters were 61% of the primary electorate in 2016. If history is any guide, black candidates that emerge from the preceding primaries in a strong position win South Carolina. Both Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama entered South Carolina as real contenders for the nomination, and black voters in South Carolina blazed a trail for their long-haul competitive campaigns. Thus, the 2020 South Carolina primary will determine the viability of a black candidate’s campaign and foreshadow the black electorate’s preferred candidate. Here is where the black voters’ pragmatism is on full display. They want to know that the presidential candidate who receives their support has a realistic shot at winning the nomination. Casting symbolic or ideological votes for black candidates in the name of racial solidarity has little place in the voting booth. In November 2007, Obama was trailing Clinton in South Carolina by 13 points. He did not garner a plurality of black support there until after he won the 2008 Iowa caucus and effectively tied in the New Hampshire primary. Once black voters realized he could win white voters, thereby demonstrating a real opportunity to secure the nomination, his support skyrocketed. He won the South Carolina primary in January with over 55% of the vote in a three-person contest, garnering 82% of the black vote. Winning white voters in Iowa and New Hampshire was a critical factor that permitted most South Carolina black voters to align their pragmatism with their desire for descriptive representation. It is quite possible that no black candidates will emerge from the Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada contests with a delegate count that places them in the top three or four of the primary field. A number of candidates are likely to withdraw if they are not competitive in those first three contests. In this case, the black vote choice is more difficult to discern. Black candidates may make the case that if black voters in Deep South states support their campaigns, they can emerge as a leading candidate, just as Jesse Jackson did in 1988 when he rode wins in six southern states to a second-place finish for the nomination. Leading white and non-black candidates are likely to lean on their engagement strategies to convince black voters that their campaigns are the safest and most rewarding bet to make for the protection and advancement of black group interests. Again, the candidate that can win the majority of black support has the inside track to the nomination. Biden, at present, is in pole position. One final word on the Democratic primary: If two black candidates enter South Carolina and the ensuing Deep South primaries with viable campaigns, black electoral behavior will likely hinge on other factors, such as gender, policy positions, and cultural markers. For example, should Harris and Booker be in strong positions to secure the nomination, research suggests that there will be a discernible gender split in the black vote, with more men supporting Booker and more women supporting Harris. The two senators are similar on social and economic policy, but Harris’s moderate criminal justice record as California attorney general may help with older black voters who tend to be more conservative whereas Booker’s more progressive stance may advantage him with the more liberal younger voters. Harris’s cultural markers — she’s a graduate of a historically black university and a member of the nation’s oldest black sorority — communicate a shared black lived experience that Booker’s biography is missing. This, too, could make a difference to voters attempting to ascertain authenticity. Finally, it simply isn’t known the extent to which Booker’s being unmarried or Harris’s interracial marriage and immigrant parentage will influence black vote choice, if at all. What is certain, however, is that the black electorate perceives both candidates as black Americans, and the impact of race consciousness on political behavior indicates marital status and parentage will pale in comparison to the opportunity for descriptive representation. What does this all mean for the party’s nomination? The 2020 Democratic presidential primary will be the first in which most Democrats identify as liberal. The party’s leftward drift is led by millennials (57% identify as liberal), those with postgraduate education (60%), and the doubling of liberal white voters from 28% in 2000 to 55% in 2017. This evolution is reflected in the number of progressive candidates who have chosen to run for the party nomination and the policy proposals they’re championing. Meanwhile, the number of black liberal voters has held steady for two decades at about one in four. Candidates will need to fashion campaigns that can balance the desire the majority of voters have for more progressive policies with the need to appeal to the more moderate and relatively conservative ideologies of black Democrats. Read the fine print Learn more about the Crystal Ball and find out how to contact us here. Sign up to receive Crystal Ball e-mails like this one delivered straight to your inbox. Use caution with Sabato’s Crystal Ball, and remember: “He who lives by the Crystal Ball ends up eating ground glass!” |
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The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for June 20,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. The Time to Examine Joe Biden’s Record on Race Was 2008, Not 2019 This story is not going to hurt Biden, but it does show two things. First, it shows the media is willfully lazy and unwilling to level criticism of Democrats when it is a D v. R race. Second, it shows Democrats are willing to weaponize race against their own party now. Neither speaks well of the press or the Democrats, but this is certainly just another reason Donald Trump will probably win in 2020 as Democrats tear themselves apart. The post The Time to Examine Joe Biden’s Record on Race Was 2008, Not 2019 appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Reject God and He Turns You Over to This God is the foundation of all logic, science, reason, and morality. It is to be expected, then, that if you or your culture rebels against God, you will necessarily rebel against logic, science, reason, and morality. If there were any question remaining about whether or not American pop culture was in outright, flagrant rebellion to […] The post Reject God and He Turns You Over to This appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The “Cool Kids” of the Climate Movement Eye 2020 According to Politico, the Sunrise movement is gearing up for 2020. In their string of flop houses around the country, recent college grads and students who like to kvetch about crushing student loan debt are musing about how they are going to strong arm their elders into ruining the economy. All while living on stipends […] The post The “Cool Kids” of the Climate Movement Eye 2020 appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Surprising Place Where the Proposed Chinese Tariffs Could Hurt There have been plenty of things written about the proposed tariffs on Chinese goods. We’ve seen opinions fired from both sides on the damage that this trade war could do (or not do, if you’re inclined to be in favor of it). One industry that hasn’t garnered a whole lot of coverage when it comes […] The post The Surprising Place Where the Proposed Chinese Tariffs Could Hurt appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Amazing: Student Gets Kicked Out of Class For Saying There’s Only Male and Female This is just an amazing video to watch. Hat tip to Rod Dreher for covering it. The student, Murray, tells the teacher that there are only two genders, male and female. The teacher tells him that the national authority says otherwise. Teacher: “I am not putting my opinion out. I am stating what is national […] The post Amazing: Student Gets Kicked Out of Class For Saying There’s Only Male and Female appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Mitch McConnell Blasts Reparations Talk: No One Currently Alive Was Responsible For That The post Mitch McConnell Blasts Reparations Talk: No One Currently Alive Was Responsible For That appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » CNN Cuts Away from Trump Speech After Crowd Shouts ‘CNN Sucks!’ The post CNN Cuts Away from Trump Speech After Crowd Shouts ‘CNN Sucks!’ appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » To Twitter! To Twitter! We Must Fight Back! Just how unserious are Democrats and the press? Michelle Goldberg of the New York Times claims the President is engaged in ethnic cleansing. Chris Hays from MSNBC says that yes, in fact, the President is running concentration camps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the same thing. And what is their response? Tweeting. That’s it. If you really […] The post To Twitter! To Twitter! We Must Fight Back! appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Don Lemon And CNN Can’t Stop The Trump/Hitler Comparisons In a discussion with Chris Cuomo on CNN, Don Lemon once again made a Trump/Hitler comparison. The thing about the despicable people in history. Extreme example. Hitler. Think about any of those people. Would you say that that person is allowed — if you could look back on in history would you say well, I’m […] The post Don Lemon And CNN Can’t Stop The Trump/Hitler Comparisons appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Do Democrats Believe This Or Are They Trying to Get President Trump Shot? Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
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Thursday, June 20, 2019 |
Trump Posts Huge Rally and Fundraising Numbers President Trump brought in $24.8 million in his first day’s haul, following his formal 2020 announcement at a packed rally in Orlando, Florida last night. That eye-popping number means that Trump raised more in his first 24 hours than any of his Democratic opponents have in the entire quarter, although of course there are many more Democratic candidates. More from Emily Zanotti at Daily Wire: “To put it into better perspective, Trump reportedly raised more in one 24-hour period than all of the Democratic 2020 contenders raised in the first quarter of 2019, according to FEC data released last month. Before Trump held his first rally, Sanders was in the lead with $18 million raised in the first quarter, with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) a distant second at $12 million.” Do Americans Still Love Our Common History? It’s no secret that Americans are woefully ignorant when it comes to civics. Only a quarter of us can name the three branches of the federal government, and for those of us under 45, a mere 19 percent can pass the relatively simple citizenship test administered to immigrants. But that doesn’t mean Americans have lost interest in exploring our past. From Jonathan W. Pidluzny at The Federalist: “Encouragingly, this isn’t abnormal; challenging works in American history have often topped the non-fiction list. John Meacham’s ‘The Soul of America,’ and Ron Chernow’s ‘Grant,’ were both among the small number of serious books to claim the top spot in 2018, a year dominated by breezy commentaries criticizing or celebrating President Trump. The point: Americans have a hunger to understand, explore, and connect with their history. Richly sourced, intellectually demanding accounts of the country’s defining moments and characters do more than break through the noise… How strange it is that U.S. colleges and universities are abandoning the study of American history and, at some institutions, the study of history altogether… What this week’s New York Times best-seller list reminds us is that the problem is not a lack of interest among the broader citizenry, but the astonishing abdication by university faculties of one of their most important civic duties.” The endurance of history books among our bestsellers is indeed a hopeful sign. Especially as my husband, Jarrett Stepman, is putting out a book on exactly this topic. The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past, which defends some of our recently-maligned national heroes, drops on October 1stand is available for pre-order right away. Fashion Moment of the Week Krystal Bick combines two of my favorite things in her new warm-weather outfit showcase vid: midi dresses and Rent the Runway. Which outfit is your favorite? Mine is probably the last one, from DVF. Each of the five dresses are rented, and many of the accessories are from affordable brands like Zara. I love a budget fashionista! Speaking of budgets, don’t forget, if you want to try out RTR Unlimited, use code ISTEP50 to get 50 percent off your first month. Thursday Links Trump’s choice for Pentagon chief bows out after domestic violence charges from a decade ago resurface. (BBC) Democratic House moves to repeal 2001 authorization for military force. (National Review) Democrats on the House Judiciary committee claim White House lawyers are preventing Hope Hicks from answering their questions. (Washington Times) Juneteenth, which celebrates emancipation from slavery, was celebrated yesterday. Learn more about the history behind the holiday. (The Federalist) Mastercard will let non-binary people put any name they want on credit cards. ‘Cause that isn’t going to make fraud easier at all, nope. (Daily Wire) T-Swift’s new anthem is “breathtakingly elitist,” according to cultural editor Emily Jashinsky. (The Federalist) Joe Biden once again finds himself out of touch with the Democratic base, this time over stories about working with segregationists in the Senate. (National Review) A fascinating conversation with Pintrest’s bias whistleblower. (The Federalist Radio Hour) Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) introduces a controversial bill to force tech companies to be politically neutral or risk losing protections from Section 230. (The Federalist) This island “cat-fox” is about to be formally recognized as a species! (Daily Star) BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Inez Feltscher Stepman is a senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum and a senior contributor to The Federalist. She is a San Francisco Bay Area native with a BA in Philosophy from UCSD and a JD from the University of Virginia. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband, Jarrett Stepman, her puggle Thor, and her cat Thaddeus Kosciuszko. You can follow her on Twitter at @inezfeltscher and on Instagram (for #ootd, obvi) under the same handle. Opinions expressed on this website are her own and not those of her employers. Or her husband. |
