Good morning! Here is your morning news briefing for Friday May 24, 2019
America’s Best Defense Against Socialism By Matthew Continetti Emails Show Colo. Official Asking Planned Parenthood to Help Craft Press Release By Bill McMorris The Iranian Threat By Aaron Kliegman It’s Not Just Dogs: Women Can’t Stand Beto O’Rourke, Either By Andrew Stiles Left-Wing Groups Push 2020 Dem Candidates to Back Defense Spending Cuts By Aaron Kliegman Workplace Overdoses on the Rise, New Study Says By Charles Fain Lehman Conservative Group Creates Project to Counter Investors Who Target Gun Companies, Others By Stephen Gutowski YOU DIDN’T WRITE THAT: Barack Obama Wants Everyone to Know His New Memoir Will Be More Authentic Than Michelle’s By Andrew Stiles Talking Point Alert: Pelosi Gets Under Trump’s Skin By David Rutz You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website. Copyright © 2019 Free Beacon, LLC, All rights reserved. To reject freedom, click here. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. |
May 24, 2019 |
Happy Friday from Washington, where progressives join with Hollywood
to push corporations from Amazon to Bank of America far to the left. One
conservative outfit pushes the other way, Kevin Mooney reports.
Nevada’s decision to turn against the Electoral
College is ominous, Tara Ross writes. A White House veteran shares
insights on the podcast. Plus: Deana Bass Williams and Dee Dee Bass
Wilbon on the cynical message of the Northam blackface “investigation,”
Cal Thomas on a trustworthy plan to balance the budget,
and Jarrett Stepman on millennial crybabies. Have a wonderful Memorial
Day weekend. |
Commentary Electoral College Opponents Attempt to Have It Both Ways After years of stagnating, National Popular Vote has obtained support from four states in just one short year—or five states, if you count Nevada, which is on the cusp of supporting it. More News ‘We’re the Ones Yelling Stop’: How These Conservatives Are Fighting Corporations’ Liberal Tilt In recent weeks, activists politely confronted executives of five major U.S. corporations—AT&T, Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, and Twitter—at shareholder meetings. More Commentary Ralph Northam: Proof That Liberals Excuse Racism If You’re One of Them Modern-day “woke” liberals weaponize race when it suits their interests, and ignore actual racism when it cuts against their narrative. More Commentary Heritage’s ‘Blueprint for Balance’ Has Real Fixes for Our Spending Crisis Reducing the debt and reforming entitlements is simple, but not if you are a member of Congress. Too many prefer the issue to a solution, because their primary goal is reelection. More Analysis Podcast: Former White House Insider Discusses Draining the Swamp, Next 18 Months Rick Dearborn had a front-row seat to President Donald Trump’s first year in the White House. More News Senate Republicans Renew Earmark Ban and Make It Permanent “The last thing taxpayers need is for the same politicians who racked up a $22 trillion national debt to go on an earmark binge,” says Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb. More Commentary I’m a Millennial. And No, My Generation Doesn’t Have It Worse Than Others. The tribulations earlier generations faced, and the financial hardship they endured, are barely possible for us to imagine. More | ||
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Friday, May 24, 2019 Editors’ note: Happy Memorial Day weekend! Assuming there isn’t a revolution in the next few days, we’ll be back in full swing Wednesday morning. Pro tip if you’re visiting family: mentioning The Flip Side is a great way to diffuse tense political debates! 😉 Battle Over Trump’s Finances “A federal judge ruled against President Donald Trump on Monday in a financial records dispute with Congress and said lawmakers should get the documents they have subpoenaed… [the judge] said the Democratic-led House Oversight and Reform Committee had ‘valid legislative purposes’ for its request and that it was not for him ‘to question whether the Committee’s actions are truly motivated by political considerations.’” AP News On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported that “a confidential Internal Revenue Service legal memo says tax returns must be given to Congress unless the president takes the rare step of asserting executive privilege [which Trump has not done].” Washington Post From the Left The left is encouraged by the rulings, which they hope will expose any improprieties in Trump’s finances. The rulings “[affirm] Congress’ authority to scrutinize the executive branch. Under the Constitution, congressional committees have broad power to conduct investigations, both to carry out its enumerated powers (like impeachment) and to inform potential legislation. The Supreme Court has held that courts have a limited ability to impede Congress’ oversight so long as its actions fall within a ‘legitimate legislative sphere.’ So long a congressional committee has stated a facially legitimate justification for its investigation, courts must treat its subpoenas as valid… “[In order for Trump to prevail, courts would] have to look beyond the House’s stated justifications to uncover some impermissible motive. A majority court refused to engage in such scrutiny when evaluating Trump’s own policies, such as his travel ban, even in the face of significant public evidence of unlawful motives; it would be odd if the conservative justices applied a more stringent standard to the (Democratic) House.” Mark Joseph Stern, Slate “This feels like one of the more important lines from [the judge]… ‘The critical inquiry then is not legislative certainty, but legislative potential.’ Simply put, congressional investigations do not have to be fixed to a specific policy proposal or action.” Kurt Bardella, NBC News Moreover, “in [the] legal fight, the Trump administration now no longer can claim a fully united front. Sure, Mnuchin can say Treasury’s lawyers advised him that he has the ability to turn down a request for Trump’s tax returns if there is no ‘legitimate legislative purpose.’ But the memo — which comes from the agency specifically tasked with handling the tax returns of Americans — directly contradicts that view. And it’s not a memo that Neal and his fellow House Democrats put together. It’s a memo from the damn IRS!” Chris Cillizza, CNN “The president claims that no Congress has subjected a president to his current level of scrutiny… [But] anyone who remembers the 1990s will recognize an immediate flaw in this argument. President Bill Clinton’s business dealings pertaining to real estate investments in the Whitewater Development Corporation were the target of multiple congressional investigations, in addition to a multi-pronged inquiry conducted by then-independent counsel Kenneth Starr… ‘non-stop investigations into the personal lives of presidents’ is, if anything, an ‘old normal’… “The president always had the ability to prevent wide-ranging inquiries into his business dealings — including the one pertaining to his relationship with Deutsche Bank and Capital One — simply by following the recommendations of his own ethics officers… Namely, divest himself of his assets and place the proceeds into a blind trust.” Jason Linkins, ThinkProgress “In the past, presidents have gone to almost any length to assure the public that there wouldn’t be even the barest suggestion of impropriety regarding their personal finances. Jimmy Carter put his peanut farm in a trusteeship. Barack Obama refused to refinance his mortgage when rates fell… ‘People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook,’ Richard M. Nixon said in November 1973, insisting that he welcomed an examination into his personal finances. What he said next — ‘I am not a crook’ — might not have been true, but at the very least he paid lip service to the idea that if the president was in fact a crook, the American public ought to know about it.” Paul Waldman, Washington Post From the Right The right is critical of the subpoenas, which they believe are being used for partisan advantage rather than any legitimate legislative purpose. “At some point the Supreme Court will have to find a way to apply a limiting principle to congressional authority in regard to the executive branch… The alternative, where Congress has investigative authority without limit, promises an outcome where no executive from a competing party can possibly govern. We will have backed into a proxy parliamentary system, where the executive serves at the whim of one or both chambers of Congress… “The president derives his or her authority directly from the states and the voters, not Congress, and that is where political accountability should lie as well. The attempts by the House to overwhelm this administration with subpoenas and contempt actions is an attempt to usurp the authority of both the states and voters… It will set precedents that both parties will exploit for revenge, and both parties will live to regret.” Ed Morrissey, The Week “America cannot operate this way. Hounding presidents with investigations cannot become a substitute for elections… too many House Democrats, without any Republican support on their committees, have launched unrestrained and unprecedented new investigations of not only the president, but also his family and his businesses – falsely using their limited powers of subpoena in broad and unprecedented ways.” Mark Penn, Fox News “During the 1950s, liberals and civil libertarians were deeply concerned about the abuses of congressional investigations… committee leaders would claim that they had legitimate legislative purposes in subpoenaing actors, professors and government employees to interrogate them about their past political affiliations… The obvious purpose was to expose, embarrass and unemploy left-wing individuals associated with the Communist Party during the 1930s… [Similarly] under this decision… Congress could investigate any person for any reason as long as it pretends to be doing so for a legitimate legislative purpose… “The courts should look beneath the claimed justifications for investigations of individuals and decide whether these justifications represent the real reasons behind the issuance of subpoenas and other exercises of congressional power. There should be a balancing test to weigh the legitimate interests of Congress against the rights of those targeted by its investigations. Congress should not be given carte blanche, as the decision by Judge Mehta gives it, to investigate anyone and anything for any purpose as long as the committee chairmen can recite the correct words as purported justifications for their actions.” Alan Dershowitz, The Hill “The privacy of tax returns is a vital part of our entire revenue system. It prevents the tax collection process from being weaponized for political, personal, or other venal motives… [furthermore] Trump’s reluctance to make public his personal and proprietary financial information is completely reasonable, especially given how his political enemies – the very people making these demands – have time and again attempted to spin even the most innocent trivialities into election-season ‘scandals.’… “Trump has already acknowledged that his tax returns are under IRS audit… If there is any evidence of irregularities in his tax returns, there are already professional, non-partisan, career investigators with full authority to find it… it’s perfectly obvious that there is no legislative or public policy motive behind the hunt for the Trump tax returns. This is all about politics.” Andy Puzder, Fox News On the bright side… McDonald’s created a tiny restaurant for bees that’s an actual hive. Delish Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Share Tweet Forward Sign Up Here Copyright © 2019 The Flip Side, All rights reserved. You can unsubscribe from this list here. |
