Good morning! Here is your Morning News Briefing for Thursday June 13, 2019
Jun 13, 2019 |
Good morning from Washington, a town crammed with the kind of elites Victor Davis Hanson ably eviscerates in his latest column. Across the fruited plain, California continues its streak of incompetence, and Washington State can’t let a Christian florist live and work in peace. Jarrett Stepman sighs over the former, and Alliance Defending Freedom’s John Bursch weighs in on the latter. Plus: Lauren Evans and Kelsey Bolar talk about women and socialism, and Daniel Davis interviews Ambassador Sam Brownback on the podcast. |
Commentary Mass Homelessness Exposes California’s Political Dysfunction As is typical for California, the state’s “remedies” never address the underlying issues and instead try to quell the homelessness problem with more direct welfare methods. More Commentary Washington State May Have Triggered the Next Major Religious Liberty Case The case State of Washington v. Arlene’s Flowers bears such striking similarities to the Masterpiece Cakeshop case that the U.S. Supreme Court wiped out the state court’s 2017 decision in that case and sent it back for reconsideration in light of the Masterpiece decision. More News Trump Eyes More US Troops for Poland, Easing Poles’ Visa Travel to US President Trump announced plans Wednesday to possibly station 2,000 more U.S. military troops in Poland and to add the country “fairly soon” to the Visa Waiver Program. More Commentary Problematic Women: Women Are Increasingly Embracing Socialism … but Why? This week on “Problematic Women” we discuss why women are embracing socialism and what can be done to stop this trend. More Analysis How the US Is Promoting Religious Liberty Around the World “If you want less terrorism, you need to give people religious freedom so that people won’t act out of their frustration toward the government,” says Sam Brownback, U.S. ambassador at large for international religious freedom. More Commentary Why Volkswagen Workers Should Be Wary of Unionizing Domestic auto production today has been more than halved since 1999, and at least part of that decline has to do with the United Auto Workers union pushing compensation to unaffordable levels. More Commentary Elites Have No One to Blame for Populism but Themselves Elites never suffered the firsthand consequences of their own ideological fiats. More | ||
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Thursday, June 13, 2019 Latest Polling and Dems 2020 Update On Tuesday, Quinnipiac released a poll in which “several Democratic challengers lead President Donald Trump, with former Vice President Joseph Biden ahead 53 – 40 percent.” Quinnipiac Last Thursday, Democratic candidate Joe Biden “declared that he no longer supports a long-standing congressional ban on using federal health care money to pay for abortions.” This came days after his campaign had indicated he supported the ban. AP News On Monday, “Biden told lobbyists and donors at a fundraiser… that Republicans in Congress ‘know better’ than to align with President Donald Trump and declared that Wall Street bankers ‘can be positive influences in the country.’” Wall Street Window On Tuesday, Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg gave a speech on foreign policy. C-SPAN From the Left The left is encouraged by the polling, continues to be critical of Biden, and offers thoughts on Buttigieg’s speech. “Especially bleak is the fact that Trump’s approval rating is more than a dozen points underwater in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Iowa — all states he won in 2016. Of course, a lot can change between now and November of next year. And in fairness to Trump, it is true that state-level polls underestimated his support in 2016… It’s undeniable, however, that the 2020 polling, taken in its totality, doesn’t look good for Trump right now.” Aaron Rupar, Vox “The head-to-head polling doesn’t really tell us much about events 18 months in the future, but it does tell us there’s no counterintuitive process whereby Trump secures the votes of tons of people who say he’s doing a bad job as president… The public is mostly saying they want to vote for any Democrat, and the strongest pattern so far indicates better-known Democrats do better than the more obscure ones… Rather than being either complacent or paralyzed by fear, Democrats should probably take a modest amount of reassurance from Trump’s bad polls and try worrying about everything else for a minute.” Matthew Yglesias, Vox Many argue that, “Biden is wrong to imply that if only Trump is gone, Republicans in Congress will immediately negotiate with a Democratic president in good faith. In fact, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) brags that he will continue to be the ‘grim reaper’ and destroy any legislation from a Democratic president, while promising to further pack the Supreme Court if a vacancy arises during an election year… Biden and Democratic candidates for the presidency, House and Senate should run against the hugely unpopular ‘grim reaper’ McConnell and the Trump Republicans in Washington.” Brent Budowsky, The Hill “Does Biden believe in his own powers of persuasion? Or is he attempting to woo prized Obama-to-Trump voters, not to mention upscale white suburbanites reported to be appalled by Trump’s behavior?… But there’s another crowd this stuff appeals to as well, a group that would rather not discuss the economic issues that contributed to Trump’s victory. That would be the donor class of the Democratic Party… “There’s lots of evidence to suggest that Biden really does think he brings unique skills at bipartisanship to the presidential table. He did make deals with the Republicans aplenty in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. But they were deals like the Hyde Amendment and bankruptcy ‘reform’ that made life harder for people in financial trouble or struggling with student debt, though not for the wealthiest. If members of the Democratic donor class are putting their faith in Biden, it’s hard to blame them. The real question is whether voters will continue to support Biden as it becomes clearer and clearer that his promise of bipartisanship is simply another, more politically palatable way of saying that the rich will continue to come first.” Helaine Olen, Washington Post Regarding Buttigieg’s speech, some argue, “He is an heir to Obama’s cautious and intellectual worldview—except that while Obama was, at heart, a realist influenced by the writings of Reinhold Niebuhr and the actions of Brent Scowcroft, Buttigieg is more motivated by values. Buttigieg is, at heart, a liberal internationalist who is looking beyond interventions to challenges posed by great powers, bridging the gap between the Obama and Clinton wings of his party. He fears that, left untended, threats to liberty abroad will ultimately threaten liberty at home. Buttigieg still has a lot of work to do to unpack what this means, but if he sticks to it and is bolder than he was on Tuesday, he may be able to articulate the alternative he promised.” Thomas Wright, The Atlantic Others contend, “Buttigieg wants to set a generous narrative of national identity against Trump’s cramped and cruel vision, and against the progressive hostility to any national identity at all. It won’t be easy. He speaks of the compassion of his Indiana neighbors toward refugees, their desire to be part of ‘a greater project’ than just America First. But the strongest political emotions of the moment are fear, disillusionment, and hatred. As impressive as he is personally, Buttigieg hasn’t yet found the words, the music, and the policies to make his appeal convincing.” George Packer, The Atlantic From the Right The right is skeptical of polls this early in the campaign, and offers thoughts on Biden’s candidacy. Regarding the Quinnipiac poll, “I’m skeptical these numbers would actually be representative of the general election. According to the poll, Trump would barely edge out Biden among white voters, 47% to 46%. In 2016, Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 20 points among white voters — and this was not unheard of. Mitt Romney beat the Obama-Biden ticket by 20 points among whites in 2012, and John McCain won whites by 12 points in 2008… “Quinnipiac [also] found that Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., would get within eight points of Trump among white voters… Not since 1996, when Bill Clinton came within two points of Bob Dole, has any Democrat come within single digits among whites. It’s just hard to see Harris having the best performance among whites in 24 years running against Trump, who has built his successful electoral career around white identity politics.” Philip Klein, Washington Examiner “We are 17 months away from the election. At this point in the 2016 election season, polls showed Hillary Clinton ahead of Trump by huge margins… An Associated Press poll published on 10/25/16, two weeks before the election, gave the race to Clinton by 13 points, the same margin that Quinnipiac gives to Biden today.” Elizabeth Vaughn, RedState “Iowa Democratic voters have seen and heard much more from the contenders than almost any other state, and thus are much less likely to base their preferences largely on name identification. For Biden, that hasn’t been a good thing… The state’s ideological lean also hampers Biden. Sixty-eight percent of 2016 Democratic caucusgoers were liberals, according to the entrance poll. That’s bad news for Biden, whose national lead rests on moderate voters. There