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prosperous, and then you will have good success,” (Joshua 1:8, ESV).
Clarence Thomas, Stare Decisis, and Bad Precedent
By Shane Vander Hart on Jun 20, 2019 12:00 am Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: “When faced with a demonstrably erroneous precedent, my rule is simple: We should not follow it.” Read in browser » FEMA Extends Incident Period for Iowa Flooding Disaster By Caffeinated Thoughts on Jun 19, 2019 06:12 pm The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has granted Iowa’s request to reopen and extend the incident period for the Presidential Disaster Declaration. Read in browser » Janet Petersen Promotes Effort to Ban Conversion Therapy in Iowa By Shane Vander Hart on Jun 19, 2019 05:26 pm Iowa Senate Minority Leader Janet Petersen supports a ban on theraputic efforts to change a patient’s sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity. Read in browser » Recent Articles: New Property Tax Law Will Slow Rising Bills SCOTUS Reverses Oregon’s Decision to Punish Bakers Mauro’s Troubling Comments About Abortion and Sex Education Haley in Iowa Touts Efforts to Change United Nations’ Culture Foxhoven Resigns at DHS at Reynolds’ Request Launched in 2006, Caffeinated Thoughts reports news and shares commentary about culture, current events, faith and state and national politics from a Christian and conservative point of view. Caffeinated Thoughts P.O. Box 57184 Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 321-5077 Editor, Shane Vander Hart Connect: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Share Tweet Share Forward Copyright © 2019 Caffeinated Thoughts, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
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CDN Daily News Blast
Chip Roy: House Democrats Have Agreed To Vote On Trump’s Emergency $4.5 Billion Border Supplemental Request
By Shelby Talcott –
House Democrats have agreed to bring President Donald Trump’s border
supplemental request to the floor for a vote, according to a press
release from Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy Wednesday. Trump requested
an emergency $4.5 billion border supplemental in May, which aims to help
the humanitarian crisis at the border. …
Chip Roy: House Democrats Have Agreed To Vote On Trump’s Emergency $4.5 Billion Border Supplemental Request is original content from Conservative
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Read on » The Biggest Problem With Democrats: They Believe Their Own Lies By Dave King – When the idiot New York Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, says that the Trump administration has set up concentration camps along the southern border (never mind the fact that these “camps” are in Oklahoma, far from the border with Mexico, and that they are monitored carefully by independent sources to be sure … The Biggest Problem With Democrats: They Believe Their Own Lies is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Left-Wingers Pile On Chuck Todd For Calling Out Ocasio-Cortez | By Peter Hasson – MSNBC host Chuck Todd sparked a left-wing backlash by criticizing Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s rhetoric on immigration enforcement. Ocasio-Cortez drew criticism after saying the U.S. is running “concentration camps” on the southern border. “That is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps,” Ocasio-Cortez said Monday in an … Left-Wingers Pile On Chuck Todd For Calling Out Ocasio-Cortez | is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » George Soros Continues to Collect District Attorneys By Michael R Shannon – Last week’s Democrat primary in Virginia’s Fairfax and Arlington Counties was great news for companies whose business model includes cleaning human poop off the sidewalk. The sanctimonious leftists in both counties just nominated new prosecutors who plan on increasing justice by ignoring crime. Thanks to almost $1 million contributed by … George Soros Continues to Collect District Attorneys is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Thursday, June 20, 2019 By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump will participate in a set of meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada. Keep up with Trump on CDN’s President’s Schedule Page. President Trump’s schedule for 6/20/19 All Times EDT: 12:00 PM Participate in the arrival of the Prime Minister of Canada 12:05 PM Participate in … President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Thursday, June 20, 2019 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Here’s How To Celebrate The Fourth Of July In DC This Year By Shelby Talcott – If you’re looking to celebrate July 4 this year in Washington, D.C., the Trump Administration has a full day planned out. U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced details of the Independence Day celebration in a press release on Wednesday. The event will take place on the National Mall … Here’s How To Celebrate The Fourth Of July In DC This Year is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Former Senate Aide Gets Four Years In Prison For Mass Doxxing Of Republicans By Luke Rosiak – A federal judge on Wednesday sentenced a former Democratic aide to four years in prison for hacking Senate computers, using spy devices and “doxxing” Republicans. Jackson Cosko — a former aide to Democratic New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan, Democratic California Sen. Barbara Boxer and Democratic Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee — stole the … Former Senate Aide Gets Four Years In Prison For Mass Doxxing Of Republicans is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe Joins CNN By Audrey Conklin – Former Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced his new position as a CNN commentator Wednesday on Twitter. “Super excited to be joining @CNN as a commentator. Start tomorrow night — talking politics and the economy. Will be MUST WATCH TV. Game on!” McAuliffe tweeted. In a later Wednesday tweet linking … Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe Joins CNN is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » New York County Clerk Refuses to Give Driver’s Licenses to Illegals, Despite New Law By Jake Dima – Erie County Clerk Michael “Mickey” Kearns told a local outlet that he will not issue licenses to illegal aliens in defiance of a new New York Law. New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law the Green Light Bill Monday, which allows illegals to obtain driver’s licenses, WIVB4 reports. … New York County Clerk Refuses to Give Driver’s Licenses to Illegals, Despite New Law is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » KAG 2020 – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon By Ben Garrison – Are You Ready for 2020? President Trump held his re-election kick off in Florida to a 25,000 strong crowd that packed the event both inside and out. The President’s speech was well received by the crowd. Trump also raised a record 25 million dollars in 24 hours after he announced … KAG 2020 – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Other Democratic 2020 Candidates Are Not Happy With Biden’s Segregation Comments By Shelby Talcott – Former Vice President Joe Biden said that “at least there was some civility” while working with racist senators in the 1970s. Multiple Democrats condemned Biden’s comments, calling for him to apologize and evolve. Biden’s comments link to past issues where he supported segregationists and their agenda. Former Vice President Joe … Other Democratic 2020 Candidates Are Not Happy With Biden’s Segregation Comments is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Republican Lawmaker Booed For Explaining Why Slavery Reparations Could Be Unconstitutional By Molly Prince – Republican Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson was booed during the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on slavery reparations after he contended that reparations may not be constitutional. “Here in the Judiciary Committee we have an obligation to acknowledge that any monetary reparations that might be recommended by the commission created by H.R. … Republican Lawmaker Booed For Explaining Why Slavery Reparations Could Be Unconstitutional is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Republicans Ask DOJ Why Qatar-Owned Al Jazeera Isn’t Registered As Foreign Agent By Chuck Ross – A group of Republican lawmakers is asking the Justice Department whether Al Jazeera Media Network should be required to register as foreign agent of Qatar. Republicans said Al Jazeera appears to promote the goals of the Qatari government by “influenc[ing] public opinion in the United States” in a letter to … Republicans Ask DOJ Why Qatar-Owned Al Jazeera Isn’t Registered As Foreign Agent is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Where Does President Trump Go from Here? By Amanda Alverez – Did anyone see the President Trump 2020 kick off rally? Did you notice the obvious sadness and disgust – some would even say the disappointment and tears began before President Trump took to the podium. For some it was a very sad and disappointing day and those Democrat Socialists will … Where Does President Trump Go from Here? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Nearby Star May Support Life By Kyle Hooten – A nearby star may support life on two newly discovered Earth-like planets, according to the journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The two yet unnamed worlds were recently discovered by the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) orbiting Teegarden’s Star, an old and remarkably stable star located just 12 light … Nearby Star May Support Life is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Democrats Furious After Hope Hicks Refuses To Answer Questions During Close-Door Meeting By Shelby Talcott – Former White House communications director Hope Hicks reportedly refused to answer questions during Wednesday’s closed-door meeting with the House Judiciary Committee, prompting Democrats to express outrage at her lack of cooperation. Hicks met with lawmakers to talk privately about President Donald Trump’s alleged attempts to obstruct former special counsel Robert … Democrats Furious After Hope Hicks Refuses To Answer Questions During Close-Door Meeting is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » ‘We Have No Other Choice’: ICE Chief Makes Case For Mass Deportation Of Illegal Migrants By Jason Hopkins – Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Mark Morgan made the case for why his agency must embark on massive, nationwide apprehensions of migrants living illegally in the country. “In my opinion, this is the worst crisis, actually, that we’ve really seen in modern history with respect to the illegal … ‘We Have No Other Choice’: ICE Chief Makes Case For Mass Deportation Of Illegal Migrants is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Holocaust Research Center Invites Ocasio-Cortez To Learn About Concentration Camps By Matt M. Miller – A leading Holocaust museum publicly responded to Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s allegation that the U.S. is “running concentration camps” on the southern border. Several prominent Jewish groups, including Holocaust research center Yad Vashem, responded to Ocasio-Cortez’s Instagram comparison of migrant detention centers to Nazi “concentration camps” on Twitter … Holocaust Research Center Invites Ocasio-Cortez To Learn About Concentration Camps is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Trump’s EPA Finalizes Plan To Repeal And Replace Obama-Era Coal Plant Regulations By Michael Bastasch – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its plan to repeal and replace the Obama-era Clean Power Plan. EPA replaced the Clean Power Plan with the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule, which requires coal plants to become more efficient. “ACE is an important step towards realigning EPA actions so they are … Trump’s EPA Finalizes Plan To Repeal And Replace Obama-Era Coal Plant Regulations is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » A Red Flag – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – Once one of the most beautiful and productive states in the nation, the Democrats have turned California into a crap-hole or wastebin, rather. Overrun with illegal aliens, drugs, a shrinking middle class, and a huge evergrowing shameful homeless problem. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019. See more Branco toons HERE A Red Flag – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |