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“The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.” CONFUCIUS Good morning, The number of children reported missing dropped by almost ten percent last year, FBI data shows. Most of the missing children were runaways between 13 and 17. Epoch Times reporter Peter Svab writes that while most missing persons are found, runaway children are vulnerable to exploitation, particularly sex trafficking. Read full story here Trump Authorizes AG Barr to Declassify 2016 Presidential Campaign Documents Trudeau Exonerates Saskatchewan Chief of Historic Treason Conviction The Trump administration has stepped up efforts to protect American farmers who face a large negative impact from the U.S.-China trade war, announcing a new $16 billion aid package in an effort to keep the farmers afloat. Read more Federal prosecutors in New York charged a former bank CEO with soliciting a position in the White House in exchange for $16 million in loans to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Read more More than 1,200 Holocaust victims were laid to rest in Belarus, after their remains were discovered earlier this year in a Nazi-era mass grave under a construction site. Read more A film that tells the story of a Planned Parenthood clinic director turned vocal pro-life activist has been effectively shut out of Canadian movie theatres, according to the film’s website. A notice on the website says, “’Unplanned’ is not coming to Canada. Theatres have refused to allow the movie to be seen.” Read more The powerful DeVos family said that it will no longer provide financial backing to a Michigan congressman who is the first and only Republican to call for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Read more Tornadoes that ravaged southwest Missouri left three people dead while Oklahoma faced heavy rain and flooded rivers as a continuous barrage of violent weather struck the central United States area, according to local media reports. Read more See More Top Stories Abortion Extremists Will Reap The Whirlwind By Brian Cates For decades, the Democratic Party has used its control of the news media and the language used in the national abortion debate to paint the pro-life movement as being extremist and out of touch with the views and the values of the American public. In fact, it’s the progressive left in this country that has always been the extremist group on the abortion issue. And that’s never been clearer than now. Read more Smartphones, Happiness, and the Uses and Disadvantages of Life in the Present Perfect By Clifford Humphrey Often when I encounter something beautiful—a swiftly passing sunset or a timeless work of art—I experience a subtle disappointment in the midst of the bliss. This same sensation arises sometimes when engrossed in deep conversation with a friend. I’m struck by a desire to hit a pause button somewhere in the universe and take the thing and put it in my pocket to preserve. Read more See More Opinions World Communist Parties Are Strong, United, and Hate Trump’s America By Trevor Loudon International communism is more powerful and unified today than it has been since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. And it’s coming for America. For several decades, the United States has based its foreign and defense policies on two wildly incorrect and dangerously false assumptions… Read more Why do people in the “DNC media complex” including Jim Acosta of CNN lie to viewers and actually think of themselves as being heroic for doing so? We explain. Why Do They Lie to You? Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for May 24,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. Does Anyone in Washington Care? Democrats in Congress want to raise taxes so they have more money to spend. Republicans used to claim they wanted to cut taxes to starve the beast, but now think that cutting taxes will stimulate the private sector economy, which in turn will generate more revenue for the government to spend. Looking at the increase in federal revenue after the 2018 tax cuts, Republicans seem to be winning the argument that their cuts boosted economic growth, which in turn boosted federal revenue. The problem is Washington is still spending more than it takes in. We have a serious problem. The post Does Anyone in Washington Care? appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Mr. President, Don’t Bypass Congress to Sell Missiles to Saudis Because it’s wrong, it flouts the law, and it will lead to more killing. The post Mr. President, Don’t Bypass Congress to Sell Missiles to Saudis appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Employers Should Tell Employees Where To Get Health Care More Often No, not like that you think, perhaps. But, employers should be increasing incentives for employees and their covered dependents to seek care at higher quality, cost-effective health care providers. That usually means less about discriminating against clinic-based doctors than it does discriminating against higher cost hospitals. Because no, higher costs do not necessarily mean higher […] The post Employers Should Tell Employees Where To Get Health Care More Often appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » If We Want to Save Babies, We Have to Fix This. My friend David has already written an excellent analysis on the recent study showing that women find abortion less traumatic than giving a child up for adoption. If you haven’t read it yet, please do so. I agree wholeheartedly with what he is written. I just felt compelled to add to it based on my […] The post If We Want to Save Babies, We Have to Fix This. appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Can a Democrat Be Pro-Life Today? It’s no secret that the debate over abortion has ratcheted up to a higher level than anyone has ever imagined. Each side has drawn its lines, and both sides of the debate seem to be retreating to the extremes, finding no common ground. We shouldn’t make generalities or paint with broad strokes, but the way […] The post Can a Democrat Be Pro-Life Today? appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Definition of Insanity: Voting the Same Way Over and Over… The 80s When I was in junior high, my dad and several colleagues took a contract position with the New York Transit Authority. My parents made the decision that my dad would spend two years in the city during the week and return to our home in Upstate NY on the weekends. The city was […] The post The Definition of Insanity: Voting the Same Way Over and Over… appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Trade War Tariffs designed to protect American steel and aluminum have led to depressed stock and commodity prices. The post A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Trade War appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Donald “Master Of The Platform” Trump Tweets He Didn’t Hire The Best People While some praise his use of Twitter, Trump’s tweets are not always covfefe and sunshine. Yesterday, Trump was the master of the platform. Today, Trump exposed his own stupidity on Twitter, the same platform he has supposedly mastered. For the record, I don’t usually mind Trump’s tweets. While far from being presidential, he has managed […] The post Donald “Master Of The Platform” Trump Tweets He Didn’t Hire The Best People appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Justin Amash May Not Be Alone in His Opinion About Impeachment So I’m going to further touch on the firestorm surrounding Michigan Representative Justin Amash’s booming assertion from last weekend that President Trump did, in fact, meet the threshold for impeachable offenses, during the course of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. Amash’s decision to speak openly – across social media, no less – about what […] The post Justin Amash May Not Be Alone in His Opinion About Impeachment appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Women Consider Adoption ‘More Emotionally Painful’ Than Abortion But there are bright sides to the Atlantic article that provide encouragement to pro-lifers The post Women Consider Adoption ‘More Emotionally Painful’ Than Abortion appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
POLITICO Playbook: Democrats are getting sucked into Trump’s chaos vortex
05/24/2019 05:59 AM EDT

BREAKING … AP’S JILL LAWLESS in London: “Theresa May says she’ll quit as Conservative leader June 7”: “May announced Friday that will step down as U.K. Conservative Party leader on June 7, sparking a contest to become Britain’s next prime minister. She will stay as caretaker prime minister until the new leader is chosen, a process likely to take several weeks. The new Conservative leader would then become prime minister without the need for a general election.” AP
IF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP has succeeded in anything over the last month or so, it’s this: He has dragged House Democrats into his vortex of chaos, forcing them to wage momentary political battles without any reasonable evidence that they’ll succeed in the long term. It’s a method he’s employed with varied success as he hops from crisis to crisis, considering only the smallest increment of time in front of him while he runs out the clock on the Democrats’ various efforts to soften him up for the 2020 election. More from Burgess Everett, John Bresnahan and Nancy Cook on Trump’s chaos
CASE IN POINT: SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI is relying on court cases and oversight to keep her caucus from an all-out impeachment push — a strategy that might work in the moment, but is far from certain to keep the party’s left flank at bay. In fact, if the courts unleash a cache of especially damning documents, impeachment might become more likely, rather than less.
CONVENTIONAL WISDOM in Washingtonholds that both sides are hoping next year’s election will arrive before that happens. The first Democratic debate isin June — can’t do it after that happens; the government funding and debt-ceiling debate will be in September — no time then. Then comes Thanksgiving and the year-end rush before 2020. And Democrats wouldn’t dare impeach TRUMP in 2020, most people think.
BUT, does conventional wisdom even hold anymore? Maybe Democrats will do it after all. Although Pelosi got some breathing room this week from her caucus, it’s hard to tell how long that will last.
BEFORE THE SENATE LEFT for the Memorial Day recess, it cleared a disaster relief package, which the House immediately said it would pass and send to the president for his signature. More from Marianne LeVine, Burgess Everett and John Bresnahan
TRUMP SAID THIS WAS A DO-NOTHING CONGRESS — but he has a part in this, too. After losing the midterms, the president mused that he might be able to work better with Democrats than his Republican allies because they could bring him bills and then he would decide if he wanted to sign them.
UM, HOW’S THAT GOING? As this recess begins, 20% of the 116th Congress has been completed. So let’s review what a divided Washington has produced …
SEVENTEEN LAWS have come out of 2019 so far: FIVE WERE simply related to keeping the government operating.
— ONE CHANGED THE ADDRESS of a post office named for Capt. Humayun Khan in Charlottesville, Va. (180 McCormick Road to the facility at 2150 Wise St., if you are interested).
— ANOTHER ALLOWS “a state to use federal funds to cover a higher percentage of the costs for the construction and expansion of public target ranges.” (It’s now 90%, not 75%.)
— THEY DESIGNATED the “outstation of the Department of Veterans Affairs in North Ogden, Utah, as the ‘Major Brent Taylor Vet Center Outstation.’”
