Good morning! Here is your news briefing for Monday June 17, 2019
Bolton: America Willing to Talk to Iran But Ready to Retaliate By Bill Gertz Josh Hawley Versus the Machine By Charles Fain Lehman Buttigieg Repeats Call for Northam, Fairfax to Resign By Cameron Cawthorne Please Visit and Support Our Sponsors Atheists Drop $1 Billion Church Suit By Bill McMorris Israel’s Right Resists Unity At Its Own Risk By David Isaac This Father’s Day, Thank Dad for His Hard Work By Charles Fain Lehman A Short but Shining Path By Nic Rowan Ocasio-Cortez: Biden’s Answers on Touching Haven’t ‘Convinced All Women’ By Cameron Cawthorne You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website. Copyright © 2019 Free Beacon, LLC, All rights reserved. To reject freedom, click here. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. |
Jun 17, 2019
Good morning from Washington. The Trump administration’s new health
care rule will help employees of small businesses and help undo some of
the damage Obamacare inflicted on the insurance market, writes Bob
Moffit. Who knew a mayoral election could get so
heated? Fred Lucas, who traveled down to Texas to report the story,
shares the strange case of a southern town where the arrests are piling
up. Plus: Joshua Nelson on the absence of too many dads in black
families, and Kelsey Bolar on why women may be drawn
to socialism.
Special Feature
Arrests Later, a Texas Town Is Torn Apart Over Voter Fraud
“Down here, voter fraud is not all that unusual,” says Richard
Monte, a city planning consultant. “It’s unusual when they get
Expansion of Health Reimbursement Accounts Improves Health Care Choices
This change will expand health insurance coverage and also lower health care costs.
Victim Mentality Is Pushing Women Toward Socialism
When women are told enough times that they’re oppressed victims who
need expansive government programs to address structural inequalities,
they’re likely to start believing it.
on Black Male Mental Health Highlights the Importance of Fathers
Dr. Curtis Longs, a staff psychiatrist of the Juvenile Assessment
Center of Wayne County, said almost all of the young black males he’s
encountered in a juvenile detention facility had never met or barely
know their father.
Backing Abortion Should Be Careful What They Wish For
When Dick’s Sporting Goods decided it would enter the gun control
debate by refraining from selling what it referred to as “assault-style”
firearms, it faced a boycott and a reported $150 million in lost sales
that year.
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The Resurgent’s Morning Briefing for June 17,2019
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Good morning, Here is all the news conservatives need to know to start their day. At 4pm ET, you can catch me on radio to bring you up to speed on developments throughout the day. You can listen live here. The Polls Aren’t the Problem “The polls are wrong,” they always scream. In 2016, everyone screamed that the polls were wrong. Actually, the Real Clear Politics polling average had Clinton beating Trump by 3.2% of the vote and she actually beat him by 2.1% of the vote. Of course, what mattered was state by state polling. In Michigan, Pennsylvania, and […] The post The Polls Aren’t the Problem appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » The Abortion Activist Media’s Heckler’s Veto is Terrifying Will Hurd is eminently qualified to address the cybersecurity conference known as “Black Hat.” He graduated from Texas A&M with a major in Computer Science and a minor in International Relations. He worked for the CIA for 9 years, including time as a field officer in Afghanistan. He speaks Urdu, which was useful when he […] The post The Abortion Activist Media’s Heckler’s Veto is Terrifying appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » All They Had to Do Was Not be Crazy Trump’s personal problems are myriad. He is as polarizing a figure as Democrats could have ever hoped to have in office if they were forced to run against an incumbent president. He’s petulant, thin-skinned, and unfocused to boot. Elected Republicans are largely uncomfortable associating too much with him, even while they try to walk the […] The post All They Had to Do Was Not be Crazy appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » It Was Only Sort Of About Steven Crowder I’ll be honest. I like Steven Crowder. I like edgy comedians generally and grew up with George Carlin, Eddie Murphy and Sam Kinison. Looking at their legacy content on YouTube, their content should probably have been removed with YouTube’s crackdown along with cuts from Blazing Saddles and Monty Python. But consistent standards are not really […] The post It Was Only Sort Of About Steven Crowder appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Some Journalists Aren’t Happy About Facebook Wanting to Assess Their Trustworthiness Facebook has its great share of problems, but could them assessing the trustworthiness of individual journalists be good? A lot of links and ads that circulate the popular social media platform have questionable origins and not just from some obscure conservative blogs. Leftists have their share of bad actors too. Here’s what the goals of […] The post Some Journalists Aren’t Happy About Facebook Wanting to Assess Their Trustworthiness appeared first on The Resurgent. Read in browser » Recent Items: Happy Father’s Day to All of You Real Dads Out There Truth Should Outweigh Narrative Accept It: AOC is 100% Right About This Meet the GOP consultants lobbying to advance AOC’s agenda in Congress The Left Is Turning on Nicholas Sparks for Refusing to Allow an LGBT Club at a Christian School Remember, you can listen to the Erick Erickson Show anytime and anywhere via WSB Radio, iTunes, Stitcher, and Soundcloud. As always, you can find pretty much anything and everything I’m writing about throughout the day via The Resurgent. Thanks for reading and tuning in. Erick Erickson THE RESURGENT Facebook Twitter Instagram Copyright © 2019 The Resurgent Media Group, LLC, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences |
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“Contentment makes poor men rich, Discontent makes rich men poor.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Good morning, Nearly 2 million Hongkongers on Sunday protested a controversial extradition bill and called on the city’s leader to resign. A day earlier, Hong Kong’s leader, Chief Executive Carrie Lam, said the bill would be suspended indefinitely, but not withdrawn. Sunday’s protest, which saw almost 29 percent of Hong Kong’s population participate, was the biggest in the city’s history. Read more here Trump Underscores Florida Governor’s Ban on Sanctuary Cities Mexico Detains Nearly 800 Illegal Immigrants in 4 Trucks, Government Says Israel Unveils New Settlement Named ‘Trump Heights’ on Golan Iran attempted to shoot down a U.S. drone arriving at the scene of two fuel tanker attacks in the Gulf of Oman, according to a Fox News report that cited a senior U.S. official. Read more San Francisco is being accused of systemic race-based discrimination in a lawsuit filed by 13 white police officers, who say they were passed over for promotion by the local police department because they are white. Read more The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service has begun to remind immigrants that if they receive any welfare benefits prior to becoming a citizen, their sponsors will be responsible for repaying the government. Read more It has been almost a year since the United States and the EU reached an agreement to eliminate tariffs on industrial goods. Talks with the EU, however, are an “early stage work in progress” and signing a new trade deal will take a while, according to Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. Read more A federal appeals court in California ordered an illegal alien who was captured during an immigration raid to be freed because the warrant used by U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement indicated only that agents were searching for employment records, not preparing a large operation involving mass arrests of unlawfully employed foreigners. Read more President Trump made fun of low attendance numbers at pro-impeachment rallies held across the nation. “Yesterday was the Radical Left Democrats big Impeachment day. They worked so hard to make it something really big and special but had one problem – almost nobody showed up,” the president wrote on Twitter. Read more President Trump has accused The New York Times of committing