Morning Headlines
Marco Rubio has some advice for the Democrats on the presidential debate stage next week

As Democratic presidential hopefuls prepare to descend on his hometown of Miami for their first 2020 primary debate, Sen. Marco Rubio has a little candid advice. “If one of your opponents attacks you, don’t repeat the same answer three times,” the Florida Republican quipped. “It doesn’t go well.” Read More…
Only 3 percent of Democratic voters want a president in their 70s, survey finds

A new Pew survey found that the age of presidential candidates is important to potential Democratic or Democratic-leaning voters and that they prefer their candidates younger, specifically in their 40s, 50s and 60s. Read More…
When sanctions become weapons of mass disruption

Independent experts are worried lawmakers are overplaying the sanctions card with legislation that underestimates the potential harm to U.S. economic and diplomatic interests while overestimating the likelihood of success. Read More…
As Democrats line up to debate, the GOP is regressing

OPINION — It was pretty startling, actually, viewing the lineup for the first debate of Democratic presidential hopefuls in April 2007 on a stage in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Among them were the usual suspects — Sens. Chris Dodd, John Edwards and Joe Biden. And then, there were surprises — Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico and Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Read More…
What’s in a vote? In the Senate, it’s in the eye, or ear, of the clerk

How do I vote thee? Let me count the ways. Unlike the House, where the utilitarian electronic voting card does all the work, senators have so, so many ways to say “yes” or “no.” Read More…
Bad News Babes defeat Congress for fourth year in a row

The Bad News Babes crushed the members’ team for the fourth year in a row at the Congressional Women’s Softball Game. It was a 10-3 blowout. Read More…
Danny Glover on reparations bill: ‘Policy is moral, democratic — an economic imperative.’

Danny Glover, Ta-Nehisi Coates and Cory Booker, among others, appeared before a House Judiciary subcommittee on Wednesday to testify regarding HR 40. Watch the video here…
There’s no crying in baseball … or congressional softball

It was a blast from the past at Wednesday’s Congressional Women’s Softball Game as the teams paid all kinds of tribute to one of America’s classic sports comedies, “A League of Their Own.” Read More…
Tempers flare as leaders, White House fall short on spending deal

A meeting of top White House officials and congressional leaders broke up Wednesday without agreement on topline funding allocations for appropriators, raising fresh doubts over their ability to avert another fiscal crisis later this year. Read More…
Border spending bill sent to Senate floor, but House may act on its version first

