Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Wednesday November 6, 2019


Leading Democrats Call for Conditioning Military Aid to Israel By Noah Pollak Dems Ride Big Money to Full Control of Virginia Legislature By Brent Scher Leading GOP Lawmakers to Trump: You’re Getting Bad Advice on Iran By Adam Kredo Harvard ‘Recruited to Reject’ Thousands of Black Kids, Study Shows By Charles Fain Lehman Visit the All-New Free Beacon Online Store Nelson: We’ll Lose Florida Again If Democrats Nominate Sanders or Warren By David Rutz Pregnant Woman Uses AR-15 to Save Husband, Children from Armed Intruders By Stephen Gutowski Women’s March Endorses ‘Casting Spells’ to Fight the Patriarchy By Alex Griswold Dance Legend Sean Spicer Causes Bitter Libs to Lose Faith in Democracy By Andrew Stiles Buttigieg ‘Not Obviously Qualified’ to Be President, Says MSNBC Analyst By Elizabeth Matamoros SIGN UP FOR THE BEACON EXTRA HERE You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website. Copyright © 2019 Free Beacon, LLC, All rights reserved.  To reject freedom, click here. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.


Nov 06, 2019
  Good morning from Washington, where the Census Bureau plans to get a better count in what liberals call flyover country. Fred Lucas reports. California’s middle class is slammed by blackouts and wildfires, Jarrett Stepman writes. On the podcast, lawyer Casey Mattox talks about faith and free speech. Plus: Sen. Marco Rubio on the free market and socialism, Walter Williams on the left’s selective view of “disparities,” and Katrina Trinko on YouTube’s censorship of a pediatrician’s comment. On this date in 1860, Abraham Lincoln is elected as the nation’s 16th president, becoming the first Republican to win the office.  
  Commentary YouTube Won’t Let a Medical Doctor Say This Sentence By Katrina Trinko

YouTube banned the video, saying the sentence—“If you want to cut off a leg or an arm, you’re mentally ill, but if you want to cut off healthy breasts or a penis, you’re transgender”—violates its hate speech speech policy. More Commentary Power Outages, Wildfires Staggering California’s Middle Class By Jarrett Stepman

A small, family-owned supermarket in San Rafael, California, estimated that it lost $200,000 due to a recent power shutoff. More Analysis The Students Who Fight for Free Speech, and Win By Daniel Davis

Free speech has seen better days on the college campus. Increasingly, conservative ideas are unwelcome and even shouted down. It’s a concerning state of affairs—and yet, many students are pushing back and winning in the courtroom. More News Marco Rubio Says Americans Don’t Need Socialism to FInd ‘Dignified Work’ By Jackson Elliott

“Businesses have a right to make a profit … but businesses also have an obligation to reinvest some of those profits productively for the benefit of the workers and the society that made it possible,” says Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. More News Census Bureau Hopes to Make a More Accurate Count of Rural, Western Areas By Fred Lucas

The 2020 census will have a significant impact on reapportionment for congressional seats and for state legislative seats. This, in turn, affects how many Electoral College votes each state has. More Commentary The Absurdity of Thinking Disparities Prove Discrimination By Walter E. Williams

Since Jews are only 2% of the world’s population, instead of having 22% of Nobel Prizes, they should have won only two, according to the proportionality vision of justice. More
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View this email in your browser AMAC – the conservative alternative to other 50+ organizations – gives its members valuable benefits, while boldly defending America’s priceless Constitution, individual liberties, and basic moral compass.
“Let him that would move the world first move himself.”

SOCRATES Good morning, 

Following the murder of nine Americans in northern Mexico, including six children, President Donald Trump offered Mexico assistance to combat the cartels. 

The family had previously received indirect threats from the cartels, according to a family member. Five children injured in the attack were transferred to hospitals in the United States. 

Read the full article here  Appeals Court Hears Detroit Lawsuit Over Whether Access to Literacy Is a Constitutional Right

DOJ: House Democrats’ Subpoenas ‘Legally Invalid’ If Witnesses Can’t Have Attorneys With Them

Religious Freedom Is a Fundamental Right That Needs Protection Amid Growing Conflict: Becket Attorney

US, North Korea Must Address ‘Peace Regime’ During Negotiations, Official Says Chinese leader Xi Jinping urged countries to uphold multilateral trade principles and criticized protectionist policies, in a veiled swipe at U.S. trade policies, in a speech at a trade fair in Shanghai on Nov. 5. Xi inaugurated the opening of the… Read more The British royal family threatened ABC News to drop a story about Virginia Giuffre, a woman who alleged late financier Jeffrey Epstein used her as an underage sex slave for himself and his friends, including Prince Andrew, according to Amy Robach, ABC’s “Good Morning America” co-host and Breaking News anchor, who made the allegation in what appeared to be a hot mic moment. Read more China was again ranked the worst among governments for increased exploitation of the internet for social control and political purposes, according to a report released by Freedom House on Nov. 4. “China is the world’s worst abuser of internet freedom for the fourth consecutive… Read more The Ukrainian gas firm that hired Hunter Biden lobbied the Department of State in early 2016, just one month before then-U.S. Vice President Joe Biden forced the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the same company, according to documents obtained as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Read more The justices of the Supreme Court seemed sympathetic to videographer Frederick Allen, whose attorney argued that North Carolina unfairly deprived him of his intellectual property rights by publishing without permission the images he made of the salvaging of a pirate ship that was owned by the pirate Blackbeard. Read more See More Top Stories In a world that has lost its way, lost respect for logic, law and American history – who is defending you in Washington?  Who speaks for conservatives?  AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, THAT’S who.

AMAC gives its members valuable everyday benefits, while boldly defending America’s priceless Constitution, sacred history, individual liberties and basic moral compass. Fighting for border and national security, freedom of speech and religion, and values articulated by Reagan, like strong defense, limited government, lower taxes, and a solvent federal government, AMAC was founded to be your conservative alternative to other, liberal 50+ organizations.

Hard to believe we’re here—but we are—and AMAC is dedicated to remembering past sacrifices and preserving America’s core values for the future. They oppose the rise of socialism and the Medicare-For-All push.

If you are not an AMAC member, you should be. The next election will decide our nation’s futureWe will either be true to America’s noble past and principles, or drift deeper onto the sea of moral relativism.

  Remembrance Day and Why We Must Cherish Our Nation’s Past
By Gerry Bowler

Surely, the worst aspect of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of senile dementia is the loss of our ability to remember. Without memory, we are mere bodies trapped in the present without links to our families, our surroundings, and even our own personalities. Because the creature that we were—with all our likes, dislikes, loyalties, loves, quirks, failings, and triumphs—has ceased to be truly present, we are lost to ourselves and others, unable to make sense of the world. Read more Why the Impeachment Inquiry Makes No Sense
By Brad Johnson

On Oct. 31, the U.S. House of Representatives voted along party lines to open an investigation into whether President Donald Trump should be impeached. The Democrats are attempting to wear a cloak of patriotism and claim they’re defending democracy and the U.S. Constitution. They take great umbrage when conservatives and the occasional Republican question their patriotism. Read more
  See More Opinions Why Workers Don’t Need to Fear Technological Change
By Valentin Schmid
(December 9, 2015)

In economics, nobody likes it but everybody has to live with it: uncertainty. It makes business decisions difficult and wreaks havoc on economic models. This is why mainstream economics oftentimes ignores it and assumes we have complete certainty in economic planning. In real life, this assumption never pans out, which is part of the reason mainstream economics is notoriously bad at predicting financial crises. Read more Just how is the impeachment investigation into President Trump highly irregular? Why does Tom Fitton think there are more FISA abuses that might be uncovered in the soon-to-be-released Horowitz report? And why does he think President Obama was ultimately responsible for the Spygate scandal?  Impeachment Resolution is a “Coup Resolution”—Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton Advertisement: Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved.

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The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for November 6,2019 View this email in your browser Share Tweet Forward Good morning,

Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day.  At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day.  You can listen live here.  

Impeachment is a Political Process. So Too Are Elections. Deal With This at the Ballot Box. Impeachment and elections are both political processes. We are less than a year from the general election. Democrats, if they rush impeachment, jeopardize its credibility. If they don’t, they run into election activity. They should just let the voters decide in that political process instead of deciding themselves in their own political process. The post Impeachment is a Political Process. So Too Are Elections. Deal With This at the Ballot Box. appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

New Zealand gun buyback has yielded poor results. With the amnesty period closing rapidly, the program hasn’t been very successful. For years, the Left has told us that gun control would never include confiscation of firearms. That façade, which those on the Right didn’t buy for a second, was finally shattered when Beto O’Rourke and Eric Swalwell based their entire brief presidential campaigns […] The post New Zealand gun buyback has yielded poor results. appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

Matt Bevin’s Loss Has Nothing to do With President Trump In Kentucky, Governor Matt Bevin lost to a Democrat. No Republican Governor of Kentucky has ever won re-election. Democrats have rushed to make this about Bevin, but consider Bevin was at 30% approval and, after Trump’s visit, got within striking distance of victory tonight. This really was not about Trump. Kentucky Republicans swept all the […] The post Matt Bevin’s Loss Has Nothing to do With President Trump appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

China Tariffs: Trump’s Winning Hand Nothing could play better into Trump’s hand than a multi-phased deal with China, with each phase rolling back tariffs and giving American exporters more access to the Chinese market. The post China Tariffs: Trump’s Winning Hand appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

House Releases Sondland And Volker Transcripts Following on yesterday’s release of transcripts of the testimonies of Ambassadors Yovanovitch and McKinley, the House has released the transcripts of the testimonies of Ambassadors Kurt Volker and Gordon Sondland today. House committee chairmen Adam Schiff, Eliot Engel, and Carolyn Maloney announced the public release of the transcripts in a statement, saying, “The testimony of […] The post House Releases Sondland And Volker Transcripts appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

Swing State Polls Look Bad For Donald Trump Trump loses most swing states to Joe Biden in current polling but fares better against Sanders and Warren. The post Swing State Polls Look Bad For Donald Trump appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

Good News And Bad News For Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren is fading fast. The post Good News And Bad News For Joe Biden appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

Fleeing Paradise: California’s Conservative Exodus Generations of people flocked to California for the beautiful climate and landscape. Gold, entertainment, and industry lured people in to what seemed like paradise. But as California has drifted further and further to the left politically and as the cost of living has skyrocketed, many conservative families are fleeing paradise for places where more of […] The post Fleeing Paradise: California’s Conservative Exodus appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

LIVE: The Erick Erickson Show The Erick Erickson Show is live! Here’s the plan for today: Hour 1 ELECTION DAY REMINDER President begins formal withdrawal from Paris Accord Comes in advance of world summit No G-7 agenda item International outrage Polling Greta Thunberg sails the wrong way Bye Beto Kurt Suzuki under attack by the left Latino v Latinix Warren […] The post LIVE: The Erick Erickson Show appeared first on The Resurgent.  Read in browser »

  Recent Items: That Which United Us, Now Divides Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud.

As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent.

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Axios AM

By Mike Allen

Good Wednesday morning. Today’s Smart Brevity count: 1,380 words, 5 minutes.

1 big thing: The rising seas global warming has already locked in

Data: Nature, Oct. 29, “New elevation data triple estimates of global vulnerability to sea-level rise and coastal flooding.” Chart: Naema Ahmed/Axios

While debate rages about how to fight climate change, the impacts that rising temperatures have already locked in are getting worse, Axios’ Amy Harder writes.

  • “Most sea level rise between now and 2050 is already baked in,” said Benjamin Strauss, co-author of a peer-reviewed report by science organization Climate Central.
  • Why it matters: We’re learning more about how much of the damage is irreversible, like with rising sea levels — which means we need to think about not just stopping the problem, but also about adapting to what we can’t stop.

Rising sea levels will threaten 40 million more people — three times that of previous estimates — over the next 30 years, according to research published last week by the journal Nature.

  • Poorer Asian countries are most at risk.
  • That’s because “there is such high-population density and it is so concentrated in the lowest elevations toward the coast,” Strauss said.

What we’re watching: Strauss hopes that this research galvanizes cities to better prepare for rising seas that are inevitably coming, but also provides momentum to cut emissions to limit the worst impacts by the end of this century.

  • His research suggests that if we continue business as usual — emissions left mostly unchecked — up to 200 million more people will be at risk by 2100.

2. Dems’ huge night: Upset in Kentucky

Andy Beshear, with lieutenant governor candidate Jacqueline Coleman, in Louisville. Photo: Bryan Woolston/AP

In an upset in the Kentucky governor’s race, Democratic challenger Andy Beshear declared victory over Republican incumbent Matt Bevin, who refused to concede but lagged, 49.2% to 48.8%, with 100% of the vote in.

Behind the scenes: Senior officials at the White House and Republican Governors Association thought Bevin would win, but nobody who was studying the race closely felt overly confident about that outcome, Axios’ Jonathan Swan reports.

  • Bevin was telling people he would win. But throughout the campaign, sources in the Trump political orbit expressed concerns about the poor quality of Bevin’s operation and about his weaknesses in public opinion.
  • The White House and Republican Party went all in to help Bevin: a Mike Pence bus tour, Trump trips, and major spending from national groups.

Trump said at a Kentucky rally on election eve: “[I]f you lose, they’re going to say, Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world.”

  • But sources involved in the unsuccessful effort to help Bevin pointed to the rest of the Kentucky ballot — every other statewide Republican candidate in Kentucky won by a comfortable margin — as consolation.
  • They argued that Bevin was such a weak candidate that bigger 2020 lessons shouldn’t be drawn from his defeat.

Between the lines: Indeed, polling shows Bevin is the most unpopular governor in America, and other Kentucky results were solid for Republicans.

  • As U.Va.’s Larry Sabato told Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC: “When you’re a Republican running statewide in Kentucky, you have to try to lose. And Bevin tried for four years, and he succeeded.”

The takeaway: Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) said on CNN that Beshear is a sign to Democrats nationally not to embrace plans like the Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, but to appeal to the middle and win as a moderate.

  • Kasich said Kentucky’s message to 2020 Dems is to pick somebody who most of the country can look at and say: “That’s reasonable.”

3. Virginia: From red to purple to officially blue

A mobile billboard outside the polling place at Centreville High School in Clifton, in Fairfax County. Photo: Matthew Barakat/AP

Virginia, where Democrats will control both legislative chambers and the governor’s mansion for the first time in 26 years (since 1993), was a different story.

  • Why it matters, from Axios’ Margaret Talev: Dems’ sweep of the Commonwealth reflects not just blue momentum in the state, but also organizing efforts by gun control groups, and unease about Trump among suburban voters.
  • The big picture, from WashPost: “The sweep completed a dramatic political conversion, from red to blue, of a Southern state on Washington’s doorstep.”

via Richmond Times-Dispatch

Virginia Democrats flipped control of the state Senate and House of Delegates, gaining outright control of state government in a former battleground state that has quickly gone from red to purple to blue.

  • Dem pickups occurred in suburbs of Washington and Richmond that already had trended blue in recent years, AP reports.
  • “I’m here to officially declare today, November 5, 2019, that Virginia is officially blue,” Gov. Ralph Northam told supporters in Richmond.

4. Nine U.S. citizens killed by drug cartel in Mexico

Chihuahua state police officers man a checkpoint in northern Mexico yesterday. Photo: Christian Chavez/AP

The eight children, some mere infants, who survived an ambush in northern Mexico not only escaped the drug cartel gunmen who killed their mothers but managed to hide in the brush, with some walking miles to get help despite grisly bullet wounds, AP reports.

  • In a testament to a mother’s devotion, one woman reportedly stashed her baby on the floor of her Suburban and got out of the vehicle, waving her arms to show the gunmen she wasn’t a threat.

What happened: The gunmen ambushed three SUVs along a dirt road, slaughtering six children (including 8-month-old twins) and three women.

  • The victims lived in a remote farming community. They’re descendants of former Mormons who fled the U.S. to escape the church’s polygamy ban.

5. ⚖️ Breaking: Coming testimony on politics in the foreign service

“Read the Transcript!” was the new T-shirt slogan at President Trump’s rally in Lexington, Ky., on Monday night. Photo: Susan Walsh/AP

David Hale — the highest-ranking career diplomat in the foreign service, and the State Department’s third-ranking official — plans to tell Congress that political considerations were behind the agency’s refusal to defend Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch from Trump allies, AP’s Matt Lee reports.

  • Hale will say Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other senior officials determined that defending her would hurt the effort to free up U.S. military assistance to Ukraine.
  • Hale tried to distance himself by removing himself from email chains about Yovanovitch.
  • One official said Hale “tried to take himself out of the loop on Ukraine.” But another official said Hale would defend Pompeo’s actions as “politically smart” for the State Department and its employees.

Yesterday’s stunner:

via N.Y. Times

Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, “reversed himself this week and acknowledged to investigators that he had told a top Ukrainian official that the country would most likely have to give President Trump what he wanted … in order to unlock military aid,” the N.Y. Times’ Mike Schmidt reports.

  • Why it matters: “That admission … directly contradicted his testimony to investigators last month, when he said he ‘never’ thought there was any precondition on the aid.”

6. 🎓 The SAT’s hidden industry

The College Board, which owns the SAT, is using the standardized test as “the foundation for another business: selling test-takers’ names and personal information to universities,” writes the Wall Street Journal’s Douglas Belkin (subscription).

  • Why it matters: By targeting potential students to raise applicant pools and rejection rates, the service has “amplified the perception of exclusivity that colleges are eager to reinforce, pushing students to invest more time and money in preparing for and retaking exams College Board sells.”

7. Teens’ vaping habits

Data: Cullen, et. al, 2019, “e-Cigarette Use Among Youth in the United States, 2019“; Chart: Andrew Witherspoon/Axios

Juul’s mint flavor has become the most popular e-cigarette flavor for teens in 12th and 10th grades and the second most popular in 8th grade, according to an NIH-funded study published in JAMA.

  • Why it matters, via Axios’ Marisa Fernandez: Despite its rising popularity with teens, mint is set to be exempted from the Trump administration’s expected ban on flavored vaping products — and it’s one of the few flavors that will be continue to be sold by Juul.

8. 💰 SoftBank says “WeLost”

Softbank said it lost $4.7 billion on its investment in WeWork, marking down the office-sharing startup’s value to $7.8 billion from a $47 billion pre-IPO valuation, reports the Wall Street Journal (subscription).

  • “My own investment judgment was really bad. I regret it in many ways,” SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son told a Tokyo press conference after the announcement.

9. 🇨🇳 Legendary bookshop closes in Beijing

The Bookworm, a center of literary life in Beijing and a refuge for expats, will close, “unable to renew its lease amid crackdown on ‘illegal structures,”’ reports Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post.

Evan Osnos of The New Yorker — whose book, “Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China,” was based on eight years of living in Beijing — told me the closing is sad:

A true institution, and I mean that in every sense. It was a place where writing and truth-telling was celebrated. I can think of a half-dozen times I interviewed someone there, or was interviewed there. I stopped in there most recently a few weeks ago when I was in town, and I actually thought to myself, well, it’s a good sign that it’s still here, and books are on the shelves. I spoke too soon. A bad sign of the times.

10. 1 flavor thing: Plant-based meat

“Flavorists are the people who tinker with nacho cheese dust, Hot Pockets and pumpkin spice lattes … driving consumer trends and making food craveable,” writes the WashPost’s Laura Reiley.

  • Many of them across the globe “are bringing their alchemy to plant-based meat.”

Why it matters: “[T]he Swiss investment firm UBS predicts growth of plant-based protein and meat alternatives will increase from $4.6 billion in 2018 to $85 billion by 2030.”

📬 Thanks for reading! Please tell a friend about AM/PM.


Trump’s GOP walloped


11/06/2019 06:01 AM EST

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WHERE WE ARE … DEMOCRATS captured control of the Virginia House of Delegates and state Senate, the first time they’ve controlled the entire government “in a generation,” per the WaPo.

— NYT’S JONATHAN MARTIN: “For the first time since 1993, Democrats control both chambers in the legislature and the governor’s office — allowing them to redraw the state’s legislative boundaries after next year’s census.

“Linking Republican incumbents to the unpopular president and criticizing them for opposing gun control measures in the aftermath of a mass shooting in Virginia Beach in May, Democratic challengers built their victory with strong showings in suburbs stretching from outside Washington to Richmond and Hampton Roads. In Fairfax County, the state’s largest jurisdiction, the last remaining Republican lawmaker was defeated.” NYT

DEMOCRATS APPEAR TO HAVE TOPPLED the unpopular sitting Republican governor of Kentucky one day after a visit from President DONALD TRUMP. Democrat ANDY BESHEAR leads Republican Gov. MATT BEVIN by more than 5,000 votes, according to Steve Shepard, who is in Lexington for us. POLITICO

REPUBLICANS, THOUGH, had success throughout the rest of the state. Senate Majority Leader MITCH MCCONNELL’S former legal counsel, Daniel Cameron, was elected attorney general — the first black person to be elected to that office. Lexington Herald-Leader

PENNSYLVANIA — a state key to TRUMP’S re-election prospects — is turning toward Democrats in a historic fashion.

— PHILLY INQUIRER: “The blue wave crashed down on Pennsylvania again, as voters from Philly to Delaware County turned left,” by Julia Terruso: “The political forces that shaped last year’s midterm elections showed no signs of abating Tuesday, as voters turned on Republicans and establishment Democrats alike in races from Philadelphia and Scranton to the suburbs of Delaware and Chester Counties. …

“Locally, Democrats will hold all five seats on the Delaware County Council, a Republican stronghold since the Civil War, and also assumed a majority on the legislative body in Chester County. In Bucks County, Democrats also held a late lead for control of the board of commissioners in a close race.” Inquirer

HOW DOES THIS ALL affect TRUMP’S political fortunes? Do Republicans take a look at Tuesday night’s electoral results and rethink whether they want to stick with the president on impeachment? (For the most part, we doubt Rs will ditch Trump.) Will it affect Trump’s 2020 campaign strategy or his governing posture? Will the president look, in any way, to try to partner with Democrats on something popular, or will he continue his current posture, which is he’s being impeached for doing nothing wrong, and there’s nothing really the two parties can work on?

THERE ARE TWO WAYS FOR REPUBLICANS TO LOOK AT TUESDAY NIGHT. One way: We won the Mississippi governor race, we won almost the entire slate of races in Kentucky and Bevin lost because he was unpopular. All of that’s true — but just part of the story. The other way to look at it is: Pennsylvania is slipping away, Virginia is gone and Kentucky — a state TRUMP won by nearly 30 points in 2016 — has elected a Democrat in a race where impeachment was center stage.

HERE’S HOW TRUMP CAST the Kentucky race in his rally for Bevin earlier this week: “If you win, they are going to make it like, ho hum. And if you lose, they are going to say Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world. You can’t let that happen to me!”