— CONGRESS PASSED A LAW PROMOTING BOB DOLE to be a colonel in the U.S. Army.
— IT ALSO OK’D A LAW recognizing “achievement in classified school employees.”
— CONGRESS REMOVED THE Agriculture secretary from the chairmanship of the board of the Future Farmers of America, and made it a “purpose of the organization to be an integral component of agricultural education.”
— SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA.) sponsored a bill to “clarify the grade and pay of podiatrists of the Department of Veterans Affairs.”
— ANOTHER BILL extended DHS’ “chemical facility anti-terrorism standards program.”
— CONGRESS PASSED A LAW to require the Interior Department to “carry out the Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan.”
— THEY PASSED THE “Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 2018.”
— THEY CLEARED A MAJOR package, called the “John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act,” which dealt with laws on public lands. And a Medicaid package that made a host of changes to the program.
NOT QUITE the boon of legislative action Trump once envisioned.
Good Friday morning.
SPOTTED: Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross at “Ink,” the play about Rupert Murdoch.
ABOUT LAST NIGHT … TERRI MCCULLOUGH, Pelosi’snew chief of staff, was feted Thursday night by the women of Team Pelosi at a private garden party reception hosted by Diane Dewhirst and Missy Kurek on Capitol Hill. They ate dark chocolate desserts in honor of Pelosi. McCullough is the first female chief of staff to a speaker of the House. Pic
A message from Blue Cross Blue Shield Association:
We believe everyone should have access to health care, no matter who you are or where you live. In every neighborhood in every state, Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies are working to improve health and expand access to quality care. Learn more at .
TWO CAN PLAY AT THAT GAME — NYT’S GLENN THRUSH and MICHAEL TACKETT: “Ms. Pelosi set out Thursday morning to pick a fight with Mr. Trump, three people close to her said, part of a strategy to unnerve a president who has defied the efforts of House Democrats to subpoena documents and summon witnesses to testify about his conduct.
“But her decision to dramatize the fight also represented an embrace of Mr. Trump’s own signature political tactic: an attempt to divert attention from a divisive internal debate — in this case a drive by two dozen of her caucus members to push ahead with impeachment — with a headline-grabbing attack, in hopes of uniting her own political base.” NYT
— IN THE WEST WING … QUINT FORGEY and DANIEL LIPPMAN: “‘Kellyanne, what was my temperament yesterday?’ Trump asked White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. ‘Very calm. No tamper tantrum,’ she replied before criticizing journalists’ coverage of the meeting … He began turning to aides such as Mercedes Schlapp … and pressing them for firsthand accounts of his scuttled meeting with Democrats.
“‘You were very calm and you were very direct, and you sent a very firm message to the speaker and to the Democrats,’ Schlapp said. Next up was Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, who said the president’s conversation with Democrats was ‘much calmer than some of our trade meetings,’ followed by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who described the president’s demeanor as ‘very calm and straightforward and clear.’
“But the greatest praise for the commander in chief came from Trump himself, who told the assembled members of the media during one non-sequitur: ‘I’m an extremely stable genius. OK?’” POLITICO
— WaPo’s @AshleyRParker: “It is worth noting that a number of people in the room for Trump’s conversation with the Democrats [Wednesday] privately conveyed that he was very upset — but consistently noted he did not yell or raise his voice.”
SENTENCE DU JOUR: “Hogan Gidley, a deputy press secretary, wasn’t even in the room for the meeting, but still attested to the president’s composure.” WSJ
— From the transcript: “President Trump: ‘Were you there, Hogan? You know about it.’
“MR. GIDLEY: ‘No, but I’ve seen the first one, Mr. President. And that accusation that you pounded your fists — and I’ll be honest, you have every right to do that. We face a crisis on our southern border and they’ve done nothing. They have not worked with you. All they’ve done is mocked and derided you.’”
ACTUAL FAKE NEWS — “Faked Pelosi videos, slowed to make her appear drunk, spread across social media,” by WaPo’s Drew Harwell: “Distorted videos of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), altered to make her sound as if she’s drunkenly slurring her words, are spreading rapidly across social media, highlighting how political disinformation that clouds public understanding can now grow at the speed of the Web.
“The video of Pelosi’s onstage speech Wednesday at a Center for American Progress event, in which she said President Trump’s refusal to cooperate with congressional investigations was tantamount to a ‘coverup,’ was subtly edited to make her voice sound garbled and warped. It was then circulated widely across Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.” WaPo
— CNN’S BRIAN STELTER: “The theory advanced by the viral video is ‘Pelosi is unwell.’ Her camp called it ‘sexist trash.’ Then came this variation televised by Fox Business on Thursday evening — a mash-up of multiple awkward moments from Pelosi’s presser, seemingly inspired by the earlier viral video. Her words weren’t slowed down, but were spliced together to suggest something was wrong.
“Fox aired it with the caption ‘Pelosi urges Trump intervention; stammers through news conference.’ Lou Dobbs’ guest host Gregg Jarrett then asked ‘What’s going on?’ Message received… Trump tweeted out the clip with the title ‘PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE.’ So this idea received the presidential stamp of approval.” CNN
Playbook PM
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BIG — NYT’S MAGGIE HABERMAN and MICHAEL SCHMIDT: “Trump Gives Attorney General Sweeping Power in Review of 2016 Campaign Inquiry”: “President Trump took extraordinary steps on Thursday to give Attorney General William P. Barr sweeping new authorities to conduct a review into how the 2016 Trump campaign’s ties to Russia were investigated, significantly escalating the administration’s efforts to place those who investigated the campaign under scrutiny.
“In a directive, Mr. Trump ordered the C.I.A. and the country’s 15 other intelligence agencies to cooperate with the review and granted Mr. Barr the authority to unilaterally declassify their documents. The move — which occurred just hours after the president again declared that those who led the investigation committed treason — gave Mr. Barr immense leverage over the intelligence community and enormous power over what the public learns about the roots of the Russia investigation.
“The order is a change for Mr. Trump, who last year dropped a plan to release documents related to the Russia investigation amid concerns from Justice Department officials who said making them public could damage national security.” NYT
— HMM … LAT’s Del Quentin Wilber (@DelWilber): “Spotted at DOJ: @RepMarkMeadows and @Jim_Jordan. They declined to comment.” … WaPo: “Meadows said he discussed with the president how granting Barr this authority would provide answers about whether the investigation was biased.”
KYLE CHENEY AND ANDREW DESIDERIO: ‘We’re getting back on track’: Dems ready Mueller strategy shift”
— HOUSE JUDICIARY CHAIRMAN JERRY NADLER (D-N.Y.) on MSNBC’S “THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW”: “Mueller, he — I think I can say at this point, that he wants to testify in private. … I don’t know why. He wants — he’s willing to make an opening statement, but he wants to testify in private. … We’d see a transcript.” Video
TRUMP’S FRIDAY — The president and first lady Melania Trump will leave the White House at 11:40 a.m. en route to Tokyo. The president is expected to have a busy visit, which includes meeting Japan’s new Emperor Naruhito, watching a sumo wrestling match and golfing with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

TODAY’S CRAZIEST READ … WAPO’S NICK MIROFF and JOSH DAWSEY: “‘He always brings them up’: Trump tries to steer border wall deal to North Dakota firm”: “President Trump has personally and repeatedly urged the head of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to award a border wall contract to a North Dakota construction firm whose top executive is a GOP donor and frequent guest on Fox News, according to four administration officials.
“In phone calls, White House meetings and conversations aboard Air Force One during the past several months, Trump has aggressively pushed Dickinson, N.D.-based Fisher Industries to Department of Homeland Security leaders and Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, the commanding general of the Army Corps, according to the administration officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The push for a specific company has alarmed military commanders and DHS officials. …
“Even as Trump pushes for his firm, Fisher already has started building a section of fencing in Sunland Park, [New Mexico]. We Build the Wall, a nonprofit that includes prominent conservatives who support the president — its associates and advisory board include former White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon, Blackwater USA founder Erik Prince, ex-congressman Tom Tancredo and former Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach — has guided an effort to build portions of the border barrier on private land with private funds.” WaPo
MANAFORT WENT TO JARED … JOSH GERSTEIN emails: “Jared Kushner makes a cameo in an indictment unsealed Thursday charging Chicago bank executive Stephen Calk with bribery for issuing $16 million in loans to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an unsuccessful attempt to win a job in the Trump administration. The new indictment cites an email showing Calk provided Manafort with a list of ‘perspective [sic] rolls [sic]’ including Treasury secretary and three other Cabinet posts, as well as 19 ambassadorships in rank order.
“The indictment says that on or about Nov. 30, 2016, Manafort ‘sent a recommendation to a senior member of the Presidential Transition Team’s executive committee (‘Transition Official-1’) that CALK be appointed Secretary of the Army. The next day Transition Official-1 forwarded this recommendation to three other representatives of the [PTT.]’
“Kushner isn’t named in the indictment, but at Manafort’s trial, prosecutors introduced an email Manafort sent to Kushner on Nov. 30 recommending Calk be nominated for Army secretary. ‘On it!’ Kushner wrote. Calk was interviewed on Jan. 10 for the Army secretary job and ultimately did not get it, the indictment says.