Senate appropriators approved $4.59 billion in emergency funding Wednesday to address the influx of migrants at the southern border, and their House counterparts said they’re prepping a similar bill to bring to the floor as soon as Tuesday. Read More…
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The Deep State’s 50+ Year Old Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings The 20-year head of the U.S. Fed, Alan Greenspan, has revealed the long-standing, nasty trick to confiscate the savings of unsuspecting Americans… Are you one of them? ==> Here’s the ONE THING Greenspan Says Can Protect Your Savings |
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Good morning,Fifty-five
percent (55%) of voters favor having government officials remove
millions of illegal or undocumented immigrants from the United States. President Trump suggested this policy in a tweet on Monday.Seventy-seven
percent (77%) of Republicans favor this policy along with 53% of
Independent voters. Sixty-six percent (66%) of Democrats are opposed.The
data was collected using a split sample approach. Half the survey
respondents heard the question asked with the term “illegal
immigrants” and half with “undocumented immigrants.” The survey also found that 36% want to abolish ICE
while 64% disagree. Also, 30% favor issuing drivers licenses to
illegal/undocumented immigrants (New York recently became the 12th state
to do so).On another topic, 25% of voters believe the United States Constitution requires a major overhaul. Thirty-five percent (35%) say no changes
are needed and 40% see a need for minor changes.If changes are made, 61% are looking for changes that place further limits on government. That’s not surprising since 52% see the federal government as a threat to individual freedom. Just 25% disagree.Sixty
percent (60%) of voters are at least somewhat supportive of calling a
Convention of the States to recommend Constitutional Amendments. That
includes 15% who Strongly Favor the idea.After a couple of weeks of decline, economic confidence rebounded this week.
The Job Creators Network/ weekly update shows 52% now
rate the economy as good or excellent. Just 12% say poor. Fifty percent (50%) say firms in their area are hiring while 16% see lay-offs.My weekly syndicated column suggests that next week’s Democratic debates will shake up the race. will carefully monitor the changes. We will go in
the field Monday so we can release new numbers prior to the first
debate. Then, we will keep
tracking all the way through the following weekend to measure whether
there are any clear winners or losers.Joe Biden currently leads in the polls and in terms of Social Media Support. However, the PredictIt Markets give him just a 25% chance of gaining ground. If you think you can tell who’s
winning and losing along the way, we invite you to test your skills. Simply visit or send the word “debate” to you for your interest in our work,Scott
Stay Informed Up To The Minute and Share ContentDeeper CurrentsScott Rasmussen offers his personal insight, analysis, and opinion on current political races, issues, and controversy.
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Scott’s ColumnsPresident
Trump has perfected the art of antagonizing his opponents with
provocative tweets. He demonstrated this skill recently in declaring
that the tax reform act,…
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Campus of Closed College in Connecticut to be Sold at Auction University in Missouri to Offer ‘Witnessing Whiteness’ Program for Faculty VIDEO: MSNBC Host Says Elizabeth Warren’s Plan Won’t Lower the Cost of College
William Jacobson: “THEY STILL DON’T GET IT — Oberlin College issues FAQs on Gibson’s Bakery Verdict: “Did the College defame or libel the Gibsons? No””
Kemberlee Kaye: “Juneteenth has always been big in Texas and especially in the Houston/Galveston area. Glad to see its prominence growing.”
David Gerstman: “Game changer? Vijeta Uniyal blogs that
German Chancellor Angela Merkel now acknowledges that there is “strong
evidence” that Iran was behind the attacks on two tankers last week.
Given the degree to which Merkel’s government has gone out of its way to
whitewash Iran’s behavior, this is a welcome acknowledgement of
reality. Will it lead to concerted international action to rein in
Iran’s aggression?”
Vijeta Uniyal: “In a major shift, Germany has acknowledged Iran’s involvement in the attacks
on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. German Chancellor Merkel
admitted that there was “strong evidence” to implicate Tehran in the
last week’s attacks.”
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Trump’s Orlando Speech: Unprecedented and Remarkable
Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am Donald Trump is closer to the ideals and values of the American people than ever. Read More… Trump: The Direct Representative Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am Rarely has an officeholder galvanized the frenzied passion among his voters that this president has. Read More… Trump and the Latest Polls: Summertime Blues or More Fake News? Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am Recent polls show President Donald Trump in big trouble, likely to lose in a landslide in 2020. That’s what happened last time, after all…right? Read More… Party Over People: The Abandonment of a Moderate America Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am A Democratic candidate learns the truth about politics the hard way. Read More… K–12: Red Ed Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am Why do we see so many socialists swarming over the Democratic Party and the country generally? Short answer: Red Ed. Read More… Tessio Republicans: Worse Than Democrats? Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am Republicans who betray their constituents may be worse than their Democrat opponents. Read More… Recent Blog Posts Dick Durbin’s lessons for Ocasio-Cortez on concentration camp comparisons Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am I don’t believe that I have ever in my life offered something Dick Durbin did as an example to others. Read more… A shocking scientific discovery: Winds affect ocean temperatures! Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am Isn’t it time journalists used their brains, common sense and logic instead of just repeating what they are told to push an agenda? Read more… The Left does not hate Trump, they hate… Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am The left hates many things and Trump, the person, is not even one of them. The left loved Trump when he was one of them. Read more… Heretics in the church of progressive liberalism Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am Two black liberals recently ran afoul of some of the bigger dogmas of the Left’s faith. Read more… Even when Israel opens up to the Palestinians, WaPo can’t find anything nice to say Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am The crossing point into Israel from the West Bank enables Palestinians to enter Israel. But Israel is still the bad guy. Read more… Cyberattacks: A new age in warfare Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am Online attacks can now cause damage equal to traditional military aggression. Read more… Is Boris Johnson unserious enough to be the next British prime minister? Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am When politics is all entertainment, seriousness is not so valuable in a candidate. Read more… A few suggestions for President Trump seeking re-election Jun 20, 2019 01:00 am President Trump is so lucky that he is running against the current crop of Democrats. Read more… Trump’s kickoff rally in Orlando signals Russia Hoax will be a major focus of his campaign Jun 19, 2019 01:00 am Because Trump talks to AG Barr who is supervising Durham’s probe, it is highly probable that he knows something about what lies ahead courtesy of a grand jury sitting in Hartford, Connecticut. Read more… San Francisco moves to ban – horrors! – e-cigarettes Jun 19, 2019 01:00 am In a city that permits pot smoking, lawless sanctuary city status, and use of its streets as a public toilet… Read more… MSNBC contributor twists the knife, comparing Kyle Kashuv to mass shooter Jun 19, 2019 01:00 am Where is this guy’s decency? Read more… The only way to counter Ocasio-Cortez’s use of ‘concentration camp’ to describe holding facilities for illegals Jun 19, 2019 01:00 am Facts and details don’t matter to demagogues and their followers, which is why the responses so far won’t work with her targeted audience. There’s only way to do it. Read more… Sick: Venezuela’s thug regime broke into synagogues and stole ‘lists’ of Jews Jun 19, 2019 01:00 am Speaking of Nazis… Read more… Does anyone doubt that Trump is the Rocky of American politics? Jun 19, 2019 01:00 am President Trump’s rally on Tuesday to officially launch his 2020 campaign for re-election was a tour-de-force. Read more… Trump opens his 2020 campaign: Keep America Great! Jun 19, 2019 01:00 am Will KAG be as successful as MAGA has been? Crowd size predicts yes. Read more… View this email in your browser American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. |