are simply many fewer potential Biden voters in the state than there are in the nation as a whole. This places organization at a premium, as it is crucial for him to turn out every last potential vote… If Biden can’t win in Iowa, he’s unlikely to be able to catch up later.” Henry Olsen, Washington Post Some argue, “The only Democratic candidate with real national stature is former Vice President Joe Biden… [But] Biden has always been a weak, self-destructive candidate and he is still a weak, self-destructive candidate. From defending the Chinese, to sniffing people’s hair, to plagiarizing others, there is a ‘Bidenness’ that plagued his first two campaigns for president and will probably destroy this one. If Biden does fade – and recent Iowa polls certainly make this possible – the Democrats will have no national candidate.” Newt Gingrich, Fox News Others contend, “Biden’s decision to change his position [on the Hyde Amendment] is actually something [abortion supporters] should welcome — because it is a tribute to the power they hold. Pro-lifers loved George H.W. Bush when he flip-flopped, and just look at the behavior of evangelicals in relation to Trump on social issues. Making converts out of politicians is what activism is all about. Punishing someone for joining you is politically insane, even for people who often seem politically insane. The truth is that Biden is running a nearly perfect campaign in the early going based on one implicit message: I can beat Trump, because I can speak to his voters and I’m not a crazy socialist like some of these other folks.” John Podhoretz, New York Post Still others point out that “a recent NPR/Marist poll finds only 18 percent support third-trimester abortion. Yet every [Democratic] senator running for president voted against a bill requiring doctors to help infants who survive a late-term abortion. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) says there’s no room in the party ‘for a Democratic candidate who does not support women’s full reproductive freedom.’ That’s slamming the door on a majority of voters… “The Democratic contenders are espousing policies few Americans support and giving moderate and conservative members of their own party the cold shoulder… Democrats eyeing the White House need to get real. By writing off moderate and conservative members of their own party, they’re boosting Trump’s chances of reelection. Then again, Trump’s reelection may be the gut punch that brings the Democratic party back to its senses.” Betsy McCaughey, National Review On the bright side… A massive Krispy Kreme flagship store is opening in Times Square, complete with a glaze waterfall. People Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Share Tweet Forward Sign Up Here Copyright © 2019 The Flip Side, All rights reserved. You can unsubscribe from this list here. |
IN THIS ISSUE: – Senate 2020: The Primary Challengers SENATE 2020: THE PRIMARY CHALLENGERS No incumbents lost in 2014, 2016, or 2018. Who might be vulnerable in 2020? By Kyle Kondik Managing Editor, Sabato’s Crystal Ball |
KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE — The postwar renomination rate for Senate incumbents is 96%. That’s a little bit lower than the rate in the House. — However, no senators have lost renomination in 13 of the last 19 elections. So recent history does not necessarily suggest that there will be even a single Senate primary loser. — A few senators appear to face challenges that could threaten them. — Primary upsets could change the general election odds in some key races. Map 1: Senate seats contested in 2020 The Senate primary calculus The last time this current crop of senators, Class II, was up for election, in 2014, no senators lost their primaries. This represented a change from the previous two cycles, which featured significant primary upheaval, particularly on the Republican side. In 2010, three incumbent senators lost renomination in races all featuring odd circumstances: Sen. Robert Bennett (R-UT) may have won an actual primary, but he finished third at a party nominating convention, meaning he didn’t get to advance to a primary. Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) feared a GOP primary, so he switched parties, but then he lost in the Democratic primary; Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) lost the Republican primary, but then prevailed as a write-in candidate in the general election. Two years later, Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) lost his primary, which allowed Democrats to capture the seat. An anti-incumbent sentiment on the Republican side contributed to some soft results for incumbents in 2014, but every challenger came up short. Still, Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) only narrowly survived a primary runoff, and several other Republicans turned in underwhelming performances. Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) won less than 50% of the vote, and Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John Cornyn (R-TX) won less than 60% (none of these incumbents faced strong challengers and all benefited to at least some degree from splintered opposition). Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), then the Senate minority leader and now the majority leader, had to work hard to defeat outsider businessman Matt Bevin, although McConnell would win going away, 60%-35% (Bevin is now governor of Kentucky and he and McConnell have made amends). An appointed Democrat, Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii, also had a very tough primary. Still, all the incumbents won that year, and in 2016 and 2018 as well. Every senator winning renomination in a given year has become fairly common: in 13 of the last 19 federal election cycles, no Senate incumbents have lost renomination. A couple of weeks ago, we looked at the primary picture in the House. House members hardly ever lose primaries — incumbents who run have a better than 98% winning percentage in the post-World War II era — but usually there are at least a few members who lose primaries in any given year. The topline victory percentages for incumbent U.S. senators seeking renomination are almost as lofty. Since the end of World War II, about 96% of Senate incumbents who have sought to be nominated have won renomination. The year-by-year history is shown in Table 1: Table 1: Postwar Senate renomination rates |
Sources: Vital Statistics on Congress, Crystal Ball research Technically, an incumbent senator did lose renomination recently, albeit in an irregularly-scheduled special election that is not included in these overall statistics: appointed Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL), who lost to former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore (R) in a 2017 special election primary runoff. Moore would go on to lose to now-Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) in the special general election. Republicans currently have 19 incumbents running for renomination and reelection, while Democrats have only 11. So far, there is some primary action on both sides. Let’s start on the Democratic side, where Jones faces a challenge. Earlier this year, state Rep. John Rogers (D) made some incendiary comments on abortion that drew the ire of many, including Jones (Rogers later got in a back and forth with Donald Trump Jr. and said the president’s son should have been aborted). Rogers also said he would challenge Jones in a primary. Rogers has yet to file with the Federal Election Commission but has suggested that he has received a half a million dollars in campaign pledges (whether this is truly the case remains a mystery). So it’s hard to know how serious of a challenger Rogers is, but it does represent another headache for Jones, who already faces an uphill battle to win a full term. Jones is white while Rogers is black; the primary will occur concurrently with the presidential primary on March 3, 2020, and the electorate will be majority African American. But Jones also really hasn’t done anything to draw the ire of Democratic primary voters, black or white. Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) may face the most significant challenge on the Democratic side at this point. Labor lawyer Shannon Liss-Riordan (D), who led a class-action lawsuit against rideshare giant Uber, is challenging Markey; so too might Steve Pemberton (D), a successful business executive who endured a difficult childhood in the state’s foster care system. Again, it’s not obvious Markey will be in trouble, although a recent Boston Globe/Suffolk University poll of the state’s presidential primary showed him at just 44% on a ballot test, somewhat weak for an incumbent (Liss-Riordan and Pemberton each had 5% support while 45% were undecided). An earlier poll, conducted late last year by UMass Amherst, showed Markey struggling in matchups with bigger-name potential opponents than the ones he has now. So there’s some softness there. The Massachusetts Senate primary won’t be until Sept. 15 of next year, while the presidential primary will be March 3, so there’s plenty of time for Markey’s opponents to try to chip away at him. The incumbent could benefit from facing split opposition, as there’s no runoff in Massachusetts. Another Democrat who has a primary challenger is Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), who is being challenged by newly-elected state Rep. Anne Stava-Murray (D). Stava-Murray has been critical of state Democratic Party leadership, and she refused to support long-serving