an “act of treason” over its recent report alleging that the United States is “stepping up digital incursions” on Russia’s electric power grid. Read more See More Top Stories Canada Must End Complicity in China’s Brutal Organ-Trafficking Regime By Maria Cheung The clock is ticking on Canada’s chance to enact important measures against organ trafficking. For the past two decades, the Chinese regime has been killing prisoners of conscience for their organs. The purchase and sale of human lives have become an industry, and Canada, among other developed countries, has been supporting it… Read more Orwell Explains How Socialists Alter Language to Alter History By Joshua Philipp Orwell wrote that through the alteration of the past, and by portraying the remaining memory of history as evil—or supportive only of the socialist regime—classic texts such as the American Declaration of Independence would be incomprehensible in their original context. People would be incapable of understanding them as they were originally intended… Read more See More Opinions Kamala Harris’s Socialist Ties By Trevor Loudon Democratic presidential primary front-runner Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) recently told reporters at a campaign stop in New Hampshire that she is “not a democratic socialist.” The next question should have been obvious: “Well, then, what kind of socialist are you?” Harris has been surrounded by socialists and communists her entire life—beginning with her staunchly Marxist father. Read more Terrorists linked to Iranian-backed Hezbollah were stockpiling bomb-making ingredients, including three tons of ammonium nitrate, in London in 2015 in what was described as a “secret British bomb factory,” the Daily Telegraph reported this week. The 2015 case was kept “hidden from the public” The Hezbollah Cover-Up, and Bruce Ohr Connection Copyright © 2019 The Epoch Times, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list or remove my account. |
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Monday, June 17, 2019 Trump on Foreign Intelligence On Sunday, ABC News aired a previously recorded interview with President Donald Trump which included the following exchange: STEPHANOPOULOS: Your campaign this time around, if foreigners, if Russia, if China, if someone else offers you information on opponents, should they accept it or should they call the FBI? TRUMP: I think maybe you do both. I think you might want to listen, I don’t, there’s nothing wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country, Norway, “We have information on your opponent.” Oh, I think I’d want to hear it. STEPHANOPOULOS: You want that kind of interference in our elections? TRUMP: It’s not an interference, they have information. I think I’d take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I’d go maybe to the FBI. If I thought there was something wrong. But when somebody comes up with oppo research, right, that they come up with oppo research. Oh, let’s call the FBI. The FBI doesn’t have enough agents to take care of it, but you go and talk honestly to congressmen, they all do it, they always have. And that’s the way it is. It’s called oppo research. ABC News Last Friday, Trump clarified his remarks, stating “Of course, you have to look at it… But of course, you give it to the FBI or report it to the attorney general or somebody like that. You couldn’t have that happen with our country, and everybody understands that.” AP News From the Left The left argues that accepting information from a foreign government would be criminal and harmful to American democracy. “Mueller opted not to charge Trump Jr. for accepting a meeting in which he expected to receive opposition research on Clinton and the Democrats from a Russian lawyer in 2016. But it was not because there was nothing potentially wrong with this; it was because Mueller decided it was unlikely that it could be proven Trump Jr. knew that it was illegal and/or that the information was something ‘of value’… [but] even if Trump Jr. was ignorant of the law, that defense doesn’t really fly with his father today — not after a two-year investigation probing exactly that issue.” Aaron Blake, Washington Post “When [White House senior advisor Jared] Kushner was asked whether he would call the FBI if he received an email offering the Trump campaign help from the Russian government, he refused to answer, saying it was a hypothetical question. Besides, he added, he never received the information he was promised the last time that offer was made. This is like asking someone who stole silverware from your house whether he would steal from you again and him responding it was a hypothetical question and, besides, the silverware he stole the first time turned out to be worthless. It’s unlikely you would invite him over again. However, Donald Trump is running for re-election in 2020.” Larry Noble, CNN Regarding Christopher Steele, a foreign national hired by the Clinton campaign in 2016, “‘You can pay a foreign national to provide you with services, so a campaign, for instance, could have a campaign attorney who is a Canadian citizen’… If this kind of seems like a loophole, experts pointed out that it would be really hard to run a campaign otherwise. It would mean having to worry if the campaign signs you printed came from a foreign company, or if the catering firm you hired had foreign workers. If a campaign is paying someone for work or services, they’re being compensated. But where that doesn’t happen, and a campaign is accepting a contribution — or ‘thing of value’ — from a foreign government, the question then is what’s in it for them?” Jen Kirby, Vox “Foreign dirt wouldn’t come from Norway or other stable democratic allies like Ireland, France, and England. It would come from corrupt authoritarian regimes that want to manipulate American democracy for their own ends. In 2016, the Russian government favored Trump because he appeared open to relieving U.S. sanctions on the country. What if Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf monarchies try to repay Trump’s support as president by meddling in 2020?… What if Chinese leaders try to push the election in his opponents’ favor, in hopes of ending the trade war?… Thanks to Trump’s actions, Americans risk inheriting a democracy where elections are playgrounds for foreign powers rather than an expression of citizens’ wishes.” Matt Ford, New Republic “Here is what a presidential president might have said: If there is one thing the past three years have shown, the only good answer to a foreign country offering dirt on your political opponent is to decline and immediately report the offer to the FBI. Our country is still enduring the fallout from Russian interference in 2016. It has cast a pall on my presidency and led to the indictment of former senior government and campaign officials. The last thing any president should do is encourage foreign meddling in our next presidential election… “It is important for me to be clear on this, because it is not only a question of me or my campaign potentially breaking the law. It is also a matter of principle. Our political differences matter less than our commitment to one another as citizens loyal to the same constitutional order and committed to defending it in a world in which other states, friendly or unfriendly, pursue their own national interests. As president, I will defend this principle from the same erosion of other norms we have seen as our politics have gotten sharper.” Editorial Board, Washington Post From the Right The right argues that the FBI should be notified, but accuses Democrats of double standards regarding foreign contributions to elections. “The good thing you can say for President Trump in this interaction is… that President Trump is the most honest president that we’ve ever had. He is. Call him honest Donald. You have Honest Abe and now you can have honest Donald. Why is he the most honest president? Because President Trump brags about doing all the bad things and thinking all the bad things that all the other presidents have also done but they’ve hidden. He’s open about it. He’s honest about it… “However, what this also means is then we need to articulate that it’s bad. You don’t want to incentivize foreign governments to spy on American citizens… You don’t want it to seem like the President of the United States is encouraging you to do that or offering you something in return. That’s not a good idea. It’s refreshing to hear a guy speak honestly but then it’s incumbent on all the rest of us to say right that’s true