— AND HERE’S WHAT HE SAID TUESDAY NIGHT: @realDonaldTrump at 11:37 p.m.: “#ElectionNight Won 5 out of 6 elections in Kentucky, including 5 great candidates that I spoke for and introduced last night. @MattBevin picked up at least 15 points in last days, but perhaps not enough (Fake News will blame Trump!). Winning in Mississippi Governor race!”

… at 11:51 p.m.: “Congratulations to @tatereeves on winning Governor of the Great State of Mississippi. Our big Rally on Friday night moved the numbers from a tie to a big WIN. Great reaction under pressure Tate!”

FWIW: TRUMP won Mississippi by 17 points in 2016.

THE STEP BACK … WAPO’S BOB COSTA: “[T]he Kentucky defeat has sparked concern among the party’s donors and many longtime GOP leaders who are worried that the nonstop twists of the House impeachment inquiry and Trump’s growing fury are making it increasingly difficult for Republicans to make a clear and compelling case to voters.” WaPo

— AP’S STEVE PEOPLES in New York: “It’s difficult to draw sweeping conclusions from state elections, each with their own unique quirks and personalities. But there’s little doubt Tuesday’s outcome is a warning to Republicans across the nation a year out from the 2020 election and a year after the 2018 midterms: The suburbs are still moving in the wrong direction.” AP

AND YET … NEW POLITICO/MORNING CONSULT POLL: “Poll: Majority expects Trump to win in 2020,” by Caitlin Oprysko: “With less than a year to go before the 2020 election, a majority of registered voters say they think it’s at least somewhat likely that President Donald Trump will secure a second term in the White House, a new poll has found, with almost a third of voters saying the president will be top of mind when casting their vote next November.

“According to a POLITICO/Morning Consult survey released on Wednesday, 56 percent of voters expect the president to be reelected next year, including 85 percent of Republicans and 51 percent of independents. By comparison, more than a third of Democrats (35 percent) say the same.” POLITICO

Good Wednesday morning.

A message from the American Investment Council:

Private equity is a driving force for economic growth and opportunity for our country – supporting millions of jobs in local communities across the country. shows what that impact means in all 50 states.

IMPEACHMENT … IN THE EARLY DAYS OF POLITICO, our co-founders John Harris and Jim VandeHei often asked us to try to report as if we were putting our sources on truth serum. What would they say if they couldn’t lie?

SO AFTER TUESDAY’S BOMBSHELL transcript releaseGORDON SONDLAND and KURT VOLKER –we buzzed our top House Republican sources and challenged them to tell us what they were actually thinking about TRUMP’S standing at the moment.

— THEY UNDERSTAND TRUMP IS IN DEEP TROUBLE. “Without a doubt,” one House Republican told us, this is the biggest political pickle TRUMP has been in. That’s why Republicans are taking the highly unusual step of puttingRep. JIM JORDAN (R-Ohio) on the Intelligence Committee to defend the president: He needs reinforcements, and fast. (We hear it will just be Jordan that gets a slot on that panel.)

— THEIR STRATEGY IS TO OBFUSCATE. Republicans understand that they “have a tough set of facts,” as one told us, and they are going to try to muddy the waters and distract from the obviously troubling testimony delivered by every witness Democrats have called. Watch for small-ball answers trying to pick apart the credibility of certain witnesses when it comes to whether they extrapolated or had firsthand information on what they were testifying about.

— THEY’RE READY TO THROW SONDLAND UNDER THE BUS. This was, perhaps, the most surprising to us. Conventional wisdom held that SONDLAND was going to be the strongest ally for TRUMP — a donor whose $1 million to the Trump inaugural fund should have made him a loyal figure. But Republicans are starting to turn on him. Lawmakers we spoke with called him a lackey, a chest-thumper and a rube. Of course, perhaps that’s because he turned on the president. But there is no love lost for Sondland at all.

— THEY STILL, TO THIS DAY, QUESTION THE QUID PRO QUO. The cornerstone of Republicans’ defense of TRUMP is that, despite testimony indicating otherwise, there is no actual evidence of a quid pro quo. There is talk that the president wanted to hold up aid in exchange for a statement laying out an investigation into the BIDEN family. But, as several lawmakers told us, the aid was restored without the statement.

WE ASKED OUR SOURCES this simple question: If TRUMP is so concerned about corruption, can you point to other places in the world where he’s withheld aid in exchange for cleaning up government, or was the Biden example unique? No one can, but people point out that he frequently has threatened to cut off aid.

— THE PUBLIC WITNESS THE GOP FEARS: Bill Taylor is the unanimous No. 1.

HEAR NO EVIL, SAY NO EVIL … SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, via CBS: “I’ve written the whole process off … I think this is a bunch of B.S.” Marianne LeVine on Graham

INTERESTING TEXT … TAYLOR in a text to VOLKER in May, presumably after he was asked to go to Kyiv: “I’m really struggling with the decision whether to go [to Ukraine]. Can anyone hope to succeed with the Giuliani-Biden issue swirling for the next 18 months? Can [Mike Pompeo] offer any reassurance on this issue”

A message from the American Investment Council:

– supporting millions of jobs, good wages, and investing in local communities.

HAPPENING TODAY … AP’S MATTHEW LEE: “AP sources: State Dept. worried about defending ambassador”: “The State Department’s third-ranking official is expected to tell Congress that political considerations were behind the agency’s refusal to deliver a robust defense of the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.

“People familiar with the matter say the highest-ranking career diplomat in the foreign service, David Hale, plans to tell congressional impeachment investigators on Wednesday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other senior officials determined that defending Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch would hurt the effort to free up U.S. military assistance to Ukraine.

“Hale will also say that the State Department worried about the reaction from Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, also one of the strongest advocates for removing the ambassador. … Hale is expected to shed more light on why the State Department did not step up to defend its top envoy in Kyiv. According to the people familiar with the matter, he will say he tried to distance himself and the department from the matter by removing himself from email chains about Yovanovitch.” AP

SMART STORY … WAPO’S ROBERT BARNES and SEUNG MIN KIM: “Senate impeachment trial to test chief justice who has tangled with Trump”: “The trial would be an unfamiliar moment in the spotlight for Roberts, 64, whose evocation of the judge as impartial umpire drew praise at his 2005 confirmation hearing. His nomination by President George W. Bush capped off a career as a Republican operative in the White House, a lawyer with many appearances before the Supreme Court and an appellate judge.

“Trump’s impeachment proceedings would be the first trial over which Roberts has ever presided. It provides the potential for a confrontation with a president who has already antagonized him, even as the chief justice has tried to distance himself and the court from partisan politics.

“‘I think [the chief justice] is going to be very uncomfortable with it,’ said Carter G. Phillips, a longtime Washington lawyer who is among the most prolific practitioners before the Supreme Court. ‘He will look the part and will act the part, but I’m sure he’d rather not have the part.’” WaPo

JUICY … VANITY FAIR’S JOE POMPEO: “The Mask Will Probably Fall’: In a Warning, New Trump Scandals — And Clues to the Identity of Anonymous”

TRUMP’S WEDNESDAY — The president will give a speech on federal judicial confirmation milestones at 3 p.m. in the East Room. Trump will leave the White House at 4:10 p.m. en route to Monroe, La., where he will deliver remarks at a campaign rally at 7 p.m. Central time at the Monroe Civic Center. Afterward, he will return to Washington.


Demonstrators clash with a police water cannon during an anti-government protest in Santiago, Tuesday, Nov. 5
PHOTO DU JOUR: Demonstrators clash with a police water cannon during an anti-government protest in Santiago, Chile, on Tuesday, Nov. 5. | Esteban Felix/AP Photo

THE LATEST ON ROGER STONE, via Darren Samuelsohn and Josh Gerstein: “Day 2 of the Roger Stone trial starts at 9:30 a.m. with more jury selection. Judge Amy Berman Jackson got the pool of people down to 34 by the end of the day Tuesday — and she expects to get it across the finish line to start today. Then it’ll be time for opening arguments from DOJ and Stone’s attorneys.

“Looking forward to hearing the Stone opener in particular as they really haven’t articulated in public what his defense will be at the trial. DOJ prosecutors said they could be done with their side of the case by the middle of next week. Stone’s lawyers have said they’d need three to four days.” More on how Stone’s gag order has effectively kept Stone silent

WILD TALE FROM BEN SCHRECKINGER — “‘A little help from the vice president’: How Joe Biden, his younger brother Frank, a lobbyist and an oil heiress got Congress to ban the slaughter of horses for meat.” POLITICO

MUCK READ — “How Mike Pence’s Office Meddled in Foreign Aid to Reroute Money to Favored Christian Groups,” by ProPublica’s Yeganeh Torbati: “Officials at USAID warned that favoring Christian groups in Iraq could be unconstitutional and inflame religious tensions. When one colleague lost her job, they said she had been ‘Penced.’” ProPublica

HEADS UP — “Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions,” by AP’s Lolita Baldor: “President Donald Trump has approved an expanded military mission to secure an expanse of oil fields across eastern Syria, raising a number of difficult legal questions about whether U.S. troops can launch strikes against Syrian, Russian or other forces if they threaten the oil, U.S. officials said.

“The decision, coming after a meeting Friday between Trump and his defense leaders, locks hundreds of U.S. troops into a more complicated presence in Syria, despite the president’s vow to get America out of the war. Under the new plan, troops would protect a large swath of land controlled by Syrian Kurdish fighters that stretches nearly 90 miles (150 kilometers) from Deir el-Zour to al-Hassakeh, but its exact size is still being determined.

“Officials said many details still have to be worked out. But, Trump’s decision hands commanders a victory in their push to remain in the country to prevent any resurgence of the Islamic State group, counter Iran and partner with the Kurds, who battled IS alongside the U.S. for several years. But it also forces lawyers in the Pentagon to craft orders for the troops that could see them firing on Syrian government or Russian fighters trying to take back oil facilities that sit within the sovereign nation of Syria.” AP

HAPPENING TODAY — “In Major Nuclear Step, Iran to Resume Enrichment at Underground Site,” by WSJ’s Laurence Norman in Brussels and Aresu Eqbali in Tehran: “Iran plans to start enriching uranium at an underground facility Wednesday, Tehran officials said, in a significant step away from its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal that could raise pressure on Europe to take action.

“A 15-year ban on any enrichment of uranium at the Fordow nuclear plant was one of the central achievements of the deal. Enriched uranium can be used as fuel for a nuclear weapon.

“The site, buried deep within a mountain, is considered impregnable to most conventional weapons, presenting a major hurdle to any military effort aimed at stopping Iran from building a nuclear weapon. Iran says its nuclear program has always been for peaceful purposes. The latest step is the most dramatic yet by Iran away from the 2015 accord.” WSJ

A message from the American Investment Council:

Private equity is making a positive impact – investing in America, supporting jobs, and strengthening the retirements of public sector workers.

VALLEY TALK — “Concerns about Facebook’s political ad policy brought to Zuckerberg’s dinner table,” by CNN’s Brian Fung: “Steak, scallops and the future of American democracy were among the items on the menu at one of Mark Zuckerberg’s homes on Monday night as the Facebook CEO hosted a dinner for American civil rights leaders.

“Flanked by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Facebook exec Nick Clegg, Zuckerberg met face-to-face at his Bay Area home with some of the company’s most ardent critics to hear their concerns about how the company tackles hate speech and its policy of not fact-checking ads from politicians.

“Civil rights representatives agreed not to disclose specifics of what the Facebook executives and other attendees said at the meeting, Farhana Khera, the executive director of Muslim Advocates, who attended the dinner, told CNN. But a number of them raised concerns about Facebook’s policy of allowing politicians to run false ads, said Khera and Vanita Gupta, the CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, who also was in attendance.” CNN

MEDIAWATCH — MICHAEL CALDERONE: “Media outlets reject Rand Paul’s demand that they identify Trump’s whistleblower”: “Major news organizations have not identified the whistleblower whose claims about Trump pressuring Ukraine to investigate the Bidens have been largely corroborated and even expanded upon by officials testifying in the impeachment inquiry — and they’re not buckling to demands from Trump and his allies to expose the individual.” POLITICO

— DEAN BAQUET to WaPo’s Paul Farhi: “I’m not convinced his identity is important at this point, or at least important enough to put him at any risk, or to unmask someone who doesn’t want to be identified. Pretty much everything has now been discussed or confirmed on the record, multiple times, by others in the administration. So I’m not sure I see the point of unmasking someone who wants to remain anonymous.” WaPo

— NPR’S DAVID FOLKENFLIK: “ABC News Defends Its Epstein Coverage After Leaked Video Of Anchor”


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at

TRANSITIONS — Giovanna Gray Lockhart is now chief strategy officer at The Riveter. She was most recently at The Wing and is a Kirsten Gillibrand alum. … Josh Hurvitz is now a partner at government relations firm NVG. He previously was VP for public policy at Time Warner and WarnerMedia.

SPOTTED at a screening Tuesday night at the National Archives of “Created Equal,” a documentary about Justice Clarence Thomas: Justice Samuel Alito and Martha-Ann Alito, D.C. Circuit Court Judge Neomi Rao, Leonard Leo, Carrie and Roger Severino, Rachel Semmel, Hugo Gurdon, Kevin Daley, Emily Jashinsky, Byron York, Greg Mueller, Keith Appell and Ryan Lovelace.

BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Ruth Messinger, global ambassador for the American Jewish World Service, is 79. How she thinks the Trump presidency is going: “I worry that the U.S. is losing our role as a human rights leader, especially for the populations that American Jewish World Service works alongside. The lack of a thoughtful response from our State Department to almost any human rights issue, the constant threats to foreign aid and to immigrant populations — all are damaging our status in the world.” Playbook Q&A

BIRTHDAYS: Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) is 78 … Arne Duncan, managing partner of Emerson Collective and former Education secretary, is 55 (hat tip: Devon Spurgeon) … Sidney Blumenthal is 71 … Dan Senor is 48 … Eric Schulze … Rob Jesmer, partner at FP1 Strategies and PLUS Communications … POLITICO’s Louis Nelson is 31 … Marlon Bateman is 31 … Social Security Administration Commissioner Andrew Saul is 73 … former Rep. Dan Donovan (R-N.Y.) is 63 … Andrew Snow … Ana Estes … Katie Rosborough … American Red Cross’ Eric Mondero … Alison Patch of APCO Worldwide … Bob Grand … Ashley Lewis, press secretary for Senate Banking Committee Democrats … Rachel Weiss, director of external affairs at UnitedHealth Group (h/t husband Adam) … Julia Bennett …

… Whitney Mitchell Brennan, communications director for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) … Blair Gremillion, senior media analyst at America Rising, is 27 (h/t Christian Martinez) … Alan Dechert … Arun Chaudhary, creative director at Revolution Messaging, is 44 … Catherine Crier is 65 … Mychal Denzel Smith … Matt Kirk … JoJo Sears … Rick Nussio … Sheila Walter … Scott Anderson … LaCreda Drummond-Mondon … Ramesh de Silva … Ian Braun … NPR’s Eric Deggans … USCIS’ Diana Banister … Keaton Bedell … Christopher Joshua Arndt … Ben Wrobel … Julia Moseley … Gray Brooks … NBC’s Gresham Striegel … ABC’s Trish Turner … CNBC’s Angelica LaVito … Chris Fitzgerald … Andrew Weinberg … Suzanne Granville (h/t Teresa Vilmain) … Ira Fishman (h/t Jon Haber)

A message from the American Investment Council:

Private equity is investing in America – fueling a new generation of manufacturing jobs, driving technological innovation, and securing our nation’s leadership role in the global economy.


Sign up for this newsletter Read online The morning’s most important stories, curated by Post editors.       (AFP/Getty Images) Sondland adds to testimony linking aid to Ukraine probes sought by Trump In a “supplemental declaration” to his Oct. 17 testimony, the ambassador to the European Union said that aid to Ukraine was linked to the opening of an investigation that could damage presidential candidate Joe Biden. By Shane Harris and Aaron Davis  ●  Read more »   In a Senate trial, chief justice would step into precarious spot after a spat with Trump John G. Roberts Jr., who has tried to distance himself and the Supreme Court from partisan politics, would be called to preside over an impeachment trial. By Robert Barnes and Seung Min Kim  ●  Read more »   Virginia Democrats take control of state government The results project that the party will consolidate power in Richmond for the first time in a generation, and Democrats have promised to enact a slew of party priorities. Election 2019  ●  By Gregory S. Schneider and Laura Vozzella  ●  Read more »     Kentucky outcome embarrasses Trump, worries many Republicans ahead of 2020 The outcome, despite President Trump’s raucous rally for Gov. Matt Bevin, underscored how Republicans are struggling to navigate choppy political waters as the 2020 campaign now begins in earnest. By Robert Costa  ●  Read more »   Democrat claims victory in Kentucky governor’s race; Republican projected winner in Mississippi With all precincts reporting in Kentucky, Democrat Andy Beshear was narrowly leading Gov. Matt Bevin, though the Associated Press hasn’t called the race and Bevin hasn’t conceded. By Tim Craig  ●  Read more »   ADVERTISEMENT     Opinions Why don’t Democrats drop impeachment and just censure Trump? By Marc Thiessen  ●  Read more »   Iraqis who helped the U.S. during the war shouldn’t be abandoned By Editorial Board  ●  Read more »   Slander is Trump’s last refuge Impeachment Diary  ●  By Dana Milbank  ●  Read more »   ​​It looks like independent voters are in the mood for a reckoning By Karen Tumulty  ●  Read more »   ADVERTISEMENT   OK, boomer. The kids are fighting back. By Molly Roberts  ●  Read more »   Where is Mike Pompeo? He’s hiding in fear of Donald Trump. By David Ignatius  ●  Read more »     More News Justice Dept. trying to finish report on Russia probe before Thanksgiving The potentially explosive inspector general report about the FBI’s investigation into President Trump’s 2016 campaign will mark a major public test of Attorney General William P. Barr’s credibility. By Devlin Barrett, Robert Costa and Matt Zapotosky  ●  Read more »     ‘Every family is affected’: Tight-knit Mormon community mourns women and children killed in Mexico The violent deaths of three women and their young children sent shock waves through the community of ultra-religious Mormons, where many are related by blood, marriage and friendship. By Derek Hawkins, Brittany Shammas and Kayla Epstein  ●  Read more »   Arrival of Russian mercenaries adds deadlier firepower, modern tactics to Libya’s civil war Hundreds of Russians are fighting alongside a renegade Libyan commander, according to Western officials and Libyan fighters. The presence of foreign fighters threatens to prolong the most violent conflict in the North African country since the Arab Spring revolution eight years ago. By Sudarsan Raghavan  ●  Read more »   72 people died in London’s Grenfell fire. A British lawmaker implied they lacked ‘common sense.’ Conservative Jacob Rees-Mogg appeared to suggest on Monday that the victims should have ignored the instructions of the London Fire Brigade to stay inside their homes in the 24-story building. On Tuesday, he apologized. By Jennifer Hassan  ●  Read more »   After uniting Washington on the field, Nationals become latest proxy for nation’s divisions in Trump era The fallout over the politicized nature of the World Series champions’ visit to the White House has become the latest flash point in the all-encompassing culture wars that have defined President Trump’s divisive time in office. By David Nakamura  ●  Read more »   Roger Stone excused from court after complaining of illness; jury selection mostly completed The longtime Trump confidant’s early departure came a day before opening statements are scheduled. Stone was the final defendant charged in former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election. By Spencer Hsu  ●  Read more »     We think you’ll like this newsletter Check out Lean & Fit for expert advice on how to eat right, get lean and stay fit, including curated healthy recipes every Wednesday. Sign up »  
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Wednesday, November 6, 2019 Swing State Polls “President Trump remains highly competitive in the battleground states likeliest to decide his re-election, according to a set of new surveys from The New York Times Upshot and Siena College. Across the six closest states that went Republican in 2016, he trails Joe Biden by an average of two points… [and] leads Elizabeth Warren by two points among registered voters, the same margin as his win over Hillary Clinton in these states three years ago.” New York Times From the Left The left is concerned by the polls but cautions that there is still a year before the election. “The key takeaway isn’t that one Democrat is likely to win and another is likely to lose. It’s that the Democratic candidate, whoever it is, needs a convincing strategy for winning at least some of the battleground states that Trump carried last time…

Paying attention to working-class white voters doesn’t necessarily mean tempering progressive policy proposals like raising taxes on the rich, tackling political corruption, providing universal day care, and guaranteeing health care to everyone. Sanders supports all of these things, and the Times poll showed him leading Trump by two points in Michigan. An anti-establishment, spread-the-wealth stance that emphasizes bread-and-butter issues can elicit broad popular support.”
John Cassidy, The New Yorker 

“Democrats won in 2018 by running a smartly populist campaign, focused on reducing health care costs and helping ordinary families. The candidates avoided supporting progressive policy dreams that are obviously unpopular, like mandatory Medicare and border decriminalization. The 2020 presidential candidates are making a grave mistake by ignoring the lessons of 2018… They can still support all kinds of ambitious progressive ideas — a wealth tax, universal Medicare buy-in and more — without running afoul of popular opinion…

“But if they’re going to do that, they also need to signal in other ways that they care about winning the votes of people who don’t consider themselves very liberal.”
David Leonhardt, New York Times

Some note that “Warren’s reward for having persuaded Iowa voters and ‘high-information’ Democrats nationally that she’s not too shrewish or extreme to be president is that she now gets to try to make that same case to a much larger audience…

“As the Times’ poll illustrates, the Electoral College divides this audience in such a way that Democrats are at a disadvantage even when the Republican candidate is nationally unpopular, and as the reaction to the Times’ poll illustrates, this disadvantage (and memories of 2016) have put many Democratic voters into a permanent state of second-order skittishness, afraid that the act of liking a candidate, through quantum MAGAtanglement, will cause a 58-year-old self-employed electrician named Dwayne Kowalcyzki in Bay City, Michigan, to hate that candidate.”
Ben Mathis-Lilley, Slate

Others argue that “Drawing a four-hour selfie line in New York does not equate to winning Michigan… Warren is running by spurning even moderate Democrats, promising to ‘fight’ rather than compromise and insisting (along with Sanders) on the most radical health-care plan ever proposed by a major-party nominee. In making herself the champion of progressives and showing disdain for those who favor incremental change, she is turning off precisely the voters she would need in precisely the states that matter… Democrats cannot nominate a candidate with less appeal than Clinton in key swing states, or they will lose. Period.”
Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post

“Biden’s name brand has given him a head start with the half of the Democratic electorate that has moderate or conservative views. But it’s much harder for a newer moderate Democrat lacking that established identity to build a national constituency. The only avenue that has seemed to be open for a candidate to break into the top has been to excite activists, who are demanding positions far to the left of the median voter…