state House Speaker Mike Madigan (D). If Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) was going to face a tough primary, it probably would’ve been last cycle, when she was running as an appointee; she won the remainder of former Sen. Al Franken’s (D-MN) term last November and is running for a full term in her own right next year. Speaking of Franken, he is still sitting on a $2.6 million warchest and seems to be getting antsy to try to re-enter the political fray after his resignation over inappropriate behavior toward women, although there’s been no indication he’s seriously pondering a new campaign. Finally, New Jersey law allows Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) to run concurrently for reelection and on the presidential ticket, although his presidential bid has not reached top-tier status thus far. Booker shouldn’t have much trouble getting renominated in any event if he does indeed run for Senate. On the Republican side, it may have seemed at the dawn of Donald Trump’s presidency that the aforementioned Lindsey Graham (R-SC) would be in major primary trouble, given that many conservatives were already suspicious of him before he became a major Trump critic during his own run for the GOP nomination in the 2016 cycle. But something funny happened after Trump got elected: Graham turned into a devoted ally of the president and became the chief defender of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during Kavanaugh’s ultimately successful confirmation battle last year. South Carolina Republicans have noticed and applauded Graham’s change: According to Winthrop University’s polling, Graham’s approval with Republicans and Republican leaners has risen 33 points in just a year, moving from just 41% in February 2018 to 74% in March. At this point Graham appears well-positioned for renomination. A couple of 2014’s weaker performers, Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN), can’t lose primaries next year because they are retiring. Thad Cochran (R-MS) died two weeks ago after resigning due to poor health early last year; his replacement, Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), won her special election primary and general election last year with the backing of President Trump, which she likely will be able to call on again if she has any credible challenges as she seeks a full term in 2020. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) both seem to be in fine shape. McConnell does have a challenger, former state Rep. C. Wesley Morgan (R), but the majority leader doesn’t face the kind of opposition from outside conservative groups that he did in 2014. Probably the most significant Republican Senate primary challenger so far is businessman Garland Tucker (R), who is challenging Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC); Rep. Mark Walker (R, NC-6) is also apparently considering a challenge. Tillis appeared to please no one earlier this year when he wrote an op-ed opposing the president’s emergency declaration at the southern border only to change his mind and vote against a subsequent Senate resolution disapproving of the declaration. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), a sometimes Trump critic, also backed Trump on the declaration after expressing some skepticism about it, although it’s less clear whether he’ll face a real challenge. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) probably helped shore up her right flank with her support of Kavanaugh’s confirmation last year, but she has a primary opponent, Maine Republican Party State Committee member Derek Levasseur. The other Republican running for reelection in a state won by Hillary Clinton in 2016, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), has already endorsed Trump for reelection, perhaps as a way of warding off a primary challenge (no one credible seems to have emerged as of now). Finally, appointed Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) does not yet appear to have a major primary challenger, but Senate appointees don’t have the same power of incumbency that normal incumbents do (ask Luther Strange), and Arizona Republicans can be a rambunctious group. McSally may or may not end up having a free pass to the general election. One would think that a Trump endorsement would largely seal the deal for any of these GOP incumbents, although that ended up not being the case for Strange in 2017. There is the possibility that some of these primaries could change the general election calculus: If Republican incumbents such as Collins, McSally, or Tillis were to lose a primary, it could hurt the party’s chances in the general election. The same is true for Jones — he’s the only Democrat who could hold the Alabama Senate seat, and even then he faces a difficult task. Unlike in the House, where we can be reasonably confident at least one and probably more than one incumbent will lose his or her primary, the recent history suggests that we shouldn’t be surprised if every Senate incumbent wins renomination next year. None of these Senate incumbents seem to be in obviously major trouble. That said, Markey (D-MA) and Tillis (R-NC) probably should be taking their primaries the most seriously at this early point. Read the fine print Learn more about the Crystal Ball and find out how to contact us here. Sign up to receive Crystal Ball e-mails like this one delivered straight to your inbox. Use caution with Sabato’s Crystal Ball, and remember: “He who lives by the Crystal Ball ends up eating ground glass!” |
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“I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” BYLINE Good morning! The Justice Department has confirmed for the first time it is investigating the actions by foreign intelligence agencies in connection to the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign. “The review… is intended to illuminate open questions regarding the activities of U.S. and foreign intelligence services as well as non-governmental organizations and individuals,” Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd said in a letter. Boyd also said that the DOJ is probing whether the actions “complied with applicable policies and laws.” Read the full story here American Airlines CEO Says ‘Highly Likely’ Boeing 737 MAX Will Fly by September Uneasy Calm in Hong Kong After a Day of Protest Against Extradition Bill First Person Sentenced in College Bribery Scam Avoids Prison Time Human trafficking is a problem that affects both genders, but many argue that among the victims, all aren’t receiving an equal amount of attention. Boys who fall victim to human trafficking in the United States make up as much as 40 to 45 percent of the total victim population in some cities. Read more Terrorists linked to Iranian-backed Hezbollah were stockpiling bomb-making ingredients, including three tons of ammonium nitrate, in London in 2015 in what was described as a “secret British bomb factory,” the Daily Telegraph reported this week. Read more Tired of waiting for the federal government to fix the border, Sheriff Mark Dannels decided to take matters into his own hands. A personal run-in with a Mexican cartel only cemented his motivation to rid his county of cross-border crime. Read more More than 1,500 children die in the United States every year because of abuse or neglect. In many of those cases, the government knew or at least suspected something was wrong. Read more Executives of 60 foreign companies signed the “Pledge to America’s Workers,” committing to provide more than 930,000 training and apprenticeship opportunities in the United States. Read more Mexican officials said that the deployment of National Guard Forces to its southern border it shares with Guatemala will begin on June 12 and is expected to advance quickly. Read more President Trump announced during a White House conference with Poland’s president, that his administration will send 1,000 more U.S. service members to Poland. Read more See More Top Stories Trading With China: Resetting the Balance By Ronald Rychlak Not that long ago, so it seems, my politically enlightened friends complained about the United States’ trade policy with China. Why, they would ask, do we give “most favored nation” status to a country that suppresses free speech, stifles dissent, brutalizes its citizens, ignores intellectual property law, and uses slave or prisoner labor? Read more William Barr Is Correct With Regard to Treason By Elad Hakim There is no love lost between President Donald Trump and former FBI Director James Comey. According to a recent article in the Washington Examiner, Trump accused Comey, “who oversaw the beginning of the counterintelligence investigation into his 2016 campaign, of committing ‘treason,’ a crime that is punishable by death in the U.S.” Attorney General William Barr disagreed with Trump’s conclusion from a legal perspective. Barr’s conclusion is correct. Read more See More Opinions How ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Amnesty Could Destroy American Liberty By Trevor Loudon There is no issue that could more decisively spell the end of American liberty than that of amnesty for this country’s millions of illegal aliens. Illegal immigration, and the societal changes it will bring with it, is more than an economic issue, a public health issue, a law enforcement issue, or even a national security problem; it is an existential threat to the survival of the United States as a constitutional republic. Read more Rep. Mark Meadows, in an interview on “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo,” touched on a wide range of issues including the investigation by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, the potential testimony before Congress of former special counsel Robert Mueller, the release of new documents this week, and whether people in the FBI and DOJ will be held accountable. Meadows: ‘There’s a Cover-up Within Certain Realms at the FBI’ Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for June 13,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. Senate Republicans Want to Bankrupt America. Donald Trump is Trying to Stop Them. This is a startling story from Politico. President Trump’s top budget aide, Russ Vought, and Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, are urging spending restraint in Congress. Senate Republicans are hostile to the idea. The post Senate Republicans Want to Bankrupt America. Donald Trump is Trying to Stop Them. appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Al Gore Deserves Shame, Not an Apology NPR recently ran a silly story with this provocative headline: “We All Owe Al Gore an Apology.” I dissent. Let’s first be clear about Gore. After losing the 2000 presidential election, Gore found a cause to peddle in global warming. He partnered with affluent donors, created a documentary full of hyperbolic exaggeration and dire warnings […] The post Al Gore Deserves Shame, Not an Apology appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Huffington Post Reporter Claims Making Congress Vote is an “Inconvenience” Congressman Chip Roy is forcing the House of Representatives to vote on every floor amendment to the House’s spending bill. There are 106 amendments and Roy, even late into the night last night, was giving up his wedding anniversary to be on the floor forcing votes on each amendment. The Huffington Post’s congressional reporter, Matt Fuller, really does not like that Chip Roy is “willing to inconvenience people.” The post Huffington Post Reporter Claims Making Congress Vote is an “Inconvenience” appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Democrats Agreed With Donald Trump About Foreign Help The President is drawing sensational headlines for saying foreign interference for his campaign might not be reported to the FBI. As the media is all upset about it and Democrats are screaming, we should point out that the Steele dossier involved a lot of dirt about Donald Trump from Russia and we now know that […] The post The Democrats Agreed With Donald Trump About Foreign Help appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » SunTrust and BB&T Merge as Truist, the Stupidest Corporate Rebranding Since NationStar Became Mr. Cooper Not since NationStar idiotically rebranded itself as Mr. Cooper — seriously, the ad agency should be driven out of business for that — BB&T and SunTrust undoubtedly paid some expert to come up with a new brand for their merger. It will be called “Truist,” which is a completely absurd, stupid name and the corporate […] The post SunTrust and BB&T Merge as Truist, the Stupidest Corporate Rebranding Since NationStar Became Mr. Cooper appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Y’all Got the Memo, Right? It is no small wonder that trust in the media is dismally low according to most polls you can find. It is even more interesting that the majority of summary findings were before the Mueller report was released. However, if ratings are any indication, it seems some of the networks and shows that really hyped […] The post Y’all Got the Memo, Right? appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » I’m a Digital Strategist. Stifling Speech Undermines Our Industry. I must confess: I was a reluctant adopter of social media who grew to love it. I launched my Facebook profile in October 2007, downloaded the Twitter app in January 2010, and caved to Instagram in April 2014. I also jumped aboard the LinkedIn train in May 2010 to bolster my career prospects after college. […] The post I’m a Digital Strategist. Stifling Speech Undermines Our Industry. appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Trump’s Re-election Chances Are Slim But Not None While Trump cannot be counted out for re-election, he faces a difficult campaign. The post Trump’s Re-election Chances Are Slim But Not None appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Vox “Reporter” Who “Explains the News” Mocks Donald Trump Because the Vox Kid is Too Ignorant to Understand the President’s Point This is really absurd. If you watch the President’s video clip, he’s talking about the lack of rural broadband in farm country, which makes it hard for modern tractors to tie into broadband necessary components of modern farming. Yes, in fact, modern tractors do connect to the internet, but cannot in rural areas where they […] The post Vox “Reporter” Who “Explains the News” Mocks Donald Trump Because the Vox Kid is Too Ignorant to Understand the President’s Point appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Congressman Doug Collins, Ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, Will Be At The Resurgent Gathering Congressman Doug Collins of Georgia, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, will be joining me on stage at The Resurgent Gathering 2019. There is still time to get a ticket before prices go up. The Resurgent Gathering will be on August 1-4, 2019, at the Grand Hyatt Buckhead in Atlanta, GA. The event […] The post Congressman Doug Collins, Ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, Will Be At The Resurgent Gathering appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
Daily Briefing Conservative News | Libertarian News | Commentary VISIT FROM OUR NEWSROOM Surprise! Illegals Aren’t Showing for Asylum Hearings By Sarah CowgillUnder threat of punishing tariffs on all goods imported from our southern neighbor, it appears Mexico has caved to Trump’s […] Click Here What America’s Thinking America rejects CNN – Ratings down another 33% Over half of the population wants marijuana legalized – only 37% disapprove. Rasmussen reveals 40% of Americans think the U.S. is heading in the right direction. Some states flirt with decriminalizing prostitution, but most voters oppose. Joe Biden: So Fake, He May Not Even Exist At All By Graham J NobleWho is Joe Biden? This is question well worth asking since he is currently the front-runner for the Democratic Party’s […] Click Here Washington Whispers Coming down the pipeline: Is AOC gunning for Chuck Schumer’s Senate seat? Is Romney’s new Obamacare Plan the launch for his 2020 run? Has Google really ditched lobbying firms, or is it all smoke and mirrors to avoid accountability? Will Saudi arms sales provoke next government shutdown? Oberlin College Plays the Race Card – and Loses Big By Jeff CharlesThe social justice left was just given 11 million new reasons to rethink the policy of destroying anyone perceived as […] Click Here News Roundup We’ve Surfed The Web for You Immigrant-rights groups ask Supreme Court to delay decision on 2020 census Trump Trolls The Left With Stephanopoulos Interview Trump’s Tariff Strategy Produces Game-Changing Win Democrat Lawmaker: I’m Sick of ‘Sex-Starved Males’ Talking About Abortion Bernie: ‘A Lot Of People In The Country Would Be Delighted To Pay More In Taxes’ Illegals Crime Report – June 6-12 By Kelli BallardIllegal Immigration is more than just a political talking point; the left seems determined to make us an open-border country […] Click Here WATCH NOW FEATURED LNTV |
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Thursday, June 13, 2019 |
Group Releases the Most Egregious Examples of Congressional “Pork-Barrel” Spending While Congress thinks of new ways to spend non-existent government money every day, and then complain that the tax-cuts are to blame for the national debt, it may be time to take a look at where some of that money is going. From Alex Pappas at Fox News: “An anti-government waste group has identified millions of taxpayer dollars allegedly frittered away on ‘absurd nature-related earmarks,’ including $9 million to ‘quarantine fruit flies’ and $13.8 million to ‘manage wild horses.’ Those revelations are inside the 2019 Congressional Pig Book released Wednesday by Citizens Against Government Waste. That report identifies what it describes as egregious examples of pork-barrel spending in Congress, drawn from fiscal 2019 appropriations bills. This year, the group said it identified $15.3 billion in earmarks, an increase of 4.1 percent from the $14.7 billion last year. ‘Pushing pork does not drain the swamp and it won’t restore integrity to Washington,’ Tom Schatz, the president of Citizens Against Government Waste, said in a statement. Schatz wrote in an op-ed for Fox Business Network that ‘perhaps the most flagrant earmark’ this year is $16.7 million for a research organization called the East-West Center, added by Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii. ‘His earmark represents the center’s entire budget, keeping it alive even though its counterpart, the North-South Center, stopped receiving federal funding in 2001,’ the group’s president said. ‘The East-West Center should be able to stand on its own without taxpayer support as well.’ The report identifies other pricey earmarks, including $65 million to help recover Pacific Coastal Salmon, $12 million to control aquatic plants, $7.9 million to purchase fish screens and $863,000 to eradicate brown tree snakes in Guam.” Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders gave a speech at George Washington University yesterday laying out how genius Democratic Socialism is, only to belie his points with fallacies and flat-out lies. Chrissy Clark points out his top breaks from reality at The Federalist: “‘We Now Have an Economy That Is Fundamentally Broken’ Not to bore you with charts and facts, but U.S. gross domestic product growth for the last quarter was an estimated 3.1 percent and recovery from the slow economic growth in 2016 remains steady. The unemployment rate as of May 2019 is at 3.6 percent. The United States hasn’t seen low unemployment rates like this since 1953. Sanders says GDP rates and unemployment rates have nothing to do with understanding how good the economy is. According to Sanders, the data and statistics used to gauge the well-being of world-wide economics is not an adequate reflection of the American economy. I must ask then, what data and statistics should we use to understand the economy? We can’t use a make believe feelings-meter to decide how the American economy is doing. The facts are in, and the economy has been wildly, record-breakingly successful under President Trump. ‘The Average Wage Is No Higher than It Was 48 Years Ago’ This statement was a flat out lie. I’m not sure if Sanders gets his data from the same place he gets his ideas, but they’re both crazy. The national average wage index, which measures changes in U.S. wages over time, was $50,321.89 in 2017, while the national index 48 years ago in 1969 was $5,893.76. This does not account for inflation, so I did the math for you. The average wage index in 1969, while factoring in inflation, was $43,682.69 in 2017 dollars, for a 48-year span. That means Americans today on average earn approximately $6,639.20 more than they did 48 years ago. Sanders is $6,639.20 from being accurate, which is not a small number.” Weekend Reading Hong Kong’s extradition protests are an essential stand. (The Guardian) Joe Biden wagged his finger at a young VICE reporter when he was asked about his back and forth on the Hyde Amendment. The photo went viral. (Vice) Hannah Gadsby, made famous by her non-comedy comedy special “Nanette” last year, slammed fellow comic Louis C.K. for being “just angry and bitter.” She then explains that her new special is more “stand-up catharsis” than belly laughs. (The L.A. Times) California’s Progressive Betrayal: The Golden State’s left wing policies hurt working-class and middle-class citizens.(City Journal) Rep. Ilhan Omar’s credibility takes another hit. (Minneapolis Star Tribune) Thursday Entertainment Center HBO’s “Chernobyl” makes a powerful argument against relative truth. (The Federalist) Kylie Jenner throws a “Handmaid’s Tale” themed birthday party and the social justice warriors lost their minds. (The Federalist) Many people are dubious about “Men in Black: International” but this reviewer found it to be a “properly palatable popcorn movie” and I am here for that. (At Home in Hollywood) HBO’s new teen drama “Euphoria” shows 30 penises in one episode – claims it’s “not sensational to be sensational.” (The Hollywood Reporter) “Big Little Lies” Season 2 review: Meryl Streep is sublime in another addictive season. (Collider) “The Chef Show” is Netflix’s best food show to date. (Forbes) BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Ellie Bufkin is the co-host of the weekly movie podcast, Flix It and a senior contributor to The Federalist. Originally from northern Virginia, Ellie worked in the wine industry as a journalist and sommelier- having lived in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. Having been a fanatic for movies and TV shows since childhood, she currently reviews movies and writes about many aspects of popular culture for The Federalist. She is an avid home cook, cocktail enthusiast, and still quite happy to make wine recommendations. Ellie currently divides her time between Charleston, SC and Washington, D.C. You can follow her on Twitter @ellie_bufkin on Instagram @exsommellie. |
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SCOTT RASMUSSEN Launch – Check Out My All New Website
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Good morning,Economic confidence may be slipping a bit.The
latest Job Creators Network/ Weekly Pulse shows that
48% of Americans now rate the economy as good or excellent. This is the
first time that number has fallen below 50% since the government
shutdown in January. Additionally,
34% now believe the economy is getting better while 28% say it is
getting worse. Over the past two weeks, the number saying the economy is
getting worse has also been the highest since the government
shutdown.We will be
watching carefully in the coming weeks to determine if the declining
confidence is a temporary blip or the start of a lasting trend.On a different topic, perceptions of the tariff threats and recent deal with Mexico depend upon what people expected to see. Thirty-four
percent (34%) of voters believe the threat of tariffs led to a better
deal for the United States. However, 35% disagree and 31% are not sure.Republicans,
by a 59% to 15% margin, believe the tariff threats helped. Democrats,
by a 57% to 19% margin, disagree. Independent voters are
evenly divided–27% say they helped, 30% say they didn’t, and 40% are not
sure.Looking ahead,
if the Mexican government does not help the United States reduce illegal
immigration, 42% believe the United States should again threaten to
impose tariffs. Thirty-eight percent (38%) disagree.Finally, my weekly syndicated column looks at the Twin Pillars of Health Care Reform. Broadly
speaking, voters have two concerns. Defensively, they want to make sure
that Congress doesn’t make a bad situation worse. That’s why 78% of
voters want any reform to specifically provide protection for people
with pre-existing conditions.Beyond
that, however, voters want more control over their own health care
decisions. And, in practical terms, that means they need more choices.
Sixty-five percent (65%) think health insurance companies should be
required to offer a variety of health insurance options. Those options
would include more expensive plans with comprehensive coverage and less
expensive plans that cover only basic health care needs.Thank you for your interest in our work,Scott
Stay Informed Up To The Minute and Share ContentDeeper CurrentsScott Rasmussen offers his personal insight, analysis, and opinion on current political races, issues, and controversy.
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Scott’s ColumnsPresident
Trump has perfected the art of antagonizing his opponents with
provocative tweets. He demonstrated this skill recently in declaring
that the tax reform act,…
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is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or
rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or
resentful,” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5, ESV).
#WhyIConserve Campaign Emphasizes Call for Green GOP
By Kelvey Vander Hart on Jun 13, 2019 05:00 am Kelvey Vander Hart: An American Conservation Coalition digital campaign emphasized conservatives’ passion for the environment and call for a green GOP. Read in browser » Cotton, Lankford, Sasse and Scott to Speak at Family Leadership Summit By Caffeinated Thoughts on Jun 12, 2019 03:47 pm U.S. Sens. Tom Cotton, James Lankford, Ben Sasse, and Tim Scott will speak at the 2019 Family Leadership Summit in West Des Moines on Friday, July 12. Read in browser » Whitver Updates Iowa Senate Republicans Committee Assignments By Caffeinated Thoughts on Jun 12, 2019 03:20 pm Iowa Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver updates committee assignments and leadership in response to State Sen. Randy Feenstra stepping down as Ways and Means chair. Read in browser » Fort Sill’s History as a WWII Japanese Internment Camp is Irrelevant By Shane Vander Hart on Jun 12, 2019 12:09 pm With the decision to move migrant children to Fort Sill, the base’s World War II history is deemed relevant when it wasn’t when the same thing happened in 2014. Read in browser » Feenstra Steps Down as Iowa Senate Ways and Means Chair By Caffeinated Thoughts on Jun 12, 2019 10:29 am State Sen. Randy Feenstra announced he would step down as the Iowa Senate Ways and Means Chair to focus more time on the Iowa 4th Congressional District race. Read in browser » Recent Articles: Grassley: Where’s the Outrage Over Child Exploitation at Border? Gillibrand Says Pro-Life Position is Unacceptable, Compares to Racism Money Can’t Buy You Health Iowa Breaks Record for New Business Filings for Second Month in a Row Internal Democrat Poll Shows Ernst Leading Potential Challengers Launched in 2006, Caffeinated Thoughts reports news and shares commentary about culture, current events, faith and state and national politics from a Christian and conservative point of view. Caffeinated Thoughts P.O. Box 57184 Des Moines, IA 50317 (515) 321-5077 Editor, Shane Vander Hart Connect: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Share Tweet Share Forward Copyright © 2019 Caffeinated Thoughts, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. |
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President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Thursday, June 13, 2019
By R. Mitchell –
President Donald Trump will participate in a working lunch with
America’s governors then deliver a speech on second-chance hiring. Keep
up with Trump on CDN’s President’s Schedule Page. In the evening, the
president and first lady will attend a Polish-American reception.