and that is honest, but we shouldn’t do that.” Michael Knowles, Daily Wire Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tweeted, “I believe that it should be practice for all public officials who are contacted by a foreign government with an offer of assistance to their campaign – either directly or indirectly – to inform the FBI and reject the offer… the outrage some of my Democratic colleagues are raising about President Trump’s comments will hopefully be met with equal outrage that their own party hired a foreign national to do opposition research on President Trump’s campaign and that information, unverified, was apparently used by the FBI to obtain a warrant against an American citizen.” Lindsey Graham, Twitter “You see, it’s perfectly fine to pay a foreign spy to use Russian government sources (including FSB agents) to put together opposition research on Trump. It’s also completely acceptable for the DNC to seek out help from Ukraine to come up with dirt on Paul Manafort in order to hurt Trump. But Trump answers a hypothetical honestly instead of choosing to lie like every other politician and it’s time to clutch the pearls… “There’s no moral, nor legal imperative that if a German (for example) offers documented wrongdoing by your opponent, you must immediately turn it over to the FBI and not use it. We live in a global society. Negative information about political candidates comes from all corners and travels far and wide via the internet. This is especially true given how internationally connected and active many Presidential candidates are. If someone does something untoward in a foreign country, it’s logical that a foreign source would be the one to find out.” Bonchie, RedState “If Russia is calling to give the president information about a political opponent, odds are it is making mischief. But what if the call relaying such information comes from, say, Canada? While it is possible that this could be nefarious, it is more likely that, like a good neighbor, Canada would be trying to warn the president about some peril to American interests… “In the 2016 election, Estonia did call President Obama’s administration to provide opposition research — specifically, to convey unverified intelligence that Russia might be channeling money into the Trump campaign. The Brits provided information too. So did the Aussies. So, according to former CIA director John Brennan, did a number of European governments. To be sure, these countries are our allies. But that hardly means they were concerned only for our well-being. Like Brennan, they had their own anti-Trump agendas. The foreign-affairs component of Trump’s populist platform seemed to be: better relations with Putin, NATO bashing, skepticism about American interventions and military commitments, and halting the U.S. taxpayer-funded gravy train for European security. Europeans did not like this, not one little bit.” Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review A libertarian’s take “The relevant question is not the nationality of a source offering ‘oppo research’ but the accuracy and relevance of the information. Another consideration is whether the information was obtained illegally—by hacking emails, for example. While the Supreme Court has said people have a First Amendment right to share illegally obtained information if they were not involved in the lawbreaking (something that news organizations frequently do), you might reasonably argue that they should also report such crimes when they become aware of them, which may be what Trump had in mind when he said he might contact the FBI ‘if I thought there was something wrong.’” Jacob Sullum, Reason On the bright side… Pakistani politician livestreams press conference with ‘cat filter’ on by mistake. The Telegraph Our volunteer team spends hours each night scanning the news, fact-checking, and debating one another, so your 5 minutes each morning can be well spent. If you’ve found value in our work, we welcome you to help sustain our efforts and expand our reach. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Share Tweet Forward Sign Up Here Copyright © 2019 The Flip Side, All rights reserved. You can unsubscribe from this list here. |
Daily Briefing Conservative News | Libertarian News | Commentary VISIT FROM OUR NEWSROOM Deep State Players Lash Out At Trump By Graham J NoblePoliticians of all stripes quickly learn how to avoid giving straight answers to questions. President Donald Trump is the first […] Click Here What America’s Thinking According to Rasmussen, Most Favor Minimum Wage of $10.50 Or Higher. Fox News Poll Gives Biden a 19 Point Lead When Comparing Democrat Contenders. Voters Doubt Impeachment Will Happen. Most Oppose ‘Sex Strike’ Over Abortion Laws, But 25% Undecided. Weighed and Measured – The Democrat Debates By Joe SchaefferNBC has announced the first Democratic debates of the 2020 presidential race, to be held in Miami on June 26 […] Click Here Washington Whispers Coming down the pipeline: Rumor has it that AOC is about to start taking on Pelosi and Schumer. Expect major decisions to come in from the Supreme Court this week. The left’s new gameplan will be to accuse Trump of not being willing to step down in 2024. Have elite colleges been taking and hiding foreign cash? You’re Never Alone: Tech Tyranny and Digital Despots – June 17 By Laura ValkovicTwo weeks ago, we looked at the newly announced Pokémon Sleep, a gaming device that, placed on your bed, will […] Click Here News Roundup We’ve Surfed The Web for You NYT: Pentagon, Intel Officials Have ‘Broad Hesitation’ To Tell Trump Details About Russia Operations, Sources Say Donald Trump and the Art of the Lie Buttigieg: It’s ‘Almost Certain’ America Has Had a Gay President Man Screams At Hasidic Jew In NYC: ‘Hitler Did Not Kill Enough’ ‘Rat Jews’ Trump asks Mulvaney to leave Oval Office for coughing during ABC interview Criminalizing the Nation: Tyranny for Every Driver? By Mark AngelidesA nation in fear is a nation controlled. The idea that regular folk should be made to feel like criminals […] Click Here WATCH NOW FEATURED LNTV |
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Morning Headlines
Supreme Court decisions could affect makeup of Congress for years

The Supreme Court faces decisions during its last two weeks of the term that could influence congressional districts for the next decade and make the justices an even larger topic in the 2020 presidential campaign. Read More…
Road Ahead: Border supplemental talks could overshadow regular appropriations

Congressional leaders are hoping this week will produce a breakthrough in negotiations over emergency funding for the migrant crisis at the southern border so they can pass it before the Independence Day recess. Read More…
Brooks wants more Republican women to run in 2020 — even if she won’t

The party that’s already lacking in women in the House is losing a giant in Indiana Republican Susan W. Brooks, who announced her retirement Friday. And for a party looking to take back the majority and diversify its ranks, the optics of her announcement could be problematic. Read More…
Want a more diverse Congress? Bite the bullet and raise the pay

OPINION — A closer look at what it takes to work in Congress today, along with who can afford to do it and the results those people have produced, would convince almost anyone that paying your congressman more than your plumber might make more than a little sense in the future. Read More…
New legislative affairs chief Ueland has his work cut out for him

Eric Ueland begins his new job Monday as President Donald Trump’s legislative affairs director, bringing with him hopes for a more productive working relationship between the White House and Congress as Trump heads into the final year of his first term. Read More…
This senator lost one son, but gained another

Father’s Day at Kevin Cramer’s house is “wonderfully chaotic,” as the senator puts it, even with grief still fresh. It’s not much different from any other weekend: Four kids and five rambunctious grandchildren running around, plus a big piece of meat on the grill — maybe a burger, maybe moose. Read More…
Justice Department sides with Treasury in blocking Trump tax returns

The Justice Department released an opinion Friday that backed up the Treasury Department’s decision not to give Congress copies of President Donald Trump’s tax returns, concluding that the “true aim” was to make the documents public and that “is not a legitimate legislative purpose.” Read More…
Could Donald Trump replace Sarah Huckabee Sanders with John Barron?