“Warren and Sanders are still close enough to Trump that they can compete, and new events, like a recession or another scandal, could erode Trump’s base. But the party should look at its position a year before the election with real fear.”
Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine From the Right The right sees the polls as good news for Trump and bad news for Warren’s electability in the general election. “In a nutshell, none of the big three Democratic contenders look like a slam dunk in the six states most likely to determine the 2020 election: Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Biden does best, but his leads are one to two percentage points – hardly a safe bet… If you’re a Democrat who has nagging doubts about the big three, maybe it’s time to take one last long look at Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar or Cory Booker as some sort of consensus candidate… Montana Gov. Steve Bullock’s still running, maybe the party should give a second look to the guy who’s figured out how to win in a red state?”
Jim Geraghty, National Review



seems to confirm all the worst suspicions of Warren skeptics in the party that she’d fall short against Trump just as Clinton did. It’s practically a Joe Biden campaign commercial… [But] even Mr. Electable is only a point or two ahead of Trump where it counts… Meanwhile, Biden, Warren, and Sanders all fall short of Clinton’s advantage with black and Latino voters, with Warren more than 10 points behind Hillary’s pace in both groups…

If this is how [Trump is] polling in the middle of an impeachment inquiry, imagine how he might do once it’s a distant memory, as it will be by spring. Having been given four years to study Trump’s many weaknesses and correct their mistakes from the 2016 election, Democrats might not do any better in the electoral college this time.”
Allahpundit, Hot Air

“In a time of relative domestic stability and prosperity, Warren’s radicalism undercuts the easiest and most obvious case against Trump. The country may be tired of constant chaos in the White House, but if the alternative is planned chaos that will destroy your retirement savings, then suddenly those Twitter tirades become a lot easier to stomach. The clock is ticking down to the Iowa caucuses… If Democrats are serious about taking down Trump, they would be wise to coalesce around Biden. They nominate Warren at their own peril.”
Tiana Lowe, Washington Examiner

“Union workers ditched Hillary, but they did not suddenly become Republicans… Many of them were self-described moderate, blue-collar workers who had grown tired of depending on labor unions and were looking for economic reform… Someone like Biden can still win them back. Warren, on the other hand, faces the same problems Clinton did in 2016. The Times poll suggests voters question Warren’s ‘likeability’ and have concerns about her ideology and gender… 

“The 2020 election is still more than a year away. If there’s one thing we should have learned from 2016, it’s not to count our chickens before they’ve hatched. But Warren’s campaign is gaining traction, and Biden’s is lagging behind. If recent and past polls are any indicator, a disenchanted blue-collar voter base, faced with a Warren candidacy, might just hand Trump a second term.”
Kaylee McGhee, Washington Examiner

“It’s useful to consider where President Barack Obama was at this point in his first term: His approval rating in the RCP average hit a low of 42.5 percent in early October 2011. His net-approval rating held steady throughout that fall at around negative nine. But when his 2012 reelection campaign rolled around and he faced GOP nominee Mitt Romney in the general election, those numbers didn’t much matter, because in the individual states that determined the contest, he still enjoyed broad support

“Based on this latest polling, Trump’s support in battleground states seems to have held steady, and at this stage of the race, that’s an indication that the contest will be close regardless of his national popularity.”
Alexandra DeSanctis, National Review

On the bright side…

Rare purebred dingo pup dropped by eagle in Australian family’s backyard.
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The Morning Dispatch: The Republican Retreat on Impeachment

Plus: Marco Rubio’s ‘Common-Good Capitalism’ and a looming government shutdown.

Nov 6Public post

Happy Wednesday! To those of you in states that held major elections yesterday, congrats on carrying out your civic duty once again. To the rest of you, congrats on living in a regular state that votes in regular years. The odd-numbered thing is weird

Quick Hits: What You Need to Know

  • Kentucky, Mississippi, and Virginia all held their regular oddball off-year elections Tuesday. 
    • The night’s big headline: Kentucky has elected a Democratic governor. State Attorney General Andy Beshear unseated unpopular GOP incumbent Matt Bevin, who limped to the finish despite holding home-field advantage in a state Trump carried by 30 points in 2016. 
    • In Mississippi’s governor’s race, Republican Tate Reeves cruised to a strong finish over moderate Democrat Jim Hood. 
    • And Democrats picked up substantial gains in Virginia, recapturing both houses of the state legislature and cleaning up in the suburbs of D.C. and Richmond. 
  • The Trump administration officially began the process of withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement on Monday.
  • Iran continues to step away from the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which President Trump also withdrew the United States from last year. The country’s Fordo nuclear facility is once again becoming an active atomic site, with the country announcing intentions to inject uranium gas into more than 1,000 centrifuges.
  • A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows Trump trailing leading Democrats by substantial margins among likely voters nationwide—but another poll from the New York Times and Siena College finds him still highly competitive in key battleground states.
  • And speaking of ABC News: The network is under fire after Project Veritas released hot-mic video of one of its anchors complaining that her coverage of Jeffrey Epstein was spiked and speculating that the well-connected financier didn’t really kill himself. 

The Death of a Defense

On September 25, Senator Lindsey Graham, among the most eager defenders of Donald Trump, offered confident assurances that whatever diplomatic dancing took place between the Trump administration and the newly elected government of Ukraine, there was no quid pro quo. “If you’re looking for a circumstance where the president of the United States was threatening the Ukraine with cutting off aid unless they investigated his political opponent, you’d be very disappointed,” said Graham, who speaks regularly with Trump. “That does not exist.”

Three weeks later, in an interview on Axios HBO on October 20, Graham hedged a bit but offered a condition to his continued enthusiastic support. “If you could show me that, you know, Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing.” 

And here we are.

In updated testimony released on Tuesday, Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland described a conversation he had with Andriy Yermak, a top adviser to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, in which he proposed just such a quid pro quo. “I said that resumption of the U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anticorruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks.” Sondland was working as a lead diplomat on Ukraine issues after Trump had given him what Sondland described as a “special assignment” in Ukraine. Sondland, a high-dollar Trump donor and self-described “lifelong Republican,” has a strong advocate in Trump’s inner circle, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.  

Sondland submitted the new sworn statement, which contradicted with his earlier testimony, after a handful of senior U.S. government officials acknowledged the quid pro quo. Several did so under oath.

  • Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, said he’d heard about the demand from Tim Morrison, a top National Security Council official and special assistant to the president. Taylor also detailed a conversation that he’d had with Sondland: “Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelensky was dependent on a public announcement of investigations — in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”
  • Tim Morrison testified that Taylor’s testimony was truthful and correct. “I can confirm that the substance of his statement, as it relates to conversations he and I had, is accurate.”
  • Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman, working on the National Security Council, testified about a meeting in which he heard Sondland “speak about Ukraine delivering specific investigations to secure the meeting with the president.”

Beyond these officials, two other strong Trump advocates—acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and Senator Ron Johnson—have also described a quid pro quo with Ukraine. (Mulvaney later attempted to recast his admission.)

So. where does all of this leave Lindsey Graham? Asked Tuesday about his views on Sondland’s testimony, he didn’t even attempt to reconcile his past proclamations. “I’ve written this whole process off … I think this is a bunch of B.S.”

Digging Deeper

If Graham—an eager, willing defender of Trump who tried to enlist the entire Senate GOP into vouching for the president—isn’t even willing to attempt a defense in light of these latest revelations, is this a turning point? 

Maybe. Maybe not.

As hundreds of pages of impeachment interview transcripts from last month were released Monday and Tuesday, House Republicans readily slotted each witness into their narrative of unelected bureaucrats and congressional Democrats working together to undermine the president:

  • They have dismissed as a sideshow Marie Yovanovitch, the former ambassador to Ukraine, who testified at length about Rudy Giuliani’s shadow foreign policy and corresponding smear campaign to have her removed. Jim Jordan told reporters Monday that her testimony “frankly, had not much to do with the underlying issue” of a quid pro quo, while Rep. Steve Scalise called her “an Obama holdover, somebody who didn’t necessarily support President Trump’s agenda.”
  • They have waved off the new testimony from Sondland, who corroborated the accounts of several others, as unreliable. In a Tuesday tweet, Mark Meadows dismissed Sondland’s testimony as mere speculation, pointing out that he also testified that he hadn’t known for certain why aid was held up at all.
  • And they have leaned hard into testimony from former U.S. Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, who pushed back on the notion that the Trump/Zelensky call represented an illegal quid pro quo. 

Bottom Line

Elected Republicans are badly divided. There are some willing to defend Trump on the substance. They’ll argue that quid pro quos are a routine part of modern statesmanship, that the co-mingling of personal political interests with matters of national interest is common, that the outrage expressed about Trump’s behavior is feigned or a reflection of naivete. 

But there are many others who concede privately that Trump’s behavior is disturbing. And their complaints about the process and about Democratic partisanship, some of them legitimate, are less compelling with every new revelation from the inquiry. Does it matter that the initial interviews were conducted behind closed doors if the full transcripts are released and confirm that the president and his advisers haven’t been honest about their attempted coercion in Ukraine?

A Deadline Looms …

Congress will have its hands full with [gestures broadly at the above] all of that, but there’s also the small matter of funding the federal government later this month.

Congress passed, and Trump signed, a short-term funding bill in September to avert another government shutdown just eight months removed from the longest one in American history. That money dries up on November 21, at which point the government would shut down if a similar continuing resolution (which would maintain current spending levels), or longer-term deal on appropriations isn’t reached. But no need to worry. Yet.

A Senate GOP aide told The Dispatch that not only is there “no appetite at all for a shutdown” on the Hill, but “there’s confidence that Congress will fund the government beyond the current deadline.”

Another source close to Senate leadership said “no one is talking about a shutdown except Senate Democrats.” 

Chuck Schumer, best known for being a Senate Democrat, told reporters last week he is “increasingly worried that President Trump may want to shut down the government again because of impeachment,” adding that the president “always likes to create diversions.”

Trump, for his part, hasn’t proactively suggested shutting the government down, but he hasn’t ruled out the prospect, either. “I wouldn’t commit to anything,” he told reporters on Sunday. “Depends on what the negotiations are.”

Marco Rubio’s Vision for a New American Century

Part of what we hope to be here at The Dispatch is a forum for debate over the future of American conservatism. When Trump’s presidency comes to an end, in either one year or five, Republicans will be tasked with charting a path for their party, determining which aspects of Trumpism to retain and which to throw to the curb.

Senator Marco Rubio planted an early flag in this fight on Tuesday, delivering a speech at Catholic University lamenting the decay of America’s social fabric and care for one another. He lay the blame on the conservative and liberal orthodoxies that have guided American economic policy for the past half-century.

On the political right, where I come from, we’ve become defenders of the right of businesses to make a profit, the right of shareholders to receive a return on their investment, and the obligation that people have to work. All these things are true. But we have neglected the rights of workers to share in the benefits they create for their employer, and we’ve neglected the obligation of businesses to act also in the best interest of the workers and ultimately of the country that have made that success possible.

The political left is an enthusiastic champion of everyone’s right to free everything, and they never shy from reminding us of business’ obligations to share with their workers and the government, but they rarely focus on our obligation to work, and do not focus nearly enough on a business’ right to make a profit.

Rubio, like others seeking to capitalize on Trump’s populism, argued the free market alone will not solve America’s problems. “[E]conomic growth and record profits alone will not lead to the creation of dignified work.” Republicans, including Rubio, have long touted the benefits of such a market. But Trump’s victory in 2016—which saw him flout long-held party dogma on entitlements, health care, and trade—has thrown into question among Republican electeds just how strictly voters expect them to adhere to the principles that drove the Reagan revolution 30-plus years ago. 

What does this all this mean in concrete terms? Very little. .. so far. Rubio argued the tax code should incentivize corporations investing in new jobs and higher wages, not stock buybacks. He proposed revamping the Small Business Administration to encourage innovation in areas where “market principles and our national interest are not aligned.” He advocated for expanding the per-child tax credit and providing more options for family leave. “Because after all,” Rubio said to the room of students, “ask yourself this fundamental question: Does our country exist to serve the interests of the market? Or does the market exist to serve the interest of our nation?”

Rubio ended his speech claiming his goal was not to “define a post-Trump conservatism for the Republican Party,” but rather, “do whatever it takes to keep our country from coming apart.” Color us skeptical. We’d wager it was both. That post-Trump conservatism will need defining, and there are plenty of figures—Ben Sasse, Nikki Haley, Will Hurd, Liz Cheney, Doug Ducey, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, among others—waiting to do just that. Consider this Marco’s entry.

Worth Your Time

  • Award-winning film director Martin Scorsese set the internet aflame last month when he said Marvel movies weren’t cinema. Tuesday, he penned an op-ed explaining himself: “We now have two separate fields: There’s worldwide audiovisual entertainment, and there’s cinema. They still overlap from time to time, but that’s becoming increasingly rare. And I fear that the financial dominance of one is being used to marginalize and even belittle the existence of the other.”
  • Jonathan Rauch and Ray La Raja’s new piece in The Atlantic asks the question, “how much democracy is too much?” They argue Republicans and Democrats have ceded unprecedented power to primary voters, and it’s breaking American politics: “Despite their flaws, smoke-filled rooms did a good job of identifying qualified people who could unify their party and also exert broad appeal in a general election.”

Presented Without Comment

Paul Kane@pkcapitol#YaCantMakeItUp: The @NRCC uses CrowdStrike for data security. Yes, same CrowdStrike at root of Trump’s DNC conspiracy, that he urged Ukrainians to investigate for “the server.” NRCC spent $160k on CS’s services. From #Cybersecurity202 @Joseph_Marks_ Analysis | The Cybersecurity 202: GOP House campaign arm uses CrowdStrike despite Trump conspiracy theoriesThe president has baselessly said the company conspired against him in

November 4th 201970 Retweets73 Likes

Something Fun

As if the Giants 2-7 season wasn’t cursed enough, Monday’s game against the Cowboys was delayed for several minutes by a black cat darting around the field.

The cat, to be fair, seemed to have absolutely no desire to be there, and did its very best to leave. We’ve all been there, cat.New York Giants@GiantsHalloween isn’t over yet ONovember 5th 20199,842 Retweets32,860 Likes

Toeing the Company Line

  • David French’s Dispatch newsletter has a name! Be sure to subscribe here to get The French Press delivered to your inbox every Tuesday and Thursday. His most recent iteration dives into Elizabeth Warren’s “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Medicare financing plan,” highlights the importance of marriage to a healthy workforce, and rebuts a popular defense of Trump on the Ukraine front. We may have to issue a correction, though, because David erroneously referred to LeBron James as the GOAT, when Michael Jordan clearly holds that title.
  • National Review editor Rich Lowry joined Jonah on the most recent Remnant podcast to discuss his new book, The Case for Nationalism. Well, it was more of a debate than a discussion—but an amicable one! Give it a listen here.

Let Us Know

What else should Marco Rubio fight for in the economy of the New American Century?

  • No more of those corporate brand Twitter accounts clapping back at each other
  • Per-dog tax credits
  • A subscription product that bundles together all these new streaming servic—oh wait that’s just cable
  • Massive tax incentives for starting right-of-center digital media companies
  • Shortening the lines for the sandwich at Popeyes—one of your Morning Dispatchers had to wait 28 minutes for spicy chicken Tuesday

Reporting by Declan Garvey, Andrew Egger, and Steve Hayes.

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Morning Headlines

Most Republicans on impeachment committees aren’t showing up, transcripts reveal


Republicans have for weeks blasted the closed-door impeachment process, but transcripts released this week of private depositions show most GOP lawmakers on the three panels at the center of the probe have simply not shown up. Read More…

Impeachment deposition bickering offers preview of brinkmanship to come in public hearings


The first closed-door deposition in the House’s impeachment inquiry opened with a partisan squabble about whether members would be able to question witnesses. The bickering showed a distrust between Democrats and Republicans that has consumed the deliberations ever since.  Read More…

Top Republicans say costs a hurdle to bipartisan tax deal


Republican leaders say House Democrats are asking for too much in return for movement on a bill to renew 30-plus tax breaks known collectively as extenders. Read More…Click here to subscribe to Fintech Beat for the latest market and regulatory developments in finance and financial technology.  


Former Capitol Police chief acknowledges ‘systemic failure’ in supervising new officers


Former Capitol Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa acknowledged Tuesday there was a “systemic failure” at the department to properly supervise officers on probationary status before he took the top job in 2016.  Read More…

‘The Giuliani problem’ and other takeaways from diplomats’ impeachment testimony


Kurt Volker knew by early July that he and other Trump administration officials had a problem. More precisely, he realized, “There’s a Giuliani problem here.” Read More…

Schumer ‘appalled’ by Rand Paul’s call to out whistleblower


Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer took to the Senate floor Tuesday to condemn Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s call on “the media” to publish the name of the whistleblower. Watch the video here…

Open enrollment season for Medicare can be confusing but worth the effort


OPINION — New and returning enrollees should take the time to learn about the choice between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage and make the right one for themselves Read More…

The unglamorous job of federal budgeting


OPINION — Too often our political debates are characterized by hyperpartisanship, rather than achieving meaningful outcomes for the American people. Nowhere is this problem more acute than when it comes to our inability to address our country’s unsustainable fiscal course. Read More…

White House backing off $8.6 billion demand for border wall funding


The Trump administration is backing off its demand for $8.6 billion in fiscal 2020 border wall spending in negotiations with top congressional leaders and appropriators, according to a source familiar with the talks. Read More…

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mexico Murders

At least nine American citizens – among them, heartbreakingly, six children –  were brutally murdered in Sonora, Mexico, when members of one of Mexico’s powerful cartels attacked their SUV caravan. An additional six kids are injured, most of whom are being treated in the United States.
The victims are members of an offshoot of the Mormon church, which had set up shop south of the border decades ago.
Mexican authorities have arrested a suspected drug lord for the grisly crime, but the violence once again raises questions about the stability of America’s southern neighbor, and bolsters the administration’s calls for more border security.
Despite his general anti-interventionist stance, President Trump took to Twitter to proclaim the United States’ willingness to assist – militarily if necessary – the Mexican government in dealing with the cartels that rival the state’s power. (A little Monroe Doctrine redux?)
State Election Mania
Kentucky and Mississippi’s governors were up for election last night, as were state offices in Virginia. Other less nationally-relevant elections were held across the country.
A handy guide on best to worst scenarios for the respective parties here.
ImpeachGate Update
Diplomat Gordon Sondland amended his House testimony yesterday by acknowledging that the military aid to Ukraine was being withheld until the country’s president released a statement about fighting corruption. Democrats are calling this corroboration of a quid pro quo, while Republicans do not see the admission as admitting anything impeachable.
Mollie Hemingway writes:
“Schiff has told witnesses not to answer questions when those questions would help Trump, and has badgered witnesses who were deemed insufficiently supportive of his efforts to undo the 2016 election. He and the whistleblower both lied about their coordination prior to the complaint being filed. And while he originally demanded the whistleblower’s testimony, after that coordination was revealed, he has attempted to prevent the testimony during which difficult questions would be asked.
Worse, the witnesses thus far cannot point to a single crime, much less a high crime, for which to impeach the president. Instead, the witnesses either broadly support the president’s handling of foreign policy or are livid with rage over his disagreement with their foreign policy views.”
The last part is what worries me the most. Regardless of what you think about Trump’s “perfect” phone call, there’s little doubt that the alarm of many bureaucrats is driven by his policy differences from the consensus in Washington for the last 30-plus years. I myself think that the President is too non-interventionist in his geopolitical outlook. But I wasn’t elected by the American people to shape foreign policy – and neither were high-ranking bureaucrats!
Identity is Fascinatingly Complex When It’s Not a Political Cudgel
On a personal note, I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the power and complexity of real identity, and how the cultures and family members that shape us leave their impact on our personalities and lives. Those sometimes sensitive and raw aspects of who we are can be so blunted and flattened by politics that it’s incredibly refreshing to hear them discussed in a more individual way.
For the second week in a row, I really feel the need to highlight a fantastic We the Fifth podcast, this time with essayist and author Thomas Chatterton Williams. Some of you might recall that I linked his fantastic New York Times essay (excerpted from his now-released book) on his complicated relationship with race a while back, and this podcast touches on what are – paradoxically – universal questions about the individuality of all of our ethnic stories.
Fashion Moment of the Week
Most of these are out of my price range, but I’m just waiting for these delicious pieces of high-end shop Intermix’s holiday edit to go on sale in a month or so. Even if they don’t, these styles will filter down into more budget stores, just as Miranda Priestly promised us they would, so let them inspire you and then keep an eye out in your favorite places. Unless this is your usual shopping budget, in which case – JELLY!
Some of my favorites: This sexy blue velvet dress that’s still modest enough for many (although not all) office holiday parties. These wide-leg satin pants that will be perfect with a sparkly top or cozy sweater for a New Year’s house party. This jumpsuit that brings back the 80s in the absolute best way possible. This ABSOLUTELY PERFECT velvet blazer in Christmas red that will give all your December outfits a touch of the season. This stunning all-star holiday party midi dress (that’s also available at Rent the Runway).  
Wednesday Links
Tape emerges (via Project Veritas) of ABC News anchor talking about how the network quashed the Jeffery Epstein story during the 2016 election. (Fox News)
We often reach to the 20th century for political parallels, but the better ones for our era might well be in the 19th. (American Enterprise Institute)
The culture wars are alive and well: messaging on transgender competitors in women’s sports hugely move needles in focus groups. (The Federalist)
Glenn Harlan Reynolds (Instapundit) joins the Close Encounters podcast to talk about Big Tech and the future of free speech. (Close Encounters)
Speaking of free speech online, YouTube took down a Daily Signal video for crimethink about the medical realities of sex reassignment surgery. (The Federalist)
What is actually a right? (The Federalist)
Martin Scorsese explains his “comic book movies aren’t cinema” comment. (New York Times) BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist.
Today’s BRIGHT Editor
Inez Feltscher Stepman is a senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum and a senior contributor to The Federalist. She is a San Francisco Bay Area native with a BA in Philosophy from UCSD and a JD from the University of Virginia. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband, Jarrett Stepman, her puggle Thor, and her cat Thaddeus Kosciuszko. You can follow her on Twitter at @inezfeltscher and on Instagram (for #ootd, obvi) under the same handle. Opinions expressed on this website are her own and not those of her employers. Or her husband.
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View this email in your browser Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019 Mendenhall takes early lead as first votes counted for Salt Lake City’s next mayor Mitt Romney says Mexico must ‘knuckle down and go after’ cartels in wake of massacre ‘The Great Firewall’ and the cost of doing tech business in China  What would have to happen for the Utes to land in the College Football Playoff A third victim of ex-football player Torrey Green sues Utah State University 50-plus Veterans Day events in Utah for 2019 MORE NEWS This radio host compared the word ‘boomer’ to the N-word A year after Utah National Guard Maj. Brent Taylor’s death, North Ogden elects new mayor Arctic cold blast is bringing winter to the US wicked early Copyright © 2019 Deseret News, All rights reserved.