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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray June 20, 2019 If Media Don’t Want To Be Called Propagandists, They Need To Stop Publishing Chinese and Russian Propaganda By Mark Hemingway The American media’s Trump-Russia hysteria of the last few years gains some real perspective when you consider that they are more than willing to take blood money to distribute publications that whitewash authoritarian crimes. Full article Driver’s Licenses For Illegals Are A Huge Opening For New York’s GOP By Jonathan S. Tobin By granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses, Albany Democrats could put some life into a state party that seemed to have given up trying. Full article The Last Thing America Needs Is Yet Another Open-Ended War In The Middle East By Sumantra Maitra The Western dependency on Middle Eastern energy supplies is ever diminishing. Foreign policy should reflect that strategic reality. Full article Why Conservatives Should Support Rebuilding Penn Station By Kyle Sammin Reconstructing New York’s Penn Station in its original grandeur could be just the thing to reinvigorate conservatism in America’s cities and suburbs. Full article No, Maintaining U.S. Borders Is Not The Same As Ethnic Cleansing By Vivian Jones Ocasio-Cortez’ claim equivocates law enforcement with racist incarceration and ethnic cleansing, delegitimizing the suffering of actual concentration camp victims. Full article Here Are The Best Conservative Films To Watch This Summer By Joshua Lawson As Hollywood moves further left, here are some of the best conservative films that promote liberty, truth, family, patriotism, and the fight against evil. Full article The Jonas Brothers Are Back, But They Took Off Their Purity Rings By Zoey Maraist In a new documentary, the band members laugh off their purity rings instead of chastising the adults who mocked them for acknowledging that sex truly matters. 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He played the hits, but he also had a few new lines that we should expect to hear again. “Trump cited many of the same political enemies Tuesday night that he ran against last time, grumbling about “Washington insiders” and “career politicians.” But he identified new foils, as well: Democratic congressional investigators, special counsel Robert Mueller, and the “radical socialism” he claims his political opponents have enthusiastically embraced. “They’ve been afflicted with an ideological sickness,” Trump said of Democrats, attracting deafening applause as he affirmed that “America is not a socialist country.” “Republicans do not believe in socialism. We believe in freedom,” he added.” Read more of The Transom by signing up for a free trial today. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |
Thu, June 20 |
THE DODGY DOSSIER: Read Christopher Steele’s Debunked ‘Trump Dossier’ HERE Despite Congressional Democrats’ non-stop efforts to ignore Robert Mueller’s “No Collusion” conclusion in recent weeks; far-left legislators and members of the Deep State are still refusing to acknowledge the Steele Dossier’s role in obtaining FISA warrants against US citizens.The debunked dossier -used to surveil Trump campaign insiders during the 2016 presidential election- was… |
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LOW ENERGY: Florida Dems Hold ‘Dump Trump Rally’ in Orlando to ‘Hundreds’ of Supporters President Trump spoke to more than 20,000 supporters in Orlando, Florida Tuesday night while Florida Democrats held a simultaneous “Dump Trump Rally”; with “hundreds” of demonstrators vowing to “Flip Florida Blue.”“We know that love wins because love has already won by you being here today” #WinWithLoveRally #DefeatTrumpFL #flapol,” posted the… |
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- Even WaPo thinks Elizabeth Warren’s proposals are way too expensive
- No, technology does not simply bend Left
- PragerU’s Will Witt informs UCSD students Che Guevara was fiercely against LGBTQ
- Tucker Carlson: The truth about the Koch brothers and GOP
- Listen to every word Burgess Owens says about reparations
- AOC offers no solutions and ‘not one dime’ for DHS to fix ‘concentration camps’
- 7 reasons Joe Biden will not be the Democratic nominee
- The realities of the two-state solution
- Hope Hicks and the difference between talking to Congress and Mueller
- Border lies: Democrats start spinning ‘manufactured crisis’ to mean something different
Even WaPo thinks Elizabeth Warren’s proposals are way too expensive Posted: 20 Jun 2019 05:18 AM PDT The Washington Post is one of the Democrats’ favorite mainstream media news outlets. They don’t get the bad wrap for fake news as much as CNN or MSNBC. They also don’t get the label of having unhinged journalists like the NY Times. They’re clearly left-leaning and have tremendous reach, but so far the President has […] The post Even WaPo thinks Elizabeth Warren’s proposals are way too expensive appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
No, technology does not simply bend Left Posted: 20 Jun 2019 01:19 AM PDT On the Joe Rogan Experience featuring tech billionaire, Naval Ravikant, that circulated on Conservative media for the comments about the Left winning the culture war and shooting the survivors, the claim was made that technology bends to the Left. The video made a claim, that taken on its face contributes to the myth that society […] The post No, technology does not simply bend Left appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
PragerU’s Will Witt informs UCSD students Che Guevara was fiercely against LGBTQ Posted: 19 Jun 2019 09:32 PM PDT Cuban Revolutionary Che Guevara imprisoned and murdered many homosexuals in his days fighting the “good fight” that so many progressives seem to admire. This fact of his history seems to have been wiped from the general progressive consciousness. Today, the University of California in San Diego even has a “Che Cafe” that is supposed to be […] The post PragerU’s Will Witt informs UCSD students Che Guevara was fiercely against LGBTQ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Tucker Carlson: The truth about the Koch brothers and GOP Posted: 19 Jun 2019 08:48 PM PDT Considering how much influence the Koch brothers and their network of GOP mega-donors have over American politics, there is surprisingly very little discussed about their actual policy initiatives. This is by design. In many ways, their perspectives shield them from scrutiny by the American people because neither ideological side wants the people to know much […] The post Tucker Carlson: The truth about the Koch brothers and GOP appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Listen to every word Burgess Owens says about reparations Posted: 19 Jun 2019 07:19 PM PDT Former NFL player Burgess Owens delivered an amazing speech before Congress today talking about reparations. He called for them, but not from the United States government as Democrats are wanting. He wants reparation paid by the Democratic Party to the African-Americans Owens believes have been hurt by the leftist ideology espoused by today’s Democrats. The […] The post Listen to every word Burgess Owens says about reparations appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
AOC offers no solutions and ‘not one dime’ for DHS to fix ‘concentration camps’ Posted: 19 Jun 2019 05:51 PM PDT Let’s play a quick game of “read between the lines.” Alexandria Ocasion-Cortez complained about migrant detention centers at the border being “concentration camps.” I disagree, but so be it. Let’s assume the detention centers are inhospitable and even inhumane based on the sheer mass of people coming across the border and filing asylum claims. One […] The post AOC offers no solutions and ‘not one dime’ for DHS to fix ‘concentration camps’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
7 reasons Joe Biden will not be the Democratic nominee Posted: 19 Jun 2019 02:58 PM PDT There are those who say the Democratic nomination for president is Joe Biden’s to lose. And he will. As much as I’d love to see the only Democratic candidate who doesn’t want to destroy America become the nominee just in case President Trump loses, it’s becoming increasingly clear he has no real chance. Why? Because he […] The post 7 reasons Joe Biden will not be the Democratic nominee appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