President Trump’s schedule for 6/13/19 All Times EDT: 12:30 …
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Thursday, June 13, 2019 is original content from Conservative
Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary
they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political
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Read on » Trump Warns Of ‘Phase Two’ If Mexico Deal Doesn’t Adequately Stop Immigration Crisis By Jason Hopkins – President Donald Trump on Wednesday warned of implementing a “phase two” if the immigration deal with Mexico does not yield satisfactory results. “Now, Mexico is moving 6,000 troops to their southern border. That’s a lot of troops. That’s a lot more — we never even heard of a number like … Trump Warns Of ‘Phase Two’ If Mexico Deal Doesn’t Adequately Stop Immigration Crisis is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Rep Justin Amash Joined Democrats In Vote To Hold Barr And Ross In Contempt By Evie Fordham – Republican Michigan Rep. Justin Amash joined with Democrats on the House Oversight Committee to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress Wednesday. Amash was the lone Republican to vote to hold them in contempt for failing to comply with subpoenas related to the … Rep Justin Amash Joined Democrats In Vote To Hold Barr And Ross In Contempt is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Study: Mexicans No Longer Make Up The Majority Of Illegals Living In The US By Jason Hopkins – The number of unauthorized Mexican immigrants in the U.S. declined so rapidly in the past ten years that they no longer make up the majority of illegal aliens living in the country, according to an estimate from Pew Research Center. The number of Mexican nationals living in the U.S. illegally … Study: Mexicans No Longer Make Up The Majority Of Illegals Living In The US is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Twitter Temporarily Limits Project Veritas After Pinterest Controversy By Chris White – Twitter temporarily suspended Project Veritas’s account Wednesday after the group published internal documents from Pinterest and alleges that they show the company suppressing a pro-life group. Project Veritas shared documents Tuesday on Twitter showing that Pinterest monitored Live Action and alleged that it was in attempt to censor the pro-life … Twitter Temporarily Limits Project Veritas After Pinterest Controversy is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » If Democrats Can Cure Cancer, Why Not Cure …??? By Amanda Alverez – In case you missed the latest Democrat Party breaking news, ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden states “I promise you if I’m elected president you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America. We’re going to cure cancer.” Should anyone challenge this defender of swampiness? If you were one of … If Democrats Can Cure Cancer, Why Not Cure …??? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Beto O’Rourke Presents LGBTQ Policy Proposal: ‘Current Administration Is Encouraging’ Discrimination By Matt M. Miller – Democratic 2020 candidate Beto O’Rourke presented his policy proposal concerning the LGBTQ community, Wednesday, describing an agenda to reverse Trump Administration policies he says infringe upon LGBTQ rights. “LGBTQ+ Americans have made incredible progress over the past decade, thanks in large part to the tireless efforts of activists and advocates … Beto O’Rourke Presents LGBTQ Policy Proposal: ‘Current Administration Is Encouraging’ Discrimination is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Ted Cruz Floats A Second Alliance With Ocasio-Cortez. This One Has To Do With Birth Control By Evie Fordham – Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz floated the possibility of working with Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to make birth control available over-the-counter Wednesday. “Psst! Birth control should be over-the-counter, pass it on,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter June 7. “I agree. Perhaps, in addition to the legislation we are already … Ted Cruz Floats A Second Alliance With Ocasio-Cortez. This One Has To Do With Birth Control is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Don Jr. Says He’s ‘Not At All’ Worried About Perjury Following Senate Intel Testimony By Chuck Ross – Donald Trump Jr. said he is “not at all” concerned about perjury charges following closed-door testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) on Wednesday. Trump Jr. met for around three hours with the committee, which has investigated Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. Democrats had pushed for … Don Jr. Says He’s ‘Not At All’ Worried About Perjury Following Senate Intel Testimony is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Obama White House Deleted Online Speeches About The Immigration Crisis Hours Before Trump Entered Office By Jason Hopkins – The Obama administration deleted hundreds of speeches and statements on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) website just hours before President Donald Trump officially entered office. A collection of 190 transcripts of speeches on ICE’s website was deleted on January 18 and on the late evening of January 19, 2017, … Obama White House Deleted Online Speeches About The Immigration Crisis Hours Before Trump Entered Office is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch: President Trump Participates in a Joint Press Conference with the President of Poland By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump and President Andrzej Duda of Poland hold a joint press conference Wednesday. The event is scheduled to begin at 2:15 p.m. EDT. Watch: Content created by Conservative Daily News and some content syndicated through CDN is available for re-publication without charge under the Creative Commons license. Visit our … Watch: President Trump Participates in a Joint Press Conference with the President of Poland is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Trump Escalates Standoff With House, Claims Executive Privilege Over Census Records By Kevin Daley – President Donald Trump is claiming executive privilege over administration documents regarding the addition of a citizenship question on the 2020 census form, as House Democrats prepare to hold two cabinet secretaries in contempt over the dispute. The move comes after Attorney General William Barr warned that President Trump would assert … Trump Escalates Standoff With House, Claims Executive Privilege Over Census Records is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Democrats Move To Make Gunmakers Liable For Gun Crimes By Whitney Tipton – Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation Tuesday to hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes committed with their products. The measure, introduced in both the House and Senate, seeks to repeal legislation passed in 2005 that enacted litigation protections for the gun industry, National Public Radio (NPR) reported. “Responsible actors in the gun … Democrats Move To Make Gunmakers Liable For Gun Crimes is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Michael Flynn Hires New Counsel, Will Continue Cooperating With The Government By Chuck Ross – Former national security adviser Michael Flynn will remain in his plea agreement with the federal government and continue cooperating with prosecutors, his new counsel said Wednesday. “[T]he General is going to continue to cooperate with the government,” Sidney Powell, Flynn’s new lawyer, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. The Hill … Michael Flynn Hires New Counsel, Will Continue Cooperating With The Government is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Donald Trump’s Net Worth Rebounds After A Two-Year Decline By Molly Prince – President Donald Trump’s net worth has bounced back to the $3 billion mark after two office buildings in his real estate portfolio increased in value. Following two straight years of decline, Trump experienced a 5% gain over the past year, according Bloomberg News. The rally rebounds his net worth to 2016 … Donald Trump’s Net Worth Rebounds After A Two-Year Decline is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » It’s Time for Trump to Take On Mitch McConnell By Michael R Shannon – This week we have one of those rare occasions when government priorities and government funding match exactly. Fox News reports, “Loose change left at airports may be used to help fund border operations.” If you need additional proof Washington, Inc. doesn’t give a damn about stopping and reversing illegal immigration … It’s Time for Trump to Take On Mitch McConnell is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » US Women’s Soccer Player Ignored The National Anthem As An ‘F-You’ To Trump By Shelby Talcott – U.S. women’s soccer star Megan Rapinoe kept true to her promise and ignored the national anthem before the Women’s World Cup game against Thailand on Tuesday. Rapinoe, who is openly gay, has said that she would never sing the national anthem again as an ‘f-you’ to President Donald Trump. She … US Women’s Soccer Player Ignored The National Anthem As An ‘F-You’ To Trump is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Tariff Man – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – Mexico decides to help Trump stop the mass invasion at the U.S. southern border after threats of tariffs. Media typically misinforms the public. See more Branco toons HERE Tariff Man – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. 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Morning Headlines
More men with babies are running for president, but few face questions about parenting

When a mother with babies or preschoolers runs for office, the question inevitably arises: Who will take care of her kids while she is on the campaign trail? But for many of the men with children under 5 running for president, it’s a question they hardly ever get asked. Read More…
House floor shenanigans punctuate start of spending season

Congressional proceedings are usually pretty dry, but on Wednesday, House floor watchers might as well have been tuned into a reality TV show given all the shenanigans occurring as lawmakers debated their first spending package for the upcoming fiscal year. Read More…
North Carolina’s Republican Party is having an identity crisis

OPINION — All eyes with be on North Carolina next year, when the Republican Party holds its 2020 convention in Charlotte to nominate President Donald Trump for a second term. In truth, though, the state has been the center of attention for a while because of actions of party members — and the gaze has not been kind. Read More…