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View this email in your browser   November 6, 2019 Trending now     Breaking: Democrat challenger declares victory in Kentucky governor’s election, but Gov. Matt Bevin refuses to concede     HuffPo calls to cancel Thanksgiving over global warming, and the online ridicule is brutal More from TheBlaze     Violent robbery reported at burger joint was actually a racially motivated hoax to avoid deportation     Austin resident tells CNN she’s a lifelong liberal but praises Gov. Abbott for tackling the homeless crisis     Democrats win both chambers of Virginia legislature     911 supervisor was watching Netflix during botched response to shooting call Listen live to Blaze Radio Tune in to the next generation of talk radio, featuring original content from hosts like Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere, Steve Deace and more! Start listening One last thing … Sharon Osbourne blasts John Legend’s sanitized #MeToo version of ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’: ‘What the hell are you on?’ Talk-show host Sharon Osbourne took singer and songwriter John Legend to task over his new rendition of the hit Christmas song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” for its blatant overtures into politically correct territory. What’s a brief background?In 2019, the song drew the ire of many #MeToo activists who insisted that the song was filled with date-rape … Read more Got friends? Forward this email     © 2019 Blaze Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in to receive emails from Blaze Media. Privacy Policy | Manage your preferences | Unsubscribe 8275 S. Eastern Ave, Ste 200-245 Las Vegas, Nevada, 89123, USA


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HIGHLIGHTS Additional Chinese purchases might not mean more US farm production Former Buttigieg chief of staff wins election to replace him as South Bend mayor Trump spiritual adviser predicts visions for those who give money to her ministry   Virginia Democrats flip both legislative chambers, cementing political control in state   Democrats flipped both chambers of the Virginia State Assembly in Tuesday’s elections, giving the party control of the legislative branch for the remainder of Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s term.     Kentucky elects first black attorney general, first Republican to serve in role in more than 70 years   Voters in Kentucky made history Tuesday by electing Republican Daniel Cameron as their next attorney general.
    Democrat Andy Beshear claims victory over Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, a Trump ally   Democratic Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear declared victory over Republican Gov. Matt Bevin in the commonwealth’s close gubernatorial election, a key win for Democrats in a state that President Trump won by nearly 30 points in 2016.     Republican Tate Reeves wins Mississippi governorship Mississippi Republican Lt. Gov Tate Reeves won Mississippi’s governor’s race, ensuring at least four years more of full GOP control in the state capital of Jackson.   ADVERTISEMENT
  ‘Spot on’: Lawyer for Epstein accuser defends ABC News reporter Amy Robach against network   A lawyer for the Jeffrey Epstein accuser whose interview with Amy Robach was squashed three years ago by ABC News defended the anchor amid her recently leaked video.     Dow and Nasdaq close at new highs for second day straight   The Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq closed at record highs for the second straight day Tuesday amid growing optimism about the trade negotiations between the United States and China.     ‘A bunch of B.S.’: Lindsey Graham refuses to read Ukraine transcripts   Sen. Lindsey Graham says he will not read newly released transcripts of private testimony given by U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland and former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker.     Biden unleashes on Warren for ‘condescending’ ‘my-way-or-the-highway attitude’   Joe Biden unloaded on Elizabeth Warren at a closed-door, high-dollar fundraiser, accusing her of being “condescending” and exuding “elitism.”
    Astronaut casts absentee ballot from space   An astronaut floating 250 miles above Earth on Election Day was successfully able to cast his absentee ballot.     EPA fights agency watchdog accusations chief of staff stonewalled investigations   The Environmental Protection Agency and its watchdog office are in a fight that may get worse before it gets better.     Search underway after 13-year-old double murder suspect escapes   Police are asking the public for help after a 13-year-old charged with murdering two people escaped from custody.     Woman arrested after allegedly receiving more than $10K in donations in fake cancer scheme   A Pennsylvania woman was arrested after police say she faked having cancer to collect money through GoFundMe and Facebook. Jessica Smith, 32, of Chester County claimed she was suffering from hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer and had encountered financial troubles related to “tremendous medical bills, travel costs, and paying for the care of her children and missed work.”
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Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Democrats ride anti-Trump wave in Virginia With anger at President Trump boiling over, Democrats rolled to victory in Virginia’s elections Tuesday, claiming majorities in both chambers … more
Top News  Read More >
Democrats claim upset victory in Kentucky governor’s race         Trump’s EU ambassador reverses testimony on Ukraine quid pro quo in impeachment probe         Hillary Clinton urges Dems to ‘close ranks’ around candidate who can win Electoral College         Paris climate agreement leaking oil as emissions rise, political unrest spirals         Grisly attack on American family spotlights Mexico’s ‘Hugs, not bullets’ cartel policy         Excerpts: Donald Trump Jr. hammers Dems, media in new book ‘Triggered’        
Opinion  Read More >
Katie Hill may scold, but she’s not a victim         Polls look bad for Trump, good for Clinton (but remember 2016)         Nancy Pelosi plays a dangerous game with her drug-pricing proposal      
Politics  Read More >
Rand Paul threatens to name whistleblower: ‘There’s no law that stops me’         DOJ IG Michael Horowitz refuses to answer reporters’ questions on FISA report release         Lindsey Graham refuses to read impeachment transcripts: ‘I’ve written the whole process off’      
Special Reports for Times Readers   Special Report – Energy 2019 Special Report – Free Iran Rally 2019 Special Report – Qatar: What Makes America’s Great Ally Special
Security  Read More >
U.S. child survivors of Mexico ambush saved by courage, mother         Trump OKs wider Syria oil mission, raising legal questions         Iran’s president says nation to fuel centrifuges in new step away from nuclear deal      
Sports  Read More >
Redskins-Jets one of several dreadful matchups still to come on NFL schedule         LOVERRO: Redskins missed lesson in Nationals’ handling of Strasburg         Isaiah Thomas overcomes ‘dark days’ to make first start for Wizards      
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CDN’s Daily News Blast delivers the day’s news first! View this email in your browser CDN Daily News Blast 11/06/2019 Excerpts: President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, November 6, 2019 By R. Mitchell – President Donald Trump will deliver remarks on federal judicial confirmations and hold a Keep America Great rally. Keep up with Trump on Our President’s Schedule Page. President Trump’s Itinerary for 11/6/19 – note: this  page will be updated during the day if events warrant All Times EST 3:00 PM Deliver … President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, November 6, 2019 is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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Can Democrats Legally Benefit from Criminal Dishonesty? By Amanda Alverez – Ever wonder the number of people believing they could commit the perfect crime? There are many books and movies exposing such attempts and even hilarious ‘really dumb failed criminal plots.’ Could it be possible to accept Democrats have succeeded for many years? At least until Donald J. Trump arrived in … Can Democrats Legally Benefit from Criminal Dishonesty? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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Obama Operatives Are Devising A Weapon They Feel Will Blunt Trump’s Biggest Advantage By Chris White – A pair of Obama-era operatives are launching a massive digital advertisement buy ahead of the 2020 election to ward off what they believe is President Donald Trump’s online dominance, The New York Times reported Monday. A nonprofit group called Acronym and a left-leaning political action committee are unveiling  plans to … Obama Operatives Are Devising A Weapon They Feel Will Blunt Trump’s Biggest Advantage is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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House Democrats Release Transcripts of Kurt Volker and Gordon Sondland Depositions By Chuck Ross – House Democrats on Tuesday released transcripts of closed-door depositions with two key witnesses in the Trump impeachment push, former Ukrainian special envoy Kurt Volker and EU ambassador Gordon Sondland. Volker and Sondland were questioned on Oct. 3 and Oct. 17, respectively, about their interactions in recent months with Trump lawyer … House Democrats Release Transcripts of Kurt Volker and Gordon Sondland Depositions is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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ABC Responds To Anchor’s Hot Mic Rant Accusing Network Of Quashing Epstein Coverage By Andrew Kerr – ABC News and anchor Amy Robach issued statements Tuesday distancing themselves from footage of the anchor saying on a hot mic that the network had stonewalled her reporting of Jeffrey Epstein for three years. “She told me everything,” Robach was filmed saying of an interview she conducted with Epstein accuser … ABC Responds To Anchor’s Hot Mic Rant Accusing Network Of Quashing Epstein Coverage is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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Communist Influences Are Destroying the U.S. Faster And Faster By Jim Clayton – I was in college during the turbulent 60’s era. I saw first-hand the riots and protests pushed by the communists who infiltrated our schools. Since then, the leftward propulsion of American socio-political-economic life in the 1960s has converged with collapsing family values during the past sixty years.  The voices of … Communist Influences Are Destroying the U.S. Faster And Faster is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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Mother Nature – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon By Ben Garrison – Don’t Mess With Mother Nature! Shut up and Start paddling to Spain!  You can’t make this up! As the Trump Administration begins the official withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, our favorite green scold, Greta, has problems of her own. Chile’s government has canceled the United Nations’ climate change summit … Mother Nature – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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It’s In the Bag – A.F. Branco Cartoon By A.F. Branco – Schiff ignores the obvious Biden quid pro quo while trying to fabricate a fake Trump quid pro quo to facilitate Impeachment. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019. See more Branco toons HERE It’s In the Bag – A.F. Branco Cartoon is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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Connect: Facebook Twitter YouTube View this email in your browser “He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength,” (Isaiah‬ ‭40:29‬, ESV‬‬). Did Donald Trump Hurt Matt Bevin? By Shane Vander Hart on Nov 06, 2019 12:00 am
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin lost his re-election bid to the state’s Attorney General, Andy Beshear, was he impacted by a negative view of President Trump?
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Bossman Named Chairman of Iowa House RIIF/Transportation Budget Subcommittee By Shane Vander Hart on Nov 05, 2019 03:51 pm
State Rep. Jacob Bossman was appointed as Chairman of the Iowa House Transportation, Infrastructure, and Capitals Appropriations Subcommittee.
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Sweeney Replaces Miller-Meeks as Iowa Senate Human Resources Chair By Caffeinated Thoughts on Nov 05, 2019 03:22 pm
State Senator Annette Sweeney replaces State Senator Mariannette Miller-Meeks as chair of the Iowa Senate Human Resources Committee.
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Taylor Announces Pro-Life Endorsement and “Defend Life” Policy Agenda By Caffeinated Thoughts on Nov 05, 2019 01:52 pm
Pro-life attorney Martin Cannon: ” I urge pro-life voters in Iowa’s Fourth District to support Jeremy Taylor for Congress.”
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The Stethoscope Is Not Just a Prop By Dr. Jane Orient on Nov 05, 2019 11:10 am
Dr. Jane Orient: High tech is wonderful and increasingly capable, but if the stethoscope is dying, so is the art of clinical medicine.
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Iowan Reaction to House Vote on Trump Impeachment Inquiry Launched in 2006,  Caffeinated Thoughts reports news and shares commentary about culture, current events, faith and state and national politics from a Christian and conservative point of view.  Caffeinated Thoughts
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  U.S. Presidential Contender Biden Calls Warren Jab ‘Elitism’ By Reuters, Wednesday, November 6, 2019 7:35 AM “It’s representative of an elitism that working and middle class people do not share.” More  Comments »   U.S. Congress, White House Mull Stop-Gap Funding Bill to Avoid Government Shutdowns By Reuters, Wednesday, November 6, 2019 7:35 AM The U.S. Congress and the White House are discussing legislation to keep U.S. government agencies operating beyond Nov. 21. More  Comments »   Trump Administration Schedules Lease Sale for Arctic Alaska Lands By Reuters, Wednesday, November 6, 2019 7:34 AM The Trump administration and the oil industry argue the Obama plan is too restrictive and needs to be replaced. More  Comments »   Johnson, in Phone Call, Urges Trump to Lift Tariffs on Scotch Whisky By Reuters, Wednesday, November 6, 2019 7:33 AM British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in a phone call, urged U.S. President Donald Trump to lift tariffs on goods including Scotch whisky, a Downing Street spokesperson said in a statement on Tuesday. Johnson also urged Trump not to impose tariffs on car exports, the statement added. A White House statement about the call did not […] More  Comments »   Effort in U.S. Congress to Rein in China on Hong Kong Protests Faces Obstacles By Reuters, Wednesday, November 6, 2019 7:32 AM “Your guess is as good as mine as to why something that enjoys that broad, bipartisan support – and on an issue that’s acute and happening now – has not reached the floor of the U.S. Senate.” More  Comments »   House Democrats Inch Closer to the White House; Ask Trump’s Chief of Staff to Testify By Alex Thomas, Tuesday, November 5, 2019 3:48 PM House Democrats call on the White House Chief of Staff to testify. More  Comments »
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View this email in your browser Recent Articles Who Can Stop Trump Now? Nov 06, 2019 01:00 am
The task the Democrats set for themselves is to make Trump persona non grata — not only at home, but abroad, too. Read More…
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a Hero to the Deep State, Is Dead at 48 Nov 06, 2019 01:00 am
In taking out al-Baghdadi, has President Trump succeeded in beating the Deep State in a brilliant round of 4-D chess? Read More…
In Politics, everything is Quid Pro Quo Nov 06, 2019 01:00 am
Democrats and their media masters are salivating over now having what they believe is a smoking gun to take down President Trump.  Read More…
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America cannot coexist with those who mean to destroy it, even if they happen to be domestic enemies. Read More…
The 1932 and 1939 Project: How the New York Times Covered up Murder and Genocide Nov 06, 2019 01:00 am
In the face of the ideological groupthink of the press, it seems reasonable to ground it in historical events that define the onset of its debasement.   Read More…
Nihilism Is Driving Leftocratic Rage Nov 06, 2019 01:00 am
The present impeachment onslaught being engineered maliciously by the Leftocrats is a manifestation of a flawed anti-truth mindset that is rightly called nihilistic. Read More…

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View In BrowserNovember 6, 2019chicagotribune.comDaywatch1Top cop Eddie Johnson expected to announce his retirement, sources sayWEDNESDAY, NOV 6Chicago police Superintendent Eddie Johnson is expected to later this week announce he will retire as the city’s top cop, sources said. His departure would come amid an ongoing investigation into police officers finding Johnson asleep in his car last month after he had a few drinks earlier that evening.Column: When Eddie Johnson steps down, two things will remain: violence and the politics of violence.2The Buffalo Wild Wings incident is not Naperville’s first race-related controversyWEDNESDAY, NOV 6A group celebrating a child’s birthday at a suburban Buffalo Wild Wings said they were asked to move tables because of the color of their skin, and the blowback against the restaurant was fierce. Many on social media shared the same reaction: they weren’t surprised it had happened in Naperville.It hardly marked the first time the wealthy suburb had drawn widespread attention for incidents over race and ethnicity.On Tuesday, the customer at the center of the racist incident was banned from all Buffalo Wild Wings for life. Also, the families involved called on the company to establish “zero tolerance” hiring practices.Column: Why is everyone so shocked by the racial incident at Buffalo Wild Wings? This sort of thing happens every day.  3CPS plan to make up days lost to teachers strike would cut into Thanksgiving, winter and summer breaksWEDNESDAY, NOV 6A plan by Chicago Public Schools to shorten school holidays to make up days lost to the teachers strike has been met with criticism by the teachers union and mixed reaction from parents. Here are the five proposed dates.Hours after saying CPS runners “earned their places” at the state finals after a judicial intervention allowed them to run in qualifying races, the IHSA filed a legal appeal that could cause those runners to be removed from the meet.4Chicago police still providing former Mayors Richard M. Daley and Rahm Emanuel taxpayer-funded security detailsWEDNESDAY, NOV 6Like other big city mayors, Lori Lightfoot receives around-the-clock police protection. But Chicago may be unique in providing a police detail to former mayors, sometimes long after they’ve left office.  5Walgreens reportedly explores taking Deerfield-based company private, in what could be largest leveraged buyout everWEDNESDAY, NOV 6Walgreens is exploring a potential deal to take the company private, as the pharmacy chain grapples with shifting costumer habits and pressures on its pharmacy business. With a market cap of more than $55 billion, if a deal were to come to pass, it could be the largest leveraged buyout ever.Meanwhile, Chicago-based Groupon said it lost $16.7 million last quarter — and 870,000 customers.6Fulton Market’s hot streak continues: Randolph St. apartments sell for $40 millionWEDNESDAY, NOV 6A Randolph Street apartment building that got its start as one of the nation’s largest floral markets has sold for just over $40 million, up 24% from what it went for in 2014. The sale continues the trend of soaring real estate values in a Chicago neighborhood once known for meatpackers and wholesalers.Chicago’s condos are turning into rentals. Here’s what’s driving the deconversion trend, and what it means for condo owners.  7Canada Goose alternatives: 10 ultra-warm winter coats that won’t set you back $1,000WEDNESDAY, NOV 6It’s that time of year again, when leaves fall, evening commutes darken and thoughts turn to the inevitable question: What’s the best way to beat the cold?If you have the money — and the inclination — you can spend $1,000 on an oh-so-trendy Canada Goose parka. But the rest of us don’t have to settle for inferior style or warmth.8Boot mugs are back at ChristkindlmarketWEDNESDAY, NOV 6For the first time in four years, the keepsake mugs for Christkindlmarket, which began in 1996, are again boot-shaped. The beloved design last appeared in 2015, when the holiday market celebrated its 20th year.advertisement
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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist
Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray
November 6, 2019
How Libertarianism Makes People Susceptible To Huge Government By Nathanael Blake
In the end, the freedom to abandon family, faith, and community is the freedom to be insecure, insignificant, and alone before the Leviathan of government.
Full article It’s Time For The United States To Wage War On Mexican Drug Cartels By John Daniel Davidson
The slaughter of an American family in Mexico is the latest sign that violence in Mexico is out of control and the U.S. needs to step in.
Full article Go Ahead, Make A Martyr Out Of Michael Che By Emily Jashinsky
By all means, harp on ‘Saturday Night Live’ star Michael Che for telling jokes. It’s going to end much better for him than for you.
Full article Mexico-Based Smuggler Trafficked Six People From Terrorist Hotbed Over U.S. Border By Todd Bensman
Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi’s case is interesting because it briefly illuminates a fascinating kind of American counterterrorism-immigration operation reporters must do acrobatic yoga to avoid covering.
Full article NBC Writer Claimed Trump Rejected Native American Heritage Month. It Was A Lie By Erielle Davidson
Like most matters the media seizes upon with President Trump, this allegation was simply untrue. But that dishonesty didn’t stop the lie from spreading while the NBC writer doubled down.
Full article 14 Big Fat Tax Gimmicks Trying To Hide The Gargantuan Price Of Elizabeth Warren’s Health Plan By Christopher Jacobs
Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s plan itself says if taxing ‘the rich’ and corporations shrinks the economy then she will have a multi-trillion-dollar hole in her estimates.
Full article A Crimeless Impeachment Is An Innovation We Don’t Want And Don’t Need By Tristan Justice
The House impeachment efforts are on course to set a dangerous precedent where the minority party will abuse congressional authority.
Full article ‘Modern Love’ Episode Illustrates The Dangers Of Dating Dad By Melissa Langsam Braunstein
This Modern Love episode reveals not only deep truths about the lasting pain of father absence, but also highlights the roots of society’s Me Too problems.
Full article Why ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ Is Still Worth Your Time By Jose Juarez
It may have bombed at the box office, but ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ proves why the franchise will continue to resonate with fans.
Full article Supreme Court Should Stop Georgia From Charging Citizens $404 Per Year To Read Their Own Laws By Molly Davis
By barricading access to annotated codes that hold legal power and that the government partially funds, states unjustly deny people the right to properly understand the extent of the law, and defend themselves in court.
Full article JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Slams Elizabeth Warren: ‘She Vilifies Successful People’ By Tristan Justice
Jamie Dimon had some harsh words for Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who is also competing for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.
Full article Real Talk: Impeachment Is Going Poorly For Democrats And The Media By Mollie Hemingway
Impeachment is going so poorly for the media and other Democrats that ‘Meet The Press’ host Chuck Todd was forced to broadcast false information to support it.
Full article YouTube Removes Video Of Doctor Discussing Medical Reality Of Transgenderism By Chrissy Clark
YouTube has removed a video by conservative news outlet The Daily Signal, over one sentence that YouTube claims violates their “hate speech” policy.
Full article Glenn Harlan Reynolds On Social Media Mobs And The Last Hope For Digital Free Speech By The Federalist Staff
The bad news for the tech companies is that — I guess with the social acumen you would expect from a bunch of geeks — they have managed to make everybody hate them.
Full article Julian Castro Cutting Staff In New Hampshire, South Carolina By Tristan Justice
Castro will be focusing his efforts on Iowa and Nevada as the former Obama cabinet official struggles to gain momentum in the Democratic primary.
Full article Leaked: ABC News Anchor Claims The Network Squashed Jeffrey Epstein Story Three Years Ago By Chrissy Clark
In a leaked video, Amy Robach told her producer the network refused to air her exclusive interview with Jeffrey Epstein’s accuser three years ago.
Full article Nine Americans Slaughtered In Likely Mexican Drug Cartel Violence By Erielle Davidson
The anarchic chaos unfolding below our southern border may necessitate a response from the United States. The question is when.
Full article Gen X And The Lost Art Of The Blind Carbon Copy By David Marcus
As we rush headlong into our online future we must not fail to bring along courtesy and respect.
Full article

Friday saw the departure of the American media’s most beloved candidate of 2018, Beto O’Rourke, from the 2020 stakes. In a field of candidates with much to admire personally on many counts, O’Rourke was the most woke, the most entitled, and arguably the least qualified of the so-called “top tier” to be considered for the presidency. It’s not just that he got Vanity Fair covers with Annie Leibovitz photos, it’s that he acted as if he deserved them for little more than regularly going viral with out-of-Texas voters. As a final insult on the way out the door, a UT/Texas Tribune poll showed Beto lagging Trump in the 2020 election in his home state by 6 points. O’Rourke regularly lit himself and his political future on fire, his signature policy on guns was incoherent and unconstitutional, and he leaves the 2020 stakes having wasted a bunch of people’s time with what amounts to a Gen X midlife crisis, streaming live. Good riddance.