ANALYSIS | Sarash Huckabee Sanders’ legacy will include her fierce defenses of President Donald Trump and his often hard-line policies and false statements, and the end — for now, at least — of daily press briefings. Read More…
Ethics panel still investigating Grijalva on hostile work environment

The House Ethics Committee has requested documents from Arizona Democratic Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva as it continues to examine allegations into whether he cultivated a hostile work environment. Read More…
Sometimes Congress has slow weeks. This wasn’t one of them: Congressional Hits and Misses

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” Rep. Rob Wittman said a House Armed Services Committee hearing that went all night. Last week saw endless markups, the resurrection of Richard Nixon, bickering about Russian interference and “sex-starved males” on the House floor. Watch the video here…
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President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Monday, June 17, 2019
By R. Mitchell –
President Donald Trump will have lunch with Vice President Mike
Pence. Keep up with Trump on CDN’s President’s Schedule Page. President
Trump’s schedule for 6/17/19 All Times EDT: 12:30 PM Lunch with the Vice
President – Private Dining Room White House Briefing Schedule None
Content created by Conservative Daily News and some …
President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Monday, June 17, 2019 is original content from Conservative
Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary
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Read on » Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Blames Iran For Oil Tanker Attack By Evie Fordham – Saudi Arabia’s crown prince accused Iran on Sunday of carrying out Thursday’s attacks on two oil tankers near the globally important Strait of Hormuz. “The problem is in Tehran and not anywhere else,” Prince Mohammed told Arabic-language newspaper Asharq al-Awsat according to The Associated Press. “Iran is always the party … Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Blames Iran For Oil Tanker Attack is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » On the Stage: Tulsi Gabbard By Jose Montemayor – This is the fifth article of our “On the Stage” series, where the goal is to get to know each and every single candidate vying for the chance to take on President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 election as the Democratic nominee. As the first of the Democratic debates … On the Stage: Tulsi Gabbard is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more. Read on » See all breaking news, conservative commentary, political cartoons and more posted to CDN at our Home Page. Follow on Twitter Friend on Facebook Add on Google Plus Copyright © 2019 Conservative Daily News, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |
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University’s ‘Queer Bible Hermeneutics’ Course Examines ‘Queerness in the Church’ Pictures of Duke University Students Captured for Chinese Artificial Intelligence Research Department of Education Investigating Colleges for Allegedly Hiding Foreign Cash
William Jacobson: “Oberlin College warfare on Gibson’s Bakery shows “this can happen to anybody, it’s not just a campus phenomenon” — My
appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight discussing the massive jury
verdict: ‘These are the people who get up at 3 or 4 in the morning [to
go to work] when Oberlin students are just getting home'”
Kemberlee Kaye: “This seems relevant.”
Leslie Eastman: “We
celebrated Father’s Day in Colorado Springs. It was wonderful, being
away from the crazy that is California for 7 glorious days. I am
looking forward to a week away from #FakeNews and Trump Derangement
Drama…though I will remain on call, because you never know when big
news will break.”
David Gerstman: “The big news at LI is the verdict in
the Gibson vs. Oberlin case, which assessed the college $33 million in
damages against the family-owned business. But how is the media
covering this? On Twitter, New York Post op-ed editor, Sohrab Ahmari observed that
The Hill’s correspondent fudged the issue. The civil case, contrary to
what was reported in The Hill, was not about racial profiling. The
evidence showed that Gibson in fact did not profile and that is one of
the reasons that it won the case.”
Vijeta Uniyal: “Germany’s
leading national student associations have joined forces to fight the
anti-Israel boycott movement—Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)—on
college campuses. Perhaps the first student initiative of its kind in Europe, the alliance comprises groups from across the political spectrum.”
Miriam Elman: “This past Friday, a Palestinian Authority official—Radi Nasser—was reportedly removed from his post at
the education ministry, and was also fired from his position as council
chief of the West Bank village of Deir Kadis near Ramallah (and could
face even more retribution in the days ahead), all because a few Jewish
young men participated in the wedding celebration of his son. The four
Israelis, who were visibly religious Jews based on their dress, were
residents of nearly settlements and based on the available video tapes they
and other revelers at the wedding party appear to have had a great
time. But these kinds of Jewish-Arab get-togethers in the West Bank are
anathema to anti-Israel haters—and to those who support BDS. So, Nasser
is now claiming that he never invited the Jewish attendees and threw
them out of the party. Unfortunately, these kinds of responses to simple
neighborly relationships are nothing new. We posted on a similar
incident several years ago, when the Palestinian Authority arrested a
group of Palestinians after they accepted an invitation to a holiday
Sukkoth celebration in the West Bank town of Efrat, Palestinian Authority finally releases Palestinians arrested for visiting Jewish Sukkah.
It’s difficult to see how peace and coexistence can happen when
Palestinians are punished just for meeting with each other over a
holiday meal or a festive life event.”
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We Must Reject LGBTQ Craziness Becoming America’s Accepted Norm
Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am When small children have nightmares about being turned into the opposite sex, then schools pushing the LGBTQ agenda are effectively creating a state-mandated form of child abuse. Read More… The Forgotten Bargain that Made America Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am And the American people broke that bargain in 1913, sending the whole country downhill. Read More… The Unique and Tragic Case of Argentina Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am No other country has a potential to be so rich yet fails so abysmally — and not just once, but regularly and often. Read More… Conservatives Can Defeat Big Tech. Here’s How. Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am Dear big-name, successful conservative media figures: you hold the power to defeat online censorship. Read More… Americans Praising Hezb’allah and Iran are a Security Threat Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am Hezb’allah has an unusually sordid history of crime and terrorism. Read More… The Deep State Smear Machine is Gearing Up For Judge Moore Again Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am The Deep State Media and their allies in the government are preparing to attack Roy Moore in order to prevent him from running for the Senate. Read More… Recent Blog Posts Oberlin’s cultural rot went far beyond SJW politics into a ‘culture of theft’ Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am Over 80% of the shoplifting arrests in Oberlin, Ohio were Oberlin College students, who regarded townies as prey and had a “culture of theft” according to a 2017 student publication. Read more… China strategically withdraws in Art of War offensive Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am No one should underestimate China’s continuing determination to seek economic and geopolitical dominance. Read more… Rethinking hero status: Was Martin Luther King Jr. a monster? Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am Nobody really wants to believe that Martin Luther King Jr. was a shameful human being. Read more… Welcome to the new community of Trump Heights Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am When completed, should be another interesting Israeli residential town. As of now, there are no plans for a Trump Hotel or golf course. Read more… Beto getting a little desesperado Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am Happy trails to the Hispano-Irish Texan. Read more… Florida sets an important precedent Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am Governor DeSantis signs sweeping bill banning sanctuary cities. Read more… Mugged in broad daylight Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am Xi has to be feeling uncomfortable at missed opportunities Read more… ‘Russian Collusion:’ Time to stop Jun 17, 2019 01:00 am Finding that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election and proving that they colluded with the Trump campaign are two very different things. Read more… Obama playing dictator-in-exile from a kingly south of France palace? Jun 16, 2019 01:00 am At what point has Obama made enough? Not enough to halt a south of France luxury vacay as he and his minions politick around Europe’s leaders and meet Iran’s mullahs. Read more… A lefty discovers border checkpoints – and concludes Trump put them up there Jun 16, 2019 01:00 am Maybe they ought to get around the country a little more… Read more… ‘Experts’ wrong again: Trump tariffs have not penalized American consumers Jun 16, 2019 01:00 am For reasons that eluded the academics and globalist elites, the price for Donald Trump’s tariffs is being paid by China and oil exporting countries, not US consumers. Read more… NYT busted twice for fake news this weekend Jun 16, 2019 01:00 am Once people start dismissing anti-Trump news from the Times as risible because they know the paper has no scruples, its power is gone. Read more… Smackdown: Ben Rhodes gets owned on Iran by Texas GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw Jun 16, 2019 01:00 am Dan Crenshaw has Iran deal creator Ben Rhodes’s number. Read more… Victor Davis Hanson on The Case for Trump Jun 16, 2019 01:00 am A deliciously informative and an eminently readable take on the Trump ship of state as it tries to navigate around the depth charges laid by the treacherous Deep State armada. Read more… Why senators who lobby for eliminating the Electoral College should worry Jun 16, 2019 01:00 am Imagine if the “equality” principles Democrat senators scream about for the Electoral College were applied to the Senate. Read more… View this email in your browser American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. |
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Your daily update of new content from The Federalist Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray June 17, 2019 Yes, Senators Should Reject Judicial Nominees Who Compare Christians To The KKK By Nathanael Blake The battle of Bogren was about more than a judicial nominee for a district court in Michigan. It was a fight over whether Republicans will accept the mainstreaming of anti-religious bigotry. Full article Don’t Believe Joe Biden’s Weak Attempt To Save Face On China By Sumantra Maitra His flip-flops suggest that he remains troublingly clueless about the biggest geo-political peer rival and potential challenger to the United States. Full article Trump Administration Gets Smart On Pre-Existing Conditions By Christopher Jacobs Workers get portable insurance, and the chance to select their own plan, while businesses can avoid the paperwork and bureaucracy that comes with running a health plan for their employees. Full article Election Commissioner: Clinton Can Get Info From Foreigners, But How Dare Trump Think About It By Adam Mill When Clinton uses foreigners to meddle in elections, all the smart people argue it’s perfectly legal. When Trump hypothetically entertains the same idea, he’s an ‘enemy of the state.’ Full article Americans Need To Stop Sending Money Abroad While We Rack Up Trillions In Debt By Eduardo Lachica The United States, a debtor nation with a fiscal deficit pushing $22 trillion, can no longer be big daddy to the world and has to husband its resources more judiciously. Full article Claiming Racism, Illinois Democrat Cancels Local Civil War Re-Enactment By Elizabeth Bauer This is a fundamental culture clash with politicians being wholly unprepared for a new brand of politics in which even traditional family events become politicized, and one more piece of American heritage disappears. Full article The Iran Deal Echo Chamber’s Lies Prove Trump Is Right To Renegotiate Now By Jonathan S. Tobin As both the Europeans and Democrats seek to thwart Trump’s pressure on Tehran, Obama’s deceptions demonstrate the illegitimacy of a deal that must be scrapped. Full article New Jersey High School Bans, Confiscates Military Sashes At Graduation By Michele Blood When the school distributed gowns and sashes on Thursday morning, the graduates were surprised to be told of a new ban on non-school-issued regalia. Full article Is Joe Biden Going To Be Democrats’ Jeb Bush? By Chrissy Clark With over a year to go until the Democratic National Convention in 2020, is it too soon to be giving Joe Biden the spotlight? Full article The Media Are Trying Really Hard To Make Elizabeth Warren Happen By Warren Henry The mainstream media seem committed to helping Elizabeth Warren take out Bernie Sanders, but if they don’t want Biden to be the nominee they have to hurry. Full article Teddy Roosevelt Taught Us How To Break Up Monopolies Like YouTube By Jonah Gottschalk Remember Teddy Roosevelt when dealing with today’s Big Tech domination. We need to make a more competitive, less monopolistic environment. But can we? Full article How This Slave Descendant Celebrates Juneteenth In Alabama, And You Can Too By Christine Weerts ‘I have always loved listening to the stories from ‘old times,’ and I am proud of all my family has accomplished despite coming out of the horrible sin of slavery,’ says Betty Anderson, 69. Full article Why ‘Law And Order: Hate Crimes Unit’ Is The Show America Needs By David Marcus The new Netflix original mini-series exposes the dark heart of American hatred with all the trappings of ‘Law and Order’ we love. Full article THUNDERDOME: WARREN RISES IN THE WEST Good morning from the Pacific Time Zone, where the Warriors have lost, and as the dawn, Elizabeth Warren rises – and Kamala Harris sinks. Phil Klein. “The survey from the Los Angeles Times/UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies found a wide-open race in California, with Joe Biden leading the pack with 22% among likely Democratic voters, Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 18%, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 17%, Harris at 13%, and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 10%. Read more of The Transom by signing up for a free trial today. follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences |
Mon, June 17 |
EXCLUSIVE: Video From Hong Kong Depicts Brutality of China’s Tyranny On Sunday, nearly 2 million people marched the streets of Hong Kong to continue the protest of the controversial extradition bill that would allow people in Hong Kong to be arrested and extradited to mainland China for prosecution. The protesters argue that this bill could be used as a political tool to arrest and extradite political activists that oppose the Chinese government… |
OP-ED: It’s Time for Trump to Clean Out Corruption in the Military Justice System
When I served as a Navy
prosecutor in the early 1990s, the military justice system served
America well. We stood alongside warfighting commanders to instill good
order and discipline, with a goal of victory in combat. If a Marine did not report for duty, we prosecuted him. If… |
NOT A GOOD SIGN: Jim Acosta Posts Free Sections of His Book Online After Disastrous Bookstore Appearance CNN’s White House Correspondent Jim Acosta posted multiple sections of his new book on social media Thursday afternoon; publishing key excerpts following his botched bookstore appearance outside the nation’s capital.“From ‘The Enemy of the People’ – ‘We weren’t really human to them anymore. This was the climate of fear that Trump had created.… |
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Monday, June 17, 2019 |