When should mothers should run for Congress? Here’s what voters say

At a time when more mothers are going into politics, a recent Pew study asked Americans about the best time for a female politician to have children during her career. The results were mixed. Read More…
Swalwell, a dad on the campaign trail

Rep. Eric Swalwell is one of the many Democrats running for his party’s presidential nomination. He’s also one of several fathers in the 2020 race raising a young family while hitting the campaign trail. The California congressman and his wife, Brittany Swalwell, spoke to Roll Call about raising their two kids, Nelson and Cricket, while juggling their careers and a presidential campaign. Watch the video here…
House panel advances anti-money laundering bill with only some GOP support

After holding an anti-money laundering bill for a month in the hopes of winning over the committee’s top ranking Republican, the House Financial Services Committee advanced it without him on Wednesday, in a move that could ultimately undermine the odds of passing it through the Senate. Read More…
Panel approves pilot program to take military sexual assault cases outside chain of command

Advocates of taking the decision for prosecuting military sexual assaults — a persistent problem within the ranks — outside the chain of command scored a significant victory Wednesday when the House Armed Services Committee approved a pilot program that would do just that at the service academies. Read More…
‘Sex-starved males’ comment sets off House floor kerfuffle

A routine House debate nearly exploded Wednesday when California Democrat Norma J. Torres implied her Republican colleagues were “sex-starved males” for opposing abortion. Read More…
House Oversight votes to hold Barr, Ross in contempt over census question

The House Oversight and Reform Committee voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress as Democrats argued the pair defied subpoenas in a probe of the addition of the citizenship question to the 2020 census. Read More…
Democrats spar with State official over arms sales maneuver

A senior State Department official on Wednesday appeared to blame Democrats for the administration’s decision last month to declare a state of emergency over Iran to avoid congressional review of billions of dollars of weapon sales to Arab Gulf states. Read More…
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06/13/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Biden in the Middle; Fear and 2020; Miranda Rights By Carl M. Cannon on Jun 13, 2019 07:56 am Good morning, it’s Thursday, June 13, 2019. On this day in 1966, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a controversial 5-4 decision expanding the Fifth Amendment so that criminal defendants had to be represented by a lawyer and also be advised by arresting police officers of their right to remain silent. Failure to do this would result in a suspect’s confession being inadmissible at trial. The historic case considered by the Earl Warren-led court was called Miranda v. Arizona, and it would play a role in the election of Richard Nixon as president two years later. I’ll have more on the legacy of Miranda in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * Biden’s Balancing Act Is Getting Much Tougher. Charles Lipson weighs in on the former vice president’s need to appease party activists without alienating swing voters. Why the 2020 Election Is About Fear of the Future. Myra Adams dissects Pew Research Center data along with other unsettling findings. CNN Focuses on Trump’s Health, But Says Biden’s Is Off-Limits. Kalev Leetaru cites numbers from the Television News Archive. Dems Must Prioritize Welfare for Americans, Not Border Crossers. Cora Mandy applauds the president’s efforts to ensure benefits are directed to U.S. citizens ahead of illegal immigrants. Out of the Layoff Ashes: Issues & Insights. Anneke E. Green spotlights the new journalism endeavor staffed by several members of the team that for years wrote editorials for Investor’s Business Daily. In Praise of George Will’s “Conservative Sensibility.” RealClearMarkets editor John Tamny reviews the commentator-and-columnist’s new book. To Shrink Government, Invest in a Smarter Congress. In RealClearPolicy, Zach Graves and Kevin Kosar hail a number of proposed reforms. Meeting Counterterrorism Objectives in Afghanistan. In RealClearDefense, Francis X. Tailor lays out several strategic options available to U.S. policymakers. * * * Born in Mesa, Arizona, Ernesto Miranda had been in trouble with the law since he was in the eighth grade. His rap sheet included three sex offenses. After being dishonorably discharged from the Army, where he spent a third of his time behind bars, Miranda drifted out to Los Angeles, met a woman named Twila Hoffman, moved back to the Phoenix area with her and seemed to have settled down. At least that’s what his lawyers initially believed: Miranda’s conviction was chosen as a test case by the ACLU, in part, because he was indigent, uneducated, and Mexican American. In March of 1963, however, Miranda was arrested at home in the middle of the night by Phoenix police on suspicion of kidnapping and raping an 18-year-old mentally challenged girl. Although Ernesto fit the victim’s physical description of her attacker, she could not identify him in a lineup. But after being interrogated on little sleep for two hours without benefit of counsel, Miranda confessed to detectives. He was booked, tried, and sent to prison. His conviction was appealed, and three years later the Warren Court expanded Fifth Amendment protections in a 5-4 decision. Earl Warren authored the majority opinion himself. “The cases before us raise questions which go to the roots of our concepts of American criminal jurisprudence,” wrote the chief justice. “At the outset, if a person in custody is to be subjected to interrogation, he must first be informed in clear and unequivocal terms that he has the right to remain silent. For those unaware of the privilege, the warning is needed simply to make them aware of it — the threshold requirement for an intelligent decision as to its exercise. More important, such a warning is an absolute prerequisite in overcoming the inherent pressures of the interrogation atmosphere.” The opinion went on to say that suspects must be apprised of their right to an attorney and that, complying with earlier decisions of the Warren Court, if a suspect could not afford a lawyer, one would be appointed for him. To Richard Nixon, such decisions were partly to blame for a violent crime rate that burgeoned out of control in the 1960s. Their “cumulative effect,” he said while launching his 1968 presidential campaign, “has been to very nearly rule out the confession as an effective and major tool in prosecution and law enforcement.” Most cops felt the same way; so did a majority of the voters, who elected Nixon president. To the “Silent Majority,” Ernesto Miranda was nothing but a predator, and the Phoenix police officers who took him off the streets were heroes. In hindsight, who was right? First of all, let’s stipulate that Nixon wasn’t exaggerating the violent crime explosion in this country — and that Ernesto Miranda was not a sympathetic defendant. He was a rapist and a thief and a liar, and at his retrial he was convicted again, this time on the strength of his common-law wife’s testimony. (While incarcerated, the hapless prisoner had confessed to Twila while instructing her to convey a message to the victim: He would marry her if she’d decline to testify against him. Not surprisingly, Twila instead relayed this information to prosecutors.) Paroled from prison, Miranda was knifed in a Phoenix skid-row bar during a 1976 card game. He died on his way to the hospital. Although he wasn’t mourned by anyone, one of the suspects, a Mexican national, was apprehended — and promptly advised of his “Miranda” rights. And that’s the larger point. Law enforcement learned to live with Miranda — and to perform its job more fairly and effectively. As far as Americans learning to accept controversial Supreme Court decisions, well, that it still a work in progress. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) Having trouble viewing this email? | [Unsubscribe] | Update Subscription Preferences Copyright © 2019 RealClearHoldings, All rights reserved. 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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray June 13, 2019 Twitter Is Now Banning Conservatives For Investigative Journalism About Big Tech’s Abortion Activism By Madeline Osburn Twitter once again censors pro-life content, choosing to enforce their ‘rules’ only when it shields the pro-abortion mob. Full article When I Was A Pregnant Teen Sleeping With Older Men, Planned Parenthood Failed Me By Anonymous Planned Parenthood covers up statutory rape, leaves vulnerable women in abusive situations, and tells them their lives are better without their babies. I know because they did it to me. Full article Media Claims Notwithstanding, Trump Is Favored To Be Re-Elected By Mollie Hemingway Nothing has turned out the way the Resistance had hoped. Far from their fever dreams of global chaos and economic catastrophe, the Trump agenda is turning out to be surprisingly successful. 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Full article Ava DuVernay Refuses To Apply The Same Standards To Linda Fairstein She Wants For The Central Park Five By David Marcus In ‘When They See Us,’ prosecutor Linda Fairstein is cast as the villain, but does the film take too many liberties and smear an undeserving person? Full article MEXICO CAN’T STOP THE BORDER CRISIS John Davidson on a deal destined to fail. “Let’s get something straight: the deal announced last week between the United States and Mexico to avert tariffs and curb the border crisis isn’t going to work. Unveiled as a diplomatic triumph, the deal says Mexico will send 6,000 National Guard troops to the Guatemalan border and allow Central American migrants to remain in Mexico pending their asylum claims in the United States. Read more of The Transom by signing up for a free trial today. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |
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Man Flees the United States to Escape $30,000 in Student Loan Debt Prof Who Helped Popularize Microaggressions Now Says Not Everything is a Microaggression VIDEO: Campus Reform Interviews Professor Jacobson About the Gibson Bakery vs. Oberlin Case
William Jacobson: “PUNITIVE DAMAGES WATCH — We
should get a punitive damages verdict in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin
College case this afternoon. Keep checking the website.”