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Sign up for this newsletter Read online Stories from all over.       Racist trolls targeted a Somali refugee’s campaign. She still managed to pull off a historic victory. 23-year-old Safiya Khalid will be the first Somali-American member of the city council in Lewiston, Maine, which is home to a large refugee community. By Antonia Farzan  ●  Read more »   Harvard Law School traces its origins to an Antiguan slave owner. Now the country wants reparations. Prime Minister Gaston Browne wrote: “We consider Harvard’s failure to acknowledge its obligations to Antigua and the stain it bears from benefitting from the blood of our people as shocking if not immoral.” By Meagan Flynn  ●  Read more »     A black man refused to put down his 1-year-old. Then cops Tasered him multiple times. “What happened to Mr. Oakry should have never happened,” said Heather Hamel, an attorney for Ivaughn Oakry. “Him and all of his children are dealing with a lot of emotional and psychological trauma in the aftermath of this.” By Allyson Chiu  ●  Read more »   ADVERTISEMENT   A radio station called its host a gay slur on Twitter. Now, he’s been fired, and accused of posting the tweet himself. Seth Dunlap took a lie-detector test to prove his innocence, but police are investigating him for possible extortion. By Teo Armus  ●  Read more »   A powerlifter raised thousands for her battle against cancer. It was all a lie, police say. Jessica Ann Smith took more than $10,000 from online donors while fraudulently claiming to have severe colon cancer, Pennsylvania police say. By Tim Elfrink  ●  Read more »     Buffalo Wild Wings asked a group to move because a customer didn’t ‘want black people sitting near him.’ The staff has been fired. “No one should experience what we experienced that day with racism,” a 10-year-old in the group said. By Teo Armus and Lateshia Beachum  ●  Read more »     November is Native American Heritage Month. Critics say Trump is subverting it with a new celebration of the Founding Fathers. This is the first year that the White House will observe “National American History and Founders Month.” By Teo Armus  ●  Read more »     ADVERTISEMENT   An actress shot an attacker in a horror flick. Then, the crew discovered she’s charged in her uncle’s real-life killing. Aisling Tucker Moore-Reed allegedly shot and killed her uncle. In a movie she stars in, she shoots and kills someone else. By Katie Shepherd  ●  Read more »     ‘Do your job and print his name’: Rand Paul demands media identify the whistleblower “Donald Trump has brought the entire Republican Party down to his despicable level,” one critic tweeted Monday, adding that the Kentucky senator “should be ashamed of himself.” By Allyson Chiu  ●  Read more »       We think you’ll like this newsletter Check out Plant Powered by Voraciously for our 12-week guide to cooking more plant-forward meals. Recipes, techniques and tips on Tuesdays. Sign up »  
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Shouldn’t ‘cancel culture’ outrage be demolishing ABC News right about now? Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:23 AM PST I’m no fan of “cancel culture.” In most cases, it’s an overblown reaction to an underwhelming “sin” perpetrated by a company or individual that yields stupid results. But one would think if there’s anything that could prompt cancel culture to take hold, it would be when a company aids a pedophile to allow them to […] The post Shouldn’t ‘cancel culture’ outrage be demolishing ABC News right about now? appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
Montgomery County’s Marc Elrich acknowledges rapes increased because of sanctuary jurisdiction policies Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:56 AM PST Maryland’s Montgomery County has been under scrutiny since July when Executive Marc Elrich issued an executive order declaring a sanctuary jurisdiction for the area. As a result, high-profile rapes and other sexual assaults skyrocketed, prompting national coverage of the complete failure of progressive law enforcement policies that opposed ICE while endangering citizens in te county. Reports indicate […] The post Montgomery County’s Marc Elrich acknowledges rapes increased because of sanctuary jurisdiction policies appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
Democratic power brokers forming a plan to draft Hillary Clinton Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:30 AM PST The Democratic Party at the national level is in shambles. You may not see it in public yet, but there are so many in the Democratic Establishment who have doubts about their non-radical options that twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is getting serious consideration. Efforts are being undertaken behind the scenes to plan an entry strategy […] The post Democratic power brokers forming a plan to draft Hillary Clinton appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
Tucson’s sanctuary city initiative only gets 29% support Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:03 AM PST The campaign to make Tucson Arizona’s first sanctuary city was heralded as a step in the right direction for the border state. It was a signal that the state had evolved from its “racist” ways of the past and was ready to protect criminal illegal aliens to the detriment of law-abiding citizens. It was Tucson’s […] The post Tucson’s sanctuary city initiative only gets 29% support appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
Eddie Rispone’s race for Louisiana Governor just became much more important Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:14 AM PST Narratives seem to be everything nowadays when it comes to politics. This is why we have an impeachment inquiry. Democrats don’t really believe the President should be impeached over his conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky, but they have a narrative surrounding it so they’re acting. The Virginia election narrative that saw Democrats take both state […] The post Eddie Rispone’s race for Louisiana Governor just became much more important appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
Disney protecting Jeffrey Epstein shows where their values aren’t Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:25 PM PST Imagine a newsroom has a developing story on Jeffrey Epstein and the media brass at said outlet quell the story to not upset the political elites. Now imagine this goes on for three more years. Now imagine that this newsroom is a part of a giant corporation. Now continue imagining that this company has the most […] The post Disney protecting Jeffrey Epstein shows where their values aren’t appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
Canadian lawsuit flips the script on ‘gender protections’ in case of 6-year-old girl confused by SJW teacher Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:52 PM PST The advancement of Cultural Marxism in society today represents the surge of the post-truth society coveted by the radical progressive left. It wants science to be based on feelings, reality to be completely undone for the sake of those feelings, and children to be confused by what they’re being told to feel. But in the […] The post Canadian lawsuit flips the script on ‘gender protections’ in case of 6-year-old girl confused by SJW teacher appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
Even the Democratic Establishment is panicking over Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-for-All plan Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:09 PM PST “She said what?!” There’s no need to attribute this quote to anyone in particular at the DNC or among Democratic power brokers. We already know it or something similar was uttered by influential Democrats across the country because ever since the release of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-for-All plan, backlash has been hitting left-leaning news outlets […] The post Even the Democratic Establishment is panicking over Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-for-All plan appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
Jeffrey Epstein cover up, Amy Robach’s hot mic rants get zero coverage on CNN, other leftist outlets Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:12 PM PST How big does a story have to be for CNN, MSNBC, and other progressive mainstream media outlets to cover it when it implicates Democrats or their own fake news media infrastructure? Those limits were tested again today as Project Veritas released explosive hot mic footage of ABC News anchor Amy Robach claiming she had a […] The post Jeffrey Epstein cover up, Amy Robach’s hot mic rants get zero coverage on CNN, other leftist outlets appeared first on Conservative Christian News.
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11/06/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Presented by Fisher Investments: Castro-Beto; ABA Scrutiny; 23 and 45

Good morning, it’s Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019. Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and Barack Obama were all reelected on this date. They won comfortably, too, although for Ike (1956) and the Gipper (1984), their second terms — like those of many presidents — were marked by controversy, scandal, and unexpected tribulations. This was less true of Obama, although the 2013 domestic spying controversy, IRS scandal, and ill-starred rollout of the Affordable Care Act didn’t make Obama’s fifth year in office any picnic. Let’s face it: It’s a tough job. Even succeeding yourself in the Oval Office can be a hard act to follow. Worse things can happen than decreased popularity, too — much worse. William McKinley (second term) and Herbert Hoover (first) were also elected president on a Nov. 6. It was a bleak harbinger for each man. McKinley was assassinated the following year; Hoover became the scapegoat for the Great Depression. But the Nov. 6 election I’m focused on this morning brought to the White House a man overlooked by presidential scholars and essentially unknown by modern Americans. Benjamin Harrison, come on down! I’ll have more on the 23rd U.S. president in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * With an Eye Toward Beto Voters, Castro Campaign Limps On. Phil Wegmann reports on the lagging candidate’s efforts to pick up support from the now-defunct campaign of his fellow Texan. GOP Critics: ABA Faces Senate Action After Suspect VanDyke Rating.  Susan Crabtree has the story. In “Woke” Era, Is Scandal Coverage Tied to the Accused’s Politics? Kalev Leetaru breaks down stats from the Television News Archive. Why Illinois’ Government Has Become Predatory and Unjust. Richard Porter writes that tax policies in his state will impoverish the community instead of enrich it. A Debate Story and Its Lessons for a Divided America. Brian Wanamaker and Robert Litan spotlight ways to improve the civility of our discourse. Best Schools (and Worst) for Campus Free Speech. Nathan Harden compiled this infographic in RealClearEducation. New Bank E-Thieves Are Watching You Digitally in Real Time. In RealClearInvestigations, John F. Wasik explains how identity thieves digitally siphon people’s savings by using bots to first monitor victims’ transactions, then pounce. Mining the Green New Deal Details. In RealClearEnergy, John Adams warns that the supply-chain needs required to carry out AOC’s bold climate plan could further enhance China’s economic might. * * * In 1888 the winner of the popular vote, Democratic nominee Grover Cleveland, lost the Electoral College to Republican standard-bearer Benjamin Harrison. This anomaly didn’t throw the losing political party into the kind of paroxysms it did in, say, 2016. Partly, that’s because the 1888 campaign was not a bitter one. It was a tame affair, as national elections go, with little in the way of acrimony or name-calling. This was especially true of the taciturn winner, a man whom even the losing side granted was qualified for the job, both by temperament and experience. In that way, Benjamin Harrison was quite different from Donald J. Trump. In other ways, too. Trump stands 6-foot-3. At 5-foot-6, Harrison was derided as “Little Ben” by Democrats earlier in his political career, a slight that voters shrugged off. And despite having attended a military school, young Donald Trump avoided military service during the Vietnam era. Benjamin Harrison enlisted as a lieutenant in the Union Army’s 70th Indiana Volunteer Regiment. By the Civil War’s end he was a brigadier general — and he would be the last Civil War general to become president. Another stark contrast between the 19th century and 21st century Republican presidents is immigration policy. Harrison had entered public life as an ardent abolitionist, sensibilities he extended to other, related issues after the war ended. In 1882, for example, he broke with his party on the Chinese Exclusion Act, which he considered ugly and xenophobic. Donald Trump, in his announcement speech for president, tarred Mexican immigrants as “rapists,” and ran for office promising to build “a big beautiful wall” on the southern U.S. border. Here’s another distinction, although it’s a personality trait rather than a policy difference. The garrulous Donald Trump likes to talk to people. It’s the only way, aside from television, he learns anything. Trump has actually boasted about never reading books. He doesn’t even like position papers, and keeps abreast of current events by watching cable news shows instead of reading newspapers. Benjamin Harrison, on the other hand, was so introverted that even his friends called him “the human iceberg.” But he loved reading, devouring every book he could get his hands on, including the Bible, looking for guidance in public policy and private conduct. By now you are asking: Did Harrison and Trump have anything in common? The answer is yes, and the similarities were significant. Both men loved trade tariffs and both looked suspiciously on the giant corporations of their time. Although Trump came out of the business world — and slashed corporate taxes as president — the jaundiced way he sees tech giants is not unlike the mistrust Harrison harbored for railroad barons and steel moguls of his time. Harrison administered some tough love, too. Senators in his party sponsored the Sherman Antitrust Act, which Harrison signed into law. It shouldn’t have been a surprise to industry titans: In his March 4, 1889 inaugural address, Harrison had put them on notice. “If our great corporations would more scrupulously observe their legal limitations and duties,” he said, “they would have less cause to complain of the unlawful limitations of their rights or of violent interference with their operations.” As for tariffs, Benjamin Harrison and Donald Trump both took the approach that tariffs on foreign imports are a good way to get other nations to behave and alsomprotect working people of America — economists be damned. “I am a tariff man,” the president declared one bleak December day. That happened to be Trump, but it could have been Benjamin Harrison.  Carl M. Cannon 
Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics
@CarlCannon (Twitter) For years, many pundits and politicians have claimed Internet behemoths are too powerful and monopolistic. Then, in June, the House announced they would launch a probe into several tech giants. Despite many possible outcomes, we don’t view these possibilities as a reason to avoid Tech now. Click here to read more of this message, brought to you by Fisher Investments.
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Impeachment About Ideology, Not the Constitution Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:06 PM PST Star Parkerby Star Parker: Two American women of color.

Two diametrically opposed views about America.

This clash of worldviews helps us to understand that what is going on in our nation is not a legitimate impeachment process but an attempt to wipe out a sitting president for personal and ideological reasons.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib was sworn in as a freshman Democratic congresswoman for Michigan on Jan 3, 2019.

At a reception following the event, Tlaib, speaking about the president of the United States, said, “We’re gonna impeach the (expletive).”

It had to be unprecedented that a newly elected representative publically used that kind of language about the nation’s president and expressed intent to impeach him, with no support from leadership of her own party.

Were there grounds for impeachment? No. The alleged basis was the Mueller investigation, which subsequently found that allegations that President Trump and his campaign conspired with Russia to interfere with the presidential election were false.

What happened to the sacred principle of innocent until proven guilty?

Tlaib had already convicted Trump. He’s guilty for being Donald Trump and for what he stands for. The law is irrelevant.

Months later she held a press conference calling President Trump a racist and again calling for his impeachment. She noted: “I represent the third-poorest congressional district in this country. … I was elected to fight for them.”

The Bureau of Labor Statistics just issued its October jobs report, which the Wall Street Journal called “impressive.” “The current job market is attracting middle- and working-class workers who have been on the sidelines for years,” reported the Journal.

And, black unemployment ticked down a notch to 5.4%, another new historic low.

But just as legal facts mean nothing to Rep. Tlaib, economic facts mean nothing.

Let’s now turn to another American woman of color, former South Carolina governor and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.

She recently spoke at a dinner at Washington’s American Enterprise Institute.

Haley, who as Republican governor of South Carolina had the Confederate flag removed from the grounds of the state Capitol, said at AEI: “when we retreat into identity and grievance politics, we make the choice for victimhood over citizenship. By constantly blaming others, we reject personal responsibility for ourselves, our families and our communities.”

Are you listening, Congresswoman Tlaib?

Haley spoke about her parents, who immigrated to the U.S. from India: “We were different. We stood out. And my family felt the pain of being judged by our difference. … But my parents refused to let it define them. They chose citizenship over victimhood.”

Haley quoted Lincoln, who, in 1862 when the country was torn apart in civil war, called America “the last best hope of Earth.”

She added: “President Trump is a disruptor. That makes … some people very mad. But if we are a country that lives by the rule of law, we must all accept that we have one president at a time and that president attained his office by the choice of the American people.”

Haley hailed the American freedom and exceptionalism enshrined in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and noted how, at the UN, representatives from despotic countries would approach her in private and express admiration for our country.

Rashida Tlaib is a poster child for her party. Despite the Russia conspiracy charges discredited by the Mueller report, Democrats have not given up looking for an excuse to impeach a president they hate. Now we have the ridiculous claims from a tainted whistleblower about a conversation Trump had with the president of Ukraine.

It’s not about Russia or Ukraine. It’s about Nikki Haley or Rashida Tlaib; loving our free country or hating it; citizenship or victimhood; rule of law or guilty until proven innocent.

I meet so many wonderful Americans in my travels around the country.

I’m optimistic we’ll make the right choice.
Star Parker (@UrbanCURE)is an author at and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. CURE is a non-profit think tank that addresses issues of race and poverty through principles of faith, freedom and personal responsibility.
Tags: Star Parker, Center for Urban Renewal and Education, CURE, Impeachment About Ideology, Not the Constitution To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Democrats Want to Rejoin the Paris Accord. Let’s Recall Why It Was Such a Bad Deal. Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:25 PM PST by Nicolas Loris: When the Obama administration negotiated the Paris climate agreement, conservatives argued that it should move through the proper treaty process and be sent to the Senate, where elected senators could weigh in and potentially reject the deal.

President Barack Obama didn’t do that. Instead, he unilaterally signed the deal, making it all the more easy for a future president to un-sign it.

Now that President Donald Trump has announced his intent to withdraw from the costly, ineffectual agreement, House Democrats think it’s time to involve Congress.

Last week, the House Foreign Affairs Committee advanced the Climate Action Now Act, a bill that would block the Trump administration from withdrawing from the Paris accord and enforce the commitments made under the Obama administration. Those commitments include reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 26-28% compared to 2005 levels.

Trump was right to announce his intent to withdraw from Paris. While the climate is indeed changing and human activity is playing a role, the chances of looming climate catastrophe are simply unrealistic and not grounded in reality.

But even granting such a looming catastrophe, the Paris Agreement itself would do little to alter the climate. To have any impact whatsoever on climate, the entire world would either have to quickly change the way it consumes energy or simply remain undeveloped. Both options are devoid of reality.

While many countries are rapidly expanding their use of renewable power, forecasts indicate that coal, oil, and natural gas will continue to provide the overwhelming majority of the world’s energy needs well into the future. For developing countries, the highest priorities are to reduce energy poverty and improve living standards.

Those who are clamoring for action on climate change are the ones who should actually be most upset with what a sham the Paris agreement is. It’s been celebrated as a breakthrough achievement of the world’s developed and developing countries coming together, but it is anything but that.

With no enforcement mechanisms in place and no repercussions for failing to meet emissions reduction targets, countries are essentially free to do whatever they want, meaning they will continue on their business-as-usual trajectory without making any changes. China, for instance, can peak its emissions in 2030 even though projections have their peak emissions falling before that year.

India, for its part, has pledged to reduce its emissions levels, or cuts its ratio of carbon emissions to gross domestic product. That ratio may well go down so long as carbon emissions rise at a slower rate than GDP, but carbon emissions will keep rising all the same.

Actually, India committed to emissions reductions that are less than what the country would achieve if it continues on the same track it is currently on today. In other words, it set the bar so low that it can continue along its businesses-as-usual trajectory of emissions intensity and come out looking like a climate hero.

As the Manhattan Institute’s Oren Cass wrote, “It’s easy to slim down to 180 pounds, if you weigh 175 to begin with.”

Pakistan was more honest than most about its emissions prospects, stating bluntly, “Given the future economic growth and associated growth in the energy sector, the peaking of emissions in Pakistan is expected to take place much beyond the year 2030. An exponential increase of [greenhouse gas] emissions for many decades is likely to occur before any decrease in emissions can be expected.”

Global compliance with the Paris Agreement has been nothing short of abysmal. In fact, most nations will soon fail to meet the deadlines they agreed to.

The original hope that each nation’s contribution might somehow push other countries to “do more” is not playing out. This deal was a hodgepodge of arbitrarily defined commitments with no enforcement mechanism. It was doomed from the start.

Following through with the Obama administration’s commitments would impose clear economic harm on the U.S. by driving energy prices higher—and that’s just a small part of the overall cost. Americans would pay more for food, health care, education, clothes, and every other good and service that requires energy.

These higher costs would be spread across the entire economy and would shrink overall economic growth and employment. Heritage Foundation analysts estimated that the regulations required to meet the Obama administration’s commitments would impose the following costs by 2035:
An overall loss of nearly 400,000 jobs, half of which would be in manufacturing.A average total income loss of more than $20,000 for a family of four.An aggregate GDP loss of over $2.5 trillion.Other countries would continue getting a free pass under the agreement, but if the U.S. signed back on, one can be sure that environmental activist lawsuits would make sure the U.S. kept its obligations.

To make matters worse, the climate regulations encompassing the U.S. target may not even achieve the desired results and would require additional regulations. And that would just be the beginning. The Paris Agreement requires ever-increasing targets as time goes on, which would further increase the cost of compliance. These efforts would return us to the same costly and ineffective policies that the current administration is unwinding.

Congress should instead advance pragmatic policies that will actually drive innovation in energy and environmental protection.
Nicolas Loris (@NiconomistLoris) is an economist, focuses on energy, environmental and regulatory issues as the Herbert and Joyce Morgan fellow at The Heritage Foundation. He writes for The Daily Signal.
Tags: Nicolas Loris, The Daily Signal, Democrats, Want to Rejoin, the Paris Accord, Let’s Recall Why, It Was Such a Bad Deal To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
LTE: Why I Wear My Red Trump Ball Cap Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:04 PM PST by Navyman Norm: This 78 year old proud Veteran of the United States Navy is often asked “why” I wear my Red Trump ball cap wherever I go. The answer is quite simple: “I wear my Red Trump ball cap because I live in a country where I can wear it!”

I wear my Red Trump ball cap, proudly. Not because I like wearing ball caps, not because I enjoy sending a message to those who hate seeing it, and what it stands for; not because I like and support President Trump, which of course, I do.

No boys-and-girls, I like wearing my Red Trump Ball cap because it reminds me of a man who gave up a fortune to run for President of the United States, against ALL odds knowing he was an underdog; knowing full well he and his family would be savaged, scorned, laughed at and lied about his accomplishments and qualifications to run for president by members of his own party, his opponents and the Fake News media. He was attacked with such vicious hatred and vitriol, that a lesser man would have quit.

I wear my Red Trump ball cap because Donald Trump was and is not a “lesser man”. I wear my Red Trump ball cap because of his tenacity and fight for “what is RIGHT” about America, the American people, and our way of life.

No matter how much his opponents threw at him, lied about him, slandered him and his wife and children, he never gave up! All the polls, all the ‘eggsperts’, networks, newspapers, said he would lose by the greatest margin ever. He didn’t believe them. And neither did I. Their unending hatred of what Donald Trump said and campaigned on, lets “Make America Great Again,” set their hair on fire.

They, of course, knew better; they were the illegitimate offspring of Obama’s “Hope and Change” fraud, who apologized for being Americans, who wantonly spent our tax dollars on handouts and welfare; a bastardized Heath care system, Obamacare, that was anything but; who daily condemned our men and women of our military and police departments; ridiculed God and Christianity, and made abortion and infanticide the sacraments of the democrat party.

They even went so far for as bribing Iran, (the number one sponsor and funder of world terrorism) with $450 billion dollars in cash and gold, Obama and Kerry groveled before Iran, begging the Mullahs on their knees to accept their “bribes”.

The democrats AND their accomplices in the news media, chose a candidate, Hillary, whose single greatest accomplishment was LYING. Especially lying about her role in the murder of four brave Americans, including one ambassador at Benghazi. Hillary’s mantra “what difference did it make” was an insult to the families of the four Benghazi heroes and the entire country. She even lied and cheated ‘Commie Wannabe Bernie’ to get the nomination of the democrat party.

And after she did, Hillary called us “a basket of Deplorables, made up of racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” people.” Remember? I do. I wear my Red Trump ball cap today to answer the Lying’ Beeeaaaacch of Benghazi.

Candidate Trump took on all comers, sixteen other Republican candidates, and then the woman who would be crowned “Queen of the United States.” Unfortunately for Hillary, her lap dogs in the Fake News Media, and Obama’s corrupt cadre of seditionists and traitors, Donald Trump out thought, out worked, and out fought them all to become the 45th President of the United States. He inspired this partially disabled 78 year old Navy Veteran and so, I put on my Red Trump ball cap and volunteered in Trump’s campaign. And will again in 2020.