The First Female to Walk the Moon Back in May, NASA revealed plans to go back to the moon by 2024. The mission is aptly named Artemis, after the Greek goddess of the moon. In a statement from NASA, “Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology. Now, she personifies our path to the Moon as the name of NASA’s program to return astronauts to the lunar surface by 2024, including the first woman and the next man. When they land, our American astronauts will step foot where no human has ever been before: the Moon’s South Pole.” They say it’s very likely a woman will be included in the mission and we could see the first woman walk on the moon. Among the possibilities, a former Army helicopter pilot, a marine biologist, an astronaut currently at the International Space Station, and a fighter pilot! Let’s Make A Deal This week Democratic and Republican leaders will meet again to discuss a spending deal in order to avoid automatic spending cuts in the fall. Both sides say they’re not close to a deal. From Politico: “…[Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell and [House Minority Leader Kevin] McCarthy — eager to avoid $125 billion in mandatory spending cuts to the Pentagon and domestic spending unless a deal is reached to boost those limits — have quietly tried to get the negotiations back on track, as have Democratic leaders. Yet White House officials remain skeptical that Democrats, who want to increase domestic spending despite a rapidly rising deficit, will agree to any proposed deal, no matter what Republicans put on the table. “Unless Democrats show a willingness to negotiate and come off their unrealistic and unaffordable spending increases, then these meetings are just summer theater and things won’t change much,” said an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity. Democrats, though, are equally as frustrated with Trump and the GOP leadership, noting that the president’s tax cut — his signature legislative achievement — is the reason for the growing deficit. They also point that Trump is wildly unpredictable in any negotiations, as even Republicans know, so that they don’t trust anything administration officials say unless Trump publicly endorses it.” Part of the spending bill is an increase in congressional members’ salaries. It’s tough sell to give yourself a raise when struggling to do your job. CNN reported, “The debate over the cost of living adjustment typically centers around a spending bill that funds the legislative branch, which Democrats were planning to bring to the floor as part of a current spending package. But they pulled out the legislative spending bill so Hoyer could have more time to sway members on both sides of the aisle.” Jon Stewart Continues to Seek Funds for 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund Last week actor and former Daily Show host Jon Stewart’s impassioned congressional subcommittee testimony went viral. It’s worth noting given Stewart and others’ reaction to the empty chairs that the hearing room was mostly empty because it was a subcommittee hearing, so only 14 of the 41 committee members were scheduled to be there. While it’s easy to be cynical about the trend of celebrities making appearances in hearings, as someone who knows several first responders who have dealt with health issues since 9/11, I’m glad to see the issue get attention. One former NYPD officer often tells me, “Many who were down there that day don’t think about ‘If I get cancer,’ rather, ‘When I get cancer.’ For better or worse, the celebrity factor brings awareness and media attention. Yesterday, Stewart appeared on Fox News Sunday. From Fox News: “More than 40,000 people have applied to the Victim Compensation Fund, which covers illnesses potentially related to being at the World Trade Center site, the Pentagon or Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after the attacks. More than $5 billion in benefits have been awarded out of the $7.4 billion fund, with about 21,000 claims pending. The current fund allows for claims through 2020, and Stewart is pushing to keep funding so that survivors could make claims and receive money through 2090, so that money remains throughout the lives of the people who need it. Stewart estimated that this would cost an addition $12 billion.” What I’m Reading This Week On deck this week is Own Your Everyday: Overcome the Pressure to Prove and Show Up for What You Were Made to Do by Jordan Lee Dooley. From the description: “Does it ever seem like you still have to find your purpose or that you’re stuck with “unfigured-out dreams”? Do you feel the pressure to prove yourself or worry about what others will think? You are not the only one. From accidentally starting a small business instead of using her college degree, to embarrassing herself onstage in front of thousands, to wasting time worrying about what others think or say, Jordan Lee Dooley knows exactly how that feels—and she’s learned some important lessons about living a purposeful life along the way.” A Case of the Mondays Dad bets daughter he can wipe up water before she can touch it (Twitter) Don’t disturb this dog when he’s watching bull-riding (Twitter) |
a whirlwind of epic European looks, the First Lady showed that she can
still “wow” a crowd in simple, classic designs. From John Binder’s Fashion Notes:
“For her first ensemble since she and President Trump’s European trip — where she curated a series of iconic fashion moments — Melania Trump opted for a girlish Calvin Klein suit in the palest shade of pink.
The virgin wool, double-breasted suit is from one of Raf Simons’ last
runway collections for the American brand before his recent departure.
The suit, retailing for at least $1,950, features tortoiseshell buttons and a sporty white and grey stripe down the side of each pant leg.”
Get a similar look: Pastel Tutu Pink Peaked Lapel Blazer from Macy’s, $59.99 Petal Pink Theory Etiennette One-Button Good Wool Suiting Jacket from Neiman Marcus, $475 Carnation Linen-Blend Double-Breasted Blazer from Michael Kors, $157.50 (This is one is closest to the style even though it’s linen) French Lilac Suiting Separates Longer Length Blazer from Chadwick’s, $46.99 Mondays with Melania is a weekly feature that highlights what the First Lady is doing and wearing. BRIGHT is brought to you by The Federalist. |
Today’s BRIGHT Editor Lisa De Pasquale is the founder of BRIGHT. She is a columnist and the author of The Social Justice Warrior Handbook (political humor), I Wish I Might (novel) and Finding Mr. Righteous (memoir). She enjoys reading chick lit on the beach and taking photos of other people’s dogs. Follow her on Twitter at @LisaDeP and on Instagram at @Lisa_DeP. |
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06/17/2019 Share: Carl Cannon’s Morning Note Hogging the Market; Behind ‘Enemy’ Lines; Freedom Run By Carl M. Cannon on Jun 17, 2019 08:29 am Good morning, it’s Monday, June 17, 2019. On this date in 1833, a Detroit mob took the law into its own hands. A sheriff died in the process and unease reverberated throughout the Michigan territory. But the mob was on the right side of justice, as I’ll explain in a moment. First, I’d point you to RealClearPolitics’ front page, which presents our poll averages, videos, breaking news stories, and aggregated opinion columns spanning the political spectrum. We also offer original material from our own reporters and contributors, including the following: * * * Why Govt.-Funded Health Insurance Is Vital to Free Market’s Survival. Labor mobility is crucial to a robust marketplace, Allan Golombek argues, but employees are often reluctant to change jobs or start a new business for fear of losing health coverage. Acosta Is His Own Worst “Enemy.” Frank Miele writes that the CNN White House correspondent is practicing more journalistic sleight of hand in his new book. All the Democrats’ Men (Plus Nancy). I donned my satirist hat for this playlet. In N.C., Hog Farming’s as American as Chinese Food. In RealClearInvestigations, Steve Miller spotlights China’s growing control of the U.S. pork industry. Tillis-Coons Bill Would Enable Big Pharma’s Patent Abuse. Matthew Lane explains in RealClearHealth. Why Traditional Higher Ed Isn’t Dead Yet. In RealClearEducation, Paul Freedman reports on institutions poised to disrupt the disruptors. An Illegitimate Election in South Ossetia. In RealClearWorld, Alexis Mrachek offers evidence of Russia continuing to meddle in Georgia’s affairs. * * * With its easy proximity to Canada, Detroit was a popular Underground Railroad terminus, and in 1831 a determined slave couple from Kentucky ended up there. Thornton and Rutha Blackburn liked what they saw in Detroit and decided to stay. Two years later they were tracked to the city by a Kentucky “slave hunter,” however, and arrested. Slavery was not allowed in the young nation’s northwest territories, but contentious judicial decisions in local courts allowed for the extradition of runaway slaves to their original jurisdictions. This time, however, the free blacks of Detroit decided they’d had enough. In a dramatic scenario that sounds like it sprung from the imagination of Quentin Tarantino, two black women named Tabitha Lightfoot and Caroline French visited Mrs. Blackburn in the jail. While there, Mrs. French changed clothes with Mrs. Blackburn, who then left the jail as though she were one of the visitors. Friends then whisked her to Toronto before the authorities learned of the ruse. Upon discovering the switcheroo, a local sheriff named John M. Wilson warned that he would send Caroline French back to Kentucky in Rutha Blackburn’s place. This threat enraged the black community