Kemberlee Kaye: “Imagine if the GOP tapped Alex Jones to moderate a debate. That’s basically what Democrats have done here.”
Leslie Eastman: “It turns out #FakeNews isn’t confined to covering President Trump. One
article that was share widely over social media had North Korea’s
leader Kim Jong Un feeding a general associated with the Hanoi Summit
failure to piranhas. A Seoul-entrepreneur who is an expert on Korean
matters warns that much news related to North Korea should be treated
with skepticism.”
David Gerstman: “Stacey Matthews blogged about The New York Times’ decision to stop publishing political cartoons in the wake of a cartoon depicting Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu as a seeing-eye dog leading a blind President Trump. Stacey noted that “Prof. Jacobson said after its
publication, ‘The clearly antisemitic cartoon run in the NY Times is an
example of how these anti-Israel antisemitic themes have worked their
way into the mainstream media.’” One of those most upset about the Times’ decision is Patrick Chappatte, one of the regular cartoonists for the NYTimes. Chappatte is a marginally talented cartoonist who makes up for his lack of artistic ability with plenty of predictable left wing outrage. But for Chappatte to act outraged is ridiculous. The Times still intends to employ him in some capacity even though he portrays Israel as firing on civilians. But worse than that, in 2015, prior to Netanyahu’s address to Congress he drew acartoon depicting Congress as being a new Israeli “settlement.” As I noted on Twitter, “Neo-Nazis refer to US government (or Congress) as ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government) which is literally the theme of the Chappatte cartoon.” If the Times were serious about eliminating anti-Semitism from its pages, it would end its association with Chappatte. After all Chappatte is part of the problem.” Vijeta Uniyal: “In an historic move, India has voted in favor of Israel at the United Nation. The Indian representative at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) supported an Israeli motion against granting observer status to a Palestinian non-governmental organization linked to jihadi terrorist groups Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.” Legal Insurrection Foundation is a Rhode Island tax-exempt corporation established exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to educate and inform the public on legal, historical, economic, academic, and cultural issues related to the Constitution, liberty, and world events. For more information about the Foundation, CLICK HERE. Legal Insurrection Foundation 18 Maple Avenue #280 Barrington, Rhode Island 02806 Follow Us Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your web browser Unsubscribe |
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- Bernie’s insane disconnect with economic realities and the way Americans view them
- Christian baker Jack Phillips sued for discrimination for a third time
- Jessica Biel goes anti-vaxxer and Twitter goes nuts
- PragerU: Should healthcare be free in America?
- Torpedoes suspected as two oil tankers attacked in Gulf of Oman
- Internal boards show ‘Dr Pizza’ debated Ars Technica staff about legalizing child porn
- Flight, diversity, and other reasons Creation makes sense
- Mueller is all the Democrats have left
- Cutting off your nose to spite your face
- Kirsten Gillibrand’s comparison of pro-life views to racism is a bigger deal than she is
Bernie’s insane disconnect with economic realities and the way Americans view them Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:51 AM PDT Senator Bernie Sanders is detached from reality. I didn’t realize it until today when I learned he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that a lot of people would be “delighted” to pay more in taxes if it meant free healthcare. Here’s the full quote: “Yeah, but I suspect that a lot of people in the country […] The post Bernie’s insane disconnect with economic realities and the way Americans view them appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Christian baker Jack Phillips sued for discrimination for a third time Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:16 AM PDT If at first you don’t succeed, keep harassing until the Christian pays for his religion. That seems to be the mantra in Colorado as baker Jack Phillips and his attorney, Jeremy Tedesco, are being dragged back into court for a third time to defend Phillips’ right to not betray his religious beliefs in order to […] The post Christian baker Jack Phillips sued for discrimination for a third time appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Jessica Biel goes anti-vaxxer and Twitter goes nuts Posted: 13 Jun 2019 04:02 AM PDT If you want to get scorn from both sides of the political aisle, come out against vaccines. Progressives, conservatives, and everyone in between seems to have a majority of people in favor of laws that would force parents to get their children vaccinated. California is currently debating legislation that would eliminate many of the exemptions […] The post Jessica Biel goes anti-vaxxer and Twitter goes nuts appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
PragerU: Should healthcare be free in America? Posted: 13 Jun 2019 03:48 AM PDT Normally, the results of these ask-the-people-on-the-street (or beach) videos are as predictable as can be. Whatever narrative the video producers want to create, they can do so simply by asking enough people and sifting through the answers to edit the final video as they want. This time, I’ll admit I was surprised by most of […] The post PragerU: Should healthcare be free in America? appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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Internal boards show ‘Dr Pizza’ debated Ars Technica staff about legalizing child porn Posted: 13 Jun 2019 01:35 AM PDT One America News is one of the few large outlets covering the sordid tale of “Dr. Pizza,” the Ars Technica journalist who has a history of defending child sexual abuse publicly. Why is the arrest of such a prominent journalist apparently being covered up? Could it be new revelations that Peter Bright’s posts on internal […] The post Internal boards show ‘Dr Pizza’ debated Ars Technica staff about legalizing child porn appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Flight, diversity, and other reasons Creation makes sense Posted: 12 Jun 2019 07:57 PM PDT I normally try to avoid evidential apologetics. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with it, really. It’s just that I believe the knowledge of God and His Creation are part of all of us and trying to prove or justify it with arguments rather than embracing the faith of truth within us is not the right […] The post Flight, diversity, and other reasons Creation makes sense appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Mueller is all the Democrats have left Posted: 12 Jun 2019 05:49 PM PDT All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players… Shakespeare understood the current state of affairs in Washington DC long before the United States of America was born. The world of politics in our nation has been turned into a spectacle for anyone interested (though few they may actually be) to clap […] The post Mueller is all the Democrats have left appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Cutting off your nose to spite your face Posted: 12 Jun 2019 08:00 AM PDT This morning on Fox and Friends, Brian Kilmeade said, “Sometimes in boxing when there’s a draw, the referee holds both boxers’ hands up. Perhaps if the Democrats would work with the President to solve the crisis at the border, they could claim victory with him.” I may not have gotten his words exactly right, but […] The post Cutting off your nose to spite your face appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Kirsten Gillibrand’s comparison of pro-life views to racism is a bigger deal than she is Posted: 12 Jun 2019 07:36 AM PDT Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has next to zero chance of securing the Democratic nomination for president. She is currently polling around nil as her campaign failed to register well with women. Or men. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t even consider writing about her, but something she said in Iowa this week points to a dangerous trend […] The post Kirsten Gillibrand’s comparison of pro-life views to racism is a bigger deal than she is appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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