“Kushner hasn’t been charged or accused of wrongdoing in the case. The indictment doesn’t allege he knew of Manafort’s personal financial ties to Calk’s closely held but federally insured bank. A spokesman for Kushner attorney Abbe Lowell declined to comment on the record.” More from Natasha Bertrand… The indictment
ON THE WORLD STAGE — WAPO: “Trump may sidestep Congress on Saudi arms deal, drawing fresh warnings from Republicans and Democrats”
2020 WATCH — DAVID DRUCKER in VANITY FAIR: “‘Everything Old Can Be New Again’: Inside the G.O.P. Operation to Take Down Joe Biden: Republican operatives have begun a vast, coordinated opposition-research effort to derail Biden in the primary or, at the very least, make sure he hobbles into the general election. ‘There’s a lot of material on Biden,’ says one R.N.C. strategist. ‘It’s sort of a gold mine of content.’”
SEXUAL HARASSMENT FILES — “Harvey Weinstein Is Said to Reach $44 Million Deal to Settle Lawsuits,” by NYT’s Brooks Barnes and Jan Ransom: “Harvey Weinstein and his former studio’s board members have reached a tentative $44 million deal to resolve lawsuits filed by women who accused him of sexual misconduct and by the New York State attorney general, according to three people briefed on the matter. …
“He is facing criminal charges in New York for allegations of sexual violence against two women. But more than 80 women have accused him of wrongdoing, and many of those complaints involve sexual harassment, which is a civil violation, not a criminal one. So the details of any settlement — such as whether it includes an admission of wrongdoing by Mr. Weinstein — would carry significant symbolism.” NYT
VALLEY TALK — “Facebook: Fake account removal doubles in 6 months to 3B,” by AP’s Barbara Ortutay: “Facebook removed more than 3 billion fake accounts from October to March, twice as many as the previous six months, the company said Thursday. Nearly all of them were caught before they had a chance to become ‘active’ users of the social network.
“In a new report, Facebook said it saw a ‘steep increase’ in the creation of abusive, fake accounts. While most of these fake accounts were blocked ‘within minutes’ of their creation, the use of computers to generate millions of accounts at a time meant not only that Facebook caught more of the fake accounts, but that more of them slipped through.” AP … The report
— “Twitter Bans #Resistance-Famous Krassenstein Brothers for Allegedly Operating Fake Accounts,” by The Daily Beast’s Will Sommer
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— ‘A FRONTAL ATTACK ON PRESS FREEDOM’ — NYT’S CHARLIE SAVAGE: “Assange Indicted Under Espionage Act, Raising First Amendment Issues”: “Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks leader, has been indicted on 17 counts of violating the Espionage Act for his role in obtaining and publishing secret military and diplomatic documents in 2010, the Justice Department announced on Thursday — a novel case that raises profound First Amendment issues.
“The new charges were part of an expanded indictment obtained by the Trump administration that significantly raised the stakes of the legal case against Mr. Assange, who is already fighting extradition proceedings in London based on an earlier hacking-related count brought by federal prosecutors in Northern Virginia.’” NYT
— AP’s Maggie Michael, Nariman Ayman El-Mofty and Maad al-Zikry have won Atlantic Media’s 16th annual Michael Kelly Award for their reporting on the Yemeni civil war. The journalists were awarded a prize of $25,000 Thursday night.
— THE NEW YORKER’S new cover (titled “The Shining”) for next week’s issue by Barry Blitt shows Bill Barr, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham shining Trump’s shoes. The cover
SPOTTED: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) on a delayed JetBlue flight to Fort Lauderdale. “Stuck in a middle seat. (But with four inches of extra leg room!!),” our tipster noted. … Former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) on the patio of Morton’s. Pic … Backstage at the Avett Brothers Band concert Thursday night at Wolf Trap: Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) and Renee Hudson, Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-Pa.) and Cindy Smucker, Elliot Berke, Pete Souza and Doug Heye.
SPOTTED at an OTR dinner Wednesday night at Masseria hosted by Vice’s Shane Smith: Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas), Marc Lotter, Brendan Carr, Antonia Ferrier, Liz Johnson, Shana Teehan, Josh Tyrangiel and Shawna Thomas.
SPOTTED at a “Jewish communal parlor meeting” with Pete Buttigieg on Thursday at the D.C. offices of Bluelight Strategies (pic by Stefani Reynolds/CNP): Ken Baer, Alan Gross, Mort Halperin, Thom Kahn, Aaron Keyak, Steve Rabinowitz, Stuart Kurlander, Noam Lee, Stu Loeser, David Makovsky, Mark Mellman, Laurie Moskowitz, Rabbi Jack Moline, Matt Nosanchuk, Greg Rosenbaum, Dennis Ross, Joel Rubin, Robert Satloff, Ben Shnider, Adam Szubin and Susie Turnbull.
W.H. DEPARTURE LOUNGE — via Dan Diamond: “Katy Talento, a special assistant to President Donald Trump who helped shape his controversial anti-abortion initiatives and other health policies, will depart the White House on Friday, Talento told colleagues in an email obtained by POLITICO.”
TRANSITION — OBAMA ALUMNI: Colleen Bell, who served as ambassador to Hungary for President Barack Obama, has been appointed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom to lead the California Film Commission, the state’s economic development arm for Hollywood. L.A. Times
WELCOME TO THE WORLD — Katie Oppenheim, VP and head of federal government affairs at Sanofi, and Peter Oppenheim, assistant secretary for legislation and congressional affairs at the Education Department, on Wednesday welcomed Thomas Edmund “Teddy” Oppenheim.
- FOX “Fox News Sunday”: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) … Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) … Panel: Jonah Goldberg, Liz Marlantes, Gillian Turner and Peter Baker. Power Player: Tom Day of Bugles Across America (re-air)
- ABC “This Week”: Pete Buttigieg. Panel: Matt Dowd, Alex Castellanos, MaryAlice Parks and Julie Pace
- CBS “Face the Nation”: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.). Panel: Salena Zito, Joel Payne, Ed O’Keefe and Molly Ball
- NBC “Meet the Press”: Panel: Yamiche Alcindor, Doris Kearns Goodwin, David Maraniss and Pat McCrory
- CNN “State of the Union”: Political panel: Scott Jennings, Bakari Sellers, Kristen Soltis Anderson and Alexandra Rojas
- CNN “Inside Politics”: Michael Shear, Karoun Demirjian, Molly Ball and Phil Mattingly
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Jeff Kujan turned 31 (hat tip: Susan Ball) … Olusegun Oduye (h/t son Derin)
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: former Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.), now a senior policy adviser at DLA Piper and CNN contributor, is 59. Some fun facts about Charlie: “One: I’m a pretty serious tennis player. And two: When I was 16 years old house-sitting for my uncle, a burglar kicked my bedroom door in while I was sleeping, and I chased him out of the house. … It’s kind of a dramatic thing, when someone kicks in your door when you’re sleeping. It wakes you up and you’re like, ‘Woah, what the hell just happened?’ I saw the guy at the end of the hallway and I just chased him out. Three: I can juggle, too.” Playbook Plus Q&A
BIRTHDAYS: Kasie Hunt, NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent and host of MSNBC’s “Kasie DC” (h/t Ben Mayer) … Giovanna Gray Lockhart … Dan Horning, associate director of the W.H. office of intergovernmental affairs … Rory Cooper, managing director at Purple Strategies … Eric Schwerin …. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) is 7-0 … Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) is 65 … Sara Olson … Randall Whitestone, head of comms and public affairs at D.E. Shaw (h/ts daughter Emma Whitestone and Richard Keil) … NPR’s Tom Bowman … Mark Bescher, U.S. gov’t affairs lead at Mondelēz International … Chelsea Koski, EVP at Signal Group (h/t Kelley McCormick) … Uber’s Emily Holman …
… Damon Wilson, EVP of the Atlantic Council … Sarah Pavlus (hubby tip: Adam Abrams) … Ben Milakofsky, COS at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, is 35 … Bob Franken … former Connecticut Gov. John Rowland is 62 … Deborah Hart Strober … Meredith Ritchie … Madeleine O’Connor … Edelman’s Sarah Miller … Jason Wallace … Henock Dory … Fred Duval … Bloomberg’s Alisa Parenti … Tom Maher … Rana Abtar of Al Hurra … Natasha Lawrence … Jane Mosbacher Morris … Debbie Goldberg of the Schwarzman Scholars program … Daniel Zingale … Uzbekistani PM Abdulla Aripov is 58
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Daily Briefing Conservative News | Libertarian News | Commentary VISIT FROM OUR NEWSROOM Slamming Christians: Another Feather in Omar’s Hijab By Kelli BallardRepresentative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is quickly surpassing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) as the most talked about politician in the media, aside […] Click Here What America’s Thinking The Sad Spectacle Of Dems’ Make-Believe Investigations Notes On The State Of The Senate By Kyle Kondik Democrats Cancel Fundraiser For Their Own Congressman Because Of His Anti-Abortion Views Trump Defies Neocons by Reviling the Military-Industrial Complex By Andrew MoranEminent libertarian author Tom Woods regularly quips that no matter who you vote for, you always end up with Senator […] Click Here Washington Whispers Coming down the pipeline: White House mulls sending 10,000 fresh troops to Iran as threats of jihad continue. Trump set to declassify secret “Bucket 5” Spygate docs. Obama appointees approve House subpoenas for Trump’s personal finances. What does this mean for privacy in America? After 18 U.S. indictments, WikiLeaks founder Assange could face a 10-year sentence. Flyover Folk Chew up Buttigieg and Pelosi as Gabbard Spills the Beans By Sarah CowgillWhile the media and other leftist elites ignore the millions of folks living in “flyover” states, they do so at […] Click Here News Roundup We’ve Surfed The Web for You A Tribute To Michael Avenatti’s Dead Presidential Candidacy (2018-2019) Steve Cohen: Impeaching ‘Reckless Gangster’ Trump Would Be Patriotic Report: Obama Administration’s Actions Against Press Worse Than Previously Known How the media enabled Michael Avenatti, now accused of stealing from Stormy Facebook Is Trying To Reduce Political Advertising Sales Ahead Of 2020 Elections The Sticky Wicket of Tariffs and Trade By Andrew MoranThe mercantilists contend that President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imports are to shrink the trade deficit, protect American businesses, and […] Click Here |
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President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, May 24, 2019
By R. Mitchell –
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will travel to
Japan on Friday where they will make a State Call on Their Majesties the
Emperor and Empress of Japan. Crown Prince Naruhito, 59, was enthroned
as emperor of Japan on May 1 when he replaced his father,
85-year-old Emperor Akihito, …
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Friday, May 24, 2019 is original content from Conservative
Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary
they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political
Cartoons and more.