The realities of the two-state solution Posted: 19 Jun 2019 02:02 PM PDT The belief that a two-state solution is possible and that it is the solution most likely to bring peace is discussed by observers outside of Israel as an almost foregone conclusion. This outsider view too often wholly ignores the unfortunate realities on the ground in Israel. If either side has ever truly considered the possibility […] The post The realities of the two-state solution appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Hope Hicks and the difference between talking to Congress and Mueller Posted: 19 Jun 2019 01:50 PM PDT I’ll keep this brief since it really isn’t that complicated. Democrats are complaining that former White House adviser Hope Hicks wouldn’t answer questions in a closed door meeting with the House Judiciary Committee. They say she’s under orders from White House counsel to not discuss her actions while working for the campaign or administration. They […] The post Hope Hicks and the difference between talking to Congress and Mueller appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Border lies: Democrats start spinning ‘manufactured crisis’ to mean something different Posted: 19 Jun 2019 01:18 PM PDT The old talking point was to claim the growing emergency situation at the border was a “manufactured crisis.” Democrats across the board echoed those words for months before, during, and especially after the government shutdown that spread across last December into January. But as more Americans are waking up to the reality that the crisis […] The post Border lies: Democrats start spinning ‘manufactured crisis’ to mean something different appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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06/20/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Losing Strategy; Inactive Voters; When Harry Met Taft-Hartley By Carl M. Cannon on Jun 20, 2019 09:17 am Good morning, it’s Thursday, June 20, 2019. On this date in 1947, Harry Truman gave a peppery radio address to the nation explaining why he had vetoed bipartisan legislation design to curb the power of organized labor. Officially known as the Labor Relations Management Act of 1947, it was then and forever more known as Taft-Hartley. Living up to his “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry” nickname, Truman denounced Taft-Hartley as “a shocking piece of legislation” that would cripple the rights of working people, increase industrial strife, and lead to a “dangerous challenge” to free speech and a free press. “I vetoed this bill because I am convinced it is a bad bill,” Truman said. “It is bad for labor, bad for management, and bad for the country.” Bold talk, but in hindsight we can say two or three additional things about Taft-Hartley. For starters, Truman played this issue like a fiddle. Second, it probably saved his presidency. I’ll offer a third observation in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * Trump Hopes to Win Next Year, But Is Trying Not To. A.B. Stoddard lays out the president’s ever-growing list of self-inflicted wounds, which are eroding support among his already narrow base. Calif. Begins Removing 5 Million Inactive Voters on Its Rolls. Susan Crabtree has the details. Concerned GOP Outlier: Trump Must State He Is “Not King.” Myra Adams urges the president to stop joking about serving more than two terms and to assure voters he will accept the election outcome in 2020. Inequality Has Surged Since ’89, and Life Has Become Easier. RealClearMarkets editor John Tamny writes that thanks to advances hatched by 1 percenters, the needs of more people around the world are being met. The National Environmental Policy Act Belongs in a Museum. In RealClearEnergy, Kenny Stein argues that the law works against the rebuilding of America’s infrastructure. Is It Time to Cut U.S. Losses in Venezuela? In RealClearWorld, Ted Galen Carpenter advises abandoning efforts to install opposition leader Juan Guaido. Time to Press the Accelerator on Hypersonic Weapons. In RealClearDefense, Daniel Goure warns that China and Russia are ahead in developing extremely high speed weapons that can evade or outrun any existing air and missile defenses. Millennials Need Time-Tested Traditional Churches. In RealClearReligion, Thomas Raabe sees a silver lining in polling of young people about their worship preferences. The Problem With a 90% Graduation Rate. In RealClearEducation, Nat Malkus asserts that lofty high-school numbers don’t equate with improved outcomes. * * * The Labor Relations Management Act of 1947 came in response to perceived excesses of the Wagner Act, a 1935 cornerstone of the New Deal. The Wagner Act (which, notably, did not cover government employees) conferred on Americans the right to collectively bargain with their employers or to join labor unions that would do it for them. It prohibited employers from thwarting those efforts either by attempting to take over the unions or undermining them with discriminatory hiring and firing practices. To enforce these provisions, the Wagner Act created the National Labor Relations Board. The 1935 law, union leaders proclaimed, was nothing less than “labor’s Bill of Rights.” But a rash of strikes as the United States emerged from the shadow of the Depression and World War II led to a widespread perception that the Wagner Act went too far. It had created “closed” shops (in which employers agree to hire only union members), allowed secondary strikes, and made no provisions allowing the government to delay, even temporarily, a union walkout in industries of critical national importance. Taft-Hartley, which enjoyed broad support on Capitol Hill among Democrats and Republicans, was the corrective. But did it go too far in the other direction? Although Truman didn’t think so at first, prominent labor leaders characterized Taft-Hartley as a bill that would lead to “slave labor.” More than two dozen congressional liberals signed a letter calling it a “new guarantee of industrial slavery.” The issue was joined just as a presidential election season was taking shape. Finding his voice as a full-throated union man helped the president; Truman’s narrow reelection victory in 1948 could not have been accomplished without labor support. Yet, and this is the third point that I promised, it’s an observable fact of American political history that once presidents are given new authority, they relish it — and use it. Harry Truman certainly did. His veto of Taft-Hartley was overridden by Congress and in his second term Truman repeatedly invoked Taft-Hartley’s 80-day “cooling-off period” in strikes or threatened strikes that he ascertained would imperil the “national health or safety.” In 1952, Truman also used the law to briefly nationalize America’s steel industry. Five years after he had taken to the radio waves to denounced Taft-Hartley as a “dangerous challenge” to working people, Truman gave another speech from the White House. This time, he argued the issue from the opposite perspective. “My fellow Americans, tonight our country faces a grave danger,” Truman said on April 8, 1952. “These are not normal times. These are times of crisis.” What had changed in five years? Well, for one thing, America was at war again. Truman used his evening address to explain that the labor dispute between steel companies and their workers threatened to deny U.S. troops the weapons and tanks they needed to fight in the Korean conflict. “I would not be faithful to my responsibilities as president if I did not use every effort to keep this from happening,” insisted the commander-in-chief. It’s a rationale that presidents had used before — and are still using today. Viewing it through the lens of non-partisanship, one can acknowledge two competing ideas are true at the same time. First, using the power at your fingertips to right what you see as a wrong is simple human nature — no matter who is in the Oval Office. Second, under our system of government, it is the job of the legislative and judicial branches to curb this temptation, as was done in this very case to Harry Truman. But that is a subject for another day. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) Having trouble viewing this email? | [Unsubscribe] | Update Subscription Preferences Copyright © 2019 RealClearHoldings, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email becuase you opted in at our website. Our mailing address is: RealClearHoldings666 Dundee RoadBldg. 600Northbrook, IL 60062 Add us to your address book |