in Detroit, and on this date 1833, an armed crowd gathered in front of the jail where Thornton Blackburn was still being held. The prisoner persuaded a deputy to let him to talk to the mob — ostensibly to calm things down — but when Thornton went outside, someone slipped him a pistol, and all hell broke loose. In the ensuing melee Sheriff Wilson was beaten and fatally shot and Blackburn escaped. A mile out of town, a posse caught the carriage that had carried him to safety, but he had already slipped away. With the help of friends, Thornton was making his way to freedom on the other side of the Canadian border. The mess they left behind lit a fuse. Riots broke out that summer in the city, leading to martial law and onerous restrictions on blacks, many of whom emigrated to Canada. But that wasn’t all. Detroit’s first anti-slavery society was organized a year later, and by 1837, Michigan was admitted to the union as a free state. In the Civil War, nearly 15,000 Michiganders would die while fighting to preserve the Union and end slavery. Meanwhile, Rutha and Thornton set down roots in Canada and prospered. She changed her named to Lucie; he got a job as a waiter in the dining room at Osgoode Hall, which still stands. Later, they started a livery cab company that did so well they were eventually able to retire. They supported abolition and were active in helping other freed blacks, and both lived into the 1890s. According to historian Karolyn Smardz Frost, who wrote a book about the couple, Thornton Blackburn returned to Kentucky in the 1840s and pulled off a daring rescue of his mother. This incident was not reported at the time, and although it sounds improbable, truth can be more amazing than fiction. At the family cemetery in Toronto there are three gravestones. The third reads “Libby Blackburn,” who was 80 when she died in 1855. Carl M. Cannon Washington Bureau chief, RealClearPolitics @CarlCannon (Twitter) Having trouble viewing this email? | [Unsubscribe] | Update Subscription Preferences Copyright © 2019 RealClearHoldings, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email becuase you opted in at our website. Our mailing address is: RealClearHoldings666 Dundee RoadBldg. 600Northbrook, IL 60062 Add us to your address book |
NOQ Report Daily |
- More is never enough: AOC calls Amazon’s $15 per hour minimum wage ‘starvation wages’
- Principled: We keep using that word but don’t know what it means
- Around three dozen people show up to hear Rashida Tlaib talk about impeaching Trump
- July is Gun Pride Month, the annual celebration of the 2nd Amendment
- Three reasons the Drudge Report is awful
- Ben Shapiro attacks media’s unhinged reaction to Iran and Trump
- Why is leftist media echoing false ‘Trump wants war’ narrative?
- A ban on flag-burning opens up a very dangerous can of worms
- Justin Haskins: ‘Socialism is completely antithetical to human nature’
- Impeachment is actually about winning the Senate
More is never enough: AOC calls Amazon’s $15 per hour minimum wage ‘starvation wages’ Posted: 17 Jun 2019 04:29 AM PDT What is the limit to how high many Democratic Socialists like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez want the minimum wage to go? More. It doesn’t matter how high it is. They’ll always want it to be higher. Never mind the economic consequences of increased costs. Does anyone really care if her policies would shut down many if […] The post More is never enough: AOC calls Amazon’s $15 per hour minimum wage ‘starvation wages’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Principled: We keep using that word but don’t know what it means Posted: 17 Jun 2019 01:21 AM PDT Inigo Montoya’s famous words, originally meant for the word “inconceivable” has broadened into a meme that can most aptly be applied to various political jargon, because too often the broken promises of lying politicians has rendered words devoid of meaning. In Conservative circles, the word “principled” has been abused by phonies. In leftist circles, the […] The post Principled: We keep using that word but don’t know what it means appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Around three dozen people show up to hear Rashida Tlaib talk about impeaching Trump Posted: 17 Jun 2019 12:59 AM PDT Across the nation, the masses of people calling for impeachment of President Trump rivaled the protests in Hong Kong over the proposed extradition law. Hundreds of police officers in riot gear were forced to take to the streets in every major city as the passionate hordes of people calling for Trump’s impeachment threatened to tear […] The post Around three dozen people show up to hear Rashida Tlaib talk about impeaching Trump appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
July is Gun Pride Month, the annual celebration of the 2nd Amendment Posted: 17 Jun 2019 12:27 AM PDT Announcing the second annual celebration of the 2nd amendment and the gear that protects our lives and our liberty. Gun Pride Month is the annual celebration of the life-saving tools of freedom. It’s that time of year when those of the pro-liberty right, liberals, conservatives and Libertarians, come out to show their pride in the kit […] The post July is Gun Pride Month, the annual celebration of the 2nd Amendment appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Three reasons the Drudge Report is awful Posted: 16 Jun 2019 06:27 PM PDT There was a time when I got much of my news from the Drudge Report. It seemed to be conservative, and while it also liked to mix in conspiracy theories, Hollywood news, and an unhealthy dominance of Tom Brady fan stories, it generally got the stories right. Today, the news aggregator is nothing like it […] The post Three reasons the Drudge Report is awful appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Ben Shapiro attacks media’s unhinged reaction to Iran and Trump Posted: 16 Jun 2019 05:53 PM PDT An article we posted earlier caught my attention. I’ll admit, it’s Fathers’ Day and I haven’t been watching the news very closely, but I didn’t realize that even after the revelation that Iran almost certainly attacked oil tankers last week and last month, the media is still pushing the Trump war-mongering narrative. It’s false. In […] The post Ben Shapiro attacks media’s unhinged reaction to Iran and Trump appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Why is leftist media echoing false ‘Trump wants war’ narrative? Posted: 16 Jun 2019 05:02 PM PDT Donald Trump was against the 2nd Gulf War when 80% of the country and nearly all of our elected officials pushed for it. In recent weeks, President Trump has echoed his long-standing sentiment that he does not want another war in the Middle East even as Iran provokes the world to respond to their obvious […] The post Why is leftist media echoing false ‘Trump wants war’ narrative? appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
A ban on flag-burning opens up a very dangerous can of worms Posted: 16 Jun 2019 07:46 AM PDT As an American citizen, you have the right to take a knee at sporting events. You have the right to profess adherence to a religion whose leaders want to destroy the United States. You have the right to burn the American flag. Conversely, I have the right to speak out against your actions and to […] The post A ban on flag-burning opens up a very dangerous can of worms appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Justin Haskins: ‘Socialism is completely antithetical to human nature’ Posted: 16 Jun 2019 07:13 AM PDT Bernie Sanders has a vision for America. A path, as he likes to call it. This path is one that takes us down a winding road of “Democratic Socialism” all the while knowing the end result can be no different from every other path to socialism that has ever been tried. Socialism doesn’t work regardless […] The post Justin Haskins: ‘Socialism is completely antithetical to human nature’ appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
Impeachment is actually about winning the Senate Posted: 16 Jun 2019 06:54 AM PDT One of the prevailing theories we and others have been assuming based on the Democrats’ incessant push for impeachment of President Trump is to act as a smokescreen so the media won’t focus on actual issues such as the border crisis or the investigations into the investigators. Both are much bigger stories, among others, than […] The post Impeachment is actually about winning the Senate appeared first on Conservative Christian News. |
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From NBC’s Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann
FIRST READ: With re-election on the line, Trump’s poll numbers are full of warning signs
As he formally kicks off his re-election bid Tuesday in Florida, President Trump faces some grim numbers.