Read on » Joni Ernst Bestows Wasteful Government Spending Award To The Department Of Defense | By Shelby Talcott – Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst awarded her monthly “Squeal Award” to the Pentagon on Thursday for wasteful government spending. Ernst gave the award to the Department of Defense for the month of May partly because of its purchase of 25 coffee cups valued at $1,220 each. The “Squeal Award” is … Joni Ernst Bestows Wasteful Government Spending Award To The Department Of Defense | is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Senate Republicans Ban Earmarks — Permanently By Anders Hagstrom – Senate Republicans adopted a permanent ban on earmarks Thursday, signaling to Democrats that the oft-criticized practice won’t be tolerated so long as Republicans control the chamber. Republicans passed the permanent ban at the urging of Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, who argued the GOP’s current policy, continually re-instating a two-year … Senate Republicans Ban Earmarks — Permanently is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Trump Gives Attorney General Authority To Declassify Russia Probe Documents By Chuck Ross – President Donald Trump has directed the heads of several government agencies to cooperate with Attorney General William Barr’s investigation of the origins of the Russia probe. In a memo sent out Thursday, Trump also authorized Barr to declassify documents related to the Russia investigation. The memo grants Barr the authority … Trump Gives Attorney General Authority To Declassify Russia Probe Documents is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Comey, Brennan & Crew: How Is This Different Than Watergate? By Frank Salvato – With President Trump ordering intelligence entities in every agency and department to fully cooperate with Attorney General Barr – and for Barr to declassify all relevant documentation regarding any clandestine information gathering and surveillance of politicos pursuant to law during the 2018 General Election, we have to ask some serious … Comey, Brennan & Crew: How Is This Different Than Watergate? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Facebook Is Trying To Reduce Political Advertising Ahead Of 2020 Election By Michael Bastasch – As the 2020 election approaches, Facebook says that it has stopped paying employees commissions for the sale of political ads on the social media platform. Political advertisements are now perceived as a “headache” to Facebook, according to former Facebook employees and digital campaign strategist, the Wall Street Journal reports. The … Facebook Is Trying To Reduce Political Advertising Ahead Of 2020 Election is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Remembering Those Who Sacrificed for America By Jim Garamone – When Jane Horton hears someone say “Happy Memorial Day,” it makes every one of her nerves stand on end. “That’s not what the day is about,” the Defense Department’s senior advisor for Gold Star and surviving family members matters. Sure, Memorial Day marks the traditional beginning of the summer vacation season. The … Remembering Those Who Sacrificed for America is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Watch: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Supporting America’s Farmers and Ranchers By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump delivered a speech and answered questions from reporters during an event announcing an $18 billion disaster package aimed at helping storm victims. While the president focused on the disaster relief, reporters, instead, leveled questions about Speaker Pelosi’s unrelenting push for investigation, impeachment and any other method by … Watch: President Trump Delivers Remarks on Supporting America’s Farmers and Ranchers is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Low complexity chatbots explained By Avi Ben Ezra – Low complexity is one of the reasons why adoption rate went up in recent years. Yes, there is AI and other factors make it more attractive than ever, but low complexity and scalability are fundamental reasons for this improvement. Previously we discussed chatbots in relation to the US workforce. Now, … Low complexity chatbots explained is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Flu Outbreak At Migrant Facility Leaving Border Agents Out Sick By Jason Hopkins – A flu outbreak among illegal immigrants detained within the busiest processing center in the country spread to Border Patrol agents, rendering many of them unable to work. The McAllen Central Processing Center, located in southern Texas, reopened on Wednesday after a major flu outbreak among detainees caused the facility to temporarily … Flu Outbreak At Migrant Facility Leaving Border Agents Out Sick is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Belgian Monks Start Brewing Beer Again 200 Years Later After France Ransacked Their Abbey By Mary Margaret Olohan – Belgian monks from Grimbergen abbey plan to rebuild their brewery destroyed over 200 years ago and once again begin producing beer. Local councils in Belgium approved the plan to rebuild the brewery on Monday, according to Reuters. These Belgian monks produced beer from their brewery in Grimbergen since the 13th … Belgian Monks Start Brewing Beer Again 200 Years Later After France Ransacked Their Abbey is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » The Black Hole Of Pelosi – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon By Ben Garrison – Nancy Pelosi is at it again. She’s doing her best to aggravate President Trump. She claimed he was being unreasonable, but Pelosi is the one being unreasonable. Democrats routinely use the Alinsky tactic of accusing adversaries of shameful conduct that they themselves are conducting. Despite Trump’s complete exoneration by Mueller, Pelosi is … The Black Hole Of Pelosi – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend but take a moment to reflect on what Memorial Day is all about By Dan Weber – On Monday, May 27, the nation will celebrate Memorial Day. “And, while it marks the unofficial start of summer and the promise of much summertime sun and fun, it is also an opportunity for a moment of reflection on what Memorial Day is all about,” says Dan Weber, president of the … Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend but take a moment to reflect on what Memorial Day is all about is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Why Are Democrats Against Guns But For Abortions? By Amanda Alverez – When we notice anyone taking a strong stand for or against anything, we must pause to examine facts. If people have opinions, there will be protests. Democrats are straining my reasoning abilities when it comes to protesting. Is it really about guns? I personally have never seen any inanimate object … Why Are Democrats Against Guns But For Abortions? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » White House Plan Would Shift Millions From TSA To Fund Border Operations By Jason Hopkins – The White House is considering reallocating over $230 million from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and using those funds to help pay for operations on the U.S.-Mexico border. The proposal is meant to serve as a backup measure in the event that Congress does not approve the Department of Homeland … White House Plan Would Shift Millions From TSA To Fund Border Operations is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Comrades – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – It appears that all the Democrat presidential candidates have gone mad and have moved way over to the extreme left. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019. See more Branco toons HERE Comrades – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Speed, Popcorn Draw In NASCAR’s Wallace for F-15 Flight By Katie Lange – Going fast is clearly a passion for NASCAR driver Darrell “Bubba” Wallace Jr. But 500 mph in a fighter jet? That’s a little faster than what he’s used to. “We’ve got to find some speed in our car to match this speed,” Wallace said after visiting Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in … Speed, Popcorn Draw In NASCAR’s Wallace for F-15 Flight is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Democrats Selective Moral Outrage By Jim Clayton – On election night 2016 John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign manager said, “If Hillary loses we’ll blame the Russians.” She lost and that’s just what they did. For two years now the American people have been subjected with this relentless 30 million dollar hoax that Trump colluded with the Russians to win … Democrats Selective Moral Outrage is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead By Thomas Anderson – Developing high-tech Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) is becoming a goal for technology companies. The automobile market still anticipates the arrival of self-driving cars, and any company that will be the first to hit the market could be in a position to reap big profits. Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems include important features … Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |

Morning Headlines
The fight for intern pay moves to 2020 campaigns

Responding to growing political pressure to diversify their teams, eight 2020 hopefuls — all Democrats — have agreed to pay their campaign interns, a move that candidates have long resisted, according to the advocacy group Pay Our Interns. Read More…
What’s the state of play on intern pay on Capitol Hill?

Securing intern compensation funding last year was a huge victory for lawmakers and advocates. Now they just have to figure out how to get the word out and expand the pie. Read More…
When McGovern interned for McGovern (no relation)

Rep. Jim McGovern’s career has been profoundly shaped by another (unrelated) McGovern: George. Read More…
New rules for Airbnb could squeeze intern housing options

Home-sharing services like Airbnb are facing a crackdown by D.C. lawmakers who want to stop real estate investors from using buildings as de facto hotels. But what impact will a potential crunch on short-term housing have for interns looking for rentals in the District? Read More…
Union Pub is like the ‘Matthew McConaughey of Capitol Hill’

Settled on the Senate side, a couple of blocks northeast of the Capitol, and nearly centered between the Hart Building and Union Station, sits a beery refuge that seems miles away. Read More…
From intern to ‘win’-tern: How to finish your Capitol Hill internship on top

Here’s the ugly truth, summer interns: As gross as it is to scheme and strategize, it’s not too early to plan for what’s next. Read More…
How to dine like a boss on a tight budget in D.C.