From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: Trump’s Outrage Scale vs. Democrats’ rules of engagement
The last two days have demonstrated one of the Democratic Party’s biggest challenges against President Trump, especially over the next year.
Their presidential field is going to rough up each other over issues that cut to the heart of the debate over the party’s future, but that would barely register a blip on the daily Trump Outrage Scale ™.
Add up those kinds of Dem skirmishes over a year, and you can see why an incumbent president (who faces no real primary threat) has a built-in advantage for re-election – no matter his current poll numbers.
On Tuesday, President Trump refused to apologize to the “Central Park Five” – young African Americans and Latinos in the late 1980s who were wrongly convicted for beating and raping a Central Park jogger.
“You have people on both sides of that,” Trump said. “They admitted their guilt.” (Fact check: They were later exonerated.)
The next day, the Democratic presidential field piled on frontrunner Joe Biden for recalling “civility” in working with segregationist Democratic Sens. James Eastland and Herman Talmadge from the 1970s, even if he disagreed with them on the issues.
Cory Booker called for Biden to apologize (which the former vice president refused to do).
“Vice President Biden’s relationships with proud segregationists are not the model for how we make America a safer and more inclusive place for black people.”
And then there’s this: “James Eastland literally thought my wife and I should not have the legal right to marry, that those children should not exist and our children should not be on this earth. That’s how personal it is for me,” Bill de Blasio said on “MTP Daily” yesterday.
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images
Now ask yourself: Which of these stories – Central Park Five or Eastland/Talmadge – is still making headlines today?
Don’t get us wrong: We’ve said before that one of Biden’s biggest weaknesses in this 2020 Democratic race is how his nearly 50 year career in Washington makes him seen out of touch with today’s Democratic Party – on race, on abortion, on “civility.”
Yesterday’s pile-on is a chief example.
And it also showed how the rest of the Democratic field isn’t going to give him the benefit of the doubt on any of these issues.
That’s what happens when you’re the frontrunner.
But the dust-up is also a reminder of the disconnect between the kinds of issues that will get Democratic candidates into trouble, versus what Trump has conditioned almost everyone to see as just the latest in a series of predictable outrages.
And that’s a significant advantage for the president of the United States.
TWEET OF THE DAY: Trump’s playbook on Biden