“They” all said it couldn’t be done. ”They” all said how dare he! “They,” the Obama lackeys in the FBI, CIA, and NSA, said ‘we have an insurance policy to get rid of President Trump,’ making up shit about treasonous Russian collusion. When in fact, “They” were the real colluders and traitors. For three long years, “They” and their willing accomplices in the democrat party and Fake News media, have tried every dirty, filthy trick in their “Impeach Trump Playbook” to overturn the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump, as President of the United States.

And me? I proudly wear my Red Trump ball cap, because of “Them”.

President Trump did almost everything he promised us: a great US economy with less job killing regulations; the lowest Unemployment on ever, especially for Blacks and Hispanics and Women; a US military force second to none; the moving of the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem; the defunding of Planned Holocausthood* and UN funded foreign abortions; the banning of immigrants from five terrorist countries; the fight for a newer, larger border wall; an income tax cut for middle class Americans; and the appointment of 146 Federal Judges and two Conservative Supreme Court Justices; and giving Veterans like me a “choice” in using private doctors in addition to VA health care.

All despite being viciously attacked, vilified, hated and lied about by his enemies in the do nothing democrat party, the Fake News media, and Harlotwood, since day one of his Inauguration. President Trump asks “no quarter, nor does he give any quarter.” Nor do I!
Ask me again, Fake News whores, why do I wear my Red Trump ball cap proudly?

Because I love my God; I love and served my country and would gladly do so again; and because I love and fear for the safety of my family in a country without a President, the likes of Donald J. Trump.

MAGA 2020!!!
Navyman Norm (pen name) contributed this Letter to Editor to the ARRA News Service. *Planned
Tags: Navyman Norm, Why I Wear, My Red Trump Ball Cap, MAGA To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Murder In Mexico, Defending Religious Freedom, Mayhem In The Middle East, Fan Trade Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:04 PM PST Gary Bauerby Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Murder In Mexico
There are conflicting reports, but it appears that at least nine members of an American family were murdered by Mexican drug cartel thugs. They are members of a Mormon community in Mexico who were ambushed as they were traveling to pick up a relative.

Some reports suggest that their convoy of SUVs may have been mistaken for a rival gang. Regardless, three women and six children were brutally murdered in an attack that took place about 100 miles from the Arizona border.

This is a horrible, evil act. Nonetheless, out of this brutality there may be a teachable moment.

President Trump has been warning for years about the dangers of our unsecured southern border. He was mocked by the media, by progressive politicians, by liberal judges and by radical special interest groups.

But the president has persistently cited the nefarious activities of brutal gangs and drug cartels as reason enough for securing the border and knowing who is entering the country.

We know the gangs and cartels are engaged in child trafficking, drug trafficking and human smuggling. Yet every attempt by the president to get the situation under control has been blocked by the left.

Progressives and NeverTrumpers routinely try to embarrass Trump by saying, “Look, he’s not getting the wall built.” That’s because they have been fighting tooth and nail to stop him!

Mexican politicians are afraid to speak out against the cartels because scores have been assassinated. Reporters are afraid to expose the cartels too. At least a dozen journalists have been murdered in Mexico so far this year.

Just a few weeks ago, the Mexican military had an engagement against one of the cartels. The “Federales” lost.

Mexico’s murder rate set a record last year with more than 33,300 people killed.

The likelihood of Mexico becoming a failed state, overrun by drug lords, and unable or unwilling at some point to stop the flow of mass migration, presents a much greater danger to the United States than anything that is happening on the border of Turkey and Syria.

In a series of tweets this morning, President Trump denounced the murders of these American citizens and urged Mexico to step up its fight against the cartels, declaring, “This is the time for Mexico, with the help of the United States, to wage WAR on the drug cartels and wipe them off the face of the earth.”

Defending Religious Freedom
Six commissioners on the U.S. Commission for International Religious Freedom went to the White House yesterday to meet with top foreign policy officials. It was a great opportunity for a serious discussion about the challenges facing religious freedom around the world.

I took the opportunity to thank the administration for everything it has done, such as:
Destroying the ISIS caliphate.Taking out Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.Elevating religious liberty concerns in our foreign policy.Hosting two Ministerial summits promoting religious freedom around the world.The president’s U.N. address on religious freedom.Confronting China for its gross abuses of religious liberty.We also had a serious conversation regarding conditions in Syria. Here’s the reality: Russia is there. Turkey is there. The Syrian army is there. The Iranians are there. Hezbollah is there. The Kurds are there. Our small presence, one to two thousand troops, isn’t going to be the decisive factor in the future of Syria.

Unfortunately, Syria is a failed state, and Christian minorities are caught in the crossfire. But contrary to the media narrative, the Trump Administration is working hard to limit the suffering of religious minorities in Syria. The president is in regular contact with Kurdish leaders. USAID is attempting to channel resources to the right entities.

In recent days, I have met with representatives of the Syrian Christian community here in the United States. Our brothers and sisters in Christ need our prayers, as do the president and vice president, as they attempt to navigate this very challenging situation.

Mayhem In The Middle East
The chaos in the Middle East is not limited to Syria. And while it is easy to overlook amid the churning domestic scene here at home, there are big developments taking place in Iraq and Lebanon.

Massive protests against corruption have erupted in both countries, threatening Tehran’s grip on the region. The Iranian consulate in Karbala was attacked. The Iraqi flag was posted on the compound’s walls. In Baghdad, protestors have destroyed posters of Iranian leaders. In southern Iraq, a Shiite militia leader (backed by Iran) was pulled from an ambulance and killed in the street.

In Lebanon, the prime minister has been forced to resign and there are growing protests against Hezbollah.

Instability in the Middle East is rarely a good thing. But in this case, I find it encouraging that the people of Iraq and Lebanon are rising up against their Iranian occupiers.

There are historical tensions between Arabs and Persians, and Iran’s influence in the Middle East is anything but benign. The ayatollah’s regime has earned its designation as the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism. Everywhere Tehran extends its tentacles, death and destruction follow.

Fan Trade?
I was really ticked off last week when Swamp denizens made a spectacle of themselves when they booed the president at Game 5 of the World Series. Thankfully, the players managed to muster the decorum and respect that many fans lacked.

Yesterday, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump hosted the Washington Nationals at the White House. While seven players did not attend, only one announced ahead of time that he wasn’t going. Overall, it was a wonderful event.

Some players appeared to express their support for the president. Catcher Kurt Suzuki donned a MAGA hat. First baseman Ryan Zimmerman presented the president with a “Trump 45” Nationals jersey, and thanked him for keeping the country safe and making it “the greatest country in the world.”

Leftists and some media claimed that pitcher Stephen Strasburg snubbed the president by refusing to shake his hand. Strasburg later tweeted that the report of the snub was “Fake News.” He did shake hands with the president but the video was edited to not show it.

Sadly, many Nationals fans are threatening to boycott the team now. Maybe the Washington Nationals should consider trading some of their fans rather than players in the offseason.
Gary Bauer (@GaryLBauer)  is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families
Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Murder In Mexico, Defending Religious Freedom, Mayhem In The Middle East, Fan Trade To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Democrats Block Defense Funding, Promote Destructive Socialism Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:39 PM PST ‘In order to take away employer-sponsored insurance from 180 million Americans, Democrats want to kill American jobs and bring the economy to a screeching halt. I implore my friends across the aisle to put aside this destructive socialism and join us in the urgent work that needs doing, right now, for the American people.’ (Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – — – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor discussing Democrats blocking funding for defense and their continued efforts to grab unprecedented control over American families’ daily lives:

“Last week, the nation saw several pivotal moments that shed light on the current state of the Democratic Party.

“Here in the Senate, as I mentioned, Democrats chose to filibuster funding for our national defense for the second time in two months.

“This funding was agreed to in the bipartisan, bicameral deal that Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic Leader signed onto just a few months ago. But now they have walked away from the agreement they signed and filibustered funding for our military commanders.

“Yesterday we saw the Iranian regime celebrate — celebrate — the 40th anniversary of the taking of the American embassy and the beginning of the Iranian hostage crisis. The familiar slogan ‘Death to America’ was on full display.

“It was especially sobering to watch this display and remember that our own U.S. military commanders do not have the certainty they need for strategic planning because Democrats here in Washington found it politically advantageous to block it.

“Over in the House, Speaker Pelosi continues to stall the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

“The USMCA would bring tens of billions in new commerce and create 176,000 new American jobs, but House Democrats would rather pursue political theater. So American workers and farmers are still waiting.

“However, while our Democratic colleagues block these bipartisan priorities, at least they are not shy about what they do support.

“We’ve seen what Democrats prioritize. We remember the ‘Green New Deal’ — an effort to grab unprecedented control over American families’ daily lives.

“Designing, building, or furnishing a home or business? Democrats want Washington to dictate how you do it. Commuting, traveling for vacation, mowing your lawn? They’d like you to do it without gasoline or jet fuel, sooner than later.

“Make a living producing, refining, or delivering affordable American energy? They want you to find another line of work, whether you like it or not.

“That’s the ‘Green New Deal.’ There is also the matter of ‘Medicare for None.’

“That’s the scheme that would take the program that millions of American seniors rely on, throw away everything except the label, and paste that onto a new one-size-fits-all Washington-run insurance plan that would be mandatory for every American.

“Medicare — gone. Private plans in the popular Medicare Advantage program — gone. Every health insurance plan that Americans get on the job, which cover 180 million people — gone.

“This is literally what several of the leading Democratic presidential contenders have endorsed.

“A new, nationwide experiment in socialism. And every single American — man, woman, and child — would be the subjects of this experiment, whether that’s what we want for our families or not.

“From this mandatory, one-size-fits-all insurance plan to new price controls that would limit lifesaving cures, our Democratic colleagues are rallying around policies that would leave American families paying more… to wait longer… for worse care.

“And then, if these plans weren’t bad enough on the merits, there’s the small issue of the crushing new tax burden you’d have to pile onto the U.S. economy in order to pay for them.

“One leading Democrat released a breathtaking proposal last week that illustrates the road they’d like to head down. This candidate’s Medicare For None plan on its own — notwithstanding all the other socialist plans; just the healthcare plan — would cost about 52 trillion dollars over the first ten years alone.

“That’s the candidate’s own estimate.

“Even after cannibalizing everything the government currently spends on health care, the plan’s author admits there would still be a staggering 20-plus trillion dollars left to finance. Other experts say it would be even more.

“For some perspective, if you add up every cent that is deposited in every commercial bank across the United States of America, that’s about $13 trillion. So you could seize every dollar that Americans have deposited in banks and you’d have nowhere near enough money for even the first decade of this experiment.

“Democrats are confident they can produce this huge sum of money through historic tax increases on job creators and on the American people.

“An enormous new tax burden dumped on the U.S. economy that would kill jobs, depress worker wages, and make America less competitive for generations to come.

“At the exact time when Republican tax reform has made the United States more competitive and boosted prosperity here at home, Democrats want to take us backwards and make our nation a less attractive place to create jobs.

“Here is what Larry Summers, a former Treasury Secretary under President Clinton, wrote about this far-left plan in the Washington Post: ‘[It] will discourage hiring, particularly of low-skilled workers’ and ‘there is. . .the real risk of an economic contraction following a sharp market decline. Discourage hiring, particularly of low-skilled workers’ and ‘a sharp market decline.’

“So — in order to take away employer-sponsored insurance from 180 million Americans, Democrats want to kill American jobs and bring the economy to a screeching halt.

“I implore my friends across the aisle to put aside this destructive socialism and join us in the urgent work that needs doing, right now, for the American people.

“We have a landmark trade agreement that needs passing. We have U.S. armed forces that need funding.

“We’re just waiting on our Democratic colleagues.”
Tags: U.S. Senate, Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, Democrats Block Defense Funding, Promote Destructive Socialism To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Nancy Pelosi’s Stall Tactics Hurt America’s Economy Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:23 PM PST Stephen Moore, Economistby Stephen Moore: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if for one brief shining moment in Washington, Congress put good policy over politics — and passed a bill that would benefit American workers, investors and businesses?

We haven’t had a true bipartisan victory in Washington for seemingly ages, but we are tantalizingly close to getting there. This would be the passage of the U.S. Mexico Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA).

Both parties want this modernized version of the North American Free Trade Agreement to pass. It is the legacy of Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. But this latest modernized trilateral trade deal for North America hasn’t happened yet because of an endless parade of stall tactics by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

She is blockading a vote of the 435 members of the House of Representatives. The odds are very favorable that Democrats and Republicans would provide enough yays to pass it and move it on to the Senate, where the trade deal would be approved by a wide margin. The whispering campaign on Capitol Hill is that Pelosi is worried about giving Donald Trump a “win,” so she’s inventing flimsy excuses for endlessly delaying a vote.

Her strategy might have some credibility if she had credible objections to this modernized trade deal, which Trump carefully crafted with trade negotiators from our neighbors Canada and Mexico. First, Pelosi said she wanted more worker protections in the trade deal. But this bill actually has stronger job and wage protections for American workers (some of which I think go too far) than the old NAFTA.

Trump insisted on those broader labor protections for the auto and other blue-collar workers in many of those Midwestern states that have seen middle-class job losses.

She continues to broach the idea of attaching a pension bailout bill to the trade deal. That pension bill has nothing to do with trade. It would also potentially cost taxpayers tens of billions of dollars to bail out mismanaged labor union pension funds. This is Pelosi’s way of throwing a wet kiss to the union bosses as payback for their support in helping her become speaker.

An even wilder idea is a scheme by Democrats to force Trump to allow the United States back into the Paris climate accord — a $100 billion tax on Americans — as the ransom for passing USMCA.

These are obvious poison pills, and the speaker knows it. Trump would never allow the U.S. into the climate treaty, and many fiscally conscientious Republicans would withdraw their support for the USMCA if they were forced to endorse these giant new taxpayer liabilities for obese pensions.

Then there’s Pelosi’s ploy to reopen the trade deal to repeal the hard-won patent protections for American pharmaceutical companies. Pelosi is acting as though this is a giant “giveaway” to the U.S. drug companies that would raise prices for American consumers.

She has it all wrong. This provision of the trade deal actually protects America patent rights for 10 years when made-in-America drugs and “biologics” are sold in foreign countries. The USMCA — expertly negotiated by Trump’s lead trade negotiator, Robert Lighthizer — actually forces Mexican and Canadian citizens to honor our patents and pay more for American drugs.

This could in the end mean lower prices for these drugs here in the United States because our two neighbors would pay their fair share to cover the billions of dollars of research costs to bring to market lifesaving new drugs. Trump should be applauded for getting Mexico and Canada to agree to live by the same patent protections that we require here in America.

Why would Pelosi object to a provision that effectively curtails foreign freeloading off American firms’ medical research and development investments? Why should foreigners get special discount deals on our patented drugs that aren’t similarly available to American patients?

Pelosi’s cynical strategy to change the USMCA would bust the trade deal wide open and kill it. Trying to renegotiate a trade deal that has been years in the making is like putting toothpaste back in the tube. Opening up one section of the law makes every section negotiable and brings us back to square one.

The victims here would be American farmers, ranchers and hard-hat manufacturing workers. The economic benefits of the USMCA have been estimated by the U.S. International Trade Commission to be almost $60 billion in higher exports each year and some 175,000 new jobs. Passage of this law would put added pressure on China to pass its own trade deal with the Trump administration.

Pelosi should put America first by putting the political games aside and bringing USCMA to a vote urgently. Democrats won back the House in the 2018 elections by promising Americans that they could govern the country. Obstruction is not governing, and blocking free trade deals is no way to keep the Trump economic boom going. I hate to think that may be the point of her political tactics.
Stephen Moore, (@StephenMoore) is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and an economic consultant with Freedom Works. He is the co-author of “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy.” Moore encouraged the ARRA News Service editor at SamSphere Chicago 2008 to blog his articles. His article was in Rasmussen Reports
Tags: Stephen Moore, Steve Moore, Rasmussen Reports, Nancy Pelosi, Stall Tactics, Hurt America’s Economy To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Where Are the ‘High Crimes’? Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:11 PM PST by Patrick Buchanan: Should Biden be nominated and elected, a special prosecutor would have to be appointed to investigate this smelly deal, as well as the $1 billion Hunter got for his equity fund from the Chinese after his father visited the Middle Kingdom.

“Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

These are the offenses designated in the Constitution for which presidents may be impeached and removed from office.

Which of these did Trump commit?

According to his accusers in this city, his crime is as follows:

The president imperiled our “national security” by delaying, for his own reasons, a transfer of lethal aid and Javelin missiles to Ukraine — the very weapons President Barack Obama refused to send to Ukraine, lest they widen and lengthen the war in the Donbass.

Now, if Trump imperiled national security by delaying the transfer of the weapons, was not Obama guilty of a greater crime against our national security by denying the weapons to Ukraine altogether?

The essence of Trump’s crime, it is said, was that he demanded a quid pro quo. He passed word to incoming President Volodymyr Zelensky that if he did not hold a press conference to announce an investigation of Joe Biden and son Hunter, he, Zelensky, would not get the arms we had promised, nor the Oval Office meeting that Zelensky requested.

Again, where is the body of the crime?

Did Zelensky hold the press conference Trump demanded? No.

Did Zelensky announce Ukraine was investigating the Bidens? No.

Did Zelensky get the Oval Office meeting? Yes.

Did Zelensky get the U.S. weapons? Yes, $400 million in arms and Javelin missiles.

Where then is the crime? When was it consummated?

Or was this a thought crime, a bluff to get Zelensky to look into how Hunter Biden got a $50,000-a-month seat on the board of the most corrupt company in Ukraine, days after Joe Biden was in Kyiv threatening to block a $1 billion loan guarantee to the regime.

By the way, what was Biden doing approving a $1 billion loan guarantee to Petro Poroshenko’s regime, which was so corrupt that it ferociously fought not to fire a prosecutor whose dismissal all of Europe was demanding?

Should Biden be nominated and elected, a special prosecutor would have to be appointed to investigate this smelly deal, as well as the $1 billion Hunter got for his equity fund from the Chinese after his father visited the Middle Kingdom.

Given last week’s party-line vote in the House, where all but two Democrats voted to proceed with the inquiry, the impeachment of President Donald Trump seems baked in the cake. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s designation of Adam Schiff to head the investigation tells us all we need to know about the sincerity of her pledge to make the inquiry bipartisan.

Suppose Zelensky had agreed to an investigation into how Hunter Biden, with no experience in the energy industry, got his sweetheart deal.

Would that be impeachable for Trump? How so?

Does not the U.S. have a right to put conditions on its foreign aid and to seek guarantees that our money will not be used as graft to grifters?

A few of those listening in on Trump’s phone call with Zelensky have gone public asserting that withholding the arms transfer to Kyiv imperiled our national security.

But if east Ukraine rises up and secedes from Kyiv, as Kyiv itself seceded from the Russian Federation at the end of the Cold War, how does any of that endanger America’s national security? Did not George H.W. Bush himself warn, three decades ago, that a declaration of independence by Ukraine from the Russian Federation would constitute an act of “suicidal nationalism”?

And who does the Constitution charge with making the decisions as to whether military aid goes to Ukraine?

The president, or some NSC staffer who sits on the Ukraine desk?

Since the U.S.-backed overthrow of the pro-Russian regime in Kyiv in 2014, and Vladimir Putin’s counter-seizure of Crimea and support for pro-Russian secessionists in Donetsk and Luhansk, there has been a debate in the USA over how to deal with this faraway problem.

Obama decided not to send lethal aid or tank-killing Javelin missiles, lest the U.S. arms escalate a war between Russia and Ukraine that Kyiv could not win.

The Republicans argued the issue at their Cleveland convention. Trump’s team won that argument, but lethal aid and Javelin missiles were eventually sent to Kyiv. Now Trump has sent even more weapons.

But again, the authority to make this decision resides in the Oval Office, not in the NSC, not in the CIA, and not with those in the “deep state” who have their own settled view of what U.S. foreign policy should be.

The authority lies with the elected president of the United States.

This impeachment battle will almost surely reach the Senate.

And in the end it will be about what it has been about since the beginning: An attempt by the deep state and its media, bureaucratic and political allies to overturn the democratic verdict of 2016 and to overthrow the elected president of the United States.

The establishment’s coup attempt is now approaching end game.
Patrick Buchanan (@PatrickBuchanan) is currently a blogger, conservative columnist, political analyst, chairman of The American Cause foundation and an editor of The American Conservative. He has been a senior adviser to three Presidents, a two-time candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, and was the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000.
Tags: Patrick Buchanan, conservative, commentary, Where Are, the ‘High Crimes’? To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Trump Administration Accomplishments Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:01 PM PST The White House: President Donald J. Trump Administration Accomplishments
Almost 4 million jobs created since election.More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.Record number of regulations eliminated.Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.Signed Right-To-Try legislation.Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.Tags: President, Donald Trump, Administration, Accomplishments To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
It’s In the Bag . . . Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST . . . Schiff ignores the obvious Biden quid pro quo while trying to fabricate a fake Trump quid pro quo to facilitate Impeachment.
Editorial Cartoon by AF “Tony” BrancoTags: AF Branco, editorial cartoon, It’s In the Bag, Schiff ignores. obvious Biden quid pro quo, while trying to fabricate, a fake Trump quid pro quo, facilitate Impeachment To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Calling All Rosa Parks Americans Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:42 PM PST Rosa Parksby Lloyd Marcus: The insanity going on before our very eyes regarding the Democrats’ and fake news medias’ latest campaign to impeach Trump over nonsense is infuriating millions of Americans. It is the equivalent of Adam Schiff flooding the airwaves with the lie that Trump stole his car and must be impeached for it. Meanwhile, Schiff’s car is parked untouched in his driveway for all the world to see. Ignoring the truth that Schiff’s car was not stolen, the Democrats and fake news media cart out a dozen witnesses (whistleblowers) who claim they saw Trump commit the crime.

This is exactly what is going on with Schiff’s outrageous claim that Trump committed impeachable crimes during his phone call with the Ukraine president. Schiff publicly read a bogus version of the conversation between Trump and the president of Ukraine. Trump had already countered Schiff’s lie by releasing the actual transcript of the phone call. Ignoring the transcript, Democrats and their fake news media cheering section are still promoting the false narrative 24/7 that Trump must be impeached for what Schiff claims Trump said on the phone call. This is in-our-face arrogant corruption.

Behaviorally, Schiff, Democrats and the fake news media are saying we’re kickin’ your president out of office and there ain’t nothing you smelly Walmart-shopping Trump voters can do about it.

I received an expletive-filled ranting phone call from a businessman friend in California. He was livid watching Pelosi, Schiff, and their fake news media minions on TV arrogantly promoting a false picture of Trump while seeming to get away with it. He kept screaming, where are the ******* Republicans on our side who are fighting back? I talked him down from throwing a brick through his TV. My friend’s frustration and anger is felt by millions; outraged that Democrats and fake news media are attempting to use nonsense to disenfranchise them, reversing their decision to elect Trump.