Receptions are the lifeblood of the broke Capitol Hill intern’s diet. Besides being a great place for meeting people (ABN: always be networking) they provide a bounty of free food and drinks, and usually the spreads are halfway decent. Read More…

Everyone says the Hill is busy, busy, busy, but here’s the dirty little secret: Most days are filled with LOTS of mind-numbing drudgery and boredom. There are only so many angry phone calls you can take. There are only so many four-page constituent letters ending with 10 exclamation points you can respond to. Read More…
Senate mourns deaths of two beloved staffers

David Miles Knight spent 36 years as one of the Senate barbers, and he was a familiar face to everyone in the basement of the Russell Building, which has long played host to the barbershop. Read More…
Remembering Democrats’ convention credentialing mastermind
Jackie Falk might not be a household name, unless you were trying to get credentials for the Democratic National Convention for two decades. Read More…
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Friday, May 24, 2019 |
Quentin Tarantino Dinged by NYT Writer for Amount of Dialogue Given to His Female Lead Like him or not, Quentin Tarantino has created some of the most iconic female film leads in modern cinematic history. To say nothing of recent smaller roles of Shoshanna Dreyfus in “Inglorious Basterds” or Jennifer Jason Leigh’s villainous Daisy Domergue in “Hateful Eight,” it is entirely necessary to recognize Beatrice Kiddo, Jackie Brown, and my personal hero, Mia Wallace – among many others. Criticizing him for belittling and diminishing his female protagonist has no merit and his response (see below) was fully appropriate. Farah Nayeri at the New York Times pressed director Tarantino about the seemingly limited dialogue of Margot Robbie as the legendary murder victim Sharon Tate at a Cannes Film Festival press conference: “‘Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood,’ the Quentin Tarantino movie that had its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday, revolves around the August 1969 murder of the actress Sharon Tate, played by Margot Robbie. Glamorously coiffed and outfitted throughout the film, the Australia-born actress does get screen time. She goes into a movie theater by herself one day to watch one of her own films, putting up her bare feet as she takes in the scenes. She spends time in Hollywood with her husband, the director Roman Polanski, and dances riotously at an outdoor party, as male guests eye her with desire. Yet she doesn’t have many lines in the movie, which runs 2 hours and 40 minutes. At a news conference for the film on Wednesday, I asked Tarantino why Robbie, an Oscar-nominated actress who starred in ‘I, Tonya,’ didn’t get more dialogue. It must have been a deliberate choice on his part, I added. ‘Well, I just reject your hypotheses,’ Tarantino replied, and said no more. Robbie, who was seated beside him and was also asked to comment, smiled at the director’s response, and said: ‘I think the moments that I got onscreen gave an opportunity to honor Sharon and the lightness.’ ‘The tragedy, ultimately, was the loss of innocence, and to really show those wonderful sides of her, I think, could be adequately done without speaking,’ she noted. ‘I did feel like I got a lot of time to explore the character, even without dialogue specifically, which is an interesting thing.’ ‘Rarely do I get an opportunity to spend so much time on my own as a character, going through a day-to-day existence,’ she said. The actress added that she ‘actually really appreciated the exercise and felt that I could deliver what I wanted to onscreen.’” Senator Gillibrand is Not Polling Particularly Well In fact, spiritual guru and self-help book author Marianne Williamson has achieved the minimum standards of polling to secure a spot on the main debate stage for the first Democratic Primary debate. Gillibrand has not. From the Washington Free Beacon: “Gillibrand is one of several high-profile Democrats who hasn’t assured herself a spot. She’s sent out a series of fundraising emails reminding supporters of her plight. In spite of her focus on women’s issues and prominent platform as the U.S. senator from New York, Gillibrand’s campaign has not taken flight. ‘It does mean that I need to heavily rely on this community to help me hit benchmarks like the DNC’s 65,000 individual donor goal to guarantee my spot on the debate stage,’ she wrote on Tuesday. ‘I’m working overtime to try to get there so I can talk about our progressive, people-led movement with the rest of the country.’” Weekend Reading Gentrification blamed for New York City’s massive rat problem. (Washington Examiner) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez feels that growing cauliflower instead of yucca applies a “colonial lens” and prevents people of color from being interested in urban gardening. (National Review) Media reports on transgender athletes competing in women’s sports all have one thing in common: they lack opinions from the biologically female athletes they are competing with. (Daily Caller) Apparently, this inflatable silver bunny is worth $91 Million. (The Federalist) Friday Entertainment Center Rotten Tomatoes adds verified ticket purchases to viewer ratings to curb the trolls. (Variety) Anna Kendrick to star in Paul Feig anthology series for WarnerMedia streaming service. (The Hollywood Reporter) Oscar Race heats up Cannes Film Festival. “Rocketman”, “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, and “Pain and Glory” are all picking up buzz for the coveted golden statues already.(Deadline) Olivia Wilde’s directorial debut “Booksmart” is wooing critics from every corner. It opens today and could be one of the best of the year. Here is Ann Hornaday’s delightful write-up. (Washington Post) This summer is looking up after a sluggish start to 2019 movies. Here is a comprehensive guide on what to look out for at a theater near you.(Rotten Tomatoes) BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Ellie Bufkin is the co-host of the weekly movie podcast, Flix It and a senior contributor to The Federalist. Originally from northern Virginia, Ellie worked in the wine industry as a journalist and sommelier- having lived in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. Having been a fanatic for movies and TV shows since childhood, she currently reviews movies and writes about many aspects of popular culture for The Federalist. She is an avid home cook, cocktail enthusiast, and still quite happy to make wine recommendations. Ellie currently divides her time between Charleston, SC and Washington, D.C. You can follow her on Twitter @ellie_bufkin on Instagram @exsommellie. |
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The Deep State’s 50+ Year Old Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings The 20-year head of the U.S. Fed, Alan Greenspan, has revealed the long-standing, nasty trick to confiscate the savings of unsuspecting Americans… Are you one of them? ==> Here’s the ONE THING Greenspan Says Can Protect Your Savings |
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Good morning,Fifty percent (50%) of voters believe senior government officials are inappropriately trying to undermine President Trump. A survey found that 31% disagree and 19% are not sure.Voters
are more divided on the question of whether there is a deep-state
conspiracy against the president. Thirty-nine percent (39%) believe
there is such a conspiracy while 36% disagree. Twenty-five percent (25%)
are not sure.At the same time, 46% agree with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and believe the
president is engaged in a cover-up. Thirty-eight percent (38%) disagree and 16% are not sure.Not
surprisingly, Republicans and Democrats have opposing views on these
questions. Forty-nine percent (49%) of Independent voters believe senior
government officials have inappropriately tried to undermine the
president. Forty-seven percent (47%) believe the president is engaged in
a cover-up. Independents are evenly divided on the question of a
deep-state conspiracy–37% say yes, 33% disagree.Thirty-nine percent (39%) of voters nationwide think the House of Representatives should formally launch an impeachment
hearing against President Trump. By way of comparison, 49% favor having the Department of Justice investigate whether the FBI illegally spied on the Trump campaign.If the Democrats voted to impeach President Trump and the Republicans voted against, 30% believe that would help the president’s chances of winning re-election. Twenty-nine percent (29%) believe it would hurt his chances while 41% are not sure.Overall, 41% of voters believe the president should be impeached and removed from office. Forty-five percent (45%) disagree.Finally, 71% of American adults consider Memorial Day to be the unofficial start of summer. That perspective is highest in the Northeast (80%) and lowest in the West (58%).Thirty-nine percent (39%) will celebrate by hosting or attending a cookout. Twenty percent (20%) will travel out of town
with the beach being the top destination.Have a great holiday weekend!Scott
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Trump has perfected the art of antagonizing his opponents with
provocative tweets. He demonstrated this skill recently in declaring
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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray May 24, 2019 LGTB People Rage At Pete Buttigieg For Not Being Gay Enough By Chad Felix Greene The intersectionality-obsessed media claims Buttigieg doesn’t have enough diversity points to run for president. It’s just another proof that when the left gets what they said they want, they move the goalposts. Full article Pete Buttigieg’s ‘Moderate’ Style Is Limited By His Hard-Left Ideas By Emily Jashinsky All those Democratic voters whose first priority is beating Trump should take note. Pete Buttigieg is probably not their guy. Full article Why Iran’s Cash Crunch Isn’t Disabling Hezbollah Yet By Todd Bensman Hezbollah has diversified its income away from Iran in recent years. Now, sanctions and a cash crunch in its Iranian money supply might actually enbolden their evil activities. Full article Impeachment Is For Democrats What Heroin Is For Addicts By George S. Bardmesser Democrats nationwide desperately want to impeach—preferably President Trump, but impeaching anyone would also be good, although not as cathartic. Full article A Literary Exploration Of The Differences Between Man And Machine By Clay Waters Venerable British novelist Ian McEwan’s latest, ‘Machines Like Me,’ imagines an intriguing, but ultimately disappointing, past where Alan Turing never died and humanity is forced to confront advanced artificial intelligence in the 1980s. Full article From Richard Lugar To Mike Pence, An Era Passes In Indiana, And The Nation By Daniel Lee Former Sen. Richard Lugar’s funeral in early May was a final reunion of sorts with Mike Pence. They in some ways stood at opposite poles of Indiana politics—urban versus rural, pragmatic versus ideological. Full article Cory Booker Wants Men To Stand With Women On Abortion. Alright, Let’s Do That By Joshua Theilen Don’t let pro-choicers convince you it’s wrong to speak out. Offer your money, time, community, and resources to mothers who choose life. Full article College Professors Are The Reason Students Are Crazy People By Richard B. Corradi For too long, parents have allowed their children to be indoctrinated and corrupted by radical leftist professors—now they need to fight back. Full article No, Three Recent Murders Weren’t Because The Victims Were Trans By Chad Felix Greene Pretending transgender people are being murdered for being trans, instead of due to random violence, just stokes fear and reeks of political motives. Full article Here’s What Happened When I Tested Whether Speech Crimes Equal Violence By J.C. Bourque One continually baffling aspect of PC is the contention that perceived or even hallucinated offensive speech is equivalent to physical violence. Full article A Visit To Arlington National Cemetery On Memorial Day By Christopher Jacobs Amidst the barbecues, the family gatherings, and the time off from work, we must remember the true reason for the end-of-May holiday. Full article Yes, The Jeff Koons ‘Rabbit’ Is Worth $91 Million By David Marcus It’s easy to mock Jeff Koons’s inflatable bunny selling for $91 million at auction this week. But it really is that good. Full article Ralph Northam Thinks Voters Are A Bunch Of Gullible Fools By David Harsanyi At this point, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam should be chased from his office for treating voters like a bunch of credulous idiots. Full article IS IMPEACHMENT DEMOCRATS’ SHUTDOWN? Impeachment is coming, and Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump both have the same general opinion of it: that it’s a mistake for Democrats and gives political aid to Donald Trump. Pelosi understands that by going down the impeachment road, they give up their existing “normalcy” advantage. For Democrats, this has the lure of a government shutdown for Republicans: the approach almost never works, and instead seems like pointless intransigence that makes you look crazy to everyone other than your most hardened supporters. Read more of The Transom by signing up for a free trial today. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |
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- As Trump and Barr prepare to shed light on the truth, Adam Schiff calls it a ‘coverup’
- Kristy Swanson, Dean Cain receive death threats over Strzok-Page ‘FBI Lovebirds’ production
- New Mexico county commissioners, sheriffs demand immediate action on border emergency
- President gives AG Barr unilateral authority to declassify 2016 campaign spying documents
- Twitter ban of Krassenstein brothers is not the same as conservatives who get banned
- ‘Star Trek: Picard’ looks like it’s going to be a social justice warrior’s take on the future
- Ray Kelly: ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh ‘should have been tried as a traitor’
- The state of conservative politics: Stick to our guns
- Pelosi’s endgame strategy: Impeach Trump during general election season
- Trump hits fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for comments about preparedness
As Trump and Barr prepare to shed light on the truth, Adam Schiff calls it a ‘coverup’ Posted: 24 May 2019 01:40 AM PDT “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” – Inigo Montoya After President Trump orders intelligence agencies to cooperate with Attorney General William Barr’s investigations into the source of the Russian probe and the basis the Obama administration used to spy on the 2016 campaign, Representative Adam Schiff […] The post As Trump and Barr prepare to shed light on the truth, Adam Schiff calls it a ‘coverup’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Kristy Swanson, Dean Cain receive death threats over Strzok-Page ‘FBI Lovebirds’ production Posted: 23 May 2019 08:52 PM PDT Conservative actors Kristy Swanson and Dean Cain are receiving death threats over a planned stage performance based on the extra-marital texts sent between FBI cohorts Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. The two members of federal law enforcement have been accused of conspiring with others during the 2016 election in an effort to prevent then-candidate Trump from […] The post Kristy Swanson, Dean Cain receive death threats over Strzok-Page ‘FBI Lovebirds’ production appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
New Mexico county commissioners, sheriffs demand immediate action on border emergency Posted: 23 May 2019 08:02 PM PDT In a letter signed by County Commission Chairs and County Sheriffs across New Mexico, Republican House Leader Jim Townsend called for all of their lawmakers on Capitol Hill to render immediate relief and to work with President Trump to end the crisis at the southern border. They declared the situation had reached the stage of […] The post New Mexico county commissioners, sheriffs demand immediate action on border emergency appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
President gives AG Barr unilateral authority to declassify 2016 campaign spying documents Posted: 23 May 2019 07:28 PM PDT The investigation into the investigators is now in full swing as President Trump signed an order for U.S. intelligence organizations to quickly and fully cooperate with Attorney General William Barr’s multiple investigations into spying that took place against the Trump campaign during the 2016 elections. In a statement by the White House, the President also […] The post President gives AG Barr unilateral authority to declassify 2016 campaign spying documents appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Twitter ban of Krassenstein brothers is not the same as conservatives who get banned Posted: 23 May 2019 05:30 PM PDT When news broke today that Ed and Brian Krassenstein from #Resistance fame had their Twitter accounts permanently banned, reactions from both sides were predictable. Those on the left pointed at the event and said, “see there’s no Twitter conspiracy against conservatives.” Meanwhile, conservatives’ reactions were mixed between thinking it was Twitter’s attempt to balance things […] The post Twitter ban of Krassenstein brothers is not the same as conservatives who get banned appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
‘Star Trek: Picard’ looks like it’s going to be a social justice warrior’s take on the future Posted: 23 May 2019 10:31 AM PDT Gene Roddenberry had one rule for the Star Trek franchise. The future had to be a perfect utopia. In his vision, man had evolved to a point where it had no character flaws: no malice, no greed, no secrets. There wasn’t supposed to be a Section 31, the dark NSA-like secret group. War was to be […] The post ‘Star Trek: Picard’ looks like it’s going to be a social justice warrior’s take on the future appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Ray Kelly: ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh ‘should have been tried as a traitor’ Posted: 23 May 2019 09:35 AM PDT As John Walker Lindh gets released early from prison, reflections from the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the events afterward that led Lindh to become “American Taliban” come back to mind. Lindh was accused of killing CIA officer Johnny “Mike” Spann, but pleaded to a lower crime of assisting the Taliban. Either way, he should have been tried […] The post Ray Kelly: ‘American Taliban’ John Walker Lindh ‘should have been tried as a traitor’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
The state of conservative politics: Stick to our guns Posted: 23 May 2019 07:39 AM PDT The leftward lurch of the Democratic Party has opened up a lane for Republicans to take voters in the middle. This has been happening since the late Obama era and continued through to the 2016 election. Once President Trump won, it became crystal clear the unhinged and angry wing of the Democratic Party has become […] The post The state of conservative politics: Stick to our guns appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Pelosi’s endgame strategy: Impeach Trump during general election season Posted: 23 May 2019 07:00 AM PDT Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has been playing a balancing act for the past few months. On one hand, she has to stop her caucus from becoming too zealous about impeaching President Trump, fearing the same public backlash the GOP received in 1998 during impeachment proceedings against President Clinton. On the other hand, she […] The post Pelosi’s endgame strategy: Impeach Trump during general election season appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Trump hits fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for comments about preparedness Posted: 23 May 2019 06:10 AM PDT Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson informed lawmakers that he believed President Trump was less prepared than Russian President Vladimir Putin when they met in Germany. Now, the President has struck back with insults for his former chief diplomat. “We spent a lot of time in the conversation talking about how Putin seized every opportunity […] The post Trump hits fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for comments about preparedness appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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05/24/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Unmasking Order; Daily Briefing’s Rise and Fall; Quote of the Week By Carl M. Cannon on May 24, 2019 08:56 am Good morning, it’s Friday, May 24, 2019, the beginning of a three-day weekend and the day of the week when I use this forum to pass along a quotation — one intended to provide a bit of inspiration. Today’s comes from Jacqueline Kennedy. First, though, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * Trump Orders Declassification of Obama-Era Russia Probe Intel. Susan Crabtree reports on the president’s surprise announcement. The Daily Briefing: How a Must-See Show Went Dark. Phil Wegmann explores the always-fractious relationship between the press and White House press secretaries, and how Trump-era contentiousness led to the formal briefing’s demise. Trump to Bill Sponsors for Immigrants’ Welfare Benefits. Phil has this story too. Is Trump’s New Immigration Plan Just for Jared? A.B. Stoddard writes that the rollout was curiously underplayed by the White House and GOP. Don’t Trust China With America’s Data Security. In RealClearPolicy, Mark Rosenblatt warns of back-door channels through which Huawei equipment and software could access U.S. systems. Tax Credits for Electric Cars Must End. In RealClearEnergy, Judson Phillips makes clear who really benefits from EV subsidies. Appalachian Trail Doesn’t Have a Safety Problem. In RealClearLife, Ariel Scotti offers assurances after a hiker was killed on a Virginia section of the trail last week. * * * Until she met John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier had two great loves in life: riding horses and reading books. She excelled at both at an early age: She’d read all the children’s books in her nursery before starting school, and was winning serious equestrian competitions before reaching her teens Jack Kennedy, as he was known, was 12 years older than his bride. By the time Jackie met him, he was a war hero, a member of Congress, and very much a man of the world. Both came from glamorous East Coast families, and their 1953 marriage was almost a celebration of Roman Catholic royalty. The marriage had its stresses, as we know, but among the things the couple always shared was a love of language, especially the written word. “He read in the strangest way,” Jackie Kennedy once noted of her husband. “He’d read walking, he’d read at the table, at meals, he’d read after dinner, he’d read in the bathtub. He really read all the time …practically while driving a car.” As historians at the John F. Kennedy Library have noted, as a young man Jack assembled quotes he came across in notebooks, a habit learned from his mother. As a girl, Jackie Kennedy was taught by her grandfather to memorize poetry, which she loved to the end of her life. In this sense, they were a great match. The great Victor Gold once penned a lovely alternative history for Washingtonian Magazine about what JFK might have done had he lived. Gold postulated that JFK would have bought a newspaper, possibly The Washington Star, and hired his friend Ben Bradlee to edit it. In real life, years after she’d lost Jack and divorced Aristotle Onassis, Jackie moved back to New York and became a book editor, first at Viking Press and later at Doubleday. It was a third act in life that suited her. “Once you can express yourself, you can tell the world what you want from it,” Mrs. Kennedy once wrote. “All the changes in the world, for good or evil, were first brought about by words.” And that’s your quote of the week. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) Having trouble viewing this email? | [Unsubscribe] | Update Subscription Preferences Copyright © 2019 RealClearHoldings, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email becuase you opted in at our website. Our mailing address is: RealClearHoldings666 Dundee RoadBldg. 600Northbrook, IL 60062 Add us to your address book |

From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: As Trump rages, Democrats wonder how to harness the chaos
Democrats have a dilemma on their hands.