A tale of two controversial Biden statements
Twenty-four hours later, we’re surprised that Biden’s Eastland/Talmadge remarks got more attention than what he said about wealthy people and their taxes.
On Eastland/Talmadge, per the pool report of the fundraiser he attended:
Mr. Biden then recalled his time serving in the Senate. “I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland,” Mr. Biden said, briefly channeling the late Mississippi senator’s Southern drawl. Mr. Biden said of Mr. Eastland, “He never called me boy, he always called me son.” Mr. Biden then brought up a deceased Georgia senator, “a guy like Herman Talmadge, one of the meanest guys I ever knew, you go down the list of all these guys. Well guess what? At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today, you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.”
On wealthy people and their taxes:
“By the way, you know, remember I got in trouble with some of the people on my team, on the Democratic side, because I said, ‘You know what I’ve found is rich people are just as patriotic as poor people.’ Not a joke. I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money. The truth of the matter is, you all, you all know, you all know in your gut what has to be done. We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change. Because when we have income inequality as large as we have in the United States today, it brews and ferments political discord and basic revolution.”
Rich people are just as patriotic as poor people?
Let’s not demonize anybody who has made money?
No one’s standard of living will change?
How are those comments also not producing big stories today?
Iran shoots down U.S. drone
“A U.S. drone was shot down in international airspace above the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday, U.S. Central Command said, contradicting a claim by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard that it struck the aircraft after it entered that country’s airspace,” NBC’s Courtney Kube, Phil Helsel and Ali Arouzi write.
“The news comes amid rising tensions in the region, with American officials blaming Iran for what they said was an attack on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. Iran has denied any involvement.”
2020 VISION: Oh, Roy.
Roy Moore will make an announcement today at 3:00 pm ET on whether he will run for the U.S. Senate in Alabama, per NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard.
The former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice, who lost his 2017 special U.S. Senate race against Democrat Doug Jones, will address reporters at The Foundation for Moral Law, the conservative/religious group which Moore founded.
Hillyard adds: In the December ‘17 special election to fill the remaining two years of Jeff Sessions’ seat, Moore lost by 20,715 votes. There were 22,819 other Alabamians, including Republican Sen. Richard Shelby who wrote in an alternative name to Moore or Jones.
And Moore referenced that fact yesterday, tweeting this:

On the campaign trail today: Michael Bennet holds a press call at 9:30 am ET to unveil his plan to combat corruption and strengthen democracy… And Julian Castro, in Florida, delivers remarks at the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s annual conference.

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson
DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… 7.7.
That’s Joe Biden’s average score among Democratic voters asked to rate his strength as a candidate against Donald Trump on a scale from 0-10, according to a new Monmouth University poll.
On the questionnaire’s scale, a rating of 0 meant that respondent believed the candidate had no chance of beating Trump, while a score of 10 meant that the candidate would definitely beat him.
The 7.7 rating for Biden was the highest of all Democratic candidates.
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren had average scores of 6.5 and 6.4, respectively.
The poll was in the field June 12 to 17.
THE LID: Electability (yeah, you know me)
Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we did a deep dive on those new electability ratings from the Monmouth poll.
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
The Washington Post writes that Trump is “losing interest” in Venezuela after failing to score a “quick foreign policy win” there.
Here’s the latest on the officer-involved shooting that took South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg off the trail.
Does Joe Biden still support the death penalty?
Ta-Nehisi Coates made a splash on the Hill yesterday during a hearing about reparations.
Thanks for reading.
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Chuck, Mark and Carrie