The Democratic Party, fake news media, ANTIFA, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Black Lives Matter, and LGBTQ enforcers are nothing more than anti-American and anti-Christian hate groups. They have launched a no-holds-barred war on traditional Americans. They have zero tolerance for any opposition to them transforming America. Along with social and financial destruction, opposing them could cost you your life.

Black civil rights hero Rosa Parks was an excellent example of courage. Tired after a long day at work, Rosa took a seat in the front of the public transit bus, ignoring the mandate that blacks must sit in the back. When ordered to give up her seat to a white passenger, Rosa said, no. Folks, we need thousands of Rosa Parks Americans who refuse to be bullied by the anti-American mob.

I salute Jaelene Hinkle, an outspoken Christian on the U.S. national soccer team. Jaelene is a perfect example of the courage we need to see displayed across America. When ordered to wear a “rainbow” jersey honoring homosexual pride, Jaelene said, no. Wisely, Jaelene said, “If you live for people’s acceptance, you’ll die from their rejection.”

Courageous outraged parents across America are protesting drag queens reading homosexual indoctrination stories to their kids in public libraries. So what does Kaiser Permanente do? They featured a drag queen reading to children in their commercial. Why would Kaiser do that, considering that you could fit all the drag queens in America in a phone booth? Clearly, this is another major corporation saying, screw you, mainstream Americans. In essence, Kaiser is saying, we’re cramming the normalization of debauchery down your throats whether you like it or not.

For years, I warned of LGBTQ enforcers’ hidden scheme to force us to celebrate their anti-biblical lifestyle, while portraying themselves as victims who only desire tolerance. People laughed and called me paranoid. Today, if Democrats win the presidency, HR 5, the deceptively named “Equality Act” will become law. It mandates that every American kneel in worship to LGBTQ perversion. Christians are already being thrown into jail and run out of business for saying no to LGBTQ enforcers demanding that they betray Jesus.

LGBTQ enforcers ignore dozens of bakeries that would gladly make a cake for their same-sex wedding. They bang on the door of the Christian baker and demand that he bake the cake for their homosexual wedding or suffer dire consequences. Obviously, this is not about acquiring a cake. It is about punishing and forcing Christians to surrender to their LGBTQ false god. Because of its condemnation of homosexuality, legislation is underway to ban the Bible by declaring it hate speech.

Nervous Nancy Pelosi knows she cannot successfully impeach Trump. She would need the votes of 67 senators and that ain’t happenin’. So her game plan is to use her fake news media minions to deceive the American people. They will promote the lie 24/7 that Trump has been or should be impeached. Pelosi hopes to kill Trump’s presidency via death by a thousand cuts.

Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay Cosmetics said, “The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.” In other words, leadership flows from the top down. Trump is a leader like no politician before him. His courage should inspire all of us who love our country to courageously stand up for the principles and values which have made her great. Just say no to anti-Christian and anti-American traitor’s bullying demands. Spread the good news about what Trump has done and is doing to keep America great.

My enraged California friend passionately said, “We must save our president!” I am doing my part by writing articles, campaigning for Republican candidates, and touring singing my new Trump Train 2020 song. I guarantee my song will pump you up!
Lloyd Marcus (@LloydMarcus) is an “Unhyphenated American” and an internationally renowned conservative columnist, singer/songwriter and author. He is Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee Political Action Committee. He is a prominent voice of the American Tea Party movement and the singer/songwriter of the ”American Tea Party Anthem.” Marcus has been on Fox News, CNN, PJTV and more.
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Quid Pro Quo Becomes Quid Pro No In Democrats’ Crumbling Impeachment Farce Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:59 PM PST by Rick Manning: Democrats and some Republicans in Washington, D.C. and the media throw around the term quid pro quo quite a bit these days with the intonation that it describes the ultimate evil, convincing me that they don’t really know what it means.

So I consulted the Merriam-Webster dictionary which defines it this way, “From a legal perspective, quid pro quo indicates that a good or service has been traded for something of equal value. In particular, quid pro quo is used explicitly to indicate that there has been ‘consideration’ in a contract, meaning that there are goods or services being delivered and that acceptable payment is made for these goods or services.”

To quote Rush Limbaugh, “for those in Rio Linda, California” this means that there has to be a trade with one thing offered and accepted in exchange for another.

The transcript for the July 25 call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky never mentioned that military aid for Ukraine had been put under review the prior week, even as Trump asks the Ukrainian to do him a favor and help get to the bottom of the origins of the Russia-gate scandal.

In fact, according to an August 28, 2019 story in the left-wing D.C. web publication Politico, “Now, that funding is being called into question. The senior administration official, who asked to remain anonymous in order to discuss internal matters, said the president wants to ensure U.S. interests are being prioritized when it comes to foreign assistance, and is seeking assurances that other countries are ‘paying their fair share.’”

And it was this story which two of the Democrats’ key witnesses, Tim Morrison and former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor testified alerted Ukrainian officials that the security assistance was being withheld.

Math majors will note that it took six weeks for the Ukrainian government to find out that U.S. security assistance was being evaluated by the Trump administration, a full five weeks after President Trump himself spoke with Zelensky. Not surprisingly, Zelensky has stated publicly that he did not feel pressured by the President to take any actions, largely because he was unaware that the U.S. was exerting any leverage on him to do anything.

Remember, a quid pro quo requires delivering goods in exchange for an acceptable payment.

After the oligarch who owns Burisma had his home raided by Ukrainian authorities in 2016, the company contacted the State Department asking why Washington, D.C. had made a determination that the company was corrupt, citing the fact that Hunter Biden served on the board, according to a response to a Freedom of Information Act request made by John Solomon.

An example of a quid pro quo in foreign policy would be former Vice President Joe Biden’s claim that he directly threatened to withhold $1.2 billion of U.S. loan guarantees to the Ukraine if their government did not fire their prosecutor who says he was investigating the natural gas firm Burisma. The very same company had recently added the Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden, onto its Board of Directors in a heavily compensated position.

That would be a quid pro quo.

But what Adam Schiff and his impeachment mob would have us believe is that Donald Trump, the man who wrote “Art of the Deal” forgot the most basic part of any negotiation — leveraging something those you are negotiating with by threatening something they desperately want or need.

The simple choice for the public is that you can believe that President Trump forgot to bring the hammer down on Zelensky in a phone call that he had every reason to believe would remain classified, or that the so-called quid pro quo is a figment of the imagination of the impeachment desperate far left House Democrats.

Occam’s Razor simply states, “The simplest solution is often the likely one.” In the weird case being manufactured by House Intelligence Committee to impeach Donald Trump, the American public is being asked ignore the simple explanation that the Ukrainian aid was withheld because the president wanted to ensure U.S. interests are being prioritized when it comes to foreign assistance, and is seeking assurances that other countries are “paying their fair share.”

The very complaint that the President voiced to Zelensky in the transcript of the July 25 phone call between the two men. Trump said, “I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing and they should be helping you more than they are. Germany does almost nothing for you… A lot of the European countries are the same way so I think it’s something you want to look at…”

To which Zelensky replied, “Yes you are absolutely right. Not only 100 percent, but actually 1000 percent and I can tell you the following: I did talk to Angela Merkel and I did meet with her. I alsmo met and talked with Macron and I told them they are not doing quite as much as they need to be doing on the issues with the sanctions. They are not enforcing the sanctions. They are not working as much as they should work for Ukraine. It turns out that even though logically, the European Union should be our biggest partner but technically the United States is a much bigger partner…”

One thing, if nothing else, is very clear, House Democrats demonstrate that foreign policy quid pro quos are acceptable as normal behavior to them due to their lack of outrage over the Biden brag which resulted in a giant yawn.

If there was an honest bone in the crumbling corpse of the House Democratic leadership, they would drop this increasingly bitter and divisive attempt to throw out President Trump. Sadly, it appears that House Democrats are bitterly clinging to the raw emotion of today.
Rick Manning is the President of Americans for Limited Government.
Tags: Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government, Quid Pro Quo, Becomes Quid Pro No, In Democrats,’ Impeachment Farce To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Today’s Trifecta Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:31 PM PST by Paul Jacob, Contributing Author: Three measures on ballots today are particularly worth watching.

Two issues in Washington State represent the only citizen-initiated measures out of 32 propositions voters will see in eight states: Washington Referendum 88 allows voters to re-decide the issue of racial and gender preferences, so-called “affirmative action,” while Washington Initiative 976 offers voters a chance to cap their vehicle taxes.

More than two decades ago, in 1998, Washingtonians passed Initiative 200 to end racial and gender preferences in state employment and education. This year, the state legislature enacted a virtual repeal of I-200, by allowing the state to employ such a preference provided it was not the “only factor” used.

Washington’s vibrant Asian-American community, which stands to be discriminated against should affirmative action return, rose up to petition Referendum 88 onto the ballot. A “yes” vote upholds the legislature’s new pro-preference policy; a “no” vote restores the prior voter-enacted policy prohibiting such preferences.

Initiative 976 is yet another effort from Tim Eyman, the state’s most prolific initiative practitioner. “This measure,” as the official summary states, “would repeal or remove authority to impose certain vehicle taxes and fees; limit state and local license fees to $30 for motor vehicles weighing 10,000 pounds or less, except charges approved by voters . . .”

Like virtually every Eyman initiative, powerful opponents have dramatically outspent supporters — by greater than a 6-to-1 margin — funding ads that have been less than truthful. Additionally, government officials have broken campaign laws in pushing a “no” vote.

Nonetheless, a mid-October poll showed 48 percent of voters support I-976 against 37 percent who oppose it. Could Eyman again thwart the state’s behemoth Blue Establishment?

Lastly, New York City voters will decide a ballot question on whether to use ranked choice voting in future primary and special elections for mayor, city council and other offices. It would mark a major victory for a reform growing in popularity.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.
Paul Jacob (@Common_Sense_PJ ) is author of Common Sense which provides daily commentary about the issues impacting America and about the citizens who are doing something about them. He is also President of the Liberty Initiative Fund (LIFe) as well as Citizens in Charge Foundation. Jacob is a contributing author on the ARRA News Service.
Tags: Paul Jacob, Common Sense, Today’s Trifecta To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Missed Opportunities Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:57 PM PST While Democrats Obsess Over Impeachment, Critical Congressional Business To Boost Our Economy And Support Our Troops Is Falling By The Wayside
“The latest political brawl in Washington leaves a pile of policy priorities among the feared casualties … With the Democratic-led House moving forward with an impeachment inquiry into President Trump, members of both parties worry that the goals Congress set for itself this fall may slip even further out of reach …” (“Impeachment Tension Overshadows Legislative Progress in Congress,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/27/2019)
REP. JEFF VAN DREW (D-NJ): “This is going to suck up the oxygen from the room…. when all that activity goes on, it is the focus of the media. It is the focus in the legislature. It is the focus of just about everybody in Washington.” (“Impeachment Tension Overshadows Legislative Progress in Congress,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/27/2019)Appropriations: ‘Senate Democrats Blocked A Defense Spending Bill For The Second Time’
“Senate Democrats blocked a defense spending bill for the second time on Thursday, underscoring the hurdles ahead of next month’s government funding deadline…. Democrats warned ahead of time that they would oppose taking up the bill …” (The Hill, 10/31/2019)
“On Thursday, the Senate couldn’t even get past the first procedural hurdle to begin debate on a package to fund the Pentagon and the departments of Education, Health and Human Services, State, Energy and Labor…. Senate Democrats overwhelmingly objected to starting debate …” (Politico Pro, 10/31/2019)SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The Democratic Leader, Senator Schumer, said at a press conference yesterday that his party intends to filibuster funding for our armed forces. Democrats have plenty of time and energy for their three-year-old journey to impeach this president. But they can’t get to yes on funding our servicemembers. That’s about as clear a statement of priorities as you get in this town. Just a few days ago, U.S. special forces executed a daring mission and took out the founder of ISIS. It was the clearest possible reminder that the national security of the United States and the missions of our service members do not pause for partisan politics. But less than a week later, for political purposes, Senate Democrats say they’ll refuse to secure future funding for those very missions.” (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 10/30/2019)

SEN. RICHARD SHELBY (R-AL), Appropriations Committee Chairman: “Unfortunately, my Democratic colleagues seem more focused on scoring political points than ensuring our military has the certainty and funding it needs to counter our adversaries. … Funding America’s military should be our priority – it should come first…. We cannot afford additional delay.  Our service men and women – those troops whom we have entrusted to keep us safe and protect our democracy – cannot afford additional delay.  We must not kick the can down the road when it comes to America’s military.” (U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, Press Release, 10/31/2019)

NDAA: ‘Dragging The Must-Pass Bill Into A Quagmire’
“Negotiators in the House and Senate say they are struggling to reach a compromise on several issues in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) … dragging the must-pass bill into a quagmire that has bedeviled multiple legislative efforts in recent years.” (The Hill, 10/27/2019)
“The 67-page bill covers authorizations for military construction projects, transfer authorities, special and bonus pay for troops, pay for civilians in conflict zones, authority to buy F-35 fighters jets … operations and maintenance for cyber capabilities, counter-ISIS authorities and authorization for the supply line for operations in Afghanistan, among others.” (“Senate Chairman Introduces ‘Skinny’ Defense Policy Bill,” The Hill, 10/29/2019)
The NDAA has been passed every year dating back to 1961.
“The annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has a legacy of regular passage. FY2019 marked the 58th consecutive year for which an annual defense authorization was enacted.” (“Defense Primer: Navigating the NDAA,” Congressional Research Service, IF10516, 11/16/2018)SEN. JIM INHOFE (R-OK), Armed Services Committee Chairman: “Failure to pass an NDAA and accepting a full-year CR would stop our Nation’s defense strategy in its tracks…. This is not just inside-the-beltway gridlock. The world is watching. Our allies and our enemies are watching. They want to know if America is serious about its role in the world and its own national defense. Failure to pass basic legislation on a timely basis to support our military sends a terrible signal that undermines our national security. Think of the signal that sends to our troops who are out there risking their lives to defend us here at home.” (Sen. Inhofe, Congressional Record, S6247, 10/29/2019)

SEN. DAVID PERDUE (R-GA), Armed Services Committee Member: “Right now, Democrats are holding up passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and defense appropriations bills … Democrats are once again trying not to fund the military. They are putting politics over our women and men in uniform. They would rather obsess over … impeachment proceedings and the border wall than negotiate in good faith to pass the NDAA and fund the military. This is absolutely reckless, because we still have more work to do in ending terrorism globally.” (Sen. Perdue, Op-Ed, “Even After ISIS Raid Dems Won’t Do This One Thing To Make US Safe,” Fox News, 11/03/2019)

‘USMCA Left Hanging As Clock Runs Out’
“With just a few weeks left in this year’s congressional calendar, prospects for passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) seem to be dimming by the day.” (“Why Trump Still Can’t Get USMCA Through Congress,” Foreign Policy, 10/23/2019)

“USMCA left hanging as clock runs out … President Trump hammered congressional Democrats yet again for dragging their feet on passing his administration’s signature trade agreement…. Along with Trump, other Republicans including Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley are calling foul, saying it is becoming less likely that the House Speaker will bring USMCA … up for ratification this year.” (“USMCA Left Hanging As Clock Runs Out,” Fox Business, 10/29/2019)

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY) and HOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADER KEVIN McCARTHY (R-CA): “The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement is unambiguously a win for America. It would create new jobs, expand export markets, strengthen protections for workers, and generate billions of dollars in new prosperity…. Mexico has ratified the agreement. Canada is waiting for us to take the lead. The U.S. Senate stands ready, willing and eager to pass it. There’s only one obstacle, which has been on full display in the last several days: House Democrats have been more interested in picking fights with the White House than clinching bipartisan victories for America.” (Sen. McConnell and Rep. McCarthy, Op-Ed, “House Democrats Resist a Win for American Workers,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/29/2019)

SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Senate Finance Committee Chairman: “The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives looks increasingly less likely to act this year on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. That threatens passage of the trilateral trade deal this Congress, as next year is a Presidential election year. It has been about a year since the updated trade agreement with Canada and Mexico was signed by the leaders of the three nations. It is a whole year, and Democrats have still failed to act.  Every day that passes, Americans are losing out on economic benefits of the USMCA. House Democrats seem to have no sense of urgency.” (Sen. Grassley, Congressional Record, S. 6068, 10/23/2019)

SEN. BEN SASSE (R-NE), Joint Economic Committee Member: “The USMCA deal, struck late last year, would help Nebraska agriculture. This is a free-trade win for farmers and ranchers that would provide secure market access, favorable trading terms and long-term stability. It would reinvigorate trade relationships with our friends while protecting against foul play by our adversaries, such as China. The only hang-up is that [Speaker] Pelosi needs to bring the trade deal to the House floor for a vote. Time is running out. If Pelosi doesn’t cut the politics and schedule a vote before the end of the year, farmers and ranchers will face 2020 with more confusion and uncertainty.” (Sen. Sasse, Op-Ed, “Speaker Pelosi Is Standing Between Nebraskans And Trade,” Omaha World-Herald, 10/26/2019)
Tags: Democrats, Missed Opportunities, >While Democrats Obsess Over Impeachment, Critical Congressional Business, To Boost Our Economy, And Support Our Troops, Is Falling By The Wayside To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
What Born-Again Kanye Might Do for America Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:14 PM PST Kanye West performs his “Jesus Is King” album at
The Forum on Oct. 23, 2019, in Inglewood, California.
by Daniel Davis : What happens when one of the kings of pop culture gets born again and starts dropping hard truths on progressive culture?

We’re about to find out.

The internet has been abuzz lately over Kanye West’s latest album, “Jesus Is King,” which was released on Oct. 25. It’s his first album since his public conversion to Christianity. He says he was “radically saved” and delivered from spiritual bondage back in April.

Those who have listened to Kanye over the years expect profanity and sexual innuendo in just about every song. “Jesus Is King” is a radical departure from that.

In fact, the album draws such a sharp break from his past work that the Twitterverse is already speaking of the “Old Kanye” and “New Kanye.” That’s a fitting binary, given the biblical distinction between the old and new man.

Kanye says he won’t perform his old music anymore, at least with the old profane lyrics. He even admitted to asking his team to fast and abstain from premarital sex during their time working on his latest album.

So what’s the big deal about this album? Christian rap has been around for years, and I’d venture to say some Christian rap artists rival the talent of Kanye—though they’ve never enjoyed the same accolades.

This album is unique, though. What makes it such a big deal is who’s rapping, and who’s listening. Kanye is now dropping explosive truth bombs into the culture, and the whole world is listening.

Influencer No. 1
Kanye is a quintessential A-lister, boasting nearly 30 million Twitter followers, 21 Grammy Awards, and more than 140 million records sold worldwide.

His wife is Kim Kardashian. His home life is broadcast to millions of people through “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” a top-rated reality TV show.

Kanye rose to the top of the heap for two reasons: his extraordinary musical talent, and his contrarian nature as a man who pushes the boundaries of acceptable thought.

Now, he’s leveraging both of those attributes for the gospel.

Recent interviews show he’s not concerned about losing fans on account of his faith.

“I only fear God,” he said in an interview with BigBoy TV, adding, “I’ve been canceled before they had cancel culture. I’ve done been killed so many times on social media, and I’m still here.”
Kanye when asked about being afraid of losing his audience:

“The same people that are telling you that you can’t have a right to say who you’ll vote for, those people will be soon to take Jesus out of school…

Those people will be soon to remove Jesus…PERIOD…from America.”— Courtney Holland 🇺🇸 (@hollandcourtney) October 25, 2019So far, he’s proving himself right. “Jesus Is King” has reached No. 1 on the Billboard 200, and it’s beating his last release of “Ye” in 2018.

The Wokeness We Need
Kanye’s newfound faith has made him something of a renegade in the culture war. He’s now doing exactly what we don’t expect from a rap artist: speaking out against abortion, the loss of fathers in the home, and the removal of God from schools.

He’s even called out the depravity of mainstream hip-hop.

In that interview, he waved a red flag: “Wake up culture. Everyone thinks they’re so woke, but they’re following the rules of what woke’s supposed to be.”

Therein lies the power of Kanye’s critique.

Kanye sees political correctness as an emperor with no clothes, a zombie-like form of groupthink that leads people to speak, act, and vote against the truth and for an empty, bankrupt standard of virtue.

What he’s doing is calling BS on the spirit of our age. In place of it, he’s pointing us back to the God who made us, and toward a recovery of the things so central to human flourishing that we’ve neglected in the modern age: family, community life, and actual virtue.

In his album’s most controversial song, “Closed On Sunday,” he treats Chick-Fil-A as an avatar for what we need on a mass level: the drawing of boundaries to protect the most important things. You might even call it a kind of “Benedict option.”

In verse 1, he dethrones culture and confesses his allegiance to Christ:

Follow Jesus, listen and obey/No more livin’ for the culture, we nobody’s slave.And then the chorus:Stand up for my home/Even if I take this walk alone/I bow down to the king upon the throne/I know that I am no longer my own.

I draw the line, it’s written in the sand/Try me and you will see that I ain’t playin’/Now, back up off my family, move your hands/I got my weapons in the spirit’s land.
These are the words of a husband and father standing up to the lies of libertine culture, lies he has bought into and even helped propagate for years. He knows the damage they bring and the threat they pose to his kids. So he says “no more.”

And so should we.

This is wokeness in the truest sense—being wide awake to the unique threats that our homes, families, and our very souls face in the modern world.

Kanye has always been ahead of the cultural curve. He’s been at the forefront of culture-making for years. If he’s become disenchanted with the state of our culture, perhaps his millions of followers aren’t far behind.

If so, Kanye may just be the voice our culture needs to lead it out of its present dysfunction. He’s only 42. It will be exciting to watch.
Daniel Davis (@JDaniel_Davis) is the commentary editor of The Daily Signal and co-host of The Daily Signal podcast.
Tags: Daniel Davis, The Daily Signal, What Born-Again, Kanye West, Might Do for America To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Sentence First, Crime Later? Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:44 PM PST by Dr. Ron Paul: Attorney General William Barr recently sent a memo to law enforcement officials announcing a new federal initiative that would use techniques and tools developed in the war on terror, such as mass surveillance, to identify potential mass shooters.

Those so identified would be targets of early interventions, which would include the disregarding of Second Amendment rights, as well as the imposing of mandatory counseling and involuntary commitment.

The program would likely match data collected via mass surveillance with algorithms designed to identify those with mental problems that would lead them to commit violent crimes. So, this program would deprive Americans of respect for their rights not because they committed, or even threaten to commit, a violent act but because their tweets, texts, or Facebook posts trigger a government algorithm.