In the last 48 hours, the president of the United States has:
walked out of an infrastructure meeting with Democratic leaders
referred to the House Speaker as “Crazy
Nancy” after she asked the country to pray for him and for his staff to intervene
called himself (again) a
“stable genius”
asked his staff to
testify about his temperament in that short-lived infrastructure meeting
tweeted an
edited/deceptive video of Pelosi
and, oh, gave his attorney general
sweeping powers to investigate the investigators into Russian interference in the ’16 election.
While this kind of behavior
is a significant reason why Trump’s job rating is stuck in the 40s –
despite a humming economy – it presents quite the quandary for
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
Do they fight fire with fire? (How did that work out for Hillary Clinton?) Do they ramp up the impeachment talk? (Trump and the GOP clearly want Dems to go there, thinking it will lead to his exoneration or suck Dems into their chaos.) Or do they try to rise above the noise and focus on the issues they want to talk about? (Remember health care?) Trump has successfully dragged Democrats into his vortex of chaos, as our friends at Politico have observed. When Democrats were in the minority in 2017-2018, they got to avoid some of this chaos. But now with a House majority, they’re sharing it. And it does present the Democratic presidential candidates with a real opportunity to focus on matters outside of Washington’s mess. Their challenge: Can they get enough voters to pay attention? Private testifier House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow last night that Robert Mueller will testify – but in private. “Mueller has told … Nadler that he is willing to make a public opening statement, but leave his testimony behind closed doors,” per NBC News. That isn’t a positive development for Democrats – if they’re looking for a moment to change the public’s mind about the Russia investigation. In the Trump Era, images are much more important than transcripts. Bernie’s bad month Joe Biden’s first full month as a 2020 presidential candidate has been mostly bad news for Bernie Sanders. Before Biden got into the race, Sanders was within single digits of the former vice president in national polls. Now it’s double digits. A month ago, Elizabeth Warren was running behind Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg. Now she’s running ahead of the two in recent polls – arguably at Sanders’ expense. And to top it off, last week, Sanders gave a very prickly interview to the New York Times’ Sydney Ember that didn’t get that much attention. Imagine the reaction if, say, Amy Klobuchar, had said this: NYT: In the top of our story, we talk about the rally you attended in Managua and a wire report at the time said that there were anti-American chants from the crowd. SANDERS: The United States at that time — I don’t know how much you know about this — was actively supporting the Contras to overthrow the government. So that there’s anti-American sentiment? I remember that, I remember that event very clearly. NYT: You do recall hearing those chants? I think the wire report has them saying, “Here, there, everywhere, the Yankee will die.” SANDERS: They were fighting against American —— Huh huh —— yes, what is your point? NYT: I wanted to —— SANDERS: Are you shocked to learn that there was anti-American sentiment? [snip] NYT: Do you think if you had heard that directly, you would have stayed at the rally? SANDERS: I think Sydney, with all due respect, you don’t understand a word that I’m saying. There’s a divergent view of Sanders in Democratic and political circles: Is he merely an insurgent candidate? Or is he someone – despite Biden’s current lead – who could very well win the Democratic nomination, or at least come close? (Remember his base, his money and his name ID.) If it’s the latter, you have to conclude he’s had a really bad month. AP Photo/Patrick Semansky 2020 VISION: A busy Memorial Day weekend On the campaign trail today: Kirsten Gillibrand spends the day in Iowa, hitting West Des Moines, Gowrie, Storm Lake and Fort Dodge… Pete Buttigieg is in New Hampshire, making stops in Londonderry and Exeter… And Jay Inslee stumps in Nevada. On the campaign trail Saturday: Gillibrand remains in Iowa… Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren also campaign in the Hawkeye State… Buttigieg stays in New Hampshire… And Bernie Sanders holds a rally in Vermont. On the campaign trail Sunday: Gillibrand, Klobuchar and Warren all remain in Iowa. TWEET OF THE DAY: Stable? Sure. Genius? Well… DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is … 17 percent. 17 percent. That’s the share of Democrats who say they would be “less enthusiastic” about a white male candidate becoming the party’s presidential nominee, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Overall, a majority of Democrats indicated that the race and gender of the nominee wouldn’t make a difference to them. But a significant third said they would be MORE enthusiastic about a female nominee. THE LID: Women rule Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we asked whether female presidential candidates might be getting a boost — and why. ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss Theresa May is stepping down. Trump is trying to speed up the investigation of intelligence agencies and the Russia probe. The administration is announcing another $16 billion in aid to farmers as the trade war continues. And Trump is preparing to announce executive action on health care price disclosure. The Washington Post reports that Trump has been pushing for a border wall contract to be given to a North Dakota firm whose chief executive is a donor and frequent guest on Fox News. Thanks for reading. If you’re a fan, please forward this to a friend. They can sign up here. Have thoughts on our new format? We love hearing from our readers, so shoot us a line here with your comments and suggestions. Thanks, Chuck, Mark and Carrie |
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Survey: 41 Percent of College Students Don’t Believe ‘Hate Speech’ Should be Protected More Colleges Experiencing a Decrease in Enrollment Struggling Hampshire College Launches Search for New President
William Jacobson: “LISTEN TO ME! On The Howie Carr Show — Elizabeth Warren tries to get ahead of her law practice problems with pre-holiday weekend info dump‘”
Kemberlee Kaye: “Beto’s stock sure has tanked now that he’s not up against Ted Cruz.”
Mary Chastain: “Wasting taxpayer money on…UFOs!”
Leslie Eastman: “Welcome to Los Angeles. Come for the sunshine and glamor, and leave with typhus and plague!”
David Gerstman: “I suppose that the conventional wisdom following Narendra Modi’s victory in India will be nearly as disbelieving as it was of Scott Morrison’s victory in Australia.”
Miriam Elman: “Last week I took over as Executive Director of the Academic Engagement Network,
a D.C.-based non-profit that combats campus antisemitism, champions
academic freedom and campus free speech, and seeks to improve Israel
literacy. This week was our fourth national conference, held this year
in San Diego. It was a terrific meeting, with some 60 speakers and
faculty participants—everyone has emerged from the conversations
energized to move the needle on their colleges and universities come
fall. One of the personal highlights of the conference was having the
chance to see my ‘partners in crime’—Donna Robinson Divine and Asaf
Romirowsky. In case you missed the smear campaign that BDS and
anti-Israel scholars have waged against our recent publication, see Petra’s post here. University of Illinois Professor Emeritus Cary Nelson, who also presented his new book at the AEN conference, recently wrote a review of our work where he noted its merits and slammed the hysterical overreactions of our detractors”.
Vijeta Uniyal: “Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu Nationalists have scored a landslide victory winning around 350 of the total 542 seats in the Indian general elections.”
Legal Insurrection Foundation is a Rhode Island tax-exempt corporation
established exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to educate and inform the
public on legal, historical, economic, academic, and cultural issues
related to the Constitution, liberty, and world events. For more information about the Foundation, CLICK HERE.
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Fri, May 24 |
DEEP TROUBLE AT THE DEEP STATE: Pompeo Says ‘It’s True’ John Kerry Violated the Logan Act Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slammed his predecessor on Fox News this week; saying “it’s true” that John Kerry has violated the Logan Act with his ongoing talks with top Iranian officials since leaving the State Department.“It’s true. I was there in Munich … I saw not only Kerry … [others] met with… |
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BERNIE’S UNHAPPY MEAL! Sanders TARGETS McDONALD’S, Says Company Must Pay Workers $15 an Hour After setting his sights on Walmart, Amazon, and Google, Vermont Senator and 2020 candidate Bernie Sanders is now targeting McDonalds; saying the global burger chain must pay its workers at least $15 an hour across the USA.“If Amazon can raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour, there is no reason that McDonald’s—a… |
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