His approval rating in the new NBC/WSJ poll stands at 44 percent among all Americans – well below the safe zone for any president.
Fifty-two percent of all voters say they are “very uncomfortable” about voting for him in 2020, according to the same poll.
And Trump’s own internal polls have him trailing Joe Biden in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin – and even Georgia, Iowa, North Carolina and Ohio.
The good news for Trump is that a lot can change with more than 500 days (!!!) until Election Day 2020.
In the April 2011 NBC/WSJ poll, just 43 percent of voters said they would “probably” vote for Barack Obama.
And at this same point in the 1992 presidential cycle, George H.W. Bush’s approval rating was at 71 percent, per Gallup.
Bush, of course, lost re-election, while Obama won his.
But here’s the bad news for Trump: His numbers have essentially been flat his entire presidency.
His first approval rating in the NBC/WSJ poll after his inauguration was 44 percent – exactly where he is today.
Indeed, with just a handful of exceptions, Trumps’ range in approval has hovered between 40 percent and 46 percent.
So the more the stories have changed in Washington, the more things have stayed the same.
And that’s a dangerous situation for any president looking for a rebound with his re-election on the line.
All grown up
The other story from our new NBC/WSJ poll is how Democrats’ support for impeachment has grown in the last month.
Overall, 27 percent of Americans say there’s enough evidence to begin impeachment hearings now — up 10 points from last month.
Another 24 percent think Congress should continue investigating to see if there’s enough evidence to hold impeachment hearings in the future, which is down eight points.
And 48 percent believe that Congress should not hold impeachment hearings and that Trump should finish out his term as president — unchanged from a month ago.
Almost all the growth in support for impeachment has come from Democrats, with 48 percent of them wanting impeachment hearings now, versus 30 percent who said this a month ago.
Just 6 percent of Republicans support beginning impeachment hearings now, while a whopping 86 percent say Trump should finish his term as president.
Among independents, 22 percent support impeachment hearings now; 34 percent want to continue investigating; and 44 percent oppose impeachment hearings.
TWEET OF THE DAY: (Fact-) Check, please!
Again, the numbers from our new poll he was apparently referring to:
- Begin impeachment hearings now: 27 percent
- Continue investigating to see if there’s enough evidence to hold impeachment hearings in the future: 24 percent
- Congress should NOT hold impeachment hearings and Trump should finish his term as president: 48 percent.
Iran poised to break uranium stockpile limit
Amid all the domestic political news about Trump and the Democratic primary,
don’t miss what’s happening in Iran.
the AP: “Iran will break the uranium stockpile limit set by
Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers in the next 10 days, the
spokesman for the country’s atomic agency said Monday while also warning
that Iran could enrich uranium up to 20% — just a step
away from weapons-grade levels.”
More: “The announcement by Behrouz Kamalvandi, timed for a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, puts more pressure on
Europe to come up with new terms for Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal.
“The deal steadily has unraveled since the Trump administration pulled America out of the accord last year and re-imposed tough economic sanctions on Iran, deeply cutting into its sale of crude oil abroad and sending its economy into freefall. Europe so far has been unable to offer Iran a way around the U.S. sanctions.”
2020 VISION: Pete does “Meet”
In an interview with one of us(!) over the weekend, Pete Buttigieg addressed concerns that more socially conservative African-American voters may be reluctant to support him.
CHUCK TODD: But I do want to follow up. I’ve talked to African American congressmen who really like you and want to support you, where … some of their more conservative, religious-minded constituents, who vote straight ticket Democrat most of the time, would have trouble voting for you.
What do you say to those politicians in Washington who want to get behind your candidacy but are nervous about this?
MAYOR PETE BUTTIGIEG: I’d invite them to look at what happened in South Bend. I’m from a socially conservative community. When I came out, we didn’t know what the effects would be. It was actually during an election year. Mike Pence was the governor of our state. He was popular at the time. And what happened was I won with 80% of the vote.
What that tells you, I think, is that people, if you give them the chance, will evaluate you based on what you aim to do, what the results are, what the policies are. And I have every confidence that American voters, especially Democratic voters, will not discriminate when the opportunity comes up to choose the right leader for the future.
But speaking of South Bend and racial politics, Buttigieg will miss a planned appearance at a DNC LGBTQ gala in New York today, instead staying in South Bend to respond to an officer-involved shooting there early yesterday, per NBC’s Josh Lederman.
NBC affiliate WNDU reports that officers were responding to reports of a suspicious person going through cars when a 53 year-old suspect allegedly approached an officer with a knife raised.
The officer shot the suspect, who was transported to the hospital in critical condition and later pronounced dead.

On the campaign trail today: In DC today beginning at noon, Joe Biden, Julian Castro, Andrew Yang, Michael Bennet, Elizabeth Warren, Eric Swalwell, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris address the Poor People’s Moral Action Congress… Swalwell, in Virginia, unveils his comprehensive framework for ending gun violence… And Kirsten Gillibrand and Amy Klobuchar speak at a DNC LGBTQ gala in New York.
DATA DOWNLOAD: And the number of the day is… 64 percent.
64 percent.
That’s the share of Democratic primary voters in our latest NBC/WSJ poll who say they are enthusiastic or comfortable with Elizabeth Warren, up from 57 percent in March.
A combined 27 percent say they have reservations about her candidacy or are very uncomfortable.
Compare that with voters’ comfort levels with Warren’s chief competitor on the left, Bernie Sanders.
A combined 56 percent are either enthusiastic or comfortable with Sanders, down from 62 percent in March. And 41 percent have reservations or are uncomfortable.
THE LID: All the world’s a stage
Don’t miss the pod from Friday, when we broke down who’ll be on stage for the first and second nights of the Democratic primary debates later this month.
ICYMI: News clips you shouldn’t miss
NBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald looks at how old-fashioned retail politics in Iowa and New Hampshire have lost some of their oomph in a nationalized race.
POLITICO reports that Pete Buttigieg raised $7 million in April alone.
Monica Alba offers a good look at the infrastructure of Trump’s 2020 campaign staff.
Trump’s campaign is cutting ties with some of its own pollsters after some unflattering poll numbers leaked.
Trump says he wants to replace the ACA with “something terrific,” but fellow Republicans are worried about the optics of putting out a plan.
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Chuck, Mark and Carrie