In order to enhance the government’s ability to conduct mass surveillance, Barr has been trying to force tech companies to allow the government to have a “backdoor” for accessing electronic information. This would allow the government to read all messages — even those that are encrypted, making it all but impossible to escape the government’s watchful eye.

Many mental health professionals admit that diagnosing mental health issues involves a degree of subjectivity. So how can we trust a government-designed computer algorithm to accurately identify those with mental health problems? The answer is we can’t. Barr’s program will no doubt result in many individuals who are not a threat to anyone being deprived of respect for their rights. The program will also fail in detecting future mass shooters.

Some mental health professionals argue that holding certain political beliefs is a sign of mental illness. Not surprisingly, federal agencies like the FBI agree that those expressing “anti-government extremism”— like supporting a constitutional republic instead of a welfare-warfare state — are potential threats.

A recent internal FBI memo warned that a belief in “conspiracy theories” is a sign that someone could be a domestic terrorist. “Conspiracy theorist” is an all-purpose smear used against anyone who questions the government’s official narrative on an event or issue. Tying a belief in “conspiracy theory” to terrorism is an effort to not just stigmatize but actually criminalize dissenting thoughts on matters such as foreign policy, climate change, gun control, and the Federal Reserve.

Some people support using political beliefs as a basis for labeling someone as “mentally disturbed” because they think it will mainly affect “right-wing extremists.” These people are ignoring the FBI’s history of harassing civil rights and antiwar activists, as well as the recent controversy over the FBI labeling “black identity extremists” as a threat.

A government program to monitor electronic communications to identify potential mass shooters puts all Americans at risk of losing their liberty due to their political views or a few social media posts. All those who value liberty must oppose this dangerous program.
Dr. Ron Paul (@ronpaul), Chairman of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, is a former U.S.Congressman (R-TX) for 21 years. He twice sought the Republican Party nomination for President. As a MD, he was an Air Force flight surgeon and has delivered over 4000 babies. Paul writes on political and economic theory, American, foreign, domestic, and monetary policies, the military-industrial complex, the War on Drugs, the Federal Reserve, and compliance with the U.S. Constitution.
Tags: Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, Sentence First, Crime Later? To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Trump: Putting the Option in Adoption Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST by Tony Perkins: “Leaving the hospital without my daughter was the single hardest thing I’d ever done,” Adrian remembers. She thinks about watching the hospital clock tick down to the moment she’d have to say goodbye. In those final minutes, she thought her heart might shatter. “I was broken.” She swaddled the tiny fingers and toes one last time before a hand came to rest on hers. It was her adoption social worker. Adrian looked into her face and knew she was doing the right thing.

This wasn’t supposed to happen to people like her. A junior at a Christian college, Adrian remembers the terror of holding a positive pregnancy test in her hands. “I recoiled in fear and shame,” she says. How would she explain this to her parents? “I held several leadership positions at the Christian university I attended. I was a Resident Assistant in a dormitory. I was an editor for our campus newspaper, and editor-in-chief of our school magazine. I was an A-student… An unplanned pregnancy was not part of my meticulously planned life… Loneliness enveloped me.”

Scared about her friends’ reactions and losing her positions at school, she hid her pregnancy for the entire spring semester. She dreamed about life as a mom, but over time, Adrian admits, “those dreams faded with the realization that I wasn’t prepared to be a parent. At the time, I wasn’t capable of giving my baby everything she deserved. In the end, my boyfriend and I made the heart wrenching decision to move forward with an adoption plan.”

If she couldn’t keep the baby, then Adrian says the one thing she could control was who could. Since it was her choice to carry her daughter to term, she wanted the freedom to choose the parents. It was her deepest desire to put her baby in a home with a married mom and dad who “shared the same Christian faith and family goals that I did.” Having that choice, she explains, gave her peace. “The moment I walked into Hope’s Promise, a faith-based adoption agency located in Castle Rock, Colorado, I knew I’d found a safe place.”

Years later, the thought of someone taking that away from her — or any young mom — is horrifying. “Birth moms have a right to have their voices heard,” she insists. When liberal activists started punishing adoption agencies for placing kids in homes with matching beliefs, Adrian refused to stay silent. She watched as the dominos started to fall in places like Philadelphia, Massachusetts, Illinois, California, and D.C. where groups like Hope’s Promise were given a choice: start ignoring the wishes of moms like Adrian, pay crushing fines, or shut down. Every woman who makes the courageous decision to give up her baby “deserves the same right to choose which agency will represent her in the adoption process.”

The Trump administration couldn’t agree more. And on Friday, the first day of National Adoption Month, HHS kicked off the celebration by announcing a change years in the making. For the first time since Barack Obama, adoption agencies won’t have to violate their faith — or parents’ wishes — in placing kids. Under a new rule proposed by the president’s team, faith-based providers will be able to continue to serve their communities in a manner consistent with their religious beliefs.

That doesn’t mean same-sex couples can’t adopt children. The liberal media — and its hysterical headline writers — would love for you to believe that. But this rule has nothing to do with outlawing gay adoption or discrimination of any kind. The same adoption agencies that matched other families with kids before this bill will still be matching them with kids after. That’s because this debate has never been about banning LGBT adoption — it’s about letting everyone operate by their own set of beliefs.

“Choosing to place your child for adoption is the hardest decision that I’ve ever made,” birth mom Kelly Clemente says, “but what gave me reassurance was that at least I had control over the family that I was choosing. And for me that did include faith. They were committed to raising that child in a Christian home. I can understand why people might perceive that as intolerance, but what I would tell them is that when you’re pregnant, that child is yours. If your priority is matching that family’s faith to yours, that’s your prerogative.”Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), one of the biggest champions of religious freedom in adoption and foster care, wants people to know, “This is not a fight that conservatives or the faith-based community started… The Left’s faith-shaming cannot be permitted to close the doors of one more adoption or foster care center in our country. For all the parents and providers who have been targeted and bullied by activists both inside and outside of government, [this] is a sign of hope.”

For more on the debate and what this new rule would mean for parents and charities, check out Mary Beth Waddell’s new Townhall column.
Tony Perkins (@tperkins) is President of the Family Research Council . This article was on Tony Perkin’s Washington Update and written with the aid of FRC senior writers.
Tags: Tony Perkins, Family Research Council, President Trump, Putting the Option in Adoption To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
Benghazi Survivor Tig Tiegen Speaks Out Against Dems’ Gun Control Schemes Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:25 PM PST by NRA-ILA: Benghazi survivor and veteran John “Tig” Tiegen says veterans are increasingly concerned that gun confiscation schemes like the one Beto O’Rourke pushed could leave them defenseless. Tig, who now advocates for veterans through his foundation Beyond the Battlefield, says veterans who struggle with PTSD fear that gun control advocates are coming for their guns. Tig, a proud NRA member, warns veterans to not be complacent about their rights.

Q. What are you hearing from Democratic presidential candidates that has you so concerned?

A. It’s a whole lot of gun control from that crowd, everything from red flag laws to outright confiscations and bans of our firearms. Many veterans already feel like we’re being targeted because of PTSD and other issues. My foundation is working with a veteran right now who won a small .22 cricket rifle at one of our foundation retreats, and when he went to process the rifle at a gun store, he failed the background check. Turns out, it was because he had listed his wife as his fiduciary to help him manage his VA benefits. Under the Obama administration, the VA automatically reported any veteran using a fiduciary as “mentally defective” – a disqualifying factor for firearm ownership – with no judicial finding of dangerousness. A fiduciary is simply someone who helps a person manage their finances. It’s been a year since he was denied, and we’re still working to get his gun rights restored. This guy was in special forces and is an NRA instructor – the last person you should be worried about with a firearm. We see things like this all the time. We’re just very concerned that things like this will be used against us.

Q. Are you concerned that this amped up talk of gun control could make it less likely for veterans dealing with mental health issues to seek help?

A. Of course. Veterans want to be able to protect their families and a lot of them, like myself, live out in the middle of nowhere, so we rely on our firearms. But anytime we seek help through a Veterans Affairs hospital, it’s all well-documented, and if records get shared with NICS [National Instant Criminal Background Check System] we could lose our rights. Already, a lot of veterans are worried they’ll lose their gun rights if they seek treatment, so, yes, if we see an increase in veterans targeted by gun control laws, they will be even less likely to seek help.

Q. What do you think is really behind the push for these new gun control laws?

A. I think they are driving toward a national gun registry so when they do want to come and confiscate our guns they will be able to do it because they’ll know what guns we have. The truth is, a lot of gun control schemes aren’t enforceable without a gun registry.

Q. How can family, friends, and co-workers be supportive and helpful of veterans who may be dealing with PTSD?

A. If you think your friend or veteran buddy is vulnerable to harming themselves, the first step is always to get them aside and talk openly about what’s going on and what the next steps might be. Let them know you’re there for them. If you see something on their social media accounts that looks off, reach out to them. A lot of guys have gotten help because they posted something.
NRA-ILA article.
Tags: NRA-ILA, NRA, ILA, Vets, veterans, NRA Members, Benghazi Survivor, Tig Tiegen, Speaks Out, Against Dems’ Gun Control Schemes To share or post to your site, click on “Post Link”. Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service and “Like” Facebook Page – Thanks!
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November 06 2019
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Last Night Wasn’t Great for Republicans Jim Geraghty Making the click-through worthwhile: Tallying the score from another election night that disappointed Republicans; how the GOP traded working-class whites for suburbanites in 2016 and continues to live with the consequences of that trade; an ABC News anchor blurts out the shocking truth about the network’s coverage of Jeffrey Epstein; and network news divisions are once again revealed as seas of sexually predatory sharks. It Sure Would Be Nice If Republicans Could Compete in the Suburbs Again For the third straight year, Republicans had a mostly disappointing Election Day. In Kentucky, Republicans romped in almost all the statewide races, but governor Matt Bevin appears to have lost the governor’s race by about 5,000 votes. (As of this writing, he has not conceded; there may be a recanvass and, if Bevin is willing to shoulder the costs, a recount.) When an incumbent runs ten or more points behind the rest of the ticket, it usually points to a … Read More ADVERTISEMENT Top Stories English Is the International Language of Success — Except in California Sheri Annis Although efforts to undo Prop. 227 have been largely successful, the momentum toward English has not slowed to a stop. It’s imperative for parents, often those with the least power, to advocate for their children. Warren and Trump Have More in Common Than You Think Jonah Goldberg Warren’s catchphrase, “I’ve got a plan for that,” has as much cultural resonance with her base as Trump’s “Make America Great Again” does with his. Tuscon Voters Kill Sanctuary City Proposal Mairead McArdle The politically fraught plan would have restricted the ability of police to enforce immigration laws and cooperate with federal authorities. ADVERTISEMENT The Quest to Ban Selective Abortion Alexandra DeSanctis A new federal bill would prohibit abortions chosen because a fetus has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. The IRS at the Breaking Point Daniel J. Pilla The system has reached a dangerous level of complexity that neither taxpayers nor the agency itself are properly equipped to handle. It is now in danger of collapsing under its own weight. Against Gender-Neutral Bathrooms   Madeleine Kearns Colleges and businesses are spending millions of dollars in accommodating the demands of activists at the expense of the privacy, hygiene, and camaraderie of an established and objective majority — females. The Alt-Center Michael Brendan Dougherty The liberal world order is kludgy and in search of a greater purpose and mission. But the world of 2019 is not so cataclysmic in comparison to the world of 2016 or 2014 or 2009 or even 1999. Suspect Arrested in Slaughter of Mormon Family Near Mexico Border Zachary Evans Three women and six children were gunned down by suspected drug cartel members on Tuesday in the state of Chihuahua. ADVERTISEMENT A message from SBE Council Arbitration Will Only Make Things Worse The last thing a patient needs after getting hit by a surprise medical bill is to face a complex, confusing “arbitration” process. Congress can protect patients from surprise bills and lower costs by avoiding arbitration. LEARN MORE Photo Essays Bonfire Night Defending America ADVERTISEMENT Follow Us & Share 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY, 10036, USA
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From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann

FIRST READ: Here’s what the GOP’s rough election night in Virginia and Kentucky means (and doesn’t mean) for 2020

Yesterday, we wrote that Democrats would have a good or even a great night if they flipped both legislative chambers in Virginia and won Kentucky’s gubernatorial contest.

And it looks like they had a good or even a great night.


REUTERS/Harrison McClary

Democrat Andy Beshear is the apparent winner in Kentucky, leading Republican incumbent Gov. Matt Bevin by about 5,150 votes with 99 percent reporting, per NBC News. (Bevin has not conceded, saying the race is too close to call and citing unnamed “irregularities.”)

And Democrats flipped both the House of Delegates and the state Senate in Virginia, giving the party full control of both legislative chambers and the governors’ mansion for the first time in more than two decades.

The bright spot for Republicans: GOP Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves is the apparent winner of the governor’s race in Mississippi, leading Democrat Jim Hood by more than five points in a state Trump won by nearly 18 points.

If Bevin’s surprising victory in 2015 was a canary in the coal mine for 2016 (that a highly unpopular figure could win a political upset fueled by rural voters), is his defeat a canary in the coal mine for 2020 (that a highly unpopular politician might have a difficult time winning re-election)?

After all, Bevin has been one of the least popular governors in the country. As recently as last month, a Morning Consult poll found him at 34% approval/53% disapproval — the second worst gubernatorial rating nationwide.

Also, for all the talk that impeachment would galvanize Republican voters, that didn’t necessarily play out in Kentucky’s gubernatorial race.

(Another factoid that will make Dems smile today: In each of the last four off-year gubernatorial elections in Kentucky, the party that won went on to win the presidential race nationwide one year later: Republican Ernie Fletcher won in 2003, Democrat Steve Beshear won in 2007 and again in 2011, and Republican Matt Bevin won in 2015.)

Still, Democrats shouldn’t get TOO carried away with the Kentucky results last night.

As the Cook Political Report’s Jennifer Duffy wrote on Twitter before NBC called the race: “KY just elected the first Republican attorney general since 1948 and the first African-American attorney generals in the state’s history. This is one piece of evidence that if Bevin loses, it’s about Bevin and not some sign that there are bigger factors at work.”

(If you’re a Republican senator, are you taking some solace this morning in the fact that OTHER Republicans who weren’t styled after Trump as much as Bevin did just fine last night?)

All of that said, Tuesday was a rough night for the GOP. And a good or even great night for the Dems.

One other message for Democrats out of the Kentucky results

The nationalized Kentucky race often felt like it was all about Trump — but don’t lose sight of one of Beshear’s most important strategies, either: Staunchly defending Obamacare.

While Beshear’s apparent win has Democrats cheering, it also could be a reminder to the party’s Medicare for All backers that a more moderate health care stance is what pulled a Democrat over the edge in a red state last night.

In other words: you can take defending Obamacare anywhere in the country and win. But you can’t do the same with Medicare for All.

DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… zero.  


That’s the number of Republicans who will represent Virginia’s Fairfax County in 2020 at either the state OR congressional level, Dave Wasserman notes. 

It’s a stunning turnaround for Fairfax — an affluent and increasingly diverse county just outside of Washington, D.C. Republican presidential candidates regularly won the county from 1968 until 2004. 

And it’s yet another sign of GOP weakness in fast-growing suburbs, where animosity toward Trump has run up the Democratic score in the 2018 and now the 2019 elections. 

(By the way, don’t ignore the Democratic downballot victories in Pennsylvania last night, either.) 

Impeachment inquiry update: Sondland changes his story

Well, this seems like a significant… refreshment. 

In an “supplemental declaration” provided to House investigators on Monday and released yesterday, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland said that other witnesses’s testimony have now “refreshed [his] recollection” about conversations involving aid to Ukraine. 

The key excerpt: 

“I now recall speaking individually with [top adviser to the Ukrainian president] Mr. Yermak, where I said that resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks.”

Three things strike us about this new development: 

One: This makes Sondland’s admission the FOURTH confirmation of a quid pro quo involving aid to Ukraine, adding to  the Kurt Volker text messages, Bill Taylor’s testimony, and Tim Morrison’s testimony.

Two: While the White House is already dismissing the importance of Sondland’s new statement — the president will have a hard time sticking him with the “Never Trumper” label he’s given other witnesses.  Sondland is an Oregon hotelier who gave $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee before becoming a diplomat. And just last month, Trump called him “a really good man and great American.”

And three: Despite Republican complaints about the Democrats’ impeachment interview process, doesn’t Sondland’s “supplemental declaration” give some fuel to Democrats’ argument that each witness’s testimony should be largely kept under wraps until the investigation is more complete? 

After all, Sondland just did what Democrats have said they feared from too much public disclosure — adapting his testimony to match what others have already told investigators. 

TWEET OF THE DAY: Money talks?


2020 VISION: Biden hits back after Warren’s ‘wrong primary’ jab

Joe Biden is out with a forceful response to Elizabeth Warren’s jab last week that he’s “running in the wrong primary,” NBC’s Mike Memoli reports. 

Without specifically naming Warren — but still directly referencing the comment — Biden writes in a Medium post that her critique is “condescending” and reflective of an “angry unyielding viewpoint that has crept into our politics.”

More, from the post: “Some call it the “my way or the highway” approach to politics. But it’s worse than that. It’s condescending to the millions of Democrats who have a different view.

It’s representative of an elitism that working and middle class people do not share: ‘We know best; you know nothing’. ‘If you were only as smart as I am you would agree with me.'”


REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein/File Photo

On the campaign trail today: Michael Bennet and Amy Klobuchar are both set to file for the New Hampshire primary… Andrew Yang is also in the Granite State… Tom Steyer is in Milwaukee… and Donald Trump holds an evening rally in Louisiana in advance of next week’s gubernatorial runoff. 

Dispatches from NBC’s embeds: In New Hampshire, NBC’s Amanda Golden and Julia Jester report that Julián Castro will not be filing for the primary in person, as is tradition. This comes amid Castro’s campaign laying off their staff in New Hampshire. Kamala Harris also had a surrogate file in her place after laying off much of her New Hampshire staff.

THE LID: States of play

Don’t miss the pod from yesterday, when we previewed the big contests in Kentucky, Mississippi and Virginia.

ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss 

The Washington Post finds that some of Trump’s properties are facing significant financial declines. 

Trump accuser Summer Zervos says that newly unsealed phone records corroborate parts of her story.

The Republican National Committee paid to generate phone calls to congressional offices in the effort both to shape public opinion about impeachment and to jam up the lines, the New York Times reports. 

Courtney Kube got an up-close look at the troops who are moving into northern Syria to help guard oil fields. 

Thanks for reading.

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Chuck, Mark, and Carrie


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Eye Opener A heavily armed person possibly connected to the murder of nine Americans in Mexico has been detained. Also, Democrats declare victory in the Kentucky governor’s race and win control of Virginia’s legislature. All that and all that matters in today’s Eye Opener. Your world in 90 seconds. Watch Video +
New details in Mexico massacre Watch Video +
Pregnancy marketing scheme called “intrusive” and “hurtful” Read Story + Family attacked in Mexico has had “a few run-ins” with drug cartels Read Story +
Gerardo Parra on how “Baby Shark” became the Nationals’ anthem Watch Video + Minnesota youth find healing from trauma through the arts Watch Video +
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VA woman who flipped off Trump in motorcade wins election Karen Townsend SCOTUS to consider taking on Sandy Hook lawsuit Jazz Shaw CNN: Suspect arrested in Mexico massacre of Americans Ed Morrissey How did Bevin let Kentucky slip away? (If he did) Jazz Shaw ADVERTISEMENT Join the fight — and join the team! Ed Morrissey Rand Paul: Subpoena the ‘whistleblower’ — as a material witness to Bidens’ corruption Ed Morrissey Virginia Roberts’ attorney: ABC’s Amy Robach had it right the first time John Sexton Never Trump? Number who say there’s nothing Trump could do to get them to approve of his performance reaches new high Allahpundit NYT: RNC funds automated calls to flood Democrat offices Karen Townsend 11,000 Scientists: The Green New Deal won’t cut it, we need population control John Sexton Senate Dems to Kennedys: Pound sand Ed Morrissey Trump Jr: My favorite Democrat is Mitt Romney Allahpundit The alternative to identity politics John Sexton Mayor Pete not so lovable after his numbers start to rise Jazz Shaw Welcome to our nightmare, UK: Russia collusion in Brexit referendum? Ed Morrissey The system is rigged: Sean Spicer advances on “Dancing With the Stars,” thanks to Trump Allahpundit Warren’s plan to fund Medicare for All is fantasy math John Sexton Today’s hot #TEMS topics: ABC’s shame, Bidens’ game, 2020 Dems reframe, impeachment blame, and more! Ed Morrissey How to edit like the Gray Lady Jazz Shaw Hoo boy: Gordon Sondland reverses, now telling House investigators there was a quid pro quo with Ukraine Allahpundit Hmmm: Arrested Giuliani associate offers House testimony in Ukraine-Gate Ed Morrissey Nationals catcher dons MAGA hat, angry left loses its mind Karen Townsend Terminator: Dark Fate bombed at the box office, was woke messaging to blame? (Update) John Sexton Bagging it in Baltimore Jazz Shaw Uh oh: Hunter Biden’s name pops up in 2016 State Dept e-mails discussing pressure to end Burisma corruption probe Ed Morrissey Tucson rejects sanctuary city status Jazz Shaw LATEST HEADLINES Jim Jordan “Whistleblower” must testify under oath and in person William Galston Elizabeth Warren’s health-care plan is a political suicide note WaPo After a summer of panic, fears of a U.S. recession ease a bit NYT Biden attacks Warren as a “my way or the highway” elitist WaPo DOJ trying to finish report on Russia probe before Thanksgiving Thorin Klosowski Personalization has failed us The Hill Democrats give Warren’s “Medicare for All” plan the cold shoulder Politico Republicans on Sondland impeachment bombshell: Who cares? Rosie Gray Why don’t you believe Tulsi Gabbard? The Hill Democrats win control of Virginia legislature for first time since 1994 Study Finds Study: When sex is on our minds, lying comes naturally S.R. de Arellano As a Latino, I no longer feel safe in Trump’s America. So I’m leaving it. McClatchy Trump’s well-oiled campaign has everything planned — except Trump Nathan Gonzales A year out, four scenarios for the 2020 elections Steven Rattner The Warren way is the wrong way, Democrats David Hines Conservatives need to stop sending so many pundits to college campuses Cook Political Breaking: Democrats projected to win KY governor’s race, flip VA senate Ronald Brownstein Evangelicals and non-evangelicals: The divide in white working-class support for Trump Jonathan Last Medicare for All is Warren’s version of “Mexico will pay for the wall” Rauch, LaRaja Too much democracy is bad for democracy ADVERTISEMENT
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